
Le rapport Jawa: archives de mars 2011

Par Maximus , le 16 juillet 2019 - 247 minutes de lecture

31 mars 2011

WTF? Je veux dire quoi dire? Hijab Femmes Militaires Américaines

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Crédit d'image: Daily Caller

Via appelant quotidien

Afin de se rapprocher de la population locale, les femmes soldats américaines stationnées en Afghanistan sont encouragées à porter le foulard musulman lorsqu'elles interagissent avec des civils. Mais certains se demandent si cette pratique constitue une sensibilité culturelle ou une forme d'apaisement dégradant pour les soldats américains.

La major Kyndra Rotunda, directrice exécutive du Military Law and Policy Institute et de la clinique juridique AMVETS, a déclaré à The Daily Caller que, même si les femmes ne sont pas tenues de porter le foulard, les encouragements équivaut à une demande.[…]

La Colonne Martha McSally, à la retraite, qui avait plaidé contre le port de l'abaya musulman alors qu'elle était en poste en Arabie saoudite dans les années 1990, a abouti en 2002 à une législation interdisant la pratique consistant à obliger les femmes soldats à porter un vêtement religieux musulman en Arabie saoudite, a déclaré à The Daily Caller que le caractère sacré de l'uniforme ne doit pas être souillé avec des accessoires extérieurs comme le hijab.

"Une autre chose qui rend cela inapproprié est qu'ils le portent avec leur uniforme", a-t-elle déclaré. «Tous les services ont des règlements de plusieurs centaines de pages sur ce qui est approprié et ne doit pas être porté avec l'uniforme, et nous avons des directives très strictes… Vous représentez le gouvernement des États-Unis. Vous portez l'uniforme militaire américain et cela confond ce que vous représentez lorsque vous ajoutez cela à l'uniforme. "[More..]

Oubliez la sensibilité culturelle feckin. C'est un apaisement et une dégradation, mais ce qui est pire, ce fichu foulard ne va sûrement pas arrêter une balle de tireur d'élite.

Gagner des cœurs et des esprits devenus fous.

@@ !! & @ !! idée stupide, ah oui.

h / t tweet de @Velvethammer

Par une main stable à 23h30 |


Juden! Juden !!: Il s'appelle Yohannes Damka, Fräulein Hündin

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M. Damka, citoyen israélien, est parti pour le Canada le 15 mars. Il était impatient de faire du tourisme, notamment un voyage à Niagara Falls, mais lorsqu'il est arrivé à Francfort pour prendre son vol de correspondance, les choses ont commencé à mal tourner.

Triste, juste triste. Lire le reste

Par une main stable à 22h14 |

| <span class = "st_digg" st_url = "" st_title = "Juden! Juden !!: Il s'appelle Yohannes Damka, Fräulein Hündin"st_summary =" M. Damka, citoyen israélien, est parti pour le Canada le 15 mars. Envie de visites touristiques, notamment d'un voyage à Niagara Falls, mais lorsqu'il est arrivé à Francfort pour son vol de correspondance, les choses ont commencé à tourner très mal. Triste, juste triste …. "><span class = "st_twitter" st_url = "" st_title = "Juden! Juden !!: Il s'appelle Yohannes Damka, Fräulein Hündin"><span class = "st_facebook" st_url = "" st_title = "Juden! Juden !!: Il s'appelle Yohannes Damka, Fräulein Hündin"st_summary =" M. Damka, citoyen israélien, est parti pour le Canada le 15 mars. Envie de visites touristiques, notamment d'un voyage à Niagara Falls, mais lorsqu'il est arrivé à Francfort pour son vol de correspondance, les choses ont commencé à tourner très mal. Triste, juste triste …. "><span class = "st_sharethis" st_url = "" st_title = "Juden! Juden !!: Il s'appelle Yohannes Damka, Fräulein Hündin"st_summary =" M. Damka, citoyen israélien, est parti pour le Canada le 15 mars. Envie de visites touristiques, notamment d'un voyage à Niagara Falls, mais lorsqu'il est arrivé à Francfort pour son vol de correspondance, les choses ont commencé à tourner très mal. Triste, juste triste …. ">

Une enseignante du Wisconsin accusée d'avoir envoyé des menaces de mort aux législateurs du GOP

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C’est donc à qui les enfants d’âge préscolaire sont enseignés de nos jours, qui voudrait un thunk?

Si vous n'obtenez pas votre chemin les enfants, menacer de mort!

[Jim Hoft]Elle s'appelle Katherine Windels et elle enseigne au Wisconsin.

Voici la plainte pénale.

JS Online a rapporté:

Une femme âgée de 26 ans a été inculpée jeudi de deux chefs d’accusation pour délit et de deux chefs d’infraction pour avoir prétendument menacé de courrier électronique les législateurs du Wisconsin au plus fort de la bataille au cours de laquelle le projet de loi de redressement budgétaire du gouverneur Scott Walker a été mis en œuvre.

Katherine R. Windels de Cross Plains a été nommée dans une plainte pénale déposée devant le tribunal pénal du comté de Dane.

Selon la plainte pénale, Windels aurait envoyé un courrier électronique de menace au sénateur d'État Robert Cowles (R-Green Bay) le 9 mars. Plus tard dans la soirée, elle aurait envoyé un autre courrier électronique à 15 législateurs républicains, dont le chef de la majorité du Sénat, Scott Fitzgerald (R- Juneau).

L'objet du deuxième email était: «Atten: Death Threat !!!! Bombe !!! ”Dans ce courriel, elle aurait écrit:“ S'il vous plaît, rangez vos affaires, car vous serez tué et vos familles seront également tuées à cause de vos actions au cours des 8 dernières semaines. ”

«J'espère que vous passerez un bon moment en enfer», aurait-elle écrit dans le long courrier dans lequel elle aurait soi-disant énuméré des scénarios dans lesquels les législateurs et leurs familles mourraient, notamment des attentats à la bombe et en «vous mettant une jolie petite balle dans la tête».[…]

Windels a été inculpé de deux chefs d'inculpation pour «alerte à la bombe» et de deux chefs de délit de «préjudice corporel et de lésions corporelles comportant des messages informatiques». S'il est déclaré coupable, chaque chef d'accusation est passible d'une peine maximale de trois ans et six mois d'emprisonnement et de 10 000 $, et chaque chef de délit comporte une peine maximale de 90 jours de prison et une amende de 1 000 $.

Lire le reste, il a plus d'inclure des liens avec plus d'informations.

TU VAS MOURIR!!!! – Menace de mort envoyée par courriel à des sénateurs du GOP dans le Wisconsin (Bumped-Updated)

Par une main stable à 21h39 |


Intimidation anti-israélienne à l'Université du Québec à Montréal

Une autre université où gauchistes et musulmans unissent leurs forces pour exprimer l'antisémitisme brutal sous le mince vernis de l'inquiétude face à la politique israélienne. Curieusement, aucune de ces personnes n’a jamais perturbé une réunion sur l’Arabie saoudite ou le Pakistan, où les droits des minorités sont vraiment horribles, mais la fille principale ici se présente à chaque conférence qui a un rapport avec Israël.

Toute l'histoire est ici: [Note, in French…ed]

Gauche, Islams idiots utiles

Par une main stable à 21h07 |


Crowder: S'AMUSER AVEC LES WIENERS! (Avec le membre du Congrès Weiner)


Visitez pour participer!

Yo, où est ma renonciation?

Dans le pays de la même protection de la loi, tous méritent d'être protégés du mal d'ObamaCare ou ne devraient l'être aucun.

Si vous êtes d'accord, envoyez un courrier électronique à l'administration Obama pour lui demander de renoncer aux dispositions d'ObamaCare qui vous nuisent!
Demandez votre renonciation!

Ha! J'ai envoyé une demande de renonciation.

Par une main stable à 20h28 |


Je pense à Emerson Begolly

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"La moustache de Mushoom m'excite physiquement!" ~ Emerson "Goatly" Begolly

Les archives Begolly pour ceux qui ne savent pas qui il est.

Par une main stable à 18h16 |


Keystone Cops: l'OTAN menace maintenant de bombarder les rebelles en Libye

Via Pat Dollard

WASHINGTON – Des membres de l'OTAN ont sévèrement mis en garde les rebelles libyens de ne pas attaquer les civils alors qu'ils se battaient contre le régime du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi, selon de hauts responsables militaires et gouvernementaux.

Alors que l’OTAN prend le contrôle des frappes aériennes en Libye et que l’administration Obama envisage de nouvelles mesures pour faire pencher la balance des pouvoirs en place, la coalition a déclaré aux rebelles que le brouillard de la guerre ne les protégerait pas du bombardement possible par les avions et les missiles de l'OTAN, les forces du régime ont été punies.

"Nous avons fait comprendre aux rebelles que nous serions obligés de défendre les civils, qu'ils soient favorables à Kadhafi ou à l'opposition", a déclaré un haut responsable de l'administration Obama. "Nous travaillons très dur dans les coulisses avec les rebelles pour ne pas nous retrouver dans une situation où nous sommes confrontés à la décision de frapper les rebelles pour défendre les civils."

Les avertissements et les consultations intenses au sein de la coalition dirigée par l'OTAN sur ses règles visant à attaquer quiconque met en danger des civils innocents surviennent à un moment où la guerre civile en Libye devient de plus en plus chaotique et les lignes de bataille de moins en moins distinctes. Ils soulèvent une question fondamentale à laquelle l’armée est actuellement confrontée: Qui en Libye est un civil?[Emphasis mine..ed]

Que faire, que faire.

Titre volé de manière désintéressée à JoAnne M.

Par une main stable à 17h55 |


EweTube de Ah Gee Google

Je pensais que vous aviez changé vos habitudes et que vous ne vouliez vraiment pas sucketh les testicules djihadistes.

Hélas, nous avions tort, vous êtes juste mouton

Autre nouvelle sur Google: Google se heurte à la FTC

Par une main stable à 17 h 13 |


Plus de guerre porno

La prochaine fois que Rolling Stone ou d'autres personnes appellent quelque chose comme ça meurtre , dirigez-les vers ceci: [click image for video]

Par une main stable à 15h46 |


Mon Alma Mater reçoit un traitement anime taïwanais pour un incident sexuel sur le toit

Ou, où était Rusty toute la semaine dernière quand même?

Alors que les Troyens sont en lock-out du BCS pour une année supplémentaire, que peut-on faire d'autre sur le campus?

Par Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. à 15h40 |


Londonistan: BDS en action

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Non, pas le syndrome de Bush Derangement ..

Via Carl à Jérusalem

Des voyous pro-palestiniens ont forcé le magasin de cosmétiques Ahava à quitter le quartier huppé de Covent Garden à Londres.

Le propriétaire du magasin, actuellement situé à Monmouth Street, Covent Garden, recherche d'autres sites après que les propriétaires des magasins voisins se soient plaints auprès du propriétaire à la suite de manifestations.

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Les partisans affirment qu'il a été "chassé" de son emplacement par des manifestations régulières "bruyantes et intimidantes".

Une porte-parole de Shaftesbury PLC, propriétaire de la propriété ainsi que de plusieurs autres dans la zone Seven Dials, a déclaré: "Lorsque le bail d'Ahava expirera en septembre, nous ne lui en proposerons pas une nouvelle."

Signifient-ils beauté volée comme ça?

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Par une main stable à 15h08 |


Norvège: Nous parlerons au Hamas, mais pas aux Juifs

Merci au commentateur politique d’avoir porté cela à mon attention. Allez jeter un coup d'œil à son post car il contient des statistiques sur l'antisémétisme en Europe. Le Wall Street Journal d'Alan Dershowitz, publié il y a quelques jours, décrivait comment les universitaires norvégiens avaient refusé de le rencontrer, mais comment ces mêmes universitaires avaient invité son collègue de Harvard qui avait écrit un livre sur la main cachée des Juifs dans la politique américaine.

Voici ce que l'on peut retenir de l'article de Dershowitz:

Lorsque mon collègue de Harvard, Stephen Walt, co-auteur de "The Israel Lobby", est venu en Norvège, il a immédiatement été invité à donner une conférence à l'Université norvégienne des sciences et technologies de Trondheim. De même avec Ilan Pappe, un démoniseur d'Israël qui enseigne à Oxford …..

Le doyen de la faculté de droit de l'Université de Bergen a déclaré qu'il serait "honoré" de m'avoir invité à donner une conférence "sur l'affaire OJ J. Simpson", pour autant que je sois prêt à promettre de ne pas mentionner Israël. Un administrateur de l'école de Trondheim a déclaré qu'Israël était trop "controversé".

L'université d'Oslo a simplement dit "non" sans proposer d'excuse ….

Une seule fois auparavant, on m'a empêché de donner des cours dans des universités d'un pays. L’autre pays était l’Apartheid en Afrique du Sud ….

Le ministre des Affaires étrangères du pays a récemment écrit un article justifiant ses contacts avec le Hamas. Il a déclaré que la philosophie essentielle de la Norvège est le "dialogue". Il s’avère que ce dialogue est à sens unique. Le Hamas et ses partisans sont invités au dialogue, mais les partisans d’Israël sont exclus par un boycott implicite, mais très réel, des conceptions pro-israéliennes.


Par Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. à 14h06 |


Mise à jour: # 1 Oui, un terroriste indonésien (Patek) a été arrêté au Pakistan; # 2 Il n'était pas la cible du raid

Le point sur le terroriste indonésien Umar Patek capturé au Pakistan.

Via l'Australien:

Umar Patek, 40 ans, commandant adjoint de la filiale d'Al-Qaida, Jemaah Islamiah, aurait été arrêté au Pakistan le mois dernier par des agents des services de renseignements locaux qui avaient été prévenus par la CIA.

Le chef de la police indonésienne, le lieutenant général Ito Sumardi, a déclaré qu'il pensait que Patek, qui avait reçu une prime d'un million de dollars offerte par le gouvernement américain, s'était rendu sur un vol commercial au Pakistan via Bangkok avec un passeport sous un faux nom.

Le général Sumardi a indiqué que les informations il a été arrêté avec d'autres suspects d'al-Qaida et n'était pas la cible du raid.[Emphasis mine..ed]

Cependant, des questions subsistent quant à ce que faisait Patek au Pakistan, qui continue d'attirer des militants étrangers en quête de contacts avec les dirigeants d'al-Qaïda basés dans ce pays, en particulier dans les zones tribales sans lois situées près de la frontière afghane.

Des agents des services de renseignement pakistanais ont confirmé mercredi qu'il avait été arrêté et qu'il était placé en détention pour interrogatoire. "La CIA nous a prévenus qu'il pourrait se rendre ici", a déclaré un responsable, ….

Si il n'était pas la cible du raid, qui était-ce?

Rusty sez: "J'ai déjà attrapé une basse de dix livres alors que je pêchais à ras bord …."

Par une main stable à 13h53 |


Une carte israélienne montre près de 1 000 sites d'armes du Hezbollah

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Les drapeaux du Hezbullah et des Nations Unies flottant côte à côte au "poste de maintien de la paix" des Nations Unies au Sud-Liban


JERUSALEM – L'armée israélienne a publié jeudi une carte détaillant près de 1 000 bunkers souterrains, installations de stockage d'armes et sites de surveillance construits par la guérilla militante du Hezbollah dans le sud du Liban.

La plupart des sites sur la carte sont situés au sud du fleuve Litani au Liban, la zone où Il est interdit au Hezbollah de conserver des armes sous le régime de la trêve parrainée par les États-Unis qui a mis fin à la guerre d’été 2006 d’Israël avec le groupe de guérilla.[Emphasis mine..ed]

Un article sur le site Internet du porte-parole de l'armée indique que le Hezbollah a mis en place quelque 550 bunkers, 300 sites de surveillance et 100 installations de stockage d'armes. Les installations sont situées dans 270 villages et beaucoup sont situées à proximité d'hôpitaux, de résidences privées et d'écoles, a annoncé l'armée dans un communiqué publié sur son site internet.

Judith Levy est liée à un PDF qui montre ces images de la FID:

israeli-military-information-on-hezbollah.pdf.jpg "src =" "width =" 701 "height = "251" border = "0

Ces cartes de l’armée israélienne qui viennent d’être déclassifiées montrent l’évaluation, par l’armée israélienne, de l’emplacement des bunkers du Hezbollah, des installations d’armes et des postes de surveillance dans le village d’El-Khiam, situé à environ 2,5 km au nord de la frontière israélienne. Les installations du Hezbollah dans et sous El-Khiam totalisent environ 950.

Si vous ouvrez le fichier PDF et faites défiler jusqu'à la photo satellite du village, vous verrez que des caches d'armes ont été placées à côté de mosquées et d'hôpitaux, sous des écoles et dans des zones résidentielles. El-Khiam – qui avait déjà connu de sérieuses hostilités avec les Israéliens en 2006 – a ainsi été transformé en un attentat suicide à la taille d'un village. Si le Hezbollah lance des attaques depuis El-Khiam et que les FDI se vengent, les pertes civiles sont tout sauf garanties.[Read the rest]

Note IDF a publié les images exclusivement pour WaPo qui a apparemment ressenti le besoin de dire, lors de la liaison de PDF: "une carte de allégué Installations du Hezbollah"

Déclaration de Tsahal sur les installations du Hezbollah

Par une main stable à 12h06 |


Sandcrawler PSA: Aidez s'il vous plaît un père à l'étoile d'or

Si vous avez des pièces de rechange, pensez à faire un don afin que ce père puisse voir son éventuel rêve se réaliser: Blackfive: une demande d'aide de la part de tous et de tous.

Par une main stable à 11h25 |


Camp Pendleton: ME Men, nous avons été perdus, honnêtes et nous ne nous connaissons pas … honnête

Pendleton Underground - coeur et âme de notre camp Pendleton community_.jpg "src =" Underground - coeur et âme de notre camp Pendleton community_.jpg "width =" 255 "height = "128" border = "0
Afghani âgé de 40 ans, Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, iranien Vahik Petrossian (41 ans) et iranien Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian (27 ans)

Savez-vous le chemin à San Jose Glenwood?

Alerte émise après un incident de sécurité sur le camp Pendleton:

Une des plus grandes bases militaires du pays serait sous une sécurité renforcée après que trois hommes du Moyen-Orient aient tenté d'entrer sans identification

10News a appris que les trois hommes – l'Afghanistan âgé de 40 ans, Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, l'Iranien âgé de 41 ans, Vahik Petrossian et l'Iranien âgé de 27 ans, Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian – avaient tenté de pénétrer dans le Camp Pendleton le week-end dernier en raison de ce qui était jugé suspect. conditions.

L'alerte émise est en dessous du pli:[image above was in alert]

Le 26 mars 2011, trois hommes du Moyen-Orient ont été surpris en train de proférer des menaces odieuses et terroristes contre les Marines à une station-service à Oceanside, en Californie.
Un des hommes a demandé à un préposé de l’aider à se rendre à Camp Pendleton, en Californie,
et à gauche au volant de la Toyota argentée ci-dessous.

Le NAEEM s’est approché de la porte principale, MCB CPC, à 00 h 00/27 mars 2011, conduisant une
véhicule qui correspond à la description fournie par le préposé au gaz.
Pendant que les députés cherchaient NAEEM et son véhicule, PETROSSIAN et AVANOSIAN se sont approchés de la porte principale dans la Mercedes noire mentionnée ci-dessous. Après que MP a demandé au véhicule de s’immobiliser, il a ralenti puis a poursuivi
à travers la porte. Un arrêt à chaud a été initialisé par les bureaux de police du Pacifique adjacents de MP
Voir le logement.

Une inspection physique de la Mercedes noire a révélé le volant
le sac gonflable a été altéré et avait du ruban adhésif pour le fixer en place avec des fils

Tous les véhicules ont été fouillés par MWD et EOD, ce qui a été négatif pour localiser
toutes matières explosives.

NAEEM a été interviewé et a déclaré ne pas connaître PETROSSIAN ou AVANOSIAN.
NAEEM a déclaré qu'il était perdu et tentait de se rendre à Glendale, en Californie.

PETROSSIAN et AVANOSIAN ont été interviewés et ont également déclaré avoir été perdus
essayant de revenir sur l’autoroute 5 et essayaient de se rendre à Glendale, en Californie.

Antécédents criminels de l'identité des personnes susmentionnées
a été menée par le ministère de la Sécurité intérieure qui n'a pas réussi à
Identifiez tous les dossiers dérogatoires pour les hommes.

US Border Patrol, a confirmé le statut d'immigration des personnes susmentionnées et
ont confirmé que les hommes ne figuraient dans aucune base de données sur la surveillance terroriste.

Tous les hommes ont été libérés sur leur propre engagement.

À 8 h 30/27 mars 2011, NAEEM s’est de nouveau approché de la porte principale avec son argent.
Toyota. NAEEM a été interrogé et déclaré après avoir été libéré, il a conduit
au restaurant Denny’s situé à proximité, s’est lavé le visage et les mains et a travaillé
sur «paperasse». NAEEM a déclaré avoir commis une erreur en rentrant dans la base et
essayait d'accéder à l'autoroute.

Le véhicule de NAEEM a de nouveau été fouillé par MWD et par des députés et a été accueilli par
résultats négatifs en localisant quoi que ce soit ayant une valeur probante.

NAEEM a reçu une lettre de radiation temporaire de la part de MCB CPC et a été
escortés hors de MCB CPC et jusqu’à la route 5 par des députés.

NAEEM: berline Toyota Corolla 4 portes 2011 argentée, plaque d'immatriculation licenciée, location chez Enterprise Rent-A-Car

PETROSSIAN & AVANOSIAN: Mercedes CL 506 noire, 2001, 2 portes Ca / 6PRK028

Course à sec?

Par une main stable à 10h47 |


Des érudits musulmans américains contre la démocratie

Curieusement, vous ne trouverez pas la décision religieuse contraire à la loi démocratiquement adoptée par la banque de fatwa britannique de l’Assemblée des juristes musulmans de l’Amérique. Mais en arabe ….

Ce serait le même groupe d'érudits salafis qui a publié une fatwa contre les musulmans américains aidant les troupes en Afghanistan et en Irak. Vous savez, les "modérés" qui sont contre la violence mais soutiennent tacitement les ennemis des États-Unis.

Pour être honnête, ils semblent être le genre d’islamistes "modérés" avec lesquels les pacifiques et les multiculturels nous disent sans cesse que nous pouvons vivre avec. Si je comprends la fatwa, le clerc dit qu’une sorte de "démocratie" de style iranien qui limite les décisions de ceux qui sont élus aux contraintes définies par la charia fonctionnerait, mais que chaque fois que les décisions des législateurs sont en conflit avec la charia, elles sont annulées. En substance, une démocratie constitutionnelle dans laquelle la Constitution est remplacée par la loi islamique et la Cour suprême est remplacée par un groupe d'érudits.

Ce qui dans mon esprit n'est pas du tout une démocratie. Une coquille sacrée utilisant le mot démocratie pour légitimer tel ou tel dirigeant dont le travail ultime est simplement de mettre en œuvre l'oppression des règles prédéterminées. Le fait que ces règles ne puissent être changées en dit long sur cette soi-disant "démocratie".

Mais quoi? Si ces personnes veulent opprimer les leurs, je suis triste pour elles, mais ce n'est pas notre affaire. Tant qu'ils conservent leur islamisme "modéré" ailleurs et n'essayent pas de le propager, je ne suis vraiment plus d'humeur à intervenir au nom des idées.

Par Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. à 10h42 |


Belle vidéo d'al-Qaïda Vous y êtes arrivé YouTube (Mise à jour)

Et juste au cas où de quel côté d'Al-Qaïda cet utilisateur se trouverait-il, voici un petit indice de sa page de profil.

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Vous savez ce qu'il faut faire.

MISE À JOUR par SH: dodo34342010 a été:

Vos méchants kaffirs ont encore frappé!

Par Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. à 10h18 |


Le concept du djihad «intérieur»

Mon ami Kitman de Kitman TV fait une observation très intéressante sur la différence entre la lutte «intérieure» et «extérieure» dans le Jihad:

Aziz affirme en gros que Dieu n'est heureux que si vous le faites pour lui seul. Vous devez vous battre sur le chemin de Dieu pour que ses paroles soient les plus hautes. Dieu n'est pas seulement mécontent si ses esclaves flirtent avec d'autres religions abrahamiques, il a aussi tendance à être très malheureux s'ils pensent trop aux richesses terrestres, en particulier au butin de guerre, ou même à leurs homologues célestes. Ne pas être à la hauteur de ces problèmes pourrait nuire gravement à la capacité d'une bande meurtrière par ailleurs couronnée de succès d'accumuler des délices post-mortem

Suite en dessous du pli.

Ne pensez pas à:

– une part du butin de guerre
– avoir ses propres esclaves sexuels
– améliorer vos opportunités de carrière
– les plaisirs du paradis
– améliorer les chances de votre famille dans l'après-vie
– autres distractions de pure cause

Garder un œil sur toutes ces choses, tout en combattant les incroyants, fait du jihad un exercice très difficile, tant physiquement que mentalement – d'où la distinction classique entre le petit et le grand djihad – la lutte intérieure et extérieure. Il est donc important de se rappeler que le djihad est vraiment un petit combat intérieur dans lequel vous vous rappelez constamment que vous tuez pour Dieu seul et d'une manière qu'il préfère. Tout en traitant le butin de guerre comme quelque chose de hors de propos.

En bref, le djihad «intérieur», comme les musulmans tentent souvent de nous le dire, n’est pas nécessairement une lutte pour faire le bien sur le mal (comme les adeptes de l’islam réussissent jamais à le faire. cette lutte …) mais plutôt en veillant à ce que le "djihad" (terrorisme contre les non-musulmans) "extérieur" soit commis pour Allah, et non pour un gain personnel tel que la gloire, la richesse ou un statut élevé.

Lire le reste à Kitman TV

Kitman TV répertorie, intègre et relie certains des meilleurs vidéos anti-djihad que vous trouverez sur le Web. Il comprend également le dossier Jihad – une bibliothèque de PDF islamiques. Ceci est un site incontournable pour tout blogger Crusader!

PDF référencé – "Le djihad et les effets de l'intention sur lui"
(Vous pouvez cliquer avec le bouton droit de la souris et enregistrer le lien pour le télécharger)

(Cross-posted sur et Avid Editor Insights)

De mes archives Al Salibiyyah.

Bonus: un commentateur réfute tous les points! répond de la manière habituelle.

Anonyme a dit …

celui qui a écrit ceci est un abruti biggoted. Je veux dire sérieusement, ce sont des gens comme vous qui me font honte d'être chrétien. Connaissez-vous réellement des musulmans? Environ 23% de la population mondiale sont musulmans. Il est clair que la grande majorité des musulmans sont des gens normaux et pacifiques. Les musulmans qui commettent des attaques terroristes au nom d’Allah ressemblent beaucoup à vous, auteur de ce billet. ils sont capables de haïr un groupe entier de personnes (tous non musulmans) tout comme vous êtes prêt à haïr tous les musulmans. Si les conditions socio-économiques et militaires étaient inversées et que des soldats du Moyen-Orient occupaient l'Amérique pour rétablir la stabilité et la paix, je parie que vous seriez le premier à fabriquer des engins piégés. si vous choisissez de ne faire aucune distinction entre musulmans et terroristes, vous êtes tout aussi mauvais qu'une haine terroriste engendre la haine engendre la haine. c'est tout. abattez ce blog vous cul.

Par DMartyr à 10:06 |


Y a-t-il plus de Stormtroopers que de combattants rebelles libyens?

libyanstormtroopers.JPG "src =" "width =" 423 "height =" 315 "border =" 0

Examen national:

Les États-Unis ont-ils soutenu une force insurrectionniste tout simplement trop réduite pour atteindre son objectif de renverser Kadhafi? Sommes-nous engagés dans une action militaire dans laquelle notre principal allié et notre force terrestre sont incapables d'atteindre notre objectif premier?

Nombre effectif de combattants, bien inférieur à 1 000. Les vrais soldats, qui sont maintenant dans la bagarre, peut-être dans les très faibles centaines du côté de l'opposition. "

À titre de comparaison, la 501e Légion compte environ 5 000 membres à travers le monde, un groupe de fans de Star Wars qui s’habillent comme des stormtroopers et d’autres personnages de films.

Image exclusive du blogueur Vinnie du Jawa Report en train de se préparer pour sa bataille habituelle du vendredi soir sous le pli.

Astuce Chapeau: Jim.

vinniedagheystormtrooper.JPG "src =" "width =" 384 "height =" 512 "border =" 0

Howie à 08:44 |


Jihadtube Jihadis Against Evanmark Films

Bulletin par evanmarkfilms (Il y a 14 heures)
Youtube a enlevé mes films: "Les talibans: la vérité sur la guerre en Afghanistan" et "Un nouveau monde brave" pour leur contenu "choquant et dérangeant". Je suis choqué et attristé par cela. Vous pouvez regarder ces films sur N'hésitez pas à les télécharger sur votre site de blog et d'autres sites. Comme vous le savez, la réalisation de ces films a nécessité des efforts considérables, et je suis navré qu'ils aient été supprimés. Merci les amis pour vos mots de gentillesse tout au long de cette épreuve.

Howie à 08:08 |


Regard sur les enfants adorables petits talibans

C'est juste leur culture que vous bastages!

Howie à 07:36 |


Obama: l'essence devrait être de 8 $ le gallon

Comme au Royaume-Uni.

Mais seulement si l'essence coûte vraiment 2,50 $ et que le reste du prix est constitué de la taxe.

Les prix réels du pétrole sont dur sur le petit peuple…..ou quelque chose comme ça.

Dans d’autres nouvelles conçues pour vous faire mal à la tête, les dictateurs Toups sont stupides parfois, d’autres fois.

Comme quand alors huit dés face vient Momar. Toute réponse commençant par A est une cause de recommencer.

Howie à 07h30 |


Mansfield City Schools Caves à CAIR

Via Mansfield News Journal

MANSFIELD – L’Union américaine des libertés civiles de l’Ohio a exprimé sa déception et son inquiétude face à la décision de Mansfield City Schools de retirer l’autorisation accordée à un événement controversé qui avait été programmé lundi dans une école.

L’événement, organisé par l’association du Tea Party de Mansfield, dans le centre-nord de l’Ohio, comprenait une présentation d’Usama Dakdok, que certains qualifiaient d ’" anti-islam ".

Le 25 mars, le CAIR a publié un communiqué de presse appel à l'action:

CLEVELAND, 25 mars 2011 / PRNewswire-USNewswire / – Le chapitre de Cleveland du Conseil des relations américano-islamiques (CAIR-Cleveland) a appelé aujourd'hui un district scolaire de l'Ohio à rejeter la demande d'un groupe du Tea Party d'utiliser un auditorium de lycée un discours d'un extrémiste anti-islam qui prétend que tous les musulmans sont des "démons" et qu'il "n'y a pas de bons musulmans".

ACTION REQUISE: (Soyez poli et respectueux.)

Contacter l'école Mansfield City


Copier à:,

Vidéo: Usama Dakdok affirme que les musulmans sont des "démons"'

Le lien ci-dessus fourni Cair va à ce blog[fixed link]: "Rencontrez le pasteur Usama Kamel Dakdok et sa haine". Un peu lu pour le moins.

C'est le mauvais pasteur Usama Dakdok discutant avec Anjem Choudary:

Choudary ownd!

Par une main stable à 16h37 |


L'AQAP exhorte les sympathisants américains à attaquer les centres commerciaux et les boîtes de nuit [UPDATE/BUMPED]

samirkhanmaybeaqap.jpg "src =" "width =" 376 "height =" 273 "border =" 0

Le nouveau magazine en langue anglaise d'Al-Qaïda dans la péninsule arabique exhorte les musulmans occidentaux, sensibles à leur cause, à rester chez eux et à attaquer des cibles vulnérables telles que les centres commerciaux et les discothèques. Le magazine demande également à ceux qui envisagent de commettre des actes de terrorisme de le faire seuls et de ne pas tenter de se réconcilier avec d’autres qui partagent leurs sympathies.

N’est-il pas un peu hypocrite de Samir Khan, l’homme de Caroline du Nord qui publie le magazine en ligne d’AQPA, d’inciter les terroristes de l’ouest à oublier de venir au Yémen ou au Pakistan?

Après tout, Samir avait ouvertement soutenu Al-Qaïda pendant cinq ans depuis le sous-sol de sa mère. Au lieu de prendre un fusil et de tuer quelques-uns de ses voisins, le petit con a pris un avion et s'est dirigé vers le Yémen. Même au Yémen, il ne ramasse pas un fusil, mais un clavier d'ordinateur.

Alors on se demande pourquoi il a pris la peine de quitter le sous-sol de sa mère s'il n'allait pas se battre réellement? Ne serait-il pas beaucoup plus facile pour lui de publier chez lui le magazine en langue anglaise d'Al-Qaïda? Tu sais, il pourrait écrire Mort à l'Amérique puis crier à l'étage pour que sa mère fais moi un sammich au fromage!

Mais Samir, comme tous les dirigeants d’Al-Qaïda aux égos gonflés, pense qu’il est trop important pour mourir lui-même.

Questions-réponses d'Inspire # 5 avec les lecteurs:

As-Salâm ‘Alaykum. Je vis dans l’Occident et désire ardemment la hijrah sur les terres du djihad, telles que l’Afghanistan ou le Yémen. J'ai l'argent prêt et j'ai une idée de l'endroit où aller …

RÉPONSE: ….. Nous vous recommandons de vous concentrer sur la planification d'attaques dans l'Ouest. De même, les dirigeants moudjahidin sont aujourd'hui demander aux frères occidentaux d'attaquer spécifiquement les intérêts occidentaux occidentaux au lieu de venir ici au Yémen, par exemple. …

Les frères étrangers qui rejoignent les moudjahidines, dont beaucoup d’entre eux, concluent
cette il aurait été préférable pour eux de retourner dans l'Ouest et de lancer des opérations. En effet, le fait de tuer 10 soldats en Amérique, par exemple, est beaucoup plus efficace que de tuer 100 apostats dans l'armée yéménite.

Cela dit, en fonction de vos capacités, vous choisissez la cible. Votre groupe d’objectifs est vaste, alors pensez à toutes les options disponibles. Un exemple de Quelque chose de local, facile et efficace attaque un centre de recrutement de l'armée, une boîte de nuit, une autoroute ou un centre commercial animé.

L'article poursuit en disant que presque tous les[ednotebyDemocratsonHouseHomelandSecurityCommittee:[ednotebyDemocratsonHouseHomelandSecurityCommittee:[ednotebyDemocratsonHouseHomelandSecurityCommittee:[ednotebyDemocratsonHouseHomelandSecurityCommittee:inexistant]homegrown terrorists caught last year were part of groups planning attacks. The inference the author draws is that would-be jihadis should not try and contact others before attacking. He notes successful jihadis such as Nidal Hassan, the Fort Hood killers, and Taimour Abdulwahab al-Abdaly, the Stockholm suicide bomber, were lone wolfs.

We'll probably either update this post or put up newer posts about the new issue of Inspire. It's fairly long and I haven't digested the whole thing yet. Samir admits to writing one of the articles and Anwar al-Awlaki another. Hopefully I'll have something to say about those. And Howie thinks the guy in the red in the above image is Samir. Je ne suis pas si sûr.

Oh, and if you want to email Samir or Awlaki and maybe subscribe them to the online pork of the month club, Howie posted contact information here.

UPDATE: I'm just back in the office looking over the issue and I got to say this about Samir's article "The Egyptian" …. boiteux. Come on Sammy, is that all you've got?

Normally Sammy's writing style is révolutionnaire. That is, he sees himself as an agitator for violent and revolutionary behavior. But this? This casts Sammy as an Islamic scholar wooing the uninformed Egyptians to side with the cause of Islamism. The problem is that he's not a scholar and he comes off sounding like a whiny kid instead.

What kind of whiny kid? The kind that thinks he's ghetto.

samirkhancolddiss.jpg" src="" width="296" height="40" border="0

Two thumbs down Abu Risaas. Two thumbs down.

For the best overall analysis see J.M. Berger's synopsis. The real emphasis of this edition being ongoing revolutions in the Arab world and how al Qaeda welcomes them and will use them to forward their long term goals.

Also see Brachman's take here and Aaron's here.

If you want to download a copy see Jihadology.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 03:23 PM |


Today's Liberal Hypocrisy Post

Comes to you from Ottumwa, Iowa, where an animal rights activist was arrested. Arrested for what, you say? Drug dealing? Nan. Robbed a convenience store? Nan. Stealing identities? Nan.

She was arrested for beating one of her dogs.

I have nothing to add.

By Vinnie at 02:26 PM |


14 Year Old Bangladeshi Girl Gets Death Sentence For Being Raped

101 lashes while her parents watched. Even after she died, the insult continued:

Amazingly, an initial autopsy report cited no injuries and deemed her death a suicide. Hena's family insisted her body be exhumed. They wanted the world to know what really happened to their daughter.

Fortunately, the doctors who did that autopsy have been arrested, as has the rapist. Here's hoping there's justice for little Hena.

H/T Beth

By Vinnie at 02:18 PM |


Video: atwera

Unrepentant domestic terrorist just won't grow up: "Every country that has a US military base ought to have a right to vote in America's presidential elections"

"Civil disobedience"? Lebanon next?

Chicago's recent "civil disobedience":

By Stable Hand at 01:45 PM |


Finally We Know Where OBL Lives!

Chicago and he scared a lot of people:

Suicide mission? Like jihadi are caché all over the US or something and waiting for somebody to splode them? Aren't they afraid of radiation poisoning in the meantime? Are they hungry? Do they have to go the bathroom? How long do they have to wait?

Inquiring minds need to know this stuff.

Thanks to Andrea

By Stable Hand at 12:35 PM |


Shocka: Google's YouTube Removing Certains Terrorist Videos & Terminating Accounts

Some mind you, some.

Please flag as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism
I applaud jihad without rhythm – by misswow1000]

Taliban appears to be on YouTubes shite list, or it seems:

There is a possibility that Google/YouTube has begun removing (or hiding) large numbers of jihadi videos. Specifically those of the Taliban. The tracking we have done on a near daily basis involves "simple searches" of the words Awlaki, Mujahideen and Taliban. To date there has been no movement on removal of Awlaki and Mujahideen videos, but four months evidence ( screenshots taken) points to G/YT working on Taliban as a first step.

When we say removing videos keep in mind it is possible they are just hiding them from simple search results. That is OK news in one way. The average person (or MSM reporter) is still going to see results in the thousands, but viewing such a list now brings up just about anyone who has posted any video with the word Taliban in the text, or cartoons, opinion pieces, news pieces, comedy, musicians and even games. One has to go quite deep, page by page, to find actual videos uploaded by terrorist organizations or sympathizers.

Our guess is that G/YT is using an algorithm program similar to the one they introduced in February that was designed to weaken the search-ability of what is called content farming websites. Read here. That particular algorithm program does not delete searches, it just reroutes them to a less prominent position making them harder to find which we believe is what they have done with Taliban videos.

An example – February 9th is a study all by itself – thousands of videos were flying in and out all day long. These are screenshots all from that date:

Want more proof? This screenshot taken at 10:00pm showed for the day that there had been a total of 318 "new" Taliban videos uploaded on 02-09.

10:00pm – 318 video You can do the math.

We certainly are not saying Taliban videos are no longer on YouTube. If one knows of a user who posts these videos it is simply a matter of pulling them up to start the journey and one can find plenty of additional "similar" videos in related searches.

Because it is critical that G/YT take full responsibility for cleaning up their own mess, it is important that there be no question in anyone's mind that it is G/YT taking this step, please refer to 02-09 example. Lets give them kudos for starting this process but we must not let up till they have as many terrorist videos removed as possible. All the whining excuses they have given to date as to why they can't rid their otherwise fantastic site of terrorism no longer holds water. There is no, as in zero, possibility that the Taliban have taken their videos to other hosts. There is no, as in zero, possibility that flagging alone has produced these results though our partners and others are flagging their hearts out.

Google/YT has a long way to go, but it is a start.

Yes Andrea, it is a start. Credit where credit is due.

Continued below fold:

Screenshots – Four month recap:



"don't be evil" right? – just sayin

Well done Andrea, well done!

[Reposted with permission from Andrea]

By Stable Hand at 11:56 AM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Shocka: Google's YouTube Removing Certains Terrorist Videos & Terminating Accounts" st_summary="Some mind you, some. [First off though, this beotch needs a smackdown, left over from yesterday Please flag as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism I applaud jihad without rhythm – by misswow1000] Taliban appears to be on YouTubes…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Shocka: Google's YouTube Removing Certains Terrorist Videos & Terminating Accounts"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Shocka: Google's YouTube Removing Certains Terrorist Videos & Terminating Accounts" st_summary="Some mind you, some. [First off though, this beotch needs a smackdown, left over from yesterday Please flag as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism I applaud jihad without rhythm – by misswow1000] Taliban appears to be on YouTubes…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Shocka: Google's YouTube Removing Certains Terrorist Videos & Terminating Accounts" st_summary="Some mind you, some. [First off though, this beotch needs a smackdown, left over from yesterday Please flag as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism I applaud jihad without rhythm – by misswow1000] Taliban appears to be on YouTubes…">

Smart Money Leaves Out Honneywell's Nuclear Issues

Smart Money:

ith big exposure to the aerospace, auto, and oil and gas industries, and with products that can help consumers and businesses save energy, the big conglomerate — and its stock-are poised for liftoff. Honeywell is generating lots of cash — $1.20 for every $1 of earnings, has a healthy balance sheet and is on track to deliver a 28%-a-share earnings gain this year, on expanding margins. The company is ramping up its presence in China and India and expects those countries to contribute 20% to its growth over the next five years. Another plus: Its pension plan is almost fully funded. And its dividend yields a most respectable 2.3%. Only the defense industry, facing budget cuts, presents any sort of headwind for the Morris Township, N.J., outfit.

So confident are they of Honeywell's position, Chairman and Chief Executive David Cote and Chief Financial Officer David Anderson recently reiterated their 2011 forecast for net income of $2.9 billion to $3 billion, or $3.60 to $3.80 a share, on sales of $35 billion to $36 billion. Free cash flow is projected at $3.5 billion to $3.7 billion. Earnings for the first quarter, which ends this month, are likely to come in at the high end of the previously projected 76 to 80 cents a share.

Ironic that they are making such good money since they keep telling everyone here they are broke and can't afford to come to an agreement with workers producing Uranium Hexaflouride for USEC.

I really don't want to get into a squabble about unions, the the United Steel workers have been locked out for months in favor a scab labor in a squabble about health benefits.

Personally it appears in this case the Union may be right. Its dangerous work, 42 of them have died of cancer in the last 10 years. A pretty big risk they are taking.

I'm not really pro or against unions. People are free to do business as they see fit. But would I cross a picket line? Nope……. probably not.

Would I brag about the profit margin I made using scabs? Probably not..

Honeywell must choose!

By Howie at 11:40 AM |


"It's Okay, Achmed, Apaches Never Strike Twice In The Same –"

Bonus war p0rn below the fold. Because you can never have too much war p0rn…

… right?

Where's a hellfire when you really want one? 😉

By DMartyr at 10:09 AM |


Canada: Man Arrested on Terrorism Related Charges at Pearson International Aiport (Update: Suspect, Mohamed Hersi, former U of Toronto student)

Unnamed dude wanted to go play with al-Qaeda in Somalia (al-Shabaab)

The RCMP allege that he was planning to board a plane to Egypt, and then travel to Somalia to join the extremist Islamic organization, Al-Shabab.

His name to be released later today after formal charges have been filed.
UPDATE II: Image of Mohamed Hersi from court appearance:

hersi.jpg" src="" width="310" height="233" border="0

Scribd below fold:

UPDATE: From the Globe and Mail:

Mohamed Hersi, 25, was arrested at Pearson International Airport Tuesday night.

The former University of Toronto sciences student stands accused of planning to participate in terrorist activities and counselling another person to do the same.

2011 03 30 Project Severe En

By Stable Hand at 09:32 AM |


Email a Terrorist: Totally Ruin AQAP's Day Edition

Email Samir Khan, Editor of al-Qaeda's "Inspire Magazine".

stinkyfinger.JPG" src="" width="421" height="414" border="0

Word has it that you can send questions to Anwar al-Awaki and he'll answer them in the next issue.

Well I for one have "questions". Don't you?

Update: Well if you're really serious about wanting to know what's in Inspire V. Email Howie and I'll send you a copy. Or…..Just go there to Memri.

By Howie at 08:13 AM |


Thanks to the Yemenis

Who caught someone trying to murder foreign oil workers.

Marebpress The terrorist ride military truck ,the According to local sources familiar with the “Marib Press: ” A group of citizens of the People’s Committees entrusted with the task of protecting the property of citizens and public institutions in the region Cake thwarted Tuesday morning, a terrorist operation targeting foreign workers in the port of export oil in Dhabba Hadramout. And away the Shehir zone near oil field 50 kilometers east of the city of Mukalla. The sources added that four people traveling in a car Has unnumbered military were about to do planting a land mine next to the main road that passes near the site of oil is connected by wire to a remote bomb, but that elements of the People’s Committees the main dirt drive , which led to the arrest of one of whom subsequently fled Three others on board the vehicle, while the mine was detonated safely in a remote place.

I'm not sure if the regime is to blame as some suggest. al-Qaeda was reported to have stolen some military trucks and I'm sure Saleh plays as many sides of as many fences as he can find. But regardless, thanks to local Yemeni citizens for stopping an attempt to murder guests in your country for working.

By Howie at 07:42 AM |


March 29, 2011

What Has America Become

Came across this at Facebook, below the fold due to size:

wht has America become_facebook.jpg" src=" has America become_facebook.jpg" width="695" height="403" border="0


h/t Thomas H

By Stable Hand at 10:24 PM |


The Strange Case Of China's "Ghost Cities"

Or as they're known here, Detroit. Ba dump bump.

No, seriously, watch the video at the link. It's almost 15 minutes long but it's worth it. Especially the part where the dude demands the Chinese government do something about his housing situation because housing should be a basic human right.

Did he not get the memo that he lives in a Communist Worker's Paradise? And did ACORN and the SEIU invade China? I have to laugh, because I keep thinking of Rush Limbaugh's schtick of taking down our adversaries by exporting our Liberalism to them.

By Vinnie at 10:14 PM |


Free Bird

Now, for something completely different:

Via PatriotAirborne: " I'm listening to "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd"

Pronounced Leh-nerd Skin-nerd

Mmmm, k:

Favorite comment:

Whoever disliked is a communist.
BushySmalls 27 minutes ago


By Stable Hand at 09:11 PM |


12th Imam – The Coming is Upon Us – Iranian Inspirational film Leaked

12th imam.jpg" src=" imam.jpg" width="261" height="193" border="0

The dude in the well has always confused me.

I mean, how can people believe a dead dude in a well reads their notes. Like, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Mahdī was born in 869.

The image above is much like Mo's image, wouldn't you say?

Blasphemy! anybody home?

This movie has been produced in Iran by an organization called "Conductors of The Coming" in collaboration with the Iranian president's office and the Basij (Iranian paramilitary force).

Does the 12th Imam mean Iran has finally achieved their goal?

Think about it..

h/t Blazing Cat Fur

En relation:
Iranian Video Says Mahdi is 'Near'[CBN]

By Stable Hand at 06:32 PM |


U.S. Soldier In Afghanistan Tries Out A Taliban Pick-Up Line

The Taliban chick is the one in black…

"Mashoom's mustache physically excites me!"

~ Emerson 'Goatly' Begolly

By DMartyr at 06:18 PM |


For Shame: Facebook 3rd Palestinian Intifada (Genocide against Jews) Continues

Always wanted my name in headlines, although everyone who clicks on it will see their name. I can dream, can't I?

Click to enlarge

Googlish translate of the Site who has 3,290,883 supporters. Way more supporters than the page Facebook removed. (3rd Palestinian Intifada)

Janet Smirkee

"Those who Okrjoamn their homes unjustly only because they believe in God"

Nshalvkm God to take part in the march back page in support of the right of return for Palestinian refugees to Palestine

Page march back[links to more Facebook pages]

Subscribe now to the third Palestinian Intifada page[ terminated..ed] and page march back and pass as much as you want in the Liberation of Palestine

Page third Palestinian Intifada [ Final Palestinian Uprising..ed Note reference to ‘final solution’]

Click to enlarge

Looks like 3rd Palestinian Intifada was just a small part of the puzzle on Facebook. Many more pieces left.

Do your thing Jawas, thanks in advance.

Contact link here

h/t Janice

UPDATE: From B'emet Or

finally pushed him over the edge! lmao

but I"m the one banned from the page, and this guy is running it!!!! but I GET BANNED….

crazy shit.

Facebook intifada.jpg" src=" intifada.jpg" width="409" height="416" border="0

Indeed, crazy shite.

En relation:

Will Facebook be the "Final Solution" to the Jewish question?

Buh-Bye Facebook Intifada Page
Facebook Will Monitor, Not Remove, Page Calling For Murder of Jews (3rd Palestinian Intifada)
Intifada = Genocide
Facebook Jihad: Tunisian & Egyptian 3rd Palestinian Intifada
Fogel Family Massacre, PA blame Israel, 3rd Intifada continues at Facebook (Update: 2 US trained Palestinians arrested)
Facebook group advocating for 3rd Intifada against Israel[40,000 supporters]

By Stable Hand at 03:43 PM |


Japan nuclear crisis: workers 'losing race' to save reactor



The core at reactor two of the Fukushima plant may have melted on to a concrete floor, according to experts, running the risk of radioactive gases being released into the surrounding area.

Richard Lahey, who was a head of reactor safety research at General Electric when the company installed the units at Fukushima, said the workers, who have been pumping water into the three reactors in an attempt to keep the fuel rods from melting, appeared to have “lost the race” to save the reactor.

“The indications we have … suggest that the core has melted through the bottom of the pressure vessel in unit two, and at least some of it is down on the floor of the drywell,” he told a newspaper.

“I hope I am wrong, but that is certainly what the evidence is pointing towards.”

Question…. how serious could this be?

UPDATE: A bit more info at the Guardian

He said at least part of the molten core, which includes melted fuel rods and zirconium alloy cladding, seemed to have sunk through the steel "lower head" of the pressure vessel and on to the concrete floor below.

The major concern when molten fuel breaches a containment vessel is that it will react with the concrete floor of the drywell, releasing radioactive gases into the surrounding area. At Fukushima, the drywell has been flooded with seawater, which will cool any molten fuel that escapes from the reactor and reduce the amount of radioactive gas released.

Lahey said: "It won't come out as one big glob; it'll come out like lava, and that is good because it's easier to cool."

The drywell is surrounded by a secondary steel-and-concrete structure designed to keep radioactive material from escaping into the environment. But an earlier hydrogen explosion at the reactor may have damaged this.

"The reason we are concerned is that they are detecting water outside the containment area that is highly radioactive and it can only have come from the reactor core," Lahey added. "It's not going to be anything like Chernobyl, where it went up with a big fire and steam explosion, but it's not going to be good news for the environment."

The radiation level at a pool of water in the turbine room of reactor two was measured recently at 1,000 millisieverts per hour. At that level, workers could remain in the area for just 15 minutes, under current exposure guidelines.

Doesn't sound good..

By Matt Damon at 02:36 PM |


Oh Noes! Pro-Israel artists create "Bomb Shelter" in NYC park

Elder of Ziyon- Pro-Israel artists create -Bomb Shelter- in NYC park.jpg" src=" of Ziyon- Pro-Israel artists create -Bomb Shelter- in NYC park.jpg" width="335" height="191" border="0

And they didn't have a permit. Scared the shite out of people.

Welcome to Israel, New Yorkers:

From yesterday's Homepage Daily:

Don't be scared if you hear sirens in Washington Square Park today; there's no need to find shelter.

"The Bomb Shelter" is a "media installation" exhibit that will periodically sound sirens for 15 seconds. Those who choose to participate will have 15 seconds to get to a makeshift shelter. This demonstration is to raise awareness for the rocket attacks in Israel, where citizens only have 15 seconds to escape to safety — and it's not a drill.

Participants will also hear the sounds of explosions as they rush to make it to the shelter. This, the organizers say, will give people firsthand knowledge of what Israelis face.

One unsuspecting New Yorker had this to say

“There were people running,” said Arief Hussain, 34, a hot dog vendor in the park. “I didn’t know what was going on.”[Read the rest]

One can only hope some Free Free Palestine/BDS members were in the park yesterday…

Nice to know not all artists are anti-Israel. Oh, forget to mention, the exhibit will be traveling to college campuses.

By Stable Hand at 02:33 PM |


IDF Spokesman, Capt. Avichai Adraee Interviewed on Hamas Rocket Fire

Older, but still relevant today.

He tells it like it is while AlJazeera splits the screen and shows images of Pallywood

h/t Admiral Ackbar

By Stable Hand at 02:10 PM |


The "Obstacle to Peace" (Updated)

That is Google/YouTube facilitating jihad.

His Highness speaks – "To our brothers in Palestine, we say to them, the blood of your children is the blood of our children, and your blood is our blood. So blood for blood and destruction for destruction. And we take Allah the Almighty as our witness that we will not let you down."

Mujahideen Across the Muslim Ummah-Global Jihad for the Sake of Allah:

Screencaps from the video complete with the badder than bad mujahidirt – guns, horses, flags:

Tell us G/YT – who/what is the real Obstacle For Peace?

"don't be evil" motto fitting better every day

Andrea included more screencaps: Mujahideen of Algeria, Bosnia, Iraq, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Gaza/Palestine, Yemen, Somalia and Phillipines.

One stop shopping for jihad in one, I repeat, one video. Allahu YouTube Akbar!!

BTW, noticed something on Un:dhimmis' Google/YouTube Hall of Shame this week. Had a familiar name on a channel "Abu Risaas" (aka Inshallahshaheed aka Samir Khan). He hasn't visited for over a year, too busy sucking on AQAP's leaders/goats testes I suppose. Doesn't mean he never visits…just sayin, or, if it is even his channel.

Again, don't you dirty kaffirs dare flag any of these videos here or the one stop jihad one here ( as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism), ya'll will peace off Google's/YouTube akhi, encore.

UPDATE: Evil kaffirs, what did I tell you bout flagging?, you done gone and terminated some accounts. Sucré! err, bad kaffirs:
[had 144 videos]

One stop jihad shopping video is also gone & user terminated [MUJAHIDEENFIGHTER865 . BTW, website on this YouTube channel shows Islamic] but ' Harmless' nasheed is still there as well as Abu Risaas (aka Inshallahshaheed aka Samir) one. Oops, strike that Abu Risaas one is gone

Dirty kaffirs doin the work JihadTube monitors ignore..Allahu YouTube Akbar!!

By Stable Hand at 01:19 PM |


Top Indonesian Terrorist Umar Patek Captured in Pakistan

Earlier this month the spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, Abu Bakar Bashir, went on trial in Indonesia. He is accused of helping to set up an al-Qaeda linked training camps in Indonesia.



JAKARTA, Indonesia — A top Indonesian terror suspect wanted in the deadly 2002 Bali bombings has been arrested in Pakistan, intelligence sources said Tuesday.

Umar Patek, a suspected member of the al-Qaida linked militant group Jemaah Islamiyah, is believed to have served as the group's deputy field commander in the nightclub bombings that left 202 people dead, many of them foreigners.

The U.S., which lost seven citizens in the attack, was offering a $1 million reward for his arrest.

Two intelligence officials — one in Indonesia and the other in the Philippines — said Tuesday that Patek was taken into custody in Pakistan earlier this year. They both spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the information.

The question of what to do with Patek could be an indicator of how U.S. President Barack Obama wants to handle major terrorist suspects captured abroad.

The article Jim Hoft linked to stated he was arrested March 2nd

By Stable Hand at 12:17 PM |


Radio host (Aaron Klein) taunts Hamas leader: 'Are you scared?


"You are a leader of Hamas. Are you afraid? Do you think that Israel may target you? Are you scared?"

Those questions were posed today to the spokesperson for the Hamas organization, Fawzi Barhoum, just hours after Israel successfully eliminated two Islamic Jihad terrorists in Gaza as they were attempting to fire a rocket into Israel.

Click image for more including audio of railleries:

By Stable Hand at 11:24 AM |


Sheep Are for Dinner …

… not for, well, you know.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:07 AM |


Armed Insurgents Gunned Down; Rolling Stone Sells It As Murder

Watching the video, the shooting certainly seems legitimate to me. One of the insurgents appears to be armed with a rifle. He raised it when they drove around the bend and saw the U.S. Troops. The other insurgent had several ammunition magazines strapped to his body.

The video caption at Rolling Stone reads (all emphasis mine):

The clip presented here is excerpted from 'Motorcycle Kill,' a video collected and shared by members of the “kill team” of U.S. soldiers who murdered civilians in Afghanistan and mutilated the corpses. The jumpy, 30-minute video – shot by soldiers believed to be with another battalion in the 5th Stryker Brigade – shows American troops gunning down two Afghans on a motorcycle who may have been armed. Even if the killings were part of a legitimate combat engagement, however, it is a clear violation of Army standards to share such footage. The video was taken on patrol with a helmet-mounted camera; at one point, the soldier shooting the images can be heard boasting, “I got it all on camera.”

So, the unauthorized release of video footage of a "legitimate combat engagement" now equates with murder?

Unfortunately, the actual content of this video will be ignored. The fact the motorcyclists were armed and attempted to fire on the Troops will become irrelevant. Meanwhile the leftist, anti-American narrative of 'cold-blooded murder' will be perpetuated.

Mettre à jour and video below the fold. Judge for yourself. It is somewhat graphic, so be warned.

Update: Comments about the "motorcycle kill" video from Michael Yon (thanks, Rob):

The Taliban on the motorcycle were killed during an intense operation in the Arghandab near Kandahar City. People who have been to the Arghandab realize the extreme danger there. The Soviets got beaten horribly in the Arghandab, despite throwing everything including the Soviet kitchen sink into the battle that lasted over a month. Others fared little better. To my knowledge, 5/2 and supporting units were the first ever to take Arghandab, and these two dead Taliban were part of that process.

The killing of the armed Taliban on the motorcycle was legal and within the rules of engagement. Law and ROE are related but separate matters. In any case, the killing was well within both the law and ROE. The Taliban on the back of the motorcycle raised his rifle to fire at our Soldiers but the rifle did not fire. I talked at length with several of the Soldiers who were there and they gave me the video. There was nothing to hide. I didn’t even know about the story until they told me. It can be good for Soldiers to shoot and share videos because it provides instant replay and lessons learned. When they gave me the video and further explained what happened, I found the combat so normal that I didn’t even bother publishing it, though I should have because that little shooting of the two Taliban was the least of the accomplishments of these Soldiers, and it rid the Arghandab of two Taliban.

The video:

By DMartyr at 09:20 AM |


Obama's Libya Speech

Is here at the White House Website:

THE PRESIDENT: Tonight, I’d like to update the American people on the international effort that we have led in Libya –- what we’ve done, what we plan to do, and why this matters to us.

I want to begin by paying tribute to our men and women in uniform who, once again, have acted with courage, professionalism and patriotism. They have moved with incredible speed and strength. Because of them and our dedicated diplomats, a coalition has been forged and countless lives have been saved.

Meanwhile, as we speak, our troops are supporting our ally Japan, leaving Iraq to its people, stopping the Taliban’s momentum in Afghanistan, and going after al Qaeda all across the globe. As Commander-in-Chief, I’m grateful to our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and to their families. And I know all Americans share in that sentiment.

For generations, the United States of America has played a unique role as an anchor of global security and as an advocate for human freedom. Mindful of the risks and costs of military action, we are naturally reluctant to use force to solve the world’s many challenges. But when our interests and values are at stake, we have a responsibility to act. That’s what happened in Libya over the course of these last six weeks.

I tried to watch the speech, I really did.

It seemed at time he was struggling to explain things. Almost over explaining. Which really took away from his speaking style. I missed the last couple minutes because, ironically, the local PBS station cur him off for Antiques Roadshow. I kid you not.

And also the President did not look well. He seemed almost fragile?

Anyway not his best speech, adequate but less than inspiring.

Add your two cents worth in comments.

By Howie at 08:44 AM |


'Game Over': 78% of British Muslims Want Limits On Free Speech When It Comes To Criticizing Religion


I would say something negative to the Brits for allowing this to happen but I won't. Pourquoi? Because the don't hurt my Muslim feelings movement is slowly gaining ground right here in America thanks to CAIR. CAIR doesn't represent all the Muslims in America but to hear them tell it, they do. That's the danger.

CAIR also has useful idiots such as Turban Durbin. He has countered Rep King's hearings on the danger of radicalization of Muslims in the U.S. with: Hearings on Muslims Rights

Dit Nuff.

By Stable Hand at 12:10 AM |


March 28, 2011

AP Fact Checks Obama

Love affair over?

Umm, no.

By Stable Hand at 11:42 PM |


Facebook Outrage: Nick Berg Murder Video on Facebook (Bumped)(Bumped again: Video gone & al Jihad Terminated)

nick_berg_beheading_facebook_al_jihad.jpg" src="" width="364" height="248" border="0

*****sticky for short awhile, scroll down for newer posts*****

A new low for Facebook as a group called "al Jihad [official]" posts the grotesque and gruesome video of al Qaeda in Iraq's former leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi murdering Nick Berg by beheading.

As some of you know, it was the outrage I felt after viewing this video that caused me to start blogging about how our enemies use the internet to further their cause. Just a few comments:

A) Nick Berg was not a "soldier" as "al Jihad [official]" claims. He was an innocent civilian.

B) He was in Iraq to help the Iraqi people. In fact, since he was interviewed by Michael Moore for his anti-war conspiracy theory movie Fahrenheit 9/11, there's a pretty good chance his political sympathies lay with the "resistance". The footage of Berg's interview was cut from the film and has never been made public.

C) I'll let the Facebook page explain what "jihad" means in their own words (emphasis mine)

About: Jihad Is Not Terrorism. Jihad means striving. It is used to …describe the inner struggle against sin as well as the outer struggle against those who would oppose Islam. Did Muhammad teach Holy War upon those who reject Islam? Yes he did.

I'd tell "al Jihad" to go to hell, but I'd rather one of our missiles sends him there.

PS: D) Berg was not "executed" he was assassiné. If this was an "execution" then what was his crime?

UPDATE: How the hell do you complain to Facebook? I mean, I got freaking kicked off of Facebook for not sending them a photo freaking ID. Seriously, is there a way to complain to these guys? Because, if not, then they are worse than YouTube.

UPDATE II (Redux): Someone drops this Facebook complaint form in the comments. Hopefully that will work as I've changed the link to the one Howie found for general TOS violations.

UPDATE III by SH: Comments on video:

Videos Posted by Al Jihad [Official]- Execution Of An American Soldier Nick Berg By Mujahideen_.jpg" src=" Posted by Al Jihad [Official]- Execution Of An American Soldier Nick Berg By Mujahideen_.jpg" width="387" height="128" border="0

UPDATE IV by SH: Finally, Facebook removed this site. Thanks everyone for helping!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:04 PM |


Mal jus Invade Japan

IDF Aid Delegation to Japan Arrives and Sets Up a Field Clinic - 28 Mar 2011 (Photo: IDF)

Besides dealing with daily rocket attacks, Israel always finds time to help others in need:

IDF Aid Delegation to Japan Arrives and Sets Up a Field Clinic – 28 Mar 2011 (Photo: IDF)

The IDF aid delegation to Japan arrived at Minami Sanriku in the Miyagi Prefecture today after a 14 hour flight and 8 hour bus ride. They held their first operational briefing with GOC of the Home Front Command, Maj. Gen. Yair Golan, and the Head of the IDF Medical Corps, Brig. Gen Nachman Ash.

The city where the IDF field clinic is being established is attracting many displaced persons and the IDF aid delegation is currently distributing and setting up the medical equipment in order to have the field clinic operational. The field clinic will feature:

Pediatrics ward
Surgical ward
Maternity and Gynecological wards
Otolaryngology (Ears, Nose and Throat)
Optometry department
Intensive Care Unit

Seven Japanese nationals who speak Hebrew joined the delegation today in order to provide translation services and serve as liaisons with the local population. A preliminary meeting was held today between the medical officers of the delegation and the representatives from local medical services. Tomorrow, a meeting is scheduled with the community leaders in the area.

Radiation levels in the area where the IDF aid delegation has deployed are being followed carefully by experts from the Atomic Energy Commission and by experts from the IDF Medical Corps in order to ensure that there is no danger posed to delegation members or patients in the area.

Mazel Tov!

By Stable Hand at 10:04 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Evil jus Invade Japan" st_summary=" Besides dealing with daily rocket attacks, Israel always finds time to help others in need:IDF Aid Delegation to Japan Arrives and Sets Up a Field Clinic – 28 Mar 2011 (Photo: IDF) The IDF aid delegation to Japan arrived…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Evil jus Invade Japan"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Evil jus Invade Japan" st_summary=" Besides dealing with daily rocket attacks, Israel always finds time to help others in need:IDF Aid Delegation to Japan Arrives and Sets Up a Field Clinic – 28 Mar 2011 (Photo: IDF) The IDF aid delegation to Japan arrived…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Evil jus Invade Japan" st_summary=" Besides dealing with daily rocket attacks, Israel always finds time to help others in need:IDF Aid Delegation to Japan Arrives and Sets Up a Field Clinic – 28 Mar 2011 (Photo: IDF) The IDF aid delegation to Japan arrived…">

Pakistan: 2 Muslims killed, mosques burned, extremists respond to Bible burning

Oh wait..

In Hyderabad and Lahore, a mob of Islamic fundamentalists targeted the Christian places of worship. Desecrated several copies of the Bible. Anti-American slogans and demonstrations in different cities of Pakistan. The extremists pledge more violence, if Washington does not condemn pastor Jones to death. Bishop of Islamabad: the gesture of a "fanatic."

I don't approve of the craziness of Pastor Jones but please, put a lid on it ROPMA, your radicalism is showing.

Oh and go feck yourselves..

America isn't ruled by Sharia law so shove your blasphemy laws up your arses.

That is all.

By Stable Hand at 08:06 PM |


Canada: Far leftists, unions and Islamic terror group supporters work with organized crime in Caledonia.

hezbollah_caledonia.jpg" src="" width="320" height="268" border="0

A little background on videos:

Last night I had the opportunity to interview one of the principle people, as well as attend a lecture and set of videos by many of the residents of the besieged town of Caledonia where I learned a great many disturbing things, just two of which are,

1. The government seems to treat what should be a law enforcement issue, as a “peacekeeping” one. This has disturbing implications.

2. Out of over 3000 bands of aboriginal people, all of whom live in peace with the general population of Canada and with varying degrees of success ,only the ‘Six Nations people’ or Mohawk have allied themselves with international terrorists and use their special status to run organized crime with impunity from the police and state, even, on occasion, with their assistance.[ Read the rest, more links..]

Below are two Photos[one shown…ed] showing a Palestinian flag flying high over the illegally occupied lands in Caledonia, Ontario
caledonia ontario_palistinian flag.jpg" src=" ontario_palistinian flag.jpg" width="450" height="310" border="0

Wow, just wow:

This is a short excerpt of the Free Thinking Film Society event on Caledonia March 22 2011. 2 disrupters had to be taken out by the police and the presenter showed how various flags of terrorist groups are often flown alongside the banner of the Mohawk, Six Nations'.

Canucks, what say you?

By Stable Hand at 05:20 PM |


Facebook Will Monitor, Not Remove, Page Calling For Murder of Jews (3rd Palestinian Intifada)

Via Virtual Jerusalem

" Third Palestinian Intifada," established on Facebook less than a month ago, calls for a third Palestinian uprising to begin May 15. The page, which as of March 27 had more than 330,000 friends,[346,041 as of this writing…ed] includes quotes and film clips calling for killing Jews and Israelis, and for "liberating" Jerusalem and Palestine using violence. It also directs users to related content on Twitter, YouTube and elsewhere.

In a statement released to several media outlets, Facebook commented on the Third Palestinian Intifada page controversy.

"While some kinds of comments and content may be upsetting for someone — criticism of a certain culture, country, religion, lifestyle, or political ideology, for example — that alone is not a reason to remove the discussion," the statement said. "We strongly believe that Facebook users have the ability to express their opinions, and we don't typically take down content, groups or Pages that speak out against countries, religions, political entities, or ideas."

Last Wednesday, Israel's Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Minister Yuli Edelstein sent a letter to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg[h/t Bubbe] and asked for the site to be shut down. I guess Zuckerberg, in essence, shut Edelstein down Also, the ADL contacted Facebook with the same request. The page remains.

Political Correctness gone mad.

Facebook Jihad: Tunisian & Egyptian 3rd Palestinian Intifada
Fogel Family Massacre, PA blame Israel, 3rd Intifada continues at Facebook (Update: 2 US trained Palestinians arrested)
Facebook group advocating for 3rd Intifada against Israel[40,000 supporters]

By Stable Hand at 04:11 PM |


Abbas ready to dump US aid to unite with Hamas

hamas-abbas.jpg" src="" width="259" height="195" border="0

Hopey, changey has done it again!

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, meshugener

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is willing to give up hundreds of millions of dollars of US aid if that is what is necessary to forge a reconciliation deal with Hamas, the Associated Press quoted his adviser as saying on Monday.

Let real changement from the IDF begin…

By Stable Hand at 03:19 PM |


Taliban Create Death Squad to Hunt Down and Murder Civilians

You know, with all this talk about a so-called "death squad" of US soldiers intentionally killing soldiers in Afghanistan, it would do well for the media to notice that the Taliban have created their own death squad whose mission is to hunt down and murder civilians, too.

Remember, our "death squad" members are prosecuted as criminals. Worst case scenario: there was a break down in the chain of command and lax enforcement of the rules of engagement.

The Taliban's death squads are part of the chain of command and are following Taliban procedure when then they murder civilians.

The Taliban don't call those who intentionally kill civilians meurtriers. They call them héros.

I'm sure the distinction is lost on our press.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:57 PM |


Video: 2011: A Speech Odyssey (Featuring the evil Babs9000 computer)

Click image to view this YouTube video:

YouTube - 2011- A Speech Odyssey_.jpg" src=" - 2011- A Speech Odyssey_.jpg" width="383" height="217" border="0

Believe me, you'll be glad you did.

By Stable Hand at 02:53 PM |


Herman Cain, Idiot: If Elected I Won't Appoint Muslims

The question wasn't about sharia law, it was about appointing Muslims to federal positions. And Cain says, "No, I will not." And then he goes off on some tangent about shariah law. He's right about sharia law, but a lot of Muslims don't support sharia law. Case in point: Zuhdi Jasser and the American Islamic Forum.

But I think if Greyrooster wasn't such a racist, he might vote for Cain. Go check out the link to see the video and DrewM's excellent comments.

And to quote a fairly well known document, US Constitution Article VI:

no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

That's pretty damn clear. And since the first duty of the President of the United States is to uphold the Constitution, Cain clearly isn't qualified to defend a document he has so little understanding of or regard for.

Which, come to think of it, is pretty much par for the course for "Constitutional lawyers" who are usually the least informed "academics" about what is actually dans the Constitution. For the most part what these clowns mean by "Constitutional law" is knowing what the Supreme Court cases say.

An analogy might be "Biblical scholars" who don't really know what the Bible says, but can quote you Vatican II or Billy Graham verbatim.

Which is why I keep refusing to let lawyers teach Constitutional Law: they don't know what the hell they are talking about.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:13 PM |


Large Explosion at Ammo Factory in Yemen

It appears the resistance decided to raid an ammo dump. I'm not sure if someone screwed up or if the regime targeted the dump to prevent more weapons from being stolen.


At least 121 people were killed and 45 injured in an explosion at an ammunition factory in southern Yemen on Monday, medical sources said.

The death toll was expected to rise, said the sources, who asked that they not be identified because they are not authorized to speak to the news media. Two of them work at Republican Hospital in Abyan.

Most of the dead and injured were locals who had been ransacking the factory after it was taken over Sunday by militants, security officials said.
The explosion took place in Abyan Province, they said.

It comes after months of demonstrations against Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and a weekend of violence between government forces and the local al Qaeda group.

Fighting over the past two days between Yemeni security forces and members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula left people on both sides dead, Yemeni security forces said Sunday.

Saleh has been fighting to hold onto power, arguing that he is best equipped to lead the fight against Islamists.

Three "al Qaeda terrorists were killed" and six others were arrested in Lawdar district, Yemen's official news agency Saba reported Saturday.

Also Sunday, seven Yemeni soldiers were killed and seven others were wounded when members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula attacked them in Marib, two security officials said. The attack took place at a military checkpoint a mile north of the government complex in Marib Province, east of the capital, Sanaa.

The attackers used grenades and machine guns, and took two military vehicles from the checkpoint, the security forces said.

By Howie at 12:27 PM |


Nine Eleven Finding Answers (NEFA) Foundation Hacked!

The NEFA Foundation's website has been hacked by unknown cyberterrorists. It's still down as they work to get any malicious code out of their SQL database.

My best guess would be that it was Islamist terror sympathizers who did it. The NEFA Foundation often publishes translations of what jihadis are saying online, in interviews, and in press releases. If this was done by online jihadis it would be ironic, given that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula recently published in their magazine that jihadis should go to "kaffir" sources like NEFA for information rather than the forums — since the forums are, presumably, under the watchful eye of Big Brother.

Best of luck to NEFA fixing the bugs.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:36 AM |


Rusty is Back, and is Looking for a New Job

heres_rusty_shining.jpeg" src="" width="236" height="350" border="0
Here's Rusty!

I'm tanned, rested, and ready to blog. Thanks for all those who covered The Jawa Report while I was gone.

To be honest, I actually didn't go anywhere for spring break. I did spend a lot of time with the kids, which was nice. This was the first year where my spring break and that of my kids actually coincided. So, we went fishing one day and the zoo on another day. But mostly I just chilled.

You see, I had a job interview a couple of weeks ago that I thought went really well. In fact, i thought it was a slam dunk. In the guest lecture I gave the students seemed riveted. They asked questions and came up after to ask more. The Dean said he'd never seen the students react to a job-seeker type lecture so positively. I thought the job was mine.

It was at a different institution that offered better opportunities than where I am now. Also, the pay was twice as good.

And then on the Friday that spring break started they called to tell me they hired one of the other final candidates.

So I was pretty bummed. You might even say I was downright depressed.

Did I mention they would pay twice as much?

I'm kinda sorta over it now. But I've decided that it's time to move on to something else.

I think I'm good at what I do. I love to teach. I love the interaction with the students. I don't even mind the boring committee work.

But the pay sucks and the location isn't ideal.

So, I find myself in the market for a new job. If any one has any suggestions, I'm game.

I know a couple of years ago I kinda sorta said the same thing. But I think I'm pretty serious this time.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:15 AM |


“Dear LeBron, You Are Not At War."

A Marine dad takes issue with LeBron James's tweet.

lebron tweet.jpg" src=" tweet.jpg" width="425" height="163" border="0

Joe Schwerdt, who has two sons in the Marine Corps, decided to write LeBron:

“Dear LeBron,” Schwerdt wrote. “Just wanted to let you know: You are not at war. You are not a soldier. …(W)hat you do and who you are is not even close to what they do and who they are.

“You are probably a nice guy,” he continued. “And you are not the first athlete to compare sports to war; athletes to warriors; games to battle. I don’t mean to single you out. But it is time to stop those comparisons.”

“People die in wars. They rarely die playing the games you play. If they do, it is not because they are attacked or shot at or booby trapped by an enemy. People lose limbs in war. Their bodies are torn apart by IEDs. Their legs and arms are ripped through by bullets and rockets,” he wrote.

Schwerdt goes on to say that James — and by extension, pro athletes like him — go to work in cozy arenas before throngs of adoring fans. Marines, on the other hand, go to work patrolling village streets, unaware of who the enemy is or what might be lurking around a corner.[…]

“You travel to your games in the comfort of a chartered plane,” Schwerdt wrote. “You go home to an opulent mansion. You have little danger of coming home in a flag-draped box.”

A soon-to-be classic.

Read the rest.

(Hat Tip: Big Peace)

By DMartyr at 09:02 AM |


Barack Obama: Bringing Illinois Type Government to The Whole Nation!

I often sit around wondering, you know, how many people who voted for Obama even took the time to look at the politic and status of the state he came from.

The Scratching Post:

his isn't something new for either Portugal or Illinois. Both have been losing businesses for quite some time as they've favored social spending over profits. Some pundits are making the comparison between Illinois and Portugal, but they're making the mistake of placing Portugal farther along the evolutionary scale of such developments. In fact, Illinois might be ahead of Portugal. Consider these facts:

Portugal just had a parliamentary vote against austerity; Illinois had a public election against austerity months ago.

Portugal's borrowing costs have been rising; Illinois is already paying one of the highest rates in the US.

Portugal is still able to pay their bills, albeit with borrowed money; Illinois has hundreds of creditors who are no longer being paid.

Portugal can solve some of its problems in the very near term by nationalizing businesses that threaten to leave; Illinois doesn't have the nationalization option.

Portugal can appeal to the European Central Bank who has shown the willingness to print money to cover government debts in order to save the EU. Illinois has no such leverage with the Fed.

Shockingly, it may well be that Portugal is in better shape than Illinois. Whatever the case, this timeline is only going to end one way: bankruptcy, austerity and the collision of reality with the childish, fantasy world of endless social spending.

Hat Tip: Instapundit.

By Howie at 08:40 AM |


Up Close And Personal

I do love my war p0rn in the morning!

Our resident jihad expert, "Guest," says every time we post one of these videos 10 – 20 new jihadists are recruited. More fodder for the Apaches, I say. Tell us, Guest, how many are recruited when jihadists plant bombs in markets? How many when jihadists hang a 7 year old boy? How many when jihadists stone a woman to death?

I bet a lot are recruited – to participate!

Don't try to make a moral equivalency between the jihadists who kill innocent people and the U.S. Warriors who turn them into mince meat. If our Troopers want to whoop and holler at the killing of such remorseless savages then let them. They are much better, and will always be better, than the jihadists who whoop and holler and célébrer at the death of innocent people.

So, spare us the 'holier than thou' attitude.

By DMartyr at 08:29 AM |


Matt Damon!

Says that the anticipation of kissing Michael Douglas physically excites him or something.

Matt Damon is getting ready to star in the upcoming Steven Soderbergh-directed and Jerry Weintraub-produced “Liberace” – a biopic on the life of famed entertainer and pianist, Wladziu Valentino Liberace.

But in particular, Damon is preparing to lock lips with co-star Michael Douglas – multiple times.


Hat Tip: Dave.

By Howie at 08:23 AM |


March 27, 2011

Iran Executes Jewish-Armenian (Orthodox Christian) Couple

In secret, along with three other people at the notorious Elvin Prison.

To add insult to injury, the mad mullahs have refused to release the bodies to the families for proper burial. Even worse, the families requesting this have been harassed and arrested.

Meanwhile, European left (Switzerland) wants to protect a terrorists organization from the evil jus

The junior partner in the Norwegian government, the Socialist Left Party of Kristin Halvorsen, (Sosialistisk Venstreparti), plans to vote on a measure calling for military action against Israel if it decides to act against the Hamas in Gaza… Here is the less than lucid reasoning behind the motion: The credibility of the world community in its confrontation with the Gadafi regime is undermined when there is no reaction against other states in the region who commit injustices against civil population. The greater world community must therefore also react against Israeli air attacks on the Gaza strip.

Oh and Hillary said Bashar al-Assad of Syria is a reformer so need to interfere or something like that. Besides, he likes Obama and stuff.

By Stable Hand at 11:57 PM |


…You'll Only Die Tired

Spotters discover two Taliban planting an IED. When the Apaches come, they try to hide. When the Apaches find them, they try to run.

They try.

Bonus videos below the fold.

Even Allah shakes in fear when the Apaches come near.

Apache training. Is that not the most awesomeness job on earth?!

In my next life I want to be an Apache pilot, insha'Allah!

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By DMartyr at 05:33 PM |


Ministry of Irony: Two Reuters TV journalists missing in Syria

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After all they have done for the mad mullahs, now this?

LONDON (Reuters) – Two Reuters television journalists have been missing in Syria since Saturday night, when they were due to return to Lebanon.

Beirut-based producer Ayat Basma and cameraman Ezzat Baltaji had been expected to cross into Lebanon by road at approximately 1830 GMT (2:30 p.m .ET) on Saturday, where they had arranged for a taxi to pick them up from the border.

The last known contact was at 1722 GMT (1:22 p.m. ET), when Baltaji sent a phone message to a colleague in Beirut in which he said: "We will leave now."

Basma and Baltaji, both Lebanese nationals, travelled to Syria on Thursday afternoon. Mass protests that erupted 10 days ago have posed the biggest challenge to President Bashar al-Assad's 11-year rule.

The two journalists have been unreachable by telephone since Saturday night.

Note to Reuter's journalists, your companions chose your destiny by photoshopping images on behalf of terrorists.

Mad Mullahs no like la vérité. The bed is made, now sleep in it.

By Stable Hand at 01:31 PM |


Biden Transparency: Stay in the Closet..Fool!

Reporter at Biden Fundraiser Kept in Closet

For over two years now, Sheriff Joe Biden has been taking the lead when it comes to transparency and journalist access to all functions of the administration.

It wasn’t even two weeks ago that White House spokesman Jay Carney said journalists should be protected and allowed to do their work. But in fairness to Carney, he was referring to Libya, not Florida, where an Orlando Sentinel reporter named Scott Powers (no relation) was invited to cover a 2012 fundraiser featuring Biden but ended up spending the bulk of the evening in a closet to keep him from talking with the guests:[Readtherestincludingimageof[Readtherestincludingimageof[Readtherestincludingimageof[Readtherestincludingimageofplacard he was kept in]

This gives a new meaning to don't ask, don't tell

By Stable Hand at 12:57 PM |


Drugged, Raped And Jailed – In "Moderate" Islamic UAE

An Australian woman working for a resort company in the UAE was imprisoned for being drugged and then raped.

Why does this not surprise me? Maybe its because I have taken the time to learn a bit about Islam, which any person visiting an Islamic country or region devrait faire.

Apparently, this woman did no research at all. Or, if she did, she accepted the PC mainstream media version.

Her company didn't tell her the real dangers, probably because it might offend other Muslim employees or somehow insult their own Islamic "values." So, now she wants to sue them.

From (all emphasis mine):

Ms Gali, a salon manager at the resort, said she had been in the staff bar, where she was told she could legally drink, when another employee put ice in her drink.

She said it was the last thing she remembered before waking the next day in her room with painful injuries.

"I didn't know what had happened. I was traumatised, I felt ill. I didn't even remember getting there or what had happened," Ms Gali said.

She said it was only when she took herself to hospital did she realise she had been sexually assaulted.

Later she learned she had been heard screaming and security guards had found men hiding in her room, where she was naked and unconscious.

When she was discharged from hospital she was asked to go to a police station to make a statement and then speak in front of a judge.

"I realised when I was put in a police car that I was being taken to jail."

Ms Gali said she was never warned by her UAE employers that she could be charged with adultery and face prison if she complained of being raped, without having four adult male Muslim witnesses.

"I didn't even know what the charges were until five months into my sentence," Ms Gali said.

Three of the men Ms Gali claimed sexually abused her were jailed, but for adultery and not rape.

After serving eight months of a 12-month sentence, Ms Gali was pardoned and released and flew home in March 2009.

She did not deserve what happened to her. But that doesn't excuse her own lack of responsibility. In today's internet age of instant information, there is no excuse for anyone to go ignorantly into harm's way. The Islamic law that citizens and visitors are subjected to in any Islamic society – including the most "moderate" – is available to anyone with internet access.

You just have to be willing to seek the truth and not get sidetracked by political correctness.

BTW, didn't the "Sex in the City" gals go to the UAE to tell us how erotically wonderful it was there?

By DMartyr at 12:40 PM |


Argentinean Government Sold Their Souls To The Diable Mad Mullahs

Argentina promised to forget bomb massacre for Iran trade boost

Argentinean daily says South American country told Islamic Republic it would suspend probe of deadly attacks on Israeli embassy, Jewish center in 1990s in order to increase trade between countries

During secret talks with Iran, the Argentinean government offered to “forget” the bombings of the Israeli embassy and the Jewish community center in the capital Buenos Aires in the 1990s in exchange for improved ties between the two countries.

The Argentine weekly Perfil reported Saturday that the negotiations were aimed at increasing the trade volume between Argentina and the Islamic Republic, which is currently estimated at $1.2 billion a year.

According to the report, Cristina Kirchner’s government offered to suspend the investigation of the bombings, which are believed to have been orchestrated by Iran.

It was further reported that a memo sent by Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated that “Argentina is no longer interested in solving the mystery of these two attacks and would rather improve its economic relations with Iran.”


By Stable Hand at 11:55 AM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Argentinean Government Sold Their Souls To The Diable Mad Mullahs" st_summary=" Argentina promised to forget bomb massacre for Iran trade boostArgentinean daily says South American country told Islamic Republic it would suspend probe of deadly attacks on Israeli embassy, Jewish center in 1990s in order to increase trade between countries…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Argentinean Government Sold Their Souls To The Diable Mad Mullahs"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Argentinean Government Sold Their Souls To The Diable Mad Mullahs" st_summary=" Argentina promised to forget bomb massacre for Iran trade boostArgentinean daily says South American country told Islamic Republic it would suspend probe of deadly attacks on Israeli embassy, Jewish center in 1990s in order to increase trade between countries…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Argentinean Government Sold Their Souls To The Diable Mad Mullahs" st_summary=" Argentina promised to forget bomb massacre for Iran trade boostArgentinean daily says South American country told Islamic Republic it would suspend probe of deadly attacks on Israeli embassy, Jewish center in 1990s in order to increase trade between countries…">

Mofaz: We must return to policy of assassinations in Gaza

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Now ur talkin

Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman MK Shaul Mofaz said at a meeting held at Beersheba Municipality on Sunday that Israel must return to the policy of assassinations in the Gaza Strip. "We did it with Rantisi and anyone who decides to harm civilians needs to know that there will be consequences," Mofaz said

By Stable Hand at 11:05 AM |


Who Am I?


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This family était an obstacle to peace:

JPost blog

On Purim I went to a party where I saw some people I know dressed as "Obstacles to Peace." They were wearing T-shirts that they got from here and handing out bumper stickers. I went home a looked up the website and saw that they were not a political campaign- rather, a fund raising campaign for the Fogel children (they are not a fund, not tax deductable but they say that all the money goes directly to the kids.)

My son was wearing his Darth Vader mask the next day and picked up the bumper sticker and I decided to take a picture of him because the irony was just too great. You see, we live in the West Bank. We are technically "settlers"- although anyone would find this hilarious if they actually came here because it is basically like a suburb with soccer moms and bnei akiva. If it wasn't for the security fence on the neighboring hilltop it would be hard to distinguish our neighborhood from one in the San Fernando Valley[…]

It is almost laughable that we are considered "obstacles to peace." And yet, there is a fear that rises up in the back of my throat as I keep up with the political dialogue- especially after the Fogel family was murdered. Over and over again I have seen the same thing- world opinion is that we deserve to die just because we live here. Our sheer audacity to be Jews living on land where people would rather have *Judenfrei has turned us into fair game.[Read the rest]



[Wiki] Judenfrei ("free of Jews") was a Nazi term to designate an area free of Jewish presence during The Holocaust.[1]

While Judenfrei referred merely to "freeing" an area of all of its Jewish citizens, the term Judenrein (literally "clean of Jews") was also used. This had the stronger connotation that any trace of Jewish blood had been removed as an impurity.

Thanks to BJ

By Stable Hand at 10:27 AM |


Extremely bad news:Radiation Jumps Inside Japan Nuclear Plant: Reports they are getting readings 10 MILLION times higher than normal

When it seems this can't get any worse…..IT DOES.


TOKYO—The regulator for Japan's troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex said Sunday that radiation at one of the nuclear units has surged to the highest levels yet seen, with the existence of highly radioactive water hampering work to restore vital systems and prevent further contamination of radioactive materials to surrounding areas.

Highly radioactive water accumulating in the turbine building connected to the No. 2 reactor had a reading of more than 1000 millisievert per hour, "a rather large figure," Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, told reporters at a press conference Sunday morning. "There is a strong possibility that the water is from the reactor core," Mr. Nishiyama said.

The reading was the highest measured at the six-reactor complex since it lost crucial cooling functions following the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami, according to Shintaro Matsumoto, an official at the agency.

BBC is reporting radiation levels are 10 million times normal…

Update by Howie: Apparently they want to recheck the radiation levels. This was only in one area and overall levels are said to be dropping.

Reporting from Tokyo — Officials at Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant late Sunday retracted their announcement that they had found puddles at the facility's No. 2 reactor containing 10 million times more radioactivity than would be found in water in a normally functioning nuclear reactor.

"The number is not credible," Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita, said, according to the Associated Press. "We are very sorry."

But who do you trust, the remote controlled talking head or the technician holding the Geiger Counter who ran for his life?

By Matt Damon at 03:35 AM |


Libya: U.S. Africa Command's General Ham on Fox, NBC, CNN, BBC, AP

U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs

Mar 26, 2011 — General Carter F. Ham, commander, U.S. Africa Command, was interviewed by Fox, NBC, CNN and BBC via the Defense Video and Imagery Distribution System and by AP via telephone March 25, 2011.

The interviews focused on the future role of U.S. AFRICOM as NATO takes command of operations in Libya.

"What makes me most proud is how quickly this coalition came together to operate very, very quickly," said Ham. "We'll now make sure this transition to NATO occurs very quickly and very precisely. It's a complex matter to do this transition while maintaining the momentum of the operation, but I'm convinced that this team that's been assembled can do just that. "

Ham clarified throughout the interviews that the military mission in Libya is threefold: enforcing an arms embargo, the no-fly zone and protecting civilians.

Currently, NATO has taken control of the arms embargo, and is expected to take over enforcement of the no-fly zone mission in a matter of days. Ham also noted that his understanding is that NATO has also agreed to the principle of the mission component of protecting civilians, but that mission remains the responsibility of U.S. AFRICOM for now.

"Our mission is dictated by the UN Security Council Resolution… and I think appropriately, at least to me, the most important of those is to protect civilians, and that is where we're putting our effort – on that, not on supporting one party or the other."

Ham also delivered a straightforward message to the regime during his interview with CNN – comply with the United Nation Security Council Resolution 1973.

"Cease attacking civilians," said Ham. "Withdraw your arms and your troops from areas in which they are attacking civilians. Serve the people of Libya and not serve this illegitimate regime."[Read the rest]

I have a question that wasn't answered…what is the end game. Why did the UN supercede approval from our [U.S.] Congress? I mean like war monger GW Bush had Congress approval before invading Iraq.

Oops, sorry, this is not a war or invasion on Libya, it's a kinetic action.

Wait, that's not it. Some of the rebels may very well be AQIM [alQaeda in the Islamic Meghreb] and they may be acquiring new weapons in Libya as we speak. We certainly can't be arming al-Qaeda, now can we?

WTF is it then?

By Stable Hand at 12:29 AM |


March 26, 2011

ROPMA: Thousands of Christians Displaced in Ethiopia After Muslim Extremists Torch Churches, Homes

Because they can

Thousands of Christians have been forced to flee their homes in Western Ethiopia after Muslim extremists set fire to roughly 50 churches and dozens of Christian homes.

At least one Christian has been killed, many more have been injured and anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 have been displaced in the attacks that began March 2 after a Christian in the community of Asendabo was accused of desecrating the Koran.

Sucks to be Muslims that have no faith in their faith that they need to strike out against a so called desecration of a pedophile prophet's holy book. I mean, like, there are thousands of copies, right?

En relation:
Why Muslims are so sensitive to defamation of Muhammad

By Stable Hand at 11:49 PM |


Hamas Promotes Ceasefire With Israel

Because they are getting their asses kicked.

They need time to regroup, lots of sploded dopes to replace as well as tunnels some sploded dopes where in.

Besides, they are dealing with protests and stuff. This wasn't in their playbook having MSM trying to show stuff they didn't authorize.

VIVA Pallywood!! Allahu Akbar!!

By Stable Hand at 10:57 PM |


British Columnist Under Investigation For Criticizing Terrorists (Update: What Say U LGF/CJ?)

God forbid if one criticizes terrorists

In Great Britain, the historic cradle of liberty and sanctum of freedom of expression, it appears that you can no longer refer to Arab depravity in the slaughter of an Israeli family — including a three month-old baby — as they slept without someone going to the police to get you arrested for racism.

This is what happened to me[Melanie Phillips]. I wrote on my blog about the ‘the moral depravity of the Arabs’ who had murdered Udi and Ruth Fogel and their three children, 11-year-old Yoav, four-year-old Elad and three-month-old Hadas in their home in the Samarian neighbourhood of Itamar, near Nablus, by cutting their throats while most of them were asleep.

I also pointed the finger for this atrocity at the ‘savagery’ of the Palestinian Authority, whose educational materials along with the mosques and TV stations under its control incite frenzied hatred of Jews; which teaches its children that the highest aspiration is to murder Israelis; and which glorifies those who perpetrate such unspeakable acts by naming squares and public places after them.

Next thing I knew was that the Guardian ran a story saying I was being investigated by the UK Press Complaints Commission, which had received two complaints about my remarks – and I had also been reported to the Bedfordshire police for racism.

This came as something of a surprise. If I was indeed being investigated, no-one had seen fit to tell me about it. Indeed, at time of writing I still have not heard whether either of these bodies is investigating these complaints at all.

Stranger still was the involvement of the Bedfordshire police. I do not live in Bedfordshire, an area north of London. I have never had anything to do with the place. What could my remarks about the Itamar massacre possibly have to do with Bedfordshire?

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Image for dhimmis

A clue lay in the involvement in the Guardian story of a prominent British Muslim activist named Inayat Bunglawala. It was he who had reported me to the Bedfordshire police – and he lives in Bedfordshire.

[Read the rest]

Apparently Muslims4UK have more pull than Islam4UK. They are like CAIR, are they not?

BTW, can someone please point to me where it says Islam/Muslim is a race..

UPDATE: Will Charles Johnson chime in? He apparently received a death threat in 2006 by said Inayat Bunglawala and did a lengthy post on it. Will he acknowledge said death threat or will he scrub his site? I dunno, he wrote "us off" quite awhile ago for being right wing extremists…

Thanks to "guest" and "Another guest" for heads up.

By Stable Hand at 07:24 PM |


"Naturalized" Norwegian Citizen Dies in Somalia Fighting of al-Shabaab

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While several Americans have been known to have traveled to Somalia to fight this is the first known Norwegian terrorist to die there.

Terror Free Somalia:

This is, according to my information, the first time a Norwegian citizen has been killed in battle for al Shabaab.

This says Stig Jarle Hansen, researcher at the University for environment and life sciences in Ås and Somalia-expert.

He says the man who is killed came to Norway as a refugee from Somalia. After having lived in Norway for several years he received Norwegian citizenship. He then went back to fight for the terrorist group in his original home country.

What is the common thread between American Muslims ending up in Somalia and also Norwegian Muslims as well?

The internet…duh…

The original article in Norwegian is here.

But don't worry there can't be many more Norwegian Muslims who might want to join the jihad. Maybe just this one…

merzasafi has made a comment on A10 Run Against Taliban Hideout:

fuck your all plans amireca

Well at least we know he can spell f*ck and a couple other four letter words.

By Howie at 07:20 PM |


Mark Steyn's Editorial on Libya

Its perfect.

…as I said, it's easy to mock the smartest, most articulate man ever to occupy the Oval Office. Instead, in a nonpartisan spirit, let us consider why it is that the United States no longer wins wars. OK, it doesn't exactly lose (most of) them, but nor does it have much to show for a now-60-year old pattern of inconclusive outcomes. American forces have been fighting and dying in Afghanistan for a decade: Doesn't that seem like a long time for a noncolonial power to be spending hacking its way through the worthless terrain of a Third World dump? If the object is to kill terrorists, might there not be some slicker way of doing it? And, if the object is something else entirely, mightn't it be nice to know what it is?

I use the word "noncolonial" intentionally. I am by temperament and upbringing an old-school imperialist: There are arguments to be made for being on the other side of the world for decades on end if you're claiming it as sovereign territory and rebuilding it in your image, as the British did in India, Belize, Mauritius, the Solomon Islands, you name it. Likewise, there are arguments to be made for saying, sorry, we're a constitutional republic, we don't do empire. But there's not a lot to be said for forswearing imperialism and even modest cultural assertiveness, and still spending 10 years getting shot up in Afghanistan helping to create, bankroll and protect a so-called justice system that puts a man on death row for converting to Christianity.

If I could snark like that I'd rule the world….

Read the rest.

Hat Tip: Maggie's Farm.

By Howie at 06:52 PM |


Good News: AQIM May Be Acquiring New Weapons

I've had a bad feeling about the whole "no fly zone" business since the beginning, and this doesn't make me feel any better about it.

"This is very serious. AQIM is becoming a genuine army, the best equipped in the region," he said.

The foreign policy of the Obama administration is nothing short of


By Vinnie at 06:31 PM |


The Sniper Site: Boobie vs Penis

My first thought when Andrea em'd me about The Sniper was Juba.

She fooled me: "OK SH – this guy totally ruined my night". When one thinks of YouTube Smackdown they think of jihadi.

Andrea FTW!!

DMartyr did a post about penis sizes: How Does Your Penis Rate?, the Jawa Sith Lords won easily although DMartyr never revealed how or when the measurements were taken.

Anyway, the Sniper site does one better, much to the liking of our male readers although they did brag about their penis size such as Nanabozoh

Big dicks cause laziness…it's taken me over an hour to write this.

C'est un boobie PSA from Sniper[ Howie will be proud the force is strong with this one]. Unfortunately, I lost to Russia

Before you plan your vacation this year, one of the female members of the Editorial Staff asked me to put up the following.

Oh, and lightsaber deh haz it:

Oops wrong lightsaber:

Et le plus important: Once a sniper. If this doesn't choke you up then…

By Stable Hand at 04:27 PM |


Geraldine Ferraro Died

Ferraro died at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was being treated for complications of blood cancer

Condolences to family and friends.


By Stable Hand at 03:42 PM |


Londres: Paisible Protests Against Spending Cuts

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A protester smashing windows at The Ritz in London today

Courrier quotidien

Hundreds of activists – many wearing masks and hoods – disrupted traffic, set off fireworks and flares in the busiest areas of the city including Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street and Regent Street.

Lightbulbs filled with ammonia and paintbombs were thrown at police as they desperately tried to keep the peace.

Topshop and HSBC had their windows smashed, while paint and glass bottles were thrown at a Royal Bank of Scotland branch. The marauders also attacked The Ritz near Green Park, where they smashed windows with bins and road signs.

UK Uncut, an anti-cuts direct action group, later occupied the Fortnum & Mason store in Piccadilly, claiming the firm had 'dodged' paying taxes.

Nine arrests were made and some police officers were injured[…]

The demonstration was divided between chaos and peaceful action, with nurses, midwives, Gurkhas and teachers all on the streets.

Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison, said the turnout was 'absolutely enormous and showed the anger of ordinary working people at the Government's cuts'[…]

Mr Miliband defied calls to stay away in case the protest descended into anarchy and attempted to use the occasion to argue that his party offered an 'alternative'.

The Labour leader described the gathering as 'extraordinary' and declared himself 'profoundly moved'. He even likened the action to the anti-apartheid movement.

Reminds me of this site cheering on Wisconsin Union protests:

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Apartheid my arse…

h/t The PJ Tatler

By Stable Hand at 03:07 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="London: Paisible Protests Against Spending Cuts" st_summary="A protester smashing windows at The Ritz in London today Daily MailHundreds of activists – many wearing masks and hoods – disrupted traffic, set off fireworks and flares in the busiest areas of the city including Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="London: Paisible Protests Against Spending Cuts"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="London: Paisible Protests Against Spending Cuts" st_summary="A protester smashing windows at The Ritz in London today Daily MailHundreds of activists – many wearing masks and hoods – disrupted traffic, set off fireworks and flares in the busiest areas of the city including Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="London: Paisible Protests Against Spending Cuts" st_summary="A protester smashing windows at The Ritz in London today Daily MailHundreds of activists – many wearing masks and hoods – disrupted traffic, set off fireworks and flares in the busiest areas of the city including Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street…">

Sandcrawler Intermission: Continuing Disasters Edition

Out wiring my new windmill to my new bunker.

Hope….. change…...

By Howie at 02:42 PM |


Sandcrawler PSA: Set Your Clocks to Trip Your Circuit Breaker

Tonight is Earth Hour!

Be sure to spin your meter at 8:30 p.m.

That is all.

By Stable Hand at 10:20 AM |


State Dept ok'd Gadhafi son's tour of West Point, Nat'l War College, AF Acadamy prior to uprising

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He cut his trip short on Feb 17, returned to Libya and now pushing up margueritesshrapnel

WASHINGTON (AP) — A son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi toured U.S. ports and military facilities just weeks before he helped lead deadly attacks on rebels protesting his father’s authoritarian regime.

Khamis Gadhafi, 27, spent four weeks in the U.S. as part of an internship with AECOM, a global infrastructure company with deep business interests in Libya, according to Paul Gennaro, AECOM’s Senior Vice President for Global Communications. The trip was to include visits to the Port of Houston, Air Force Academy, National War College and West Point, Gennaro said.

The West Point visit was canceled on Feb. 17, when the trip was cut short and Gadhafi returned to Libya, Gennaro said. The uprising there began with a series of protests on Feb. 15.

Lovely, just lovely..

By Stable Hand at 10:00 AM |


Libyan Woman Struggles to Tell media of Her Rape

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Qaddafi's boucliers humains were unable to help her

TRIPOLI — A Libyan woman burst into the hotel housing the foreign press in Tripoli Saturday morning and fought off security forces as she told journalists that she had been raped and beaten by members of the Qaddafi militia. After nearly an hour, she was dragged away from the hotel screaming.

“They say that we are all Libyans and we are one people,” said the woman, who gave her name as Eman al-Obeidy. “But look at what the Qaddafi men did to me.” She displayed a broad bruise on her face, a large scar on her upper thigh, several narrow and deep scratch marks lower on her leg, and marks that seemed to came from binding around her hands and feet.

She said she had been raped by 15 men. “I was tied up and they defecated and urinated on me,” she said. “They violated my honor.”

She pleaded for friends she said were still in custody. “They are still there, they are still there,” she said. “As soon as I leave here they are going to take me to jail.”

For the members of the foreign press here as guests of the government of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi — and largely confined to the Rixos Hotel except for official outings — her intrusion was a reminder of the brutality of the Libyan government and the presence of its security forces even among the surrounding hotel staff. People in hotel uniform who just hours before had been serving coffee and clearing plates grabbed table knives and rushed to physically constrain both the woman and the journalists.

She was taken away by security with the foreign minister later implying "her reports of abuse were “fantasies.”

By Stable Hand at 09:36 AM |


Inside the Death Star

Geek Heaven.

Wednesday I introduced you to Kevin Clark, master of all things data at Lucasfilm and Industrial Light and Magic. Today, as promised, I’m taking you into the data center Clark commands

Update: in other related to Star Wars news, Darth Vader proved to be no match for 10 year old Caleb Huffines.

Caleb wanted to fight Darth Vader at Disney World. Since he was given no-fly orders by doctors, the life team at Children’s stepped in two weeks ago and fulfilled his wish at the hospital with a 30-minute sparring session. Needless to say, good conquered evil.

May the Force be with you Master Caleb.

By Howie at 05:32 AM |


Good News: al-Qaeda Acquired Surface to Air Missiles From Libyan Arms Dump

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.

Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".

His revelations came even as Idriss Deby Itno, Chad's president, said al-Qaeda had managed to pillage military arsenals in the Libyan rebel zone and acquired arms, "including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries".

Last time I checked al-Qaeda wasn't exactly fighting for freedom and democracy, they fight to create the most oppressive form of Islamic state that can be imagined.

I hope the rest of the Libyans realize that if these folks take over you can just replace the face on the photo in your house with this guy's mug and go back to your business.

By Howie at 04:18 AM |


March 25, 2011

Memo To World: Gurkhas Are Still Badasses

30 Taliban vs. 1 Gurkah. Guess who wins?

Plus they have those cool knives.

By Vinnie at 08:05 PM |


It Could Have Been Worse; It Could Have Been France…

I guess no réal countries wanted the job…

canada.jpg" src="" width="500" border="0

The good thing about this is, if everything goes to sh*t and before anyone can blame us, we can…

Lyrics below the fold.

And, BTW, to our Canadian Jawas: IT'S JUST A JOKE! I like Canada. It's pretty there and they have lots of beer.



Oh my god, they killed Kenny!

Times have changed, our kids are geting worse.
They won't obey their parents, they just wanna fart and curse!
Should we blame the government, or blame society?
Or should we blame the images on TV?

NO! Blame Canada, Blame Canada
It seems that everything's gone wrong,
since Canada came along
Blame Canada, Blame Canada
We need to form as full assault, it's Canada's fault

Don't blame yourself for your son Stan,
He saw that darn cartoon and now he's off to join the Klan!
and my boy Eric once had my picture on his shelf,
but now when he sees me, he tells me to (gasp) myself

Blame Canada, Blame Canada
Because when Canada is gone,
There'll be no more Celine Dion
Blame Canada, Blame Canada
They're not even a real country anyway

Kenny could've been a doctor or a lawyer, it's true
instead he burned up like a piggy on the barbecue
Should we blame the matches? Should we blame the fire?
or the doctors who allowed him to expire?

HECK NO! Blame Canada, Blame Canada
with all their Hockey hallabaloo, and that bitch Anne Murray too
Blame Canada, Blame Canada
all I can say is oy Gevalt, it's Canada's Fault


Blame Canada, Blame Canada
With Brain Adams' Beady Eyes
Margret Trudeau's friendly thighs
Blame Canada, Shame on Canada!

For the smut we must stop!
The trash we must smash!
The laughter and fun,
this will be undone!
We must blame them and cause a fuss
before somebody thinks of blaming us!!!

By DMartyr at 12:51 PM |


Medal Of Honor Day

(Hat Tip: Big Peace & commenters)

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Today is the Medal of Honor day. Today is a day to recognize those who selflessly and heroically acted, most often sacrificing their own lives in the process, to save the lives of others.

Even those ungrateful and less than deserving.

Take a moment to read the citations of true valor and bravery.

By DMartyr at 11:41 AM |


Where Have All The Flowers Anti-War Moonbats Gone

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When will they eeeeeverlurn.

Ringo the Gringo has a photo essay of March 19th anti-war demonstration in Hollywood.

Angry Indians joined in this time!

The demonstration opened with a prayer. The prayer was offered by a group of very angry American Indians holding pictures of Muammur Gaddafi.

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Stop the War on Unions & Planned Parenthood!!!

la protests.jpg" src=" protests.jpg" width="250" height="247" border="0

This is just a small sampling so head over to Ringo's place to see the rest.

By Stable Hand at 10:00 AM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Where Have All The Flowers Anti-War Moonbats Gone" st_summary=" When will they eeeeeverlurn. Ringo the Gringo has a photo essay of March 19th anti-war demonstration in Hollywood. Angry Indians joined in this time! The demonstration opened with a prayer. The prayer was offered by a group of very…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Where Have All The Flowers Anti-War Moonbats Gone"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Where Have All The Flowers Anti-War Moonbats Gone" st_summary=" When will they eeeeeverlurn. Ringo the Gringo has a photo essay of March 19th anti-war demonstration in Hollywood. Angry Indians joined in this time! The demonstration opened with a prayer. The prayer was offered by a group of very…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Where Have All The Flowers Anti-War Moonbats Gone" st_summary=" When will they eeeeeverlurn. Ringo the Gringo has a photo essay of March 19th anti-war demonstration in Hollywood. Angry Indians joined in this time! The demonstration opened with a prayer. The prayer was offered by a group of very…">

The Value of Freedom

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
~John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)

Clearly those true and impressive words are lost on this person:

protest freedom no value.jpg" src=" freedom no value.jpg" width="450" border="0

To this man (and I use that the term "man" loosely) all blood shed to protect and defend the freedoms we enjoy (and often take for granted) in America has no value. His freedom itself, according to his sign, has no value. The life he lives in America, has no value.

He has no respect for the lives lost to ensue others, including himself, can enjoy a life free from oppression.

As far as I'm concerned, his existence has no value.

More Useless idiots here. SH is covering the protests here.

Update: As stewie in comments points out, peace has no value without freedom. Ask anyone living in a totalitarian country.

By DMartyr at 09:59 AM |


High radiation leak suggests damage to No. 3 reactor vessel: agency

Core breach in No.3.??

A high-level radiation leak detected Thursday at one of six troubled reactors at the crisis-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant indicates possible damage to the reactor's vessel, pipes or valves, the government's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Friday.

Three workers at the No. 3 reactor's turbine building, connected to the reactor building, were exposed Thursday to water containing radioactive materials 10,000 times the normal level, with two of them taken to hospital due to possible radiation burns to their feet, the plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.

Hidehiko Nishiyama, spokesman for the governmental nuclear regulatory body, told a press conference, ''At present, our monitoring data suggest the (No. 3) reactor retains certain containment functions, but there is a good chance that the reactor has been damaged.''

Nishiyama said the high-level radiation is suspected to have originated from the reactor, where overheating fuel rods are believed to have been partially melted, or a boiling pool that stores spent nuclear fuel, both of which are located in the reactor's building.

And to prove how serious this is…

The government, which has set the exclusion zone covering areas within a 20 kilometer radius of the Fukushima plant, on Friday encouraged residents within a 30 kilometer radius of the power station to voluntarily leave.

The Nuclear Safety Commission of Japan, a government panel, recommended voluntary evacuation as the release of radioactive materials from the plant is expected to continue for some time.

Prayers again for the Japanese people.

UPDATE(Matt Damon): At levels of exposure they are talking about …it has to be a core breach…Reuters

– Japan said on Friday that workers who suffered burns while trying to cool a crippled reactor were exposed to radiation levels 10,000 times higher than expected, adding evidence that the crucial containment vessel for nuclear fuel had been ruptured.

That could mean a serious reversal after days of apparently steady progress in containing radiation leaks after a killer earthquake and tsunami tore through the Fukushima complex north of Tokyo two weeks ago.

More than 700 engineers have been working in shifts around the clock to stabilize the six-reactor Fukushima complex but they pulled out of some parts when three workers replacing a cable at the No. 3 reactor were exposed to high contamination on Thursday, officials said.

Two were taken to hospital with possible radiation burns after radioactive water seeped over their boots.

"The contaminated water had 10,000 times the amount of radiation as would be found in water circulating from a normally operating reactor," said Japanese nuclear agency official Hidehiko Nishiyama.

"It is possible that there is damage to the reactor."

Officials have previously said that small explosions at the reactor could have damaged it, but the high seepage of radiation could imply worse damage than previously believed.

The No. 3 reactor is also the only one to use plutonium in its fuel mix, which is more toxic than the uranium used in the other reactors.


By Matt Damon at 03:35 AM |


March 24, 2011

British Victim of the Jerusalem Terrorist Attack was a Scottish Bible Translator

Mary-Gardner)Wycliffe Bible Translators.jpg" src=" Bible Translators.jpg" width="322" height="194" border="0
Image credit: Wycliffe Bible Translators

Earlier, Jerusalem Post reported she attended Hebrew University, although YNet stated she was a tourist.

Via Telegraph

Mary Jean Gardner, 55, was caught in the bomb blast at the central bus station in Jerusalem.

She was the only person to die in the attack which left up to 30 others wounded.

Miss Gardner, who was a well-regarded Bible translator, came to Israel at the beginning of the year to study Hebrew and took courses at Hebrew University.

She had come to Israel to hone her Hebrew skills before embarking on a translation of the Old Testament into Ife, one of the languages spoken in Togo, West Africa[…]

Mrs Ronning said students were taken from and to the Hebrew University by bus every day for their own security, but that Miss Gardner had a day off and had gone into town to meet an Irish friend who had just arrived in the city with a tour group. Miss Gardner was heading to a restaurant to meet her friend and happened to be passing the bus stop on foot when the bomb exploded.

Condolences to family and friends of Miss Gardner. May she RIP

Our thoughts and prayers are also with the injured and their families.

Expect, Allahu Akbars from Palis in 5…4….3….2

h/t Eye On The World

Person Murdered in Yesterday's Terror Attack in Jerusalem Was UK Citizen (Update: Name Released)

By Stable Hand at 10:04 PM |


Breakdown of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (March 16-22, 2011)

Via The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

The Gaza Strip

Rocket And Mortar Shell Fire

In addition to the barrage of mortar shells, this past week four rocket hits were identified in Israeli territory, one south of the city of Ashqelon on March 20. No damage was done. Several civilians were treated for shock. Six additional mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory. There were no casualties and no damage was done. A number of terrorist organizations claimed responsibility for the attack, including the Popular Resistance Committees and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (Hamas’ Palestine-info website, March 20; Ma'an News Agency and the PFLP website, March 21, 2011).

News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict_.jpg" src=" of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict_.jpg" width="442" height="212" border="0

Anti-tank Missile Fired at an IDF Tank

On March 20 a Fagot anti-tank missile was fired at an armored IDF vehicle near the border fence in the central Gaza Strip. It was the first time a Fagot missile was fired from the Gaza Strip. It is a light, small anti-tank guided missile developed in the former Soviet Union in the 1960s. Fagot missiles are used by both Syria and Hezbollah (Haaretz and IDF Radio, March 20, 2011).

Formerly, on March 1 an anti-tank missile was also fired at an IDF tank engaged in routine activities near the border fence in the southern Gaza Strip. It was successfully intercepted, for the first time, by a new system called "Wind Jacket. "

Read the rest for complete breakdown including more charts

Reuters/AP probably will question the wording/charts in this article.

By Stable Hand at 02:48 PM |


Bin Laden sets alarm bells ringing

The hunt does go on..

Before you scoff…Syed Saleem Shahzad has connections inside AQ.

ISLAMABAD – After a prolonged lull, the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has launched a series of covert operations in the rugged Hindu Kush mountains of Pakistan and Afghanistan following strong tip-offs that al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been criss-crossing the area in the past few weeks for high-profile meetings in militant redoubts.

The US has been on Bin Laden's trail ever since he fled Afghanistan when the US invaded the country in 2001 to oust the Taliban, but the 54-year-old with a US$50 million reward on his head has always remained several steps in front.

Asia Times Online has learned that decision-makers have put a lot of weight on the information on Bin Laden's movements as it has come from multiple intelligence agencies, in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. For at least two years, little credible news has emerged of Bin Laden's movements and motives. Now, intelligence officials believe they have top-grade accounts as they come from the inner circles of militant camps.

Officials are said to be "stunned" by the visibility of Bin Laden's movements, and their frequency, in a matter of a few weeks in the outlawed terrain of Pakistan and Afghanistan, the most unprecedented reports about him since he evaded the US in the Tora Bora mountains in Afghanistan in 2001.

The development has fueled speculation in intelligence circles that al-Qaeda could be planning another major attack along the lines of the September 11, 2001, assault on New York and Washington, and the July 2007 foiled bomb attack in London.

However, extensive investigations by Asia Times Online, including exchanges within al-Qaeda's camps, point in another direction: given the nature of Bin Laden's meetings, this appears to be the beginning of a new era for a broader struggle in which al-Qaeda, through its Laskhar al-Zil (Shadow Army), will try to capitalize on the Arab revolts and the Palestinian struggle and also revitalize and redefine its role in Afghanistan.

Several weeks ago, Bin Laden is reported to have met with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the legendary Afghan mujahid and founder and leader of the Hezb-e-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) political party and paramilitary group, in a militant camp in thick jungle on the fringes of Kunar and Bajaur provinces in Afghanistan. The encounter was publicized by leaks from the HIA's inner circle and the news was circulated within militant camps in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal area via top-level Pakistani militant commanders in Bajaur.

One day when we least expect it….the score will be settled.

By Matt Damon at 02:28 PM |


U.S. Department of State's Terrorist Designation of Ibrahim Hassan Tali Al-Asiri (AQAP Operative/Bomb Maker)

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
March 24, 2011

The Secretary of State has designated al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) operative and bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan Tali al-Asiri under E.O. 13224, which targets terrorists and their supporters. This action will help stem the flow of finances to al-Asiri by blocking all property subject to U.S. jurisdiction in which al-Asiri has an interest and prohibiting all transactions by U.S. persons with al-Asiri. AQAP has previously been designated by the United States under Executive Order 13224 and as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

Al-Asiri is an AQAP operative and serves as the terrorist organization’s primary bomb maker. Before joining AQAP, al-Asiri was part of an al-Qa’ida affiliated terrorist cell in Saudi Arabia and was involved in planned bombings of oil facilities in the Kingdom.

Al-Asiri gained particular notoriety for the recruitment of his younger brother as a suicide bomber in a failed assassination attempt of Saudi Prince Muhammed bin Nayif. Although the assassination attempt failed, the brutality, novelty and sophistication of the plot is illustrative of the threat posed by al-Asiri. Al-Asiri is credited with designing the remotely detonated device, which contained one pound of explosives concealed inside his *brother’s body.[Emphasis mine..ed]

Al-Asiri is currently wanted by the Government of Saudi Arabia. In addition, Interpol has published an Orange Notice warning the public about the threat posed by him.

*Brotherly amour,..nasty.

By Stable Hand at 01:59 PM |


Air Assault

Air assault
Soldiers from A Company, 101st Airborne Division, Special Troop Battalion air assault into a village inside Jowlzak valley, Parwan province, Afghanistan. Afghan National Police searched the village while Soldiers provided security and conducted key-leader engagements.

Awesome photo!

God Bless our finest and bravest.

By Stable Hand at 01:20 PM |


Arrests Made in Connection with Jerusalem Bus Stop Terror Attack

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Virtual Jerusalem

Israeli security forces may be closing in on the terrorists who bombed a crowded bus stop area Wednesday afternoon in Jerusalem.

Sources in the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization claimed that two of its members were arrested Wednesday night in connection with the blast.

Khaled Jaradat and Tarek Ka'adan were picked up in Jenin by Palestinian Authority security forces said to have been working in coordination with Israeli security personnel.

There was no comment from IDF officials.

An interesting tidbit in the article shows more would have been injured if it wasn't for the quick action of one Israeli

Eyewitnesses said they saw a young man place the briefcase beside the phones and then leave the area. At least one of the witnesses made a phone call to alert security personnel who immediately blocked others from approaching the scene, thereby saving numerous lives.

UPDATE: A true hero, via Arutz Sheva

Wednesday’s terrorist bomb attack in Jerusalem detonated next to the “Blast of a Kiosk,” re-named after a 1993 suicide bombing that destroyed it.

The kiosk owner’s brother-in-law saved dozens Wednesday by keeping them away as he called police to report a suspicious object. It blew up in the middle of the conversation.

Kiosk owner Shimshon Moshe said that he asked his brother-in-law to take his place a short time before the explosion, which killed a 59-year-old woman and seriously wounded two others, including the brother-in-law.

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said that Moshe's brother-in-law noticed a suspicious bag at a nearby public telephone and warned people to keep their distance as he telephoned police to report the suspicious object. It contained a four-pound bomb and exploded in the middle of the conversation.

Wow, just wow.

Thanks to Are You Sure?

By Stable Hand at 01:02 PM |


Muslim Teacher Accused of Sodomizing Boy

(Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India) A 30-year-old teacher at Madrassa Islamia Ahle Sunnat in Inayatnagar, Hafiz Saqib Khan, has been arrested for allegedly kidnapping and sodomizing a 13-year-old boy for three days.

According to Station House Officer (SHO) Akhilesh Pandey,

"Locals along with some other students of the madrassa have lodged complaint against Hafiz Saqib Khan… Acting on the compliant, we carried out a preliminary inquiry following which the teacher was arrested," he said.

The incident came into light last evening when the victim escaped from the teacher's room and informed his ordeal to some locals and other students of madrassa.

"A detailed inquiry is under way to check if other students in the seminary were also being harassed by the teacher," Pandey said.

Intéressant. The boy was kidnapped, sodomized for three days and the police categorize it all as harassment.

By at 11:54 AM |


Obama's 'Kinetic Action' Against Man-Caused Disasters

Washington's latest euphemism…

Add it to the growing political correctness insanity that includes "man-caused disasters" (acts of terrorism), "countering violent extremism" (war on Islamic terrorists), and "Overseas Contingency Operation" (war in Iraq & Afghanistan).

Roger L. Simon coined a more politically correct phrase to replace "political correctness" – War on Ourselves.

That's one with which I could agree.

By DMartyr at 10:39 AM |


When Bombs Attack

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In the wake of the recent terrorist attack in Jerusalem, Honest Reporting targets the media and it's refusal to place blame where it belongs – on Palestinian terrorists.

We've already noted how the AP subtly justifies such attacks. Reuters actually questions whether is really is a terrorist attack, or a legitimate response in a conflict between Palestine and Israel:

Police said it was a "terrorist attack" — Israel's term for a Palestinian strike.

What spineless, cowardly reporting. Placing an explosive device on or near a civilian bus est une attaque terroriste. It isn't an Israeli term or a Zionist term or a Western term. It is a attaque terroriste – an act of violence to intimidate in order to attain a political or religious agenda. That is the definition of 'terrorist attack'. There is no other reason to target civilians.

Would someone please get Reuters a new dictionary?

Read more: Reuters Redefines 'Terrorist Attack'

By DMartyr at 09:54 AM |


Sandcrawler PSA: As a Typical American

I'm quite curious about this Neutron Beam thingy.

I have some questions.

A. Have we weaponized that yet? If so can I see the video?

B. Can it add horsepower?

C. Not really a question but I hope it did not hit anyone.

D. There really is no good news to report from Japan today.

Update totally unrelated, yet an interesting distraction.

By Howie at 09:43 AM |


Youtube Video: C-704 Missile Produced by Iran Found Onboard the "Victoria"

March 15th, 2011–The Israeli Navy intercepts 50 tons of sophisticated weapons concealed in civilian cargo containers aboard the Victoria (­rgo-vessel/). Of the 50 tons (, the most strategically significant weapons were 6 C-704 missiles.

Of Chinese origin, Iran had announced on March 7th, 2010 the production of their own line of C-704s named Nasr-1(­oard-the-victoria/). Iran's Defense Minister had unveiled the Nasr-1, stating they were able to destroy "3,000 ton targets".

The C-704 is an anti ship missile which specializes in targeting naval vessels from the ground or air. According to intelligence assessments, the missiles were intended to be used in attacks from the Gaza Strip against both Israeli Navy and civilian ships, as well as infrastructure near the sea including natural gas reservoirs.

Had the weapons reached the hands of terror organizations in Gaza (­arding-of-the-victoria/), there would have been far-reaching ramifications for both Israeli naval operations, and the security of the civilian population along the coast.

By Howie at 09:28 AM |


BREAKING!! Obama Locked Out Of White House

Finally, some sanity! Someone locked Obama out of the White House!

Update: F&@K! Someone else let him back in. Damn it. So close…

By DMartyr at 08:56 AM |


Woman Bites Off Rival's Fingertip

It's only funny until someone gets hurt. Then it's HILARIOUS!

NAPLES, Fla.– An East Naples woman bit off the tip of another woman's ring finger during a fight over an alleged affair.

Collier County Sheriff's deputies say 43-year-old Clodia Coicour was charged with aggravated battery after the Monday night incident outside the Walmart where both women work….

Coicour told deputies she heard a rumor that the other woman was having an affair with her husband, who also works at Walmart.

Yeah, because you just can't find a better catch than a Wal-Mart stock boy.

I expect the victim to file for and receive worker's comp, which will probably be two or three times her regular pay.

By DMartyr at 08:39 AM |


I'm Pretty Sure That Bunga Bunga Means Good Gay

This story asks the question, What does Bunga Bunga mean.

The BBC said it was originally thought that Berlusconi picked up the phrase from his friend Moammar Gadhafi. The Libyan leader reportedly hosted parties involving “harems’’ of young women and called the bashes bunga bunga.

Then they speculate about the meaning, which is easily located here at the Daily Mail.

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Any questions?

By Howie at 06:23 AM |


Person Murdered in Yesterday's Terror Attack in Jerusalem Was UK Citizen (Update: Name Released)


The person killed in the bombing on Wednesday in Jerusalem is a British national, the British Foreign Office said Thursday.
Authorities in Israel said the slain person was a female and that more than 50 other people were wounded in the blast near Jerusalem's central bus station as the evening rush hour began Wednesday.

The Foreign Office said that "next of kin have been informed" of her death," but didn't disclose the victim's identity.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the terrorist attack, caused by a medium-sized device in a bag that had been left near the bus station.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad condemned the bombing as a "terrorist act" and said it was "disgraceful" and counter-productive to the Palestinian cause.

What Mr. Fayyad said later in Arabic was not reported.

UPDATE by SH: Name released as Mary Jane Gardner, 59. According to JPost, she had been studying at Hebrew University. YNet called her a tourist, age 56.

By Howie at 06:12 AM |


Captain Gorelick on Obi-One's Short List for FBI Director

Director Blue:

Word around the Beltway has it that longtime Democrat operative Jamie Gorelick is one of the favorites for the FBI director role under President Obama. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, for starters, it's not often that the same person plays key roles in two — count 'em, two — trillion-dollar disasters.

…In 2004, observers were "astonished" to discover that a key member of the 9/11 Commission had a fatal conflict-of-interest. Jamie Gorelick had served as a Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton from 1994 to 1997.

…Though she had no training or experience in finance, Gorelick was appointed the Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae and served in the role from 1997 to 2003. During that six-year period, she earned over $26 million.

During Gorelick's tenure, FNMA suffered a $10 billion accounting scandal, an ominous harbinger of the firm's looming troubles. One of the falsified transactions helped FNMA hit earnings targets for 1998, which triggered bonuses for top executives including nearly $800,000 to Gorelick.

But don't worry they were able to paint that Fannie Mae thing as Booshes' fault.

By Howie at 06:04 AM |


March 23, 2011

(PJM Exclusive) DOJ Memo Confirms Terrorists Have Crossed the Border

Patrick Poole

A potentially explosive admission by federal prosecutors in the pending sentencing of Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane in a San Antonio federal courtroom could aid the case of border states looking to take the initiative to stem the flood of illegal immigrants coming into the U.S.

In this court filing, provided exclusively here at Pajamas Media[[[[below the fold....ed], prosecutors admit that Dhakane, who ran a human smuggling ring based in Brazil for the Somali Al-Shabaab terrorist group, transported “violent jihadists” into the country. He stated that “he believed they would fight against the U.S. if the jihad moved from overseas locations to the U.S. mainland.” (p. 7)

The contents and implications of this admission by DOJ will be one of the items discussed when my colleagues Army Lt. Col Joseph Myers (ret.), Mark Hanna, and I will be testifying Wednesday before the Arizona House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee on the topic of “Cross-border Terror Threats and Islamic Radicalization in Arizona.”

Dhakane was charged in March 2010 with lying about his terror ties when he applied for asylum in 2008, specifically omitting information that he had worked for two specially designated global terrorist entities (SDGT). He pleaded guilty earlier this year to lying to the FBI and awaits sentencing next month. Rather than trying him on terror charges, federal prosecutors are asking for terror enhancements on the sentence for lying to the FBI.

In the DOJ sentencing memorandum, federal prosecutors explain that Dhakane knowingly smuggled violent jihadists into the country:

Poole also asks:

Today we will be discussing what states might be able to do to confront this problem in the absence of federal attention to the border and exactly who might be on our side of the border ready to help terrorist groups. As DOJ has admitted in the Dhakane case, terrorist operatives are already inside the U.S. and are prepared to go operational at the command of their leadership. If the issue of homegrown terrorism is already keeping Attorney General Eric Holder awake at night, why aren’t similar concerns being translated into action to defend Americans from cross-border terror threats?

Hopefully it won't take a terror attack for DHS & DOJ to take this seriously..

Scribd memo below fold:

Ahmed Dhakane DOJ Sentencing Memorandum

Thanks to FB

By Stable Hand at 08:12 PM |


How Does Your Penis Rate?

World Penis Map:

penis map.png" src=" map.png" width="541" border="0
Click on map for full size

The map is based on measurements listed at Not surprisingly, the larger sizes were "self reported."

So, as a part of the survey, 800 male subjects were asked to report the size of their penis. Here are the results:

penis fantasy.JPG" src=" fantasy.JPG" width="541" border="0

However, when actual measurements were taken, the results were quite different:

penis reality.JPG" src=" reality.JPG" width="541" border="0

From the Bureau of Penii, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Boobies.

Update: Reports from Tatooine are in. Charts have been updated to reflect the additions:

penis fantasy2.jpg" src=" fantasy2.jpg" width="618" height="428" border="0

penis reality2.jpg" src=" reality2.jpg" width="644" height="459" border="0

That is all.

By DMartyr at 08:11 PM |


Terrorism 101: Recess at Google/YouTube Jihad University (Update: Evil kaffirs ruined recess)

Via Mablung

You've worked so hard these last few days, let's take a break. As we head out to the playground, here are a few special messages brought to you by malik1980iraq and his jihad enablers at YouTube, Google:

"don't be evil" right? – just sayin

Don't you dirty kaffirs dare flag these videos ( as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism), ya'll will paix au large Google's/YouTube akhi, encore.

UPDATE: Evil kaffirs have done it again! Thanks everyone, err I mean fatwa on all of you!

terminated_malik1980_jihadtube.jpg" src="" width="481" height="21" border="0

Terrorism 101: Day 3 Propaganda & Brainwashing at Google/YT Jihad University
Terrorism 101: Day 2-Study Materials at Google/YT Jihad University
Terrorism 101: Day 1-Meet your classmates @Google/YT Jihad University

By Stable Hand at 04:02 PM |


Neutron beam observed 13 times at crippled Fukushima nuke plant

Kyodo Nouvelles

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was crippled by the massive March 11 quake-tsunami disaster.

TEPCO, the operator of the nuclear plant, said the neutron beam measured about 1.5 kilometers southwest of the plant's No. 1 and 2 reactors over three days from March 13 and is equivalent to 0.01 to 0.02 microsieverts per hour and that this is not a dangerous level.

The utility firm said it will measure uranium and plutonium, which could emit a neutron beam, as well.

In the 1999 criticality accident at a nuclear fuel processing plant run by JCO Co. in Tokaimura, Ibaraki Prefecture, uranium broke apart continually in nuclear fission, causing a massive amount of neutron beams.

In the latest case at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, such a criticality accident has yet to happen

A criticality accident???

By Matt Damon at 02:41 PM |


Al-Jazeera Host: The Satellite Channels Are the Real Engines of the Revolutions in the Arab World; Giving Facebook Credit for the Revolutions Is 'A Lie and a Distortion of the Truth'

Allahu Snackbar!!

"Millions of People in These Countries Don't Even Know What Facebook is"[MEMRI]

Dr. Faisal Al-Qassem, who hosts the popular Al-Jazeera talk show "The Opposite Direction," wrote in an op-ed in the Qatari daily Al-Sharq that it is the satellite channels that are the real engine behind the revolutions in the Arab world, not the online social networks. He added that the latter have not yet gained much currency among the Arab public[…]


"[One must also keep in mind that] in the Arab countries, Internet is usually slow and annoying, and makes users lose patience. It is well-known that in some Arab countries they praise the impact of 'electronic jihad' – but [the fact is that] due to the turtle pace of the Internet in these countries, it is easier to travel to London to receive a message than to send it by email…

"In Tunisia, which had the privilege of starting the blessed Arab revolution, [former president] Ben 'Ali throttled the Internet with unprecedented barbarity. He even established an Internet Ministry, and purchased mega-computers for millions of dollars, in order to control the Internet and its users… So neither the Internet nor Facebook sparked the Tunisian revolution. Si ils [had any role at all], it was very small.

"The same is surely true for the other republics of fear, that make people show their IDs before entering an Internet café so as to keep tabs on them and intimidate them. In these [countries], entering a banned website is an offence punishable by decades in prison. Whoever starts a blog, or writes anything against the president, will surely find himself in the dungeons of the Interior Ministry [investigation apparatuses]. "

Funny how most the info about the revolution has been fed to AlJazeera via protesters on the ground via the Internet they supposedly can't use.

By Stable Hand at 02:39 PM |


Lawmakers, Executives Slam Obama for Boosting Brazil's Offshore Drilling

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Republican lawmakers and oil industry executives are slamming President Obama for offering to help Brazil expand offshore drilling while U.S. production struggles to get back on its feet in the wake of the BP spill.

The president, on the first leg of his trip to Latin America, said in Brazil over the weekend that his administration wants to assist the Brazilian government "with technology and support" in developing its oil reserves — a black gold mine he said could hold twice as much oil as U.S. deposits.

"And when you're ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers," Obama said.

That message struck some at home as bizarre and misguided, considering the administration has stressed the need to wean the United States off foreign oil and move toward alternative fuels.

With U.S. oil exploration and drilling slowing to a crawl over the past year, they questioned why the president would throw U.S. weight behind Brazil, a country that also received a $2 billion loan for its state-owned oil company from the U.S. Export-Import Bank.

"We have abundant energy resources off Louisiana's coast, but this administration has virtually shut down our offshore industry and instead is using Americans' tax dollars to support drilling off the coast of Brazil," Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said in a statement. "It's ridiculous to ignore our own resources and continue going hat-in-hand to countries like Saudi Arabia and Brazil to beg them to produce more oil."[More..]

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Thanks to Kenny Solomon for pointing me to this article a couple days ago.

En relation:
Let's export Ken Salazar to Brazil
[Flashback 2 years]:
Obama helps Soros drill oil in Brazil
Obama, Soros, Petrobras, Brazil & offshore drilling double standards

By Stable Hand at 01:53 PM |


Stand and Rock With Israel

The just have no idea.


JERUSALEM — Kiss’ Israeli-born singer-musician Gene Simmons is shouting out loud at the string of musicians who refuse to perform in his homeland.

“They’re fools,” the legendary bassist told The Associated Press in an interview Tuesday, on his first return to Israel since leaving the country as a child more than 50 years ago.

“I’m Israeli. I’m a stranger in America. I’m an outsider,” he said, speaking in a hotel lobby across a valley from the walls of Jerusalem’s historic Old City. “I was born here and I’m proud of it.”

Stand with Israel.

we-stand-with-israel.jpg" src="" width="360" height="450" border="0

By Howie at 01:25 PM |


Facebook Jihad: Tunisian & Egyptian Third Palestinian Intifada 5-15-2011

Facebook has ignored flagging of original group calling for the 3rd Intifada against Israel:

Now Tunisia and Egypt has joined them in solidarity

Thanks to Red who suggests joining and posting purdy pictures on their pagesl. Be careful though, I have posted purdy pictures on other pages and my other account was suspended as was Howie's. We both kinda posted a LOT of purdy pictures/videos. One or two should suffice.

It sucks Facebook has ignored these groups in light of the fact of the bombing of a Israeli bus today. The Egyptian group has already posted images…

The Palestinian group does have a YT channel: Third3Intifada. You can try flagging it but dunno if JihadTube will bother to remove their videos. They also have a twitter account: Free Palestine (ThirdIntifada) if you care to follow. Doesn't look much is going on there though..for now.

By Stable Hand at 11:52 AM |


AP Reports On Israel Bus Bombing By Showing Palestinian Victims Of Prior Airstrike (Update: Obama calls for restraint…by BOTH sides)

(Hat Tip: Jihad Watch)

A screenshot of the article page (click to enlarge):

ap israel bombing palestinian slideshow2.jpg" src=" israel bombing palestinian slideshow2.jpg" width="450" border="0

"A bus has exploded in Jerusalem, and people are being taken away on stretchers."

But the AP's slideshow doesn't show innocent victims of the bus bombing being taken away on stretchers. It shows a dead Palestinian – probably militant – being carried off on a stretcher, supposedly to the morgue. The caption notes he was killed during Israel's airstrike on Tuesday.

The slideshow includes seven photographs. Four of seven pictures are of wounded or dead Palestinians. Three of the seven show an Israeli family outside their slightly damaged home.

The bias is clear. Israel had it coming. They killed Palestinians after Palestinian militants caused minor damage to an Israeli home. Why cover the victims of Islamic terrorism when Palestinians are the real victims. Toujours.

At least according to the leftist media. We are all just anti-Muslim bigots.

UPDATE by SH: Screw AP! A 59yr old woman has died.

Thirty-nine people were injured in the attack. Three were injured seriously from the explosion itself, four moderately from shrapnel packed into the explosive device and the remainder in moderate to light condition.

The 31 injured were taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem, Hadassah Mount Scopus, Bikur Holim and Shaare Tzedek hospitals. All hospitals in the area were opened to receive casualties. One woman, 59, died from injuries sustained in the blast.

Police said that this was the first terrorist attack in four years that involved an explosion. At the moment, police were looking for one specific person who left the bag that contained the bomb.

There were reports that witnesses were able to identify the man who left the bag and police were searching for him.

Police suspected that an explosive device inside a bag was left at the bus stop, which then exploded. Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said that the explosive device was between one and two kilograms and was packed with shrapnel.

Bubbe, your son-in-law to be's brother must be beside himself. Thank God he wasn't on that bus.

"Son-in-law-to-be's brother called in sick to work today, otherwise #74 was his bus"

Those affected by this terror attack are in our thoughts and prayers.

UPDATE II by SH: Unconfirmed report: "woman who died is an American"

UPDATE III by SH: Obama as bad as AP:

I condemn in the strongest possible terms the bombing in Jerusalem today, as well as the rockets and mortars fired from Gaza in recent days. Together with the American people, I offer my deepest condolences for those injured or killed. There is never any possible justification for terrorism. The United States calls on the groups responsible to end these attacks at once and we underscore that Israel, like all nations, has a right to self-defense. We also express our deepest condolences for the deaths of Palestinian civilians in Gaza yesterday. We stress the importance of calm and urge toutes les fêtes to do everything in their power to prevent further violence and civilian casualties.[Emphasis mine]

Yet another update by SH: Elder of Ziyon shows Reuters bias against Israel in reporting this attack.

By DMartyr at 09:35 AM |


Elizabeth Taylor Dies

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Elizabeth Taylor, the legendary actress famed for her beauty, her jet-set lifestyle, her charitable endeavors and her many marriages, has died, her publicist told CNN Wednesday. She was 79.

Taylor died "peacefully today in Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles," said a statement from her publicist. She was hospitalized six weeks ago with congestive heart failure, "a condition with which she had struggled for many years. Though she had recently suffered a number of complications, her condition had stabilized and it was hoped that she would be able to return home. Sadly, this was not to be."

By Howie at 08:44 AM |


Explosion at Bus Station in Jerusalem

jerusalembombing032311.jpg" src="" width="283" height="162" border="0
CNN is running a banner. Developing…

USA Today:

Update at 9:40 a.m. ET: Ha'aretz reports that four people have been critically injured in the blast, but no fatalities. The Israeli newspaper puts the number of injured at 15.

Update at 9:32 a.m. ET: Bloomberg News, quoting Israel's Channel 2, reports about 20 people injured in the blast. The Jerusalem Post says as many as 30 were injured in the blast.

Update at 9: 29 a.m. ET: A bus has exploded in Jerusalem, and people are being taken away on stretchers, the AP reports. The explosion occurred near the main entrance to Jerusalem, shattering windows. People are lying on the ground and taken away on stretchers, the AP reports.

Update at 9:25 a.m. ET: The BBC reports "many casualties feared."

Earlier posting: A loud explosion has rocked Jerusalem, the Associated Press reports. It says witnesses report that a bus has exploded, but that has not been confirmed yet by authorities.

Image credit Channel 10 via Haaretz.

More here from the Telegraph.

jerusalembombing0323112.jpg" src="" width="425" height="320" border="0

Witnesses said people could be seen lying on the floor covered in blood, and many cars and buses had shattered windows.

It comes after Israeli warplanes launched fresh air strikes in Gaza city in response to a rocket attack from Palestinian militants.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, vowed decisive action against militants and suggested that future operations would not be surgical.

"No state would tolerate ongoing rocket fire on its cities and its citizens, and the state of Israel obviously will not tolerate it," Mr Netanyahu said in parliament following the latest escalation.

More here including another image if the scene at

I really don't see how JPost came up with this url but……

By Howie at 08:39 AM |


Japan Disaster Update: Tokyo Water Still Above Normal Radioactivity, More Power Mostly Restored to Plants, Workers Evacuated

570 News:

OKYO – A spike in radiation levels in Tokyo tap water spurred new fears about food safety Wednesday as rising black smoke forced another evacuation of workers trying to stabilize Japan's radiation-leaking nuclear plant.

Radiation has seeped into vegetables, raw milk, the water supply and seawater since a magnitude-9 quake and killer tsunami crippled the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant nearly two weeks ago. Broccoli was added to a list of tainted vegetables Wednesday, and U.S. officials announced a block on Japanese dairy and other produce from the region.

The crisis is emerging as the world's most expensive natural disaster on record, likely to cost up to $309 billion, according to a government estimate Wednesday. The death toll continued to creep up, with more than 9,400 bodies counted and more than 14,700 people listed as missing.

Concerns about food safety spread Wednesday to Tokyo after officials said tap water showed elevated levels: 210 becquerels per litre of iodine-131 — more than twice the recommended limit of 100 becquerels per litre for infants.

…The plant operator had restored circuitry to bring power to all six units and turned on lights at Unit 3 late Tuesday for the first time since the disaster — a significant step toward restarting the cooling system.

It had hoped to restore power to cooling pumps at the unit within days, but experts warned the work included the risk of sparking fires as electricity is restored through equipment potentially damaged in the tsunami.

In a new setback, black smoke billowed from Unit 3, prompting another evacuation of workers from the plant Wednesday afternoon…

…"We don't know the reason" for the smoke, Hidehiko Nishiyama of the Nuclear Safety Agency said.

By Howie at 06:06 AM |


Cutting Stimulus Spending Impossible

I'm frustrated this morning. I mean it was clear that after the economic downturn in 2008 that the government increased spending to help the economy.

The thinking was that would help soften the recession. Everyone said that once the economy recovered that we would go back to our regular rate of running ourself broke rather than the accelerated rate of running ourself broke needed during the recession.

The economy is by all accounts se remettre.

But try to cut back Federal spending even to the run yourself broke 2008 levels and they scream, You're poisoning the children! Or even you will starve the poor! You will wreck the economy!

As if 2008 were some long ago dark age in which we had no poison control, no roads, no safety net for poor folks and the economy was always in a deep recession.

Its just so frustrating.

More here at Director Blue.

By Howie at 05:13 AM |


13 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms

13 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms.jpg" src=" Illegal Immigrants Arrested in California Wearing U.S. Marine Uniforms.jpg" width="396" height="224" border="0
Click image to view video

"Our borders are safer than they have ever been before"~Janet Napolitano

All occupants of the vehicle, including 2 US citizens attempting to smuggle them into US, had the name "Perez" on their uniforms.

Border Patrol agents recently arrested 13 illegal immigrants disguised as U.S. Marines and riding in a fake military van, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Tuesday.

The illegal immigrants were clad in Marine uniforms when they were apprehended at the Campo Border Patrol Westbound I-8 checkpoint at 11 p.m. on March 14 near Pine Valley, Calif., border officials said. Two U.S. citizens in the van also were arrested[…]

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The van used in the smuggling attempt, according to California's El Centro Border Intelligence Center, was a privately owned vehicle registered out of Yucca Valley, Calif., and was bearing stolen government plates that had been defaced. The center digit — 0 — was altered to read as an 8. Further research through multiple government agencies determined that the plate belonged to a one-ton cargo van registered to the U.S. Marine Corps.

Well this certainly is troublant to say the least.

I wonder where their final destination was to be.

By Stable Hand at 01:53 AM |


March 22, 2011

Senate Dems Counter to Rep Kings Hearings on Radicalization of U.S. Muslims: Hearings on Muslims Rights

En raison de augmenter of Muslim hate crimes Sen Durbin feels the need to hold hearings on their rights.

Just weeks after House Republicans held a hearing looking at the dangers of radical Muslims in the U.S., Senate Democrats are countering with a hearing of their own, scheduled for after Congress returns from a 10-day vacation, to examine Muslims' civil rights.

Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, announced the subcommittee hearing Tuesday, saying there has been a spike in anti-Muslim bigotry in the last year that demands closer attention.

“Our Constitution protects the free exercise of religion for all Americans,” Mr. Durbin said. “During the course of our history, many religions have faced intolerance. It is important for our generation to renew our founding charter’s commitment to religious diversity and to protect the liberties guaranteed by our Bill of Rights.”

Funny, Sen Durbin didn't see the need to hold a hearing on anti-Jewish hate crimes even though they account for the highest percentage of all hate crimes.

File this under domestic dhimmis/CAIR/Islams useful idiots

By Stable Hand at 11:23 PM |


There Goes Pallywood

Hamas attacks Reuters offices in Gaza

The Reuters office in Gaza was attacked by several armed men, who entered the office and made threats toward employees, the news agency said Saturday. CNN and Japanese media NHK were also attacked.

The approximately 10 men took away a video camera after they said they saw a reporter filming a demonstration. One Reuters journalist was hit in the arm with a metal bar and another was told he would be thrown out of a top floor in the building.

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, the attackers were associated with Hamas and “stormed” regional offices of Reuters, CNN, and NHK. Regarding CNN, the men searched for footage of the demonstration and took a tape from NHK.

The Reuters staff were Palestinians..

h/t uptight

File this under the Ministry of Irony

By Stable Hand at 09:39 PM |


Armed Beauty Queen Fatally Shoots Intruder in Florida Home Invasion

beauty queen with gun.jpg" src=" queen with gun.jpg" width="200" height="252" border="0
Random web image


When a burly ex-convict forced his way into a posh Florida home last week, he had no idea what awaited him — a 25-year-old beauty queen with a pink .38-caliber handgun.

Meghan Brown, a former Florida pageant queen, shot and killed 42-year-old Albert Franklin Hill during a home invasion March 12 at the 2,732-square-foot house she shares with her fiance in Tierra Verde, Fla.

Hill barged into the home at around 3 a.m. after Brown responded to a knock at the front door, according to a police report. He allegedly grabbed the 110-pound Brown around her nose and mouth and dragged her to an upstairs bedroom.

The woman’s fiance, Robert Planthaber, said in an interview that he was quickly awakened by the altercation and ran to Brown’s side.

"I attacked him and took a severe beating to the head," Planthaber told "But I got him off of her long enough for her to scramble to the room where she keeps her pink .38 special.”

She proceeded to shoot him chest, aine, thigh and back.

Wonder if she shot him in the aine first?

Keep that thought…meh

By Stable Hand at 08:42 PM |


UK: Funeral of LCpl Liam Tasker

Liam tasker_uk_dog handler_funeral.jpg" src=" tasker_uk_dog handler_funeral.jpg" width="181" height="213" border="0

A dog handler killed in action just hours before his spaniel died 'from a broken heart'

Lance Corporal Liam Tasker, 26, of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, was shot dead while on patrol with his dog, Theo, on March 1.

The sniffer dog, described as a "true friend" to the solder, died hours later and his ashes were flown back in the same aircraft as his master.

Official reports said that Theo died of a seizure but his family believed that he died of a broken heart.

Several hundred people packed into Tayport Parish Church in Fife today and lined the streets to pay their respects to the arms explosive search handler from Kirkaldy[…]

Lt Col Thorpe also spoke of the soldier's time in Afghanistan and the special bond he formed with Theo.

He said: 'LCpl Tasker was in control of an asset that, when trained and honed and used properly, could quite literally save lives.

For every enemy bomb and bullet and rifle that is found and then made safe, there is one less bomb, bullet and rifle in enemy hands which can be used to harm not only our own soldiers, but also the ordinary and innocent Afghan people as well[…]

Weeks before their deaths, Theo was praised by the Ministry of Defence for making 14 finds of hidden bombs and weapons caches in just five months – a record for a dog and handler.

The 22-month-old spaniel, on his first tour of duty in Afghanistan, had uncovered so many roadside bombs that his time in the country was extended by a month

RIP heroes.

By Stable Hand at 05:27 PM |


Libya: When a Downed F-15 Pilot Met the Rebels (Updated)

Rebel officials brought him a bouquet of flowers

According to an NPR report, American Marines, using an Osprey aircraft, recovered one of the airmen. The other crewmember was recovered by rebel forces and is now in U.S. hands, according to the Associated Press.

One of the pilots was picked up by rebel forces near the site of the crash and brought by car to the Fadeel Hotel in Benghazi around 2 a.m., according to a handful of people who said they met with the pilot. It’s unclear why the opposition forces brought the pilot to that particular hotel. Dina Omar, 30, an Egyptian cardiologist who has been volunteering at the rebel frontlines was in the Internet café at the hotel at the time. She heard from the hotel staff that a pilot had been brought in and went to see him in a large suite in the hotel. She saw a man wearing a light brown pilot suit in his early 30s lying down on a couch. “He was feeling insecure and unsafe,” she said. “He did not talk much.”

Omar and two fellow Egyptian medical volunteers offered him coffee, which he refused, they said. He did allow the doctors to check out his right leg, which had a slight contusion. Omar, who speaks fluent English, also offered him some Panadol, which he initially refused, until he saw her take a couple of pills from the same pack. He was concerned that the medical staff were Gaddafi sympathizers and Omar tried to convince him of their real work by showing a phone video she had taken of civilian victims from Saturday’s military assault on Benghazi. The doctors stayed with him until he relaxed and opened up a bit, they said. “After two hours, he started to speak and started to smile,” said Omar. The pilot reportedly confirmed he was American and said he thought the plane had gone down for technical reasons. But he refused to give much personal information or confirm whether there was another pilot with him, the sources said.

Not long after the pilot’s arrival, rebel officials brought him a bouquet of flowers, they said. “He was a very nice guy,” said Ibrahim Ismail, 42, a Libyan businessman who said he met the pilot at the hotel. “He came to free the Libyan people.” As Ismail spoke, a fellow businessman said, “I thought we agreed not talk about this,” indicating that rebel officials were trying to keep the pilot’s stay in Benghazi under wraps. Even though the pilot had a radio with a large aerial, he wanted help communicating with his family. Omar, the doctor, took him up to the hotel’s Internet café and tried to help him arrange a Skype chat which didn’t go through. Someone eventually brought the pilot a Thuraya satellite phone which he used to call his family. The witnesses at the hotel say the pilot left in a civilian car in the early morning hours.

UPDATE: As what I suspected and Fehk Mohammed noticed also: "Someone eventually brought the pilot a Thuraya satellite phone which he used to call his family".

According to press release by U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs: The identities will be released after the next of kin have been notified.

By Stable Hand at 03:26 PM |


Down With Capitalism, Free Mars!!11Eleventy11!

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Chavez says capitalism may have ended life on Mars

Attends quoi?

CARACAS (Reuters) – Capitalism may be to blame for the lack of life on the planet Mars, Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday.

"I have always said, heard, that it would not be strange that there had been civilization on Mars, but maybe capitalism arrived there, imperialism arrived and finished off the planet," Chavez said in speech to mark World Water Day.

Just when you think Hugo can't get any crazier he does..

By Stable Hand at 02:37 PM |


NASA Goes Retro

NASA has released artist's renderings of its newest spacecraft:

Orion Docked to Lunar Lander Craft.jpg" src=" Docked to Lunar Lander Craft.jpg" width="420" border="0

Strange, it's being reported as a futuristic, "out of this world," ambitious predecessor to the Space Shuttle. To me, it looks remarkably similar to the original Apollo space capsule from the late 60's & early 70's:

Apollo_CSM_lunar_orbit.jpg" src="" width="382" height="302" border="0

Is America's media memory really that short?

By DMartyr at 01:15 PM |


Another Lara Logan: NY Times photographer sexually harassed in Libya

lynsey addario.jpg" src=" addario.jpg" width="240" height="160" border="0

Six days ago NY Times journalists, Stephen Farrell, Tyler Hicks, Lynsey Addario and Anthony Shadid were captured in Libya by pro-Qaddafi thugs. Finally, they were released Monday.

What happened to the photojournalist, Lynsey Addario, while in captivity pretty sums up the groping boobs, etc. of these Arab Muslim's mindset in regards to Westerner's.

It's also in the Quran under captured booty

One man grabbed her breasts – the start of a pattern of sexual harassment she endured over the ensuing 48 hours.

‘There was a lot of groping,’ she said. ‘Every man who came in contact with us basically felt every inch of my body short of what was under my clothes.’

Carl in Jerusalem has the rest

By Stable Hand at 12:51 PM |


Zoo Report


Word is that Knut, the cute polar bear of international fame, has died at the Berlin Zoo.

Preliminary determination is that the animal suffered a heart attack. A medical examination is planned since Knut was only four years old and polar bears in captivity typically live to be 25.

Meanwhile, something strange happened at the San Francisco Zoo. Really strange.

Il h.

By at 12:17 PM |


The Real Reason for Attacking Libya

(poke … poke … poke)

"Wake up! You need to do something."

"Huh? Michelle, it's 2 AM. What do you want?"

"I want an invitation to the royal wedding, dammit! You need to do something."

"What do you want me to do? The Brits are mad at us. The Queen thinks we dissed her."

"Do something that will make them like us. Think of something."

[zzz … zzz … zzz]

[poke, poke, poke] "Wake up, Barack, and think of something. Time is running out."

"Okay, okay. OKAY!"

So, the theory is that President Obama only became allied with France and, more importantly, Britain to grease the skids for a reversal of negative British feelings about the U.S. and, thereby, encourage an invitation to the royal wedding and stop pokes in the ribs from his wife.

Il h. Never underestimate the influence of a spouse. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it.

By at 12:09 PM |


Media Double Standard & Islamic Hypocrisy

The world is bracing itself for another wave of Muslim riots after pictures were released showing American soldiers posing with Afghan corpses.

Frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of the double standard.

Sure, posing with bodies is not the most sensitive or decent thing to do, but these soldiers are in a war zone. If taking a few pictures of dead bodies relieves a little stress, so what?

Granted, some are claiming the bodies are of civilians the soldiers allegedly killed. Unlike the mainstream media and the liberal left, however, I am willing to give them the benefit of doubt. These soldiers are currently on trial for any abuses they may have committed. Until then, they are innocent until proven guilty.

Still, assuming the worse, do a few civilian casualties in a war zone compare with the thousands of innocent victims of Islamic terrorism being committed around the world? Does the killings of civilians, in a war in which enemy combatants refuse to identify themselves with uniforms and instead blend in with civilians, really compare to Islamic terrorists who délibérément target non-combatants?

Why is it the collective Muslim world never gets outraged by honor killings, massacres, burning schools with children inside, stonings, the execution of Apostates, suicide bombings, and other atrocities committed in the name of Allah, yet a few pictures of dead Afghans (or even les dessins animés of Muhammad!) seem to incite them into a murderous rage?

And the press is just as bad. Controversial, anti-American content is gleefully published with no regard for the lives of those involved. The media even goes as far as publishing unsubstantiated rumors to get a story. Yet, when Muslims commit acts of Islamic terrorism, not only does the media avoid linking the acts to Islam, they attempt to downplay and excuse the behavior as a common criminal act or the result of mental illness. They even go as far as expressing disappointment when they can't blame an act of terrorism on anyone but a Muslim. It is a double standard that isn't extended to other religions.

The hypocrisy is so astounding, it would be funny if lives were not being ruined by it.

Below the fold are a couple of example of the hypocrisy. Be warned – some images are NE PAS safe for work, though I tried to find examples that were not too graphic.










^^^^^^^^^^^^LAST CHANCE^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Honestly, is THIS:

bobypose.png" src="" width="450" border="0

really that much worse than THIS?:

bodies pose 2.jpg" src=" pose 2.jpg" width="450" border="0


abu4.jpg" src="" width="450" height="350" border="0

more offensive than THIS:

talibanbeheadframe181.jpg" src="" width="359" height="279" border="0


rosie.jpg" src="" width="450" border="0

any worse than THIS:

turkish-hijab-style-1.jpg" src="" width="260" height="320" border="0

(Okay, I threw the last ones in to see if you were paying attention.)

I think you get the point.

By DMartyr at 11:59 AM |


The Neo-Commie Plan to Wreck the Train

Did I mention there is a Neo-Commie in the White House?

Protein Wisdom:

What we’re witnessing is an organized attempt at initiating a soft coup in the United States by way of a socialist cabal. Michael Medved might not like to hear this; Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg likely won’t, either — concerned, as they both are, about the “rightwing” “bash Obama” industry (which isn’t helping “the folks”); Jeb Bush surely doesn’t, if such a revelation means that his standing on stage with Obama in the swing state of FL to burnish his “pragmatic centrist” bona fides then looks like either betrayal of conservative principles, or a real lack of discernment and judgment; and of course, the establishment GOP, who has built its entire political strategy on the idea that Washington is and always will be business as usual (and it is — for them) probably want to skip this as well.

But those of us who met the election of Barack Obama with cries of opposition knew what was coming — all one had to do was bother to look — and we reluctantly pushed the GOP back to power in November to fight the attempt by the left to finish its takeover of our country.

Read the rest..

By Howie at 10:45 AM |


Sandcrawler PSA: Howie's Intifada!

I'm not sure what the Elders of Zion have done with my cane…. But I want it back and there shall be no peace between me and da Joos until it is returned.

canehiders.jpg" src="" width="350" height="475" border="0

Down with the cane hiders!

Free Free Howie's cane!$%##@@!!!

By Howie at 08:04 AM |


US Pilot Missing in Libya

Help me Obi-One, I'm stuck in Libya.

A U.S. Air Force F-15 Strike Eagle jet has crashed in Libya, the U.S. military said Tuesday. Both crew members ejected — one was safely recovered and the U.S. military was on a mission to recover the other one.

Vince Crawley, a spokesman for the Africa Command, says the crash could have been due to a mechanical failure.

"We do not believe it was shot down," Crawley said Tuesday.

It was not immediately known where or when the plane went down. Crawley said until the second crewman is recovered the U.S.'s Africa Command would not offer further details.

The crew members were separated because they ejected at high altitudes and ended up in different areas, Crawley said, adding that both had minor injuries.

We pray our pilots are recovered safely. Because Lord knows Momar would love to capture them.

Update: Saints be praised, CNN is running a banner that both pilots are now safely recovered.

By Howie at 06:47 AM |


Coming Soon! Combination Safari Plus Vehicle Service

That's right these guys will do a 23 point inspection, rotate and balance your tires, change your oil and top off your fluids all for only 29.95!

So come on into Monkey Lube today!

By Howie at 06:36 AM |


Arab League to West: Ya'll are Suckers

Flopping Aces:

The notion that the Arab League’s endorsement of the “no fly” zone is somehow vindication for a desperately stupid foreign policy gives one pause for cause. Are our current crop of politicos and advisors unaware there is little love lost between Gaddafi and the Arab League? When you see Arab leaders, crying for western military might in Islamic countries, doesn’t anyone become the least bit suspicious?

Not really I like having a naive president who still believes in his ideals… Like Arabs are trustworthy peaceful folk who respect Obi-One because he is their Akhi.

I'll give him that one cause "he's learning".

Now next time.

By Howie at 06:31 AM |


UN Official Richard A. Falk, Twoofer

Diplomat, Jew Hater and 9/11 Twoofer.

The government of The United States has been fully aware of Mr. Falk’s presence at The UN and if they disagreed with his positions, would have had him removed instead of simply talking.

Mr. Falk’s credentials as a Transnationalist:

Professor Emeritus, Princeton University School Of International Law.

Author of numerous titles pushing a one-world government, including co-author roles.

Well maybe if some Islamic terrorist angry with the UN, say Momar, blows it up. I'm going to form a "The UN Bombing Was an Inside Job: Movement" and recommend they move it to France.

By Howie at 06:24 AM |


Judge's Son is SEIU Lobbyist

But judge Judge Maryann Sumi doesn't see that as any reason to recuse herself.

On Friday, unions scored a temporary victory to maintain their ability to collect union dues from Wisconsin public employees when Judge Maryann Sumi (the same judge who refused to order striking teachers back to work in February) issued a Temporary Restraining Order preventing the implementation of Wisconsin’s new law governing public-sector unions.

Its not like anyone might think a mother would have any bias tward her own child's welfare or anything.

Hat Tip: Rusty.

By Howie at 06:19 AM |


CBN Report on Muslim Brotherhood

I think he's just racist towards all those white kids in the video, because everyone knows Muslims are little brown people…and are super peaceful like a Budhist monk meditating.

Hat Tip: Fred.

By Howie at 05:49 AM |


Another Nail In The MSM Coffin

As hammered by the indefatigable Mark Steyn.

By the way, that’s why America’s monodailies are dying. Maybe they’d die anyway, but wouldn’t it be more fun and more dignified to go down in flames like a kamikaze pilot or Charlie Sheen than by self-anesthetizing your prose into utter unreadability? As Capt. Jean-Luc Picard of the starship Enterprise remarked apropos Ms. Borg’s namesakes, resistance is futile. You can try to read on, but the vast J-school-credentialed army of lethal parenthetics will crush you ’neath their feet: December 7, 1941, is the day the Japanese government bombed Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base in the Pacific. The Pacific is a large body of water. Water is what your eyes are beginning to do . . .

America's "Undocumented Anchorman" does it again.

By Vinnie at 12:09 AM |


Timing Is Everything

The Incompetent In Chief, in non-compliance with the War Powers Act, finally officially notifies Congress that we're in another war. Two days after we started lobbing Tomahawks.

Jimmy Carter says… "miss me yet?"

By Vinnie at 05:31 PM |


Confirmed: Cut Off a Nazis Balls and You Get a Leftist

Finally, SCIENCE! has confirmed what we've all long suspected: that if you cut the balls off a Nazi, he (she?) becomes a Leftist:

Before undergoing a sex change to become a woman, Monika Strub was a member of Germany's neo-Nazi NPD party. But ten years later, she is running for Baden-Württemberg's state parliament for the socialist Left party.

I think this explains a lot about your typical Daily Kos reader.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 05:02 PM |


Drug Probe

22 cents.jpg" src=" cents.jpg" width="275" height="183" border="0
Keep the change

A doctor performed a search [of woman’s vagina] and recovered 54 bags of heroin, 31 empty bags used to package heroin, prescription pills and $51.22.

Gives a new meaning to sac de dame.

By Stable Hand at 04:36 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Drug Probe" st_summary="Keep the change A doctor performed a search [of woman’s vagina] and recovered 54 bags of heroin, 31 empty bags used to package heroin, prescription pills and $51.22. Gives a new meaning to bag lady…."><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Drug Probe"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Drug Probe" st_summary="Keep the change A doctor performed a search [of woman’s vagina] and recovered 54 bags of heroin, 31 empty bags used to package heroin, prescription pills and $51.22. Gives a new meaning to bag lady…."><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Drug Probe" st_summary="Keep the change A doctor performed a search [of woman’s vagina] and recovered 54 bags of heroin, 31 empty bags used to package heroin, prescription pills and $51.22. Gives a new meaning to bag lady….">

Meet “the Most Dangerous Islamist on Planet Earth”

fethullah gulen_pennsylvaniz.jpg" src=" gulen_pennsylvaniz.jpg" width="200" height="163" border="0
He lives in Pennsylvania


The latest documents from Wikileaks shows growing concern among U. S. officials over Fethullah Gulen’s attempts to create a New Islamic World and the “braining washing of students” that takes place at his charter schools within the United States and throughout the Muslim world.

The cable that speaks of the “brain-washing” was written in 2009 by James Jeffrey, the U. S. Ambassador to Turkey.

In the cable, Mr. Jeffrey describes Gülen as a “political phenomena” in Turkey even when he resides “in exile” within a mountain fortress in Pennsylvania. He says the Gülen movement has gained control of Turkey’s government and dictates Turkish policy which has become increasing anti-Israeli and anti-American. It points out that the leaders of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkinma or AKP) who now govern Turkey, including Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul, appear to serve as Gulen’s puppets.

Other newly released cables state that Gulen’s disciples now direct the country’s 200,000 strong police force – – a force that remains in conflict with the military, which sees the group as an enemy.

In recent months, Turkish military leaders, and other critics of the AKP, have been arrested in the dead of night and whisked off to detention cells.

According to NurettinVeren, who served as Fethullah Gulen’s right-hand man “There are imam security directors; imams wearing police uniforms. Many police commissioners get their orders from imams.

“It is not possible to confirm the Turkish police are under the control of the Gülen community members, but we have not met anybody who denies it,” one cable said.

The most dangerous Islamist on planet earth

Gulen has been labeled “the most dangerous Islamist on planet earth,” although he has failed to attract the attention of U. S. counter-terrorism experts and the national media.[Read the rest]

Stay tuned…

By Stable Hand at 03:08 PM |


More Hamas Work Accidents

free rate quote.jpg" src=" rate quote.jpg" width="85" height="85" border="0
Mujihaideen Life Insurance premiums must be sky fuséeing

The Israel Air Force bombed a terror tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday that was being dug under the border so terrorists could infiltrate into Israel.

The IDF said that a number of Hamas operatives were also hit in the strike that was carried out jointly by the IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency).

By Stable Hand at 02:19 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="More Hamas Work Accidents" st_summary=" Mujihaideen Life Insurance premiums must be sky rocketingThe Israel Air Force bombed a terror tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday that was being dug under the border so terrorists could infiltrate into Israel. The IDF said that…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="More Hamas Work Accidents"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="More Hamas Work Accidents" st_summary=" Mujihaideen Life Insurance premiums must be sky rocketingThe Israel Air Force bombed a terror tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday that was being dug under the border so terrorists could infiltrate into Israel. The IDF said that…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="More Hamas Work Accidents" st_summary=" Mujihaideen Life Insurance premiums must be sky rocketingThe Israel Air Force bombed a terror tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday that was being dug under the border so terrorists could infiltrate into Israel. The IDF said that…">

'Youse Got A Nice Place Here, I'd Hate For Something to Happen To It.'

Business owner isn't amused by Union Candidate's mafioso impression:

SPRING HILL — A downtown business owner called Spring Hill police Monday after he said he was threatened by a candidate in the upcoming city election.

Eric DeBerry, of DeBerry Insurance Agency, said John Murphy, a candidate for Ward 2 alderman, stopped in his office Monday with Mike Herron, chairman of the UAW Local 1853.

"They just lit into me about my signs and why I was supporting these guys," DeBerry said of campaign signs for Vice Mayor Eliot Mitchell, who is running for re-election in Ward 2, and Alderman Bruce Hull, who is seeking another term in Ward 4, that are displayed on the business property.

A few months ago, DeBerry wrote an insurance policy for the UAW hall — a point he said Murphy brought up.

"He said, 'I'd hate for something to happen to that business.' I stopped them and asked if they were threatening me. They said no, but they kept on that line of conversation. I felt like they were trying to threaten my business for my support."

The left's New Civility™.

By DMartyr at 02:02 PM |


Bullied Hero Breaks His Silence

The bodyslam heard around the world.

Casey Heynes, the boy who turned the tables on a pint-sized bully, speaks out about the incident and his life being a victim of such cowardly attacks. Maybe the Obamas will invite Casey to the White House as an honored guest for their anti-bullying campaign. Oh wait a second, Casey is a white victim, so he doesn't matter.

What a sweet kid. He didn't deserve the treatment he's received all these years, and it was unfair that he had to be thrust into the spotlight under such circumstances. But I am happy he came out on top.

Stay sweet, Casey. And, as my own parents used to tell me, you should never start a fight, but if a fight comes to you, finish it.

Send Casey a word of support at his FaceBook Page.

Update: Also, don't miss an exclusive interview with Casey's bully.

Hopefully, Ritchard's learned a very valuable lesson. But somehow, seeing him blame Casey, and then seeing his father defend him, I don't think so. He admits he isn't really sorry. Mostly, he's sorry the video meant to embarrass and humiliate Casey, only ended up humiliating himself.

Update 2: Obligatory sappy, motivational speech video below the fold.

By DMartyr at 12:30 PM |


Libya: Reuters, CNN Do You Know Where Your Journalists Are? (Qaddafi likes Human Shields)

Libyan Government Using Journalists as Human Shields, Fox News Has Learned

gaddafi_reporters_human shields.jpg" src=" shields.jpg" width="477" height="76" border="0

UPDATE: FNC Exclusive

EXCLUSIVE: An attack on the compound of Libya leader Muammar al-Qaddafi on Sunday had to curtailed because of journalists nearby, Fox News has learned.

British sources confirmed that seven Storm Shadow missiles were ready to be fired from a British aircraft, but the strikes had to be curtailed off due to crews from CNN, Reuters and other organizations nearby. Officials from Libya's Ministry of Information brought those journalists to the area to show them damage from the initial attack and to effectively use them as human shields.

The curtailment of this mission led to a great deal of consternation by coalition commanders, sources told Fox News, but they opted to call off the mission to avoid civilian casualties.

This sux..

By Stable Hand at 12:25 PM |


Terrorism 101: Day 3 Propaganda & Brainwashing at Google/YT Jihad University

Via Andrea

Good morning students of jihad. Let's begin class, shall we?

Despite the negative connotation of the word terrorist in America as elsewhere, those who can make claim to the moniker should stand proud!

The goal of radical Islam is to reestablish the Khilafah. Your jadeed is to erode the confidence in others that they have no chance of counteracting your work.

The internet and this University in particular provide ample tools for accomplishing this goal. Acts of violence are very often used, here in class, you will learn to use videos of propaganda (another word oft misunderstood) in essence to brainwash the masses.

"Brainwashing is a multistage process whose ultimate goal is the destruction of an individual or a society's existing identity and its replacement with a new identity."~ SultanKnish

A dirty kaffir is trying to mess up the above jihad course: Google/YouTube Hall of Shame-Week 14

While committing vast resources to ensure that they don’t get sued for copyright infringement from Big Media and the Porn industry, Google/YouTube appears delighted to allow often horrifically-violent video clips to be able to make their way from some of the world’s most wanted Muslim terrorists (including luminaries from such esteemed organisations as Hamas, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Lakshar-e-Taiba) – into your childrens’ bedrooms.

Remember the hand-picked sample below represents a merely a tiny sampling of the thousands of hours of hateful (and often stomach-churning) Islamist propaganda, hosted for free and often exploited for commercial gain by Google/YouTube.[Click for sample dirty kaffir gives]

Please show some lovin to Sniper of Baghdad, my personal favorite. Oops, gone! Dirty kaffirs!! Feel free to comment on his/her/its channel, a follower of Ansar al Sunnah. Lots more training videos to view…Allahu Snackbar!!

Terrorism 101: Day 2 – Study Materials At Google/YouTube's Jihad University
Terrorism 101: Day 1-Meet Your Classmates @Google/YT Jihad University

By Stable Hand at 11:13 AM |


Juan Williams' Hill Editorial on NPR

The Hill:

Even after they fired me, called me a bigot and publicly advised me to only share my thoughts with a psychiatrist, I did not call for defunding NPR. I am a journalist and NPR is an important platform for journalism.

But last week my line of defense for NPR ran into harsh political realities. Rep. Steve Israel (D- N.Y.) chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent out a fundraising letter with the following argument for maintaining public funding of NPR:

Ils [Republicans] know NPR plays a vital role in providing quality news programming – from rural radio stations to in-depth coverage of foreign affairs. If the Republicans had their way, we’d only be left with the likes of Glenn Beck, Limbaugh and Sarah Palin to dominate the airwaves.

With that statement Congressman Israel made the case better than any Republican critic that NPR is radio by and for liberal Democrats. He is openly asking liberal Democrats to give money to liberal Democrats in Congress so they can funnel federal dollars into news radio programs designed to counter and defeat conservative Republican voices.

I disagree with Juan.

They don't need to defund NPR. They need to fire Inskeep, because he cannot objectively report without revealing his liberal bias. Even in the tone of his voice. Shame too, he's good. Maybe he can get a job at NBC?

Then hire Juan Williams to run NPR. Even though he's fairly liberal I at least trust him to mention all sides of the issues.

I don't think the funding model is what is broken, I think its management, thus why Inskeep can offer his opinion daily, but Juan can't.

Being from Rural America where all our communication folks get their training at University NPR stations, and even one University alternative Rock station. I know the importance of these stations. They are the largest local broadcasters in the area. And they are not run by robo DJ's via satellite.

If the government screws this thing up so bad it no longer serves the American people, all of them, then we've really lost a huge asset.

Hat Tip: Hot Air.

By Howie at 08:52 AM |


The post Saleh era begins in Yemen

Lots of defections today including NW zone commander Ali Mohsen Al Ahmar, eastern zone commander Mohammed Ali Mohsen, and the 301st armored division, Hameed Al-Qushaibi. The Aden governor Ahmed Qaatabi and the Yemeni ambassador in Amman, Jordan Shaia Muhsen defected, as well as the Yemeni ambassador in Damascus , Syria Abdul-Wahab Tawwaf, and deputy parliament speaker, Hemyar al-Ahmar. Tribal leaders joined the protesters as well as opposition party leaders. These defections followed the blood bath in Sanaa on Friday when 53 were killed by sniper fire and another 250 were wounded by gunshots. Half the government had resigned before that and Saleh declared a state of emergency Friday and dissolved the government Sunday.

Lets see if Saleh has the brains to leave quietly without another blood bath. Ali Mohsen al Ahmar is himself a war criminal and smuggler and many of these defectors are presidential relatives and will have to be politically neutralized, but all Saleh has left from the military are (his son's divisions) the Republican Guard and the Special Forces who are guarding the palace in Sanaa. It is the beginning of the post-Saleh era whether he recognizes it or not.

Yes there is a transition plan for a caretaker government etc.

By Jane at 08:45 AM |


¡Ay, Caramba! Man Goes Loco Over Beefy Crunch Burrito Prices

The price of the Beefy Crunch Burrito had gone up from 99 cents to $1.49 and the man at the Rigsby Road Taco Bell drive-thru had just ordered seven.

The fast food customer was so disgruntled by the price hike he shot an air gun at the manager, displayed a semiautomatic assault rifle and pistol while in the restaurant's parking lot, fled as police were called, exchanged gunfire with three officers who pulled him over, then barricaded himself in his hotel room — all over $3.50 plus additional tax.

The final incident in the burrito-triggered spree happened Sunday afternoon at the Rodeway Inn on North W.W. White Road, engaging SWAT negotiators in a more than three-hour standoff, according to officials and witnesses.

(La source)

I think this is leading somewhere…

mexicans.jpg" src="" width="420" border="0

Yep, you think violence is bad over $1.49 Beefy Crunch Burritos, just wait until there are NO burritos!

By DMartyr at 08:35 AM |


Japan's Nuclear Good Luck Streak Ends

They just can't seem to buy a break lately.

FUKUSHIMA, Japan — Gray smoke rose from two reactor units Monday, temporarily stalling critical work to reconnect power lines and restore cooling systems to stabilize Japan's radiation-leaking nuclear complex.

Workers are racing to bring the nuclear plant under control, but the process is proceeding in fits and starts, stalled by incidents like the smoke and by the need to work methodically to make sure wiring, pumps and other machinery can be safely switched on.

By Howie at 08:24 AM |


Répugnant. NPR Mocks Michelle Malkin While Malkin Family Desperately Searches For Missing Family Member

Remember, the NPR is unbiased and non-partisan (and tasteless). To top it off, YOU are helping to fund this drivel…

Huston at Gently Hew Stone writes:

This morning on NPR’s popular comedy show, Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me, a segment aired where a contestant had to choose which of three strange news stories was actually true. One of the (false) options concerned conservative commentator Michelle Malkin. The NPR show joked that, after Malkin had advertised her belief that President Obama is a “secret Muslim” and that she believes other “secret Muslims” are “taking over this country,” she found, to her dismay, that her own grandfather was a Muslim.

First of all, while the humor of this segment was based on the idea that Malkin must be a hypocrite with a Muslim relative (which even the show acknowledged was untrue), the setup was based on the premise as I described it above, which the narrator clearly presented as factual.

I’ve followed Malkin’s blog and columns for years now, and she has never said that President Obama is a Muslim, nor does she believe that Muslims, “secret” or otherwise, are somehow “taking over this country.” While she does report on multiethnic strife in many areas of the world, including ours, as a result of political correctness and lack of assimilation, nothing she has ever written comes close to the bizarre, mean caricature aired this morning on NPR.

But NPR’s mistake goes far beyond mere slander. Their joke targeted the family of a specific conservative at a time when that specific conservative’s family is suffering a tragedy. Quite a coincidence. It’s been two weeks since Malkin’s cousin Marizela Perez went missing, possibly the victim of a kidnapping. Malkin has used her media presence tirelessly since then to help find her young relative. Either NPR and Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me are not nearly as well-informed in their news awareness as they’d like us to believe, or they cruelly decided to go ahead with a particularly tasteless joke.

Ironically, just before this segment aired, they made fun of Gilbert Gottfried getting fired for his tasteless jokes about the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Pot, meet kettle.

Malkin has repeatedly noted NPR’s recent controversies regarding their bias and the recent vote to end their federal funding. Do political differences justify emotionally torturing someone’s family during their time of heatrache, NPR? Classy.

Will NPR apologize to Malkin for tormenting her about her family’s painful tragedy? Will they then use their own resources to help find her cousin Marizela?

I’m calling on all of us to contact NPR and ask them to do exactly that. Nothing less would be decent.

Malkin’s most recent posting about her missing cousin is here.

Audio archive of the NPR show is here.

Fill out this form to contact NPR and Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.

Michelle Malkin weighs in HERE.

(Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit)

By DMartyr at 08:01 AM |


UK Speech Commission Investigating Melanie Phillips' Spectator Blog Post

Apparently calling morally depraved Arab savages morally depraved Arab savages is not politically correct.

Israel Survivor Updates:

Ms. Phillips was talking about the murderers, PLUS people in the streets of Gaza celebrating murder by handing out candy to children (they did it in 2010 too) and singing praises that Jews were ‘dealt with’ according to the laws of Islam.

Ms. Phillips also called out the media in a big way. It’s a sure bet this is where an overwhelming majority of the ‘complaints’ were generated.

Here are the first two paragraphs of Ms. Phillips column:

Today the massacred Fogel family was buried in Jerusalem. And as anticipated, the moral depravity of the Arabs is finding a grotesque echo in the moral bankruptcy and worse of the British and American ‘liberal’ media – a sickening form of armchair barbarism which is also in evidence, it has to be said, on the comment thread beneath my post below.

Overwhelmingly, the media have either ignored or downplayed the atrocity – or worse, effectively blamed the victims for bringing it on themselves, describing them as ‘hard-line settlers’ or extremists. Given that three of the victims were children, one a baby of three months whose throat was cut, such a response is utterly degraded.

Regarding The U.K. Press Complaints Commission, this is a far-left-driven, uber-politically correct official government entity that drops anvils on the heads of anyone crossing their constantly changing line, almost always when it’s involving patriotic U.K. citizens and journalists speaking truth to a power. They don’t want to hear it and have simply enacted mandates to prove their authoritarian position.

But who could want to be more free than a Subject of the Crown? I mean they are one of the most advanced democracies on the globe.

americanglaglibery.jpg" src="" width="540" height="360" border="0

We'll take you Melanie.

By Howie at 06:51 AM |


First Darned thing I Look At This Morning

Sniff sniff.

Emerging coverage from Japan offers a moving example of ultimate dog loyalty, and clearly illustrates the challenges faced by animal victims of the earthquake and tsunami.

It has been said that the dogs were picked up after the video was filmed, and are in the care of a local shelter. Updates and pics will be offered at the link above in the coming days, as available. Translation of conversation in video:

We are in Arahama area. Looks like there is a dog. There is a dog. He looks tired and dirty. He must have been caught in the tsunami. He looks very dirty.

He has a collar. He must be someone's pet. He has a silver collar. He is shaking. He seems very afraid.

Oh, there is another dog. I wonder if he is dead.


Right there. There is another dog right next to the one sitting down. He is not moving. I wonder. I wonder if he is alright.

The dog is protecting him.

Oui. He is protecting the dog. That is why he did not want us to approach them. He was trying to keep us at bay.

I can't watch this. This is a very difficult to watch.

Oh. Regardez. He is moving. He is alive. I am so happy to see that he is alive.

Oui! Oui! He is alive.

He looks to be weakened. We need to them to be rescued soon. We really want them rescued soon.

Oh good. He's getting up.

It is amazing how they survived the tremendous earthquake and tsunami. It's just amazing that they survived through this all.

By Howie at 06:10 AM |


Libya: AFRICOM Operation Odyssey Dawn

We can make fun of the name of this operation, but, one very important point that some may have failed to acknowledge…:

AFRICOM Operation Odyssey Dawn
WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE A B-2 Stealth bomber returns from a mission March 20, 2011. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kenny Holston)(Released)

AFRICOM Operation Odyssey Dawn
SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany – Airmen assigned to the 52nd Maintenance Group perform a foreign objects and debris inspection of a taxi-way in preparation for the take-off of 480th Fighter Squadron F-16 Fighting Falcons in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn March 19. Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973. UNSCR 1973 authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya under threat of attack by Qadhafi regime forces. JTF Odyssey Dawn is commanded by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, III. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Nathanael Callon)

AFRICOM Operation Odyssey Dawn
SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany – A crew chief from the 52nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron marshals an F-16 Fighting Falcon out of a hardened aircraft shelter here in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn March 20. Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973. UNSCR 1973 authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya under threat of attack by Qadhafi regime forces. JTF Odyssey Dawn is commanded by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, III. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Benjamin Wilson)

AFRICOM Operation Odyssey Dawn
SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany – Lt. Col. Paul Murray, 480th Fighter Squadron commander, takes an American flag from Airman 1st Class Jordon Schultz, 52nd Operation Support Squadron, here to be flown while supporting Operation Odyssey Dawn March 19. Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn is the U.S. Africa Command task force established to provide operational and tactical command and control of U.S. military forces supporting the international response to the unrest in Libya and enforcement of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973. UNSCR 1973 authorizes all necessary measures to protect civilians in Libya under threat of attack by Qadhafi regime forces. JTF Odyssey Dawn is commanded by U.S. Navy Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, III. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Benjamin Wilson)

God Bless our finest and bravest!

More photos here

By Stable Hand at 02:03 AM |


March 20, 2011

North Waziristan Tribes Declare War on the U.S.

Because our drone strikes have killed innocents including women and children.

Ummm, sure:

“There is no al Qaeda and Taliban presence in North Waziristan, while the Americans themselves have acknowledged that around 70 per cent of Afghanistan is under the control of militants,” Qatkhel said.

“Unlike [those] who pardoned the killer of two Pakistanis for dollars, we will take revenge for our dead and the world will see it.”

He said that they would avenge the killing “even if it takes a hundred years” and so they were announcing jihad against America and its allies in Pakistan.

He said the media had been presenting the wrong information about militants. He said reports of foreign militants dying in Predator strikes were false and mostly innocent tribesmen were being killed in such attacks.

“We have valid evidence and those who claim deaths of foreign militants in these attacks should show us or the media. The latest attack which killed tribal elders shows us this reality of tribesmen being massacred,” he said.

Yawn..since when are they NOT outraged?

By Stable Hand at 11:24 PM |


Hamas Replaces 'Goat Love' With Long Range Projectiles

Mujahideen courte portée projectiles dans nanny put on hold

Hamas digging 'terror tunnels' along border with Israel

Gaza groups now have more dangerous missiles that can reach Tel Aviv, and are working on improved communications systems modeled on independent Hezbollah network established in Lebanon[…]

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are also believed to have obtained new guided anti-tank missiles like the Kornet, Fagot and Sagger, one of which was fired at an IDF patrol on Friday.

The IDF believes that Hamas is also working to improve its communication capabilities.

It appears. to me at least, that all eyes are on Libya at this point and Hamas is using this to their advantage. There has been a steady increase of rocket attacks by Hamas. 50 mortal shells fired into Israel yesterday alone 1 Grad rocket today.

Civilian areas in southern Israel were heavily shelled by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza on Saturday morning, when more than 50 mortars were fired at the regional councils of Sha'ar Hanegev, Eshkol and Sdot Hanegev.

What am I saying…MSM doesn't report on Hamas vs Israel…only on Israel being signifier to so called poor poor Gazans/Palis

Nothing to see here, move along.

UPDATE: Don't like my jouer sur les mots? Short range projectiles=humping da goats. Long range projectiles=no longer humping the goats

En relation:
Terrorism from the Gaza Strip since Operation Cast Lead
Hamas rocket attacks on Israel go practically unnoticed

By Stable Hand at 10:16 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Hamas Replaces 'Goat Love' With Long Range Projectiles" st_summary=" Mujahideen short range projectiles into nanny put on hold Hamas digging 'terror tunnels' along border with IsraelGaza groups now have more dangerous missiles that can reach Tel Aviv, and are working on improved communications systems modeled on independent Hezbollah…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Hamas Replaces 'Goat Love' With Long Range Projectiles"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Hamas Replaces 'Goat Love' With Long Range Projectiles" st_summary=" Mujahideen short range projectiles into nanny put on hold Hamas digging 'terror tunnels' along border with IsraelGaza groups now have more dangerous missiles that can reach Tel Aviv, and are working on improved communications systems modeled on independent Hezbollah…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Hamas Replaces 'Goat Love' With Long Range Projectiles" st_summary=" Mujahideen short range projectiles into nanny put on hold Hamas digging 'terror tunnels' along border with IsraelGaza groups now have more dangerous missiles that can reach Tel Aviv, and are working on improved communications systems modeled on independent Hezbollah…">

Arab League "Makes Sex With" President Obama

Quoi? You mean Obi-One thought the Arabs wanted help?

The head of the Arab League has criticized international strikes on Libya, saying they caused civilian deaths.

The Arab League's support for a no-fly zone last week helped overcome reluctance in the West for action in Libya. The U.N. authorized not only a no-fly zone but also "all necessary measures" to protect civilians.

No the Arab League outsmarted Obi-One. They only needed him to do all the dirty work and take all the blame. To do otherwise would have ruined the narrative.

Hope. Changement.

UPDATE by SH: Spokesman for Libyan rebel movement none to happy with Arab League "making sex" with Obama

By Howie at 07:16 PM |


NATO OKs plan to implement the U.N. arms embargo on Libya, but fails to agree on plan to enforce no-fly zone

Turkey vetoes NATO from taking over UN action against Qaddafi

Diplomats said Turkey's opposition to any NATO intervention in Libya stalled the approval of plans to launch aerial patrols over Libya to prevent the government air force from attacking civilian targets, which were drawn up by NATO's military staff.

Both actions will require a separate "execute directive" by the North Atlantic Council, which requires the consensus of all 28 alliance members.Diplomats said this could be issued on Tuesday at the earliest.

Lovely, just lovely…gawd.

Meanwhile on BBC/Libya live feed:

0036: Libyan&Proud tweets: "I've just received a call from a friend confirming the following from Misrata: Two civilian buses loaded with armed personnel dressed as civilians have entered Misrata (ca. 60 people) accompanied by 11 tanks and are positioned at the main hospital in Misrata (close to the Time Square). The hospital has been out of service for 4 years. The tanks are positioned at the front garden of the hospital."

UPDATE: Who dunnit?

Libya_gaddafi compound.jpg" src=" compound.jpg" width="300" height="241" border="0
Qaddafi Compound Demolished

Too bad Gaddafi wasn't there…

UPDATE II: Report: Gaddafi's son killed in strikes

Update 20:09: After heavy bombardment of Qaddafi's complex, there are reports that his son Khamis Qaddafi has been killed in strikes. Khamis is a commander of the elite Khamis Brigade


By Stable Hand at 06:44 PM |


Binyamine & the "Indian Ocean Jihad"

Internet Haganah has a must read: binyamine: a "bridging weak tie" Think Samir Khan among others

BTW binyamine, do you realize you're the bitch I pwnd, beotch!

By Stable Hand at 04:42 PM |


Leave NPR alone!!11eleventy11!! (Update: Mike Clark 2 responds)

Leftist can't handle the preuve du pudding:

h/t FreeThinkerNY

UPDATE: Legionnaire of the Banned: @mikeclark2 responded yesterday[Weasel Zippers]

Related videos below fold:

By Stable Hand at 10:43 AM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Leave NPR alone!!11eleventy11!! (Update: Mike Clark 2 responds)" st_summary="Leftist can't handle the proof of the pudding: h/t FreeThinkerNY UPDATE: Legionnaire of the Banned: @mikeclark2 responded yesterday[Weasel Zippers] Related videos below fold:…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Leave NPR alone!!11eleventy11!! (Update: Mike Clark 2 responds)"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Leave NPR alone!!11eleventy11!! (Update: Mike Clark 2 responds)" st_summary="Leftist can't handle the proof of the pudding: h/t FreeThinkerNY UPDATE: Legionnaire of the Banned: @mikeclark2 responded yesterday[Weasel Zippers] Related videos below fold:…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Leave NPR alone!!11eleventy11!! (Update: Mike Clark 2 responds)" st_summary="Leftist can't handle the proof of the pudding: h/t FreeThinkerNY UPDATE: Legionnaire of the Banned: @mikeclark2 responded yesterday[Weasel Zippers] Related videos below fold:…">

A Tale Of Two Pakistanis

From TROP's Picture of the Week:

tale-2-pak.jpg" src="" width="400" height="226" border="0
A tale of two Pakistanis: The Muslim woman on the left was welcomed as an immigrant to America 10 years ago, but is complaining of emotional trauma from having been bumped from an airline flight. The Christian on the right still lives as a minority in Pakistan and is just happy to be home after having been chained to a tree, gang-raped, and ordered to embrace Islam by her kidnappers.

By DMartyr at 10:42 AM |


Japan Reactor Good Luck Streak Day Two

More good news. They have working switchboards and stuff. Some cooling is back online… They may have to let off some steam in the most damaged reactor.

Not out of the woods yet

CNN: Workers began to see some success in their battle to cool down reactors at the quake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Sunday, but Japanese officials said they may need to release additional radioactive gas into the air.

The plant's owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said electricity was being supplied to a switchboard in reactor No. 2.

But officials said they were monitoring reactor No. 3 to determine whether to release gas to reduce mounting pressure in the containment vessel — the steel and concrete shell that insulates radioactive material inside.

Recovery from the earthquake continues with some straggling survivors being found over the weekend.

By Howie at 10:31 AM |


If Looks Could Kill, The Media Would Be Short One Journalist

Jim Gardner should know better than to ask tough questions.

More about President Unambiguously Ambiguous, from Big Peace:

As my friend Marc Thiessen points out in the Washington Post, Gaddafi actually won a big victory in recent days. Two weeks ago Obama announced that Gaddafi had to go. But in his speech on Friday authorizing military action, Obama gave Gaddafi “a choice.” If he stopped military aggression against the Libyan people, the allies would not enforce the no fly zone. So is the objective to remove Gaddafi from power or not?

By DMartyr at 09:28 AM |


Tripoli Under Fire Early Sunday Morning (bumped)

It's On: French fighter jets deployed over Libya (bumped)(Updated: US Tomahawk Cruise Missiles Launched into Libya)

Update: AFP Reports Kadhafi's (yet another spelling) bunker was bombed.

Update II: 'Human shield" erected around Gaddafi compound[Mostly women and children]

UPDATE by SH: A bit of ME history-on this date in 2003, Pres Bush launched attack on the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq.[Operation Iraqi Freedom].

Names chosen by coalition and US for the Libya operation: Operation MOBILE (Canada), Operation Harmattan (France), Operation Ellamy (UK), and Operation Odyssey Dawn (US)

UPDATE II by SH: "Hundreds of UK's 'crack' SAS troops have been operating with Libyan rebels for last 3 weeks and hunting Colonel Gaddafi’s long-range surface-to-air missile ­systems which could launch attacks on jets or commercial airliners"[Think Lockerbie bombing..ed]

Hmmm, who else is there?

UPDATE III by SH: Most of Gaddafi's human shields dispersed after cellphones rang:

Cellphones began to ring. A hush fell over the crowd. People began to whisper to one another: Cruise missiles were being fired at Tripoli. Those sitting in a grassy area quickly got up and began heading for the exit.

More followed, until the human chain thinned to a few dozen people standing in the chill before the balcony where Kadafi was supposed to address them.

But the Brother Leader was nowhere to be seen. He would address Libyans later by telephone, from an undisclosed location.


Update Sunday morning 03/20. This video is new on youtube and appears to show fighting this morning in Bengazi. Be warned the Camera man Ali is shot in the video, reports by the uploader say he later died.

Updated again. The uploader has replied to me that he believes this footage was from Friday the 18th of March.

Update 03/20/2011 08:26 CST:

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) — Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi promised "a long-drawn war" Sunday after an international coalition hammered the nation's air defense as part of an operation to enforce a no-fly zone.

Gadhafi said the strikes were a confrontation between the Libyan people and "the new Nazis."

"You have proven to the world that you are not civilized, that you are terrorists — animals attacking a safe nation that did nothing against you," Gadhafi said in a televised speech.

Throughout the address, an image of a golden fist crushing a model plane that said "USA" filled the screen.

At the same time Gadhafi spoke, his regime was shelling the city of Misrata on Sunday morning using tanks, artillery and cannons, a witness said.

Here is a video of Gadhaffi's message.

I've some more random videos below the fold. I'm adding them as they appear on Youtube. If you have more from other platforms please email Howie.

UPDATE by SH: Arab League criticizes allied airstrikes on Libya, saying they caused civilian deaths.

Another update by SH: NC based Marine attack jets involved in Libya airstrikes

The AV-8B Harriers, operating from the amphibious assault ship Kearsarge off the coast of North Africa, are assigned to Camp Lejeune’s 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit.

Yet another update by SH: After a short lull Part II begins: Anti-aircraft fire has erupted in the Libyan capital, with volleys of tracer fire arching into the air, marking the start of a second night of allied strikes on the country.

The cause of 3/4 civilian casualties in Afghanistan complain about civilian casualties in Libya[Voice of Jihad

Update, again, by SH: Twitter – RT @HMS_Cumberland: Audio of USAF aircraft on HF radio warning a Libyan ship to stay in port or be attacked & destroyed — /via @FMCNL

Warning this one is graphic. It appears to show large numbers of Libyan rebels who have been executed.

By Howie at 08:25 AM |


Liberty Dollar Dies

I've several friends who bought these as silver or gold certificates, some just as collectors items. The bottom line, if you want hard currency you had best only use government approved hard currency.

Evansville Courier & Press:

The former head of an Evansville-based company that tried to introduce a currency that competed with the U.S. dollar has been found guilty of federal charges in North Carolina.

Bernard von NotHaus, 67, was convicted Friday by a federal jury of making, possessing and selling his own coins, said Anne M. Tompkins, U.S. attorney for the Western District of North Carolina.

After an eight-day trial and less than two hours of deliberation, von NotHaus, the founder and "monetary architect" of a currency known as the Liberty Dollar, was found guilty of making coins resembling and similar to United States coins; of issuing, passing, selling and possessing Liberty Dollar coins; of issuing and passing Liberty Dollar coins intended for use as current money; and of conspiracy against the United States.

Von NotHaus, who remains free on bond, faces a sentence of up to 15 years' imprisonment and a fine of not more than $250,000 on the count related to distributing the coins for use as money and a sentence of five years and fines of $250,000 on counts related to making the coins and the conspiracy charge.

The guilty verdict concluded an investigation that began in 2005 and involved the minting of Liberty Dollar coins with a current value of about $7 million.

In November 2007 federal investigators raided Liberty Dollar's headquarters at 225 N. Stockwell Road, seizing documents and precious metals.

Von NotHaus developed the liberty dollar in 1998 as an "inflation-proof" alternative currency to the U.S. dollar, which he claimed has devalued since the Federal Reserve was established in 1913.

Its interesting, banks in the US all used to issue their own currency. Anyway he seemed to have a pretty good argument. No one I knew thought it was in any way backed by the Fed.

It was simply a note saying I own a dollars worth of gold. The value of a dollar in gold was set aside on the purchase date depending on market value. Then your Liberty dollar rose and fell against the federal reserve note based on the price of gold. I didn't think it would fly, but it was a neat idea. I mean where can you buy $2 or $10 in gold or silver and not get ripped in the process? S'il vous plaît dites-moi.

But remember bartering is illicite. Mainly because its very hard to tax.

More here at the FBI's website.

Attempts to undermine the legitimate currency of this country are simply a unique form of domestic terrorism,” U.S. Attorney Tompkins said in announcing the verdict. “While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country,

Terrorism? Vraiment? You've got to be kidding me. Unlawful, yeah it appears so. I'd appeal and probably lose. But to call him a terrorist? And by extension all the people who bought them? I mean my friend who bought these is so "goody two shoes" its almost hilarious. Terrorist….

I think this shows a real demand that the Fed is not meeting. People would like a way to buy gold and silver in very small amounts cheaply. If this way is unlawful the Treasury needs to step in and offer an alternative. Or guidelines that private folks could follow and not you know end up in jail. Its not like there isn't demand.

Just glad I didn't buy any because the government want to seize all the hard currency that backs these. Most likely leaving those who bought them with a collectors item.

By Howie at 08:20 AM |


Bombs dropped near Kadhafi's Tripoli bunker: AFP

I think they found that undisclosed location where Qadaffi's is hiding …


TRIPOLI (AFP) – Bombs were dropped near the Tripoli headquarters of strongman Moamer Kadhafi early Sunday, prompting barrages of anti-aircraft fire from Libyan forces, an AFP reporter said.

The bombs exploded as an aircraft overflew the Bab al-Aziziyah headquarters in the south of Tripoli

No word if they got him…

By Matt Damon at 03:38 AM |


Blog Sabbath Caption Contest Muammar Gaddafi Edition

Choice 1:

gaddafi_sarkozy.jpg" src="" width="259" height="194" border="0
Gaddafi & Sarkozy


gaddafi_obama.jpg" src="" width="256" height="192" border="0
Gaddafi & Obama

Fatwas will be issued

By Stable Hand at 12:09 AM |


March 19, 2011

No Joe You Do Deserve it

joebidentrainsmall.jpg" src="" width="250" height="168" border="0
I'm one to give credit where credit is due.

Joe Biden does very much deserve to have the Wilmington Delaware Amtrak station named after him, just for riding the dag nabbed thing for 36 years.

In America anyone who has a train available and then chooses to use it to commute 200+ miles a day so he can see his kids. And while doing it supports Amtrak, saves fuel and *time.

Well that seems pretty darn conservateur pour moi.

But as you can see by all the dripping Irony pointed out by Doug Powers who is in for Michelle Malkin,everywhere Joe goes there is humor.

Joe Biden, the man charged with ensuring that every stimulus project comes in on time and on budget. Naturally this particular station came in $5.3 million over budget.

That, however, was a small price to pay to add another piece to the puzzle of cost-effective reliable mass transit, as those in attendance at the ribbon cutting would find out as soon as the Amtrak CEO got there… by car. The train on which he was going to arrive at the ceremony for the Conductor of America’s Train to the Future broke down.

Well I can see why you're a little sheepish Joe. But that just adds to it. You were able to take all that hassle too…for 36 years?

About that is where Joe and I's tracks divide…but that is pretty cool.

If I had a train available, it was affordable and there were no smoke Nazis on there… You know before the hard roads everyone went by train.

Isn't odd how he's almost un-hate-able, you can dislike pretty much all he stands for but it seems kind of hard to dislike Biden himself, I dunno for me, I'm pretty far away from his state.

Looking at the map, I bet its a pretty ride. And also there are toll and private roads so commuting by car is probably pretty difficult.

(photo credit NY Daily News)

*According to it takes about 138 minutes by car, the article states he makes it at an average speed of around 60mph in about 90 minutes.

By Howie at 08:29 PM |


Ministry of Irony: Che T-Shirt Wearing Commies Protest "Imperialist Obama"

Obama-protests-in-Rio-300x202.jpg" src="" width="300" height="202" border="0Forbes:

A molotov cocktail was launched in front of the US consulate in Rio de Janeiro late Friday in protest of the arrival of President Barack Obama, the O Globo newspaper in Rio reported. Military police reacted by firing rubber bullets into the gathering of 200 at around 18:30 local time. A CBN news reporter suffered a minor injury from the shots and traffic was blocked.

“They came after us with clubs and tear gas and attacked,” according to protestor Thiago Hastenheiter. “They chased us through the streets and started firing rounds of rubber bullets.”

Police major Fabio Alessandro of the 13th Batallion of Rio’s military police said that the protestors, all left leaning social movements associated with the Socialist Workers Party, PSTU, did not have a permit to protest near the consulate along Avenida Rio Branco and had refused to disperse from the area. They wore the ubiquitous Che Guevera T shirt and carried American flags that said Go Home Obama. Most of the protests had been peaceful until two home-made molotov cocktails were let loose in the direction of the Consulate. A guard at the Consulate was partially burned and was sent to the emergency room at Souza Aguiar Hospital.

Fourteen protestors have been arrested.

But but but Obama loves Che too. He's a big commie revolutionary just like you. Why do you want to make him shoot at you like other the other commies do?

Now I'm totally confused.

Hat Tip: Sacred Monkeys.

By Howie at 07:19 PM |


Wisconsin Teacher Commits Suicide At The Prospect Of Paying 12% Of Her Health Insurance Premuim Instead Of 6%

From The Progressive via the Gateway Pundit:

Jeri-Lynn Betts, an early childhood teacher in the Watertown, Wisconsin, school district, died on March 8 of an apparent suicide.

A colleague says she was “very distraught” over Gov. Scott Walker’s attacks on public sector workers and public education.

It may not have been an accidental death, but still, I think we ought to nominate her for a Darwin Award.

By DMartyr at 07:17 PM |


The Most Horrific Phrase Of The Year, No, In All Eternity

It's so horrific, I had to put it under the fold

Helen Thomas appears in Playboy.

By Vinnie at 05:15 PM |



So I decided to head to the fever swamp of Daily Kos to see what they were saying about OBAMA'S ILLEGAL WAR FOR OIL!!!! Just as I suspected, this is a good war.

Comment of the day on that post is this:

The negative comments about this operation are shocking really.
My friend is a Red Cross doctor in Algeria and she told me Gaddafi's forces wiped out a hospital treating rebels. The hospital had more than 29 sick children.

Why should the world stand back and allow a mad man murder his own people?

Funny, the Kos Kidz were quite content to let Saddam Hussein murder his own people.

By Vinnie at 05:12 PM |


French fighter jets deployed over Libya (bumped)(Updated: US Tomahawk Cruise Missiles Launched into Libya)

US Missile Strikes on Libya (2).jpg" src=" Missile Strikes on Libya (2).jpg" width="241" height="362" border="0
March 19: Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry (DDG 52) launches a Tomahawk missile in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn

It's on…

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) — French fighters jets soared over Libya on Saturday to counter Moammar Gadhafi's military forces who were intent on destroying the opposition as they pushed into the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.

"Our air force will oppose any aggression by Colonel Gadhafi against the population of Benghazi," said French President Nicolas Sarkozy, speaking after an international, top-level meeting in Paris over the Libyan crisis.

"As of now, our aircraft are preventing planes from attacking the town," he said. "As of now, our aircraft are prepared to intervene against tanks."

I can't believe they haven't taken out Colonel Crazy's air defenses first..

UPDATE by SH: Reuters news flash (via twitter) "French aircraft have destroyed their first target in Libya – military spokesman[]"

UPDATE II by SH: Gadhafi's forces attack Benghazi, "French warplanes , the vanguard of an allied effort to stop Gadhafi, flew into Libyan airspace to stop the attacks"

"It's a grave decision we've had to take," French President Nicolas Sarkozy said in Paris after a closed door meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime Minister David Cameron.

"Along with our Arab, European and North American partners, France has decided to play its part before history."

President Barack Obama traveling in Brazil on the first leg of a three country trip to Latin America, didn't immediately comment on the assault on Benghazi, or the United Nations-backed military effort to stop it…

UPDATE III by SH: U.S. poised to launch cruise missiles

[2:32 p.m. ET, 9:32 p.m. in Libya] A U.S. defense official said the United States is poised to launch cruise missiles from warships in the Mediterranean Sea, and that these strikes would target Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses. The United States is prepared to "defend its allies flying over Libyan airspace and enforce the no-fly zone," the official said.

UPDATE IV: US Tomahawk cruise missiles have been launched into Libya".

The U.S. Navy fires the first U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles against Libyan leader's Muammar al-Qaddafi's air defenses Saturday, a military source tells Fox News.

The U.S. military strikes clear the way for European and other planes to enforce a no-fly zone designed to ground Qaddafi's air force and cripple his ability to inflict further violence on rebels, U.S. officials said.


U.S. Tomahawk missiles landed in the area around Tripoli and Misrata, the official said, adding that the action was taken after Gadhafi failed to comply with a cease-fire.

The first part of the multi-phase approach, which is underway, will be to degrade air defenses, CNN's Chris Lawrence reports, citing the Defense Department official. Most of the first strikes will be concentrated around Tripoli and Misrata, specifically to take out his air defenses. Ground forces will be targeted as well because they carry capability to shoot down planes, the official said.

UPDATE V: Getting closer

TRIPOLI (AFP) – Bombs were dropped near the Tripoli headquarters of strongman Moamer Kadhafi early Sunday, prompting barrages of anti-aircraft fire from Libyan forces, an AFP reporter said.

UPDATE VI: 'Human shield" erected around Gaddafi compound[Mostly women and children]

UPDATE VII: Further updates will be on Howie's post: Tripoli Under Fire Early Sunday Morning

By Matt Damon at 01:25 PM |


Florida Judge Orders Mosque Leaders to Follow Sharia Law

You read that right

In Tampa, Florida, a dispute arose over who controls the funds a mosque received in 2008 from an eminent domain proceeding.

Former trustees of the mosque are claiming in court they have the right to the funds. Current mosque leaders are disputing that claim.

The current mosque leaders want the case decided according to secular, Florida civil law, and their attorney has been vigorously arguing the case accordingly.

The former trustees of the mosque want the case decided according to sharia law.

Here’s the kicker.

The judge recently ruled “This case will proceed under Ecclesiastical Islamic law,” (sharia law), “pursuant to the Qur’an.

Welcome to Floriabia, where we turn oranges into rotten apples. Judge approved!!

By Stable Hand at 11:08 AM |


The Invisibility Cloak

Washington Times:

The viral video sensation showing a bullying incident at an Australian school has brought the issue of bullying back into the spotlight. Here in the United States, the Obama administration has made school bullying a federal issue. Last week, President Barack Obama addressed an anti-bullying conference with First Lady Michelle Obama at his side. The administration's anti-bullying campaign has been ongoing since the beginning of Mr. Obama's term. The Department of Justice announced in December 2010 its intention to hold liable school districts that fail to protect students that are bullied.

..Here is the catch. DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In essence, only discrimination against a victim’s race, sex, national origin, disability, or religion will be considered by DOJ.

The premise of the article that caught my eye was that, "White folks are oppressed or something." Its been a topic of discussion I've run across several times lately. After all Honkeys *Crackers like me will be a minority by 2050.

But really seriously, several states have specific laws, I know mine does, that attempt to deal with the bullying issue. These are as available to white kids as anyone else. And also lets not forget juvenile law. Battery is battery and the "plump kid" has videotape of himself being assaulted. Last time I checked battery is a crime pretty much everywhere and there are no racial, sexual or ethnic requirements. I reckon your local sheriff has some idea how that works.

Do we really need or even want federal help in this area? I mean beyond the usual lip service and grants and stuff. Do we really need our Federal prosecutors bogged down with schoolyard disputes between nine to twelve year olds?

Anyway discuss that you oppressed red neck homos. I for one can't wait to be a minority, so I can reclaim my homeland farm that was stolen by the oppressors,sit on the porch with my dawg and learn to play the Banjo.

*Someone took offence at me calling myself a Honkey, very well, changed to Cracker.

By Howie at 10:11 AM |


Hamas Fires Mortars Into Israel


50 mortars fired into Israel, 2 injured…

Hamas' armed wing, the Izzadin Kassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for a dozen of the mortars fired.

One building sustained extensive damage in the Eshkol Regional Council although a majority of the projectiles landed in open areas, local officials reported.

The regional council is inhabited predominantly by farmers, and has been the target of Palestinian shelling for several years.

Eyal Brandeis, a kibbutz secretary in the Eshkol Regional Council, and the head of a local emergency response team, told The Jerusalem Post that the injured were a married couple who had been attempting to seek cover in a safe zone – a room reinforced with concrete to protect from projectiles.

"It happened just as they entered the room. The couple were responding to instructions we sent out on cell phone text messages calling on all residents to seek shelter. They ran to the room, and shrapnel went through the window just before they could close it," Brandeis said.

By Howie at 08:32 AM |


At Last! Some Good News From Japan Power Restored to Power Plant

I'm sure there is a lot of damage and it will take time to make use of the power but the switch is on.


Engineers at a stricken nuclear plant in Japan managed to connect an electricity cable to one of the reactors Saturday and battled to restore power to the cooling system to avert a full-blown meltdown.

The announcement offered some hope of a breakthrough in efforts to prevent a major radiation leak from the troubled facility, although it is not yet clear whether the cooling system will work properly even if the power comes back on.

The government meanwhile said it had discovered abnormal levels of radiation that exceeded the legal limit in milk and spinach from areas near the stricken plant, but they posed no immediate threat to humans.

Electricity was expected to be restored to reactor No. 2 at the Fukushima plant on Sunday, more than a week after it was rocked by a massive earthquake and tsunami, the nuclear safety agency said.

"The line itself was connected to the reactor No. 2 but electricity has not been restored yet," said agency spokesman Fumiaki Hayakawa. Related article: Nuclear fears compound misery of Japan survivors

"If the power is turned on without checks it may malfunction. They are checking the facility now. If no problem is found at the facility today, the power will resume as early as tomorrow (Sunday)."

Reactor No. 1 usually shares the same electricity line so the cable could in theory restore power to both units.

After that, engineers will start laying cables to the other four reactors — a complicated operation that is taking longer than initially expected.

Once power is back up, the radiation-suited Fukushima engineers hope they can get vital cooling systems online. In the meantime, they have been dumping water by hose and by air on the reactors to cool the fuel rods.

"Although we are doing our best, unfortunately we cannot say when electricity will be restored," said a TEPCO official.

Well that's not all good but I'll take it. Lets hope this becomes a streak for the Japanese.

Update: CNN also reports that an unmanned fire hose thingy was put in place to get a continuous flow of water on the #3 reactor.

By Howie at 07:41 AM |


War Porn: Libyan Rebels Violate No Fly Zone? Cheer Shooting Down Their Own Plane?

Watch it go down, but listen to the narrative.

Now CNN interviewing a rebel le commandant in the area says

Early Saturday, a fighter jet plummeted from the sky and burst into flames and artillery fire fell in Benghazi.

Footage showed the plane engulfed in fire as it nose-dived to the ground. An opposition fighter said the plane belonged to the rebels and was dispatched to try to stop forces supporting Gadhafi from entering Benghazi.

CNN could not independently confirm who the plane belonged to.

Enter the bureaucrats, the true rulers of the Republic.

Obviously a commission will have to be appointed the validate these baseless accusations against the Libya.

I think we have to take the cease fire, and look for a political solution for regime change.

Either that or Europe or the Arabs will need to invade and put enough boots on the ground to effing control what happens there.

But the more likely is that this will drag out, which will be the worst suffering. War is a horrid terror on the people, to half ass it and let it drag on is the cruelest thing of all.

By Howie at 07:19 AM |


March 18, 2011

Survivor Found in Wrecked Home Eight Days After Japan's Earthquake, Tsunami


….Self-Defense Forces rescuers pulled the young man from the rubble of a partially destroyed house in Kesennuma, a city located in the extreme northeast of the hard-hit Miyagi prefecture.

The man, identified as Katsuharu Moriya and aged in his 20s, was found about 9:00am local time and was sent to a hospital, Kyodo News reported.

Article further stated he couldn't speak as he was in shock. 8 days…wow, just wow.

By Stable Hand at 11:08 PM |


Finally MSM Refers To The Quran: Man Stoned to Death for Homosexual Behavior

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.(Leviticus 18:22 KJV) If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.(Leviticus 20:13 KJV)

Did I say Quran? I meant the Old Testament[It doesn’t say stone to death]

A Delaware County man has been arrested and charged with murder in the beating death of an elderly Landsdowne man who had befriended him and made him executor and sole beneficiary of his will.

John Joe Thomas, 28, of the first block of Sunshine Road in Upper Darby, allegedly told police he killed Murray Joseph Seidman, 70, because the older man had made sexual advances and that the Old Testament spelled out stoning as the punishment for homosexuality[Thomas interpretation..ed].

"I stoned Murray with a rock in a sock," Thomas said to police, according to court documents.

Thomas, who was charged with murder, was silent as he was led past photographers this morning.

According to the court documents, Thomas called police Seidman's apartment on Jan. 12 and they found Thomas sitting in the hallway crying: "I'm not going down there again, there is too much blood."

Old Testament was mentioned 3 times including title. Had this been the Quran you can bet your boots no mention would have been made.

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone his behavior, just speaking of double standards in the MSM.

By Stable Hand at 10:07 PM |


Thank al-Qaeda's Somalia Arm: Over 300 Children Sick With Whooping Cough


More than 300 children from both Lower Jubba and Middle Jubba regions in southern Somalia have contracted whooping cough, health officials said Friday.

The children were brought to the town of Kismayo, an al Shabaab stronghold area in southern Somalia, for treatment, a doctor who spoke on condition of anonymity for security reasons, told All Headline News by telephone[…]

“We are trying to do our best to treat the patients with whooping cough, but what made the situation worse is that [there is] no support from aid agencies, particularly health organizations,” the doctor noted.

Money quote:

Last year al Shabaab banned more than 20 aid agencies from operating in southern and central Somalia.

With any luck American traitor Omar Hammami (aka aka Abu Monsour Al-Amriki) will contract pertussis, develop pneumonia, break most of his ribs coughing and die.

If anyone deserves it more in Somalia, he does.

By Stable Hand at 09:13 PM |


Arizona Family Targeted At Juarez Family Reunion; 2 Dead


JUAREZ— An Arizona family was gunned down in Juarez Thursday evening during a family reunion, leaving two people dead and others wounded.

Five family members were at a reunion at a home located at Rosales and Madera St. in the Colonia Anahuac when gunmen opened fire. 26-year-old Josue Reyes Castro and 36-year-old Miguel Angel Martinez Varela were taken to a clinic in northern Juarez where they later died. Two other people were also injured in the attack, but there was no word on the severity of their injuries.

Juarez police recovered 130 bullets at the crime scene. Remember, our borders are safer than they have ever been before! So what if Juarez is just a step away from El Paso, Texas../sarc

By Stable Hand at 04:41 PM |


Egyptian Children's TV Show: We Must Liberate Jerusalem from 'the Disgusting Jews'

Click image to view clip at MEMRI:

MEMRI_Ammo_Alaa.jpg" src="" width="307" height="233" border="0

[Excerpt]TV host: "Let's see how we should answer the disgusting Jews, who say that Jerusalem belongs to them. What proof do we have that Jerusalem is Islamic? We tell our friends that… Am I making you fall asleep, Mr. Sa'd, or what? Wake up Sa'd… Have a carrot… First of all, we tell the Jews that the Arabs lived in the blessed city of Jerusalem, more than 2,000 years before the first Jew settled in there."

I'm sure this will change now, err…not:

Egyptians in Tahrir Square Chanting Free Palestine[MILLION IN EGYPT CHANT « WE GO TO JERUSALEM, MARTYRS IN THE MILLIONS » stand with the people of Gaza]

By Stable Hand at 03:49 PM |


No Cameras/Journalists Allowed: Attending Funeral Of Pakistani Christian Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

Islamabad (AsiaNews) – The funeral of Qamar David, the Christian sentenced to life for blasphemy that died on Tuesday night, was held yesterday in Lahore with some 300 people attending. Cameras and journalists were banned from the church out of fear of attacks by fundamentalist groups who have threatened the family in the past. During the homily, the vicar general of the city slammed “the latest Christian victim of blasphemy”.

Meanwhile, Pakistani Christians remembered with prayers and Masses Minority Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a Catholic, who was assassinated by an extremist group on 2 March. Investigations into his death are for their part mired in contradictions and cover-ups. This is making it more likely that the murder will go unpunished.

Pakistan, our allies.

By Stable Hand at 03:27 PM |


Back When Presidents Were Real Men

Remember when Presidents were real men who would continue their speeches even after they got shot? Not like these namby-pamby modern Presidents who would, like, die and stuff.

Now we have guys like this:

Back then, Presidents were real men. Comme ça:

roosevelt_rides_moose.jpg" src="" width="466" height="355" border="0

Yes, that's actually Teddy Roosevelt riding a freaking moose in some lake or river or something. It's not photoshopped!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 03:04 PM |


It's Friday, and you know what that means? Predator Strikes!

30 dead at a meeting of "local elders". It makes my heart smile.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:37 PM |


And Mohammed (PBUH) Said: Strike Terror In Their Hearts With Shoes & Socks

Ou Aisha, Aisha, come out wherever you are.

Forget which hadith that was but close probably.


By Stable Hand at 02:09 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="And Mohammed (PBUH) Said: Strike Terror In Their Hearts With Shoes & Socks" st_summary="Or Aisha, Aisha, come out wherever you are. Forget which hadith that was but close probably. Fatwa?…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="And Mohammed (PBUH) Said: Strike Terror In Their Hearts With Shoes & Socks"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="And Mohammed (PBUH) Said: Strike Terror In Their Hearts With Shoes & Socks" st_summary="Or Aisha, Aisha, come out wherever you are. Forget which hadith that was but close probably. Fatwa?…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="And Mohammed (PBUH) Said: Strike Terror In Their Hearts With Shoes & Socks" st_summary="Or Aisha, Aisha, come out wherever you are. Forget which hadith that was but close probably. Fatwa?…">

Hope/Change: America About to Invade Another Arab Country Again, But This Time It's Okay Because a Democrat is in the White House

Make no mistake: enforcing a no-fly zone is an act of war. When the first bombs are dropped, we will have invaded Libya.

I guess going to war with an Arab dictator who is murdering his own people but who poses almost no international security threat is peachy-keen okay, but only with U.N. approval.

I think this speaks volumes about this Administration. Apparently it believes that the moral distinction between Libya and Iraq is that in the former there is U.N. approval — which makes it okay — while in the latter there was not — which makes it not okay.

In other words, this Administration thinks moral legitimacy is conferred not by God, a universal moral standard, or by the people of the United States — but by an unelected body representing no actual people, many of who's members are worse than Ghaddafi.

I'm not saying we shouldn't enforce the no fly zone, or be involved in some way or another. Frankly, I'm torn.

But the point I'm trying to make is that if invading Libya is the right thing to do, then it is the right thing to do whether China & Russia choose to veto it in the U.N. Security Council or not.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:08 PM |


Helen Thomas Appears In Playboy

helen-thomas2.jpg" src="" width="300" height="300" border="0

Don't be scared. Read about it at the Gateway Pundit.

UPDATE by SH: Bubbe graced us with Helen's image in Playboy from Elder of Ziyon:

Runs away…

By DMartyr at 01:58 PM |


Hollywood Intent on Ruining Rusty's Childhood

wolverines.jpg" src="" width="181" height="240" border="0

In the early days of World War III, guerrillas – mostly children – placed the names of their lost upon this rock. They fought here alone and gave up their lives, so that 'this nation shall not perish from the earth'.

Then, Hollywood desecrated their memories.

UPDATE: Idea stolen from Storm Saxon's Gall Bladder

red_dawn_prison_camp.JPG" src="" width="320" height="240" border="0
Boys, you've got to get me out of all these senseless rewrites.

Avenge me, boys! Avenge me!!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:42 PM |


Judge Temporarily Blocks Wisconsin's New Labor Law

Citing 24hr notice not given. Stalling, stalling, the Dems don't wanna lose $$$$ from big labor:

A Wisconsin judge has issued a temporary restraining order blocking the state's new and contentious collective bargaining law from taking effect.

Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi issued the order Friday to temporarily block the law as District Attorney Ismael Ozanne, a Democrat, had requested.

By Stable Hand at 11:03 AM |


Terrorism 101: Day 2 – Study Materials At Google/YouTube's Jihad University

Reprinted with permission from Andrea:

Students – good morning and welcome back! On-line schooling is a very exciting medium for budding jihadists in this day and age. Learning in the privacy of your own home is relaxing as well as safe from the prying eyes of those who might disagree with your choice in career. Your assignment for the weekend is to learn to navigate YouTube to find information on any aspect of terrorism you wish to pursue.

Research starts here with Videos! * * * Videos! Videos! Videos!

Spend as much time daily viewing what YouTube provides for you in order to get the most knowledge and benefit from this class and whatever you do, don't overlook the very motivational Nasheed's.

You can see from the number of video's available in just these four categories that we searched, there are thousands of hours of teachable moments just waiting for your fertile minds to absorb!

A slight problem here, I'm embarrassed, oh dear, dear, my apologies. It seems we are working on our algorithms, or something, again, and, em, well, we have lost about 100,000 of the most prized Taliban videos in the last few days!

But fear not! They weren't flagged. No kafir could take down that many videos in a year! The insert/photo below, taken just a couple of days ago shows you our normal "inventory" of Taliban videos. Per management, the IT Department (darn their timing) will return all 100,000+ videos soon!

One last item now. This falls into the category of Know Your Enemy! Kafir trash for sure but necessary reading.

dhimmitude for dummies.jpg" src=" for dummies.jpg" width="319" height="400" border="0

As you might guess – written by a dirty kafir (DMartyr) @ Jawa

Class is dismissed and will resume Monday.

Well done Andrea, well done.

Previous from Andrea:
Day 1: Meet your classmates @ Google/YT Jihad University

En relation:
Google's YouTube Three Strikes and You're Out, Except for al-Qaeda

By Stable Hand at 10:54 AM |


Massacre in Sanaa, Yemen, Update: Saleh declares state of emergency

Update 3: 12:49 pm EST President Obama issued a statement "strongly condemning" the violence in Yemen, urges Saleh to keep his pledge of non-violence toward protesters. At least its prompt and unequivocal regarding the violence, but he doesn't call for Saleh to go but for everyone to engage in a process that provides a peaceful, orderly and democratic path to a stronger and more prosperous nation. Diplospeak.

Update 2: Noon EST, Taiz now: Central security forces in plainclothes, led by Lt.Colonel Ahm Abdo Seif prepare to attack protesters in Tahrir Square. Waiting for Aden, Hodeidah as the hours of carnage continue in Sanaa. The "Revolutionary Youth" movement declares a nationwide strike tomorrow and that the state of emergency is unconstitutional and will be ignored.

Update: President Saleh declared a national state of emergency a few minutes ago. The provisions deny citizens the right to carry weapons as they are being gunned down in the streets. The Yemeni opposition party alliance JMP responded that Saleh has lost legitimacy to declare anything. Over 40 protesters were shot dead and 320 wounded in 20 minutes of continuous sniper fire into the crowd, Ch4News reports. Marib press reports that Saleh was on board the helicopter that was flying over the scene, watching the carnage. The US has consistently and strongly urged the protesters and opposition parties to engage in a dialog with the blood thirsty madman and believe the promises of a compulsive liar while setting benchmarks. The new ambassador seemed bewildered that no one believed Saleh's latest set of lies about transferring power in a year.

Saleh was a war criminal long before these protests began in January. HRW and Amnesty urged a UN investigation of Yemen's crimes against humanity in regard to the hundreds of protesters killed in south Yemen 2007-2010 and the carpet bombing of Saada that was accompanied by the denial of food and medical assistance from the international community as over 300,000 were displaced and starving to death. This could turn very ugly now.

Original: Over thirty were killed, including an eight year old, in what appears a pre-planned massacre. Rooftop snipers are shooting unarmed people in the chest and head. The police are standing by as government thugs beat unarmed protesters near Sanaa University's al Tagheer Square. They are still firing and the number of fatalities is rising. There appears to be a large fire in the middle of the protesters who are all packed into the main street and side streets. (Fire is stack of tires lit up moments before assault began. Security forces came equipped with gas masks.)

Al Jazeera is also showing the new Huey's, just shipped from the US for counter-terror operations, (correction: are Russian copters) flying over the crowd and the fire. Reports are that the police are prohibiting ambulances from getting the wounded to two hospitals, a standard tactic for the Saleh regime. The clinic at the protest site is overwhelmed and cant handle any more injuries. This graphic vid of the dead and wounded shows many head shots. Journalist Gamal Sharbi was just killed covering the clashes.

Tanks are moving in on protesters in Taiz and all roads to the city are closed. Also reports of violence in Mukallah and forces amassing in Aden.

The US ambassador suggested on Sunday that the head of the security forces in Aden, the notorious General Qaeran, be removed following repeated assaults on protesters. The general was re-assigned to Taiz where yesterday the security forces attacked the protesters wounding over 100. Click here for that story and many other developments.

By Jane at 07:37 AM |


Haaretz: Showing the Truth About the Murder of Family in West Bank Makes the Palestinians Look Bad, So Don't

Yeah the only thing lower than showing the truth of what happened in Itamar settlement was the barbarous butchering of little children in the name of Allah… …Dumbass, yeah I'm talking to you Anshel.

No, I did not want to see it. I needed to see it. People need to know the truth you know. Not some sugar coated PC slant on what liberals imagine behind their rose colored glasses.

By Howie at 06:22 AM |


Google's YouTube Three Strikes and You're Out, Except for al-Qaeda (Update User abu293 Terminated!)

Jawa report received a report yesterday of a user who is promoting terrorist propaganda and is linked to several other terror propagandists. He is basically daring us to stop him.

So I took this issue personally by the request of a good friend of Jawa Report.

So I did my part. I identified four videos from al-Qaeda's production company as-Sahab media. They featured such wonderful folks as Osama bin-Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

I was able to flag the videos and Youtube did remove some of them. Only problem is how many strikes do terrorists get? We get three and Youtube is quite strict about suspending us if we accumulate three strikes. But for some reason terrorists in Iraq **coughbelgiumcough*** appear to get a random number of strikes inversely related to the amount of attention the user draws.

Youtube, why do terrorists get more strikes than everyone else?

Update: Wait math says he should be gone. But here are a few more videos. Please flag as violent or repulsive content, supports terrorism.

These are all official al-Qaeda productions. It is unlawful to host them in support of al-Qaeda.

UPDATE by Rusty: And they're gone! Thanks to every one who flagged.

UPDATE by Rusty II: User owned and banned.

abu294termiinated.jpg" src="" width="425" height="309" border="0

Bon travail!

By Howie at 05:35 AM |


Libya No Fly Update

Last night France and Italy, policemen to the Mediterranean, took out Momar Gadhaffi in one swift stroke.

Just kidding, they talked some sh*t but that appears to be all they've done. Libya has responded by closing its airspace to get a clear shot at the Fwench.

They must be waiting on the US UK to act, like they always do even if Tripoli was a large Roman(Italian) city at one time and Gadhaffi and the French are chums.

My opinion, its their baby, we're busy.

Update: In addition to closing its airspace Libya has now declared a cease fire….

By Howie at 05:20 AM |


U.S. nuclear officials suspect Japanese plant has a dire breach

Not good..


U.S. government nuclear experts believe a spent fuel pool at Japan's crippled Fukushima reactor complex has a breach in the wall or floor, a situation that creates a major obstacle to refilling the pool with cooling water and keeping dangerous levels of radiation from escaping.

That assessment by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials is based on the sequence of events since the earthquake and information provided by key American contractors who were in the plant at the time, said government officials familiar with the evaluation. It was compelling evidence, they said, that the wall of the No. 4 reactor pool has a significant hole or crack.

Unlike the reactor itself, the spent fuel pool does not have its own containment vessel, and any radioactive particles and gases can more easily spew into the environment if the uranium fuel begins to burn. In addition, the pool, which contains 130 tons of uranium fuel, is housed in a building that Japanese authorities say appears to have been damaged by fire or explosions.

A breach in the pool would leave engineers with a problem that has no precedent or ready-made solution, said Edwin Lyman, a physicist with the Union of Concerned Scientists.

"My intuition is that this is a terrible situation and it is only going to get worse," he said. "There may not be any way to deal with it."

Update by Howie: CNN is running a banner saying, "Threat level at Japan nuclear plant now at 5, same threshold as 1979 Three Mile Island incident, safety agency says." Well that can't be good.

And Captain's Journal takes a somewhat less alarmist stab at the situation.

So that everyone understands where the Japanese are with the Fukushima
reactor accidents, and so that you are weeks (and maybe months) ahead
of the MSM and their level of understanding as they wax hysterical. je
have tried to summarize what I know, along with prior links.

"The cores for Units 1, 2 and 3 are already damaged. They are
partially melted, and partially shattered and rubblized, sitting in
the lower part of the reactor vessel. Most of the radiological source
term that can be expected to be released from the core to containment
has already been released. It is being held up inside hard
containments and depleted via radioactive decay, plateout, etc.

By Matt Damon at 03:53 AM |


March 17, 2011

Aie! That Had to Hurt! (Updated & Bumped)

Youtube has banned the video of Casey Heynes deservedly stomping some little punks butt, because well Youtube always bans the good guy.

But never fear the video is here.

Oooops a mirror!

Update 2 by DMartyr: (First update, below the fold, linked a story that claimed the bully's mother wanted the victim to apologize. My apologies posting the erroneous report here.) Hot Air is posting that the bully's mom wanted her OWN son to apologize, not the victim.

Video of the mom's comments under the fold. Kudos to her for recognizing it was her own son's problem. Shame on the Daily Telegraph for not only taking her words out of context, but for egregiously misquoting her.

(Hat Tip: Are You Sure)

Update by DMartyr: The bully's Mom is now demanding an apology from the victim!

Gale's mother, Tina, says she and her family are the victims, now that the video has gone viral, and she says Heynes owes her family an apology.

"We don't need this posted everywhere," she told Australia's Seven Network on Wednesday. "I would like him to apologize."

Let's see… HER son did the bullying. Her son's friends videotaped the bullying. Her son's friends were laughing and giggling at her son's bullying. Her son's friends then put the video online.

And she wants her son's VICTIM to apologize for the video clip going viral.

I hope the Heynes family tells her where she can stick the apology.

(This update includes replacing the deleted video with a working video.)

By Howie at 11:44 PM |


Michael Savage Takes The World's Stupidest Caller

I don't want to post multiple talk show caller videos, but this one was too good to pass up.

Michael Savage takes a call from a woman who wants to complain about the Arizona Immigration Law. The rest of the call defies all reason and logic.

By DMartyr at 10:52 PM |


Frightening Glimpse Inside The Mind Of A Liberal

A crazy liberal calls the show shortly after Rush Limbaugh reads from THIS article by Michael Ledeen.

Can anyone understand "Peter's" logic?

"A shining example of liberal reasoning in debate, i.e., the absence of both." – Rush

Transcript below the fold.

RUSH: Here is Peter in Paradise, California. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Hello, Rush.


CALLER: I kinda wondered why you called Jimmy Carter a wimp.

RUSH: I may have in the past. Today I didn't. I'm quoting from a column written by Michael Ledeen, which is headlined: "What Would a Desperate Wimp Do?" and the point of his column is that Jimmy Carter in the last two years of his term with the hostage crisis became a total wimp trying to become courageous to save his presidency, and it was a dangerous thing when a wimp tries to become courageous. He's worried what will Obama do, but it was Michael Ledeen using the word.

CALLER: Well, I thought it was you, sir.

RUSH: Well, I did repeat it.

CALLER: Yeah. Ouais. You called Jimmy Carter a wimp.

RUSH: Well —

CALLER: Yeah, you did.

RUSH: All right, I did not, but if it fits —

CALLER: Yes, you did. Why don't you just admit it?

RUSH: Because I'm not sure that I did.

CALLER: Yes, you did.

RUSH: I may well have, but I don't remember. I know that I was quoting and reading from Ledeen's piece when I talked about it, when the word came up.

CALLER: Mr. Limbo, you did. Why don't you just admit it?

RUSH: What is the point?

CALLER: The point is you called him a wimp.


CALLER: Okay, you admit it.

RUSH: Even if I were to admit it, so what?

CALLER: You admit it, sir.

RUSH: So what? Je ne comprends pas. I'm not conceding that I did.

CALLER: You're not answering my question.

RUSH: I'd have to go check the tape.

CALLER: You are not answering my question.

RUSH: That's because I don't know for certain and I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you.

CALLER: You don't know for certain?

RUSH: No, because I was reading from Michael Ledeen's piece. What did you hear me say? What's the quote? What did I say?

CALLER: You called Jimmy Carter a wimp.

RUSH: Snerdley, this is one of the worst actors that you have found.

CALLER: I'm not an actor.

RUSH: Oh, yeah.

CALLER: You think I'm an actor?

RUSH: Well, I know that my company is out hiring actors to call radio shows. They deny that they're having them call here, but you're making me wonder.

CALLER: Mr. Limbo, you called Jimmy Carter a wimp. Why don't you just admit it?

RUSH: Okay, you know what, for the sake of this, to see where this goes —


RUSH: Okay, I did, called him a wimp. Et alors?

CALLER: Okay, you just did.

RUSH: What?

CALLER: You know, Jimmy Carter served honorably in the military.

RUSH: Yeah?

CALLER: He was the governor of Georgia.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: And he was the president.

RUSH: Yes, sir.


RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Did you serve in the military?

RUSH: What did you say? Have I been in the military?

CALLER: No, you haven't.

RUSH: No, I haven't. That's what you asked me?


RUSH: No, I've not been in the military.

CALLER: No, you haven't.


CALLER: Yeah, you ran from it.

RUSH: No, I did not run from it.

CALLER: Yes, you did.

RUSH: What is the point?

CALLER: The point is you wouldn't even —

RUSH: What so offends you about Jimmy Carter being a wimp?

CALLER: He's not a wimp.

RUSH: Oh, that's what offends you, he's not a wimp.

CALLER: Well, you're the one who called him one.

RUSH: Well, I've got the transcript in front of me now, and I didn't. I was reading from Ledeen's piece and you may not have — see, this is irrelevant to me, but you are claiming I said something I didn't say. I was reading from Michael Ledeen's piece.

CALLER: You did.

RUSH: He called him a wimp.

CALLER: You're evading the whole thing.

RUSH: Doesn't matter. Ça n'a pas d'importance. I'm not evading anything.

CALLER: Yes, you are.

RUSH: I'm trying to be accurate. I'm telling you if I called him a wimp I'll stand by it. I just don't know. One thing I do know is —

CALLER: You just called him a wimp three times during this conversation! Qu'est-ce que tu racontes?

RUSH: (laughing.)

CALLER: Oh, man. You know what?

RUSH: You know, you are a shining example of liberal reasoning in debate, i.e., the absence of both.

By DMartyr at 10:18 PM |


UN Security Council Approves No-Fly Zone Over Libya

Bombs away…

The United Nations Security Council has approved a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians and rebels from Libyan government airstrikes.

Thursday's vote was 10 in favor with no votes against. Five countries abstained.

The resolution authorizes UN members to take "all necessary measures" to protect civilians, including a ban on all flights over Libya. The resolution expresses grave concern at the deteriorating situation in Libya, where rebels have been trying to topple long-time leader Moammar Gadhafi.

Colonel Crazy's world is about to get rocked.

By Matt Damon at 06:13 PM |


New York Times Mag Shills For Avowed Islamofascist (bumped)

Yasir Qadhi, the face of the new America-friendly Islamist movement in America. I think of a guy like Qadhi as pretty much a shill for the official Salafism of Saudi Arabia. The kind of movement which preaches extreme hate, but then carves out certain excpetions — against tyranny, but not the al Saud family; against oppression, but only if by "oppression" you mean Palestinians oppressed by Jews, but not Palestinians oppressed by Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians, or Jordanians; etc, etc.

The problem with rhetoric like that is that people aren't stupid, they see the logical flaws inherent in moderating what is in fact an extremist viewpoint. Complaining about American oppression of Muslims in one breath and then in the next breath saying that America is the best place for Muslims to live just doesn't make anything like sense. For instance, in the accompanying multimedia presentation Qadhi warns Muslims not to say the word "jihad" out loud because the FBI will come knocking at their door …. even while telling them ne pas to support al Qaeda.

The Saudis, and Qadhi, want to have it both ways. They claim that Islamic law is the only just system, the Muslims have an obligation to fight in "defensive jihad", that blasphemy against Islam should be meted out with the death penalty, etc. The typical anti-Western Salafi Islamist rhetoric. Yet, they act surprised and offended when Muslims acte upon these very beliefs through agitating for sharia, joining insurgencies against "invaders and their apostate puppets", or joining terrorist groups.

You know who else claims that his jihad is défensive? Osama bin Laden.

And simply condemning al Qaeda does not a moderate make. There are dozens of other violent Salafi jihadist organizations that aren't al Qaeda.

Qadhi himself has four former students who have been arrested on terror related charges. Four! He somehow has the cajones to tell the New York Times that all four of them misunderstood his message. That's an awful lot of misunderstanders you got there:

Yet even as he has denounced Islamist violence — too late, some say — a handful of AlMaghrib’s former students have heeded the call. In addition to the underwear-bomb suspect [Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab], the 36,000 current and former students of Qadhi’s institute include Daniel Maldonado, a New Hampshire convert who was convicted in 2007 of training with an Al Qaeda-linked militia in Somalia; Tarek Mehanna, a 28-year-old pharmacist arrested for conspiring to attack Americans; and two young Virginia men [Waqar Hussain Khan & Ahmed Abdullah Minni] held in Pakistan in 2009 for seeking to train with militants.

To the author's credit, the NYT's seems to see the cognitive dissonance here:

While the dozens of AlMaghrib students I interviewed condemned the tactics of militant groups, many share their basic grievances.

But people like Qadhi aren't the Solution, they are the problème. The problem lies with the narrative itself, not with how the individual responds to the narrative.

Placing Qadhi on a pedestal because he condemns the tactique of al Qaeda would be like declaring the KKK's first official leader Nathan Bedford Forrest to be a hero because, you know, he didn't like all that lynching and stuff.

The radicalization process for the average Salafi jihadist begins with people like Qadhi who's worldview they share. It's a world full of oppression for Muslims and which only has one solution: political Islam.

To expect them to absorb Qadhi's worldview but stop short of the logically inevitable conclusion drawn from it — violent jihad — is to expect Muslims to be superhuman.

We have no problem decrying white supremacism without elevating the leaders in the white supremacy movement to hero status simply for denouncing violence. Yet somehow Muslims like Qadhi who are essentially advocates for a Saudi style legal system are immune from the normal media criticisms which naturally follow such extremist views.

Good work New York Times magazine for showing us once again the liberal penchant for the soft bigotry of low expectations.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 04:08 PM |


Facebook Terrorist Propaganda/Recruitment Continues

One of our commenters, Anna Warren, has asked for help

It is time to shame facebook for their continued inactivity in preventing terrorists from using their platform! It is time to publicly call them out. There are many of us who spend our individual free time "reporting" pages, to no avail. Facebook must do a better job of keeping terrorists and their supporters from using facebook to promote their agendas and activities! S'il vous plaît aider.

Here is a SMALL list of sites that I regularly "report."

Ummah's Jihad
Taliban in Afghanistan[Official Voice of Jihad..ed][Indonesian]
Ansar Correspondent
Alkataib Channel
Islamic Resistance Hezbollah
Supporters of the Resistance Movement
Ummah al-Jihad
Al-Jihad[Has link to donate]
Network Media Correspondents
Pakistan Mujahideen Voice of Islamic Resistance
Islamic Emirates of Kashmir
Global Islamic Front – 2 Gone
Quran and Sunnah
Kataibul Iman[shows ID of kidnapped? Afghan National Army person]
Abdullah As Saif
Islamic Media Network[showsal-Qaeda'sRussianarmpropagandaviatheirmouthpieceKavkazCenter)[showsal-Qaeda'sRussianarmpropagandaviatheirmouthpieceKavkazCenter)[showsal-Qaeda’sRussianarmpropagandaviatheirmouthpieceKavkazCenter)[showsal-Qaeda’sRussianarmpropagandaviatheirmouthpieceKavkazCenter)
Kataibul Iman for Statements
Islamic State
Jihad Nasheeds
Network of Global Jihad[Interestingtidbit:VideopostedtodayshowsformerEmirofRevolutionMuslimJosephCohen(akaYousefalKhattab)[Interestingtidbit:VideopostedtodayshowsformerEmirofRevolutionMuslimJosephCohen(akaYousefalKhattab)[Interestingtidbit:VideopostedtodayshowsformerEmirofRevolutionMuslimJosephCohen(akaYousefalKhattab)[Interestingtidbit:VideopostedtodayshowsformerEmirofRevolutionMuslimJosephCohen(akaYousefalKhattab)
Supporters of Chechnya terrorists

Groups/pages above 'likes' lead to more interesting pages/groups. Have a Facebook account? Please flag, thanks in advance

Previous 'Facebook Jihad' posts here. Note, first one was in 2007, 4 fecking years ago…

By Stable Hand at 03:26 PM |


The Wonder Slap

From my favorite crime report at The Arab Times:

KUWAIT CITY, March 15: Police are looking for an unidentified person who under the influence of alcohol allegedly entered the home of an unidentified person late evening and ordered the children to go to bed so that they can get up early morning to go to school, reports Al-Watan Arabic daily.

The children thought the man was a friend of their father and did not panic. However, when the parents heard the commotion in the sitting room, they came and were shocked to find a stranger ordering the children around.

The man even asked the woman of the house to prepare meals for him. When the children’s father lost his composure, he slapped the man hard, until he gained consciousness and escaped.

By DMartyr at 02:18 PM |


Pakistani Actress to Mullah: There are Islamic Clerics Who Rape the Children They Teach in Their Mosques

veena malik.jpg" src=" malik.jpg" width="253" height="199" border="0

Via BNI:

Actress on the reality TV show "Big Boss" , which is the Pakistani version of "Big Brother" gets ripped to shreds by Pakistani Clerics for Immoral Behavior which then percolates through the Pakistani Media and their Fundamentalist audiences. Sick of all the vitriol, she stands up to the life-ruining accusations and charges by agreeing to appear on the show frontline with one of the Mullahs as co-guest who wishes to publicly chastize her.

Good on her!

By Stable Hand at 01:31 PM |


Egypt: al-Qaeda's #2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, Brother Among Hundreds Released From Prison

mohammad al zawahiri.jpg" src=" al zawahiri.jpg" width="149" height="150" border="0Lovely, just lovely

The mass-exodus of hundreds of prisoners held on terrorism-related charges continued this week in Egypt.

Mohammad al-Zawahiri, the brother of al-Qaeda’s second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was released Thursday from Egyptian prison after more than ten years of incarceration. Extradited from the Yemen in 1999, he had been held on charges of conspiring against the government in relation to the assassination of former Egypt’s former President Anwar Sadat.[Read who else was released]

In the meantime, uprisings are damaging intelligence sharing

The wave of unrest sweeping the Middle East and North Africa is complicating the mission of American intelligence officials focused on tracking terrorists, the Wall Street Journal reports.

In countries like Libya, Yemen and elsewhere, popular uprisings have displaced government officials who have served as liaisons to U.S. intelligence. "It's difficult to share information when you don't know who the players are," an unnamed U.S. official told the newspaper.


By Stable Hand at 12:24 PM |


Democracy For Me, But Not For Thee

Just a few weeks ago, when the Egyptian protesters were on the verge of handing the country over to radical Islamists disguised as moderates (at least, that's what the Obama Administration calls them), Dr Kamal El Helbawy of the Muslim Brotherhood said, "We are not rallying actively for Sharia Law, but if the majority wants it, then why not?"

The video:

Why not? That's what democracy is all about, right?

In Sudan, its a different story. A senior security officer has come under fire for suggesting that, if democratically elected political parties agree to repeal Sharia Law, then Sharia should go:

Lieutenant General Hassab Allah Omar, a veteran security and intelligence officer who currently serves as the secretary-general of Sudan’s Presidential Security Consultancy, opened a Pandora box of furious reactions when he said in an interview broadcast on Friday by Sudan national radio that “If political parties agreed to repeal [Islamic] Shari'ah [law] then Shari'ah should go.”

Keep in mind, President Bashir's party National Congress is a front group for the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, we see a deliberate deception when it comes to democracy, depending on whether it will benefit Islam or harm Islam. Islam is like the Mafia, once you're in, there's no getting out. But at least in the Mafia you can have a BLT and a beer once in a while.

By DMartyr at 11:47 AM |


O'Keefe's "Project Veritas": New Tape Shows George Soros Has Donated To NPR Before Last Year

soros_obama.jpg" src="" width="160" height="212" border="0

Sting videos from "Project Veritas" brought down Ron Schiller, the president of NPR’s nonprofit foundation, and NPR CEO Vivian Schiller (no relation). Betsy Liley, NPR's director of institutional giving. is currently on institutional leave.

Will the latest tape ensure government defunding of NPR? Depends how much control George Soros has over dems/Obi One.

By Stable Hand at 11:41 AM |


Quebec Town Embraces Dhimmitude

Such voluntary subjugation hasn't been seen since the French surrendered to Pepsi during the Cola Wars. A poor, rural Quebec town is so desperate to become dhimmis, they are willing to build Mosques and halal slaughterhouses.

From BigPeace:

The textile mills here have closed, the population is shrinking, but Mayor Stéphane Gendron is not abandoning hope. Elected in 2003 under the slogan, “Let’s bring this town back to life!” Mr. Gendron has a new plan to revitalize his community of about 2,600 people — build a mosque and establish a Halal slaughterhouse in a town with hardly any Muslim residents.[…]

On Monday, the municipal council passed a bylaw offering a one-year property tax holiday for people born outside Quebec who move to Huntingdon. On Friday, he will address congregants of a Montreal mosque following prayers to sell them on the charms of his town. In the spring, he is planning a bus tour for Montreal Muslims interested in a change of scenery.

Rumour has it that, in addition to the places of Islamic worship and halal slaughterhouses, Mayor Stéphane Gendron is considering reviving the 1400 year old Pact of Umar. However, instead of collecting jizya from current town residents, new Muslim residents will be exempt for property taxes. In return, and under the pact agreement, the town's new Muslim citizens must promise to protect the non-Muslim townspeople, in the event of an invasion.

What could possibly go wrong? BTW, the post also gives me a chance to show off my latest photoshop. Too bad the book doesn't really exist – Huntingdon is going to need it:

dhimmitude for dummies.jpg" src=" for dummies.jpg" width="319" height="400" border="0

By DMartyr at 10:39 AM |


Somehow The Fact That Japan is Now Dumping Water on The Nukes With Helicopters and Fire Trucks …

… just does not make me feel much better. Tt seems to me that if any of all those "cooling systems" they keep talking about worked, this would not be required.

CNN: [7:56 a.m. ET Thursday, 8:56p.m. Thursday in Tokyo] Efforts to cool the No. 3 reactor at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant by dumping water from helicopters and spraying it from the ground will continue, the plant's owner said Thursday evening.

[7:37 a.m. ET Thursday, 8:37 p.m. Thursday in Tokyo] An operation to spray water on the No. 3 nuclear reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has ended after 40 minutes, Japan's Defense Ministry says. Five fire trucks took turns spraying water for two minutes each, officials said.

So firemen in protective suits can go up there for two minutes?

Er uh no reports of Godzilla…..yet.

By Howie at 07:44 AM |


The Difference Between Israel And Palestine

The Palestinians hate Israel so much that they would gleefully slaughter even the most innocent Israeli.

But when they need help, who do they turn to? Not Allah. Not Hamas or Saudi Arabia or any other Islamic entity.

They turn to Israelis.

After massacre, settlers help bring new life into world: IDF forces and local paramedics helped save the life of a Palestinian woman and her newly born infant Wednesday, at the settlement where Fogel relatives are sitting Shiva for the five Israelis brutally murdered last week.

Just as IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz arrived in Neve Tzuf to offer his condolences, a Palestinian cab raced towards the community's entrance. In it, soldiers and paramedics discovered a Palestinian woman in her 20s in advanced stages of labor and facing a life-threatening situation: The umbilical cord was wrapped around the young baby girl's neck, endangering both her and her mother.

The quick action of settler paramedics and IDF troops deployed in the area saved the mother's and baby's life, prompting great excitement and emotions at the site where residents are still mourning the brutal death of five local family members.

The paramedics noted that only a few meters away, baby Hadas Fogel was viciously slaughtered. They recalled seeing fireworks and celebrations in Palestinian communities after the Fogel murders. But their job is to save lives.

Israelis truly love children more than they hate their enemies. It is unfortunate the same can't be said for Palestinians.

I wonder if we'll see this story in the LA Times? Isn't it telling that settlements provoke Palestinians to kill innocents, yet, even in the face of unapologetic savagery, Israel remains immune to such provocation?

That's the difference between good and evil, between humanity and bestiality, and between Israelis and Islamists.

Hat Tip to my good friend IQ al Rassooli.

By DMartyr at 01:22 AM |


CAIR brings hate to Orange County

Via Vlad Tepes

The Israeli Folger family loved life, Palestinian terrorist's (CAIR's freedom fighter's) took it away

CAIR sux..

h/t tweet from @MuslimAlert

By Stable Hand at 01:10 AM |


March 16, 2011

Pakistan: Padded Bras are "Devil’s Cushions” says Council of Islamic Ideology (Update: Satire)

padded lighted bras.jpg" src=" lighted bras.jpg" width="261" height="193" border="0
Random web image of "Devil's Cushions"

Umm k is reporting that "The Council of Islamic Ideology met last night as scheduled in light of the protests held last month by JUI and other religious parties against the increasing import and eventual use of padded and colorful bras. The Council also invited shop owners who were in the business of importing and selling female underwear. The Council advised the shop owners to bring lingerie samples, so that the council could see about what the protesters were angry about. "[sure, sure..ed]

"Last month the protesters gathered outside an outlet inside Park Towers and occupied the entire floor and chanted slogans against padded bras. They asked the government to put a ban on the import and sale of padded, vibrant, colorful bras and demanded legislation that would outlaw the purchase of any underwear that is not white or beige colored.

“Padded bras are evil as they make the breasts look bigger and perky”, said one of the protesters. “Only devil women show off private parts. Muslim women should be as humble about them as they can. In fact they should be ashamed of their breasts, both of them[glad he cleared that up ‘both of them’..ed]. "

devils cushions_muslimah.jpg" src=" cushions_muslimah.jpg" width="259" height="195" border="0
Random web image of Muslimah looking at "Devil's Cushions"

Another protester said that the purpose of underwear is not to accentuate the curves. “… especially of a woman’s body the breast should not look like they belong to a non-virgin even if she happens to be married.” he added.[You gotta read the rest]

Wonder what they would feel about this Muslimah? (from Howie, where else?), click for more perky non padded boobies)

UPDATE: Several people have noted this article is a Pakistani version of The Onion. Whatever, it's still funny.

By Stable Hand at 11:54 PM |


GOP D.C. Storefront Windows Used for Cible Entraine toi

Washington Post

District Republicans often feel like they’re metaphorically under fire in a city that’s 70 percent Democratic. But what happened last night appears to be unprecedented.

Paul Craney, executive director of the D.C. Republican Committee, says that a shooter took out the windows at the GOP’s storefront office, near 13th and K streets NW, with a small-caliber projectile, possibly from an air gun.

Dang those radical teebaggerrzz..oh wait.

Thanks to tweet from @GayPatriot

By Stable Hand at 05:22 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="GOP D.C. Storefront Windows Used for Cible Practice" st_summary="Washington PostDistrict Republicans often feel like they’re metaphorically under fire in a city that’s 70 percent Democratic. But what happened last night appears to be unprecedented. Paul Craney, executive director of the D.C. Republican Committee, says that a shooter took…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="GOP D.C. Storefront Windows Used for Cible Practice"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="GOP D.C. Storefront Windows Used for Cible Practice" st_summary="Washington PostDistrict Republicans often feel like they’re metaphorically under fire in a city that’s 70 percent Democratic. But what happened last night appears to be unprecedented. Paul Craney, executive director of the D.C. Republican Committee, says that a shooter took…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="GOP D.C. Storefront Windows Used for Cible Practice" st_summary="Washington PostDistrict Republicans often feel like they’re metaphorically under fire in a city that’s 70 percent Democratic. But what happened last night appears to be unprecedented. Paul Craney, executive director of the D.C. Republican Committee, says that a shooter took…">

NRC: No water in spent fuel pool of Japan plant

Did you ever have one of those days when you wanted to just stop the world and get off…….this is one of those days.


WASHINGTON (AP) — The chief of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission says all the water is gone from one of the spent fuel pools at Japan's most troubled nuclear plant. This means there's nothing to stop the fuel rods from getting hotter and ultimately melting down.

The outer shell of the rods could also ignite with enough force to propel the radioactive fuel inside over a wide area.

Gregory Jaczko did not say Wednesday how the information was obtained, but the NRC and U.S. Department of Energy both have experts on site at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex of six reactors.

He says officials believe radiation levels are extremely high, and that could affect workers' ability to stop temperatures from escalating.

Update(Matt Damon): The utility denies….

Japan's nuclear safety agency and Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates the complex, deny water is gone from the pool. Utility spokesman Hajime Motojuku said the "condition is stable" at Unit 4.

I believe the NRC….they got no reason to lie.,

Update II(Matt Damon):US to fly Global Hawk over the stricken plant….to get a better look.

The U.S. military will operate a Global Hawk unmanned high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft over a stricken nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture, possibly on Thursday, to take a closer look at its troubled reactors, a Japanese government source said Wednesday.

Photographs taken by the plane equipped with infrared sensors could provide a useful clue to what is occurring inside the reactor buildings, around which high-level radiation has been detected.

The planned mission comes as the Japanese government appears unable to contain the crisis days after the coastal nuclear plant was struck by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami.

By Matt Damon at 03:02 PM |


Stephen King Bashes GOP Governors, Reagan For Not Giving Enough to Charity

Fact, conservatives give more to charity than liberals. Liberals believe charitable giving is taxing you to pay for their programmes sociaux.


After Mr. and Mrs. Obama released their tax returns, the press quickly noticed that, between 2000 and 2004, they gave less than one percent of their income to charity, far lower than the national average

Also related:
On tax day returns show Obama and Biden fall short of Bush on charitable giving
Who’s More Charitable: Republicans or Democrats?

By Stable Hand at 02:52 PM |


FBI Chief: al Qaeda Using Internet to Incite Terrorism; Homegrown "Radicalized" Muslims a Threat

Homegrown radicalized Muslims Younes Abdullah Muhammad [L] and Zachary Chesser [R].

The Director of the FBI testified to the House Judiciary Committee today. I've posted the entire statement below the fold, but here are the money quotes:

Terrorism, in general, and al Qaeda and its affiliates in particular, continue to present the most significant threat to our national security. As we have seen in recent months, al Qaeda and its affiliates remain committed to conducting attacks inside the United States, and they constantly develop new tactics and techniques to penetrate our security measures…

We also confront the increasing use of the Internet for spreading extremist propaganda and for terrorist recruiting, training, and planning. Consider the impact of someone like Anwar Aulaqi—the Yemeni-based extremist. Fifteen years ago, Aulaqi’s means of communication were limited. Today, on the Internet, he has unlimited reach to individuals around the world, including those here at home.

In the past 10 years, al Qaeda’s online presence has become just as detrimental as its physical presence. As noted above, extremists are not limiting their use of the Internet to recruitment or radicalization; elles sont using it to incite terrorism. Thousands of extremist websites promote violence to an online worldwide audience predisposed to the extremist message. They are posting videos on how to build backpack bombs and bio-weapons. They are using social networking to link terrorist plotters and those seeking to carry out these plans

Liberals and others in denial about Rep. King's hearings on radicalization should stop reading at this point:

Along with traditional international terrorist groups, homegrown terrorists as well as domestic terrorist groups also pose a serious, rapidly evolving threat. There is no typical profile of a homegrown terrorist; their experiences and motivating factors vary widely.

FYI: we categorize "homegrown terrorists" as Americans who have been "radicalized" in such a way that they are inspired by an international terrorist organization. In this context, Mueller was talking about radicalized Muslims. Exactly what Rep. King was warning us about.

Don't believe me? The next two paragraphs:

In December, an FBI sting led to the arrest of a 21-year-old man for an alleged plot to bomb a military recruiting center in Catonsville, Maryland. Last November, an FBI sting operation resulted in the arrest of a 19-year-old Somali American student who allegedly attempted to detonate what he believed was a car bomb during a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon. And last October, the FBI arrested a Pakistani American named Farooque Ahmed, who allegedly plotted to bomb subway stations in the Washington, D.C., Metro system.

The FBI also continues to see the phenomenon of American citizens who become radicalized and then travel overseas to take up arms with terrorist groups. A recent example is Zachary Chesser [see pic above], a Virginia man arrested last July while attempting to travel to Somalia, where he intended to join the terrorist organization al Shaabab as a foreign fighter. Last month he received a 25-year prison sentence. Another example is the "D.C. Five," a group of five young American men originally from Northern Virginia who traveled to Pakistan in late 2009. They were sentenced last June in Pakistan to 10 years in prison on terrorism-related charges. These cases raise the question whether other such young men will one day return home to the United States, and, if so, what they might undertake here.

Of course, these are only a few of the threats that federal law enforcement and homeland security officials have to deal with, and those are also addressed. The full text of Mueller's testimony is below.


* Robert S. Mueller, III
* Director
* Federal Bureau of Investigation
* Statement Before the House Judiciary Committee
* Washington, D.C.
* March 16, 2011

Good morning, Chairman Smith, Ranking Member Conyers, and members of the committee. Thank you for the opportunity to appear before the committee today.

The FBI has never faced a more complex threat environment than it does today, whether one considers terrorism, espionage, cyber-based attacks, or traditional crimes. Indeed, during the past year, the FBI has faced an extraordinary range of national security and criminal threats.

There were last October’s attempted bombings on air cargo flights bound for the United States from Yemen, directed by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). There was last May’s attempted car bombing in Times Square, aided by Tehrik-e-Taliban in Pakistan (TTP). These two attempted attacks demonstrate how al Qaeda’s affiliates and allies have the intent to strike inside the United States.

We have also seen a number of terrorist plots by lone offenders, involving such possible targets as the home of former president George W. Bush; a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony in Portland; and subway stations in the Washington, D.C., Metro system.

There were the arrests last summer of 10 Russian spies, known as "illegals," who secretly blended into American society, committed to the long-term goal of clandestinely gathering information for Russia. There was the disclosure of thousands of classified United States diplomatic cables and other documents by WikiLeaks. There was the cyber intrusion at Google as well as countless other cyber incidents that threatened to undermine the integrity of the Internet and to victimize the businesses and people who rely on it.

There were billion-dollar investment and mortgage frauds that undermined the financial system and victimized investors, homeowners, and ultimately, taxpayers. There continued to be insidious health care scams involving false billings and fake treatments that endangered patients and fleeced government health care programs.

Continued violence on our Southwest border led to the murder last March of an American Consulate worker, her husband, and the spouse of another U.S. Consulate employee in Juarez, Mexico, as well as the shooting last month of two U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in Mexico.

And throughout, there were serious corruption cases that undermined the public trust and violent gang cases that continued to endanger our communities.

As these examples demonstrate, the FBI’s mission to protect the American people has never been broader or more complex, and the demands on the FBI have never been greater.

Since the 9/11 attacks, the FBI has transformed itself into a threat-driven, intelligence-led national security agency whose highest priority is to protect our nation from terrorist attack. But terrorism is by no means our only priority. We have also expanded our capabilities to confront the increased threat of cyber-based attacks, and we continue to maintain our responsibilities for combating public corruption, transnational organized crime, major white-collar crime, and significant violent crimes.

The FBI’s transformation is an ongoing effort, and to meet all these challenges in the years to come, we will continue to need the full support of Congress.


Terrorism, in general, and al Qaeda and its affiliates in particular, continue to present the most significant threat to our national security. As we have seen in recent months, al Qaeda and its affiliates remain committed to conducting attacks inside the United States, and they constantly develop new tactics and techniques to penetrate our security measures.

While the risk posed by core al Qaeda is clear, organizations such as AQAP and TTP have emerged as significant threats, demonstrating both the intent and capability to attack the homeland as well as our citizens and interests abroad. Take, for example, the attempted 2009 Christmas Day airline bombing, which was directed by AQAP; or last May’s failed Times Square car bombing, an attack linked to support from the TTP, a militant group in Pakistan. In each case, these groups were able to recruit individuals committed to attacking the United States, and whose backgrounds were less likely to trigger security scrutiny.

AQAP also took responsibility for directing the attempt last October to send two packages containing plastic explosives and detonators on air cargo flights bound from Yemen to the United States.

We also confront the increasing use of the Internet for spreading extremist propaganda and for terrorist recruiting, training, and planning. Consider the impact of someone like Anwar Aulaqi—the Yemeni-based extremist. Fifteen years ago, Aulaqi’s means of communication were limited. Today, on the Internet, he has unlimited reach to individuals around the world, including those here at home.

In the past 10 years, al Qaeda’s online presence has become just as detrimental as its physical presence. As noted above, extremists are not limiting their use of the Internet to recruitment or radicalization; they are using it to incite terrorism. Thousands of extremist websites promote violence to an online worldwide audience predisposed to the extremist message. They are posting videos on how to build backpack bombs and bio-weapons. They are using social networking to link terrorist plotters and those seeking to carry out these plans

Along with traditional international terrorist groups, homegrown terrorists as well as domestic terrorist groups also pose a serious, rapidly evolving threat. There is no typical profile of a homegrown terrorist; their experiences and motivating factors vary widely.

In December, an FBI sting led to the arrest of a 21-year-old man for an alleged plot to bomb a military recruiting center in Catonsville, Maryland. Last November, an FBI sting operation resulted in the arrest of a 19-year-old Somali American student who allegedly attempted to detonate what he believed was a car bomb during a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon. And last October, the FBI arrested a Pakistani American named Farooque Ahmed, who allegedly plotted to bomb subway stations in the Washington, D.C., Metro system.

The FBI also continues to see the phenomenon of American citizens who become radicalized and then travel overseas to take up arms with terrorist groups. A recent example is Zachary Chesser, a Virginia man arrested last July while attempting to travel to Somalia, where he intended to join the terrorist organization al Shaabab as a foreign fighter. Last month he received a 25-year prison sentence. Another example is the "D.C. Five," a group of five young American men originally from Northern Virginia who traveled to Pakistan in late 2009. They were sentenced last June in Pakistan to 10 years in prison on terrorism-related charges. These cases raise the question whether other such young men will one day return home to the United States, and, if so, what they might undertake here.

Finally, the FBI remains vigilant against the threat of attacks by domestic-based terror groups. In January, a pipe bomb was discovered during a Martin Luther King Day parade in Spokane, Washington. And last March, nine members of the Michigan-based Hutaree Militia were indicted for their alleged involvement in a plot to kill law enforcement officers and possibly civilians using illegal explosives and firearms.

In sum, we are seeing an increase in the sources of terrorism, a wider array of terrorist targets, and an evolution in terrorist tactics and means of communication—all of which makes the FBI’s job that much more difficult. These terrorist threats are diverse, far-reaching, and ever-changing. Combating them requires the FBI to continue improving our intelligence and investigative programs and to continue engaging our intelligence and law enforcement partners, both domestically and overseas. The FBI understands that protecting America requires the cooperation and understanding of the public. Since the 9/11 attacks, the FBI has developed an extensive outreach program to Muslim, South Asian, and Sikh communities to develop trust, address concerns, and dispel myths in those communities about the FBI and the U.S. government. As part of this effort, in 2009 the FBI established the Specialized Community Outreach Team, or SCOT, composed of special agents, analysts, community outreach specialists, and personnel with language or other specialized skills. This team assists field offices with establishing new contacts in key communities.

We encourage Congress to reauthorize the three critical FISA tools that will expire later this year: roving wiretap authority, access to business records under FISA, and the "lone wolf" provision. Two of these tools have been part of FISA since the USA PATRIOT Act was enacted nearly a decade ago, and the third has been in FISA since 2004. They have all been reauthorized several times. Each facilitates the collection of vital foreign intelligence and counterintelligence information to support our national security mission.

La cyber-sécurité

Cyber threats to our national security are broad in nature, from acts of terrorism supported by the use of the Internet to economic espionage by foreign countries to sophisticated state-sponsored hackers. Such threats could compromise our national critical infrastructure, from energy, water, telecommunications, and transportation systems to financial services.

Cyber Threats

With regard to the terrorist use of the Internet, terrorists have not used the Internet to launch a full-scale cyber attack. But terrorist sympathizers have used the Internet to hide their communications, attempt denial-of-service attacks, and deface numerous websites. And while the damage may have been limited, such groups may attack for publicity or impact and they are becoming more adept at both.

The FBI, with our partners in the intelligence community, believes that the threat from the terrorist use of the Internet is a growing terrorist threat area. We speculate they will either train their own recruits or hire outsiders, with an eye toward leveraging physical attacks with use of the Internet.

The cyber threat is equally significant with regard to counterintelligence intrusions and economic espionage. Today, our adversaries sit within our networks, often unknown and undetected. They may be nation-state actors or mercenaries for hire, rogue hackers or transnational criminal syndicates.

These hackers actively target both government and corporate networks. They seek our technology and our trade secrets, our intelligence and our intellectual property, even our military weapons and strategies.

The FBI is actively pursuing each of these threats. We have cyber squads in each of our 56 field offices around the country, with more than 1,000 specially trained agents, analysts, and digital forensic examiners. Together, they run complex undercover operations and examine digital evidence. They share information with our law enforcement and intelligence partners, including the Secret Service, which also has strong capabilities in this area. And they teach their counterparts—both at home and abroad—how best to investigate cyber threats.

But the FBI cannot do it alone. The National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force includes 20 law enforcement and intelligence agencies, working side by side to share intelligence and to identify key players and schemes. The goal is to predict and prevent what is on the horizon, and to pursue the enterprises behind these attacks. Last year’s takedown of the Mariposa botnet is but one example of that collaboration. As you may know, Mariposa was an information-stealing botnet—one that infected millions of computers, including major banks and other Fortune 1000 companies. And this case, like so many others, emphasized the need for global cooperation. We look forward to working with Congress as it considers whether it should enact legislation requiring companies to report significant breaches of their network security to the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in real time. Such a requirement would promote coordination between appropriate agencies to investigate intrusions, identify the bad actors, and take actions to prevent further damage.

We have more than 60 FBI legat offices around the world, sharing information and coordinating joint investigations with our host countries. And we have special agents embedded with police forces in Romania, Estonia, and the Netherlands, to name just a few. With our partners in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Turkey, we dismantled Darkmarket, one of the most sophisticated online criminal syndicates—and one of the forerunners in using the Internet to buy and sell stolen financial data. We must continue to press forward, country by country, and company by company.

Apart from the national security threat posed by cyber criminals, we confront traditional crime that has migrated and, indeed, flourished, on the Internet, from crimes against children to fraud.

Innocent Images National Initiative

The Innocent Images National Initiative (IINI), a component of the FBI’s cyber crime program, is an intelligence-driven, multi-agency operation combating the proliferation of online child pornography and child exploitation. The mission of the IINI is to reduce the vulnerability of children to acts of sexual exploitation and abuse facilitated through computers; to identify and rescue child victims; to investigate and prosecute sexual predators who use the Internet to exploit children for personal or financial gain; and to strengthen the capabilities of federal, state, local, and international law enforcement through training and investigative assistance.

From 1996 to 2009, child exploitation investigations in the FBI increased more than 2,500 percent. IINI currently has more than 6,000 child pornography cases. During fiscal year (FY) 2009 and FY 2010, we made more than 2,000 arrests and obtained more than 2,500 convictions. We also identified 246 children exploited in child pornography in FY 2010.

The Innocent Images International Task Force brings together law enforcement from around the world to prevent and prosecute online child exploitation. Currently, nearly 100 international officers from 42 countries participate on the task force, which allows for the real-time transfer of information and coordination of cases.

One such investigation, dubbed Operation Achilles, involved our partners in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Belgium, Italy, and Britain. The three-year investigation uncovered suspects who traded more than 400,000 images of children, many depicting acts of violence and torture. Forty children were rescued, four websites were shut down, and 22 members of the ring were arrested. Fourteen of the 22 members were Americans who were successfully prosecuted by the Justice Department’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (Criminal Division) and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Florida.

Internet Fraud

With regard to Internet fraud, the 2010 Internet Crime Report was released in February. Last year, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received more than 300,000 complaints of Internet crime, the second-highest total in IC3’s history. The IC3 is a partnership between the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center. Since its creation in 2000, IC3 has received more than two million Internet crime complaints.

Last year, IC3 referred more than 120,000 complaints to law enforcement for further investigation. New technology developed for IC3 enables investigators to share information and collaborate on cases that cross jurisdictions, as nearly all cyber crime cases do. IC3 analysts also provide support for investigative efforts.

The IC3 is a unique resource for federal, state, and local law enforcement to intake cases efficiently; find patterns in what might appear to be isolated incidents; combine multiple smaller crime reports into larger, higher priority cases; and ultimately bring cyber criminals to justice.


The foreign intelligence threat to the United States continues unabated, from traditional means such as last year’s arrest of a network of Russian spies living in the United States, to more contemporary methods of tradecraft. Foreign intelligence services continue to target political and military intelligence as well as information from economic institutions, both in and outside government. Foreign adversaries, however, do not rely on traditional agent networks alone—they are increasingly making use of non-traditional collectors, such as students, visiting scholars and scientists, and business people.

To counter this threat, the FBI relies on long-standing counterintelligence programs and methods. But we have also developed the National Strategy for Counterintelligence to deter and disrupt more modern counterintelligence threats. Its success relies heavily on strategic partnerships to determine and safeguard those technologies that, if compromised, would result in catastrophic losses to national security. Through our relationships with businesses, academia, and U.S. government agencies, the FBI and its counterintelligence partners can identify and effectively protect projects of great importance to the U.S. government.

With the ongoing WikiLeaks disclosure of classified information, we must also be concerned with insider threat capabilities to gather information for unauthorized disclosure.

The FBI began a review more than a year ago, not related to WikiLeaks events, of information and network access policies through its Information Sharing Policy Board, to better balance policies governing the "need to know" with the "responsibility to share." We wanted to ensure that FBI policy enabled appropriate internal and external sharing, and that statutory and Department of Justice guidance was applied throughout the FBI.

As a result, the FBI has reaffirmed its policy of restricting access to its classified networks and allowing direct access to FBI databases or internal share sites from external networks only when appropriate. We also maintain strict rules governing information sharing to protect the privacy of data related to U.S. persons across the different security and information domains. We have instituted strict enforcement of internal access to restricted data, ensuring information systems and discovery applications use the same access policies.

This past December, as a result of the WikiLeaks investigation, the FBI’s Inspection Division began a review of policy compliance within the FBI, especially regarding access to restricted files. The Security Division issued a series of bulletins reminding employees of their responsibility to protect all information, and accelerated deployment of data protection mechanisms, including stricter enforcement of removable media use, the blocking of unauthorized devices, and increased monitoring of data movement throughout the Bureau.

Criminal Programs

While national security remains our top priority, criminal programs are a key component of our core mission. And we must recognize that national security is as much about keeping our streets safe from crime as it is about protecting the United States from terrorist attack.

The Uniform Crime Report indicates that crime rates continue to fall in cities across the country. But these numbers may not necessarily reflect what we are seeing on our streets. We confront migrating gang activity, violence and corruption on the Southwest border, international organized crime, white-collar crime, public corruption, and increasing sophistication in both mortgage fraud and health care fraud.

Financial crime, ranging from mortgage and health care fraud to corporate fraud and public corruption, continues to pose a significant threat to our financial systems. These frauds directly victimize millions of taxpayers, homeowners, shareholders, and everyday citizens alike.

Mortgage Fraud

In FY 2010, we had more than 3,000 pending mortgage fraud investigations—compared to roughly 700 cases in 2005. Nearly 70 percent of those investigations exceed losses of more than $1 million each.

The FBI currently has 27 Mortgage Fraud Task Forces and 67 Mortgage Fraud Working Groups nationwide. With representatives of federal, state, and local law enforcement, these teams are strategically placed in mortgage fraud "hot spots" across the country. The FBI also has created the National Mortgage Fraud Team, which oversees the national mortgage fraud program, ensuring that we maximize limited resources, pinpoint the most egregious offenders, and identify emerging trends before they flourish. We must also continue to raise public awareness of mortgage fraud schemes, to better prevent fraud in the first place.

Health Care Fraud

The focus on health care fraud is no less important. The federal government spends hundreds of billions of dollars every year to fund Medicare and other government health care programs, and taxpayers rightly expect these funds to be used to provide health care to senior citizens, children, low-income individuals, and disabled individuals. Most medical professionals, providers, and suppliers work hard to comply with the rules. But too many in the health care industry commit schemes that cheat taxpayers and patients alike and defraud Medicare and other government programs.

Together with our partners in the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services, the FBI is fighting back. In FY 2010, we recovered a record $4 billion on behalf of taxpayers. This represents an approximate $1.47 billion, or 57 percent, increase over the amount recovered in FY 2009, which was itself a record amount. Indeed, over the past three years, we have collectively recovered an average of nearly $7 for every dollar expended. In FY 2010, the Department of Justice brought criminal health care fraud charges against 931 defendants, the most ever in a single fiscal year, and we obtained 726 convictions, also a record. And the FBI continues to investigate nearly 2,600 cases of health care fraud.

For example, in February 2011, the Medicare Fraud Strike Force—a partnership between the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services—charged more than 100 defendants in nine cities, including doctors, nurses, health care companies, and executives, for their alleged participation in Medicare fraud schemes involving more than $225 million in false billing. By all accounts, this stands as the largest federal health care fraud takedown in history.

But these strike forces are only part of the FBI’s overall health care fraud efforts. The FBI is the only government investigative entity with jurisdiction over both public and private health care programs, and we are uniquely positioned to investigate a broad spectrum of health care fraud activity—from those who defraud Medicare to individuals committing complex schemes against private insurers such as we saw committed against AFLAC in 2010. Agents and analysts are using intelligence to identify emerging schemes; they are developing new techniques to help mitigate the threat. We are using undercover operations and wiretaps, not only to collect evidence for prosecution, but to cut off the heads of these criminal enterprises so they cannot flourish elsewhere. We have dismantled dozens of criminal enterprises engaged in widespread health care fraud, and we have sought seizures and forfeitures to recover program funds.

Corporate Fraud

The FBI and its law enforcement partners continue to uncover major frauds and Ponzi schemes. At the end of FY 2010, the FBI had more than 2,300 active corporate and securities fraud investigations.

In December 2010, President Obama’s interagency Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force announced the results of Operation Broken Trust, which highlighted the prevalence of a wide range of investment fraud schemes around the country during a three-and-a-half-month period. This enforcement effort included investigations with hundreds of defendants who committed fraud schemes involving more than 120,000 victims and estimated losses totaling more than $8 billion.

With regard to high-level executive prosecutions, a few notable cases highlight our commitment to finding and convicting those individuals who may have contributed to the recent financial crisis.

In June 2010, Lee Farkas, former chairman of Taylor, Bean, and Whitaker (TBW), a large mortgage origination company, was charged with a $1.9 billion fraud that contributed to the failure of Colonial Bank, one of the largest banks in the United States and the sixth largest bank failure in the country. His trial is scheduled for later this year. On March 2, 2011, Catherine Kissick, a former senior vice president of Colonial Bank and head of its mortgage warehouse lending division, pled guilty to conspiring to commit bank, wire, and securities fraud. She faces a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison. And on February 24, 2011, Desiree Brown, the former treasurer of TBW, pled guilty to conspiring to commit bank, wire, and securities fraud for her role in this fraud scheme.

On February 25, 2011, Michael McGrath, former president and owner of U.S. Mortgage Corporation, formerly one of the largest private residential mortgage companies in New Jersey, was sentenced to 14 years in prison for his role in perpetrating a corporate fraud scheme involving the double selling of mortgage loans to Fannie Mae, which resulted in losses in excess of $100 million. And in October 2010, Jeffrey Thompson, former president of Hume Bank, pled guilty to making false statements to the FDIC as part of a bank fraud scheme that caused such significant losses that the bank was pushed into insolvency. Thompson faces a sentence of up to 30 years in federal prison without parole, plus a fine up to $1 million and an order of restitution.

These are just a few examples of the thousands of financial fraud investigations ongoing at the FBI and conducted in conjunction with the administration’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force.

Public Corruption

The FBI recognizes that fighting public corruption is vital to preserving our democracy, protecting our borders, and securing our communities. Indeed, public corruption remains our top criminal priority.

On October 10, 2010, 89 law enforcement officers and 44 others were arrested and charged in Puerto Rico as part of Operation Guard Shack, the largest police corruption investigation in the history of the FBI. Close to 750 FBI agents were flown in to Puerto Rico from across the country to assist in the arrests. This two-year multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency operation sent a powerful message—that corruption among our public officials will not be tolerated.

The FBI is also working to confront international contract corruption. The FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division joined with our federal law enforcement partners to stand up the International Contract Corruption Task Force (ICCTF), which includes all fraud against the U.S. government where the illegal conduct occurred outside the United States and involves United States persons or funds. Since 2004, the ICCTF has initiated nearly 800 investigations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait.

For example, in December 2009, Major John Lee Cockerham, Jr., a former U.S. Army contracting officer, was sentenced to more than 17 years for his participation in a bribery and money-laundering scheme related to bribes paid for contracts awarded in support of the Iraq war. Cockerham was convicted of receiving favors, cash, and items of value from contractors in exchange for favorable treatment and consideration on contracts awarded in Iraq and Kuwait. Once he agreed to take money in exchange for awarding contracts, Cockerham directed the contractors to pay his wife, sister, and others to hide the fact that contractors were paying bribes. His wife has since been sentenced to 41 months in prison. His sister received 70 months for her role in the scheme. The total restitution orders included more than $14 million.

As Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer noted in his January 2011 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Department of Justice and the FBI are also steadfastly pursuing corporate corruption and bribery in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). This corruption and bribery works to the detriment of us all, undermining the transparency and honesty of corporate culture. In 2010, we recovered over $1 billion through resolutions of FCPA investigations, more than in any other year in the history of our FCPA enforcement efforts.

Gang Violence

Every day, violent gangs infiltrate new neighborhoods, new schools, and new street corners. Gangs are no longer limited to urban areas, but have migrated to more rural settings, from Billings, Montana and Salt Lake City, Utah to Charlotte, North Carolina and Omaha, Nebraska. Gangs have also infiltrated our prisons and even the military. Gangs have diversified from drug running and petty crime to armed robbery, home invasions, mortgage and health care fraud, and even human trafficking. The economic impact of their criminal activity is estimated to be $5 billion each year.

We have over 230 Violent Gang, Safe Streets, and Safe Trails Task Forces across the country. Through these task forces, we identify and target major groups operating as criminal enterprises. Much of our intelligence comes from our state and local law enforcement partners, who know their communities inside and out. We are using enhanced surveillance and embedded sources to track these gangs and to identify emerging trends. In the past six months, we have arrested more than 3,500 gang members. To date, we have obtained more than 1,400 convictions. And we have recovered roughly $19 million in forfeitures and seizures. Additionally, the FBI is a strong participant in GangTECC, a DOJ multi-agency gang coordination initiative.

By conducting these multi-subject and multi-jurisdictional investigations, the FBI can concentrate on high-level groups engaged in patterns of racketeering. This investigative model enables us to target senior gang leadership and to develop enterprise-based prosecutions.

Organized Crime

We are also concerned with the increased presence and impact of international organized criminal enterprises. Some believe that organized crime is a thing of the past. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Traditional criminal syndicates still con, extort, and intimidate American citizens. On January 20, 2011, we arrested nearly 130 members of La Cosa Nostra in New York, New Jersey, and New England. And we will continue to work with our state and local partners to end La Cosa Nostra’s lifelong practice of crime and undue influence.

But we have seen a shift from regional families with clear structures to flat, fluid networks with global reach. These international enterprises are running multi-national, multi-billion-dollar schemes from start to finish. In an October 13, 2010, health care fraud takedown, 73 members and associates of organized crime groups (for example, the Mirzoyan-Terdjanian Organization) were among those indicted for more than $163 million in health care fraud crimes. Among the defendants charged is Armen Kazarian, who is alleged to be a "vory-v-zakone," a term translated as "thief-in-law" and referring to a member of a select group of high-level criminals from Russia and the countries previously part of the former Soviet Union, including Armenia.

On September 16, 2010, 44 members of a Chinese/Korean criminal enterprise involved in a highly sophisticated fraudulent document and identity theft operation were arrested in New Jersey and New York. The charges included aggravated identity theft, passport fraud, bank fraud, and tax evasion. The investigation was spawned by a Chicago investigation, which resulted in arrests of 30 members of an Asian criminal enterprise involved in the manufacture and distribution of "identity sets." Each identity set consisted of an altered People’s Republic of China passport and an authentic Social Security number. DHS estimates the actual damage inflicted by the "586" fraud network to be in the vicinity of $400 million to $500 million since mid-2006, reflecting a significant economic impact on citizens and financial institutions in the United States.

We are also taking a hard look at other groups around the world, including West African and Southeast Asian organized crime. We are sharing that intelligence with our partners who, in turn, will add their own information. The goal is to combine our resources and our expertise to gain a full understanding of each group and to better understand what we must do, together, to put them out of business. The FBI is also contributing to this end through its participation in the International Organized Crime Intelligence Operations Center.

Violence and Corruption Along the Southwest Border

The U.S. border with Mexico extends nearly 2,000 miles, from San Diego, California, to Brownsville, Texas. At too many points along the way, drug cartels transport kilos of cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and marijuana; gangs kidnap and murder innocent civilians; and traffickers smuggle human cargo and corrupt public officials line their pockets by looking the other way—any one of these offenses represents a challenge for law enforcement. The severity of this problem is highlighted by the following statistics:

* Between $18 billion and $39 billion flows annually from the United States across the Southwest border to enrich the Mexican drug cartels.
* There were over 3,000 drug-related murders in Juarez, Mexico in 2010.
* There were over 34,600 drug-related murders in all of Mexico from December 2006 to December 2010.
* It is estimated that 95 percent of all South American cocaine that moves from South America to the United States goes through Mexico.
* 701,000 kilograms of marijuana were seized during the first five months of 2010 in Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas.

To address corruption on the Southwest border, we have 13 Border Corruption Task Forces with roughly 120 agents in FBI field offices in the region, and one National Border Corruption Task Force at FBI Headquarters to direct these efforts. We have border liaison officers who work one-on-one with their law enforcement counterparts in Mexico.

To address security along the Southwest border, we have developed an intelligence-led, cross-programmatic strategy to penetrate, disrupt, and dismantle the most dangerous organizations and bring top criminals to justice. This strategy begins with the deployment of hybrid squads in hot spots throughout the area, from Albuquerque, El Paso, and San Antonio to Dallas, Phoenix, and San Diego.

The goal of the hybrid squad model is to bring expertise from multiple criminal programs into these dynamic, multi-faceted threats and then target, disrupt, and dismantle these organizations. Hybrid squads consist of multi-disciplinary teams of special agents, intelligence analysts, staff operations specialists, and other professionals. The agent composition on the squads provides different backgrounds and functional expertise, ranging from gang activity and violent crime to public corruption.

Our first success with these hybrid squads came in July 2010 with Operation Luz Verde, which resulted in the arrest of 43 individuals affiliated with the Arellano Felix drug trafficking organization, including a high-ranking official in the Baja Attorney General’s Office.

The recent focus on Barrio Azteca, one of the narcotics-focused gangs responsible for the violence in cities like Juarez, Mexico, illustrates this approach. Barrio Azteca has been tied to drug trafficking, prostitution, extortion, assaults, murder, and the retail sale of drugs. Most recently, the gang was linked to the murder of a U.S. Consulate employee, her husband, and the spouse of another U.S. Consulate employee in Juarez.

The FBI has been working closely with the Department of Homeland Security in a joint effort to investigate the attack against two ICE special agents in Mexico on February 15, 2011, by suspected members of a Mexican drug trafficking organization. Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila were ambushed while traveling from Matehuala, Mexico to Mexico City in an armored vehicle with diplomatic license plates. Agent Zapata was killed in the attack. The Department of Justice created a joint task force to investigate these shootings, with the FBI as the lead task force agency. On February 24, 2011, Mexican law enforcement detained six individuals in connection with the shooting.

Crimes Against Children

Child prostitution remains one of our most serious problems. In June 2003, the FBI, the Department of Justice Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children joined forces to launch the Innocence Lost National Initiative (ILNI), targeting the growing problem of domestic sex trafficking of children in the United States. Each of the ILNI’s 41 task forces and working groups throughout the United States include federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies working in tandem with U.S. Attorney’s Offices.

The FBI’s Crimes Against Children Unit also coordinates an ongoing national sting operation entitled Operation Cross Country to combat domestic sex trafficking of children. ILNI task forces and working groups in 54 cities have participated in the operation by targeting venues such as the street tracks, truck stops, motels, and casinos where children are typically prostituted.

Through Operation Cross Country, more than 2,100 law enforcement officers have joined together to rescue child victims and apprehend those who victimize them. As a result, 248 child victims have been safely recovered during Operation Cross Country phases I through V, and we have arrested 322 pimps engaged in the commercial sexual exploitation of children. For example, in November 2010, in Operation Cross Country V, the FBI and other agencies recovered 70 children and executed 885 arrests, including 99 pimps.

To date, the ILNI has resulted in more than 600 federal and state convictions and the location and recovery of more than 1,300 children. Together, we have obtained substantial sentences for those convicted, including six life sentences and numerous others ranging from 25-45 years.

Indian Country

The FBI has the primary federal law enforcement authority for felony crimes in Indian Country. Even with demands from other threats, Indian Country law enforcement remains a priority for the FBI. Last year, the FBI handled more than 2,400 Indian Country investigations throughout the nation.

Approximately 75 percent of all FBI Indian Country investigations involve homicide, crimes against children, or felony assaults. Available statistics indicate that American Indians and Alaska natives suffer violent crime at far greater rates than other Americans. Violence against native women and children is a particular problem, with some counties facing murder rates against native women well over 10 times the national average.* In addition to violence, there is a significant emerging threat from fraud and other white-collar crimes committed against tribally run gaming facilities.

Currently, the FBI has 18 Safe Trails Task Forces focused on drugs, gangs, and violent crimes in Indian Country. The gang threat on Indian reservations has become evident to the tribal community leaders and gang-related violent crime is reported to be increasing. Tribal community leaders have reported that some youth are bringing back gang ideology from major cities and that drug trafficking organizations are recruiting tribal members.

The FBI’s Indian Country Special Crimes Unit works with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Office of Justice Services to sponsor and promote core training for investigators. The FBI provides training for state, local, tribal, and federal investigators regarding gang assessment, crime scene processing, child abuse investigations, forensic interviewing of children, homicide investigations, interviewing and interrogation, and Indian gaming. Furthermore, the FBI’s Office of Victim Assistance dedicates a significant number of victim specialists to Indian Country to assist the victims of these crimes.

Information Technology

The FBI continues to improve how we collect, analyze, and share information using technology. Intelligence provides the information we need, but technology further enables us to find the patterns and connections in that intelligence. Through sophisticated, searchable databases, we are working to track down known and suspected terrorists through biographical information, travel histories, and financial records. We then share that information with those who need it, when they need it.

Earlier this month, the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division started using the Next Generation Identification (NGI) System—new technology that will enhance our ability to more quickly and efficiently identify criminals and terrorists, here at home and around the world. With NGI, we are incrementally replacing the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, which provides automated fingerprint and latent search capabilities to more than 18,000 law enforcement and criminal justice partners, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. With this new technology, we will have the ability to process fingerprint transactions much faster and with more accuracy.

We are also working to better integrate data sets throughout the Bureau. For example, the FBI has developed the Data Integration and Visualization System (DIVS), with the goal to prioritize and more effectively integrate nearly 200 datasets across the Bureau. The FBI currently has investigative data that is stored and accessed in multiple systems. As a consequence, our personnel are spending too much time hunting for data, leaving them less time to analyze that data to stay ahead of threats.

DIVS provides single sign-on, role-based access controls to analyze and link all FBI data that the user is lawfully allowed to see and will provide the means to efficiently feed FBI Secret data to the FBI Top Secret system. DIVS will not only significantly improve users’ efficiency in searching multiple databases, it will ultimately help reduce or eliminate redundant data systems.

Finally, I would like to touch on the Sentinel program. The first two phases of the Sentinel case management system have been deployed and are used by thousands of agents, analysts, and supervisors to access, retrieve, and manage information necessary for FBI operations. The FBI is using agile software development processes to build on the existing program and complete the additional capabilities and functionality of Sentinel.

The Sentinel development team is working in two-week sprints to finish the project. Every two weeks, new capabilities are demonstrated to the FBI’s senior executives, with formal monthly updates to the Department of Justice. These smaller development teams provide more flexibility in prioritizing our requirements, incorporating user feedback more quickly, and meeting our goals, step by step. The next significant functions are scheduled to be in place in April 2011, with Sentinel scheduled to be operational in September 2011.

One lesson we have learned in recent years is the need to ensure that as new technology is introduced into the marketplace, the FBI and its law enforcement partners maintain the technical capabilities to keep pace. In the ever-changing world of modern communications technologies, however, the FBI and other government agencies are facing a potentially widening gap between our legal authority to intercept electronic communications pursuant to a court order and our practical ability to actually intercept those communications.

As the gap between authority and capabilities widens, the federal government is increasingly unable to collect valuable evidence in cases ranging from child exploitation and pornography to organized crime and drug trafficking to terrorism and espionage—evidence that a court has authorized us to collect. We need to ensure that our capability to execute lawful court orders to intercept communications does not diminish as the volume and complexity of communications technologies expand.

Similarly, our investigations can be stymied by the records preservations practices of private communications providers. Current law does not require telephone companies and Internet service providers to retain customer subscriber information and source and destination data for any set period of time. This has resulted in an absence of data that may hinder crucial evidence in a child exploitation cases, terrorism, online piracy, computer hacking, and other privacy-related crimes, for example. We look forward to continuing to work with Congress as it considers whether legal changes are needed, and to ensure that any such changes are narrowly tailored to provide targeted government access to information consistent with the protection of privacy and civil liberties.


I appreciate the opportunity to review some of the FBI’s recent work responding to the complex and far-ranging threats we face today. I also want to thank the committee for your continued support of the FBI’s mission, which has been essential to our ability to meet these diverse challenges. We will continue to need your support to complete the Bureau’s transformation and to meet the full responsibilities of our mission.

I look forward to working with the committee during the remainder of my tenure as Director to improve the FBI and strengthen its ability to keep the nation safe. I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Source: FBI Blog. Yes, the FBI has a Blog!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:37 PM |


Help Michelle

This really sucks. Michelle Malkin has been a friend to me for as long as she's been blogging. Her family is now looking for donations to help them defray some of the costs of looking for her cousin Marizela who went missing in the Seattle area. The donation information is here. There is no paypal option (which would be helpful Michelle!), but they are accepting checks.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:04 PM |


Mustache of Understanding

"Mashoom's mustache physically excites me!"
~ Emerson "Goatly" Begolly

friedman-mustache.gif" src="" width="450" border="0
Click for full size

By DMartyr at 02:03 PM |


Palestinian Authority TV host greets planner of bombing that killed 19 with "honor and admiration"

Free Free US tax dollars from Palestine!

Per PalWatch: "Note: Girl's father, Fahami Mashahara, was the driver of a suicide bomber in Jerusalem in 2002. 19 Israelis were killed in the terror attack".

By Stable Hand at 12:59 PM |


Sharia For Dummies

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By the great, and very brave, Nonie Darwish. She disputes Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf's statement that the U.S. Constitution is Sharia compliant with this primer:

1- Jihad defined as “to war against non-Muslims to establish the religion” is the duty of every Muslim and Muslim head of state (Caliph). Muslim Caliphs who refuse jihad are in violation of Sharia and unfit to rule.

2- A Caliph can hold office through seizure of power meaning through force.

3- A Caliph is exempt from being charged with serious crimes such as murder, adultery, robbery, theft, drinking and in some cases of rape.

4- A percentage of Zakat (alms) must go towards jihad.

5- It is obligatory to obey the commands of the Caliph, even if he is unjust.

6- A caliph must be a Muslim, a non-slave and a male.

7- The Muslim public must remove the Caliph in one case, if he rejects Islam.

8- A Muslim who leaves Islam must be killed immediately.

9- A Muslim will be forgiven for murder of : 1) an apostasy 2) an adulterer 3) a highway robber. Making vigilante street justice and honor killing acceptable.

10- A Muslim will not get the death penalty if he kills a non-Muslim.

11- Sharia never abolished slavery and sexual slavery and highly regulates it. A master will not be punished for killing his slave.

12- Sharia dictates death by stoning, beheading, amputation of limbs, flogging and other forms of cruel and unusual punishments even for crimes of sin such as adultery.

13- Non-Muslims are not equal to Muslims and must comply to Sharia if they are to remain safe. They are forbidden to marry Muslim women, publicly display wine or pork, recite their scriptures or openly celebrate their religious holidays or funerals. They are forbidden from building new churches or building them higher than mosques. They may not enter a mosque without permission. A non-Muslim is no longer protected if he commits adultery with a Muslim woman or if he leads a Muslim away from Islam.

14- It is a crime for a non-Muslim to sell weapons to someone who will use them against Muslims. Non-Muslims cannot curse a Muslim, say anything derogatory about Allah, the Prophet, or Islam, or expose the weak points of Muslims. However, the opposite is not true for Muslims.

15- A non-Muslim cannot inherit from a Muslim.

16- Banks must be Sharia compliant and interest is not allowed.

17- No testimony in court is acceptable from people of low-level jobs, such as street sweepers or a bathhouse attendant. Women in such low level jobs such as professional funeral mourners cannot keep custody of their children in case of divorce.

18- A non-Muslim cannot rule even over a non-Muslims minority.

19- Homosexuality is punishable by death.

20- There is no age limit for marriage of girls under Sharia. The marriage contract can take place anytime after birth and consummated at age 8 or 9.

21- Rebelliousness on the part of the wife nullifies the husband’s obligation to support her, gives him permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home.

22- Divorce is only in the hands of the husband and is as easy as saying: “I divorce you” and becomes effective even if the husband did not intend it.

23- There is no community property between husband and wife and the husband’s property does not automatically go to the wife after his death.

24- A woman inherits half what a man inherits.

25- A man has the right to have up to 4 wives and she has no right to divorce him even if he is polygamous.

26- The dowry is given in exchange for the woman’s sexual organs.

27- A man is allowed to have sex with slave women and women captured in battle, and if the enslaved woman is married her marriage is annulled.

28- The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man.

29- A woman looses custody if she remarries.

30- To prove rape, a woman must have 4 male witnesses.

31- A rapist may only be required to pay the bride-money (dowry) without marrying the rape victim.

32- A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered “Awrah,” a sexual organ. Some schools of Sharia allow the face and some don’t.

33- A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women since he “could be married to the woman he was caught with.”

The above are clear cut laws in Islam decided by great Imams after years of examination and interpretation of the Quran, Hadith and Mohammed’s life. Now let the learned Imam Rauf tell us what part of the above is compliant with the US constitution?

By DMartyr at 12:21 PM |


Pakistan: Christian Convicted of Blasphemy Found Dead in Karachi Jail

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Qamar David joins the mounting toll of Pakistani deaths due to blasphemy charges

Qamar David, a Pakistani Christian serving a life sentence for blasphemy against Islam, was found dead in his Karachi jail cell yesterday. David, in prison since 2002, was sentenced for allegedly sending derogatory text messages about the Prophet Mohammad, though his lawyer maintains that the charges were motivated by a business rivalry. He was 55 years old and the father of four sons.

Authorities report that he died of a heart attack, but it is widely suspected that he was murdered by radical Muslims who, in recent months, have sought by violent means to defend Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws.

Feck the pedophile droplet Mohammed!

By Stable Hand at 12:06 PM |


Al Qaeda Man Gets Death Penalty for Murdering American (AQIM netting millions from ransom payments)

Good news: A member of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) convicted of murdering American aide worker Christopher Leggett was given the death penalty. The group murdered Leggett for the alleged "crime" of preaching the gospel of Jesus.

Bad new: His two accomplices only got life in prison.

Worse news: The European policy of paying ransom to AQIM has netted the group $18 million dollars

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:38 AM |


Gaza: Mujahideen Work Accident

Direct hit is a beotch to mujahideen

Earlier today, IAF aircraft targeted a terror activity site in the Central Gaza Strip. A direct hit was confirmed.

The targeting of the terror activity site was in response to this morning’s firing of a military-use projectile at the Sdot Negev Regional Council, home to approximately 8,000 residents.

By Stable Hand at 11:29 AM |


Free Persia from Muslim Occupation!

Today in history: Muslims invaded Zoroastrian Persia.

Muslims out of Persia! End the occupation!! Blah blah blah blah.

Thanks to her royal whyness.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:57 AM |


Aim in General Direction. Light Fuse. RUN AWAY!!

I'm tempted to ask you ne pas to smack down this al Qaeda propaganda video on YouTube. Seriously, you're just making yourselves look bad. But knowing the IQ of the average Islamist makes me think you should flag it anyway.

En relation:
Terrorism 101: Day 1-Meet your classmates @Google/YT Jihad University

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:44 AM |


Raymond Davis is Free! (Updated/Bumped: Blood Money Paid to Family)

raymond_davis_protest.jpg" src="" width="150" height="150" border="0Multiple sources confirm he was charged, released and is now in or en route to London.

He was arrested in Pakistan after an incident in which he defended himself in an apparent robbery or attempt on his life. Several people died in the incident. He was accused of murder and of being a CIA operative by Pakistan.

Today he was charged with murder, but by the end of the day an agreement was apparently struck for his freedom. Reports are that blood money was exchanged and he was freed.

Cue Islamic Rage Boy in 5….4….3….

Hat Tip: Jane.

UPDATE by Rusty: ABC News:

Raymond Davis, a CIA contractor held in Pakistan after a deadly shooting incident in January, was freed today and is on his way home, U.S. and Pakistani officials said.

Davis was released from detention after around $700,000 was paid to each family of the two men allegedly shot and killed by Davis, totaling around $1.4 million, a lawyer involved in the case told ABC News.

The State Department then goes on to thank the "victims". Since when are two armed men chasing a CIA operative "victims"?

Updated by Howie again: There is a bit of riot footage here in this video.

By Howie at 10:20 AM |


Vanessa Hudgens Lesbian Kiss Scandal

I would characterize it as Good Gay.

vanessa-hudgens-nude4-325x243-e1300121880344.jpg" src="" width="460" height="343" border="0

Anyway there is some big scandal about more nude photos of her on the web. Its said that she was 17 at the time the pics were taken. This one is not only good gay but PG13.

There is more here for those who are really interested.

By Howie at 09:21 AM |


Another Day Another Leak at Japan's Nuclear Sites


Officials asked workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to evacuate temporarily Wednesday after a white cloud of smoke rose above the plant and radiation levels spiked.

Workers were "asked to withdraw to a safe area," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said. Authorities later allowed them to return after radiation levels fell, the Tokyo Electric Power Company said.

Radiation levels at the plant have surged and dropped repeatedly over the past few days. The most recent spike "probably" occurred "because the containment vessel in reactor No. 3 has been damaged," a spokesman for Japan's nuclear safety agency later told reporters.

As authorities continued to analyze the situation, a Japanese self defense forces helicopter aborted its mission to head to the site to drop water over the reactor from above because of radiation levels in the area, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported.

I have a very bad feeling about this.

Now Japan says that two containment vessels have been breached, not one.


By Howie at 05:34 AM |


Rocket Man's Stash Discovered


NASA's Inspector General's Office says an investigation is under way after a white powdery substance found at the Kennedy Space Center tested positive for cocaine.

"Law enforcement personnel field tested the substance, which indicated a positive test for cocaine," said Renee Juhans, an executive officer with the office.

"The substance is now at an accredited crime lab for further testing," she said.
Juhans said that 4.2 grams of a white powdery substance was found in a NASA facility March 7. She could not confirm where, at the Kennedy Space Center, the drug was found.

Who let Edison in there? Obviously someone is sneaking a little bit in and hiding it so they won't have to carry it through inspection every day. Second time…..

Its probably not the janitor, as he can't afford it and keeps turning it in.

By Howie at 05:30 AM |


March 15, 2011

Uh-oh: Emerson Begolly's Nazi Father had Stolen Guns

Note to Mr. Begolly: If you're going to demand that the FBI return your property taken as evidence in your son's terrorism investigation, it might not be such a good idea to include the stolen guns you bought from your buds in the neo-Nazi biker gang in your demands.

PS- does Jr's cell mate have a mustache?

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 08:40 PM |


Mujahideen Child Abuse in Kirkuk

Here's one of a number of images recently released by the brave mujahideen in Kirkuk, Iraq.

Kirkuk_mujahideen_child_abuse.JPG" src="" width="383" height="510" border="0

On second thought, maybe the kids armed themselves after they saw what the muj did to the sheep?

PS– If you look closely you'll see that three of the kids are wearing SCUBA diving shirts from Jamaica. I mean, how much Jamaican SCUBA diving gear can be floating around Kirkuk?

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 03:51 PM |


Pali News Sites: Itamar killings carried out by foreign worker

Hamas Arabic: Zionist Usurpers


A number of news Web sites that are affiliated with the Palestinian Authority claimed on Monday that the Itamar killings were committed by a foreign worker who was employed in the settlement.

PA-controlled media outlets also highlighted the story and continued to cast doubt about Israeli claims that Palestinians were behind the killings.

The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an, which is close to the PA leadership, ran a lead news story that claimed that a Thai worker had been arrested by the IDF on suspicion of killing the five members of the Fogel family on Friday night.

The agency did not say how it obtained the information. However, it said that shortly after the killings, Israeli security forces arrested all the Thai workers who were inside the settlement.

Ma’an pointed out that no Palestinian group had claimed responsibility for the attack and that Palestinians were banned from entering settlements.

Another Palestinian news agency, Qudsnet, claimed that an Asian man who used to work for the Fogel family was behind the killings.

Of course they are gonna try to blame someone else..that's what they do!

What's even worse, but not confirmed, two US trained Abbas' official security forces were arrested in connection with the brutal murder of the Fogel family. Remember, a newly formed group (Hezbollah connected) of Fatah's military wing claimed responsibility but Fatah denied.

By Stable Hand at 03:38 PM |


NYT: Public Sector Unions Defending Workers Accused of Abuse and Sexual Assault

Horrific examples of abuse such as:

At a home upstate in Hudson Falls, two days before Christmas in 2006, an employee discovered her supervisor, Ricky W. Sousie, in the bedroom of a severely disabled, 54-year-old woman. Mr. Sousie, a stocky man with wispy hair, was standing between the woman’s legs. His pants were around his ankles, his hand was on her knee and her diaper was pulled down.

The police were called, and semen was found on the victim. But the state did not seek to discipline Mr. Sousie. Instead, it transferred him to work at another home.

Weekly Standard

….In 25 percent of the cases involving physical, sexual or psychological abuse, the state employees were transferred to other homes.

The state initiated termination proceedings in 129 of the cases reviewedbut succeeded in just 30 of them, in large part because the workers’ union, the Civil Service Employees Association, aggressively resisted firings in almost every case. A few employees resigned, even though the state sought only suspensions.

Read the rest.

h/t Zip

By Stable Hand at 02:37 PM |


Hamas attacks "unity" rally in Gaza

Via Elder of Ziyon

Thousands of pro-unity protesters in Gaza City's Unknown Soldier Square moved to the city's Khatib Square on Monday, when a Hamas-organized rally arrived at the scene, dampening the calls for a non-factional call for Palestinian unity

Hamas didn't mince words and proceeded to assault the crowd:

30 people were admitted to hospitals on Tuesday in Gaza City as a result of Hamas elements assaulting the demonstration to 'end the division'.

Mohammed Ghareeb, a participant in the demonstration, said "A group of young people that were chanting 'People want to end the division' was attacked by a large group of Hamas members who were chanting 'Hamas is the Solution' and [the Hamas members] beat them with batons and sharp tools and opened fire during the withdrawal from the site after the rush the masses of young people on them."

Hmmm, wonder if the "Free Palestine" & "Free Gaza" crowd are shocked? LULZ, serves them right. Stupid douchebags don't get that Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Israel to be blamed in 4 … 3 … 2 …

By Stable Hand at 02:20 PM |


Avert Your Eyes Left & CAIR: Radicalized Muslim Charged with Terror Offenses

His name is Ferid Imam and although he's a Canadian he's suspected training with another non-existent homegrown radical Najibullah Zazi. Zazi was behind the 2009 plot to plant bombs on the New York subway — which also didn't happen. Imam is charged with receiving al Qaeda training from another non-existent radicalized American, Adnan el Shukrijumah — al Qaeda's chief of foreign operations.

Imam has been charged in the US and Canada.

But, seriously, none of this just happened:

US Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn overnight charged a Canadian man in connection with a plot to bomb the New York City subway system.

Ferid Imam already faces charges in Canada for allegedly receiving terrorist training in Pakistan and for planning to join terrorists in Afghanistan to fight NATO forces.

And in Canada, it's also not happening:

The RCMP have charged two Canadians with terrorism-related offences in connection to a 2009 plot to blow up packed subway cars in New York.

The RCMP allege that the al-Qaeda terrorists behind the plot were trained by a University of Manitoba student who has disappeared from Canada.

Ferid Imam vanished from Winnipeg in 2007 and is now suspected of being in the lawless mountains of northwestern Pakistan. He is now being sought on terrorist-training charges as part of a new criminal case.

Oh, the other guy's name is Miawand Yar, also Canadian.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:00 PM |


Video: Teachers Union Leader Calls WI a Revolution, Wants To Learn From Socialists, Republicans Evil

Notice Teachers is spelled Teeachers. I checked to make sure the uploader didn't do it, they didn't. [Full video at link]

Sad, damn sad to think they are teaching our kids.

By Stable Hand at 12:17 PM |


In the epic battle of Zionist Boobs vs. Snake: Boobs 1, Snake 0

Ohhh, the 'ti tee'

It should have been an alluring photoshoot between two of nature's beautiful creatures as a model wrapped herself in a snake.

But surgically enhanced Israeli model Orit Fox got more than she bargained for when the massive boa constrictor took objection to her over familiarity and reacted by biting into her breast.

However, it was the snake who came off worse because, while Ms Fox need a tetanus shot in hospital, the reptile later died from silicone poisoning.

That will teach snakes to bite a Zionist!

h/t Writer Mom

By Stable Hand at 11:31 AM |


Goodbye to One of the Best

Alas, the Counterterrorism Blog is no more. It will be missed.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:54 AM |


UCLA Blonde Would Have Epiphanies And Stuff If Not For Asian Students

I don't think she could even spell 'epiphany,' much less know when she has one.

A soon-to-be classic.

The UCLA political science student also faulted Asian students for disrupting her studies at the library by calling family members in the wake of the tsunami.

"I'll be in, like, deep into my studying, into my political science theories and arguments and all that stuff, getting it all down, like typing away furiously, blah, blah, blah, and then all of a sudden when I'm about to, like, reach an epiphany, overhear from somewhere, `Oh ching chong ling long ting tong, ooohh," she said. (La source)

OMG! Interrupting all your studies and stuff with tsunami news!!1!! Like, how rude!!!

Why am I not surprised she's blonde?

Update: Obviously, UCLA admissions takes boobs into account when they decide who gets in and who doesn't. What this one lacks in brains she makes up for in smutty poses.

I posted a few below the fold. Don't hurt yourselves.

(Thanks, Phineas Fahrquar in comments)

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More HERE.

By DMartyr at 10:47 AM |


Why We've Already Beat al Qaeda

We've already won. Al Qaeda, the Salafi jihadis, and the Islamists just don't know it yet. This isn't preuve, it's preuve.

sexy_arab_girls.jpg" src="" width="295" height="245" border="0
As seen at Big Peace.

QED people. QED.

RELATED: Hot Muslim chick Tehmeena Afzal shows it all for Allah's sake.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:12 AM |


Photo & Video Report From Rally Against Construction of Brooklyn Mosque

Eye On The World has the report.

UPDATE by Rusty: Just to clarify, I don't oppose the building of mosques. In fact, I think it's rather petty to protest the building of a mosque. The GZ mosque was different in that it's very location was offensive. But this is Brooklyn, not GZ. And, to be honest, I have always thought the builders of the GZ mosque should volontairement move it somewhere else and have never supported legal moves that would Obliger them to do so.

It's even worse when you try to use legal tricks, such as zoning boards, to get your way. Pourquoi? See the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution.

Even Nazis have the right to build or occupy a building in your neighborhood. That's what free speech and freedom of religion mean: that people get to do believe, say, and even preach things that you find reprehensible.

If you want to protest Islam, Islamism, or even hobo clown fights that's your prerogative. But protesting the bâtiment of a mosque with the intent to stop it? Come on, people have the right to do with their property as they wish. See the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution for that.

What concerns me more is something at the link SH posted. Blogspot has shielded the Eye on the World website with a content warning. Because nothing says inappropriate content like porn, hobo clown fights, and criticism of a certain religion of peace.

By Stable Hand at 09:56 AM |


Japan Fears a Nuclear Disaster After Third Explosion and Reactor Breach (bumped)

The argument has been made this is only a light water reactor….well light or heavy you can still die from radiation…..and people will there.


Dangerous levels of radiation escaped a quake-stricken nuclear power plant after one reactor's steel containment structure was apparently breached by an explosion, and another reactor building in the same complex caught fire, Japan's leaders told a frightened population. Authorities warned that people within 20 miles of the crippled reactors should stay indoors to avoid being sickened by radiation.

The fast-moving developments at the Fukushima No. 1 (Daiichi) plant, 150 miles north of Tokyo, catapulted the 4-day-old nuclear crisis to an entirely new level, threatening to overshadow even the massive damage and loss of life spawned by a devastating earthquake and tsunami.

Prime Minister Naoko Kan, in a nationwide address to the Japanese people, called for calm even as he acknowledged the radiation peril. Dressed in industrial-style blue coveralls, he offered solemn assurances that authorities were doing "everything we can" to contain the leakage.

"There is a danger of even higher radiation levels," he said — chilling words to a nation where the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the waning days of World War II are known to every schoolchild. Slightly elevated radiation was detected in Tokyo, but not at health-affecting levels, officials said.

Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, speaking shortly afterward, said radiation levels around the plant's six reactors had climbed to the extent that "without a doubt would affect a person's health." But he insisted that outside the existing 12-mile evacuation zone, there was little or no health danger.

But people anywhere close to the plant were told to turn off ventilators drawing air from outdoors and not to hang laundry in the open air in order to avoid contamination.

UPDATE (Matt Damon):No Fly Zone set up

Japan also announced a 30-km no-fly zone around the reactors to prevent planes spreading the radiation further afield.

Radiation levels around Fukushima for one hour's exposure rose to eight times the legal limit for exposure in one year, said the plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco).

The International Atomic Energy Agency said earlier that dose rates of up to 400 millisieverts per hour had been recorded at the power plant site, based on information received from the Japanese authorities.

Exposure to over 100 millisieverts a year is a level which can lead to cancer, according to the World Nuclear Association.

More here at the Telegraph:

Update II: A good summary here at Marketplace:

HOBSON: Well, first bring us up to date on the evacuation efforts that are underway right now and whether there is still time to prevent a melt down.

HOGG: Well the special exclusion zone around the nuclear plant has been extended on Tuesday. Up until this morning it was just an area about 20 kilometers around the plant. It's now larger — it's now 30 kilometers around the plant. People who live between 20 and 30 kilometers are being warned to stay inside today. And that was because there was an explosion and a fire at the plant. That explosion was more serious than the first two that we've seen since Friday's quake, but obviously it's just too early to say whether or not they have completely sorted this problem out.

By Matt Damon at 09:15 AM |


Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR Blasts American Law Enforcement on Iran's PressTV

I guess CAIR (unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding trial) felt they aren't getting enough sympathy over the King Hearings so they felt the need to go on Iran's Press TV to spew propaganda.

Because the best way to convince us that CAIR really loves America? Tell our enemies how bad we are.

Video on Press TV website: FBI spies on US Muslims. I can't get it to load correctly so I'm using the one CAIR uploaded to their jihadtube channel:

Thanks to Johnny Simpson

UPDATE: Comment at the PressTV post. It's all a Zionist conspiracy

"US is caput" — hahahahahaha!

By Stable Hand at 09:07 AM |


Google's YouTube Favors Hamas Over Israel (Update: Please flag)


Participants at the Knesset’s Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee hearing on Monday accused YouTube editors of being unfair toward Israel.

Israel Defense Forces spokeswoman Avital Leibovich told those gathered that footage taken from drones hovering above Gaza during the 2009 war between Israel and Hamas had been removed from the video website without justification.

“They were taken from drones, so you can’t say they were offensive,” she said.

“They were only returned after phone calls and lobbying.”

Caroline Glick, senior contributing editor for The Jerusalem Post and founder of Latma, a satirical website that often lampoons left-wing and Arab politicians, also lashed out at YouTube, saying the video site was hostile toward the Jewish state.

YouTube is unequivocally biased against Israel,” she was quoted as saying in a press release. “ It takes them months to take down jihadist and Islamist videos. The message needs to be clear that the Jewish people and the State of Israel are right.”

Google's YouTube ignores antisemitic, terrorist propaganda videos but are quick to remove anything deemed offensive by Muslims/Islamists. Remember when Glick's spoof on "Freedom Flotilla"? It was removed and eventually was allowed back on. Also, MEMRITV's, who exposes Pali TV antisemitism and incitement against Israel, account was suspended last year. YouTube finally reinstated them.

Google's YouTube and their censors sucketh Islamist/jihadis testes, prove me wrong Google!

Andrea chimes in today: Google/YouTube Sellin The Simpletons a Bridge

UPDATE: Please flag these 5 videos: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism

[Andrea]I would like to point out a couple of things of importance in the video's below. Four of the five have allahu akbar in the title. Two have been around since 2008 just gathering views and influencing folks not so loving of the free world. Between the five videos – there have been over 410,000 views.

Bagdad Sniper – Islamic Army
Allahu Akbar – Afghan Nasheed
Jihad Nasheed – Allahu Akbar

Have at it Jawas!

By Stable Hand at 08:08 AM |


Ministry of Boobies: Hot Muslim Chick Tehmeena Afzal

With all the disasters going on, the only thing that can save us now are Boobies!

tehmeena_afzal_busty_model.jpg" src="" width="425" border="0

Those boobies belong to Hot Muslim Chick Tehmeena Afzal. If they can't save us they would at least afford a nice place to lay your head and weep softly.

She continues to make an impact on the Middle Eastern Culture, with the understanding that most Pakistani families would have disowned her because of her actions.

Er uh she's making an impact on my culture right now.

Hat Tip: Vinnie.

1_tehmeena_afzallarge.jpg" src="" width="425" border="0
Click Tehmeena's boobies for more of
Tehmeena's boobies at Howie's Moisture Farm

By Howie at 07:39 AM |


Israel Observes Five Minutes of Silence for Gilad Schalit

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At 11:00 AM on Tuesday morning, people throughout the country stopped, observing five minutes of silence in honor of Gilad Schalit.

Rather than the customary one minute of silence, Ofer Ben Tal, one of the organizers for the campaign to free Gilad Schalit, asked the public to stop for five full minutes, one minute for the nearly five years Schalit has been held in captivity by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Traffic jams were observed throughout Tel Aviv, as cars stopped in the streets in Schalit's honor.

"For the past five years, the entire nation has been united in its hearts in the hope that Gilad Schalit will be here with us, healthy and whole," President Shimon Peres said at Tuesday's Negev Conference in Eilat.

We continue to pray Galid will be freed.

By Stable Hand at 07:30 AM |


Israeli Navy Uncovers Weaponry (Iranian) On-Board Cargo Vessel (Update: Videos of Navy’s Request and Subsequent Boarding of the “Victoria”) (Ship carried anti-ship missiles)

Image: IDF

Not surprisingly, the vessel originated from Syria

[IDF Press release] A short while ago, IDF Navy fighters intercepted the cargo vessel “Victoria” loaded with various weaponry. According to assessments, the weaponry on-board the vessel was intended for the use of terror organizations operating in the Gaza Strip. The vessel, flying under a Liberian flag, was intercepted some 200 miles west of Israel’s coast. This incident was part of the Navy’s routine activity to maintain security and prevent arms smuggling, in light of IDF security assessments.

The force was met with no resistance from the crew on-board and the vessel is now being led by the Israeli Navy to the Israeli port in Ashdod for further searches and detailed inspection of the cargo.

The vessel was on its way from Mersin Port in Turkey to Alexandria Port in Egypt. The IDF would like to note that Turkey is not tied to the incident in any way.

The operation was approved as necessary in accordance with government directives in light of the Chief of the General Staff’s recommendations.

Earlier this morning, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz updated the Minister of Defense, Mr. Ehud Barak, about the findings on-board the vessel.

The IDF and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs alerted about the interception of the “Victoria” to the German authorities, due to the German ownership of the ship. In addition, the government of Liberia, whose flag it was flying under, was notified, as well as France, due to the French shipping company.

The operation was under the command of the IDF Navy Commander, Maj. Gen. Eliezer Marom, and the interception was under the command of the Navy Special Forces Commander.

Mettre à jour:

According to shipment documents and crew questioning, the vessel initially departed from the Lattakia Port in Syria, and then proceeded to Mersin Port in Turkey. The IDF emphasizes that Turkey has no connection to this incident regarding the weaponry uncovered on-board.

Mad Mullahs foiled, again.

In the meantime, UN launches projet jeunesse to help Palestinian refugees in Syria. Hmmm, wonder if the above was part of le projet..just sayin..

UPDATE: The 'Victoria' docked at same port as 2 Iranian warships docked on their way to Suez Canal

The crew, questioned by the Navy Commando, was not aware that the cargo contained weaponry.

The ship set sail Monday night from the port of Lattakai in Syria and from there it traveled to Turkey. There, it was supposed to unload the weapons, which would travel by land to Gaza. The IDF's assessment is that the weapons did not originate in Turkey, but that the containers were unloaded there and transferred onto the Victoria.

The port of Lattakai is the same port where two Iranian war ships docked in February on their way to the Suez Canal. At the time, IDF officials raised concerns of the possibility that they were carrying weapons intended for terrorists organizations, but there was no confirmation.


UPDATE II: IDF Videos below fold:

UPDATE III: Navy dept commander: "Victoria " carried anti-ship missiles

Rear Admiral Ben-Yehuda says navy commandos found two C-704 missiles with Farsi-language manuals on cargo ship; Barak: Weapons would have limited navy's freedom of operations.

Click photo for more images:

By Stable Hand at 07:12 AM |


Remembering Yuri Glazov

jamieglasgovsdad.jpg" src="" width="160" height="148" border="0Front Page Mag:

One day, when I was nine years old, my father and I were on our way to Church. As we neared the entrance, I spat on the ground. Reflexively, my dad’s arm shot out across my chest like a railway barrier, blocking my motion forward. We stood there, frozen in time, for some three seconds until my father uttered, in a very serious but patient way: “It is ok to spit outside of KGB headquarters, but never in front of a place such as this.” I registered the message and indicated my understanding — and we proceeded on our way.

That was my dad’s moral clarity and sharp, quick-witted way with words; and the sacred values that spawned those words made a profound impression on me from the moment of my birth. I was born into a family of Russian dissidents — a father and a mother, Yuri and Marina Glazov, who put their clenched fists up and went toe-to-toe with the Evil Empire.

To continue reading, click here.

By Howie at 06:52 AM |



Post removed by request, we're not totally unmerciful.

By at 04:55 AM |


March 14, 2011

English: Killing Children is Bad
Arabic: Holy Warrior Killed Zionist Usurpers

Hamas in English:

harming children is not part of Hamas’ policy

Hamas in Arabic:

une Palestinian mujahid was able to break into the usurper (settlement) of “Itamar” south of Nablus in the occupied (West) Bank, and stabbed five Zionist usurpers.


Behold, the face of a Zionist usurper killed by Allah's own brave mujahid!

zionist_usurper.jpg" src="" width="128" height="104" border="0

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 04:28 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="English: Killing Children is Bad
Arabic: Holy Warrior Killed Zionist Usurpers" st_summary="Hamas in English:harming children is not part of Hamas’ policyHamas in Arabic:a Palestinian mujahid was able to break into the usurper (settlement) of “Itamar” south of Nablus in the occupied (West) Bank, and stabbed five Zionist usurpers.READ THE REST. Behold,…"><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="English: Killing Children is Bad
Arabic: Holy Warrior Killed Zionist Usurpers"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="English: Killing Children is Bad
Arabic: Holy Warrior Killed Zionist Usurpers" st_summary="Hamas in English:harming children is not part of Hamas’ policyHamas in Arabic:a Palestinian mujahid was able to break into the usurper (settlement) of “Itamar” south of Nablus in the occupied (West) Bank, and stabbed five Zionist usurpers.READ THE REST. Behold,…"><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="English: Killing Children is Bad
Arabic: Holy Warrior Killed Zionist Usurpers" st_summary="Hamas in English:harming children is not part of Hamas’ policyHamas in Arabic:a Palestinian mujahid was able to break into the usurper (settlement) of “Itamar” south of Nablus in the occupied (West) Bank, and stabbed five Zionist usurpers.READ THE REST. Behold,…">

Indonesia: "With this court, the government of this country has made Islam its enemy."

The spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah went on trial today. Abu Bakar Bashir could get the death penalty if he's convicted of helping set up an al Qaeda linked training camp in Indonesia.

Before the trial started today Bashir condemned the proceedings with the quote in the headlines. But his other antics today speak volumes as to Bashir's intentions to turn the trial into a platform where he can reinforce his narrative that he and other terrorists like him are really just the victims of a global anti-Muslim conspiracy. He walked out on his own trial:

Abu Bakar Bashir and his supporters left the courtroom on Monday to protest witness testimony via teleconference.

This would be the same Indonesia that just outlawed a minority Islamic sect in several provinces. The sect's crime? Getting murdered for blasphemy. But somehow, I don't think this is what Bashir has in mind when he accuses them of being against Islam.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 04:19 PM |


India Gets The Mothership

Somali pirates, Louis Farrakhan hardest hit.

The navy captured 61 pirates fleeing the battle and the fire that broke out aboard the hijacked vessel. The battle is the latest example of the piracy trade's turn toward increased violence.

A pirate in Somalia threatened Indian sailors and the government with targeted attacks in retaliation for the arrests.

The Indian navy said a patrol aircraft spotted the mothership Friday while responding to another vessel reporting a pirate attack. The pirates aborted the hijacking attempt and tried to escape on the mothership.

Better look out, India. You could be in big trouble from a bunch of losers that run around in motorboats armed with AK's and the occasional RPG.

So far, Rita X has no comment on the mothership.

By Vinnie at 04:10 PM |


Fogel Family Massacre: PA Blame Israel, 3rd Palestinian Intifada Continues at Facebook, Israel Launches Palestinian Authority (PA) Incitement Index (Update: US trained forces arrested?)


Senior PA Officials Condemn Itamar Murder while Blaming Israel for Palestinian Hostility

Following the March 11 attack on the Fogel family in the Israeli settlement of Itamar, in which the parents and three children, including a four-month-old infant, were killed, PA officials condemned the attack while stressing their opposition to all violence, including violence against Palestinians. Some also raised questions about the identity of the murderers, hinting that they may not have been Palestinian. Fatah officials and columnists in the PA dailies denounced the murder of the children with unprecedented harshness, stressing the depravity of the act, but also blamed the settlers for instigating Palestinian hostility against them, and noted that Israel also killed children.

Blamimg the victims is the Pali modus operandi.

Meanwhile, I posted a few days ago about a Facebook website calling for the 3rd Intifada:

The numbers have grown from 40,000 to 163,819 in just a few days, and flagging appears to be ignored. A source told me that some IDF soldiers had clicked on a link that resulted in the 3rd Intifada page being posted on their wall. Were they targeted? Presumably so.

Please flag the page again: Palestinian.Intifada. They are definitely trying to incite more violence against Israel. Apparently, Jewish children being brutally murdered doesn't bother them … Islam's useful idiots at their finest.

Meanwhile, Israel has launched an Index of Palestinian Authority Incitement. Way past due as far as I am concerned.

Incitement against Israel, which frequently turns into genuine anti-Semitic incitement, is an inseparable part of the fabric of life in the Palestinian Authority. Thus, anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic messages are regularly heard in both the private and official media and in mosque sermons, and are studied in school textbooks.

Terrorists are given an honored status and become models for emulation in Palestinian society, both in the media and via ceremonies held by institutions affiliated with the PA.

Institutionalized and systematic incitement against Israel has never ceased in the PA,even during the height of the diplomatic process in the 1990s.

Examples from Recent Months

On 9.3.11, Abu Mazen's advisor Sabri Saidam, delivered a speech in which he emphasized that Palestinian weapons must be turned towards Israel. He demanded that the Palestinian people be attentive to the living conditions of martyrs' families and said that the anniversary of the death of Dalal Mughrabi (one of the perpetrators of 1978 coastal highway massacre) should be marked by inaugurating a square in her name in the city of El-Bireh.

On 6.3.11, the PA's official newspaper, Al Hayat Al-Jadida, published an item to the effect that the management of a youth club in Ramallah planned to hold a soccer tournament in memory of Wafa Idris, a suicide bomber.[More..]

An excellent who's who of those behind the "Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions [BDS] against Israel at NGO Monitor's BDS Sewer System. The Facebook page above is part of this.

h/t ibloga for heads up on Israel's PA Incitement Index.

UPDATE via Aaron Klein in Israel:

JERUSALEM – Two members of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' official security forces were arrested in conjunction with this past weekend's bloody massacre in which five family members were brutally stabbed to death inside their home in the Jewish village of Itamar, WND has learned.

The names of the apprehended suspects will be released to the Israeli media within hours but were revealed to WND by security officials working on the murder.

Two cousins are now in Israeli custody and are suspected in the slayings. Ahmed Awad is an officer in Abbas' Preventative Security Services in the northern West Bank city of Nablis. Iyad Awad is an officer in Abbas' General Intelligence services in Ramallah[ More….]

Wow, just wow.

h/t Pamela via Andrea

En relation:
Facebook page calls for 3rd intifada[YNet]

Israeli Minister of Defense: "The attack is grave, our blood is boiling" (Crime scene photos)(Update:Video of Fogel Family Funeral)(Update: PA incitement prior to murder of Fogel family)
Brave 'Mujahid' Murders Israeli Family of 5 Including Infant, Hamas Celebrates (Update-3yr old stabbed in heart, 3 mo old baby had her throat slashed)

By Stable Hand at 02:35 PM |


Cry Me A River


Wiping tears from beneath her dark-rimmed glasses, Anne Moser, 47, who works for the University of Wisconsin-Madison's science-based Water Library, said, "People know that violence doesn't get you anywhere. The attack the Republicans have made is violent and a violation of human rights. It is an attack on the middle class. We teach our children to follow rules and to sit at the table and work it out, but that certainly hasn't happened here."

Obligatory video below.

Update: OH, boy! Ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy! Voici la Publique contact page of Anne Moser, 47, who works for the University of Wisconsin-Madison's science-based Water Library. Feel free to send her a sympathetic note and let her know you feel her pain.

And keep it as civil as the Wisconsin union protesters kept it during their month long siege of the Wisconsin Capitol building.

Please, just keep it civil. Don't disrespect the Bing!

By DMartyr at 02:34 PM |


New Al Qaeda Magazine for Women Offers Sex Advice for the Wives of Mujahideen

al_qaeda_ladies_mag_1.jpg" src="" width="282" height="298" border="0

Al Qaeda central has released it's first magazine for women. Despite being compared tongue in cheek to Cosmo or Ladies Home Journal by some old school media, the magazine is pretty disappointing in the glossy photos section.

We have precisely two photos of women in the magazine from al Qaeda titled "al Shamika". The first one is at the top of this post. The second one is below. Sans blague.

al_qaeda_ladies_mag_2.jpg" src="" width="447" height="372" border="0

I don't speak Arabic, but I'm pretty sure the gist of this isn't "how to teach your wife a lesson in public she'll never forget". I think it's something like, "See how those influenced by the West treat real Muslim women & children?"

And look, they even have corporate sponsorship: CHIA MOSQUE!

al_qaeda_ladies_mag_3.jpg" src="" width="348" height="328" border="0

Here's the take away from The Daily Mail:

Al-Qaeda has launched a women's magazine that mixes beauty and fashion tips with advice on suicide bombings.

Dubbed 'Jihad Cosmo', the glossy magazine's front cover features the barrel of a sub-machine gun next to a picture a woman in a veil.

There are exclusive interviews with martyrs' wives, who praise their husbands' decisions to die in suicide attacks.

The slick, 31-page Al-Shamikha magazine – meaning The Majestic Woman – has advice for singletons on 'marrying a mujahideen'.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:46 PM |


Al Qaeda Banner Finally Translated

This explains a lot.

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Fatwa issued against the ifnidel uptight.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 01:26 PM |


Fat Chance: Tens of Thousands of Lebanese March, Demand Hezbollah Disarm

Peaceful demonstrations against people uneager or unwilling to shed blood are one thing, but peaceful demonstrations demanding a bloodthirsty, theocratic, state sponsored terrorist organization give up its weapons? Now that's just wishful thinking.

It's a wish and a hope and a dream that I share with the Lebanese people, but the kind of wish I file under fantasy rather than goal which can be achieved.

It will take either the downfall of the Iranian regime or civil war to disarm Hezbollah. And no one in Lebanon is willing to go through that again.

Press release below from the Cedars Revolution.

Statement by WCCR on the Million Citizen March in Beirut

"Disarm Hezbollah, protect freedom, keep the Peace"

March 14th 2011

CR News, Washington DC

The World Council for the Cedars Revolution (WCCR) salutes the brave Lebanese people who has demonstrated today March 13, 2011 in downtown Beirut with one million men and women gathering in celebration of the sixth anniversary of the Cedars Revolution of 2005.

The WCCR considers the million men and women march today as evidence of the strength and determination of the Cedars Revolution and of civil society in Lebanon in their struggle to achieve freedom, justice and implement all relevant UN resolutions, particularly UNSCR 1559. The WCCR declares the following:

1) The Lebanese Diaspora hail the courageous participants in the March 2011 demonstration, particularly women, youth and children who sent us a clear message of hope and liberty.

2) It is now without any doubt that the popular majority in Lebanon, after two legislative elections and now with this one million citizens march, desires the disarming of Hezbollah's militias and keeping all military responsibilities under the Lebanese Army and UNIFIL. Hence we urge the United Nations, based on this exercise of popular expression to engage in the next steps to implement UNSCR 1559 and disarming Hezbollah.

3) We value the courage of Prime Minister Saad Hariri who addressed the people directly and asked them if they wish to see Hezbollah disarmed, allowing the entire world to hear the answer loud and clear.

4) We are thrilled to see that the people of Lebanon has responded en masse to the call for demonstration despite terror assassinations, explosions and intimidations practices by Hezbollah and its terror networks against unarmed civilians over the past six years

5) The WCCR however calls on the politicians who spoke at the rally to match the feelings and will of the people who responded to the call for demonstration, by raising the bar of the demands and declare clearly that they wish to see UNSCR 1559 implemented via the United Nations and not through a sterile concession to Hezbollah on what they call a table of negotiations. The people of Lebanon mandated its politicians to be clear in demanding an international help against the terror group and these politicians are obligated to execute the will of the people.

6) The WCCR disagree with calls emanating from some politicians that Hezbollah weapons must be directed to the southern borders to trigger another regional war. The Lebanese Diaspora and Lebanon's popular majority doesn't want war, any war. Hezbollah's weapons must be collected by the UN and the Lebanese Army and Lebanon's southern borders must be regulated at this point by UNSCR 1701

President Secretary General

Joe Baini Tom Harb

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:37 AM |


Note to YouTube: A Video Featuring Osama bin Laden About 9/11 in Urdu ….(Update-PWND)

… is probably pro-9/11, not agin' it.

Also, note to Okay, I get it, you don't want to "censor" the terrorists. nous pouvons tuer them, but a private non-profit organization can't stop itself from offering them a free platform to spread their propaganda. Gotcha.

But could you at least require a working email address for the scumbags who upload this stuff?



brigade313_terminated.jpg" src="" width="468" height="28" border="0

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:22 AM |


Tonight's Japan Update

As it appears from Sydney this morning. Or tonight or something….

Sydney Morning Herald: A THIRD nuclear reactor was in danger of meltdown in Japan last night, as thousands of bodies began to wash up on beaches north of Tokyo following Friday's devastating tsunami.

The death toll was still expected to exceed 10,000 people, officials said. A massive search and rescue operation continues, with virtually the entire Japanese Self-Defence force deployed, aided by international workers including a 76-strong Australian team.

In the hardest-hit area around the ruined city of Sendai, 156 Australians are missing. A consular team was travelling north from Tokyo last night.

Officials in the Miyagi prefecture, north of Tokyo, believe 10,000 people may have been killed in that district alone. The confirmed toll had reached 1627 dead, with 1720 missing and 1962 injured, the National Police Agency said.

More than 350,000 people are in emergency shelters, and about 1.5 million across the region remained without power or water yesterday.

A second hydrogen explosion tore through the Daiichi nuclear complex in Fukushima yesterday morning, but radiation levels around the damaged plant did not increase markedly, and the government said it believed a full-blown nuclear meltdown would be averted. This assessment was endorsed by nuclear specialists in Japan and Australia.

There is also video at the link.

Update: Now they are reporting that one of the reactors' fuel has become exposed again.

By Howie at 08:18 AM |


Obama Responds To Murder Of Unarmed ICE Agent By Sending More Unarmed ICE Agents

That'll teach those drug cartels not to mess with the Obamessiah!!

It's BRILLIANT! It'll force the cartels to exhaust their supply of bullets! And we can take comfort in knowing we didn't violate any cartel human rights.

On Friday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement director, John Morton announced that his agency is sending an additional 20 agents to Mexico to combat the growing threat from the cartels.

Of course, these new agents will be unarmed.

When reporters brought up the fact that Agent Jaime Zapata was recently gunned down by Zetas gunmen and unable to defend himself, Morton responded: "We're very cognizant of the fact that we're sending people into a place that's dangerous and we're taking a number of security steps."

"Security steps" being extra beanbags.

Read more.

(Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit)

By DMartyr at 08:17 AM |


Ignoring The Elephant In The Room 'Exhausting'

(Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit)

"Moderate" Muslims lament exhaustive counter-Islamophobia.

Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11" src="

I'm sure it's exhausting to keep insisting Islam is the "religion of peace" when other Muslims keep insisting on killing the kufar. And us Infidels thought we had a tough task.

From the AP:

Finishing law school is a challenge for Dewnya Bakri-Bazzi, but being an American and a Muslim can be downright exhausting.

As she crammed before class this week, Bakri-Bazzi caught up on testimony from a congressional hearing on the radicalization of U.S. Muslims. She contends Rep. Peter King, the New York Republican who called it, is ignoring the positive steps Muslims have taken in fighting terrorism since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Bakri-Bazzi, president of the Muslim Legal Society at Thomas M. Cooley Law School's Detroit area campus, says she fears Thursday's hearing will only spark backlash against innocent members of her community just going about their lives.

Maybe the innocent members of the non-Muslim community just going about leur lives are being too harsh with Islam.

By DMartyr at 07:49 AM |


One Of Wisconsin's 'Best New Teachers' Laid Off

(Hat Tip: IHateTheMedia)

Why would Governor Walker dismiss a young teacher voted one of the best in the state? Collective bargaining, that's why.

In 2010, Megan Sampson was named an Outstanding First Year Teacher in Wisconsin. A week later, she got a layoff notice from the Milwaukee Public Schools. Why would one of the best new teachers in the state be one of the first let go? Because her collective-bargaining contract requires staffing decisions to be made based on seniority.

Ms. Sampson got a layoff notice because the union leadership would not accept reasonable changes to their contract. Instead, they hid behind a collective-bargaining agreement that costs the taxpayers $101,091 per year for each teacher, protects a 0% contribution for health-insurance premiums, and forces schools to hire and fire based on seniority and union rules.

This is an example of how unions operate. It really isn't about worker "rights" (I prefer 'privileges') or protecting the voiceless, it's about unearned and undeserved tenure and protecting upper hierarchy regardless of incompetence or abuse.

The case Walker cites is a perfect example. A good teacher – one of the best – is sacrificed by union collective bargaining in order to protect the position of a less deserving teacher, who happens to have seniority. Ultimately, it's the students who lose.

Will the leftist media come out in defense of Ms. Sampson? Will protesters organize to object to her treatment? Of course not.

Show your support – support businesses that support Walker. And vote:

By DMartyr at 06:50 AM |


I'm Not Worried About the Nukes Either

identifythedroids.jpg" src="" width="424" height="337" border="0

Because after all, I'm on the other side of the world.

These aren't the nuclear meltdowns we're looking for, you can go about your business. Move along… move along.

By Howie at 06:37 AM |


Online Jihad Foiled by Image Shack Registration

Apparently some folk don't trust Image Shack with their identity and website.

Like that makes any difference.

Image Shack is very popular amongst the online Jihadi crowd, because they hate to host their own images.

Hey guys, just email me. I'll upload the image for you and ya'll can hotlink it?


Just trying to be helpful.

By Howie at 06:07 AM |


Miss Snake Charmer 2011

Been seeing all these snake stories about Sweet Water Texas. Here's your winner.

mssnakecharmer2011.JPG" src="" width="425" border="0

On Thursday evening, Laney and other young women from the area stood before judges and strutted their stuff for the chance to be the new Miss Snake Charmer. After her yodeling talents wowed the judges — along with a strong showing in the interview and formalwear portions of the evening, Wallace received the crown and the sash, but she had to wait until Friday to get the machete.

One of her first duties required donning special snake boots and Kevlar-lined chaps and sashaying around a pit filled with more than 300 wriggling rattlers. One of the Jaycees standing nearby handed her a pair of "grabbers" and without a single hair out of place, she grabbed the snakes and flung them about the pit with the grace and poise of an experienced veteran.

(Insert witty prose here.)

By Howie at 05:52 AM |


Another Fukushima nuclear plant blast injures 11(they think it was another hydrogen blast)

If Japaan didn't have enough on its plate.


What appears to be another hydrogen blast has occurred at a nuclear power plant in Fukushima. No damage to the reactor chamber has been reported, but 11 people have been injured.

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency says what it believes was a hydrogen blast occurred at 11:01 AM on Monday at the No.3 reactor of Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant. The agency says it has so far observed no abnormal rise in radiation around the compound of the plant.

The company says the blast injured 11 people.

The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency has advised anyone remaining within 20 kilometers of the power plant to take shelter inside buildings as soon as possible. About 600 people are thought to be still in the area.

A similar hydrogen blast occurred at the No.1 reactor at the same plant on Saturday.

Prayers for the people of Japan…

UPDATE I:(Matt Damon) If this mornings explosion wasn't bad enough there is word that another reactor at Fukushima has lost its cooling system.

Later Monday the cooling system at the number two reactor failed, Jiji Press reported — the sort of failure that preceded the explosions in the number one and three reactors.

And guess who just passed thru a radioactive cloud..

The US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, on a humanitarian mission to Japan, reportedly passed through a radioactive cloud from the plant and its crew received a month?s worth of radiation in about an hour.

There was no indication that any of the military personnel had experienced ill effects from the exposure, the New York Times reported citing unnamed government officials.

But the episode showed that the prevailing winds were picking up radioactive material from the crippled Fukushima plant, the newspaper noted.

By Matt Damon at 03:28 AM |


Another Reason Not to Use IE

HTML venerability under active exploitation

We’ve noticed some highly targeted and apparently politically motivated attacks against our users. We believe activists may have been a specific target. We’ve also seen attacks against users of another popular social site. All these attacks abuse a publicly-disclosed MHTML vulnerability for which an exploit was publicly posted in January 2011. Users browsing with the Internet Explorer browser are affected.

For now, we recommend concerned users and corporations seriously consider deploying Microsoft’s temporary Fixit to block this attack until an official patch is available.

To help protect users of our services, we have deployed various server-side defenses to make the MHTML vulnerability harder to exploit. That said, these are not tenable long-term solutions, and we can’t guarantee them to be 100% reliable or comprehensive. We’re working with Microsoft to develop a comprehensive solution for this issue.

The abuse of this vulnerability is also interesting because it represents a new quality in the exploitation of web-level vulnerabilities. To date, similar attacks focused on directly compromising users' systems, as opposed to leveraging vulnerabilities to interact with web services

Don't have a clue what "political motivated activists" they are talking about but time to drop Internet Explorer..just sayin..use at your own risk.

h/t sinocism

By Stable Hand at 12:20 AM |


March 13, 2011

Seriously Good News: Canadian 'Baby Joseph' Gets Second Chance at Life in U.S.

canadian_boy.jpg" src="" width="255" height="144" border="0
Baby Joseph Maraachli

Canadian parents of 'baby Joseph' have fought the hospital in Canada to insert a tracheotomy so they could bring him home. Hospital officials were prepared to pull 'the plug' citing he was dying and it would only prolong his inevitable death. They refused to preform a tracheotomy. Think about it…Obamacare

Anyway, thankfully he is now on his way to America! Thank you Priests For Life

The baby who was hours from being pulled off life support at his Canadian hospital has been rescued by the national director of Priests For Life.

Joseph Maraachli, 13 months old, who is currently kept alive by a respirator and was recently denied a transfer to a Michigan hospital to undrgo a tracheotomy, is en route tonight to the U.S. with Fr. Frank Pavone

After all the bad news of lately this is something to rejoice over..socialized medicine lost..for now.

By Stable Hand at 10:47 PM |


Japan: USS Ronald Reagan Carrier Crew Said to be Exposed to Radiation

NY Times

The Pentagon was expected to announce that the aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, which is sailing in the Pacific, passed through a radioactive cloud from stricken nuclear reactors in Japan, causing crew members on deck to receive a month’s worth of radiation in about an hour, government officials said Sunday.

The officials added that American helicopters flying missions about 60 miles north of the damaged reactors became coated with particulate radiation that had to be washed off.

There was no indication that any of the military personnel had experienced ill effects from the exposure. (Everyone is exposed to a small amount of natural background radiation.)

Time for them to pop some Iodine and what ever the hell else they put in the pills to protect against thyroid cancer. App 150 Japanese people have also been exposed, some had to be washed down to remove the radiation. Let's hope a simple pill will fix this.

I've seen images of those checking residents for radiation. They are not fully suited up, if they were then we should worry:

Japan Earthquake_radiation_workers.jpg" src=" Earthquake_radiation_workers.jpg" width="318" height="180" border="0

Also, some worry how far the cloud will carry radioactive material:

But the episodes showed that the prevailing winds were picking up radioactive material from crippled reactors in northeastern Japan. Ever since an earthquake struck Japan on Friday, the authorities worldwide have been laying plans to map where radioactive plumes might blow and determine what, if any, danger they could pose to people.

Blogs were churning with alarm. But officials insisted that unless the quake-damaged nuclear plants deteriorated into full meltdown, any radiation that reached the United States would be too weak to do any harm.

h/t tweet from G

UPDATE: A second explosion has hit the nuclear plant in Japan which was damaged in Friday's earthquake, but officials said it had resisted the blast

TV footage showed smoke rising from Fukushima plant's reactor 3, a day after an explosion hit reactor 1.

Japan's nuclear safety agency said the blast was believed to have been caused by the build-up of hydrogen.

However, the agency said it could not confirm whether there had been an uncontrolled leak of radioactivity.

Take those iodine pill thingies people.

By Stable Hand at 09:27 PM |


Dead Men Risen: The Sniper's Story

dead men risen book cover.jpg" src=" men risen book cover.jpg" width="272" height="416" border="0
Click book cover to view book at

Toby Harnden writes about the Welsh Guards in Afghanistan in his controversial book Dead Men Risen: the Welsh Guards and the Real Story of Britain's War in Afghanistan. An excerpt from "The Snipers' Story":

Taking deliberate aim, he fired a single shot. The bike tumbled and both men fell onto the road and lay there motionless. When the British patrol returned, they checked the men and confirmed they were both dead, with large holes through their heads.

The 7.62 mm bullet Osmond had fired had passed through the heads of both men. He had achieved the rare feat of ‘one shot, two kills’ known in the sniping business as ‘a Quigley’. The term comes from the 1990 film Quigley Down Under in which the hero, played by Tom Selleck, uses an old Sharps rifle to devastating effect.

Making the world a better place two Taliban at a time…

two taliban killed by british sniper.jpg" src=" taliban killed by british sniper.jpg" width="420" border="0

Caption from article: Soldiers from 4 Rifles check the bodies of the two Taliban killed with one bullet fired by Rifleman Mark Osmond, while local children look on

By DMartyr at 08:36 PM |


Israeli Minister of Defense: "The attack is grave, our blood is boiling" (Crime scene photos)(Update:Video of Fogel Family Funeral)(Update: PA incitement prior to murder of Fogel family)

itamar_fogel family.jpg" src=" family.jpg" width="400" height="267" border="0
Udi Fogel (36.5), his wife Ruth (35) and children Yoav (11), Elad (4) and Hadas (three months)


"This attack is grave and our blood is boiling but I am positive that the perpetrators will be caught quickly," said the Minister of Defense. "We must do everything in our power to bring back security and calm to the region. I trust and am positive the terrorists will be caught and punished harshly and security forces will glean every lesson possible from this event in order to avoid its being repeated."

The family were sleeping when attack occurred. Throats slashed including the baby, 4yr old was stabbed in the heart. Hamas military wing boasted, candy and sweets were handed out in celebration:

A so called newly formed wing named after a Hezbollah terrorist IDF sploded (Imad Mugniyah) and connected to Fatah's military wing (al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades) claimed responsibility.

(UPDATE): Video of funeral, thanks to Are You Sure?

RIP dear Fogel family, may God give the surviving children comfort and strength. Our thoughts and prayers are with them as well.

(UPDATE II:) Challahuakbar

In the period prior to the murders of Ruth and Udi Fogel and their three children in the Israeli town Itamar, the Palestinian Authority continued to encourage terror by glorifying terrorists as heroes and role models and through calls for violence. In addition, in an act that sent a clear message of support for terror, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas awarded $2000 to the family of a terrorist who attacked and tried to kill Israeli soldiers – just 2 months ago.

The following are some examples of terror promotion in the period leading up to the terror attack in Itamar on the West Bank two days ago in which terrorist(s) murdered five members of an Israeli family[ Read the rest]:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Continue the original post:

I am posting images of the crime scene below fold. Please don't take this as disrespect to the family, I want all to see how cowardly and truly evil these terrorists are. Next time you see or hear "Free Palestine", "Break the Siege on Gaza", "Freedom Flotilla", "Israel Apartheid" etc., think of this innocent family and others who have met the same fate because they are Jewish.

Attention: Strong stomach required!


Via Rotter forum

These photos were released by the family. They have given full
permission for their use and they to ask you to report on the horrific reality of murdering children and babies in their sleep, simply because they are Jewish.






One more chance, are you sure?

Les voici:

Father & infant

11 yr old

4 yr old


En relation:
123 Israeli Children Killed by Palestinian Terrorists


Brave 'Mujahid' Murders Israeli Family of 5 Including Infant, Hamas Celebrates (Update-3yr old stabbed in heart, 3 mo old baby had her throat slashed)

By Stable Hand at 01:28 PM |


Islam 101

This video is actually a comparison between Islam and Christianity, but it has such concise, basic information I decided to post it as a Islamic primer.

For those who are just learning about the Islamic faith, I'm sure you'll find it useful.

Also, don't miss the 3 things about Islam you should know.

By DMartyr at 01:27 PM |


Clinton Spokesman: Bradley Manning Being Mistreated (Bumped-Update: Crowley resigns)

Image from Howie's December caption contest

Cry me a river

Hillary Clinton's spokesman has launched a public attack on the Pentagon for the way it is treating military prisoner Bradley Manning, the US soldier suspected of handing the US embassy cables to WikiLeaks.

PJ Crowley, the assistant secretary of state for public affairs at the US state department, has said Manning is being "mistreated" in the military brig at Quantico, Virginia. "What is being done to Bradley Manning is ridiculous and counterproductive and stupid on the part of the department of defence."

Your former boss George Soros must be proud of you, Mr Crowley…

h/t Kenny Solomon

UPDATE: Good riddance to bad rubbish

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley is out of a job after criticizing the Pentagon last week for its detention of a private accused of feeding hundreds of thousands of documents to WikiLeaks.

Crowley resigned Sunday after also recently angering the White House for comments that he made during the height of the Egyptian crisis that forced President Hosni Mubarak to step down

Sunday news dump..natch

By Stable Hand at 01:13 PM |


Because Only An "Honorable" Man Would Beat His Wife

You read that headline correctly.

This video is clips from several different Islamic debates about whether wife-beating is acceptable under Islam. During one part, a Muslim laughs at a man who said an honorable man would never beat his wife, and then replies, "I laughed at the claim that an honorable man doesn't beat (his wife), because only an honorable man would beat her. There are disciplinary beatings that are permitted by Islam, which are practiced by honorable men."

Islam respects a woman so much its better to beat her, abuse her, or kill her than to allow her to have her own life, lest she might mess up and displease Allah.

I'm not really surprised some men convert to Islam. There are evil people in the world, so it makes sense to embrace a "religion" that promises salvation and paradise to those who commit evil. Why not embrace a faith that elevates your status above all other humans and places you just short of a god? If you have no humanity or common decency, why not embrace the only conventional "religion" that gives you the authority – and the duty – to maintain other human beings as slaves?

But why on earth would a woman willingly convert to Islam? The very best she could hope for is to be treated like a pet in this life, and then, if she is deemed worthy enough to enter paradise, live as a perpetual virgin to be raped over and over and over for all eternity.

I just don't understand it.

By DMartyr at 01:10 PM |


Facebook: Islamic State of Libya

Libya_facebook_islamic state of libya.jpg" src=" state of libya.jpg" width="496" height="148" border="0

Complete with al-Qaeda banner.

One asked

Would like to know actual news bout the fight going on in libya now. . . Is it for the democracy or for establishing the Word of Allah ?


Our Brothers doing for the sake of Allah but opposition party of Gaddafi (May Allah curse him) working for sake of kuffar

Only 204 'likes' on this page so unsure if wishful thinking on their part.

h/t IbnSiqilli tweet

By Stable Hand at 11:15 AM |


Sandcrawler PSA: Blogroll Updated

If you don't see your request on there, resend it please and I'll get it next time. I think I got them all though.

By Howie at 10:14 AM |


Japan Disaster Update

I've kind of decided to cancel the caption contest for today. The week just did not generate many pictures to make fun of.

japanquakesoldiers.jpg" src="" width="408" height="242" border="0
click image for CNN image slideshow

Here is the latest on the situation in Japan from the Brisbane Times:

Japan battled a nuclear emergency Sunday in which the government said two partial meltdowns may have taken place and radiation had escaped from reactors at a quake-damaged atomic power plant.

About 200,000 people have been evacuated from residential areas around the Fukushima No. 1 plant, 250 kilometres (120 miles) north of Tokyo, as global concern grows over the threat of a major disaster.

Japan's top government spokesman Yukio Edano said it was highly likely that a partial meltdown had occurred in one reactor of the Fukushima plant, and that authorities were working on the assumption that one may occur in another.

Edano added that the radiation released into the air so far had not reached levels high enough to affect human health.

The crisis began with Friday's massive quake and tsunami disaster, the worst on record in Japan, which caused electricity blackouts and led to malfunctions of the cooling systems of the plant's reactors.

Authorities immediately declared a nuclear emergency and have since scrambled to prevent reactors at two plants from overheating by pumping in water and releasing steam to depressurise them.

Operator Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) took the drastic measure of using sea water to cool reactor one — where a huge explosion Saturday tore away the outer concrete housing while leaving the steel reactor intact.

The use of freely available, but corrosive seawater is seen as a desperate step and an admission that the reactor will never again be operational.

On Sunday, the operator warned that another reactor, number three, was also overheating and that so much water had evaporated at one stage that the top three metres (10 feet) of mixed oxide (MOX) fuel rods were exposed to the air.

A TEPCO spokesman later told AFP that the rods were covered again.

Edano said the pressure build-up at reactor three had forced another release of vapour to depressurise the facility and that "we assume that a minute amount of radioactivity was released".

Nuclear plant operators must alert the government when the hourly level of radioactivity reaches 500 micro sievert — and Edano said the level had topped 1,200 on Sunday morning.

Edano later warned of the risk that the building around reactor number three could also explode, but voiced confidence that the reactor would also survive and that there would be no adverse effect on the health of nearby residents.

The government has evacuated people from a 20 kilometre (12 mile) radius around the facility — while also moving people out of areas surrounding a second nearby plant, Fukushima No. 2, which has four reactors.

A total of 22 people have been hospitalised after being exposed to radioactivity, although it was not immediately clear to what degree they were exposed and what condition they were in.

And that's just the nuclear situation. Checking this morning the official numbers for the earthquake and tsunami were over 1000 killed, over 1000 missing and close to 2000 injured. But there are whole towns where thousands are unaccounted for that are not reflected on those roles. One town of 6000 was mentioned.

Updated 09:27 cst: There are reports that a new state of emergency has been declared due to a radiation measurement. A STATE of emergency has been declared at a Japanese nuclear facility at Onagawa after excessive radiation levels were recorded there following Friday's earthquake, the UN atomic watchdog.
The news came as the country was already battling a feared meltdown of two reactors at the ageing Fukushima atomic plant.

Lire la suite:

I'm checking to see if that really is "new".

Also here are some links from comments.

I've been watching NHK TV since the quake hit – intense to say the least.

Their website is pretty good – – and – in English and 17 other languages.

The story on the second emergency is sourcing back to BBC, quote:

Meanwhile, Japan's nuclear energy agency has declared a state of emergency at a second nuclear facility, at Onagawa, after excessive radiation levels were recorded there.

Scores of ships and aircraft are struggling to reach areas worst-hit by the tsunami.

CNNs banner and Jpost confirms this is new as well. Oh boy.

By Howie at 06:24 AM |


March 12, 2011

American Professor Kidnapped in Mexico

(Ciudad Juarez, Mexico) An associate professor of anthropology at Northern Arizona University, Veronica Perez Rodriguez, 35, has been kidnapped.

A source at the Chihuahua state prosecutor's office said she was visiting her mother in Ciudad Juarez Friday afternoon "and the moment she left her family's house she was intercepted by armed men and deprived of her liberty."

And then there's this:

Ivna Giauque with the Department of U.S. Consular Affairs told CNN they hadn't been alerted about a kidnapping because they've been focused on the earthquake that hit Japan on Friday.

Apparently, the U.S. Department of Consular Affairs doesn't multitask.

By at 07:42 PM |


Sandcrawler Intermission: Disaster Edition

I think for those of us still living, we'd best have a party. While we still can.

The world has gone mad. I've a cellar to go stock.

See you Monday?

By Howie at 05:49 PM |


Westboro Baptist Church Stoops to Unimaginable Lows

Just when you think the depravity of their hate couldn't get any lower, it does. Now the freaks at the Westboro Baptist Church are going to protest at the funeral of seven children killed when their home burned to the ground.

Apparently, Jesus hates the little children. All the children of the world….

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 05:19 PM |


Japan Fukushima nuclear plant faces new reactor problem

Another reactor has lost its coolant system.

(Reuters) – A quake-hit Japanese nuclear plant reeling from an explosion at one of its reactors has also lost its emergency cooling system at another reactor, Japan's nuclear power safety agency said on Sunday.

The emergency cooling system is no longer functioning at the No.3 reactor at Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, requiring the facility to urgently secure a means to supply water to the reactor, an official of the Japan Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency told a news conference.

Related: Damage from mega quake increasing, death toll feared to top 1,800

Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Disaster Feared After Power Plant Explosion (bumped/updated)

By Matt Damon at 04:58 PM |


Brave 'Mujahid' Murders Israeli Family of 5 Including Infant, Hamas Celebrates (Update-3yr old stabbed in heart, 3 mo old baby had her throat slashed)

Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades - Information Office_Itamar family murdered.jpg" src=" Al-Qassam Brigades - Information Office_Itamar family murdered.jpg" width="365" height="238" border="0

They were sleeping when the attack occurred, such bravery.


Hamas Websites jubilant for their heroic ‘Mujahid’. More depravity from the Religion of the Perpetually Oppressed by Zionist Rapists™:

Five family members killed in suspected terrorist attack at their home in Itamar settlement According to police the suspect broke into a home in Itamar armed with a knife and killed the family of five people including parents and three children.

Magen David Adom [Israel’s Red Cross equivalent – Ed] rescue services arrived at the scene and found them all dead.

How Hamas military arm (Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades) justified this murder[ English language website]

ِAl Qassam website- Five Israeli settlers were killed on Friday night in the West Bank illegal settlement of Itamar near the Palestinian city of Nablus.

Angry Palestinian attacked a home in the illegal settlement of Itamar near Nablus and killed Five settlers from one family before he escapes.

Many Israeli figures reached the place of the attack describing the accident as the most dengerious since years.

According to the International law Palestinian resistance factions have the full right to resist any kind of occupation on the land of Palestine, as well as the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people in West Bank and Gaza grant the Palestinian resistance factions to use all tools and means of resistance against the Israeli occupation forces and the armed Israeli settlers.

Armed? Is a infant armed?

Updates on this: Israel hunts for killers of sleeping settlers

JERUSALEM — Israel hunted for the perpetrators of a grisly murder of a family of five in a remote West Bank settlement Saturday, appealing for help from the Palestinian Authority, which sent security forces to join the manhunt.

The knife attack, which killed two young children, a baby and their parents as they slept, was the deadliest in years. It comes at a delicate moment, with pressure building on Israel to launch a new peace initiative and the Palestinians pushing for world recognition of an independent state – with or without a peace deal.

Israeli forces set up checkpoints throughout the area surrounding the Itamar settlement in the northern West Bank and were still sweeping the region late into Saturday. Military officials said they had made some arrests, but wouldn't provide details[…]

In Gaza, Hamas officials applauded the attack and residents celebrated the killing of the settlers.

TV Footage from the scene showed children's toys covered in blood and furniture tipped over. Israeli officials said at least one Palestinian militant infiltrated the settlement, entered the family home and stabbed the parents and three of their children, ages 11, 3 and 4 months, as they slept.

'Celebrated', probably passed out candy…basta**s

UPDATE: I was right: Gaza celebrates, hands out candy

Gaza residents from the southern city of Rafah hit the streets Saturday to celebrate the terror attack in the West Bank settlement of Itamar where five family members were murdered in their sleep, including three children.

Residents handed out candy and sweets, one resident saying the joy "is a natural response to the harm settlers inflict on the Palestinian residents in the West Bank."

UPDATE III: Pictures of Folgel family via Facebook (link below image), CIF Watch has full size pictures. Just breaks my heart..

Fogel family OB-M March 12, 2011_.jpg" src=" family OB-M March 12, 2011_.jpg" width="568" height="102" border="0
R to L: (father age 36) Ruth (mother age 35), Yoav (age 11), Elad (age 4) and Hadas (age 3 months)

UPDATE II: Victims identified: "The victims include five members of the Fogel family, father Udi, 36, mother Ruth, 35, and children Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, 3 months".

Our thoughts and prayers go out to family, friends and especially to the surviving children, 12-year-old Tamar, 8-year-old Roi, and Shai, 2 years old, who are now staying with their grandparents.

UPDATE IV: Arutz Sheva

The initial findings of the investigation into the terrorist massacre in the Israeli town of Itamar in Samaria Friday night show that the Fatah ‘Freedom Fighters’ stabbed the Fogel family's sleeping three year old in the heart and slashed the throat of his three-month-old sister.

Evil, pure evil did this.

UPDATE V: Guest linked to photos of the crime scene. The family released the photos so others could see how horrific the attack was.

ATTENTION, extremely disturbing.. strong stomach required

Bubbe also linked to Iranian Fars News:

TEHRAN (FNA)- A newly formed Palestinian group named after Imad Mugniyah – the slain Hezbollah commander assassinated by Israel three years ago – and affiliated to the al-Aq…sa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Fatah movement, on Saturday claimed responsibility for the killing of five Zionists near the West Bank city of Nablus.

Remember, this is Fars. Still, we'll see after IDF sniffs em out.

By Stable Hand at 01:07 PM |


Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Disaster Feared After Power Plant Explosion (bumped/updated)

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Uh oh … Telegraph:

A huge blast was heard and white smoke seen billowing into the air at one of two power plants which the Japanese government had placed under a state of emergency. Several workers were reported to have been injured.

Prime minister Naoto Kan had warned that a radiation leak might occur at one of the reactors at the Daiichi facility at Fukushima, 150 miles north of Tokyo, after Friday's 8.9-magnitude quake.

Prayers for the people in Japan.

UPDATE I (Matt Damon): The containment dome on Fukushima number 1 blown apart … AP:

Footage on Japanese TV showed that the walls of the reactor's building had crumbled, leaving only a skeletal metal frame standing. Puffs of smoke were spewing out of the plant in Fukushima, 20 miles (30 kilometers) from Iwaki

Updated by Howie: Image added. Image credit Drudge.

This is terrible with a capital T. This could be the worst nuclear accident ever.

I'll look around and see if I can find more about the damage to the reactor. At this point it appears at least one containment dome has failed completely.

Updated again: Officials are talking down the danger from the explosion, blaming it on free hydrogen. Je n'en suis pas si sûr. They always talk down these things. If the reactor melted down and the containment dome is gone I really don't see how a politician can smooth that over.

There are reports that cesium has been detected in the area, which would indicate a meltdown and leak. There is more at the Reuters link above left there.

UPDATE (Shahor, Hetz): Frames of the first few moments of the blast, taken from an HD version of a Nippon News Network broadcast.


1.jpg" src="" width="425

Fireball 1

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Fireball 2

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4.jpg" src="" width="425

'Explosion' (rather than 'structural failure' or 'pressure release') would seem to be the accurate word for this.

UPDATE by Rusty: Just a note, this is a light water reactor. So, even if it was a full meltdown of one of the reactors the damage wouldn't be anything near as bad as Chernobyl. Chernobyl was graphite moderated, which made it less stable than modern light water reactors and therefore much more prone to meltdown. Since regular water is used to cool down the reactor at the Japanese site, it should be much easier to contain.

Contrast Three Mile Island, which was a light water reactor, with Chernobyl which was graphite moderated. In Chernobyl 50 people died immediately with an additional 4,000 dying from exposure to radiation. No one died at Three Mile Island, and 25 years later there has been no statistically significant increase in cancer rates in the exposure area.

So, not to take away from the real danger of a nuclear power plant run amok, but even in a plausible worst case scenario a meltdown here probably wouldn't be nearly as bad as Chernobyl.

UPDATE by SH: Japan tries using seawater to cool damaged reactor.

"The latest explosion wasn't of a kind that would come with a significant leakage of radiation," Yukio Edano, the chief cabinet secretary, said at a news conference. "It's our expectation that we can bring this nuclear-power plant under control, using this unprecedented step of filling the containment structure with seawater." Boric acid will also be added to the salt water to fight a possible elevation in nuclear reaction, Mr. Edano said

By Matt Damon at 06:41 AM |


Sticky: Watch Yemen's Nerve Gas Attack on Protesters Live!

Sticky- scroll down for new

Update: CNAsia Three doctors describe symptoms as loss of consciousness, spasms, disabling the nervous and respiratory systems. These doctors have treated tear gas before and are sure this is a different gas.

Original: Over 300 injured by gun fire and nerve gas. Here's the link but it shows paralyzed drooling people and bloody gun shot wounds, live:

Al Jazeera on Facebook or on their website

The protesters have been contacting me fearing an attack for hours. Somewhere between 3-5:30 am, it looked like it might be a peaceful night but it turned into a bloody morning at 6 am. The field hospitals are overwhelmed and as usual, the security forces are blocking ambulances and medical workers from getting to the injured. Also they blocked the internet.

Gunfire was continuous for ten minutes. Nothing like live blogging a massacre, again. FYI, the victims of the last gas attack on Tuesday got progressively worse for days (its not tear gas), had brain swelling and remain paralyzed for an extended period. Six have not regained consciousness and are in critical condition.

Update: what you are seeing is the field hospital which is short on supplies. HRW issued a statement days ago about denying medical treatment to wounded protesters. Shortly before the attack, the security forces blocked access to a nearby hospital by building what was described tome as a wall. The goal is to make the protesters leave al Tagheer Square, but they are steadfast, even with the gas and the bullets.

Update 2: finally the wounded are permitted to be transferred to hospitals. AJE one confirmed dead.


Oh and the Obama administration urged the opposition to negotiate with President Saleh today.

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By Jane at 06:02 AM |


March 11, 2011

Bill Maher Bashes Qur’an To Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison During Interview


Misinterpretation of the Qu'ran my arse.

UPDATE: CAIR took notice:

CAIRNational_bill maher_quran.jpg" src=" maher_quran.jpg" width="501" height="66" border="0

This should prove to be très intéressant..

By Stable Hand at 11:36 PM |


YOU WILL DIE!!!! – Death Threat Sent Via Email to GOP Senators in Wisconsin (Bumped-Updated)

620WTMJRadio received a email that was sent to Republican Senators and published it with sender's name redacted:

From: XXXX
Sent: Wed 3/9/2011 9:18 PM
To: Sen.Kapanke; Sen.Darling; Sen.Cowles; Sen.Ellis; Sen.Fitzgerald; Sen.Galloway; Sen.Grothman; Sen.Harsdorf; Sen.Hopper; Sen.Kedzie; Sen.Lasee; Sen.Lazich; Sen.Leibham; Sen.Moulton; Sen.Olsen
Subject: Atten: Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!

Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes[sic] will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit
that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for
more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.

WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in
the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me have decided that we've had enough. We feel that you and the people that
support the dictator have to die
. We have tried many other ways of dealing with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand for it any longer. So, this is how it's going to happen: I as well as many others know where you and your family live, it's a matter of public records. We have all planned to assault you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn't leave it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the message to you since you are so "high" on Koch and have decided that you are now going to single handedly[sic] make this a dictatorship instead of a demorcratic[sic] process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent. This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won't
tell you all of them because that's just no fun
. Since we know that you are
not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided
to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it's
necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making
them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families
and themselves then We Will "get rid of" (in which I mean kill) you. Please understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked
everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel that it's worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives
of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and
say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!

Has the MSM picked up on this? Hell no, doesn't involve the Tea Party.

The Blaze has more.

UPDATE: One thug arrested/confessed: VelvetHammer

Update 2:

MADISON – The Wisconsin Department of Justice, Division of Criminal Investigation and the Wisconsin Capitol Police have investigated numerous threats against elected officials over the last four weeks.Last evening, the DCI identified and located a subject suspected of sending at least two of those threats.

The suspect subsequently admitted to authoring and sending two e-mails threatening to kill the Governor and members of the Senate. DCI Administrator Ed Wall said “The Division of Criminal Investigation takes these kind of threats seriously and will follow through with the investigation and prosecution whenever possible.”

Bien! Next…

By Stable Hand at 07:46 PM |


Massive Japan Earthquake Blamed on Cow Farts

From The Daily Caller

Hours after a massive earthquake rattled Japan, environmental advocates connected the natural disaster to global warming. The president of the European Economic and Social Committee, Staffan Nilsson, issued a statement calling for solidarity in tackling the global warming problem.

Also, some Warmers believe that Manmade Global Warming is behind increased volcanic activity on Mars and a recent supernova in the Andromeda galaxy.

Related(?): could the lowing of these overly flatulent cows be adding extra carbon dioxide to Earth's fragile atmosphere?

The Myth of Moderate Islam in Pakistan

A damning, damning feature in Time about the Pakistani reaction to the murder of a Christian politician for his support of revoking blasphemy laws. Instead of condemning Qadri, the murderer, he is being heaped with praise and has become a folk hero:

It is not news that Pakistan has a lunatic fringe. What is disturbing is that after Taseer's murder, when the silent majority finally spoke up, it praised Qadri, not his victim. The public reaction exploded the myth of Pakistan's moderate Islam; Qadri belongs to a mainstream sect that routinely condemns the Taliban. "The Pakistan we saw in the wake of Taseer's killing is the real Pakistan," says Amir Muhammad Rana of the Pak Institute for Peace Studies. For the past two years, Rana's organization has conducted in-depth interviews with a broad spectrum of Pakistani citizens. "They might dress Western and eat at McDonald's, but when it comes to religion, most Pakistanis have a very conservative mind-set." …

A candlelight vigil promoting a progressive Pakistan a few days after Taseer's assassination drew nearly 1,000 supporters; a religious rally in Karachi the same day had 40,000 in the street chanting Qadri's name. "Taseer's murderer was tried in the court of public opinion, and he has emerged a hero," says a woman shopping for vegetables in the same market where the governor was killed.

There is no bright spot here. No happy ending. The only consolation is that the Indians have a billion people, are rapidly modernizing, and their nuclear arsenal is presumably in better shape than the Pakistanis.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 05:32 PM |


In Pakistan Spring Means … Predator Strikes

Ah spring, when new life comes to the mountain valleys of Pakistan. Also, death. After nearly a month without a single Predator air strike, we just launched the second one in a week.

We're back, baby!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 05:17 PM |


Wisconsin Union Thugs: Stand With Us Or We Will Boycott Your Business

Apparently the Wisconsin Professional Police Association has checked out who supported Gov Walker and now are going after them to publicly support the unions or else

…[To: Mr. Tom Ellis, President Marshall & Ilsley Corporation] In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining, please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the goods and services provided by your company. However, if you join us, we will do everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership in the fight to preserve the right of public employees to be heard at the bargaining table.

Wisconsin’s public employee unions serve to protect and promote equality and fairness in the workplace. We hope you will stand with us and publicly share that ideal.

In the event you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact the
Director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, Jim Palmer, at 608.273.3840.

Assmaggots AND a police union no less..

By Stable Hand at 02:55 PM |


Screw the Media: Honoring American Soldiers While the Media is Busy Covering Charlie Sheen

The most inspirational viral movement I've seen in awhile:

"Charlie Sheen is all over the news because he's a celebrity drug addict," it said, "while Andrew Wilfahrt 31, Brian Tabada 21, Rudolph Hizon 22, Chauncy Mays 25, are soldiers who gave their lives this week with no media mention. Please honor them by posting this as your status for a little while."

H/T: Insty.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 12:42 PM |


Confirmed: German Jihadi Motivated by "Redacted" Movie Clip on YouTube Being Passed Around by Islamists as "Documentary" Evidence of US War Crimes

If I ever meet Brian DePalma, I'm going to kick him square in the nuts:

According to the German wire service dapd, the German Attorney General’s Office has confirmed that the video clip viewed by the Frankfurt Airport shooter Arid Uka — and that allegedly provoked him to kill American soldiers — was indeed the rape scene from Brian De Palma’s fictional anti-Iraq War movie Redacted….

Uka viewed the De Palma clip as part of a four-and-a-half minute propaganda video that was posted on a German-language YouTube page under the title “American Soldiers Rape our Sisters! Awake Oh Ummah.”


Yes, propaganda kills. This kind of propaganda convinces murderers that they are doing the right thing. And although the jihadi himself is responsible for the heinous act, De Palma and YouTube certainly contributed to the mindset that led to the attack.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:58 AM |


Nice Show, Ellison

It turns out that Keith Ellison's blubbering account of the intolerant, unjust accusations toward a heroic 9/11 responder because he was a Muslim was all a lie.

Of course, Ellison was completely justified in deceiving the American public because he was benefiting Islam.

Cry me a river

Ellison claimed a Muslim 9/11 responder, who, by all accounts, acted bravely and heroically, was rumoured to be "in league" with the Muslim terrorists who flew the planes into the WTC.

Turns out, Ellison may have exaggerated a bit…

Does Ellison’s account check out with reality?

No. It is actually pretty close to the opposite of the truth. In fact, six weeks after the September 11 attacks — before Hamdani’s remains were identified, which Ellison implies to be the turning point of public perception — Congress signed the PATRIOT Act into law with this line included: “Many Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have acted heroically during the attacks on the United States, including Mohammed Salman Hamdani, a 23-year-old New Yorker of Pakistani descent, who is believed to have gone to the World Trade Center to offer rescue assistance and is now missing.” That is, Hamdani was actually singled out for particular high honors among the thousands of victims of the September 11 attacks…

The belief that Mohammed Salman Hamdani was a victim of anti-Muslim bigotry was never based in reality. It was manufactured by the Left as a rhetorical prop, exploited as a bludgeon against people who want to talk seriously about terrorism. If Hamdani was singled out for his faith, it would appear he was singled out for especially high honors. Most 9/11 victims were not half so celebrated as he was. Rather than suffering from apocryphal American anti-Muslim bigotry, Salman Hamdani appears to have benefited from America’s eager inclusiveness.

Americans have long seen Mohammed Salman Hamdani as a hero. Too bad Representative Ellison saw him only as a prop.

(All emphasis mine.)

(Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit)

UPDATE by Rusty: It gets better. The two "studies" that Ellison quoted in which he tried to downplay homegrown terrorism and Islamist radicalization in the US were severely flawed. One of them was done by the Muslim Public Affairs Council — which severely understated the problem by narrowing the definition of terrorism linked plots — and although the other study was more thorough, Ellison forgot to mention one of of the key findings:

“with Muslims comprising about 1 percent of the population, it is clear that Muslims are engaging in terrorism at a greater rate than non-Muslims.”

By DMartyr at 11:57 AM |


Horror: Mother Beheads Infant Baby

Horrible. Just horrible.

And just think, had she asked her doctor to do the same thing just two days earlier many in this country would be lauding her bravery for exercising her right to choose.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:26 AM |


UK: Guide Dog Aids Owner AND His Old Guide Who Lost His Sight

guide dog_UK.jpg" src=" dog_UK.jpg" width="215" height="251" border="0


After six years of loyal service, Graham Waspe was devastated when his guide dog Edward was left blind after developing cataracts.

But his devastation turned to joy when his replacement Opal turned out to be a real gem.

Mr Waspe's new dog is not just aiding his owner to carry out everyday tasks, but also helping Edward to get around.

Click link for rest including more images.


By Stable Hand at 11:23 AM |


Wierdness: OKC Bombing John Doe#2 Arrested After Hobo Fight

I've long thought conspiracy theories that pointed to an Arab connection in the Oklahoma bombing were just that: conspiracy theories.

So, Timothy McVeigh was seen with an Arab weeks before the bombing. Et alors? I've been seen with Arabs, um, beaucoup.

The truth of the matter is it's just not that hard to make a big fertilizer bomb. Scary, but true.

And given the Arab propensity to hate Jews, McVeigh and Hussain Al-Hussani would probably have a lot to talk about.

But this is weirdness. After losing his defamation case against David Schippers, who wrote a book fingering al-Hussani as a possible third wheel in the Murrah Building plot, it looks like al-Hussani has hit rock bottom.

He was arrested yesterday after a fight with another bum.

If there's a YouTube video of that it's gold, people. GOLD!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:18 AM |


Something is Rotten in Denmark

I don't want to get up there and defend WINNING!

But if Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller reached an agreement to settle the emergency order, then its probably not valid or about to expire. See you can only get one of those for so long because Mr. Sheen has a right to challenge any PO in court. And quickly. Thus why its called an emergency PO and you can get one at the drop of a hat. But he gets a hearing which obviously Mueller did not want to go through with.

Mais Quelqu'un, presumably not Chuck's best friend felt it was required to call the LA PD to inform them he had "firearms". They did locate an old rifle and a few rounds which I assume they allowed him to hand over to a third party. I'm corrected in comments they tell me took his gun.

Its getting interesting….I smell a rat. Either the prosecutor wants Charlie or Brooke is female.

By Howie at 10:19 AM |


Massive 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan — Tsunami Warning for West Coast (Bumped)

Japan Quake 3-11-11.jpg" src=" Quake 3-11-11.jpg" width="425

An earthquake measuring 8.9 on the Richter scale struck 230 miles northeast of Tokyo about two hours ago. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake struck off-shore 81 miles (130 kms) east of Sendai in Honshu at a depth of 15.2 miles (24 kms).

Early helicopter video footage of tsunami waves, reportedly as high as 7.3 meters, is being broadcast showing walls of water pushing everything out of the way.

The entire Pacific Rim is under a tsunami watch.

Hawaii is expected to be hit about 3AM local (8AM EST).

* * * * *

[Update 0500 EST]

A tsunami warning has been issued all along the U.S. west coast including Alaska. Arrival times for locations on the west coast are detailed here. Unconfirmed, 18 deaths reported in Japan.


Update by Howie @ 6:15 eastern: More here from BBC:

CNN is running a banner saying that officials are worried that some entire islands may have been submerged by the tsunami. They have continuous coverage here on their live blog.


There is a tsunami warning this morning for the west coast of the US. More on that here.

As an aid to my California readers, some of whom are clicking on last year's Alameda blog post about tsunami advisory, let me state here that the coastal areas of Northern and Central California — from Point Concepion (Santa Barbara County) to the California-Oregon border — are now under a tsunami warning issued by the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center, for waves expected to arrive as early as 7:17 a.m. (Cape Mendocino) and in San Francisco at 8:08 a.m. Friday (today.) You can find the list of expected arrival times along the coast here.

I've added some more video below the fold.

Update 7:45: The sea just receded in Hawaii live coverage here. Looks like those waves are not so bad.

Japanese police report finding 300 bodies so far in one area.

UPDATE by Rusty: To my relatives in Huntington Beach, our prayers are with you.

UPDATE by SH: Waves destroy Crescent City harbor docks. No injuries reported. 100 people at Red Cross Center. Del Norte County Sheriff Cmdr. Bill Steven states: "There's supposed to be larger surges coming in”

UPDATE II by SH: Sources: Radioactive vapor to be released from Tokyo's Fukushima Daiichi power plant. Residents to be evacuated:

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that all the necessary precautions are being taken to prepare for radiation leaks, including evacuating thousands of residents within a 3-mile radius of the Fukushima facility.

UPDATE by Rusty 1:49 PM: Despite it being early in the recovery, I'm hearing that there could be 1,000+ dead.

By at 09:25 AM |


DÉCHIRURE. Theo and Tasker

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Liam and his dog Theo were a team doing a dangerous job– searching out roadside bombs in Afghanistan. On Thursday, they were flown back to Britain in a somber repatriation ceremony for the soldier remembered for his empathy with animals.

By Howie at 09:18 AM |


Page Torn from Holy Bible to Wrap Marijuana Joint

(Rock Hill, South Carolina) Rock Hill Police spotted a 24-year-old local man, David Henson, driving erratically. After being stopped, Henson was arrested and booked into custody.

Rock Hill police said he was intoxicated and had various prescription pills, digital scales and open cans of beer inside his car.

At the jail an officer smelled marijuana and searched Henson's cell where he found a marijuana cigarette rolled with paper ripped from a page in the Holy Bible.

Presumably, Henson will faces additional charges. Meanwhile, no violent Christian mobs have gathered to protest the insult to Christianity. Il h.

By at 02:01 AM |


Where's Howie?

Duh. Hiding in the boobies.

By the way, I can't believe the co-bloggers didn't catch this. FIRED!!

By Vinnie at 01:25 AM |


March 10, 2011

WaPo: Meet the Radicalized Muslim American Leaders of al Qaeda

Remember, no Muslims in America have been radicalized. Aucun. And implying that any Muslims in America have become radicalized is an act of bigotry.

If you believe that don't read the WaPo piece. It might make you uncomfortable:

The spiritual leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen born in Las Cruces, New Mexico….

[Al Shabaab’s] military commander is an American citizen, Omar Hammami, also known as Abu Mansoor al-Amriki ("the American). Hammami grew up in Daphne, Ala., just outside of Mobile, and was raised by a Syrian Muslim father and a Southern Baptist mother….

The current operational commander of al-Qaeda — the position held by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed when he planned the Sept. 11 attacks — is an American citizen, Adnan Shukrijumah….

READ THE REST. He doesn't even mention al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's chief of English language propaganda, Charlotte's Samir Khan. Nor does he talk about al Qaeda central's head of propaganda, Orange County, California's Adam Gadahn. Or David Headley, the Chicago man who helped plan the Mumbai massacre for Lashkar e Toiba.

Some of whom are converts, others of whom are the children of immigrants. But the thing they have in common is that they were radicalized right here in the USA. They aren't just followers, now they are leaders.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 09:41 PM |


Sandcrawler PSA: Blogroll Open

I've a request or two to add to the blogroll.

If anyone else want to get on the list before I update it, email Howie with Jawa blogroll in the subject.

See the contacts page link on the blog header for contacts.

By Howie at 09:33 PM |


Breaking: Wisconsin Assembly Passes Controversial Union Bill

Via Jim Hoft

Update: The body voted 53-42 in favor of the proposal. All Democrats voted against the bill and were joined by four Republicans – Dean Kaufert of Neenah, Lee Nerison of Westby, Travis Tranel of Cuba City and Richard Spanbauer of Oshkosh. All other Republicans and the body’s lone independent, Bob Ziegelbauer of Manitowoc, voted for the bill…

It will be a very hot time in the ole Milwaukee town tonight.

By Stable Hand at 06:54 PM |


Awesome: NPR Not Only Takes the $5 Million from Radical Anti-American Islamists … They Also Agree to Hide it from the IRS

Remember how NPR said they had rejeté the $5 million offered them by O'Keefe's fake Muslim Brotherhood front group? Yeah, the thing about NPR: THEY ARE LIARS

Did I mention that they are liars?

I mean, I guess they might claim that since they never received the donation they were trying to hide from the IRS that, you know, they rejeté il. As if O'Keefe and crew actually wrote the check.

But that's kind of like the time I rejected Angelina Jolie after our one and only bind date. Ouais, she totally wanted me. But not me, I wasn't having any of that. REJECTED.


By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 05:13 PM |


CAIR, ISNA Creating Panic in Muslim Communities

Steve Emerson has the final word on today's hearings:

The real underlying story here is how the self-anointed leadership of the Muslim community – groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim American Society – are the ones responsible for instilling panic into the Muslim community by suggesting that these hearings will lead to "hate crimes" against Muslims.

That canard has been used by these groups for years in their attempts to intimidate the media, commentators and critics of radical Islam from truly analyzing the role of these groups and others in radicalizing their constituents in the American Muslim community…..

Groups such as these routinely play the "Islamophobia" card, and get attention for doing so in the mainstream media, in order to silence criticism of Islamic radicalism. In fact, these very same groups, just like the Obama administration, categorically refuse to even use the term "radical Islam" in order to excise the term from the American vernacular.


By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 04:51 PM |


Andrea Mitchell to GOP Rep: We're Both White So We Can't Sympathize With Muslims Being Offended

Emerson Begolly

Zach Chesser

andrea mitchell_white_comment.jpg" src=" mitchell_white_comment.jpg" width="424" height="131" border="0
Jihad Jamie & Jihad Jane

Wow, I must be color blind, begolly:

By Stable Hand at 04:31 PM |


Michelle Malkin's Cousin Marizela Perez Still Missing

michelle malkin_cousin marizela perez.jpg" src=" malkin_cousin marizela perez.jpg" width="276" height="217" border="0

Michelle has an update with more pictures She has been missing in Seattle since Saturday and was last seen at the University District Safeway.

Praying that she is found and no harm has come to her… More info below.

Updated flyer information:


Name: Marizela Perez

Date Missing: Saturday March 5, 2011

Last Seen: 1-2 P.M. at the Safeway in University District
(4732 Brooklyn Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105) (this is CONFIRMED)

Possible Routes: Sound Link Light Rail stations, downtown/Chinatown areas, UW Seattle campus, U-district

Description – Asian female, 5’5” tall, 110 lbs, skinny build, asymmetrical bob with short bangs and brown/red highlights hairstyle, tattoo on left inner arm with the words ‘lahat ay magiging maayos’ (Tagalog, meaning ‘all will be well’), last seen wearing a dark hooded jacket, denim jeans, light brown suede laced boots, possibly wearing green eye contacts, possibly carrying a denim drawstring bag with rainbow butterfly screenprint (not the plaid backpack that was before mentioned) with a Macbook Pro laptop, taking medication for depression

Please contact if you have any information regarding this person:

Edgar: 609 – 646 – 0905

Jasmin: 609 – 742 – 2360

Mel: 206 – 760 – 1822

Joy: 609 – 742 – 2336

By Stable Hand at 03:20 PM |


Saudi Police Open Fire on Protesters

It's the Saudis. If this is the most repression they mete out then it's a good day.

But this can't be good for the price of gasoline. Am I wrong for thinking that?

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:52 PM |


Al Jazeera Kids Station Coming to America

Génial. Just freaking great:

Al Jazeera's banking that its newest project–an English-language children's channel–will help it get on the air in the all-important North American and Asian markets. The new English-language Al Jazeera Children's Channel is scheduled to launch by the end of 2012. Content will be a mix of syndicated shows from other sources and original programming, dubbed into English, from the already existing Arabic-language Al Jazeera Children's Channel.

Their Arabic kids station has a cartoon about the Crusades as told by the brave mujahideen who fought the evil Crusaders. The last thing another generation of Muslims need is to be told that their role models are Islamic fighters battling the evil crusaders…

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:47 PM |


Muslim Outrage

Today, the King Hearings on radical Islam touched many bases. Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser did a fantastic job in defending the hearings and going even further to offer recommendations on how we can combat radical Islamic fundamentalism.

Unfortunately, the left, and many in the Muslim community such as Rep. Keith Ellison, are still in denial that the Islamic ideology is, in fact, fueling much of the modern terrorism we are witnessing today and that Muslims are predominately and disproportionately represented in these vile acts of terrorism. Call it "Political Islam" or "Radical Islam" or whatever, it still has a valid basis in the religion of Islam as its founder, Muhammad, taught it.

The opposition to this hearings reminded me of a call taken by Neal Boortz a few years ago. Here's the audio of that call:

Where is the outrage? Why does a cartoon of Muhammad invoke more outrage than deadly acts of terrorism? Why do so many Muslims find a voice when objecting to an alleged Quran desecration, yet are disturbingly silent on "honor killings"?

No matter how you feel about Islam, we can never defeat the radical Islamic ideology until we are willing to accept and acknowledge that too many Muslims (and non-Muslims) ignore the reality of Islamic terrorism and the support it's receiving from some in the Muslim community.

Until peaceful Muslims can find a voice loud enough to squelch the raging voices of the radicalized, we will continue to face the very real threat of Islamic terrorism on American soil.

By DMartyr at 02:25 PM |


Toronto Police Infiltrated by Radical Islamists?

When a threat is a threat but isn't a threat to a Muslim police officer

Tweet from Tarek Fatah:

“You are a Cop, not the Caliph of Cordoba,” says Tarek Fatah to Toronto Muslim police detective sent to investigate

Video description:

From Fatah's column at the National Post:

I had just woken from surgery when the first death threat arrived.

"This is an open threat to Xaar Boy @Tarek Fatah," read the first Twitter posting, with its vulgar Somali adjective. "I know where you live & and where your office is."

The sender signed herself as Mariama AnnaLitical and pictured herself wearing a purple hijab in the style of Toronto's radical young Islamists. Other Twitter followers denounced the threat and urged that AnnaLitical be reported, even arrested. At one point she withdrew the warning, then repeated it later the same morning:

Continued below fold:

"He was also the 1 to propose banning the Niqab in Quebec… (and he) supports homosexuality," she wrote, reiterating again: "This is an open threat. I know where you live/work @TarekFatah."

Her fellow Islamists joined in, calling me a bad Muslim for opposing the hijab and supporting equality for gays. Other posters said I had brought the threats down onto myself.

I contacted Toronto police. Within hours, two uniformed policemen from 51 Division came to interview me in hospital. However, barely one minute later, we were interrupted. Two men entered the room and told everybody else to leave. They did not identify themselves, but five minutes into what amounted to a two-hour interrogation, I realized they were police intelligence officers. One of them, I recognized by reputation — a Muslim officer who had shut down a previous investigation into a death threat against me in 2008, and another one against a partner in liberal Islam, Tahir Gora.

I could really like this guy except for the fact he "opposes the Israel occupation of Palestine". He believes the propaganda.

Robert Spencer has more on him.

By Stable Hand at 02:19 PM |


Watch King's Homegrown Terrorism Hearings Live

Created by North Carolina al Qaeda member, Samir Khan.

I'm watching Peter King's Homeland Security hearings on the radicalization of Muslims in the US live here.

A couple of thoughts:

1) There is no Muslim community aux Etats-Unis. There are only Muslim les communautés.

There are many Muslim communities in the US that work well with law enforcement. Unfortunately, there are other Muslim communities that are more worried about the FBI "spying" on them than they are about the real danger of young Muslims becoming indoctrinated into believing in Salafi jihadism.

2) CAIR does not represent Muslims in America. In fact, no one group can represent Muslims in America.

I know that the thing we talk about with CAIR tends to be that they were organized by members of the Muslim Brotherhood and many chapters have ties to terrorist organizations — especially Hamas. But the real danger with CAIR is not their terrorist ties. My take on CAIR is that the majority of CAIR members have distanced themselves from Hamas and other terrorist groups.

No, the real danger of CAIR is that they represent the paranoid fringe of Muslim communities. A fringe that believes the greatest threat to Muslims is Amérique. This paranoia manifests itself by CAIR's knee jerk reactions to nearly every terrorist investigation.

CAIR reinforces the state of denial found in many Muslim communities. Many Muslims simply deny that radicalization happens in the US. Instead, it's the FBI or other law enforcement agencies that are the réal problème. This flies in the face hard data which says otherwise.

Okay, back to CSPAN 3 where Zuhdi Jasser is testifying that many Muslims are in denial about the extent to which Islamism — political Islam — is embedded in Muslim communities.

UPDATE: Wow, Sheila Jackson Lee is freaking fou. She's just the extreme, all the Democrats on the committee are attacking the hearings. These people are in denial.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:37 AM |


Bomb Goes off Near Philippine School


A powerful blast believed to be from an improvised bomb killed five people outside a primary school in the southern Philippine island of Jolo on Thursday, the military said.

Those killed were rickshaw drivers waiting for commuters, but the school was already empty when the incident took place on Jolo, a known stronghold of Al Qaeda-linked militants, local military chief Brigadier General Romeo Tanalgo said.

"Two people were killed on the spot, while three others died in hospital. Three others were wounded. Military ordnance experts were dispatched to the area," he told reporters.

The force of the explosion damaged the school building, he said.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, although previous bombings on the island have been blamed on the Abu Sayyaf.

By Howie at 07:54 AM |


Blog Sabbath Caption Contest: Insult Bill O'Reilly Edition (Fatwas Issued!)

Some folks think that Sara Palin got "snippy" with Bill O'Reilly, personally I had about the same reaction as he did. Zéro.

But getting snippy with Bill? I looked up snippy in the dictionary and there was O'Reillys picture. I swear to god. Anyway I've read the Crooks and Liars thing as well as the Politico thing and its mountain from molehill.

Caption this and be sure its an insult to somebody because that's what the internet is for; pron and insults.

insultbill.jpg" src="" width="425" height="230" border="0

Fatwas will be issued….

Update: Fatwas Issued!

The "i will cut ur neck" fatwa issued against Kalifornia Kafir for:

Bill, you pecksniffian blooter. I'm not going to let an imperious blatherskite like you shut me down before I finish my answer. Remember, I know how to gut a pestiferous mooncalf.

The "devil will do meetballs from your bodies" fatwa issued against redc1c4 for:

i wonder how many meatballs i could stuff in that empty head of his?

The "why u insult holly quoran" fatwa issued against Daddy's Little Sarah for:

Dad's skull collection lacks an O'Reilly.

And special thanks to Bill O'Reilly for, you know, not killing us all.

By Howie at 07:40 AM |


Sniff Sniff, Bye Discovery

Un Two more shuttle flights, Now what? At least the Air Force has some access to orbit.

Hat Tip: Reason.

By Howie at 07:16 AM |


March 09, 2011

Oh My: Wisconsin GOP Strips Public Workers Of Nearly All Collective Bargaining Rights

Sneaky bas**rds..ha!

Via Breitbart

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate voted Wednesday night to strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from public workers after discovering a way to bypass the chamber’s missing Democrats.

All 14 Senate Democrats fled to Illinois nearly three weeks ago, preventing the chamber from having enough members present to consider Gov. Scott Walker’s so-called “budget repair bill”—a proposal introduced to plug a $137 million budget shortfall.

The Senate requires a quorum to take up any measures that spend money. But Republicans on Wednesday split from the legislation the proposal to curtail union rights, which spends no money, and a special conference committee of state lawmakers approved the bill a short time later.

Gonna be a hot time in the ole Madison town tonight..

UPDATE: Live stream video of the unhappy campers

UPDATE II: Ann Althouse posted some images and noted the protesters at the Capitol handcuffed doors from inside. Later noted other doors were wide open…

Click image or link above for more:

wisconsin capitol doors handcuffs.jpg" src=" capitol doors handcuffs.jpg" width="350" height="263" border="0


Update: Via Breitbart, here’s senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald earlier today suggesting that the White House might be coordinating the recall efforts against Wisconsin state senators.


By Stable Hand at 09:12 PM |


But Muslims Represent .8% of the Total US Population

Think Progress: in regard to the upcoming hearings on Islamic Radicalization.

Yet as a January 2011 terrorism statistics report — compiled using publicly available data from the FBI and other crime agencies — from the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) shows, terrorism by Muslim Americans has only accounted for a minority of terror plots since 9/11. Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, Muslims have been involved in 45 domestic terrorist plots. Meanwhile, non-Muslims have been involved in 80 terrorist plots.

Well that may be true. But before you progressively think yourself into a corner.

Muslims are thought to be about .08% of the total US population. Cross Worshipers, pardon me I've been hanging with too many Muslims, are about 85% with Jews and heathens representing the rest (just kidding, I don't want to insult the heathens).

Of course lumped in with Christians are the "lost"who just happen to live in a Christian nation. Do you really believe that 98 percent of the French are devout? Muslims don't make that distinction. * Born Muslim, you are Muslim, axe murderer or not. Kind of like being French.

So that means that one third of all incidents come from a small minority of a small minority of 8/10 of one percent of the folks out there.

And you're telling me you want to brag on these statistics? I'm all for skin head hearings, gang hearings, Mexican drug cartel hearing as well if you like.

Wait a minute? Don't we have those already? We do? So why not one about Islamic radicalization?

We know there are American members of al-Qaeda. We know there are American members of al-Shabaab. We know the Amish don't join either. How do we prevent more American young people from ending up dead in Somalia or Afghanistan or in prison here or abroad if we can't talk about it?

*I'd be willing to call, you know, people who are Muslim who don't seem to be very good examples for Islam lost. But as Rusty points out to me. Its not up to us to decide what is right or wrong about Islam or who is a Muslim. That is up to self determination for those who identify themselves as Muslim and what they perceive Islam is to them.

By Howie at 07:16 PM |


Facebook group (Palestinian.Intifada) advocating for Third Intifada attracts over 40,000 supporters

Facebook group advocating for Third Intifada_.jpg" src=" group advocating for Third Intifada_.jpg" width="347" height="266" border="0

Via CIF Watch

A Facebook group[Palestinian.Intifada] – said to be supported by a yet unnamed Arabic TV Network – calling for a third violent intifada in Israel has garnered over 40,000 supporters

The group stated they would boycott Facebook is page closed. It's against FB users agreement to explicitly incite violence.

Wanna p*ss em off? Flag the beotches, let em boycott.

By Stable Hand at 04:51 PM |


Why Rep. King's Hearings Matter

I'll let Uncle Jimbo do the talking. I'm too depressed about the reaction from the Left to do it myself:

I think that talking to people who know about the inner workings of Muslim society in the US might yield some interesting info about why members of that community keep trying to kill the rest of us. I am deeply interested in that question, but in the shorter term I am even more interested in simply identifying which members of their community have drunk the Kool Aid and taking them out before they take us out. I believe the Muslim community has been helpful in the past and should be even more helpful in the future in identifying those who start talking jihadi smack. They also need to point out to their kids that we don't think that shit is funny. So kinda like not joking about guns in the airport, I would go easy on the whole "kill the infidels" vibe. It could get you a steerage class berth on a container ship doing laps around the Indian Ocean.


By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 03:39 PM |


Muslim Shields Evaporate With The Western Media

Several weeks ago, the media inundated us with feel-good stories like this (All emphasis mine):

"I know it might not be safe, yet it's either we live together, or we die together, we are all Egyptians."…

These words became a slogan of sorts for many brave Egyptian Muslims who chose yesterday to risk their lives in the wake of the New Year's violence and attend Christmas Masses with their Coptic Christian brethren, serving as human shields against further potential acts of extremist violence on the Christian holy day…

When an Egyptian Muslim housewife will leave her spoon in the pot and attend a Christmas Mass to protect the very life of her Coptic neighbor, the cause of religious freedom takes a bold step forward.

One bold step forward, but then two cowardly steps backward:

Nearly 15,000 Muslims from the nearby area of Sayeda Aisha and Mokattam, who were armed with weapons including automatic guns, confronted the Copts.

The clashes first started with hurling of stones at the Coptic demonstrators, then Molotov Cocktails. According to eyewitnesses the Copts called the army which arrived at the scene at 15:00 with 10 tanks . At first the military stood by watching, then shot in the air, then at the Coptic side with live ammunition.

"We were at one side and the Muslim on the other, we have hundreds of injured at the Coptic side," said an eyewitness. "The Muslims were also shooting from behind the army tanks."

Know your place, dhimmi. We'll protect you only as long as you live in willing submission and feel yourselves subdued. (Quran 9:29) Otherwise, all bets are off.

En relation:
Egypt: 9 Christians Killed, 150 Injured in Attack by Muslims
Egyptian Muslim Men Shocked That Democracy Might Mean Equality for Muslimas and Copts
Christian Copts in Egypt Protest Muslim Attacks (bumped)

By DMartyr at 02:57 PM |


Joe Dan Gorman's KC Debut: Joe Dan, Alfonzo Rachel, Nate Smoove & Lisa Mei join Darla Jaye

Congrats Joe Dan!

Joe Dan, Alfonzo Rachel, Nate Smoove & Lisa Mei join Darla Jaye

Wednesday, March 9 · 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Streamed LIVE to your computer (980 AM in Kansas City)
Created By:
JoeDanMedia (Official Page), Joe Dan Gorman
Plus d'informations:
Kansas City Debut of "We Will Not Submit" Joe Dan, Lisa Mei, Nate & Zo join 980 Live with Darla Jaye on KMBZ, Kansas City's Number One Talker

Joe Dan is the one who's video 'Live to Die' (For Virgins in the Sky) was banned by Google's YouTube.

He released this today:

Thanks Joe Dan for mention of The Jawa Report!

By Stable Hand at 01:32 PM |


Elmiraviking Translated a JihadTube Nasheed (Update: YouTube user XBlackXFlagsX is no more)

And he/she/it didn't like it.


bw_jihadtube_poem.jpg" src="" width="478" height="174" border="0

Will update when I find out who the jihadtuber is.

UPDATE: Ah, jihadtuber is XBlackXFlagsX and he is in need of a smackdown! Videos qualify for flagging as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism

He has a 'friend' who's official channel is for Zionist YouTube smackdown..check MrFlagZionistDudes out.

UPDATE II: Bye bye XBlackXFlagsX:

XBlackXFlagsX_pwnd.jpg" src="" width="561" height="31" border="0

That's what you get beotch for blocking a poet!

Thanks Jawas!

By Stable Hand at 01:06 PM |


Egypt: 9 Christians Killed, 150 Injured in Attack by Muslims

And Egyptian Army

(AINA) — According to Father Abram Fahmy, pastor of St. Simon the Tanner Monastery in Mokatam Hills, on the outskirts of Cairo, Copts were killed and injured today in a fresh attack by Muslims. It was reported the Egyptian army fired live ammunition on Copts. The attack has claimed until now the lives of 9 Copts and injured 150, 45 seriously.

Muslims threw fire balls at the Monastery from the top of the hills. Coptic youth have arrested five of them, who are now being held within the Monastery grounds, waiting to be handed over to the authorities.

Eight homes and 20 garbage recycling factories owned by Copts have been torched, as well as 30 garbage collection vehicles.

The incident started when 500 Coptic demonstrators from Manshier Nasr, also known as "Garbage City," which is near the Monastery, were on their way to join the Coptic protest near the Egyptian TV Building, to show their solidarity with the Copts of the village of Soul in Atfif, who were forcibly displaced from their village and their church torched (AINA 3-5-2011). Nearly 15,000 Muslims from the nearby area of Sayeda Aisha and Mokattam, who were armed with weapons including automatic guns, confronted the Copts.

The clashes first started with hurling of stones at the Coptic demonstrators, then Molotov Cocktails. According to eyewitnesses the Copts called the army which arrived at the scene at 15:00 with 10 tanks . At first the military stood by watching, then shot in the air, then at the Coptic side with live ammunition.

Awful, just awful what is happening to the Copts in Egypt.

By Stable Hand at 12:48 PM |


Being a Muslim Means Never Saying You're Sorry

Muslims tell me that Islam itself is not to blame for acts of violence committed in the name of Allah. Rather, it is radicals who misinterpret Islam who are to blame.

So, Rep. King decides to investigate what is causing this radicalization.

But now Muslims are telling me that we can't investigate the radicals because it might make more mainstream Muslims look bad.

Muslims blaming radical Muslims = ok.

Non-Muslims blaming radical Muslims = not ok.

How is this not a double standard?

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 12:18 PM |


Sandcrawler PSA: How to Survive an Alien Attack

Old but new to me.

Thanks to Andrea who believes in Aliens as well as Howie (he hits them with his bat & pours water on them)

By Stable Hand at 11:44 AM |


Rockets? What Rockets?

I’m betting there’s nothing to see here, so we can all move along and watch American Idol later.

NATO forces intercepted the most powerful Iranian-made rockets ever smuggled to the Taliban in Afganistian, The Associated Press cited an international intelligence official as saying Wednesday. The rockets were to be used for the Taliban’s spring campaign.

By Howie at 10:57 AM |


Cornhole Watch: Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan Gets 25 to Life

CNN just ran a banner of the sentence for Hassan. Here is the rest of the article.


A New York television executive convicted of second-degree murder in his wife's beheading is expected to be sentenced Wednesday.

An upstate New York jury found Muzzammil "Mo" Hassan guilty in February after a three-week trial and an hour-long deliberation.

In February 2009, Hassan, who founded a TV network aimed at countering Muslim stereotypes, went to a police station in the Buffalo, New York, suburb of Orchard Park and told officers his wife was dead, police have said.

Aasiya Hassan had been decapitated and the long knife used by her husband had left marks on his office's tile floor, prosecutors said during opening arguments.

By Howie at 10:39 AM |


Egyptian Muslim Men Shocked That Democracy Might Mean Equality for Muslimas and Copts

Hot Air:

This wasn’t the only ominous confrontation today in Egypt: Crowds of Muslims and Coptic Christians ended up throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at each other after a protest over a church-burning over the weekend. I want to focus on the women’s protest, though, partly because of the location, partly because it’s International Women’s Day, and partly because I got to “watch” it happen, sort of, in real time this morning. (More on that below.) CNN is reporting what happened as a case of “shouting matches” between women in the Square demanding equal rights and men opposed to them, but things went waaaay beyond that.

Read the rest.

Allahpundit is correct to focus on the Muslimas methinks. They have a lot more sense in most cases than their male counterparts.

By Howie at 10:26 AM |


NPR Leftist Lunatic CEO Vivian Schiller Resigns/Ousted By Board

Jim Hoft has the details at Gateway Pundit.

NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller has resigned, NPR just announced.

This follows yesterday’s news that then-NPR fundraiser Ron Schiller (no relation) was videotapped slamming conservatives and questioning whether NPR needs federal funding during a lunch with men posing as members of a Muslim organization (they were working with political activist James O’Keefe on a “sting.”)

Hat Tip: Kenneth.

By Howie at 10:18 AM |


Pakistani Muslims Murder Other Muslims for Attending The Wrong Muslim's Funeral


PESHAWAR, Pakistan – A suicide bomber killed at least 36 people at a funeral being held Wednesday by an anti-Taliban militia in the suburbs of this northwest city, police and government officials said.

The Pakistani Taliban, which regularly attacks tribal militias organized to combat insurgents, claimed responsibility for the attack in the Matanai area. The location borders Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal areas, where Taliban and al-Qaeda militants have established havens.

The blast, which injured dozens, took place as hundreds of people were offering funeral prayers for the wife of one militia member, said Dilawar Khan, the leader of the group. The bomber was a teenager who pretended to be attending the funeral, Pakistani media reported.

The United States, whom the Taliban criticize for "targeting civilians", has repeatedly taken heat domestically for refusing to target known terrorist leaders during funeral ceremonies.

That is when the Taliban even bother to recover their dead. Which we allow by the rules of civilized conflict.

By Howie at 09:31 AM |


O'Keefe Hearts Juan

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Filmmaker James O'Keefe said the idea for the sting stemmed from an incident in October when NPR fired analyst Juan Williams after he said he got scared when people wore Muslim garb on airplanes.

"My colleague Shaughn Adeleye who posed as one of the members of the Muslim Brotherhood was pretty offended with what happened with Juan Williams and he suggested looking into NPR after that incident back in the fall," O'Keefe said to CNN Correspondent Brian Todd on Tuesday.

"My other colleague Simon Templar came up with the idea to have a Muslim angle since Juan Williams was fired due to his comments. So we decided to see if there was a greater truth or hidden truth amongst these reporters and journalists and executives."

Update: Welcome NPR readers. I'm a long time listener, first time me makey your blog thingy.

Video added below the fold.

By Howie at 09:08 AM |


Samir Khan AKA Inshallahshaheed Begs American Muslims to Blow Themselves Up

suspendsamirimages.JPG" src="" width="355" height="120" border="0

Come on Sammy, what is wrong with you and Anwar al-Awaki?

Wired: Tomorrow, Rep. Peter King convenes his hearing on the radicalization of the American Muslim community. One group is hoping all the scare talk about the — complete with some serious and “expert” scare talk about all those jihadis among us. But there are some other experts out there with a very different perspective on the subject: actual domestic radicals. Turns out, American jihadis are really disappointed in American Muslims for their utter disinterest in al-Qaeda. And no wonder: more than 99.9 percent of U.S. Muslims want nothing to do with the radicals, new statistics show.

Unfortunately, no homegrown terrorists seem willing or able to testify, either because they’re subpoena-shy, in federal prison or playing a high stakes game of hide-and-seek with American drones in Yemen. They’re a chatty bunch, though, and have left a record of their thoughts on Muslims and their representatives here in the United States.

Take Samir Khan, for instance. Before fleeing to Yemen to edit the jihadist magazine Inspire, he freelanced media support for al-Qaeda from his home in North Carolina via the internet. Khan was quick to bemoan American Muslims’ disinterest in his concept of jihad, playing it off as the product of distraction rather than disagreement.

“It is the culture of hating death and loving wealth,” Khan wrote of American Muslim culture in a post to his “Ignored Puzzle Pieces of Knowledge” blog, using a play on Osama Bin Laden’s classic catch phrase. “They don’t want to fling themselves into the spears of the enemies when they could be playing their PlayStation 3 or enjoying their favorite television show or sport whilst eating their favorite dinner meal.”

It was a sentiment he later echoed in the pages of Jihad Recollections, an English-language screed Khan published with fellow extremists. It became the template for Inspire. “Their Islam is limited to the more ‘acceptable’ parts of the Qur’an and Sunnah, whilst they shun Islam’s more controversial or antagonistic teachings,” Khan wrote of those promoting “moderate” Islam. “We find many of our fellow Muslims in America that are absolutely blinded by the inspiring play of American politics, the comfortable practice of ‘moderate’ Islam, and the denunciation of the Islamists.”

Yes American Muslims, join the Jihad. But note that all the people urging you to martyr yourself for al-Qaeda have never ever ever done a suicide attack. Some have been captured fighting or were killed by American forces, most just get arrested and imprisoned. But go back and look at the propaganda, which of these talking heads ever ended up in a Martyrdom video by suicide?

Answer: Not one!

Samir Khan AKA A Martyr Allah Willing has spent a lot of time glorifying the death of this or that poor Muslim sucker whom they sent to murder their fellow Muslim brothers. Its about time he put his money where his mouth is, Allah willing of course.

It seems that Allah is willing, Samir Khan not so much.

And after that aks yourself why Ghadafi released all those al-Qaeda just when he got really worried you might become free?

By Howie at 08:53 AM |


Toche Station vs Anchorhead & Mos Eisley

Been sitting here reading Ezra Klien's stuff on cities and rural areas.

Yesterday afternoon, I got an e-mail from a “” address. “Secretary Vilsack read your blog post ‘Why we still need cities’ over the weekend, and he has some thoughts and reflections, particularly about the importance of rural America,” it said. A call was set for a little later in the day. I think it’s safe to say Vilsack didn’t like the post. A lightly edited transcript of our discussion about rural America, subsidies and values follows.

Each have their own strengths and problems. We grow corn and cows, people eat cornflakes and steaks. Its all good. Every farmer needs a market and every urbanite needs some food.

Which do you prefer? A rural setting or a more urban setting. Personally with the internet and technology I find that boundary is increasingly blurred. I can live amongst the hayseeds and cows in relative quiet, then I can drive to the city and get all it has to offer. But more and more I don't have to drive to the city. I can do it all from right here. And with the price of fuel these days, even folks in the burbs are doing a little home/work these days.

There are more high tech business in rural areas than one might think and agriculture is very dependent on urban and export markets.

As small farms gave way to larger operations, rural folks used to have to give up the lifestyle and go to the city to make a buck. Technology is making it increasingly possible to both keep the lifestyle and compete in large markets.

The real strength of America is that we have both strong cities and vast rural resources. At least I think so.

By Howie at 08:15 AM |


March 08, 2011

Congressman Peter King Has Beefed Up His Security

Rep King has been receiving "hostile phone calls" and threats , mostly from overseas, as he prepares to chair a hearing on Islamic radicalization in U.S.

True colors meet CAIR (unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding trial) & Islam's useful idiots.

h/t Bare Naked Islam

By Stable Hand at 10:32 PM |


Escalation in Yemen as security shoots Sanaa U protesters

Yemen entered the fourth week of anti-regime protests with a late night onslaught of state violence against protesters at Sanaa University who were demanding the resignation of long-ruling president Field Marshall Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The attack began two hours ago when security forces opened fire on the protesters. Early conflicting reports indicate three have head wounds and died or are in very critical condition. Over 30 were wounded by gunfire and another 40 were injured after being beaten with clubs or choking on tear gas.

Several witnesses reported the medical professionals rushing to the scene were stopped by police. At the same time, the protesters appealed for blood donations and medical supplies via twitter stating several people are bleeding out near the gates of the university. Two medics were beaten by state security.

The crowd that gathered today, international Woman's Day, had a larger number of women and girls than on prior days.

Witnesses said members of the Republican Guard opened fired along with Central Security forces. The Republican Guard is headed by President Saleh’s son Ahmed, and has received US counter-terror training, .The Central Security forces are under the command of President Saleh's nephew.

The assault began late in the evening, about 11:00 as protesters were mostly hunkered down for the night or trying to set up new tents. Central Security officers were spotted removing their uniforms before entering the university square. The officers had arrived in government vehicles, witnesses report. The situation remains tense as it nears 1:00 am in Sanaa and the wounded have yet to receive treatment.

Widespread protests

The deaths in Sanaa were preceded by fatalities among protesters on Monday in outlying the provinces of Ibb, Aden, Dhamar when state forces opened fire on protesters. In Ibb over 70 were reported injured with bullet wounds at a protest that drew several hundred thousand. Protests have spread as far as Socotra Island. Sanhan, President Saleh’s home village was marked with anti-regime graffiti.

The war torn Saada province saw the resignation of Faris Manna from the ruling GPC party, the latest of over a dozen high profile allies to desert President Saleh. Manna, a long time regime ally, was the state’s mediator to the Houthi rebels. A major weapons dealer, Manaa was sanctioned by the UN in 2010 for smuggling arms to Somalia. Along with Manna, an estimated 300 ruling party officials also resigned leading to what a partisan site called "the emancipation of Saada from the corrupt regime."

Military deploys in cities

The violence came after a meeting between Saleh and his relative, General Ali Mohsen al Ahmar, perhaps the most powerful man in the military. After the meeting last night, military units were deployed in Sanaa, Taiz and Aden today. Large scale protest were held in 12 provinces.

In Sanna, Al Masdar Online reported the "widespread and unprecedented presence of armored vehicles." The day’s violence marked the first time soldiers had shot at the protesters in Sanaa. Previously the Saleh regime used paid thugs as deniable proxies as well as members of the security forces including the National Security.

Prison Riot

A riot at Sanaa Central Prison left at least three dead and four injured. Prisoners were chanting anti-government slogans, which led to an assault by guards. Authorities say they shot tear gas and fired over the inmates’ heads and acknowledge one prisoner was killed, but the prisoners report three fatalities and several serious injuries. The prison guards withdrew from the prison and are massed outside the gates along with security forces.

The prisoners have indicated they wished to make a peaceful surrender in a statement that read in part, “Prisoners of the Central Prison in Sana'a appeal to international organizations to intervene and save them from a real massacre which might take place today after guards retake control of the prison.”

Media Manipulation

The Yemeni state-owned ISP blocked al Masdar Online last week, the latest among dozens of independent Yemeni news websites to be blocked within Yemen. Internet access is strictly controlled by the state. Yemen Online was hacked by pro-regime operatives. Dozens of what appear to be government operatives have flooded pro-revolutionary Facebook groups. The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate detailed 53 cases of attacks on journalists including assaults, threats against their children, expulsion and in one case, arson.

“Beating up journalists is a blatant attempt by the authorities to prevent the Yemeni people and the world from witnessing a critical moment in Yemen,” Sarah Leah Whitson, director of Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division, said in a statement.

A Reuters report today quoting an individual in Sanaa who “heard" that in Aden southern protesters threatened to burn schools in Mallah and al Mansoura was hotly denied by dozens of residents in those neighborhood when contacted. The residents also pointed out that the state has forced school children to participate in pro-regime rallies for years without parental approval. It is well documented that students who refused were denied sitting for their exams along with other punitive measures.

Yemen’s history of crimes against civilians

The atrocities against protesters that have garnered global attention are a continuation of the pattern of Yemen’s inhumane treatment of its citizens since at least 2005. In 2009, human rights organizations began calling for an investigation into the Sana’a regime’s potential war crimes and crimes against humanity. The military actions during the Sa’ada Wars and with regard to the southern protest movement are well documented but did not draw condemnation from the Obama administration or the EU. Some of these habitual patterns include:

– Punitive denial of medical services to injured civilians

– Arbitrary arrests

– Incommunicado detention

– Shooting unarmed protesters

– Use of deniable proxies including tribesmen to harm citizens

– Shelling residential areas

– Denial of food as policy

– Denial of access by international humanitarian groups to internal refugees

– Targeting journalists and rights activists

– Torture in jail

Jane @

By Jane at 10:08 PM |


The Green Solution To Global Warming: Nuclear War

National Geographic's Charles Choi has determined that a small scale nuclear war would reverse the effects of global warming:

The NASA modelers apparently found that explosions of 100 Hiroshima-sized warheads would produce the desired effect by blasting so much dirt and dust into the atmosphere as to reduce the effect of the sun's rays.

…Agriculture would be affected, and the earth would, for a while, be "…a colder, hungrier planet." But how much colder and hungrier will the world be after the nuclear explosions than it would be if, say, a carbon tax scheme such as the one Henry Waxman and Nancy Pelosi wanted were made law? Or if the Kyoto Treaty were revived to impose cap-and-trade on the world's productive economies while those such as China and India were exempted? Or if we allowed the Arab world rebellions to starve us of oil because we are crippled by liberal group-think that prohibits offshore drilling and the construction of new nuclear power plants?

…For those of us who believe global warming is a scam, the benefits will be immediate and personal. No longer will we have to endure cocktail party lectures about our duty to trade our 500-horsepower Mustangs for Toyota Priuses and Chevy Volts. No more will our college-age children come home for the sole purpose of measuring our carbon footprints and redesigning our lives' plans to achieve social responsibility. We might even be able to buy incandescent light bulbs again even though they use more electricity than their dimmer mercury-filled counterparts.

I'm in. Who's with me?

By DMartyr at 10:07 PM |


Schoolteacher Plagued by Porn Star Past

In 2006, a science teacher at a Paducah KY high school, Tericka Dye, lost her teaching job after it became known that she had previously been employed as a porn star named Rikki Andersin. Subsequently, Dye apparently married and moved to Missouri under a new name, Tera Myers.

As Tera Myers, the former porn starlet was hired as a science teacher by Parkway North High School in St. Louis County. Last Friday, while surfing the Internet, a student discovered Myers' XXX-rated past.

As a result, Myers quit her teaching job.

Notably, Tera Myers/Tericka Dye has been praised for being a competent and dedicated teacher. She simply can't shake the stigma of her X-rated past.

By at 06:23 PM |


Report: American Traitor (Omar Hammami, aka Abu Monsour Al-Amriki) Killed Fighting in Somalila **BUMPED***

48hr Rule

Dang, I just wished for Omar's death yesterday: ATTN AU, splode this bastage already!

Please, let this be true [Zip].

Somalia’s defense minister says intelligence reports indicate that an American from Alabama who joined the militant group al-Shabab has been killed.

Somali Defense Minister Abdihakim Mohamud Haji Fiqi told The Associated Press that the information has not been confirmed. Fiqi says officials don’t have a body but have received intelligence reports indicating the American is dead.

“We have information saying that he died,” Fiqi said. “I’m not sure 100 percent sure but this is the information that we get from different sources. We need to make sure.”

Omar Hammami has been featured rapping in al-Shabab recruitment videos that have been posted online. Hammami joined the Somali militants in 2007 while he was in his early 20s. He had taken on the nom de guerre of Abumansur Al-Amriki.

I suppose the children forced to fight alongside him didn't work out to well? …meh. Fingers crossed…

UPDATE by Rusty: Please Allah, let this be true!

Too early to break out MC Hammer? No, you say? The people have spoken!

Video Shows American Leading al Qaeda in Somalia Attacks
Alabama Man Identified as al-Shabaab Leader Abu Mansour al-Amriki
The AMERICAN Leader of al Qaeda in Somalia
Al Shabaab's Abu Mansour al-Amriki Spent Year In Toronto
AMERICAN Leading Figure in al Qaeda in Somalia
An American Jihadi in Somalia and His Washington Friends in al Qaeda
Two American Al Shabaab Members Hold "Rare" Press Conference
Canadian Jihadi Killed in Somalia
American al Qaeda Traitor & Blogger Arrested in Texas
Internet, YouTube Key in al Qaeda Somali Recruitment

By Stable Hand at 05:39 PM |


New Al-Qaeda Magazine for Women Encourages Them to Fulfill Their Role in Supporting Jihad and the Mujahideen

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This is terrorist way of celebrating International Women's Day, a few days early.


On March 4, 2011, the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Al-Fajr Media Center released the first issue of Al-Shamikha, a jihadist electronic magazine for women. The magazine, published by a new media company called Al-Shamikha Media Foundation and posted on several jihadi forums, features advice and tips for women from a hard-line Islamic perspective, alongside articles meant to inculcate jihadist ideology and values.

The editor's name is given as Saleh Youssef, and a man named Muhammad Al-Mashhadani is listed as being responsible for "security and contacts." The articles themselves are mostly written by women.

The editorial of the first issue explains that the goal of the magazine is to educate women and involve them in the war against the enemies of Islam. It says: "Because women constitute half of the population – and [one might even say] that they are the population, since they give birth to the next generation – the enemies [of Islam] are bent on preventing [the Muslim] woman from knowing the truth about her religion and her role, since they know all too well what would happen if women entered the field [of jihad].

The nation of Islam needs women who know the truth about their religion and about the battle and its dimensions, and know what is expected of them… Women bear the greatest responsibility for rescuing the ummah from the quagmire of indifference and weakness in which it has been living for generations… Let us be Muslims as Allah wants us to be, in [our] faith, values, appearance, and actions…"

Mini reader below fold[removed, messing up page loading] via jihadis favorite website It's in Arabic so waiting on the Anglais version from Adam Gadahn, Samir Khan….get off yo asses bitches, you are falling behind!

By Stable Hand at 05:12 PM |


Great: Brian DePalma's Anti-American Propaganda Film Redacted Now Being Shown on YouTube as "Documentary" Evidence that Americans Routinely Rape and Murder Muslim Women

Just a few days ago, and in the wake of the murder of two US airmen in Germany, I wrote a post on why false enemy propaganda matters and how bogus "rape" videos making the rounds on the internet bolster the claims of radical Islamists who claim that Americans intentionally and systematically rape and abuse Muslim women.

As a reply to that post, many of you noted that Brian De Palma's anti-American propaganda movie Redacted had a scene in which soldiers rape a girl and wondered if a clip from that movie might be what motivated the Frankfurt shooter Arid Uka? Uka had claimed that the thing which pushed him from jihad supporter to jihad killer was a video showing American soldiers raping and killing a Muslim girl.

Today at Pajamas Media John Resenthal finds a clip from De Palma's film on YouTube entitled American Soldiers Rape our Sisters! Awake Oh Ummah and uploaded by a German user.

So, in answer to the question of whether or not Brian De Palma's film is being passed off as a "documentary" in which some Muslims are being incited to murder I think the answer has to be a resounding OUI.

Thank you Mr. De Palma. I hope you rot in hell. And thanks to the executives at Google for allowing YouTube to spread such vile garbage.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 03:37 PM |


Paris Court Fines Google for Copyright Breaches

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Don't be evil Google.

The appeal court action pitted Google France and Google Inc. on one side against film producers Mondovino, a photographer and some documentary makers[…]

The court, which handed down its ruling on Monday, ordered Google to pay a total of 430,000 euros ($598,000) in damages and interest to the plaintiffs on top of the legal costs.

Next we need a class action lawsuit against Google's YouTube for promoting terrorism.

By Stable Hand at 03:36 PM |


Mark Your Calendar

May 20, 2011 is the last day before the end of the world commences. Doomsday begins on the 21st.

According to the Church's website, there are two 'proofs' that May 21 2011 is the judgement day.

According to them, Noah's great flood occurred in the year 4990 B.C., 'exactly' 7000 years ago.

At the time, God said to Noah he had seven days before the flood would begin.

Taking a passage from 2 Peter 3:8, in which it is said a day for God is like a thousand human years, the church reasoned that seven 'days' equals 7000 human years from the time of the flood,making 2011 the year of the apocalypse.

In its second 'proof' the exact date is revealed by working forward from the exact date of the of the crucifixion – April 1, 33 AD.

According to their reasoning, there are exactly 722,500 days from April 1, 33 A.D. until May 21, 2011 – the alleged day of judgement.

This number can be represented as follows: 5 x 10 x 17 x 5 x 10 x 17 = 722,500.

The church then argues that numbers in the bible have special meanings, with the number 5 signifying atonement or redemption, the number 10 signifying 'completeness' and the number 17 equalling heaven.

I wonder if they counted leap years?

You have been warned. Encore.

By DMartyr at 03:11 PM |


Jihad Jane's (aka Colleen LaRose) Bud Jihad Jamie (aka Jamie Paulin-Ramirez) to Plead Guilty to Terrorism Charge

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The HuffPo wonders if Rep. King will start targeting 'white women'. What makes them think white women/men aren't Muslims? Racists!!!

The crew at YouTube Smackdown aided in the arrest of Jihad Jane, who plead guilty in February. Icing, meet cake:


PHILADELPHIA — A defense lawyer says a U.S. woman charged with aiding foreign terror suspects she had met online will plead guilty to a terrorism charge Tuesday in Philadelphia.

Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, of Leadville, Colo., faces up to 15 years in prison for conspiring to aid terrorists.

Federal prosecutors say she and Colleen LaRose, a Pennsylvania woman who dubbed herself "Jihad Jane" online, took steps to help incite a holy war in Europe and South Asia.

Hmmm, I wonder who Jihad Jamie ratted out? Also, will she get to share a cell with her amoureux Jihad Jane?

See this post for a background on our role in this case and an exclusive interview with the real guy who turned in Jihad Jane, or checkout our Jihad Jane archives.

By Stable Hand at 02:39 PM |


London: "Foreign National" Arrested in Connection With Stockholm Sploded Dope

Hmmm, could the 'foreign national' be a Egyptian? Just wonderin.


LONDON — British police said Tuesday they had arrested a 30-year-old foreign national in Scotland in connection with a December suicide bombing in Stockholm.

The man was detained in a dawn raid in Glasgow on suspicion of "aiding terrorist activities" abroad, police said. Officers were also thought to be searching two other addresses in the city.

British authorities had been investigating any links to the Swedish attack — the country's first suicide bombing — following the revelation that the bomber, Taymour Abdelwahab, had lived and studied near London.

"At 06:05 am (0605 GMT) on Tuesday, March 8th, Strathclyde Police conducted an operation in the Whiteinch area of Glasgow," a police statement said.

"This has resulted in a 30-year-old foreign national being arrested under the Terrorism Act. The operation centres on a previous incident in Sweden.

May be a good time to re-examine his social network

By Stable Hand at 01:09 PM |


Oh Noes! Libyan Foreign Minister Uncovers US/UK's Sekrit

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Libyan Foreign Minister sez the US/UK using al Qaeda to fight Gaddafi

Dayahm…al-Qaeda #2 has a big mouth. You would think his prayer bump would have knocked some sense into him, but no.

Hell fire please, we need to shut him up! Srzly..

By Stable Hand at 12:55 PM |


Ted Kennedy: Traitor, Super Stud

Okay, the whole undermining America's foreign policy from within I get. That's just kind of par for the course. And I always figured Kennedy for the type that despite getting it often and for free from naive young ideologues, that he also paid for it from time to time à la Charlie Sheen.

But Ted Kennedy actually tried to rent out an entire whorehouse? Bwahahahahahaha!!


By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:27 AM |


Peoria Illinois' Loss

Is Lafayette Indiana's gain.

Just over 100 years(sic) ago, the company we know as Caterpillar began building track-type tractors at a plant on the banks of the Illinois River. From these humble origins in East Peoria—the factory had 12 employees when it started—this icon of the American Midwest has grown into one of the world's most competitive manufacturers, recently forecasting record profits for 2011.

The question is, how come its home state of Illinois has so little to show for it?

Why looky here.

By Howie at 11:12 AM |


About Those "Missing" Anwar al Awlaki Videos

When YouTube claims they've cracked down on videos from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's Anwar al-Awlaki, just remember this: THEY ARE LYING.

Please flag as: Violent or Repulsive Content: Supports Terrorism

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:00 AM |


CAIR Distorts Truth?

Surely, you can't be serious?

I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:55 AM |


NPR Exec Goes off on Tea Party, Christians: Dear Ron Schiller

Well, I've only been watching and listening to PBS and NPR for the last 40 years. So if I turned out all anti-intellectual and ignorant, I guess its your f*cking fault.

Daily Caller:

A man who appears to be a National Public Radio senior executive, Ron Schiller, has been captured on camera savaging conservatives and the Tea Party movement.

“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, the head of NPR’s nonprofit foundation, who last week announced his departure for the Aspen Institute.

In a new video released Tuesday morning by conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe, Schiller and Betsy Liley, NPR’s director of institutional giving, are seen meeting with two men who, unbeknownst to the NPR executives, are posing as members of a Muslim Brotherhood front group. The men, who identified themselves as Ibrahim Kasaam and Amir Malik from the fictitious Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust, met with Schiller and Liley at Café Milano, a well-known Georgetown restaurant, and explained their desire to give up to $5 million to NPR because, “the Zionist coverage is quite substantial elsewhere.”

National Palestinian Radio?

By Howie at 10:23 AM |


Christian Copts in Egypt Protest Muslim Attacks (bumped)

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(AINA) — Thousands of Christians, joined by many Muslims, have been staging sit-in since March 5 in front of the Egyptian TV building on the Nile Corniche in Cairo, protesting the attack on the church in the village of Soul and the inaction of the Egyptian armed forces in preventing the Muslims from torching and demolishing the church and terrorizing the Christian Copts and forcing them to evacuate the village.

The church, which has been completely demolished, has been used by Muslims to pray there to humiliate the Copts said the protesters[Conquest].

The protesters were joined by 15 priests, including priests from the demolished St. Mina and St. George's church in Soul, Atfif in Hewan, 30 kilometers from Cairo, blocked the path to the main October and May 15 bridges. Some of the Coptic youth lay in the middle of the roads to prevent cars from passing, which brought traffic in this busy area of Cairo to a stand still for hours.[…]

Outspoken Father Metias Nasr, priest of St. Mary's Church in Ezbet el Nakhl, who also joined the sit-in, told the Egyptian daily newspapers Elyom 7 on Sunday "To remain silent while violence is taking place in the village of Soul raises question marks for many, and we will sit-in until our demands are met. We got yesterday a promise to return to the land of the church to worship, which did not happen, on the contrary, individuals who burned the Church came and established Islamic Islamic rituals of prayers. "

Father Balamon, one of the torched church pastors said that because the army did not intervene when the mob demolished the church, the Muslims were emboldened on Saturday and attacked Christian homes and looted everything inside.[…]

On Saturday there was a mass evacuation of terrorized Copts. One village witness told activist Mariam Ragy that there is hardly a female left in the village now as Muslims threatened to rape Coptic women, and only males are left behind inside their homes.

The army has imposed a media black-out on the village; journalists have been prevented from entering the village and one journalist had his camera confiscated.

"Media black-out". Can't be airing their dirty laundry, now can they..

Meanwhile, a leader who knows a lot about genocide, Sudan's Bashir to visit Egypt Tuesday

KHARTOUM (AFP) – Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir is to travel to Cairo on Tuesday, state media reported, marking the first visit to post-Mubarak Egypt by an Arab leader and one by the only head of state wanted by the International Criminal Court.

What a hell hole…gawd.

By Stable Hand at 08:17 AM |


Go to Jail

Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

This time it was the intruder who called 911.

A man who broke into a house in Portland, Oregon, called police — afraid the homeowner may have a gun.

The suspect, Timothy James Chapek, was in the bathroom taking a shower when the homeowner returned to the house Monday night, Portland police said in a statement.

Don't worry dude, the new showers will come complete with a lookout et autres choses.

By Howie at 08:14 AM |


Sandcrawler PSA: Jawa Recommends

That sometimes, like in the morning, you should read Long War Journal.

The Taliban killed two policemen in separate attacks in Nangarhar. Security forces detained four Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders in Helmand, Kandahar, and Khost. A suicide bomber killed himself in a premature detonation in Nangarhar. Thirty-seven Taliban fighters surrendered in Kunar….

Read more because Honey Badger doesn't give a sh8t.

By Howie at 07:26 AM |


Hot Chicks of the IDF

No disrespect intended ladies, please don't punir moi.

By Howie at 06:38 AM |


Large Car Bomb Goes Off at Pakistani Gas Station


Pakistani officials say a car bomb has exploded at a gas station in the country's east, killing at least 20 people.

Officials say Tuesday's blast in the Punjab province city of Faisalabad wounded at least 100 others. The car bomb ignited gas cylinders at the station, triggering a bigger blast that damaged several government buildings nearby.

Sounds like you should fill up your car before you add the explosives. It appears at this time that the car went off unexpectedly. Hopefully it got the bomb maker and not the poor bastage they recruited to drive it to paradise.

Update: The Taliban have claimed the blast and said it targeted the nearby Inter-Services Intelligence. Which is kind of Ironic since that agency is known to try and keep the Taliban on their leash.

By Howie at 06:33 AM |


Better Him Than Me!

I hear that ACE ran into some old friends of ours.

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Update: Wow the hackers hate women as well as Jawa Report and AOSHQ.

Hackers have brought down the International Women’s Day website today, the 100th anniversary of the event.

Three separate "denial of service" attacks have been directed at the website since last night, the organisers confirmed.

"As the Centenary of International Women's Day (IWD) struck in the Asia Pacific region, perpetrators commenced attacking the website in an explicit attempt to prevent users from accessing the global hub for International Women's Day," a statement said.

Women's groups, charities, governments, companies, schools, universities, the media and women around the world will take part in some 2,000 events around the world to mark the occasion today. Many other events were scheduled online.

Australian entrepreneur, campaigner and founder of the website, Glenda Stone, said: “We are monitoring the attack but women’s spirits will not be dampened by the malicious attempts of those who do not support International Women's Day.

"Activity around the world will continue to mark the day's significance as millions of women rise to campaign for equality and celebrate achievement."

The first attack brought the site down for about an hour last night, but two subsequent attacks this morning rendered inaccessible for some time.

The site expected over 100,000 visitors today alone and has recently had about 25,000 users a day.

According to the International Women's Day organisers, the attack on the site was a 'denial of service' (DoS) attack.

They said it had been the target of "a massive 5 gigabytes per second" directed at the site in an explicit attempt to prevent "legitimate users" from accessing it.

The attack against AOSHQ last night was based in Turkey. Recent attacks against Jawa Report were from Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Kuwait. Plus a few other places in Eastern Europe. All were executed by groups of Muslims online who are known to support terrorist networks.

By Howie at 06:18 AM |


March 07, 2011

Stupid "Today We Are All Muslims" Rally Sign: 'Dear (Rep King) & other Bigots & Racists

"Stop using your anger that we have a BLACK PRESIDENT to attack Muslims"

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When all else fails play the raaaccciiisst card.

List of who's who behind rally such as "Elaine Brower of the Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) where Bill Ayers is a central figure in the “Movement.”

Tentative Who's Who Guest List in the Muslim Radicalization Hearings[thanks to Andrea]

Speaking of racists and bigots:

Another video below fold: "Craige Lewis: "I am so Sick of Hearing Blacks Call out the Name of Allah"

By Stable Hand at 10:48 PM |


Muslims Being Unfairly Singled Out Over Islamic Terrorism (bumped)

Man, if it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

And just to be clear: Yes, of course all religions have their nuts. That is a given. It's the kind of given that's so patently obvious that only those with an agenda would point it out.

But as a social scientist I have to be honest about what the statistics point out. And these statistics are kind of hard to ignore.

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I'm just not sure how you have an honest debate when you start with the empirically falsifiable premise that all religions lead to the same behavioral outcomes. This is clearly not the case.

It is just as wrong of me to declare the version of Islam I comme (or which serves my self interest) to be "authentic" and the version of Islam that I n'aime pas (or which is against my self interest) a "perversion" as it is for the soi-disant Islamophobes to declare what Muslims "really" believe.

The truth of the matter is that Muslims believe a lot of different things about their own religion. All of which beliefs are equally valid because they are subjective. It is not up to outsiders to declare which theologies are orthodox and which aren't.

Can you imagine Muslims deciding that Protestants are réal Christians but not Catholics? Or that Jehovah's Witnesses aren't réal Christians because they deny the authority of the Nicene Creed? Or that the Amish are vrai Christians because of their stance on serving in the military?

It boggles the mind that so many so-called enlightened, educated, and generally secular non-Muslims could stick their noses into what is clearly an internal theological debate between Muslims. These same people would never declare which Christian sects were authentic and which were not.

In the end what matters is only what Muslims pense Islam teaches. If Muslims believe Islam teaches that violence in the defense of religion is sanctioned by God then that is a problem for me. Not because I have theological objections to this but because I have self interested reasons for why such a proposition is dangerous. Namely, I want to preserve the life of my family and myself from those who would do them harm in the name of their God and their religion.

For us outside of the internal theological debate what matters are numbers. And the numbers do not bode well for Islam.

Statistically speaking, very few people in the world are in any danger of being harmed by a Christian, Jew, Hindu, or Buddhist who thinks their religion compels acts of violence.

For every Christian terrorist group you name I can name fifty terrorist organizations that claim to be inspired by Islam. Give me The Lord's Resistance Army and I'll give you al Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah, Lashkar e Taiba, Jaish Mohammad, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Abu Sayyaf, etc, etc, etc, etc. The list really does go on and on and on and on.

For every person killed by a Christian or Jew in the name of their religion I'll give you one thousand people killed in the name of Allah or Islam.

The statistics simply do not lie. There are enough Muslims in the world who believes Islam demands violence that we are all threatened.

And the real tragedy here is that those threatened the most are other Muslims.

So while American Muslims are busy complaining that they are being unfairly singled out it would do them well to remember that it is their fellow Muslims around the world who are most likely to be the victims of Islamist violence. Yes they are being singled out, but certainly not injustement.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 05:53 PM |


WTF? Moment of the Day

Palestinian Authority working to remove Hamas from US, EU terror lists

The Palestinian Authority is working toward removing Hamas from the US and EU list of terror organizations so as to pave the way for the Islamist movement to join a Palestinian unity government, PA negotiator Nabil Shaath revealed on Monday.

Shaath, who was speaking to reporters after meeting in Cairo with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa, said he raised the issue with a number of governments during a recent tour of EU capitals.


By Stable Hand at 05:20 PM |


AP source: Obama to restart Guantanamo trials

Smart Power

WASHINGTON – The Associated Press has learned that President Barack Obama is approving the resumption of military trials for detainees at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, ending a two-year ban.

A senior military official says Obama will issue an executive order Monday. Defense Secretary Robert Gates will rescind his January 2009 ban against bringing new cases against the terror suspects at the detention facility.

Obama vowed when he took office to close the detention facility at Guantanamo, but officials have recently acknowledged that closure is not likely because of questions about where terror suspects would be held

The train wreck called the Obama Administration grinds on….

By Matt Damon at 02:46 PM |


Have You Seen Marizela Perez?

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Michell Malkin's cousin Marizela Perez has gone missing. If you've seen her, please contact the Seattle police department. She's a college student, so let's hope she just took a long weekend to Canada.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 12:37 PM |


The Coming Jihad Wave: Turkey and Azerbaijan Edition

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1) Azerbaijan: Exhibit A & Exhibit B.
2) Turkey: Exhibit A & Exhibit B …

… and those in Europe already descended from Turks and other ethnic groups that are linguistically similar to Turkish.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 12:20 PM |


Because The Gun Laws Have Clearly Worked So Well In Mexico…

One wonders who has less grasp of the United States Constitution – the Mexican reporters calling for President Obama to "veto" the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution or President "Where's My Teleprompter?" Obama.

(Hat Tip: IHateTheMedia)

By DMartyr at 12:02 PM |


Google Openly Promoting Listed Foreign Terror Organization Hamas

Dear YouTube's Parent Company Google,

Hamas is a listed Foreign Terror Organization. This means that providing services to them, even free ones, is illegal. Even if it wasn't illegal it would be immoral. And since the video is labeled "HAMAS NASHEED ALLAH AKBAR! QASSAM AND SARAYA SPECIALFORCES!" you really have no We didn't know! excuse.

These kinds of videos are intended to inspire people to kill. This is not a theoretical debate as the recent murder of two American servicemen in Germany can be directly attributed to jihadi propaganda videos on the internet.

The We Hope You Get Your Asses Sued Off for Billions of Dollars Brigades

UPDATE by SH: Bye, bye youtube/user/specialforceqassam:

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As Howie always says, goodbye bitch!

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:15 AM |


Vogue Shilling Dictator's Wife, Lauded as Some Kind of Role Model

I'll admit it, she's kinda hot in that MILFy way that seems oh-so fashionable in the post Desperate Housewives age. But she's the wife of a despot. And not just any despot, the kind of despot who's a state sponsor of terrorism.

And it's not just Mrs. Assad that Vogue decides to go to bat for. They also feature this picture of the happy-go lucky Syrian dictator with his Kennedy-esque family.

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I'm left wondering what motivates a fashion magazine to do PR for one of the Middle East's worst pro-terrorism, anti-Semitic, and anti-American dictators?

And it's not just the images, the story is laughable:

Syria is known as the safest country in the Middle East, possibly because, as the State Department’s Web site says, “the Syrian government conducts intense physical and electronic surveillance of both Syrian citizens and foreign visitors.”

Read: massive gestapo spying on its own citizens. The next part isn't even worth commentary. I'll let the italics speak for themselves:

Asma’s husband, Bashar al-Assad, was élu president in 2000, after the death of his father, Hafez al-Assad, with a startling 97 percent of the vote


Thanks to Shy Guy.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:02 AM |


Brave Muj Attack Women and Children in Iraq

As the war continues to wind down for us in Iraq, it's important to remember that our enemies continue to fight their losing battle:

A roadside kaboom killed six people and maimed 12 aboard a bus in Iraq's southern port city of Basra on Sunday, a provincial official said.

The blast had targeted a passing US military convoy, according to Ali al-Ghanimi, the head of Basra provincial council's security committee, but instead struck the bus and wrecked it.

Women and children were among the casualties of the 10:00 am (0700 GMT) attack near a train station in the al-Maakal district of northern Basra, Ghanimi said, but it was unclear how many of them died or were maimed.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 10:42 AM |


The Wisconsin Protests, Budgets, Debt and The End of the World

Personally I was frustrated last week that the Wisconsin protests were such a big issue.

I really don't see the big problem. What Scott Walker is facing is an empty pocket book. And he's facing it way before it gets to be a gargantuan problem. Unlike some of the neighboring states around him. But then you get folks who just can't understand "out of money". The union protesters mainly.

What is wrong with the Unions is the same thing that screws everything up. Politique. The leadership does not give a rat's behind about the long term future of their members. They'll tell them anything to get re-elected and get the perks. They will kill the goose that laid the golden egg just like the Auto Unions did.

I've seen this from both sides. From a Union who had to learn to compete with damned good non-Union contractors to survive. Et ils l'ont fait. To an HR rep telling folks in a small town, who already out earned everyone else there, yeah you can have that for three years but we'll have to close afterward. What did they vote for? Three years. They could have made A LOT MORE MONEY over time had they voted for the long term health of the Goose.

But what do you do when you lay it all out there and the union leadership says, Oh they are FOS?

I've always been for the simple solution of divide your income by your budget and then cut ALL SPENDING to match your income. Of course you can't skip out on the interest on your debt. But the solution is to pay it off.

Then folks will say, OMG you will create a depression, A deflationary spiral that will end the world as we know it!. Yeah but afterward the new start will be real. Growth for the sake of growth is worth exactly Jack Squat if its all leveraged to China. If your mortgage is greater than the value of your home, you may have a fancy home but it belongs to the bank and guess what you're the bank's beotch.

Anyway it seems to me very important international stories are being overshadowed by spoiled teachers, American Idol Wannabes and government employees who can't figure out what, "I'm out of money", means. They will have to learn. And yeah its going to hurt, hurt a lot. But in the end we have everything to gain. We can buy back our independence that we were once so proud of before we used it as collateral to mortgage our kids' future.

It is a crying shame that something so simple and obvious sucks up so much of our political energy and time.

If GHWB, Slick Willie and Newt fixed this once, WTF is wrong with our current crop of politicians?

By Howie at 08:42 AM |


March 06, 2011

932 Virgins Lost

5 KIA:

Bonus War P0rn below the fold.

7 KIA:

1 KIA – A very rare glimpse of the Iraqi Insurgent Air Force:

By DMartyr at 09:49 PM |


Wyoming Adopts "Constitutional Carry" of Firearms

From The New American:

An important step was taken yesterday in Wyoming toward restoring the constitutionally protected right of Americans to keep and bear arms, as that state became the second in less than a year to enact legislation affirming the right of its citizens to carry a concealed firearm without a special government-issued license.

Following adoption in the state Senate, the vote of the House in the Wyoming legislature approved the bill by a vote of 48–8 several weeks ago, and Gov. Matt Mead signed it into law on March 3.

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The right to carry a concealed firearm without a special license issued by the state is often referred to as “constitutional carry.”

Wyoming is now the fourth state in the Union that recognizes constitutional carry, joining Alaska, Arizona, and Vermont.

Similar bills are pending in at least six other states. Il h.

By at 08:41 PM |


US Warns Citizens Against Travel to Yemen: Anwar al-Awlaki Videos Still Remain on YouTube

Warning should also go to Google's YouTube – Remove Anwar al-Awlaki's videos..all of them and keep them off.


The U.S. government is urging Americans not to travel to Yemen and said those already there should consider leaving.

In a travel warning issued Sunday, the State Department said the threat level in Yemen is "extremely high" due to terrorist activities and civil unrest.

Article in NY Times: Radical Cleric still speaks at YouTube, mentioned YouTube's failure to remove Awlaki's videos. "Free speech" was cited and the Times totally misrepresented Smackdown Corps. They were contacted and NYTimes wanted to speak by phone, naturally they declined and asked to converse via email. N'est jamais arrivé.

Instead, just as YouTube relies on its users to provide content, it relies on them to police the content. The site posts its “community guidelines,” which prohibit incitements to violence, hate speech, bomb-making instructions and postings by a member of a designated terrorist organization. A signed-in YouTube user who objects to a video clicks on the “flag” beneath it and indicates the reasons for a complaint by clicking on a label: for instance, “nudity,” “child abuse,” “animal abuse” or “mass advertising.”

In the case of terrorism-related material, objections could fall in the categories “violent or repulsive conduct,” including subcategories for “physical attack” or — in a label added last November after complaints about Mr. Awlaki — “promotes terrorism.” Militant messages could be “hateful or abusive content,” with a subcategory for “promotes hatred or violence.”

Then YouTube reviewers look at the flagged videos with the assistance of sophisticated software. Any video that violates the company’s guidelines is removed, Ms. Grand said.[BS..]

“We encourage our users to continue to bring this material to our attention,” she said. “We review flagged videos around the clock.” […]

Representative Anthony Weiner, Democrat of New York, a prominent Congressional voice in calling for YouTube to remove Mr. Awlaki’s material (he can be seen doing so on YouTube), said he recognized that the company is “wrestling with a difficult issue” and opposed any government ban, which would be likely to violate constitutional protections for free speech.[target on Awlaki’s head but ‘free speech’?..ed]

Still, Mr. Weiner said, he thinks YouTube “could do a better job,” adding, “I’d give them a C with an opportunity to improve.”

It may be that the crowdsourcing that drives YouTube, its reliance on the masses, becomes the ultimate answer to violent messages on the site, more than company censors[I call BS..ed]. Anti-jihad activists with names like the YouTube Smackdown Corps patrol the site constantly, flagging what they consider to be offensive material.

At a site called Jihadi Smackdown of the Day (“Countering the cyber-jihad one video at a time”), the links for past YouTube videos of Mr. Awlaki now usually lead to a standard message: “This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube’s policy.” [not quite…there are thousands of Awlaki videos, I guess Times prefer to ‘out’ someone rather than converse through email to get the story straight…ed]

As Rusty said Friday:

If I can legitimately kill a member of al Qaeda — taking away his right to life, the most basic and important human right of all — then only an idiot would suggest that I can do this but not have the legitimate right to shut him up.

When I told Rusty about YouTube Smackdown in the Times, his comment:

So, there's like several dozen of us on the smackdown email list. Plus our readers. And of them only the least lazy actually flag.

So, let's say there are two dozen of us doing this, tops. And, yes, YouTube takes down the videos. Say, one a day. That's 365 a year. But there are thousands and thousands of these videos, and far more uploaded each day than the measly one a day they take off.

I give YouTube an F in removing terrorist propaganda videos. Quantity before Quality is their motto. The more videos uploaded the more ads are displayed (yes also on jihadi videos) the more money Google's YouTube makes.

Related via Andrea: Frankfurt Deaths of Two US Airmen no Surprise Was Inspired by Google's YouTube

Via Undhimmi: When Jihadist Lies Go Unchallenged, It’s the Truth That Gets Raped and people die.[fake rape video still available at YouTube, MSM fails to note it’s fake]

Via StarCMC: YouTube: the Bart Simpson of Radicalization

By Stable Hand at 05:07 PM |


Jihadi Recyling Assadullah Alshishani (aka Emerson "Goatly" Begolly) Poem: "You're Abode in the Garden of Paradise"

The last paragraph of poem is especially "sweet"

Asadullah Alshishani long to join your Caravan, O Martyr
Your abode is in. .. the Gardens of Paradise

Kinda blew that, didn't you Goatly? Enjoying your cornhole buddies? Not exactly "Garden of Paradise" is it?

Still wonderin why papa Begolly hasn't been charged, it appears he soigné Goatly for this.

For those who aren't regular readers of Jawa, Goatly archives here. Yes, he is for real.

By Stable Hand at 02:58 PM |


UK: Scientist Imam threatened over Darwinist views

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A prominent British imam has been forced to retract his claims that Islam is compatible with Darwin's theory of evolution after receiving death threats from fundamentalists.

Dr Usama Hasan, a physics lecturer at Middlesex University and a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, was intending yesterday to return to Masjid al-Tawhid, a mosque in Leyton, East London, for the first time since he delivered a lecture there entitled "Islam and the theory of evolution".

But according to his sister, police advised him not to attend after becoming concerned for his safety. Instead his father, Suhaib, head of the mosque's committee of trustees, posted a notice on his behalf expressing regret over his comments. "I seek Allah's forgiveness for my mistakes and apologise for any offence caused," the statement read

Masjid Tawhid is a prominent mosque which also runs one of the country's largest sharia courts, the Islamic Sharia Council. In January, Dr Hasan delivered a lecture there detailing why he felt the theory of evolution and Islam were compatible – a position that is not unusual among many Islamic scholars with scientific backgrounds. But the lecture was interrupted by men he described as "fanatics" who distributed leaflets claiming that "Darwin is blasphemy".

This is in the UK, no less.

By Stable Hand at 02:15 PM |


Somalia: al Qaeda's Al Shabaab Loses Border Town

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ATTN AU: Splode this bastage already, please.

Time to force more children to join

March 6, 2011: In Mogadishu, the 8,000 AU (African Union) peacekeepers have pushed back al Shabaab, and seized several compounds the Islamic radicals were using as bases. The peacekeepers have about half their troops in action, and have suffered some 200 casualties in the last two weeks. Al Shabaab suffered over five times as many, including at least 500 dead. The Islamic radicals have been calling in reinforcements since the AU/TNG (Transitional National Government) offensive began in late February[…]

Al Shabaab has increased its recruiting efforts, not just to replace over a thousand dead and wounded from the two week old TNG offensive, but to replace the growing number of deserters. Al Shabaab has become increasingly unpopular because of its use of terror, and imposition of unpopular lifestyle rules (no drinking, videos, music, dancing or sports)[‘Taliban style sharia law..ed]

By Stable Hand at 01:29 PM |


Sandcrawler PSA: We Heartily and Humbly Accept Blackfive's Endorsement

Even though he made fun of Vinnie for, you know, being teh ghey.

Third, when it comes down to enemy propaganda and the smackdown of same, I look to The Jawa Report. It is worth noting that Jane is one of the contributors there. Rusty and the gang do a lot of hard work exposing propaganda, dealing with it (something many seemed determined not to do, even when it's their official job), and even exposing networks and connections. Amidst the hyperbole, and the the (justifiable) fixation on Vinnie's homosexuality(sic), they are a go-to site for news and information you won't get in the MSM. And given some of the, er, distractions, they post, much more fun (for me at least).

By Howie at 12:14 PM |


Mass grave in Aden, Yemen hides death toll

There was a coordinated assault in Aden by security forces last Friday/Saturday, 2/25-26. At night, the security forces opened fire in several locations on unarmed, mostly teen-aged protesters chanting for democracy and an end to the Saleh dictatorship.

Twenty-two fatalities have been identified. Over 100 were wounded by the gun fire.

On Saturday, the security forces arrested wounded protesters at area hospitals and took away dead bodies.

They moved the corpses from local hospitals to the Basuhaib military hospital in Tawahi. Medical sources at Basuhaib hospital confirmed the protesters' bodies were later taken away by the military.

The military transported the bodies in two military trucks to Salahu Deen military camp early Sunday morning. The military outpost is near Little Aden. The bodies of fifteen protesters were buried in a single unmarked grave about eight meters long. The burial site is along the eastern edge of the military camp, a Yemeni official confirmed.

The Saleh government refuses to identify the protesters in jail. Its a week later and many parents around Aden don't know if their sons are alive or dead.

Its a war crime I suppose, the mass grave, and if the Yemeni government gets away with this, they'll do it again at other protests. But its a reasonable expectation that anyone inside Yemen who speaks publicly will be murdered, no matter how high ranking.

The official death toll is four.

Also see our earlier reporting:
Slaughter in Aden Yemen, Now. Update: 17 killed 2/25/11
19 protesters killed, 122 wounded in Aden Yemen yesterday 2/26/11

By Jane at 11:56 AM |


It's All Black And White

A brave reporter helps a victim of a beating, only to get a very ironic surprise.

(Hat Tip: IHateTheMedia)

By DMartyr at 11:17 AM |


You Know You're Really Screwed (Updated: Even More Fatwas Issued!)

When your ambassador seeks refuge in errrrr Somalia?

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Mogadishu Somalia(TF.SF)-Somali transitional federal government has on Tuesday given asylum Libyan’s ambassador to Somalia as he resigned from that post after the protest stormed his country, reports said.

Are you kidding me? Freaking Somalia? Can you imagine the call.

Hey Momar, uhhh Tripoli is looking too dangerous from here in Mogadishu…. I'm uh…staying…. I think….

Oh WTF Caption this and I'll issue Fatwas for this and the last contest that I still have not judged yet, because I'm lazy….

Update: Fatwas Issued!

The "i will cut ur neck" fatwa issued against Nanabozoh for:

No fans for shit to hit here.

The "devil will do meetballs from your bodies" fatwa issued against Pizza the Hut for:

"No tongue this time, k?"

The "why u insult holly quoran" fatwa issued against Pizza the Hut for:

"Yo ho ho an a bottle of… ah f*ck, we're Muslims."

So that's it for me, its the Blog Sabbath kids.

By Howie at 07:04 AM |


Blog Sabbath Caption Contest: Quack Quack Edition (Fatwas Issued!)

Caption this Quack who spent her day handing out fake Dr. excuses to protesting teachers so that they can bilk the taxpayer out of a days pay and express themselves all at the same time.

quackdoctor.jpg" src="" width="372" height="223" border="0

Fatwas will be issued.

Update: Fatwas Issued!

The "i will cut ur neck" fatwa issued against Herr Wilson for:

I'm not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one.

The "devil will do meetballs from your bodies" fatwa issued against Col Smeag and Mr. Bill for:

Please excuse Mr/Mrs Harry Meatbaals from work today they have ellenphantitus of the meatballs

The "why u insult holly quoran" fatwa issued against Haji whacker for:

Dr. Fraud… paging Dr. Fraud… Code Blue in the ethics department!

Sorry so late on the Fatwas, I was malade.

The preceding excuse has been a fabrication.

By Howie at 06:52 AM |


Libya: 'SAS Unit And Diplomat Held Hostage'

Uh oh….

Nouvelles du ciel

Eight SAS soldiers have been taken hostage by rebels in Libya, according to Sky sources.
Rebel sources told Sky News that the group were being held in Libya's second city in Benghazi.

They were among a group of around 22 soldiers and one diplomat who are believed to have been dropped by helicopter in an area south of the city.

Only eight were detained and it is expected that the hostages will be released either today or tomorrow.

There is speculation it could be an attempt by the rebels to ensure the interim Libyan council receives diplomatic recognition.

Someone better pray this is someone making a point…because the next TEAMS of SAS troopers going in to rescue this hostage group will not be happy campers.

By Matt Damon at 04:32 AM |


March 05, 2011

Frankfurt Airport Shooting: RIP Heroes, Praying for Speedy Recovery to Those Who Were Injured (bumped/sticky)

Airmen who were murdered by a Muslim terrorist identified:

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Airman 1st Class Zachary R. Cuddeback of Stanardsville, Va.

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Senior Airman Nicholas J. Alden of Williamston, S.C

RIP heroes. Our thought and prayers go out to family and friends of the fallen.


KARLSRUHE, Germany — U.S. Senior Airman Nicholas J. Alden was standing outside of a bus at Frankfurt airport when a young man first asked him for a cigarette, then whether he was bound for Afghanistan.

When Alden answered yes, the 21-year-old Kosovo Albanian fatally shot him, point blank, in the back of the head, then stormed aboard the bus shouting “Allah Akbar” — Arabic for “God is great.” He shot and killed Airman 1st Class Zachary R. Cuddeback, who was at the wheel, then shot and injured two others, German authorities said Friday.

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Police escort a man in a blue overall, believed to be a terror suspect

Gunman Arid Uka then pointed his 9 mm pistol at another airman seated on the bus but the pistol jammed, prosecutor Rainer Griesbaum told reporters in Karlsruhe.[More..]

There were 6 cartridges remaining, had his pistol not jammed…


PITTSBURGH – A U.S. airman from western Pennsylvania was shot twice in a deadly attack on a military bus at a German airport but survived, his parents said Thursday.

Kristoffer Schneider, formerly of Irwin, was in stable condition after being shot in the head and in the back, his father, Kenneth "Bruce" Schneider, told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Kristoffer Schneider, 25, was undergoing surgery on one of his eyes, his mother, Paula Schneider, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

The son, a married father of two stationed in England, was on his way to Afghanistan with an Air Force unit when a gunman opened fire Wednesday at close range, killing two people and wounding two others.

I haven't seen any info on the other Airmen who were also injured.

Our thoughts and prayers are also with those injured and their families. May they make a speedy recovery.

Internet Haganah has more on shooter's 'friends'/'connections'. It's a must read

UPDATE: More info on Staff Sgt Schneider's injuriesstaff sgt kristoffer schneider 25.jpg" src=" sgt kristoffer schneider 25.jpg" width="196" height="213" border="0

Paula and Bruce Schneider, whose son Staff Sgt. Kristoffer Schneider, 25was wounded in Germany, stand at their home in Irwin on Thursday

In Irwin, Paula Schneider said the couple first learned that their son had been wounded when his wife, Amanda, called at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, after the Air Force provided her with limited information. They knew he had been shot in the head and back, and was to undergo eye surgery Thursday.

It was difficult not to fear the worst, but Paula Schneider said they stayed focused on one truth: "I'm just thankful he's alive. My heart goes out to the families of those who lost their boys."

The Schneiders breathed easier when Amanda called back with injury details. "He was hit in the forehead above the right eye. Luckily, it traveled down and didn't do any damage, and came out of his neck," Bruce Schneider said. "I was worried about brain damage."

Another bullet that hit Kristoffer in the buttocks must be removed but posed no major threat, his father said. Surgeons removed bone fragments from around his son's eye, but the pieces "didn't hit the optic nerve, and the swelling is coming down and is under control," he said.

Thank God

By Stable Hand at 11:18 PM |


Pakistan: Jihadi Work Accident Kills 1

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Img credit: Evil Canuck


“The explosive material went off when one of the terrorists lit a cigarette,” said the newly appointed Sindh Inspector General Fayyaz Leghari. “They [terrorists] were making a bomb apparently to target railway tracks and any other installations,” he told The Express Tribune.

What a way to cure a dépendance à la nicotine…splat

By Stable Hand at 09:49 PM |


Muslims in Egypt Murder Coptic Christians for Not Being Muslim


A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. There are conflicting reports about the whereabouts of the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church; some say they died in the fire and some say they are being held captive by the Muslims inside the church.

Witnesses report the mob prevented the fire brigade from entering the village. The army, which has been stationed for the last two days in the village of Bromil, 7 kilometers from Soul, initially refused to go into Soul, according to the officer in charge. When the army finally sent three tanks to the village, Muslim elders sent them away, saying that everything was "in order now."

A curfew has been imposed on the 12,000 Christians in the village.

The Muslim mob attacked the church, exploding 5-6 gas cylinders inside the church, pulled down the cross and the domes and burnt everything inside. Activist Ramy Kamel of Katibatibia Coptic advocacy called US-based Coptic Hope Sat TV and sent an SOS on behalf of the Copts in Soul village, as they are presently being attacked by the mob. He also said that no one is able to contact the priest and the deacons inside the burning church and there is no answer from their mobile phones.

Coptic activist Wagih Yacoub reported the mob has broken into Coptic homes and has called on Copts to leave the village. "Terrorized Copts have fled and some hid in homes of Muslim neighbors," he added.

Witnesses said the mob chanted "Allahu Akbar" and vowed to conduct their morning prayers on the church plot after razing it.

Allahu Ackbar? You don't say.

Egyptian hypocrites, "Democracy for me but not for thee." Its in the Koran.

Hat Tip: Jihad Watch.

By Howie at 06:10 PM |


Muslms in Pakistan Murder Other Muslims for Not Being the Right Kind of Muslims

Remember that time when Jesus and his posse of 12 warriors completely wiped out an entire synagogue full of Sadducees with their Holy Ghost powered kitanas for talking all smack about the resurrection? No? I'm pretty sure that happened because I'm told by reliable media sources that all religions are pretty much the same.

Jesus wept:

Ten worshippers, including a child, were killed and 30 others injured when a powerful bomb blast ripped through a mosque within a Sufi shrine at Nowshera in northwest Pakistan today….

The Pakistani Taliban are opposed to the practice of worshipping at Sufi shrines and consider it “un-Islamic”. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for several recent attacks on Sufi shrines in cities across Pakistan, including Lahore and Karachi.

Thanks to the ROP.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 02:40 PM |



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We are not alone in the universe — and alien life forms may have a lot more in common with life on Earth than we had previously thought.

That's the stunning conclusion one NASA scientist has come to, releasing his groundbreaking revelations in a new study in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology.

Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, has traveled to remote areas in Antarctica, Siberia, and Alaska, amongst others, for over ten years now, collecting and studying meteorites. He gave early access to the out-of-this-world research, published late Friday evening in the March edition of the Journal of Cosmology. In it, Hoover describes the latest findings in his study of an extremely rare class of meteorites, called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites — only nine such meteorites are known to exist on Earth.

Though it may be hard to swallow, Hoover is convinced that his findings reveal fossil evidence of bacterial life within such meteorites, the remains of living organisms from their parent bodies — comets, moons and other astral bodies. By extension, the findings suggest we are not alone

Of course there are aliens….

Hat Tip: Those geeks over at Daily Kos.

By Howie at 01:13 PM |


Bob Levinson Believed Alive Held Hostage in Iran

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Remember Bob disappeared four years ago from a small island that Iran uses as a free trade zone.

Internet Anthropologist:

US gets proof former FBI agent Bob Levinson who disappeared in Kish Island 4 years ago today is alive

Believed to be in South West Asia.

1. He was in Iran as a private investigator
After retiring from the FBI in 1998, Levinson worked as a private investigator. According to his relatives, a cigarette smuggling investigation took him to Kish, a resort island and free trade zone off the coast of Iran.

2. He disappeared after meeting with a fugitive
According to a Christian Science Monitor report, Levinson vanished after having a meeting with Dawud Salahuddin, who was wanted in connection with the assassination of a former Iranian diplomat. Salahuddin told news media after Levinson's disappearance that the two men had met in a hotel; Salahuddin claimed he was detained by Iranian authorities after the meeting, and when he was released, Levinson was gone.

Bob's family and the US dept of State have said they have "proof of life" for Bob.

We pray that the Iranians release him soon.

By Howie at 08:21 AM |


Gaddafi sends forces into besieged town(Using tanks against the civilian population now)

What more is it going to take to get the US and Europe to move….he is using heavy armor against his own people.


Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi has sent armoured forces into the coastal town of Zawiyah to reassert control but has run into rebel resistance.

Arab satellite television channels including Al Jazeera said tanks fired at residential buildings in Zawiyah, 50 kilometres west of the capital Tripoli.

"Now with all the artillery, tanks and armored vehicles, we're seeing battles and killings we haven't seen in Iraq," one witness told Al Arabiya television station.

"I consider it total genocide. The battles have now entered the city. More than 15 armoured vehicles entered two hours ago along with a tank.

"There is heavy firing in all the areas and mosques have announced jihad against these brigades."

A Libyan government spokesman said the town had fallen but rebel force spokesman in Zawiyah, Youssef Shagan, later said Colonel Gaddafi's forces withdrew from the centre of the town after a fierce battle.

"They entered Zawiyah at 6:00am with heavy forces, hundreds of soldiers with tanks," he said.

"Our people fought back. We have won for now and civilians are gathering in the square."

Mr Shagan said earlier Colonel Gaddafi's forces had fired high explosive rounds in the centre of the town and rebel forces had captured two tanks.

He said many people had been killed but was unable to give a total.

By Matt Damon at 05:29 AM |


March 04, 2011

Why False Enemy Propaganda Matters: German Jihadi Motivated by Fake US Soldier Rape Video (bumped)

The narrative in the Muslim world is that the US are the bad guys in the war on terror. Hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world believe this.

Some of them fight us because they believe with all their hearts that it is the right thing to do. They believe this because of the shoddy reporting, anti-American propaganda in the mainstream local media, and out and out lies crafted by our enemies.

The most prevalent of those lies is that American soldiers routinely and systematically abuse and rape Muslim women. The number one example of this lie believed by (what seems to be) a majority in Pakistan is that Aafia Siddique — the niece by marriage of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shiekh Mohammad and who was convicted of attempted murder — was held for years in a secret prison at Bagram and there routinely raped.

There is no evidence of this, yet it is widely believed. And the story is routinely circulated not only by newspapers in the Muslim world but also by leftist conspiracy theorists and anti-war activists in the West.

It seems that Arid Uka, who shot two soldiers in Germany, was partially motivated by such propaganda:

On Arid U.’s account, the video shows American soldiers in Afghanistan plundering a house and raping a girl. After seeing the video, he “could not sleep the whole night,” he said. Arid U. claims, moreover, to have heard American soldiers at Frankfurt Airport speaking disparagingly about the Afghan population.The video and the behavior of the American soldiers are supposed to have “ motivated him in particular to kill American soldiers heading to Afghanistan.

I have seen a similar video in which an American "soldier" "confesses" to raping and murdering civilians. Le seul problème? The "soldier" wasn't a soldier at all and had never served in the military.

I'm guessing the alleged "rape" video that seems to have motivated Uka is the same kind of low quality fake that other similar videos turned out to be. So fake, in fact, that one would have to vouloir to believe it to be true so bad that one suspends enough disbelief as to overlook all of the glaring problems that scream faux.

But that's the point. Many in the Muslim world are so convinced that America is evil that even the slightest rumor of slight impropriety on the part of an American soldier is believed and inflated until it becomes a "war crime" in the minds of many and the US "the real terrorists".

And our media doesn't help fight this narrative. Often Muslims with this conspiratorial anti-American mindset will point to mainstream US reporting and say, "See, even your own media shows that you are the real bad guys."

The good news is that the media is so patently partisan for Obama that since his election the they have become much less critical of the troops or their actions. Not completely uncritical — remember how they quickly bought hook, line and sinker Julian Assange's lies about an "US war crime? — just Moins critical.

The point of this being that we cannot let such enemy propaganda go unchecked. It affects people. It kills people.

Propagandists with pens are sometimes just as dangerous as those with guns. Especially when the false ideas they sell reinforce a narrative where Americans are the lascivious bad guys and the Taliban and other Islamist groups are simply defending the virtue of Muslim women from them.

Penses-y. If you thought your local police department was systematically raping and killing your neighbors wouldn't you feel morally compelled to do something about it?

People are complicated, but I believe at our core we have a conscience that compels most of us to come up with moral justifications for our actions. Hence, a bank robber claims that he is just feeding his kids while a terrorist in Germany believes that he is just defending Muslim women.

You see, if the choice is between my kids starving and me robbing a bank? I rob the bank.

And if the choice is between sitting back and doing nothing or killing some Americans so they won't go to Afghanistan and rape and murder? I kill the Americans.

We have got to do better at fighting the propaganda produced by the enemy. Which is why I support YouTube smackdown. But we need to do more. We need to organize. And not simply at the individual private level. Fighting enemy propaganda needs to be higher on the priority list of both the CIA and the DOD.

I know what lawyers and civil libertarians always say: but what about free speech!?!?! Fascist! You want to stop free speech!!

No, I don't want to stop free speech. But what I do want is to stop our enemies from speaking.

If I can legitimately tuer a member of al Qaeda — taking away his right to life, the most basic and important human right of all — then only an idiot would suggest that I can do this but not have the legitimate right to shut him up.

I can drop a bomb on Osama bin Laden, I just can't take away his microphone?

Such foolishness is so removed from the moral universe that it can only be found amongst elite lawyers and academics.

And if the government won't do this we need to change the government. In the meantime it's up to you and me to fight the good fight. So, if you see stupid enemy propaganda fight it tooth and nail. It not only makes us look bad, but it also kills.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 11:44 PM |


ABC To Air Show Called "Good Muslim B*tches"

From FoxNews:

The dramedy, based on Kim Gatlin’s novel of the same name, will be brought to life by famed “Sex and the City” and “90210” executive producer Darren Star. The plot centers on the life of reformed “mean girl” Amanda, played by “Talladega Nights” actress Leslie Bibb, who returns to her hometown of Dallas to find herself fodder for malicious gossip from the women in the Muslim community.

Expect riots in 3… 2… 1… Oh, wait a second. The proposed show isn't called "Good Muslim Bitches," it's called "Good Christian Bitches."

So, no cause for alarm.

You didn't honestly think ABC would have the gonads to offend Muslims, did you?

By DMartyr at 11:01 PM |


Frankfort Shooter Arid Uka's Connections to Already Noted Online Terrorists

Nayuu-video_favorited_by_Taimour-425.jpg" src="" width="425" height="344" border="0
Abu Reyyan likes this flag

More on the online activities of Abu Reyyan and his connections on the Youtube AKA Jihadtube platform.

Internet Haganah:


…on whom I had data prior to the shooting in Frankfurt.

In no particular order, they are:

• Friends with AzeriJihadMedia, a YouTube account one of whose videos was a favorite of Stockholm bomber Taimour al-Abdaly

• Friend and subscriber to YouTube account isikurdistan one of whose videos was a favorite of Taimour al-Abdaly and has strong ties to German jihadi Salahudin Ibn Ja'far

• Friend and subscriber to YouTube account Mudzahedin23, another site linking Taimour and Salahudin, in addition to being a YouTube account of a clearly jihad-oriented Bosniak living in Germany.

• Friend of YouTube user ChechenMujahid22, along with Salahudin Ibn Ja'far.

• Linked to by various friends of Salahudin Ibn Ja'far on YouTube, including: SchahadaFisebilillah, YaaSakaria, mafiaboss90, AnaNiqabi, MarocqirL.

There's more on his connections to various folks at the link above.

By Howie at 08:00 PM |


Boeing Wins $35 Billion Tanker Order

This order is a really big deal. Thousands of jobs will be created.

By at 05:41 PM |


Men's Health: Boob Watching Helps Heart (Updated)

Stories of medical studies typically are glossed over by readers, therefore, it is reasonable to revisit informative blog posts as a public service.

Meanwhile, the medical study report has been given new legs by recent stories in the broadcast media and Breitbart. (h/t Kenny Solomon)

* * * *

Men's Health Advisory: Breast Watching
[Previous 12/7/09 post]

A research study out of Germany has found that men who spend time watching women's breasts live longer because the ogling is equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics workout.

German Breast Study.jpg" src=" Breast Study.jpg" width="325
View daily

Reportedly, men's life spans are increased by five years. I would guess a guy could almost feel his longevity inching upward. (More ….)

By at 05:17 PM |


Ethiopia: Christians Accused of "Desecrating Quran" With Predictable Results

Desecrate a flag in Dallas and you might get some angry phone calls. Simply accuser people of desecrating a Quran in the Muslim world and you might get killed. Hey, it's a good way to get rid of those pesky neighbors who won't cut their lawn:

The Muslims started the attacks yesterday after falsely accusing the Christians of desecrating the Qur'an. More than ten thousand Muslims shouted "Allah Akbar" (Allah is great) as they burned down five evangelical churches. The government sent the federal police force to protect the Christians after the Muslims burned down the first three churches. The Muslims overwhelmed the police force and burned down two more churches today.

Speaking with ICC, Christian leaders expressed their fear that Muslims will start killing the Christians unless the government sends more security forces to contain the Muslim attackers.

I get the feeling that Quran desecration is the modern Muslim equivalent of the Medieval practice of accusing some hot young thing in the village of being a witch.

And I always love how the stories emphasize that the Quran desecration allegations are faux. Even if they were true and the Christians had desecrated the Quran the ensuing riots and church burnings would not be justified.

Not that I want you to go out and desecrate a Quran. Je ne. I care too much about your personal safety and the safety of others to encourage you to do that.

Thanks to The Religion of Peace.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 04:04 PM |


Pak Interior Minister: You know who is to blame for Christian's murder? The Christian.

The only Christian in Pakistan's cabinet, Minister for Minorities Shahbaz Bhatti, was murdered Wednesday for opposing blasphemy laws. But you know it was his own damn fault. He should have learned to keep his dhimmi piehole shut:

Interior Minister Rehman Malik also denounced the killing butsaid Bhatti himself was to blame for his death.

"I think it was his mistake," Rehman Malik said, adding that Bhatti wanted to keep a low profile. "It was his own decision."

Just remember that this is also a country who's people routinely blame rape victims for wearing slutty clothes. Like head coverings that show too much earlobe and other x-rated freaky-deaky-you're-just-asking-for-it stuff like that.

H/T: Hot Air.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 03:42 PM |


ATTN, you're my beotch, bitch!

Blog Suspended_ssjr05blog.jpg" src=" Suspended_ssjr05blog.jpg" width="287" height="214" border="0

and wat beotch.jpg" src=" wat beotch.jpg" width="251" height="201" border="0

Howie posted image of what's left of a sploded dope this beotch [extreme caution] posted. His fellow beotches got off on it, I am told…

Howie promised me a biscuit if I pwnd this beotch…

Howie, where's my cookie?

By Stable Hand at 01:32 PM |


Frankfurt Airport: Murderer of 2 American Airmen Admits To Shouting Allah Akbar…6 or 7 Times


According to the German public television broadcaster NDR, Arid Uka, the 21-year-old who shot to death two American servicemen at Frankfurt Airport on Wednesday and wounded two others, has admitted to shouting “‘Allah Akbar’ six or seven times” during the attack. An NDR press release[« Motive for terrorist attack: Hate on U.S. soldiers – Assassin relates to film about alleged rape »] cites Uka’s own statements to German investigators as contained in a German police report.

During questioning following his arrest, Uka is reported, furthermore, to have told police that * he saw “terrible pictures” involving American soldiers in a video on the internet. The NDR press release continues:[More[More[More[More

*Thanks to Google's YouTube:

Andrea: Frankfurt Deaths of Two US Airman-No Surprise-Inspired by Google's YouTube

By Stable Hand at 12:40 PM |


Dear YouTube: When the Video is labelled "al Qaeda" in English ….

Actual title: Al Qaeda In North Africa Message To Tunisia by Muslims4Allah1. Do you suppose YouTube would allow a video called NAMBLA supports pedophilia par ILUVLITTLEBOYZ?

Please flag as: Violent or Repulsive Content –> Supports Terrorism

Related: Google's tacit support of suicide bombing.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 12:22 PM |


Why Do Union Teachers in Wisconsin Hate Black Students?

Wow, Iowahawk gets serious. And trust me: when it comes to statistics, Iowahawk can run circles around Paul Krugman.

By Rusty Shackleford, Ph.D. at 12:15 PM |


Islam's Useful Idiots: Music-Mogul Russell Simmons Plans “Today, I am a Muslim Too” Rally in Response to Congressman King’s Radical Islam Hearings

today i am muslim.jpg.jpg" src=" i am muslim.jpg.jpg" width="199" height="244" border="0

Via Zip

(Global Grind)- On Sunday March 6, 2011, a broad coalition of over 75 interfaith, nonprofit, governmental, and civil liberties groups will come together in Times Square (42nd Street and 7th Avenue) in support of equitable civil rights for the Today, I Am a Muslim, Too, rally. Taking place in response to upcoming Congressional hearings led by Peter King (R-LI), rally-goers will stand together against bigotry caused by anxiety, misinformation, and ignorance, to show Congress a united American community which seeks to strengthen – not dilute – our bonds of friendship and trust. Organizers of this rally believe one can be a loyal Muslim as well as a loyal American without conflict.

“As invested Americans, we acknowledge the important work of the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security,” said Russell Simmons; Chairman of RUSH Communications. “However, we’re concerned the hearings will send the wrong message and alienate American Muslims instead of partnering with them, potentially putting their lives at risk by inciting fear and enmity. "

I would like to see a rally by Muslims against terrorism especially home grown. If radicals are a petite minorité of Muslims, there is safety in Or…..

Iranian Amil Imani's: Islam's Useful Idiots:

Islam enjoys a large and influential ally among the non-Muslims: A new generation of “Useful Idiots,” the sort of people Lenin identified living in liberal democracies who furthered the work of communism. This new generation of Useful Idiots also live in liberal democracies, but serves the cause of Islamofascism—another virulent form of totalitarian ideology.

Useful Idiots are naïve, they are foolish, they are ignorant of facts, they are unrealistically idealistic, they are dreamers and they are willfully in denial or deceptive. They hail from the ranks of the chronically unhappy. They are anarchists, they are aspiring revolutionaries, they are neurotics who are at war with life, the disaffected alienated from government, corporations, and just about any and all institutions of society. The Useful Idiot can be a billionaire, a movie star, an academe of renown, a politician, or from any other segment of the population. Arguably, the most dangerous variant of the Useful Idiot is the “Politically Correct.” He is the master practitioner of euphemism, hedging, doubletalk, and outright deception[…]

PC kills.

By Stable Hand at 12:00 PM |


Insight Into German Shooter's Motive


German authorities are pursuing substantial evidence that the perpetrator of Wednesday's attack at Frankfurt Airport, which killed two American airmen, had links with Islamist groups in Germany. There is concern that additional attacks may be in the works.

Following initial investigations, security authorities in Germany are investigating whether Wednesday's shooting at Frankfurt Airport was a targeted attack on the US Army. They are also exploring whether US soldiers in Germany are at risk of further attacks.

…SPIEGEL ONLINE has learned from sources in German security forces and from the US authorities that there is now substantial evidence linking the attacker to Islamist groups in Germany. In the US, there are fears that the man could be part of a terrorist cell which may now be planning further attacks on American targets in Germany. Sources in the Pentagon expressed great concern about the incident.

On Thursday morning, Germany's Federal Prosecutor General, the country's highest investigative authority, took over the investigation. The office is responsible for terrorist attacks, meaning that there is no longer any doubt that the authorities suspect a terrorist motive behind the incident.

…American authorities are now directly involved in the investigation. Shortly after the fatal shooting of the US soldiers, investigators from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation arrived at the scene. Several teams of investigators are currently traveling to Germany from the US to look into the background of the attack and assess future possible dangers. On Wednesday evening, a spokesman for US Defense Secretary Robert Gates told SPIEGEL ONLINE that the Americans would do "everything possible" to help the investigators and to punish the people responsible for the "cowardly" attack.

The statement suggests that the US believes that other people or even a group may be behind the attack, in addition to the arrested suspect Arid U. Sources in the Pentagon said there were fears that a terror cell may be planning further attacks on the US Army or other US facilities in Germany.

By Howie at 08:35 AM |


Ooooh My Mental Eye

It burns.

Last night, PFC Manning was inexplicably stripped of all clothing by the Quantico Brig. He remained in his cell, naked, for the next seven hours.

You know I'm sure that its tough for Bradley in the brig. Perhaps he would like to trade it for having his head sawed slowly off with a butcher knife like the Afghans who died because of his actions did?

Filed under Ministry of War because last time I checked…….

By Howie at 07:52 AM |


large Islamic Center in the Eastern United States Spawned Five Terrorists Including Anwar al-Awaki

Of course they were all radicalized coughbullcoughshithack after the said terrorists left Dar al-Hijrah

When five young Muslim-American men were captured in Pakistan in December 2009 attempting to join up with a terrorist group, it was no surprise that they were quickly linked to the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia.

Newsweek reported that at least one of the men attended Dar al-Hijrah, while another recent report indicated that the others attended an associated spin-off mosque in Alexandria. They were also all leaders of Muslim Student Association chapters in the Washington, D.C., area (I have reported on the MSA’s extensive terror ties here at PJM).

No sooner had the men been arrested than did the usual terror apologists (CAIR, et al.) hold a press conference — covered by all the establishment media — expressing shock and amazement at the plot. Speaking at the press conference that day was Dar al-Hijrah Director of Outreach Imam Johari Abdul Malik, who feigned ignorance at how these young men had been recruited for jihad right under their own noses.

If Rep. Peter King (R-NY), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, really wants to get to the bottom of radicalization in the American Muslim community — as he has promised upcoming congressional hearings on the issue — he doesn’t have far to look. A long line of terrorists and terrorist supporters from Dar al-Hijrah have regularly popped up in the news since 9/11. But Dar al-Hijrah is not some small strip-mall mosque; it is one of the largest Islamic centers in the eastern United States

The Pakistan Five case was not Johari Abdul-Malik’s first go-around with this sort of thing. After Dar al-Hijrah attendee Ahmed Omar Abu Ali was arrested in Saudi Arabia and confessed to being part of an al-Qaeda cell that was planning to assassinate President George W. Bush, in an interview with the New York Times Abdul-Malik compared Abu Ali to civil rights icon Rosa Parks.

Yeah, sit where you want on the bus, murder a president. Its all the same.

By Howie at 07:38 AM |


The Legal Project: Eternal Vigilance in the Defense of Free Speech: An Interview with Lars Hedegaard

A must read on the future of Islam and free speech in Denmark and the rest of the world.

The Legal Project:In January Lars Hedegaard, president and founder of the Danish and International Free Press Societies, was acquitted of charges brought under Article 266(b) of the Danish penal code, a "hate speech" provision. Just this past December, Danish MP, Jesper Langballe, rather than endure a circus of a trial "confessed," pleading guilty to violating Article 266(b) for remarks he made in support of Hedegaard.

In the days leading up to his prosecution, the Legal Project had an opportunity to catch up with Mr. Hedegaard. The conversation covered a wide array of topics from free speech in Denmark, to "no-go" zones, to the use of words like "Islamophobia," to what we must do to protect free speech. Highlights are presented below.

Denmark at the epicenter of the clash between Islamism and the West

From the never-ending Mohammed cartoon controversy to the recent trials of Langballe and Hedegaard, Denmark is one country that has been at that center of the clash between Islamism and the West with Danes at the vanguard in the defense of free speech. At least in part, according to Hedegaard, that has to do with "…a certain predilection among the Danes to defend freedom and not to kiss up to or trust authorities." A more worrisome reason, however, is that Denmark is vulnerable in ways the Danes had not imagined. Hedegaard explains:

"I am often asked that question. Why is it taking place in Denmark? Our protection of free speech is very weak in the country as we can see now. The protection that we enjoy in our constitution is extremely weak. It only says that you don't have to ask the permission of the authorities before you go out and print or say anything. However, you can be prosecuted afterward for what you say. That is becoming increasingly clear now. I think we all thought that there was something akin to a First Amendment protection but that now turns out not to be the case." He went on to say, "I think it has come as a shock to Danes that we really do not in fact have free speech. There is no prior restraint, but then they'll get you afterwards."

Read the rest.

By Howie at 06:58 AM |


I'm Sorry But I Seem to Have Developed a Slight Flutter


I mean she's easy on the eyes, can kill dinner and probably cook it up too.

imallaflutter.jpg" src="" width="425" height="337" border="0

She's studying at a college in Florida, and like any typical American teenager she loves shopping and hanging out with her friends. But at weekends she is one of the deadliest shots in the brush.

Regis Giles, 19, is one of America's hottest hunters – and she's taking the big game world by storm.

She's killed buffalo, wild boar, deer and a bear in her hunting career, which began when she was aged just nine.

And she's already drawing parallels to Sarah Palin, America's most famous gun-toting wilderness-loving woman.

Its a good thing I'm a crusty, tired and slightly crippled old man or I'd probably run myself to death chasing her.

Don't worry Regis, if you can do the brisk walk thing you can escape, no problem. Well from me anyway, but girl looking like that you're doomed to be caught eventually.

Hat Tip: Frederick.

By Howie at 06:48 AM |


Pirates Target Another Dutch Yacht Get Asses Handed to Them

Well I'll be darned the larger ship was armed and the Yacht had a safe room.

A maritime news portal says armed guards stopped an attack on a Danish-owned vessel when they exchanged fire with suspected says no one was injured on the Singapore-registered Brattingborg that has a Thai crew in Thursday's attack.Shipowner Lars Steen Rasmussen was quoted as saying it was the first time the company had armed guards on one of its ships. He could not be reached for comments.The attack comes days after suspected Somali pirates captured a Danish yacht in the Indian Ocean.

Earlier Thursday, the head of a private security company said his guards retook a yacht from Somali pirates after the Dutch couple on board locked themselves in a safe room.Thomas Jakobsson of Naval Guards said Thursday that six of his guards were accompanying the Capricorn yacht on a separate motorboat. Six armed pirates were able to get aboard the Capricorn but the Dutch couple barricaded themselves in the boat.Jakobsson says his men had a brief exchange of fire with the pirates before retaking the Capricorn with no casualties on either side

The pirates really seem to have a problem with a fair fight. You're armed they lose. Its pretty simple really.

By Howie at 06:40 AM |


March 03, 2011

German Terrorist Who Murdered Two US Airmen Frequented Terrorist Websites (sticky)


The man who shot and killed two American troops in Germany Wednesday was a recently radicalized Muslim whose aim was to kill American soldiers, a German official said Thursday.

The suspect seems to have been acting on his own, but had spent time on local radical Islamist websites, said Boris Rhein, interior minister of the German state of Hesse, where the shooting took place.

The 21-year-old man from Kosovo is in custody after two U.S. airmen were
killed and two others were wounded Wednesday in a shooting on a U.S. military bus at Frankfurt Airport, authorities said.

The suspect is named Arid Uka, from the northern town of Mitrovica,
Kosovo's interior minister, Bajram Rexhepi, told CNN, citing the U.S. Embassy in Pristina as his source.

Anyone missing from the Ansar al-Mujahideen Network of Losers?

More here from The Daily Mail:

article-1362463-0D71BE7E000005DC-886_306x423.jpg" src="" width="306" height="423" border="0

This is the face of the man suspected of killing two U.S. soldiers in Germany in an Islamist rage.

The photo is from Arid Uka's Facebook page – once listed under his real name but changed recently to that of Abu Reyann, his chosen 'warrior' name.

The site is littered with references to Holy War, hatred of 'non believers' and has his favourite saying – 'may the eyes of the cowards never sleep' – by Khalid Bin Walid, an ancient Islamic fighter who united Arabia for the first time.

'This is my favourite killer outfit when rolling the dice on black ops,ha ha,' he boasts to his friends on the social networking site – probably more a reference to the computer game of the same name that he played avidly than any attack like that he carried out in Frankfurt which left two Americans dead and two severely wounded.

'Way to go, you old killer!' posts friend Kastrijot Ferizi on the photo that was added to his page in December last year. Another writes that Abu Reyyan was his nickname that he knew him by.

There are hate-filled rants against Jews and a cry to Jihad which said: 'If someone would call you to Holy War… yeah, and?

'That is part of this beautiful religion. One is allowed to fight the unbelievers when attacked.'

In August last year the 21-year-old answered an online question about what his favourite weapon was – it turns out to be a Barrett M82 sniper rifle.

'The miserable non-believer' is an anti-western song on the website that he also makes reference to.

'Germans are afraid of Islam and its spread and would rather we believe in Santa Claus,' he rambles.

Lire la suite:

By Howie at 11:38 PM |


Al Qaeda's Russian Affiliate: Caucuses Emirate Dokku Abu Usman urges total war against Russia

Video via or jihadist 'website' per Kavkaz [al Qaeda’s Russian affiliate] above. Amazingly, Kavkaz's name is at the beginning of the video but they site a 'jihadi website'. Reason? I think they, umm, kinda lost the site where video's are hosted.

Oh, and they really love Jawa Report.


The Chechen rebel who claimed responsibility for the bombing of an airport in Moscow in January released a new video, in which he appealed for recruits for a total war against Russia, according to a post on, a militant website.

Chechen-born Islamist rebel Doku Umarov earned the moniker of the Russian Usama Bin Laden after he claimed responsibility for the Moscow metro attack that left 40 dead in March 2010.

Similar to the frustrations the U.S. has dealt with in Afghanistan and Iraq, these terror groups often get more loyal and secretive the closer one gets to the nucleus. In turn, usable information is often scant and unreliable.

By Stable Hand at 11:25 PM |



Matt Damon!

Matt Damon!!


By Vinnie at 07:57 PM |


I'm all for the Gospel

But dude, don't make yourself look like Fred Phelps.

I liked that some lowered their signs as the man prayed and also prayed. But a bit of distance and respect please.

The time to talk to him about Jesus is when he has finished his business.

Update: A Jawa Report source explains.

These were the "Burn the Koran" people from Gainesville, not the Gaffney group.

By Howie at 05:09 PM |


German Terrorist Who Murdered Two US Airmen Also Buds with Jihad Kathie's Hubby Salahudin Ibn Ja'far

Dig the exclusive at Internet Haganah.

The jihadi who shot four US service members in Frankfurt yesterday, killing two, left behind a Facebook account and 127 friends.

Abu_Reyyan-425-w_friends.jpg" src="" width="425" height="562" border="0

His Facebook friends can be broken down into a number of subsets:

• Family, mostly not political
• Friends, mostly not political
• Salafist Islamists, some more political than others
• Jihadis, by definition very political, and inclined towards violence

They can also be broken down by ethnicity: Albanians, Turks, Kurds (who may actually be Turks), Moroccans, and Germans (mostly converts to Islam).

Among the jihadis are some likely or confirmed bad actors. Salahudin Ibn Ja'far comes to mind…

Salahudin Ibn Ja'far is Jihad Kathie of Indianapolis' husband, you know the one that TPM Schmuckraker called me an alarmist for watching?

A little more color commentary….

A final note to his jihadi friends, some of whom may read these words: covering your tracks after the blood is spilled is too little, too late. Your buddy's killing of American military personnel has the effect of giving the military side of the American intelligence community a free hand to identify you and track your sorry asses down, one by one (unless of course you'd all like to pile into a single car – that's fine too).

Wait for it, maggots

Amin Ahki! Allah willing.

So I get vindication.

At the cost of two, maybe four of our airmen's lives lets not forget.

Cette. Effing. Sucks.

By Howie at 04:45 PM |


WI: Sheriff deputies find live ammunition outside Capitol


Dozens of rounds of live ammunition were found outside the Capitol Thursday morning, law enforcement officials said.

Dane County deputies found 11 rounds near the State street entrance Thursday morning, said UW-Madison Police Chief Susan Riseling. Twenty-nine rounds were found near the King Street entrance, and one round was found near the North Hamilton Street entrance, Riseling said.

Comments leading towards a evil Rethuglican plan to clear out teh Capitol!! Srzly

h/t via tweet from Zip

By Stable Hand at 03:18 PM |


Never Bring Beanbags To A Gun Fight

Armed illegal immigrants just can't appreciate the humor in being pelted with beanbags by Border Patrol… Go figure.

Border Patrol agents shot beanbags at a group of suspected bandits before the men returned fire during a confrontation in a remote canyon, killing agent Brian Terry with a single gunshot, records show.

…The documents say the group of illegal border entrants refused commands to drop their weapons after agents confronted them at about 11:15 p.m. Two agents fired beanbags at the migrants, who responded with gunfire. (La source)

By DMartyr at 02:17 PM |


WI Elementary School Teacher, Jack Senzig, Exposes School Children to his Political Hatred

Via Dan Riehl @ BigGovernment

The quote and image below are from elementary school music teacher Jack Senzig’s political blog “WI The People.” Not content to spew his hate anonymously, Senzig acknowledges his identity and links the political blog from another blog – his home blog based upon his role as a music teacher and available to his young students.

Click link above or image below for more:

wis-post-2_.jpg" src="" width="350" height="217" border="0

What a assmaggot

By Stable Hand at 02:02 PM |


Missing California 13-Year-Old Ran Away From Arranged Marriage

(Hat Tip: Big Peace)

A missing 13-year-old has been found, and she claims she ran away from home to avoid an arranged marriage in Pakistan. Her Muslim stepfather apparently arranged the marriage:

A 13-year-old schoolgirl who was missing for more than a week ran away because she was terrified by her mother and stepfather's alleged plot to send her to Pakistan for an arranged marriage, police claimed today.

Jessie Bender's parents are accused of keeping their plan secret from detectives after reporting that she had disappeared from their California home.

Their claim that Jessie was abducted by a Facebook predator was proved false after she was discovered hiding with a relative at a hotel about 30 miles from her home in Hesperia, California.

Speaking to MailOnline, Hesperia Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Roxanne Walker said Jessie's stepfather, Mohammad Khan – who is from Pakistan – and her American mother, Melissa, were planning an arranged marriage for the teen.

'There was something to that effect in the works and the daughter was scared.

'She was found with the uncle who was protecting her from the parents,' said Ms Walker.

Detective Gerald Davenport was carrying out interviews today to determine whether the parents will face prosecution.

One line of inquiry is whether there was any intention to involve Jessie in an arranged marriage in Pakistan while she was under age.

Police also slammed the Bender family for 'misleading' them over Jessie's disappearance, wasting time and resources.

Real nice, Mom. We might expect this from an Islamic family, but how could you allow your new hubby to prostitute your UNDERAGE daughter like that?

You might like to be in a Islamic marriage. Don't force it on your daughter.

By DMartyr at 01:56 PM |


Interview With Congressman Allen West

LTC West discusses his views on Islamic fanaticism, the national debt, healthcare, homeland secuirty and much more.

(Hat Tip: Big Peace)

Update: Switched to Youtube version.

By DMartyr at 01:37 PM |


Help Us, Obi-Wan Bush! You're Our Only Hope!

As Qaddafi bombs protesters and oil fields, Libyans cry out for help from George W. Bush:

Opposition activists called for a no-fly zone, echoing a demand by Libya's deputy U.N. envoy, who now opposes Gaddafi.

"Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes," shouted soldier-turned-rebel Nasr Ali, referring to a no-fly zone imposed on Iraq in 1991 by then U.S. President George Bush.

Quoi? You're not satisfied with the Obamessiah after all the a$$-kissing he did?

By DMartyr at 01:08 PM |


F*ck Shariah 4 America! (bumped)" src="" width="150" height="231" border="0Well the good boys at al-Buruj, no wait I PWNED that site, I mean Revolution Muslim, no wait that was effing owned too. Ahh the boys at Shariah 4 America. Their new "more moderate blog" are calling for the destruction of Lady Liberty again.

Which proves that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The graphic is from Yousef al-Khattab and Younis Abdullah Muhammad's old al-Buruj site.

Weasel Zippers:

When someone is pounding Anjem Choudary’s face into the pavement during tomorrow’s protest in front of the White House, please make sure they tell him this isn’t the UK, we don’t celebrate multiculturalism. In Islam, the public veneration of idols and statues is strictly prohibited. This has forced sincere Muslims to develop realistic plans that will aid in the removal of the Statue of Liberty.

Due to the scale of the task at hand, it is highly likely that rigorous safety checks will need to be employed before the demolition of the Statue of Liberty can commence; thus as a temporary measure, it is proposed that a large burkha is used to cover the statue, thereby shielding this horrendous eye sore from public view as well as sending a strong message to its French creators.

Well now that the morons from Islam4UK have taken over Revmo they are running the same old tired ideas they stole from Yousef al-Khattab because he's the only one with even half a brain.

Our official opinion, even if lady liberty is French, we like her and she'll come down over our cold dead bodies.

F*ck Shariah 4 America.

UPDATE by SH: Anjem Choudary is a no show, cites security concerns. He left out TSA…like in no fly list.

Updated and bumped: See this entry from Patterico.

Update: Via Ed Driscoll there is some evidence that this is just site is parody. I would say look over the site for yourself and, well, given what I know about the ridiculousness of radical Islam, it’s hard to know. For instance on this page they call off a proposed march. But on the other hand, on this page they discuss the Islamic definition for pedophilia, which is death. But then they suggest they do it by impaling them on top of the Washington Monument. Which sounds crazy, but, um… have you ever watched Memri for a week? Have you ever seen respected Egyptian academics suggest that Mossad is controlling sharks? Its really hard to know satire from reality with them.

So, I think the right answer is to classify this as a dubious story. Certainly I cannot stand behind it any longer. And it proves you can’t satirize something that is already ridiculous.

Yeah I know, it seems almost too surreal. For sure the site is designed to "get a rise out of the infidels".

But to be serious for a minute. Time and time again members of this specific social network, and also closely connected to various other branches of this network, have been proven to b e criminals, died in or committed acts of terrorism in the meat world, traveled abroad to join al-Qaeda etc, etc, etc.

That is to say that members of this network and even the network itself has had proven real world results that are not so funny.

We have as much fun making fun of the Jihadis as anyone. But I've an example of those real world results for those who would brush this off as totally ridiculous.

This comes from a member of the same network, this was praised by the members there. I warn you its very graphic, but at this point I think its appropriate to remember how often times this all ends.

Warning graphic image. Do not proceed if you are a minor or squeamish.
Last chance, DO NOT PROCEED.

howthisallends.jpg" src="" width="420" height="329" border="0

By Howie at 12:05 PM |


There is a Zionist Spy at Ribat Media Center

Ribat sent me a email with 18 videos. Why scour Youtube for jihadi videos when they come to you! This person wanted to let me know only 5 are left to smack down.

Thanks akhi!


Please flag as: Violent or Repulsive Content >> Supports Terrorism

By Stable Hand at 12:01 PM |


Cornhole Watch: Death to Juice Edition


Mohamed Alessa and Carlos Almonte, the two North Jersey men who allegedly told an undercover New York police officer that they wanted to kill Americans, are expected to plead guilty in Newark federal court Thursday, a law enforcement source said.

Mohamed Alessa and Carlos Almonte, the two North Jersey men who allegedly told an undercover New York police officer that they wanted to kill Americans, are expected to plead guilty in Newark federal court Thursday, a law enforcement source said.

A courtroom was filling up with FBI agents and onlookers for a 10 a.m. proceeding in front of U.S. District Court Judge Dickinson Debevoise.

The FBI arrested Alessa, 21, of North Bergen, and Almonte, 24, of Elmwood Park, for conspiring to fly to Somalia in June to wage violent jihad. They were arrested at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York on June 5 as they tried to board separate flights to Egypt on their way to join Al Shabaab, a violent Somali extremist group linked to al-Qaida.

You might remember Carlos, who was a member of Revolution Muslim for such hits as….

20081229NYDeathJuice.jpg" src="" width="375" height="500" border="0

Everyone wave to Carlos and his butt buddy. Watch the corn-holes dudes!

Hat Tip: Rsluty.

By Howie at 10:09 AM |


Cornhole Watch: Everyone Wave Buh Bye to Mohammed Gul

2531742.jpg" src="" width="228" height="238" border="0Examiner:

In a case that was kept under wraps for security reasons, a Muslim man who created extremist videos and uploaded them onto the World Wide Web was convicted on Thursday of terrorist offenses following an investigation by London's Metropolitan Police Counterterrorism Command. On the following day, February 25, he received a five-year prison sentence.

Mohammed Gul, 23, posted movies he had created, as well existing extremist videos, on YouTube. He also made a compilation video on his laptop by editing footage of attacks on coalition soldiers together with logos of terrorist groups and extremist commentary. Gul then used the family computer to put the clip on the web before posting links to on an online chat room.

Gul was found guilty of five counts of dissemination of terrorist publications contrary to Section 2 of the Terrorism Act 2006 following a trial at the Old Bailey in London. The jury heard testimony that he transmitted terrorist publications which could have encouraged the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism.

By Howie at 10:05 AM |


Goat Lee (aka Asadullah Alshishani)'s Daddy Shawn Begolly Wants His Stuff Back

begollyshawn.jpg" src="" width="183" height="178" border="0Personally the real crime here is the Shawn Begolly seems to have promoted and approved of Goatly's association and aid to terrorist groups. I'm glad he got a kick out of it now that his son is facing a long prison sentence.

Pittsburgh Live: A federal judge on Wednesday scheduled a hearing for March 17 on an Armstrong County man's motion to have the government return the property it seized in January while investigating his son's alleged terrorist activities.

U.S. District Judge Maurice Cohill said he wants to hear arguments from both sides on whether the government needs to keep the property — particularly computer equipment — of Shawn Begolly, 50, as part of its investigation of his son, Emerson Begolly, 21, or whether further retention will violate his Fourth Amendment right to be free of unreasonable seizures.

Goat Lee does need to face justice for his acts. But his father Shawn, who encouraged him, is walking around free as a the green bird of martyrdom.

Maybe he'll be hit by a bus or something.

By Howie at 07:36 AM |


22 New Charges for Bradley Manning

LA Times:

Reporting from Washington — The Army has charged Pfc. Bradley Manning, the soldier suspected of leaking thousands of documents published by WikiLeaks, with aiding and giving intelligence to the enemy, a significant escalation of the government's prosecution of the junior intelligence analyst.

As part of 22 additional counts filed against Manning, Army prosecutors said he "wrongfully and wantonly" caused intelligence to be published on the Internet, with the knowledge that it would be "accessible to the enemy."

Aiding the enemy is a capital offense, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, but the Army said in a statement Wednesday that prosecutors did not intend to recommend that Manning receive the death penalty if convicted. Even so, he could face life in prison.

Dang Bradley, you sure pwned "the man" eh?

By Howie at 07:28 AM |


Ukrainian Babes Protest Topless

(Kiev, Ukraine) In response to a controversial "Win a Wife" (from Ukraine) contest sponsored by a radio station in New Zealand, the Ukrainian feminist group FEMEN protested topless.

Organized through a mail-order bride agency, the New Zealand radio station offered men a trip and 12 nights in Ukraine. Ten time zones away, babes in the Ukraine protested by taking off their shirts and yelling, "Ukraine is not a brothel." Il h.

FEMEN babes arguably NSFW in extended entry.

FEMEN on balcony.jpg" src=" on balcony.jpg" width="210

FEMEN_Protesters.jpg" src="" width="280

By at 02:52 AM |


March 02, 2011

'British martyr' in new al-Qaeda video on web heightens concern over UK attack

musa the british_.jpg" src=" the british_.jpg" width="370" height="234" border="0


The video features a man identified only as “Musa the British” who is seen wearing an Afghan-style hat and reading a prayer book.

He is sitting crossed legged on the floor against white-washed walls, wearing glasses and holding a set of prayer beads.

The script at the top of the screen reads: “May Allah have mercy on him,” indicating that he has died, although there is nothing to show whether he was shot or launched a suicide attack.

The security services are now trying to identify him to confirm whether he is British and discover if he may have been accompanied by other British radicals in Pakistan.[…]

The latest video is designed as a recruitment video for suicide bombers and militants, featuring image after image of dead fighters, accompanied by a song glorifying their activities, that can be watched on a mobile phone.

It has been credited to both Hittin Media and Nida ul-Khurasan [call to Afghanistan] two sites associated with al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

The video first appeared in August last year but has been released in the last few days with English subtitles which identify one of the martyrs for the first time as “Musa the British.”

The video is accompanied by a nasheed [Islamic song] in urdu, suggesting it was made in Pakistan.


h/t B'Emet Or

By Stable Hand at 10:18 PM |


Let's Play Spot The Hypocrite

So, Michael (GET INNA MAH BELLY) Moore, when are you gonna cough up some of your millions. I got bills, yanno.

By Vinnie at 07:22 PM |


2 Killed Including US Soldier in Frankfurt Airport Shooting (Update: 2 Killed Are US Airmen – Suspect Named as Arif Uka)(Uka shouted Allah Akbar) (bumped)(Worked at Airport)

frankfurt airport_2 airmen killed.jpg" src=" airport_2 airmen killed.jpg" width="267" height="158" border="0

Breaking news

Two people have died after a gunman opened fire on a bus full of American soldiers at Frankfurt airport, police say.

A 21yr old suspect from Kosovo is said to have been arrested.

UPDATE: Speigel

A gunman at Frankfurt Airport, Germany's largest international hub, reportedly fired at several United States soldiers in a military bus on Wednesday, killing at least two people and seriously injuring two others. Wire reports suggest the two dead were likely American soldiers

German news agency DPA is reporting that police arrested a 21-year-old male suspect from Kosovo following the attack. A police spokesperson said it was too early to determine if the attack had been politically motivated or an act of terrorism.

Just after the attack, police still hadn't been able to determine the circumstances of the shooting. "It appears that everything happened in the bus," police spokesman Jürgen Linker told DPA.

UPDATE II: Sky News confirms 2 killed were US Airmen

FNC also stated the military has confirmed

FRANKFURT, Germany — The U.S. Air Force says two of its airmen have been killed and two wounded in a shooting outside Frankfurt airport.

The gunman opened fire on a bus carrying the airmen as it sat outside Terminal 2 at the airport, Frankfurt police spokesman Manfred Fuellhardt said.

Kosovo Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi says German police have identified the suspect who is in custody as Arif Uka, a Kosovo citizen from the northern town of Mitrovica.[More…]

The family of the Airmen are in our thoughts and prayers..sigh

UPDATE III: Via DailyMail

'We cannot exclude anything at the moment, ' said the minister, 'We will have to take a very close look at the perpetrator.'

Police spokesman Jürgen Linker said; 'Everything happened inside the bus.'

Eyewitnesses said the man 'infiltrated' himself among the GIs before shouting out radical Islamic slogans and then reaching into a bag for his gun[…]

Although the motives for the attack are still unclear, many Kosovans are Muslims, raising the suspicion that Islamic extremism may have been a factor behind the attack

In the States, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Patrick Meehan, said in Washington that it looked like a terrorist attack

Ummm, shouting Allah Akbar and stuff is a good indicator of what this is all about.

UPDATE IV: Daily Mail link above updated: "Uncle says he was a German-born devout Muslim who worked at the airport"

A German official told Fox News Channel that one airman was smoking a cigarette when the suspect pulled out a firearm and shot him.

Another serviceman was gunned down as he returned a luggage trolley.

The attacker, reportedly wielding a knife and a handgun, then boarded the bus and fired at the driver before being taken down by police, the official said.

The suspect's uncle, 70-year-old Rexhep Uka, said Uka was born and raised in Germany and was a devout Muslim who worked at the airport.

He said Uka's grandfather was a religious leader at a mosque in the village of Zhabar, near Mitrovica, Kosovo.

Murat Uka, who identified himself as the alleged shooter's father, says the only thing he knew about his son was that he hadn't turned up at work on Wednesday.

The Frankfurt airport refused to comment on whether the suspect worked there.

"Devout"…like those who show their 'prayer bruise/bump' prominently?

By Stable Hand at 04:30 PM |


Where's Rusty? Wisconsin Protest Edition

Down with the man and all that…

sign-wisconsin-17 (1).jpg" src=" (1).jpg" width="425" height="307" border="0

I'm just glad I didn't have Vinnie's affectation for today.

Hat Tip: Storm Saxon's Gall Bladder.

By Howie at 04:21 PM |


Sandcrawler PSA: The Elephant in the Congress

Yesterday I repeatedly all day long heard the same question everywhere, "So what's the two week budget really all about?"

Its all about if the government shuts down, the IRS does not send out checks.

A LOT OF PEOPLE have filed and are waiting for their money. If you recall the "last shutdown" was in the fall methinks.

That is all.

By Howie at 09:48 AM |


Yeah, But Jihad Just Means Struggle

So the good Governor of Wisconsin is just in a peaceful struggle with the unions. I'd hate to actually look and see which ones actually resemble the Jihadis the most. Wouldn't you Daily Kos?

beheadthosewhoinsultunions.jpg" src="" width="299" height="359" border="0
Click me for Malkin!
The mobsters: Anti-Scott Walker agitators shouting “Shame! Shame! Shame F***k you! F***k you!” while beating their tribal drums, blowing their horns, and hounding Sen. Grothman into an alcove.
First, they back him up on the side of a building, chase him across the lawn, and then corner him.

I guess not.

By Howie at 09:32 AM |


Gadhafi Blames GITMO Prisoners He Released for Unrest

Gaddafi, Gadhafi…whatever. The moron thinks we're all retarded.

What you released all the al-Qaeda dudes the day before the unrest so you could blame them for the unrest. Sorry Momar we're not that retarded.

By Howie at 08:06 AM |


The Rules of Fight Club: No Punching in the Face, No Kicking in the Goolies and No Biting

The News Tribune:

Nine sixth-grade boys were expelled from Stewart Middle School Monday after officials at the Tacoma School learned about their suspected participation in a so-called “fight club.”

Tacoma Public Schools spokesman Dan Voelpel said it came to light when a relative of one participant spoke to television station KCPQ. The station aired video Sunday from one boy’s cell phone showing two boys – their faces blurred – engaged in a fight.

School officials watched the video Monday morning and deduced the identities of some of the boys. Voelpel said they were apparently friends who would set up after-school fights – staged in a boys’ restroom at the South End school or at the youths’ own homes – to see who was the toughest.

The events were timed and had their own rules, such as “no hitting your opponent in the face,” Voelpel said.

The TV station reported that one boy had recorded at least 15 fights.

Damn, so I guess dirt clod wars are probably out these days too?

Hat Tip: Carlin.

By Howie at 07:48 AM |


Pirates Anchor Danish Yacht With Hostages

They are holding 7 hostages. Two Danes, their three children and two crew members.

AP: NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A Danish family kidnapped by pirates has reached the shore of Somalia, officials and a pirate said Wednesday, likely meaning a long hostage ordeal for the couple and their three teenage children who were abducted while yachting around the world.

A Somali pirate had warned that if any attempt was made to rescue them, they would meet the same fate as the four American yachters slain by their pirate captors last week. Any chance of a quick rescue seemed to disappear Wednesday.

The sailboat being piloted by Jan Quist Johansen, his wife and their three children, ages 12 to 16, anchored near the coastal village of Hafun late Tuesday, said Yusuf Abdullahi Sanyare, the commissioner of Hafun, which lies on Somalia's northern tip.

We pray they will be released safely. Especially the children. Looking for an Islamic rule against you know, the taking of and murder of child hostages. You know to argue for their release.

…..didn't find one.

Update: Well whaddya know, I did find one. Its from the The International Union for Muslim Scholars based in Dublin Ireland. I wonder if the pirates even recognize that group?

In the case of war, it is not permissible to kidnap innocent or enemy civilians who must not be made a target of any act of war. From the Islamic point of view, civilians are those who are non-combatants, such as women and children, as well as elderly men who have no role in the fighting, and priests. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has given an express order "not to kill women and children." (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim) He also said: "Do not kill any young person." (Reported by Abu Dawud) In an order to Khalid ibn Al-Walid, the commander of the army, he said: "Never kill a child or an employee." (Reported by Ibn Majah) This last order includes anyone who is employed in non-combat capacity, such as factory workers, medical personnel, and the like. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also highlighted the prohibition of killing an elderly man, a priest, or a hermit dedicated to worship. The same prohibition of killing elderly men is confirmed by Abu Bakr. Moreover, Jabir ibn `Abdullah, the Prophet's Companion, is quoted as saying that Muslims "did not kill business people who were unbelievers." The majority of scholars in the Hanafi, Maliki, and Hanbali schools of Islamic law extend this prohibition, on the basis of analogy, to include other non-combatants, such as those who are physically or mentally handicapped, and those who lock themselves in a house or a church, labourers, farmers, and tradesmen. Imam Ash-Shawkani has formulated a clear rule of analogy on this particular issue. This rule makes it clear that "it is unlawful from the Islamic point of view to kill anyone who is of no benefit to the enemy and cannot do the Muslims any harm."

Update: Reading assignment on the difficulties of Sharia law and the issue of Children. Custody specifically in this document.

Update II: An opposing hadith in comments

Bukhari (52:256) – The Prophet… was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)." In this command, Muhammad establishes that it is permissible to kill non-combatants in the process of killing a perceived enemy.

I would think that would not apply in this case because the hostages were not in the line of fire of a direct attack against combatants. There was no battle. Also so far as I know Christians and Jews are not treated the same as Pagans under Sharia.

By Howie at 07:37 AM |


Good News: Mali Loses al-Qaeda Bomber


A Tunisian suspect in January's attack on the French embassy in Mali has escaped from prison, officials say.

An official in the president's office refused to give details of how the man got away.

Oh joy…..

By Howie at 07:04 AM |


Terek-e Taliban Murders Pakistani Minister of Minorities Affairs


Islamabad, Pakistan — A Pakistani minister, who had said he was getting death threats because of his stance against the country's controversial blasphemy law, was fatally shot Wednesday.

Shahbaz Bhatti, the federal Minister of Minorities Affairs, was gunned down in Islamabad on Wednesday morning, Pakistani police said.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the killing.

"Assassination of Bhatti is a message to all of those who are against Pakistan's blasphemy laws," said Ihsanullah Ihsan, a Taliban spokesman.

Bhatti had been critical of Pakistan's blasphemy law. The Christian member of Cabinet once said, "I am ready to sacrifice my life for the principled stand I have taken because the people of Pakistan are being victimized under the pretense of blasphemy law."

The Taliban can't seem to get their narrative strain. The Pakistani government is a tool of the west, but we like that blasphemy law because we get to kill people….

Its worth noting that the minister was part of the Christian minority. Murdering a Cross Worshiper is right up the Taliban's alley. Despite all that Islamic huff and puff about "people of the book", he was murdered for simply holding an opinion that the Taliban didn't like.

The only good side is that when we kill a Muj he ends up begging this man, a real martyr, for a drop of water to cool their tongue….

Hell is almost too good for the Taliban.

For those in Libya and elsewhere, when al-Qaeda comes to "help you" do you really think they are going to allow you to become free, or take this opportunity to crush you under an even more oppressive intolerant regime. al-Qaeda will never ever ever grant you freedom.

Update: Bhatti was the highest ranking and the only Christian minister in the Pakistani government.

In leaflets left at the scene of the shooting, al-Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban Movement in Punjab province claimed responsibility. They blamed the government for putting Mr. Bhatti, an “infidel Christian,” in charge of an unspecified committee, apparently referring to one said to be reviewing the blasphemy laws. The government has repeatedly said such a committee does not exist.

“With the blessing of Allah, the mujahedeen will send each of you to hell,” said the note, which did not name any other targets.

The Minister or Infidel as the Taliban call him was Roman Catholic.

By Howie at 06:35 AM |


Gadhafi forces seize back rebel-held eastern town

This should shock the world into action……….should is the operative word but we are talking Jimmy Carter Part Deux.


Forces loyal to Muammar Gadhafi have recaptured a town in Libya's mostly rebel-held east, rebel military officers said on Wednesday, in an attempt to break the momentum of a popular rebellion against his 41-year-old rule.

Forces sent by the Libyan leader had seized back Marsa El Brega after violent clashes with rebels who had controlled the town 800 km east of the capital Tripoli, the rebel officers told Reuters.

"It's true. There was aerial bombardment of Brega and Gaddafi's forces have taken it," Mohamed Yousef, an officer in the town of Ajdabiyah which is about 75 km (47 miles) from Brega, told Reuters on Wednesday.

The assaults are the most significant military success for Gadhafi since the uprising began two weeks ago and set off a confrontation that Washington says could descend into a long civil war unless the veteran strongman ruler steps down.

If we sit by and allow the Libyan people to fall back under the loons boot……Shame on us.

By Matt Damon at 04:58 AM |


March 01, 2011

If You Listen To Fools

The mob rules….

That's Wisconsin GOP Glenn Grothman being harassed by smelly hippies in Madison. To make the story weirder, he was basically rescued by Democratic Rep. (not Senator, they're still fleebagging) Brett Hulsey.

H/T Allahpundit via Twitter.

Bonus Sabbath with Dio below the fold… If you listen to fools….

By Vinnie at 10:01 PM |


Obi One's Union Labor Secretary Steps Into Wisconsin Union Fight

hilda solis.jpg" src=" solis.jpg" width="278" height="181" border="0
Random web image


President Obama is staying mostly quiet about the union battle going on in Wisconsin. His labor secretary, Hilda Solis, is not.

"The fight is on!" Solis told a cheering crowd at the Democratic National Committee's winter meeting over the weekend in Washington. Giving her support to "our brothers and sisters in public employee unions," Solis pledged aid to unionized workers who are "under assault" in Wisconsin and elsewhere[…]

It's no surprise Solis sympathizes with the unions against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's budget reform proposal. After all, Solis often tells audiences how proud she is that her father was a Teamsters shop steward and her mother belonged to the United Steelworkers union. "Admittedly, I am a little biased," she told the DNC, "because … I come from a union household."

But is it the role of the secretary of labor to take sides in a fight that pits public employee union members against workers and taxpayers who support Walker's reforms? After all, the Labor Department mission statement says its purpose is "to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States." It doesn't say anything about unionized wage earners, job seekers, and retirees.

"The Labor Department should not represent only that part of the work force that is unionized," says Elaine Chao, labor secretary under George W. Bush. "It should be responsible for the overall welfare of the entire American work force." [More…]

Nothing to see here, move along..

Mettre à jour: Background on Solis via Malkin here

By Stable Hand at 09:46 PM |

| <span class="st_digg" st_url="" st_title="Obi One's Union Labor Secretary Steps Into Wisconsin Union Fight" st_summary="Random web image WTF?President Obama is staying mostly quiet about the union battle going on in Wisconsin. His labor secretary, Hilda Solis, is not. " the="" fight="" is="" on="" solis="" told="" a="" cheering="" crowd="" at="" democratic="" national="" committee="" winter="" meeting…=""><span class="st_twitter" st_url="" st_title="Obi One's Union Labor Secretary Steps Into Wisconsin Union Fight"><span class="st_facebook" st_url="" st_title="Obi One's Union Labor Secretary Steps Into Wisconsin Union Fight" st_summary="Random web image WTF?President Obama is staying mostly quiet about the union battle going on in Wisconsin. His labor secretary, Hilda Solis, is not. " the="" fight="" is="" on="" solis="" told="" a="" cheering="" crowd="" at="" democratic="" national="" committee="" winter="" meeting…=""><span class="st_sharethis" st_url="" st_title="Obi One's Union Labor Secretary Steps Into Wisconsin Union Fight" st_summary="Random web image WTF?President Obama is staying mostly quiet about the union battle going on in Wisconsin. His labor secretary, Hilda Solis, is not. " the="" fight="" is="" on="" solis="" told="" a="" cheering="" crowd="" at="" democratic="" national="" committee="" winter="" meeting…="">

Julian Assange: Da Jooos Sent Fembots and Reporters to Smear My Name

OK so this blog called Liberal Conspiracy says Assange is off the deep end.

The article is titled, ‘A Curious Conversation With Mr Assange’ – and it is the phone version of a horrible car crash. (hat-tip @jamesrbuk)

While I support WikiLeaks as an entity and an idea, Julian Assange seems to have gone off the deep end.

The above blog has an image of the quotes from the original source.

Weasel Zippers has the quote from the NY Times:

Mr. Assange complained that the coverage was part of a campaign by “Jewish” reporters in London to smear WikiLeaks.

…When Mr. Hislop pointed out that Mr. Rusbridger is not Jewish, the article published Tuesday said, Mr. Assange countered that he was “sort of Jewish” because he and Mr. Leigh are brothers-in-law.

Later, the article recounted, Mr. Assange asked Mr. Hislop to “forget the Jewish thing,”

Yeah probably he does wish he had not said that.

Update: My apologies to Liberal Conspiracy for missing the link. Ma faute. Fixed.

By Howie at 08:12 PM |


Do They Still Make Mopeds?

Boy, I sure hope so. Hopefully they come with bug out bags nowadays.

So, how many of you have bug out bags, and what's in yours?

By Vinnie at 06:56 PM |


It's About Damn Time

The man-child in the Oval Office finally sends the U.S. military into Libya's general area. Someone finally convinced him that too-small ferries just aren't the answer, I guess.

How long since the SHTF in Libya has it been? I suck at math.

By Vinnie at 06:51 PM |


Gaddafi Released 110 al-Qaeda Members

Yeah that's right. Including the brother of Top al-Qaeda scumbag Abu Yahya al-Liby. Yahya….

Anyway the story mentions that he fled Libya but closer reading show that we before his current release.

The Guardian: The last 110 members of the LIFG were freed on 16 February, the day after the Libyan uprising began. One of those released, Abdulwahab Mohammed Kayed, is the brother of Abu Yahya Al Libi, one of al Qaida's top propagandists. Koumi fled Libya and is said to have ended up in Afghanistan working for Bin Laden. Captured in Pakistan, he was handed over to the US and sent to Guantánamo Bay in 2002. In 2009 he was sent back to Libya. US counter-terrorist experts have expressed concern that al-Qaida could take advantage of a political vacuum if Gaddafi is overthrown. But most analysts say that, although the Islamists' ideology has strong resonance in eastern Libya, there is no sign that the protests are going to be hijacked by them.

Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, Bin Laden's regional "franchise," has condemned Gaddafi and urged Muslim scholars, thinkers and journalists to support the Libyan uprising. The group said: "We were pained by the carnage and the cowardly massacres carried out by the killer of innocents Gaddafi against our people and our unarmed Muslim brothers who only came to lift his oppression, his disbelief, his tyranny and his might.

Bluff or not, its unknown where these 110 terrorists are, what training they have and how they shall try to insert themselves. Only that they shall try to insert themselves.

And trust me I'm sure Momar is not above say, you stay there, I'll hang here for a while….. yahda yahda yahda.

By Howie at 06:24 PM |


Afghanistan: Children Play Splodey Dope

No surprise here


A video believed to feature Pashtun school children in south-east Afghanistan recreating a terrorist attack has been posted on social networking sites.

The 84-second clip appears to show a veiled boy bid farewell to his friends before approaching a group of children nearby and blowing himself up.

Sand is tossed in the air to simulate the detonation as children fall to the ground. As the dust settles, their playmates gather round and pretend to identify the dead.

Wasn't hard to find video, this user found it on Facebook:

Madrassa recess? Taliban scouts?

h/t tweet from MajorPaulSmyth

By Stable Hand at 05:47 PM |


West Versus CAIR

Some of you may remember my post a few days ago where CAIR's Nezar Hamze's confronted Ret. LTC Allen West and got pwn'd by the Congressman.

This video is a different angle and an extend version of that confrontation. It includes the question prior to Hamze's comments about Islam in which Americans Against Hate Chairman Joe Kaufman calls for CAIR to be shut down in America for funding terrorism.

One very funny note about this video, while Hamze was trying to respond to West, you can hear several people in the audience saying "Taqiyyah!"

For years, I, and many others, have been spreading the truth about Islam. Whether its at larger sites like Jihad Watch or at small blogs few people read, the messageEST getting out there. People are becoming more educated and more knowledgeable about Islam.

This video is proof enough for me. We are prevailing.


By DMartyr at 11:39 AM |


Iran Committed to Values and Principles of Hating Jews

To the point of total and utter paranoia.

Iran is threatening to boycott the 2012 Olympic Games in London because of the Games' logo.

According to an Iranian official, the logo, with its blocky, abstract rendering of "2012," is racist because it appears to spell the word "Zion," a biblical term for Jerusalem, rather than 2012. Bahram Afsharzadeh, the secretary-general of Iran's National Olympic Committee, said via the official IRNA news agency that he sent a letter of complaint to International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge.

"There is no doubt that negligence of the issue from your side may affect the presence of some countries in the games, especially Iran, which abides by commitment to the values and principles," Afsharzadeh said in the letter to Rogge, according to the Associated Press, and urged other Muslim states to protest as well.

The bible also refers to Jerusalem as Salem but somehow I doubt the Olympics will ever come to Massachusetts so that may not be an issue.

Glad the Iranian regime cleared that one up.

By Howie at 09:16 AM |


Boobies in 3D!

NSFW and get your glasses:

Veteran smutmonger Penthouse has announced the launch of a 3D TV service described as "the first Pan European 3D formatted adult channel".

Penthouse 3D will be putting out porn as of today between 22:00 GMT and 04:00 GMT from "ASTRA 3B, 23, 5 Degrees East", although there's no word on which providers will be handling the delicate matter of actually delivering the eye-popping smut to punters.

Marc Bell, big swinging dick of Penthouse owner FriendFinder Networks, enthused: "We are very excited about the launch of the Penthouse 3D channel. Our goal is always to deliver the latest technology on the world's best platform."

The story also has a 3D boobie teaser for fins de test.

By Howie at 07:51 AM |


All AQIM's Messages Are Belong To US

The Mirror:

A BRITISH Airways worker who secretly plotted to bomb a plane for al-Qaeda was found guilty of terror charges yesterday.
Computer expert Rajib Karim hid his extremist views from colleagues and blended in by playing five-a-side football – but all along he was in touch with international terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki.

Karim, 31, was committed to an attack on the West and was determined to become a martyr, a court was told.

In one email, he wrote: “From the moment I entered this country my purpose was to do something for the faith, it was not to make a living here and start enjoying life.

“I got the BA job against all odds and really felt it was help from Allah.”
The Bangladeshi got an IT job at BA’s Newcastle offices in 2007 but also had access to information at Heathrow – and tried to recruit a baggage handler and security guard there, Woolwich crown court heard.

His emails to al-Awlaki, head of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, were hidden in a “Russian doll” computer code.

But he was found guilty yesterday because police experts cracked his sophisticated encryptions after examining his laptop for nine months.

We've noted that all the Jihadis are worried that their "secure" messages aren't.

Just to let them know. They're right. So far as I can tell, we pretty much know what they are going to type before they even think it.

By Howie at 07:08 AM |


Name That Plane

Israel National News:

The IDF announces that it is seeking the help of the public in finding – not a missing person, but a name for its newest plane.

The IDF has recently purchased 20 F-35 fifth-generation stealth fighter jets from United States manufacturer Lockheed-Martin. Though delivery to Israel of the world’s most advanced attack aircraft is expected to begin only in 2015, the IDF is already looking for a Hebrew name for it.

Hebrew names for the plane can be proposed at the IAF’s website, or by emailing to .

Unfortunately the Baptists never taught me Hebrew. So I'm out. But go for it kids.

Hat Tip: Writer Mom.

By Howie at 06:04 AM |


Media Matters Jerkoff: You Know What's Funny? A Fox News Reporter Getting Assaulted

You stay classy, Eric Boehlert.

And the reason there wasn't video of it, you ignorant assclown, is because the union thugs you support were blocking the camera with their misspeeeled signs and Fox cut to a static graphic.

Fupid stuck.

By Vinnie at 01:05 AM |


J Street Listen Up: 12 Jews honored on African stamps as Apartheid fighters

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The postal services of Liberia, Gambia and Sierra Leone will simultaneously issue a set of three commemorative postal sheets on Tuesday in memory of 12 Jews – men and women – who fought Apartheid and racism in Africa.

In the struggle against South African Apartheid, according to one of the commemorative sheets, it was estimated that Jews were overrepresented by 2,500 percent in proportion to the governing white population.

“This stamp issue acknowledges the extraordinary sacrifices made by Jews to the liberation of their African brethren, and these stamps recognize some of the most significant contributors to global humanity in the 20th century,” reads the text on one of the commemorative sheets.[More..]

Teh awesome.

Wonder what the so called pro Israel group, J Street, [exposed] will think about this?

By Stable Hand at 12:03 AM |
