Cadeaux Pour Tween Girls
Vous cherchez les meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles? Pas tout à fait une adolescente, mais pas une petite enfant, elle est à cet âge où elle veut se sentir adulte mais toujours amusante et enjouée. Elle grandit beaucoup trop vite. Dans quelques années, elle sera adolescente. C’est difficile de trouver des cadeaux qui ne soient pas trop adultes mais en même temps pas trop enfantins.
Nous avons donc pensé qu'il serait vraiment mignon de créer une liste de cadeaux ultime pour Tween Girl. Ce sont des choses qu'elle et ses amis aiment.
Tween Girls peut tout faire. Lorsque vous recherchez des cadeaux pour les tweens, ce n’est pas le cadeau qui compte. Ce sont les petites choses qui montrent que vous soutenez son rêve. Peu importe si elle veut être gymnaste ou médecin, nous avons essayé de trouver des cadeaux pour chaque fillette. Nous avons divisé la liste de cette année en catégories afin de faciliter la recherche du cadeau idéal, que vous recherchiez des cadeaux de Noël pour des tweens ou des cadeaux d’anniversaire.
Avec plus de 950 cadeaux différents, voici les meilleurs cadeaux pour les filles entre filles.

Vous pouvez créer votre propre kit de bricolage contenant les ingrédients nécessaires, mais vous allez googler des recettes de bave toute la nuit. Original Stationary a fait le travail pour nous. Cet ensemble contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin, dans les proportions parfaites, pour fabriquer à peu près tous les types de limon, du limon duveteux au limon aux fruits. Vous obtenez de la colle, de l'argile, des paillettes, de la mousse à raser, un activateur de bave, des senteurs et même des récipients. C’est une raison pour laquelle on l’appelle le kit ultime slime!

Vous voulez faire du slime qui soit parfait pour les vacances? Essayez le pack de départ Frosty Slime d’Elmer. Ce kit contient tout le nécessaire pour créer trois lots de slime. L'ensemble comprend des paillettes d'argent, des paillettes bleues, de la colle à paillettes blanches et une recette adaptée aux enfants. La colle étant non toxique, vous n’aurez plus à vous soucier de la sécurité et elle est parfaite pour produire des boues glissantes et étirables. Les tweens vont adorer ce produit car il est super extensible et dure plus longtemps!

Les préadolescents sont fascinés par la fabrication de leur propre slime. La sensation sur YouTube Karina Garcia révèle plusieurs idées pour créer votre propre slime! Ce kit bricolage Slime de Craft City contient tous les ingrédients nécessaires. Vous apprendrez à faire de la boue croustillante, de la boue brillante dans le noir, et plus encore. Garcia vous montre même d'autres idées amusantes et créatives comme souffler des bulles de bave! Qui savait que vous pourriez avoir autant de plaisir avec slime?!

Vous aimez faire de la bave? Le Kinetic Sand Slime Lab est un kit tout-en-un pour un plaisir gluant! Les enfants peuvent créer, personnaliser et jouer avec du sable visqueux. Qu'est-ce qui est cool? Kinetic Sand est inclus pour ajouter de la texture et créer une sensation de sable de plage humide incroyable et tellement satisfaisante. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est inclus et, mieux encore, c’est simple et sûr pour les enfants. Nous aimons le fait que vous puissiez même personnaliser la couleur et ajouter vos propres paillettes, confettis, perles et autres pour encore plus de plaisir.

La colle liquide pour écoles Elmer est populaire auprès des préadolescents, car elle permet de créer votre propre slime fait maison. Ce carton contient un gallon de colle. La colle est sans danger, lavable et non toxique. Elmer’s est un ingrédient clé dont elle aura besoin pour fabriquer son propre slime. C’est aussi parfait pour ses projets d’artisanat. Excellent rapport qualité / prix.

Le Model Magic est comme une pâte à modeler douce qui vous permet de fabriquer pratiquement tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer. Les possibilités créatives sont pratiquement infinies. Étirez-le, écrasez-le et façonnez-le comme bon vous semble. Les préadolescents adorent également utiliser ce composé de moulage pour la bave au beurre de bricolage. C’est tellement amusant et procure d’innombrables heures de divertissement rusé.

Vous voulez faire du beurre visqueux? Fabriquée au Japon, cette argile molle Daiso est parfaite pour fabriquer votre propre bave de beurre à la maison. La qualité est vraiment impressionnante, tout comme le prix. Les Tweens adorent faire de la bave de beurre avec cette argile molle et cela fonctionne comme prévu.

Avez-vous remarqué que vous ne pouvez pas trouver de la colle n'importe où? C’est parce que la bave envahit le monde. C’est comme une expérience scientifique. Bien que ce soit amusant de le créer, c'est encore plus amusant de jouer avec. Les Tweens adorent l’écraser et l’utiliser pour se calmer. Vous pouvez maintenant faire briller la colle sombre pour qu'elle puisse faire briller les créations de bave noire.

La colle glitter liquide Elmer’s en trois temps est l’ingrédient idéal pour créer votre propre bave scintillante qui émerveille! Cet ensemble est livré avec des bouteilles de 6 oz de colle liquide à paillettes violettes, roses et vertes. C’est un excellent moyen de produire du slime et d’offrir des performances fiables pour vos projets artistiques et artisanaux.

Insta-Snow est un polymère spécial qui vous permet de produire une neige moelleuse en y ajoutant simplement de l'eau. Que se passerait-il si vous l'ajoutiez à la bave? C’est en fait l’ingrédient secret utilisé pour fabriquer la boue nuageuse. Vous pouvez faire n'importe quelle recette de slime, mais lorsque vous ajoutez Insta-Snow à Slime, cela crée une toute nouvelle texture qui ressemble à du sable.

Pour créer de la bave, vous avez besoin d’un activateur qui transformera la colle en une substance extensible. Bien que les détergents soient couramment utilisés comme activateurs, ils ne sont pas conçus pour être utilisés avec. Au lieu d'utiliser du borax, du bicarbonate de soude ou une solution pour lentilles de contact, vous pouvez simplement vous en servir pour obtenir un mucus parfait. La meilleure partie? C'est non toxique, donc c'est une alternative beaucoup plus sûre.

Disponibles en formats de 8 oz ou 16 oz, ces contenants en plastique résistant sont parfaits pour stocker votre boue. De nos jours, les enfants sont obsédés par la fabrication de leur propre slime. C’est donc un moyen idéal de la mettre en conteneur pour qu’elle puisse l’utiliser encore et encore. Ce qui est génial, c’est que ces produits ne contiennent pas de BPA, ils sont donc sans danger pour les enfants et les adolescents. L'ensemble contient deux douzaines de contenants réutilisables. Ils sont également parfaits pour la conservation des aliments.

Ce paquet de 80 fournitures de boue est parfait pour les boues et autres projets d’artisanat. Vous obtenez 9 paquets différents de balles en mousse. Lorsque vous l'ajoutez à la boue, vous obtenez des gouttes de boue croustillantes qui sont super amusantes! Parfait pour créer des moments Instagram.

Qui ne voudrait pas faire son propre mastic? Les filles peuvent mélanger leur propre pensée avec ce kit à faire soi-même. La partie la plus cool est que vous pouvez créer vos propres couleurs personnalisées et qu'elles brillent dans le noir. Quand le mixage est terminé, le plaisir ne fait que commencer!
Quelle fille n’aime pas la nuit? Il n'y a rien de plus amusant que de passer une nuit avec vos amis les plus proches. Elle adore porter des pyjamas mignons, se blottir sous les couvertures et raconter des histoires amusantes. Ces cadeaux la rendront très confortable lors de sa prochaine soirée pyjama.

Parfois, vous voulez juste mettre un pyjama qui vous fait sentir bien. Elle va vouloir vivre en pyjama. Toutes les couleurs et les impressions qu'il contient sont magnifiques. Il n'y a pas de meilleur moyen de s'endormir. Nous aimons aussi le fait qu'ils viennent avec un pantalon ou un short assorti, selon qu’elle se sente chaude ou non.

Qui n'aime pas les jammies doux et légers où dormir? Parfois, il vous suffit de vous offrir quelque chose qui vous rende bien. Ce pyjama en 2 pièces avec une chemise boutonnée et un short vous donne une sensation incroyable, mais il est assez chic pour être porté à la maison. Fabriqué à partir de viscose Lenzing et de spandex, il n’est ni trop court ni trop serré, mais présente une coupe confortable et flatteuse.

Trop froid? Pas lorsque vous portez une paire de pyjama en laine polaire recouverte d’un joli motif flocon de neige hivernal. Confectionné en flanelle de coton, ce pyjama est conçu pour vous garder bien au chaud lors des nuits les plus froides. Ils sont faits de flanelle, ce qui les rend non seulement jolis, mais les aide également à emprisonner une couche de chaleur chaude près de la peau.

Quelle meilleure façon de célébrer un anniversaire qu'avec un pyjama à thème Anniversaire. Votre jeune fille sera la star de sa soirée pyjama avec ce pyjama original à imprimé cupcake personnalisable. Fait de coton à 100%, ce cadeau unique peut être personnalisé avec son nom et sa date d'anniversaire.

Chaque famille a ses propres traditions de Noël. Il n'y a rien qui rapproche une famille d'une belle paire de pyjamas de Noël assortis. Capturez la magie de Noël avec ces pyjamas de Noël assortis de PyjamaGram. Ils sont parfaits pour prendre des photos de famille devant une cheminée ou un arbre de Noël. Ils viennent dans toutes les tailles pour tout le monde dans la famille. La meilleure partie? Vous pouvez obtenir une paire pour le chien.

J'adore la coupe de ce pantalon lounge de Tommy Hilfigure. Super flatteurs et mignons, ils sont plus amples et plus amples que les leggings mais ne sont pas aussi volumineux que les pantalons de survêtement. Non seulement ils sont confortables, ils viennent dans les conceptions les plus vives. Le logo de Tommy Hilfigure sur la ceinture élastique est incroyablement mignon. Fabriqués à 95% de coton et de spandex, ils sont parfaits pour se prélasser à la maison.

Les pyjamas normaux sont cool, mais il y a quelque chose dans les pyjamas en satin qui semble si somptueux contre la peau. Il y a quelque chose de si confortable à propos de pyjama en satin de soie. Disponible dans votre choix de couleur, ceux-ci ont la quantité parfaite de brillance. Avec une ceinture élastique, le bas de pyjama est conçu pour s'adapter parfaitement. Elle n'a jamais dormi auparavant.

Lorsque vous êtes à la maison et dans votre chambre, rien n’est plus agréable que de porter une jolie chemise de nuit, surtout pendant les chaudes nuits d’été. Juste la bonne taille, celle de Caramel Cantina porte un dicton mignon qui ajoute encore plus de points bonus. Le seul problème? Elle va vouloir marcher avec ça toute la journée.

Quoi de mieux que de porter un joli pyjama le jour de Noël? Rien de plus amusant que de déballer des cadeaux sous le sapin de Noël avec un joli pyjama. Avec un joli motif de Noël, ceux de Tommy Hilfiger sont super mignons. Fait de coton et de polyester, ce pyjama aura fière allure même après le lavage.

Vous organisez une soirée pyjama épique? Voici un ensemble de pyjamas dans lequel vous voudrez être vu. Procurez-vous à vos amis un ensemble de pyjamas assorti et publiez-le en un instant sur Instagram. Avec une couleur de pastèque adorable, ces pyjamas abordables sont l’ensemble parfait pour votre prochaine soirée pyjama. Le tissu frais et respirant est parfait pour les chaudes nuits d'été.

Tween Girls veut juste quelque chose de Victoria Secret. C’est très branché et stylé en ce moment. Les pyjamas, les sueurs, les sous-vêtements, les leggings ou les sweats à capuche sont le cadeau idéal. Avec les imprimés les plus mignons, les filles voudront pratiquement vivre dans ces pyjamas légers et super confortables. Ils sont super mignons d'avoir.

Est-ce qu'elle déteste les matins? Est-ce qu'elle aime avoir des ennuis, alors elle adorera ces adorables pyjamas. Le t-shirt indique «#Moi». Il est parfait pour rester allongé sur le canapé toute la journée, même lorsque ce n'est pas le jour de Noël. Il y a un tas d'autres dessins mignons à choisir.

Ce joli ensemble de pyjama et poupée Ballerina est une merveilleuse idée cadeau pour les filles. Un ensemble de pyjamas est pour votre fille et un autre pour sa poupée. Il convient parfaitement à une poupée American Girl. Il a une jolie ballerine dansante sur la chemise et le bas. Les pyjamas sont lavables en machine.

Quoi de plus amusant que de s'habiller dans une camisole confortable? Vous pouvez obtenir toutes sortes d'animaux, d'une vache à un panda, mais votre partenaire adorera celle-ci si elle souhaite devenir une licorne lorsqu'elle sera grande.

Cette belle robe de Richie House est faite à 100% de polyester. Il est chaud, doux, confortable et absorbant. Choisissez parmi une variété de couleurs à la mode. Le peignoir comporte des poches et une capuche pour vous garder au chaud. Vous voudrez peut-être simplement le voler quand elle ne l'utilisera pas.

Rien de tel que de se préparer le matin ou de se préparer pour une occasion spéciale dans une robe de satin confortable et luxueuse. Fait à 100% de polyester, ce long est disponible dans de nombreuses couleurs. Le tissu léger et aéré est parfait pour l’été, quand une robe normale serait trop chaude.

Chaque fille a besoin d’un joli masque de sommeil pour bloquer la lumière si elle ne peut pas s’endormir. Elle adorera s'endormir avec cet adorable masque de sommeil. Le masque en forme de licorne présente une corne de licorne étincelante, des oreilles et des yeux fermés comme par magie. Quand elle le mettra, cela l'endormira comme par magie.

Chaque fille entre deux a besoin de la brassière Calvin Klein dans sa vie. Venant dans une large gamme de couleurs, cette bralette est tellement confortable et tendance en ce moment. Avec un style décontracté, ce soutien-gorge offre le juste équilibre entre confort et soutien. Fabriqué en coton, le groupe est recouvert du logo signature Calvin Klein. Ils sont parfaits pour lancer sous des mailles ou des t-shirts.

Le sous-vêtement est l’une de ces nécessités dont chaque fille a besoin. Vous n’avez pas besoin de dépenser beaucoup d’argent pour des sous-vêtements sophistiqués. Fait de coton mélangé, ce lot de sous-vêtements Fruit of the Loom de style bikini se décline dans des couleurs incroyablement lumineuses et amusantes. Le coton mélangé est respirant et conçu pour ne pas rétrécir. Ils ne sont peut-être pas sophistiqués, mais ils sont incroyablement confortables.

Sous-vêtements? Oui, chaque fille a besoin de sous-vêtements, même si elle ne veut pas l’admettre. Ces Calvin sont livrés avec un élastique, ce qui signifie qu’ils offrent un ajustement parfait. Ces 3 packs sont disponibles en 3 couleurs et s’harmonisent parfaitement avec le calvin Klein Bralette.
À travers la mode, les filles peuvent exprimer leur individualité. Qu'elle aime les t-shirts graphiques, les foulards, les vernis à ongles, les kits de coiffure, les bijoux ou les ensembles de spa, ces cadeaux pour une pré adolescente lui donneront le sentiment de grandir.

Fabriqué à partir de 100% de polyester, le pantalon de survêtement Adidas Youth Tiro est un pantalon résistant, élégant et fonctionnel pour les jeunes filles qui aiment le sport. Ils fournissent une excellente ventilation et la partie inférieure se ferme pour plus de chaleur et de confort. Le pantalon comporte même des poches qui stockent un peu. Si vous pouvez obtenir la bonne taille, ils vous iront très bien.

Les jambières font désormais partie de la tendance sportive actuelle. Beaucoup de filles échangent des leggings contre des jeans parce qu'ils sont beaucoup plus confortables et faciles à porter. Semblables à une bonne paire de pantalons de survêtement mais plus élégants, ceux d’Adidas ont une coupe flatteuse. Ils ont le classique 3 bandes sur les jambes. Il est facile de jumeler des sweats à capuche, des baskets et à peu près n'importe quoi.

Il n'y a rien de mieux qu'une veste de survêtement Adidas classique et légère. Avec son look intemporel, c’est quelque chose dont chaque fille a besoin dans son placard. Avec son design à 3 bandes, il va très bien avec un pantalon de survêtement Adidas. Il a fière allure avec n'importe quoi, qu'il soit associé à des tenues décontractées ou à une tenue sportive. Elle va vouloir le porter, qu'elle soit dirigée vers le gymnase ou non.

Adidas fabrique les vêtements d'entraînement les plus mignons. Fait à 100% de polyester, ce chandail à capuchon propose une multitude de combinaisons de couleurs incroyables. Les rayures emblématiques d’Adidas s’appliquent aux bras. Les rayures noires sur le gris sont impressionnantes, mais vous pouvez également les obtenir avec le noir classique avec des rayures blanches. Le style zip complet signifie qu'il est facile à mettre et à enlever. Sans être encombrant, il est confortable, léger et élégant, ce qui en fait le lieu idéal pour aller courir ou aller au centre commercial.

La meilleure façon de vous motiver à faire de l'exercice consiste à acheter quelque chose qui vous donne le sentiment d'être élégant et confortable. Quoi de plus stylé qu'un débardeur avec un énorme logo Adidas sur le devant. Attrapez un soutien-gorge de sport et ce débardeur Adidas et vous êtes prêt à vous entraîner. Fabriqué à partir de polyester recyclé, il fait partie de l’initiative en matière de développement durable d’Adidas. La coupe ample permet au réservoir de s’écouler lorsque vous vous déplacez. C’est parfait que vous travailliez ou que vous vous prélassiez.

Je suis vraiment dans les vêtements de sport. Si vous voulez être plus en forme, ce coupe-vent peut vraiment faire la différence. Je pense que cela a l'air super confortable et me donne envie de courir autour du bloc à chaque fois que je le vois.

Les pantalons de yoga noirs sont à la mode parmi les préadolescents. Il n’ya rien de plus confortable à porter avec des tenues de tous les jours que des pantalons de yoga ou des leggings. Celui de Reflex convient aux puits et n’est pas transparent.

Conçu pour concurrencer les marques de sport haut de gamme, Amazon a lancé une nouvelle marque de sport haut de gamme, appelée Core10, destinée aux clients Prime. La ligne comprend de nombreux articles d’athlétisme différents, mais l’article le plus cool vous permet de construire vos propres jambières. Vous pouvez tout choisir, de la longueur à la taille, pour créer le legging parfait.

Les jambières sont devenues des pantalons de premier choix pour les jeunes filles. Les leggings les plus populaires sur la liste de souhaits de chaque fille sont Lulu Lemons. Mais comment justifiez-vous le fait de perdre autant d’argent sur des jambières? Comparés à d'autres pantalons de yoga, les citrons Lulu sont très durables et durent éternellement.

Lorsque vous vous entraînez, il est difficile de trouver un soutien-gorge offrant du soutien mais confortable. Le soutien-gorge Champion est invisible, mais vous apporte le soutien dont vous avez besoin. Sans le rembourrage traditionnel, le matériau en maille et le tricot permettent au soutien-gorge de compresser et de supporter votre corps.

Chaque fille a besoin d’un soutien-gorge Nike Sports de base. Ce soutien-gorge de sport Nike à compression et à dos nageur maintient tout en place tout en vous permettant de vous déplacer librement. Il est parfait pour porter à la maison, faire les courses et quand vous voulez un soutien-gorge mignon pour vous motiver à faire de l’entraînement. Le seul problème? Elle va le vouloir dans toutes les jolies couleurs.

Qui n'aime pas le look des shorts Nike Pro? Conçu pour que tout reste serré, ce short de compression de Nike est très confortable, que vous fassiez de l'exercice ou tout simplement pour faire vos courses. La meilleure partie? Fabriqués dans un matériau extensible, ils viennent dans une tonne de couleurs différentes, il y en a donc une paire pour chaque fille et chaque occasion. Avec leur design à deux tons, ils sont tellement mignons.

Que vous couriez ou que vous vous entraîniez, vous avez besoin de leggings bien isolés, légers et qui évacuent l'humidité. Le facteur le plus important? Ils doivent être à l'aise. Fabriqués avec la technologie Nike Dri-Fit, ces collants qui évacuent la transpiration vous permettent de rester au sec pendant les séances d’entraînement les plus intenses. La taille élastique signifie qu'ils ne glisseront pas sur vous.

J'adore la coupe de ce pantalon Nike. Ce sont les pantalons d'entraînement parfaits. Super flatteurs et mignons, ils sont plus amples que les leggings mais ne sont pas volumineux comme un pantalon de survêtement. Qu'elles soient portées à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur, elles sont le pantalon parfait au quotidien et sont super mignonnes lorsqu'elles sont associées à des baskets.

Les débardeurs sont tellement cool. Chaque fois que vous vous sentez mignon, vous voulez vous entraîner. Je pense que ce débardeur est trop mignon. Celui-ci a l’air super confortable et vous permettra de vous sentir très productif lorsque vous le portez, même si vous ne vous entraînez pas réellement.

Préparez-vous à faire le cha-cha avec ce bikini deux pièces à volants. Conçu pour être flatteur avec à peu près n'importe quel type de carrosserie, ce bikini est également doté d'un bas assorti et est disponible dans de nombreux styles et motifs. Prenez une boisson fruitée et vous serez bientôt au paradis. Ce qui est vraiment cool, c’est que le haut à épaules dénudées peut être utilisé pour créer d’autres tenues.

Qui n'aime pas un joli maillot de bain super tendance? Avec son superbe design bohème et ses lacets entrecroisés au dos, ce maillot de bain vous donnera l'impression d'être dans les Caraïbes à chaque fois que vous le mettez. Vous pouvez l'associer à n'importe quel bas de bikini ou acheter le bas assorti pour certains points de style majeurs lors de votre prochaine fête au bord de la piscine.

À la plage, ton bikini n’est qu’une partie de ton style. Lorsque vous souhaitez passer de l'eau à la terre sans effort, cette belle robe en crochet vous facilite la tâche. La longueur offre une excellente couverture pour toutes les filles et se décline en une multitude de couleurs amusantes. Non seulement il est léger et facile à enfiler, mais son design en crochet le rend doux, aéré et magnifique. C’est parfait pour faire des vagues à la plage mais assez chic pour être porté dans un restaurant au bord de la plage.

Disponible en plusieurs couleurs amusantes, cette jupe innovante vous permet de passer rapidement d'un maillot de bain à une jupe. Il s'enroule simplement autour de votre taille à l'aide d'une fermeture velcro, vous offrant ainsi la couverture dont vous avez besoin lorsque vous êtes loin de la piscine. Après votre fête à la piscine, vous pourrez facilement vous rendre au centre commercial, au concert ou chez un ami. Le tissu léger offre la quantité d'étirement idéale pour que vous puissiez vous déplacer facilement.

Votre gymnaste adorera se déhancher et tourner dans ce magnifique justaucorps. Fait d'un matériau extensible, il vient dans les couleurs les plus mignonnes. La coupe modeste est conçue pour que les filles puissent se concentrer sur leurs performances au lieu de s'y frotter constamment.

Rêve-t-elle d'être une sirène? Maintenant, vous pouvez enfin réaliser ses rêves. La prochaine fois que vous organiserez une fête d'anniversaire à la piscine, elle pourra nager comme une sirène avec ce tail de bain de Fin Fun. Cela a l'air tellement réel que ses amis vont penser qu'elle est vraiment une sirène.

Le denim sera toujours à la mode. Lorsque vous recherchez une paire de jeans Jegging de base, vous ne pouvez pas battre cette paire. Avec une coupe skinny moderne, ce jean super extensible s'adapte parfaitement dans tous les domaines.

Les shorts en denim sont un incontournable de l’été et ceux de Lévis sont coupés de la bonne longueur. Avec autant de façons différentes de les coiffer, vous pourriez probablement vivre dans ce short pendant tout l'été. Si vous optez pour un look basique, vous pouvez simplement les porter avec un t-shirt et des baskets, mais c’est amusant d’ajouter différents motifs et hauts pour une grande variété de looks.

Le champion est de retour. Y a-t-il quelque chose de plus confortable qu'un sweat à capuche en hiver? Conçu pour être bouffant, ce sweat à capuche est parfait pour porter n'importe quel style de rue. Il comporte un petit logo Champion sur la manche et un plus grand logo Champion sur la poitrine. Elle va vouloir lever la cagoule, se blottir et mettre les mains dans les poches tout au long de l'hiver.

Alors que Friends était une série télévisée à succès il y a plus de 20 ans, ses t-shirts font désormais partie de la garde-robe de chacun. Fabriqué dans un mélange de coton respirant, ce t-shirt noir simple, orné de l’emblématique logo «Friends», convient à tous les fans. Portez-le avec une paire de jeans taille haute pour un look plus vintage.

Rien de tel qu'un sweat à capuche confortable pour vous garder au chaud pendant les nuits fraîches. Rien de plus décontracté qu’un sweat à capuche adidas Originals. Disponible dans à peu près toutes les couleurs de votre choix, ce pull à capuche est fabriqué en coton éponge doux avec des détails côtelés autour des poignets et du col ras du cou. Le logo Adidas surdimensionné sur le devant est indéniable.

At-elle demandé un top court à manches longues? C’est l’âge où beaucoup de filles veulent se sentir adultes, mais c’est vraiment aux parents de décider. Avec sa coupe décontractée et raccourcie, cette veste à capuche raccourcie d’Adidas n’est pas trop raccourcie et ne montre pas trop de peau. Portez-le avec un short en jean, une casquette de baseball et de simples baskets. Il est facile de ressembler à votre célébrité préférée.

Nous avons tous nos vêtements préférés, mais un chandail à capuchon Nike est à la base de tous les jours. Avec son design en entonnoir et ses poches kangourou, il est conçu pour la garder au chaud pendant les mois les plus froids. Fait de polyester et de coton mélangé, il est léger et confortable. Bien qu’il fasse chaud, il n’a pas l’impression d’être aussi volumineux qu’un manteau épais. Elle va vouloir porter ce sweat à capuche pour toutes les occasions.

Aeropostale a de grands sweats à capuche et des tee-shirts graphiques. Les vêtements d’Aeropostale sont reconnus par son logo, qui figure sur la plupart de ses vêtements. Représentant l’aventure, la réussite et le dévouement, les vêtements et accessoires décontractés d’Aeropostale attirent les préadolescents. Avec les logos sur les bras et le capuchon, elle voudra vivre dans ce sweat à capuche en coton mélangé tout en regardant de près ses émissions préférées sur Netflix.

Elle va probablement aimer quelque chose de la section enfants de Forever 21. Puisque tout le monde a un style différent, vous êtes en sécurité avec un sweat à capuche ou un top court. Lorsque vous vous sentez paresseux, vous enfilez simplement un sweat-shirt à capuche ou un sweat-shirt de la marque Forever 21. Lorsqu'il est associé à la bonne paire de leggings ou de bottes, il peut devenir une véritable déclaration de mode. Avec les mots «Girl Empire» imprimés sur le devant, rien n’est plus confortable que ce sweat à capuche.

Lorsque vous grandissez, beaucoup de filles veulent porter ce que leurs amis portent et veulent se sentir grandes. S'il y a un magasin dans lequel elle rêve d'obtenir quelque chose, c'est Victoria Secret Pink. Elle aimerait avoir quelque chose à partir de là. Leurs vêtements, sous-vêtements, bougies, lotions ou brouillard corporel. N'importe quoi avec la marque plaquée dessus.

Si vous demandez pourquoi tout le monde porte des jeans qui sont déjà ruinés, ces jeans Mom sont pour vous. Avec une taille haute, ils sont le type de jeans que même les mamans porteraient. Qui savait que les jeans à taille haute pourraient être vraiment cool avec quelqu'un d'autre que maman? C'est un excellent neutre à combiner avec différentes couleurs et accessoires.

Avant, si vous portiez un jean déchiré, vous en faites don. Maintenant c'est à la mode. Quand il est apparu pour la première fois, la tendance déchirée est apparue comme un signe de rébellion, mais elle est maintenant à la mode. Vous n’êtes pas obligé de déchirer vos jeans chez vous pour vous habituer à ce style. Vous pouvez les acheter "en détresse". Nous aimons ces jeggings bien ajustés de Hollister qui sont effilochés aux bons endroits sans aller trop loin.

Lorsque la plupart d’entre nous achetons des cadeaux, nous ne pensons pas vraiment à eux. Ce ne serait pas cool si une entreprise donnait en retour? Lorsque vous achetez une chemise Ivory Ella, vous obtenez non seulement une chemise mignonne, mais vous aidez l'entreprise à redonner à une cause caritative. L'entreprise verse 10% de ses bénéfices à Save the Elephants, qui aide à mettre un terme à la cruauté des éléphants. Each shirt comes with a beautiful Elephant logo on it, which is a symbol for your support of the cause.

There is nothing more preppy than a Vineyard Vines shirt. The company’s shirts have become increasingly popular and everybody has started wearing it. One of the most unique things about the shirts is the happy Whale logo on them. Made out of 100% cotton, this laid back shirt is the perfect everyday shirt. It’s got a small whale logo on the front, a larger whale logo on the back, and the words “Vineyard Vines” written down the sleeve. Le seul problème? She isn’t going to want to wear any other shirt.

Apparently everybody needs a denim jacket. If you are going to get a denim jacket, check out this one from Wrangler. Unlike other jean jackets, it has a nice stretch. The fit is slim enough to wear with a summery dress underneath, but not too tight that you can’t layer up underneath. Whenever you want to go for that rugged look, just throw on this jean jacket with a pair of jeans.

All of us have a pair of denim jeans in our closet. Some of us have denim jackets. It’s time to go for an all-denim look. Next time you are thinking about wearing denim jeans, try a denim skirt instead. A 90s stable, denim skirts are now suddenly in fashion. It goes well with a basic tee, but you can also pair it with flip flops, jewelry, and accessories for a more complete outfit. In junior sizes, this one from Wallflower looks chic!

When the cold weather starts to hit, everybody wants to suit up in a warm fleece jacket. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on an expensive fleece jacket. Made of an extremely lightweight material, this one from Columbia is super affordable. Because it is so lightweight and not bulky, you can easily build a few layers underneath it. La meilleure partie? Not only does it have zippered pockets on the outside, but also nice large inner pockets.

During the winter, there is nothing cozier than a blankety fleece jacket. With a midweight design, this full-zip jacket from Columbia gives you great warmth. Compared to the Benton Springs fleece, this jacket is much more fitted. The high collar and the front zippered pockets keep you warm and stylish. There’s a secret zippered pocket on the left arm sleeve, which is perfect for storing items you need quick access to.

There is a reason that the Northface Osito 2 is one of the most popular fleece jackets during the winter months. If you live in area where the weather always changes, you want to dress in layers. If you wear a big heavy jacket, you will start to sweat. Not only is a Northface fleece jacket perfect for layering, but it looks stylish as well. Like the softest teddy bear, it is so warm and comfy. She is going to love wearing it everywhere.

Whenever it gets cold and starts to rain, it is time to bring out the Northface Resolve Jacket. Made of a specially designed waterproof and breathable material, it repels water. The two handy zippered pockets and the standing collar will help keep the cold out. Whether she wants to walk the dog or it is raining outside, it’s light enough to wear with layers.

Made of 100% polyester fleece, this quarter zip sweater from Patagonia has a unique sweater knitted fabric that makes it so cozy. With a quarter zip, it can easily be zipped up when it gets chilly outside. It has a very nice clean fit that fits close to the body so you have to size up if you want to layer with it. The little zip on the arm comes in handy.

With winter here, you need a warm sweater, boots, and a winter coat. Who wouldn’t want a winter parka with a faux fur trimmed hood? It’s not just about looking cute either! The furry trim around the hood of this jacket protects your face from the cold. La meilleure partie? The faux fur is removeable when you don’t need the extra warmth.

When you want to stay warm on the coldest and rainiest days of the year, there is nothing better than a puffer jacket. With a special lining designed to keep in body heat, this jacket from U.S. Polo is a great way to stay warm and dry during the cold winter season. The outer shell is coated with water resistant material, which makes it the perfect rain jacket.

Here’s a simple idea. It’s a cross body purse that is designed to slide your phone in. The shoulder strap allows you to wear the purse across your body. Not only does it look stylish, but it makes it easy to grab your phone when you need it. This way you don’t have to worry about fumbling through your bag when you need to use your phone. Along with your cell phone, it has enough room for a few of your other essentials.

Is she looking for a new wallet? If she just needs a super basic and inexpensive wallet to carry around her cash, ID, and cards, this one is the perfect gift. With two zippered slots for holding money, it comes in the most gorgeous colors. It holds a ton of cards inside. La meilleure partie? Because it has a very slim design, it won’t take up much room in her purse.

Most people are now wearing small backpacks as their purse. The Kavu Rope Bag is a quality bag that allows you to easily transport your belongings. Choose from a variety of bold prints to solid colors. The bag features four pockets for storing small items.

Anything Vera Bradley is totally in right now. Not only does it come in attractive patterns, this Zip ID case is a perfect way for girls to get organized. It can hold their school ID, bus pass, and spare change. The clear ID pocket makes it easy to flash your ID card and the little key ring on it makes it easy to attach your keys or a lanyard.

Every tween needs one of these. This wallet from Vera Bradley is not only protective, it is fashionable. Whoever came up with the idea of carrying around your smartphone, money, and credit cards in wallet is brilliant.

A lot of tween girls are ready to go shopping on their own and would love a stylish bag for all of their essentials. Crossbody bags make a great first purse because they are totally hands free and you don’t have to worry about her forgetting it somewhere. For the price, you won’t find a more stylish crossbody bag.

Available in many floral designs, this bag comes in the cute prints that Vera Bradley is known for. The bag gets its name from its three layered design. You won’t believe how much you can fit in the Vera Bradley’s Triple Hipster. You can stuff an iPad inside! It features an adjustable strand so you can wear it however you want.

This cute bag from Vera Bradley is perfect for organizing your cosmetics and toiletries at home or when you go on vacation. It comes in the cutest designs that Vera Bradley is famous for. Once you open it, it has tons of compartments to organize and store stuff inside. The 2 clear compartments make it easy to see what is inside. There is even hook that allows you to hang it.

Monogrammed purses are really personalized gifts but they can be expensive. Made of sturdy cotton, this tote bag makes a super cute gift on its own or can even be used as a gift bag. Simply fill it with goodies inside for an extra special personalized gift. La meilleure partie? While it looks expensive, it’s very reasonably priced.

This classic styled backpack features a lightweight, durable design. It has a spacious interior and it has comfortable shoulder straps. It’s a great backpack and a great bang for the buck!

Don’t be afraid to show what you are carrying with this clear backpack. One of the coolest new trends this year is transparent bags. Available in different styles from a tote bag to a backpack, this bag is made out clear PVC plastic. You don’t even have to open it up to see what is inside, making it easy to find stuff inside without digging through it. The coolest part? It makes passing through security a breeze.

The SuperBreak is one of Jansport’s best selling backpacks and now it comes in a super fun pineapple print. Designed for everyday use, it has the perfect amount of padding in all of the right spots. The main compartment has plenty of room to hold all her school supplies throughout middle school. The front pocket is perfect for smaller items that you want easy access too.

Designed in 1978, the Fjallraven Kanken backpack was originally designed for Swedish school children. Today, it is one of the most popular backpacks. This one comes in the color “Fog” but there are so many pretty colors to choose from. With a main compartment and a secondary storage zippered pocket on the front, it stands 15 inches high and has a laptop sleeve inside that holds a 13 inch laptop.

We are seeing super small silhouettes of backpacks popping up everywhere. The original Fjallraven Kanken is one of the most fashionable backpacks around. The Fjallraven Kanken-Mini is all of the fun of a Kanken in a smaller form factor. Now that it is itsy bitzy, it looks even cuter if that was even possible. Available in a plethora of bright colors, while it won’t be able to fit your books, it’s perfect for stuffing all your essentials that you would normally take in a purse. Along with the main zippered compartment, there is zippered compartment on the front.

Whether she is using it for school or gym class, this durable backpack from Adidas is built to last. Adidas backs up this claim with a lifetime warranty. With 4 different compartments and a laptop sleeve, this backpack is roomy enough for middle or high school. Each compartment has internal organization to keep things organized. You can throw in all your gym gear or pack it with books. The mesh pockets on the side are perfect for carrying around water bottles.

When it comes to buying a backpack, it is always better to spend a little bit more on something that is high quality. Available in the prettiest colors, this sizeable and sporty backpack from Nike is also very functional. The flat pockets on the front of the bag are perfect for storing flatter items. The gigantic side pockets are large enough to hold large water bottles. The main compartment can hold a ton of stuff and there is even a laptop pouch. It works really well as daily school bag, for sports, or for travel.

It’s no secret that your backpack can make you more fashionable. Sling this over your shoulders and score some cool points with this trendy Champion backpack. Not only does the large Champion logo make it look impossibly cute, but it is fairly large and it has many pockets for school books and supplies. It’s perfect for middle and high school. She will look like a really champion with this adorable backpack.

Backpacks aren’t just for school. A lot of people have started mini backpacks instead of carrying around a traditional bag. This one is designed to hold everything you would carry in your purse so you can go hands free.

These Herschel backpacks are classy backpacks that are sturdy and lightweight. They are perfect for carry light items. They are quite roomy with plenty of storage. Choose from solid colors to artistic prints.

Mini backpacks are really trendy this year. All of the celebrities can be seen carrying around luxurious brands. Most of us just want something practical, affordable, and cute. Thankfully, Herschel has us covered with the Mini Nova. The mini backpacks come in numerous hues. Each backpack has a main compartment and zippered pocket. The coolest part? They even feature water bottle holders. It’s the perfect gift for girls on the go.

Fanny packs are back and no longer reserved for tourists. Now they are being called belt bags. Some people love to sling them over their shoulder instead of wearing them around their waist. Celebrities everywhere have embraced the new trend. With a woven exterior, this one from Hershel has a pocket that is perfect for all your essentials. An adjustable strap allows you to wear it however you want.

There are ton of different book bags, but just about every girl wants to been seen rocking a cute Victoria Secret PINK backpack. It’s cute and very spacious! With padded shoulder straps, it’s not only spacious but has tons of storage compartments including a pocket for her laptop. La meilleure partie? Available in several colors, this cute backpack goes with just about any outfit.

The summer’s must-have bag is the straw bag. Carrying a straw bag is the easiest way to add a beachy look to your outfit. Straw bags come in many shapes and sizes, but this hand-woven circular crossbody bag has enough space to carry everything you need for a memorable summer’s night out. Don’t go to the beach without it.

Justice makes so many cool backpacks in styles that tween girls seem to love. Not only can this one be personalized with her initial, it has an adorable cat design. It’s got your standard two compartments but there is even a spot for a water bottle on the side. The great thing about these backpacks from Justice is that you can get matching accessories including a lunch box, pencil case, and more.

Whether your tween is headed over to school, soccer practice, or a sleepover, they can pack in style with this duffle bag from Vera Bradley that is available in several cute styles.

Who wouldn’t want their very first Kate Spade bag? This cute pink cross body bag is perfect for just about every occasion. It closes shut using a zip closure. Not too big or small, it is the perfect starter purse for a tween girl. Inside it has plenty of room for her necessities.

What girl doesn’t love cute fuzzy things? These fur ball key chains are super cute accessories. Choose from a variety of fun colors.

Girls love Pusheen, the Internet sensation. This Pusheenicorn plush backpack clip is a great way to show your love for Pusheen. She’s a small plush figure measuring about 4 1/2″ x 3 1/2″. Tweens will love how soft and adorable it looks.

Who doesn’t need a good luck charm? This lucky penny can be stamped with custom initials and you can choose the year of the penny. A heart will be stamped around the year. It’s an inexpensive, unique gift that is made even more special with an engraving.

Don’t you hate when you don’t have a place to hand your purse or keys. Clipa is cool little spring hinged gadget that hooks onto your handbag and instantly allows you to hang it from just about any table or counter. Sometimes the simplest ideas can completely change your life.

Who hasn’t shuffled through their purse looking for something? The easiest solution is to get a purse organizer. Made out of nylon, this purse organizer from Vercord means that you will never have to go digging for your keys and phone again. With 13 different pockets, you get tons of compartments to organize all your stuff. You can grab it in different colors and sizes.

One of the easiest ways to add character to your bag or clothes is with pins, brooches, or patches. This set of cute brooches not only makes a great stocking stuffer, but it is also a great way to add a little personality to any outfit. With different colors, it is sure to add a pop of color to any dark outfit or bag.

Tweens know that it’s a pain to take off your gloves to use your phone when it’s cold outside. Now you don’t have to with these texting gloves from iGotTech. Their made of conductive materials which allow you to text with the gloves on. Unlike other texting gloves, these ones actually work well.

Nothing can cover up the horrors of a bad hair day like a baseball cap. It’s quite possibly the best accessory you can have in your closet. A great baseball cap can enhance your entire outfit. This one from Adidas not only keeps the sun out of your eyes, its stylish enough to add to any sporty outfit.

Does she love ponytails? Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a baseball cap that allowed your ponytail to artfully spill out of it? No, this is not magic. This baseball cap has a carved hole in it that allows a pony tail or bun to slip through it. If she hates baseball caps because she can’t wear a ponytail, this is going to seem like the best thing ever.

Your winter outfit wouldn’t be complete without a beanie. Plus, we all have bad hair days so why not have something adorably cute like this slouchy beanie to cover it up. With the perfect slouch, it is not only fashionable but warm and comfy. With a ton of different color options, you can get one that matches your outfit.

When the winter season rolls around, it is officially beanie season. Unlike other types of hats, beanies look great with any outfit. Plus, beanies are your best friend when you are having a bad hair day. They are super easy to carry around and stash in your bag and pull out when needed. You can top your whole outfit off with this cable knit pom-pom beanie.

You could never go wrong with getting her a cute little knitted beanie. Wouldn’t it be cool if you didn’t have to put your hair down while wearing a beanie? This beanie has an opening for her ponytail to go through. It’s got an interior fleece lining that will keep her warm even on the coldest days. Available in so many assorted colors, you can get a different one for each outfit.

The hottest new trend for summer in the fashion industry is a big straw hat. The bigger and floppier, the better. Of course, celebrities are dawning huge straw hat that aren’t actually practical. With a simple design and made out of paper woven straw, this straw hat gives any outfit a cool bohemian vibe and makes for some nice Instagram pictures. The wide brim is perfect for hiding away from the sun. Whenever you put it on, you will be instantly transported to an exotic island.

As the winter cold creeps in, every girl thinks about keeping warm and cozy. Unfortunately, you can’t always stay indoors by a warm fireplace. Luckily, a warm blanket scarf can keep you warm outdoors . Made out of Cashmere-like Acrylic, this set will not only keep her warm but looking adorable too. It comes in many different plaid designs.

Here’s a cute and fun umbrella for your tween girl with a colorful see-through polka dot design. In rainy weather and high winds, she’ll be glad she’s got this by her side.

This is a weird trend, but a lot of people with perfectly good eye sight are wearing fake glasses. It’s suddenly become a fashion accessory that people are building entire outfits around. The thicker the frame, the better. Available in a variety of colors, these thick framed wayfarers are the perfect for making a four-eyed fashion statement.

Available in so many different colors, these inexpensive cat eye sun glasses are super trendy and look more expensive than they actually are. If they look familiar, they are similar to Quay Australian sunglasses, which some of the biggest celebrities are sporting. With a reflective mirrored surface, they are mostly metal and come in our favorite color Rose Gold.

Is she obsessed with shoes? A girl can never have a big enough closet. If she has got a big collection of sneakers, she probably can’t even walk in her closet. The Shoe Slotz save so much of space because they stack a pair of shoes on top of each other, doubling your space. Not only do they keep your closet space organized, but you can now buy more shoes.

When you don’t know what to get the sporty girl in your life, Nike socks make great birthday and holiday gifts for girls. Perfectly cushioned in all the right places and with great arch support, these socks are perfect for sports and even make great everyday socks. The elastic material keeps them pulled up so they sit perfectly above your ankles.

Who needs matching socks? If your tween girl is always wearing mismatched socks, these colorful socks couldn’t make a better gift. Made of cotton, they not only keep her feet cozy but they are a great way to add a little color to her feet.

What could be cuter than Pokemon socks? If she loves Pokemon as much as my tween girl, her face will light up when she sees these Pokémon socks made out of a stretchy cotton blend material.

Slip on these socks, put up your feet on the table, and let a rush of chocolate come to you. La meilleure partie? You don’t even have to say anything. Made with a cotton blend, they have a non slip design. Not only do they keep your feet warm, these socks are the perfect gift for the chocolate lover on your list.

It wouldn’t be Christmas without warm fuzzy socks. Available in different colors and patterns, these one from Noble Mount hug your feet and toes in the winter to keep them from getting cold. The best part is that they have grippy bottoms, which keep you from slipping even on hard surfaces.

One of the best way to express yourself is with funny socks. With crazy hues ,funny sayings, and even bad words, these socks from Blue Q are so therapeutical. Of course, you probably don’t want to hide them. You could wear them under shoes and surprise everybody when you remove your shoes. They are sure to become the new star of your outfit.

Why what pretty feet you have! Made out of a cotton blend, these adorable socks turn your feet into cat paws. The white part wraps around your toes, making it look like a paw. In each pack, you get a set of 4 different patterns. She is going to love putting them on and walking around like cat. They might even make her purr.

Why wear socks when you can wear something even cuter? Snoozies are sort of like a cross between a sock and slipper. They fit snuggly like a pair of socks, but they are super comfortable thanks to the fleece lining inside. The non slip bottoms are perfect for just about any surface from carpet to hardwood. La meilleure partie? Get ready for a cuteness overload with the fun cat design. Sure to make her feet happy with delight!

Does your little girl hate tying her shoe laces? These elastic laces would be perfect for her. Plus, they come in cool colors. That way would you wouldn’t have to keep nagging her to tie her shoes. Once you lace your shoes, you simply slide the fastener back and forth to make the laces tighter or looser.

When paired with a cute mini skirt or short pants, knee high socks look so adorable. With three stripes at the top, these ones from Zando reach about thigh high which leaves a nice gap between the socks and the shorts or skirt you are wearing. They are fun to pair with different types of outfits.

These bootsocks are stylish and fashionable. Made of cotton and Spandex, these socks are very comfy to wear. Choose from a variety of trendy colors. The perfect gift for boot lovers.

While they were popular in the 80s, leg warmers are still trendy. When you can’t wear thick socks underneath your boots, these crocheted leg warmers will come in handy. Like little sweaters for your legs, they look so cute when they are peeking over your boots. Designed for layering, wear them on top of leggings or jeans to make your outfit look wintery. They come in many bright colors.

My, what big feet you have! These comfy pink monster slippers will make her feel as comfortable as a grizzly bear. They have even got little claws on them. Even when it is not cold, your little monster will love walking everywhere around the house with them.

Even though she is all grown up, she will love these fuzzy fun animal slippers. They are the closest thing to wearing a teddy bear on your feet. With everything from puppy dogs to adorable bunnies, these cozy slippers will keep her feet happy long past the winter season.

The Minnetonka Cassie Slipper is a fashionable and super comfy slipper. The faux interior is soft and feels luxurious. They are great for indoor or outdoor use and come in a variety of cute colors.

These furry slide slippers have been made popular by celebrities like Rihanna. Available in different styles, these slippers are adorably cute! You can even get them with faux fur. They easily slip on and offer great comfort.

These cute Salt Water Sandals are perfect for a casual stroll. They are comfortable and offer a great fit. Many ladies love them so much they own multiple pairs. You won’t be disappointed!

There is nothing better to put under the Christmas tree than a perfect pair of warm, fuzzy slippers. With a similar styling to classic UGG slippers, these inexpensive slippers have a faux fur lining and a rubber sole, which allows you to wear them around the house and even outdoors.

Who wouldn’t love a pair of cozy slippers for the cold winter months? During the holidays there is nothing more comfy than a cute pair of pajamas and toasty UGG slippers. With a wool lining, these slippers come in the loveliest colors. During the winter, most girls will want to live in these slippers.

Who knew that slippers could be so stylish? These slides from Nike are perfect for lounging around everywhere so you don’t have to walk around barefoot. Available in different colors and patterns, they have a cool colored Nike logo on the top of the sandal. They look great with or without socks. The foot bed is covered with nubs which helps massage your aching feet whenever you take a step.

Right now you can’t go wrong with a pair of Birkenstocks. Every tween girl dreams about getting her first pair of Birks. These ones are the Mayari styled ones which have two criss-cross straps at the top and one strap that goes across the foot. The footbed is designed to naturally support your feet.

It’s every girl’s dream to own a pair of Birkenstocks. The classic two strap Birkenstocks are expensive but they are always popular. We spotted these Birkenstock Essentials that are just as adorable, but cost a whole lot less. Avialable in a variety of colors, they are perfect for showcasing your awesome toe nail art.

Flats are so much gentler on your heels. With a similar style to Toms, Bobs from Sketchers are a more affordable alternative. You can get them in a wide array of different styles. Made of a canvas material with memory foam inside, they are perfect for running errands.

It’s always exciting to get your first pair of high heels because it makes you feel all grownup. If she is looking for her first pair of high heels, take a look at these wedge sandals. They are dressy enough to wear with any formal outfit. Because they have a wedge heel, they are much easier to walk in than regular high heels. They give her the feeling of wearing high heels and the support that she needs.

These adidas sneakers are classics that never get old. In addition to being super stylish, they are very comfortable to wear. Made of leather, choose from a variety of cool colors and styles. The great thing is certain colors coordinate well with most attire.

The Stan Smith J Tennis Shoes offer a minimalist adidas design with classic styling that has stood the test of time. The shoes fit well and provide great comfort. The rubber sole provides good traction on the court. Tween girls can choose from a variety cool colors.

Does your tween need a little kick in their step? Heelys are the perfect skating shoe with an embedded wheel. Heelys are a super way to get around wherever you need to get to. Bear in mind, the Big Kid sizes are boys’ sizes. Gear up for FUN with Heelys!

These sneakers look so chic. There is a reason that celebrities love wearing Superga Cotu sneakers. While they have been around for awhile, these classic sneakers are a staple that every tween girl should own. They come in white but there is an assortment of colors to choose from. Not only do they look super cute, they go with just about every outfit. You can pair them with skinny jeans or even a dress.

Meet the sneaker of the moment! Ever since they were released, Adidas NMDs have become super popular. Pourquoi? Imagine walking on clouds. They feature Adidas Boost technology, which makes them one of the most comfortable sneakers. Not only are they comfy, but they have the coolest silhouette of any shoe ever. Adidas continues to release the shoe in brand new colors.

What’s old is new again! It seems like Chucks have been around since dinosaurs roamed the Earth. For those of you counting that was 100 years ago. This year the Chucks that we all love are getting a slight makeover. With a brand new sock liner, they are now as comfortable as they are stylish.

The one shoe that never seems to lose its popularity is your basic Converse. If you looked up sneaker in the dictionary, you would probably see a pair of Chucks. Available in so many different colorways, these simple shoes are versatile enough to pair with any look.

Right now everybody loves the look of Vans Old Skools. It seems like everybody is wearing them on Instagram and it is easy to see why. Covered in a canvas material, they are very versatile shoes that go with just about any outfit. Not only are they stylish, they come in so many cute colors and designs.

One of the hottest shoes isn’t from an upscale brand. It’s a pair of classic slip on Vans, which have been around forever. While they come in different styles, all of the cool kids are embracing the checkered ones. These shoes are super easy to wear and they can be popped on and off without worrying about tying any shoe laces

These are Kylie’s shoes. Actually, they are from Puma but Kylie Jenner is the face of them. They are actually pretty cool with their unique laceless design and oversized tongue. They are super lightweight too and great for everyday use. Le seul problème? Your tween girl is going to want them in every color.

Nice Roche Run shoes have taken the fashion world by storm. They are unlike any other shoe because of their lightweight breathable design. These simple stylish sneakers look like running shoes but they are super comfortable and lightweight. Offered in several different styles and with a reasonable price, everybody wants these.

The Nike Air Huarache is another lifestyle shoe from Nike that is designed for casual use. It’s actually named after a Native American sandal. With a breathable honey comb mesh material in the foot area, there is no better summer shoe. Available in different styles, it’s going to look fresh with any outfit.

Who can resist a pair of Nike Free Rns? Unlike the Roshes, these ones are made for running. Using Nike’s dynamic fit technology, these shoes have a great fit. With great cushioning, this shoe is extremely flexible. Nike has made several updates to the latest version, which make it even more comfortable.

There is a reason that Nike Air Max shoes are so popular. It’s all in the heels. With a mesh design on the upper and a thick cushioned transparent sole, these shoes have such a clean look. You can get them in several different color ways. With a 360 degree transparent air unit around the shoe, these shoes look like they came from the future. If you are looking for the most comfortable Nike shoes for walking around in style, these are the ones.

Ever since they were released in the 80s, Nike Air Force 1s have always been popular white sneakers with die hard fans. While smaller and more lightweight shoes are very popular now, these bigger shoes are starting to pick up steam amongst the younger crowd. With a clean shape, these shoes can look really cute with the right outfit. Now you can get them with a switchable swoosh logo.

Nike continues to challenge the sneaker market with brand new ideas. There are plenty of Nike Air shoes, but the Air Max 270 is the first pair designed as a lifestyle shoe. The upper part of the shoe is constructed of a breathable mesh, but it’s the air unit on the back that makes it unique. Inspired by the Air Max 93 and Air Max 180, the shoe gets its name from the 270 degrees of visible air on the back of the sole. Nike says the air unit provides maximum cushioning comfort.

Who doesn’t love air Jordans? Ever since Nike released the Jordans, it started a sneaker frenzy. Michael Jordan did things on the court that made him special. Putting on a pair of new Jordans is aspirational. There are so many different silhouettes. With lux materials, this is a fun take on the design. You can wear them with anything and don’t have to worry about it matching.

If you want to be her favorite person in the world, get her Hunter Boots. Right now they are so trendy and stylish. Available in different colors, these glossy boots are so cute and perfect for wearing when it is raining outside.

Tween girls love Bearpaw Boots. They are well made with a rugged design. The rubberized sole helps prevent slipping and provides good grip on various surfaces. La meilleure partie? Choose from a variety of colors that coordinate well with most of her outfits.

What could be better than cozy soft boots? These Ugg boots with the little bows on the back of them are adorable. They go great with any winter outfit. With a fluffy sheepskin lining, they will keep her toes warm in the winter even if it is minus 70 degrees outside. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration.

Who said that rain boots have to be unfashionable? With a duck design, the Sperry Saltwater boots are perfect for keeping your feet dry in the winter months. Not only are they waterproof, but they are insulated with a micro fleece lining for an added layer of warmth. There’s a zipper that goes down the side and it’s not only cute but makes the boots easy to remove.

Combat boots have become extremely trendy this year. Whenever you think about combat boots, you always thing about a pair of Dr. Martens. Once you break them in, they go great with everything including low key denim shorts and a cami. While its available in a number of prints and colors, chunky black combat boots add a punk rock edge to any outfit.

Not only are Timberlands a classic boot, Timbs are amazing outdoor boots. In fact, because of their durability, they are known to be construction boots. They were originally popular with the hip hop scene in the 80s and 90s, but now everybody loves sporting them. When you wear them, they give you an extra inch of height. Given their huge, bulky size, they do take some time getting used to.

What could be more exciting for Fall than thigh high boots? Designed to fit snuggly around your calves, these 100% Man made ones fit like a pair of good leggings. They are available in several colors. The little ties on the back not only help the boots stay in place, but look incredibly cute.

This tabletop jewelry organizer with a tree rack design makes a wonderful gift idea for tween girls. Its design is very functional while also being stylish. It’s perfect for displaying necklaces, bracelets, and more.

This Ballerina Jewelry Box from Lenox made from metal is a lovely gift idea. It’s a music jewelry box with a dancing ballerina. The beautiful box measures 4.25 H x 7 L x 5 inches D. Tweens will love it.

This jewelry box features a dual layer design for storing and organizing all your jewelry. It’s a quality box and a great size. La meilleure partie? It keeps all your jewelry safe. Fantastic combination of function and style and a great gift idea for tween girls.

If your tween girl has just started wearing, she will love storing it in this elegant jewelry box. It has plenty of space to grow with her collection. With a mirror and a ton of compartments, it’s a great way for her to organize her jewelry on her bedside table. It’s pretty much a jewel by itself. She can even lock it.

Here is a unique and inexpensive gift for the ring lover in your life. It comes in the most adorable designs like this cat whose tail acts as a ring holder. You can get it two different finishes: Copper and Nickel. It’s small but can safely hold 3-4 rings.

It’s so easy to clutter up the bathroom counter or nightstand with random pieces of jewelry. Umbra makes so many cute accent pieces like this jewelry tray, which is perfect for holding the jewelry or perfume you wear often. Not only is it perfect for holding miscellaneous items, it looks like a piece of art.

This charm bracelet is a lovely gift idea. Over time you can add charms to it that signify important events in her life. It comes in sterling silver and is a great value with great quality. Choose from a variety of chain lengths. Sure to bring a smile to her face.

Bring balance to her world with the Lokai bracelet. Lokai bracelets are super popular and trendy with kids. While it might look like an ordinary bracelet, this fun bracelet contains water from the highest point on Earth and mud from the lowest point on Earth in the light and dark beads. When she wears it, it reminds her to always remain humble.

Tween girls love pretty bracelets especially if they are personalized. Alex & Ani bracelets are always popular and come in a variety of options. If it’s her birthday, what could be more appropriate than a bracelet with her pretty birthstone on it?

With a fun inspiration message on it, this bracelet helps to promote positivity and encouragement. While this one says “You are Braver than you Believe Stronger than you Seem and Smarter than you Think”, there are many different inspirational quotes that are available. Whenever she looks at the words on the bracelet, she will have the confidence to do anything. The actual bracelet is made out of stainless steel and comes in a nice gift box. What could be better than the gift of positivity?

Bracelets are a lot of fun to wear but now you can wear one with a little bit more personality with this hand stamped bracelet. Whether you want to borrow an inspirational quote, come up with your own quote, or simply put her name on it, the bracelet is totally customizable. Additionally, you can also pick out a custom font and material. La meilleure partie? Every time she wears it, she will think of you.

Diffusers and aromatherapy are known for their health benefits. Wouldn’t it be cool to have an oil diffuser that came everywhere with you? Now you can get the benefits of aromatherapy with this fun fashion accessory that sits around your wrist. After opening up the face plate, simply put a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto the pad and you can enjoy different aromas.

Who doesn’t love colorful jewelry with sentimental meaning? Made in Costa Rica by hand, Pura Vida bracelets help to provide work for Costa Ricans. “Pura Vida” means pure life in Spanish and is part of the Costa Rican lifestyle. Made out of rope, these simple charm bracelets spread the care free lifestyle of Costa Rica everywhere in the world, encouraging you to live life to its fullest.

Has she hit an important milestone in her life? Celebrate this momentous occasion with the classy jewelry gift that has the words “She Believed She Could So She Did.” Offered in Rose Gold, White Gold, and Gold, the bracelet is plated with real gold so it will not tarnish. It comes with beautiful stone charms and even comes in a elegant, blue gift box, which makes it perfect for gift giving.

This dainty bracelet matches many other pieces in the Kendra Scott collection. La meilleure partie? It can be customized to feature her birthstone. The beautiful stone really pops against the contrasting color of the chain. It’s got a slider on it that allows you to easily adjust its fit. If you are looking for a birthday gift that she will remember, it makes a beautiful statement piece around her wrist.

Available in several pretty colors, this personalized ring is so cute. You can put your daughter’s name on it. La meilleure partie? They are stackable so you create multiple rings to represent the important people in her life or even put her Birthday date on it.

We all have our jewelry staples, but one of the newest trends is tiny pinky rings. What could be better than having some bling on your pinky finger. This large signet ring can be monogrammed with her initial that makes it classic and timeless as a special heirloom. It can be sized for different fingers. Stack it with other rings to give it a more modern look.

An birthstone ring is a cute piece of jewelry that has a very special meaning and would make a great gift for any tween girl. With her birthstone, this one just has the right amount of sparkle. It’s a beautiful ring for a tween girl.

Dainty rings don’t have to look all the same. We love the simplicity and elegance of these hammered stacking rings. While simple, their understated elegance is what makes them unique. Each ring is hammered to give it a one of a kind look. La meilleure partie? Since they are gold filled and not plated, the coating is designed not to wear off. Stack them and you will look like a total diva.

A purity ring is a great gift for any tween girl. While jewelry is great gift, a piece with meaning make an even more special gift. You don’t need big ring to make a statement. There is no better symbol for love and purity than a nice piece of infinity jewelry. While it is small, this knot ring adds a touch of elegance to her finger. The color can be customized. Whether she wants to keep it simple or dress up this ring, it is perfect to wear every day.

Your princess will be delighted to receive this exquisite and beautiful princess crown ring in sterling silver. With a design similar to a Pandora ring, this is a gorgeous piece that will make a statement and earn its fair share of compliments from friends. Give the gift that will make her smile and love you more without spending a fortune.

You don’t have to wear big dangling earrings to make a statement on your ears. Sometimes designers tend to overdo it. How cute are these cat-shaped earrings? Made with fresh water pearls with plastic backings, they add a touch of cuteness to any girl’s ears. They are as cute as a kitten. Look for other matching pieces in the line including rings and necklaces.

You can always count stud earrings to deliver a traditional, dainty look. When you are looking a unique gift to celebrate the day she was born, you can’t go wrong with a nice pair of birthstone earrings. Brighten up her outfit on her special day with these stud earring adorned with her birthstone. Just the right size, the beautiful gemstones perfectly capture the light.

Who needs diamonds when you have cubic zirconium studs that gleam and sparkle like this? These earrings give you a whole lot of bling for the price. They look so real. La meilleure partie? Nobody has to know.

There are all types of statement earrings. How do you swoosh up normal earring? Put some tassels on them. Tassels add such a bohemian vibe to any outfit. They come in all different bright colors, materials, and sizes. With a Christmas-tree like shape, these ones from Me&Hz are perfect for any holiday party. What girl wouldn’t want these earrings dangling from her ears?

Does she love hoops? Every tween girl has to have a pair of hoop earrings. These never really go out of style. Stud earrings are great, but when you want to make a statement, a nice set of hoop earring are perfect. The bigger the hoops, the bigger the statement. Measuring 2.75 inches, these ones from Pavoi look great whether you are going for a formal look or rocking a choker with an band t-shirt.

With a beautiful message, this unique handmade necklace makes a beautiful gift. The Chakra tree of life symbolizes that all life is interconnected and must be in harmony. The beads that make up the Chakra tree leaves each symbolize a different aspect of your life and add a pop of color to any outfit. The necklace is available in many different colors. When she wears it, she will be surrounded by positive energy.

These Gothic Tattoo Henna Necklace Chokers are popular with tween girls. They are suitable for just about any occasion and come in a variety of colors to match your personal taste. This set includes a dozen chokers for coordinating with your outfit.

Just about everyone is wearing chokers. I think this unique one with a dinosaur bib on it can turn even the most basic outfit into a major style statement. What could be cooler than wearing dinosaur bones around your neck. This is one necklace that won’t make you look prehistoric.

A meaningful necklace makes a very memorable gift for any girl. What could be more memorable than a necklace that shows how much you love her? She will probably love it to the moon and back.

Necklaces are nice, but it’s even nicer to receive one that is personally made for you. With both your initial and birthstone on it, this dainty necklace makes the perfect gift for any tween girl. It comes beautifully boxed.

Only a mom would understand the bond between her and her daughter. Show your tween girl that there is no relationship stronger with this elegant infinity necklace. With 2 interlocking rings, it’s the perfect way to symbolize how inseparable the two of you will always be.

Looking for a special gift for your tween? These personalized sterling silver name necklaces make for a beautiful gift. The chain length and name can be customized with up to nine characters. Surprise her on her birthday or Christmas with this lovely necklace.

Here’s a fancy monogram necklace that you can customize with her initials. Choose your desired chain length and metal type from gold-plated and sterling silver to rose gold and sterling silver. It comes packaged in a pretty box. For the quality and price, you simply can’t go wrong.

It’s hard getting her something unique the expresses how much you love her. You can take an ordinary piece of jewelry and personalize it and suddenly it becomes something that she will always remember. There are so many different ways to personalize a necklace to make it unique. You can make this bar necklace unique with a special engraving that means a lot to her. Put her name, special date, or an inspiration quote on it.

Personalized jewelry is always more special than regular jewelry. Does she love reading her horoscope? Zodiac signs have just become more personal. While birthstone jewelry has always been popular, constellation jewelry is now starting to become more popular. Available in 3 different finishes, this piece can be personalized with her zodiac sign.

Take your gifting skills to the next level with this unique piece of jewelry. Initial necklaces are really cool for those who want to announce their name to the whole world. A Morse code necklace is just as personal but you can write a secret name on it so that only the recipient will know the name. With up to 15 characters, you can add a word or even a date.

Using unique shapes, colors, and natural stones, Kendra Scott makes some of cutest jewelry pieces. One of the most popular pieces in the line is the Elisa pendant. It comes in all different colors so you can add a pop of color to your outfit or go with a more neutral tone. It can be dressed up with a formal outfit or even dressed down as an everyday dainty necklace.

Another trend from the 90s is coming back – the Anklet. It’s been spotted on the ankles of some of the biggest celebrities. With this dainty anklet, your ankle will look amazing. Just like bangles and rings, you can layer it or mix and match it to create a little ankle candy.

Throughout history, pearls have become a symbol of sophistication and maturity. Who wouldn’t want to drape themselves with a simple pearl necklace? With a single pearl, this Fresh water pearl necklace is a simple, dainty piece that can bring a sense of elegance to any outfit. You can wear it with anything from a simple to a dressy outfit. About 18 inches, it adds a touch of sophistication to your collar area.

Girls will love this cool looking Timex Watch. While it doesn’t do all the fancy things the iPhone does, it tells the time and has a a built in stop watch. With a rugged design, the watch is easy to read and you can choose from a variety of cool colors and styles to match her taste. The watch is even water resistant to 100 m so she can use it swimming or even showering. She might even forget to take it off.

A beautiful watch can add to your outfit. This one has a big face with a beautiful logo on the face. With a two tone style similar to a fancy Rolex watch, it’s a classy looking watch. Your tween girl won’t be able to stop looking at the time with this beautiful classy watch.

Where are your ancestors really from? Would you like to know where you came from? This at-home ancestry kit allows you to find out. You simply collect your saliva and mail it back to the company. In a few weeks, your DNA will be analyzed, revealing your ancestry an even health risks.

If you’re looking to upgrade your tween’s toothbrush, the Oral-B Black Pro 1000 is a fantastic choice. With a built in timer, it takes all the guesswork out of brushing your teeth. Compared to manual brushing, it can remove a lot more plaque. It comes with a lithium Ion battery that can hold a charge for a few days. In fact, more dentists recommend these electric brushes for their own kids.

Everybody wants the perfect smile. Tooth paste is great for keeping your teeth clean every day, but it only removes surface stains. According to Crest, whitening strips whiten your teeth 25X better than the best whitening toothpaste. Because it uses chemicals, you do want to make sure that you keep the strips of your gums. La meilleure partie? She will smile a lot more.

Made out of foam, a muscle roller stick is a great way to give your body a self massage. By massaging your muscles, it helps to relax any tightness and improve recovery. It’s great for the large muscles in your body in the lower and upper body.

Who needs a message therapist? With a super sleek design, this nifty pillow can easily be strapped to your chair, giving you a deep kneaded Shiatsu massage. The adjustable straps make it easy to secure to any chair. It’s perfect for sore necks and backs. You can put it on just about any area of your body that is sore. La meilleure partie? It’s heated.

Do your feet hurt so bad that you can hardly walk? Foot messages can help achy feet. There’s nothing better than a good foot massage after a long day on your feet. It’s impossible to give yourself a good foot massage, but this foot massager can help. Made out of wood, this manual massager features two notched rollers that hit all the pressure points on your feet. You simply just roll you feet back and forth on it for about 10 minutes for satisfying relief.

Imagine you could give yourself a back massage! This bizarre looking contraption actually is a personal back massager. With an S-shaped design, it has 11 different trigger knobs on it that allow you to reach different points on your body so you can administer a self massage. La meilleure partie? You don’t need anybody else to help you. Who needs Advil? Say goodbye to back knots and muscle aches!

This first period kit is such a cute and wonderful gift for tween girls. It’s hard and scary to talk to girls about their first period, but this kit is a great ice breaker. To help girls, it comes with a 20 page question and answer booklet that is very helpful. It also contains all the products she is going to need for her first period so moms and dads don’t have to worry.

The Burt’s Bees Gift Set is a fantastic beauty gift set that tweens will appreciate. It gives her complete head-to-toe pampering. The gift set features trial sizes of its most popular products ranging from hand salve, body lotion, and lip balm to foot cream, and a deep cleansing cream. Give the gift of natural beauty.

Lip balm is yummy and the perfect stocking stuffer. Burt Bees is great because it is made from natural ingredients. Available in different varieties, the six organic and fruity flavors smell great. Leave your lips moist and supple with this great combo pack from Burt Bees. You’ll wonder why you ever used chapstick.

Tween girls love these lip balms. They come in the most adorable egg shaped packaging. Not only do these organic lip balms go on smooth and leave your lips moist but they smell great. This 6 pack includes Strawberry Sorbet, Honey Apple, Vanilla Mint, Vanilla Bean, Sweet Mint, and Coconut Milk.

Not only do these Lip Smackers moisturize your lips, they come in amazing flavors. Does she love soda? She will love this set that comes with Coca Cola soda pop flavors from cherry Coke to Sprite. Not only does it smell like the flavors, it tastes like them too. Le seul problème? She might not be able to resist licking her lips.

Who wouldn’t want the smoothest hands and feet? During the winter, our skin can get so dry so it is important to use a good hand cream. O’Keefe hand and foot cream has been around forever, but many people with dry skin swear by it. Containing hydrating ingredients, this glycerin based cream can bring life changing changes to dry and cracked skin. It’s the closest thing to heaven in a jar. This variety pack includes a hand cream, foot cream, and body cream.

This gift set from Nivea contains five full sized Nivea products. Packaged in a beautiful gold toiletry bag, it contains 2 body lotions, two body washes, and a lip balm. While the scent is subtle, all of the creams and body washes are nice and thick, making for a luxurious shower experience. Her skin will never feel more refreshed. La meilleure partie? The gold case can be reused as a makeup or toiletry bag.

Ever since Ariana Grande released “God Is a Woman” everybody fell in love with her body paint. With eight vivid colors, this cool neon kit from Midnight Glow allows you to paint your body with glowing paint. The paint glows when it is exposed to ultraviolet light or blacklight. La meilleure partie? It easily washes off.

In ancient times, it is said that Cleopatra took a bath in rose water. Now rose water has become suddenly popular again. It has wonderful regenerating properties along with a light fragrance. Everybody loves Mario Badescu’s Rose Water Facial Spray, which is the perfect toner and pick me up spray during the day.

With little Minnie ears, this has to be the most adorable headband. This is the cutest little beauty tool that your tween girl will adore. Fun way to liven up her beauty routine. It’s cute, soft, comfy and she’ll fall in love with it.

When sandal season is upon us, there is nothing worse than having dry, callused feet. Nobody likes gross and dried up feet. Now you don’t have to be afraid of wearing sandals thanks to this foot mask that promises to melt away yucky calluses. This one is supposed to work in just a few minutes. You are supposed soak your feet in water, apply the mask to your feet, and wrap your feet with the plastic booties for about 60 minutes. Because it sloughs off dry dead skin, your feet are supposed to feel softer.

Nobody likes gross and dried up feet. It seems like everybody is using these foot files to peel off the rough skin underneath their feet. This one is supposed to work in just a few minutes. Because it sloughs off dry dead skin, your feet are supposed to be softer.

Some girls love decorating their bodies with these temporary metallic tattoos. Choose from over 150 different designs. Best of all? They are waterproof so they don’t wash away easily. Great way to stand out from the crowd with hip and stylish designs.

Makeup just got easier to remove with the help of this Micellar water from Bioderma. This water has become a staple among makeup artists, celebrities, and everyday women. The secret is the tiny droplets of oil inside the water. Acting like magnets, the tiny drops of oil help lift dirt, makeup, and grime gently from the skin. Once you try it, you will want to stockpile it in case it one day mysteriously vanishes from the face of the Earth.

Pamper her face with these fun and super cute Korean face masks. . Including 16 different masks, this set is infused with all different types of nourishing ingredients including cucumber, green tea, and charcoal. A key ingredient in all of them is vitamin E, which helps the skin regenerate faster.She’ll love the look and how refreshing it feels after using it.

You never know when a pimple will unexpectedly pop up. There are many acne treatments, but acne patches make it incredibly easy to spot treat acne. You just put one of these patches over your blemish and wait for it to heal. Made of a hydrocolloid material, these ones use Tee Tree oil and Calendula oil as the active ingredients. Tea Tree oil is a great all natural remedy for acne. Not only does it help the medicine stay in place, but it keeps you from poking at your pimples.

There is nothing worse than developing a small breakout. You don’t need an expensive acne kit to get your acne under control. If you are not allergic to it, you want to look for a product with salicylic acid, which helps break up dead skin cells. It also helps reduce oil. This acne kit comes with a salicylic face wash, cleanser, and moisturizer.

A facial cleansing brush is a great part of any makeup or skin care routine. Exfoliating with a cleansing brush is much more efficient than manually exfoliating. It might not be a Clarisonic, but this inexpensive battery operated cleansing brush is great for deep cleansing pores and minimizing breakouts.

Compared to manual cleansing, the Clarisonic facial brush can help give you a squeaky clean face while reducing the look of your pores. You can pair it with your favorite facial cleanser to create the ultimate facial routine in the morning. It helps remove dead skin cells so that your facial products can work better. If she has only been using her hands, she won’t believe how clean her face, neck, and skin can get.

Are you ready for cool nails? Say hello to fab nails. She’ll want to flaunt these beauties off to the world. La meilleure partie? Packed with seventy-five nail art designs, your tween can create these fun designs with her tips.

Every girl needs to keep her nails neatly groomed. This precision fingernail and toe nail clipper set is perfect to keep her hands looking neat, clean, and well-groomed. A great set that makes it easy to clip with confidence.

If she loves doing her nails, this 20 piece set of nail brushes and tools will help her dot, detail, and stripe like a professional. It comes with a cute carrying bag to carry everything in. All she needs is a couple of her favorite nail polishes and she is sure to give you a big hug.

This set allows you to bring the salon experience home. The set includes 96 full-cover toenails. A dozen sizes are included for up to four pedicures. The tabs are easy to apply and hold polish and nail art.

A large nail polish set is definitely on her wish list. With 24 different colors, she will have everything she needs to throw a party. La meilleure partie? The brushes have a fine tip which makes them perfect for nail art.

This OPI Collection includes 4 mini bottles. The nail polish is easy to apply and provides as many as 11 days of wear and shine. It’s a fun way for her to try out new colors.

This 4-piece nail polish collection from essie includes four colors: bon-boy-age, at the balm, anchor down, and perfect mate. Each color comes in a 5 ml bottle. Color her world with these beautiful colors.

Who wouldn’t love to have holographic nails? After putting on this holographic nail polish, rainbows will happily shine from your nails. In this brand, there are so many holographic colors to try. La meilleure partie? It goes on like regular nail polish. Even unicorns would love this.

Tweexy will completely change the way your tween girl does her nails. Made of flexible silicone, this little contraption allows her to wear her nail polish on her finger so she doesn’t accidentally spill it or knock it over.

Sometimes when you wear too tight shoes, your toes can get all bunched and curled up. Toe separators help to stretch and loosen tightness among the toes. This pack comes with 2 gel separators. La meilleure partie? You can also use them to separate your toes when you are doing pedicures.

She probably would love to go to the nail salon and get her nails done. In the salon when you get a manicure, you place your hand until a light to cure the polish. Now she can bring the salon experience home with this nail dryer that cures any type of UV or LED nail polish. It’s perfect for having a girl’s night at home. It’s got 36 watts, which means it has enough watts to completely cure any gel nail polish.

If there is one thing girls love more than anything else, it is playing with their hair. They will love this Braiding Handbook by Abby Smith that is filled with colorful photographs for creating all types of fun braids. With 60 different tutorials, it would challenge her to do something new every week. She can experiment with crowd braids, twist braids, pony tails, and more.

Using the Conair Topsy Tail is a fun way for tween girls to switch up their hair styles. The looped tool allows you to easily pull your hair through the loop to create so many fun flipped ponytails.

Does your tween girl’s hair frizz up after shower? Consider the DuraComfort Essentials Microfiber Hair Towel. It’s quick and easy to use and saves her time. La meilleure partie? She’ll still be able to style her hair. It’s a practical gift she won’t be able to live without.

Most As Seen On TV products just don’t live up to their promise but Turbie Twist actually does. Drying your long hair after a shower doesn’t have to be a royal pain. Unlike a big towel, Turbie Twist was actually developed for your hair. When you secure it around your hair using the loop, it stays perfectly in place while you do your beauty routine. Made of 100 percent cotton, it does a great job of absorbing water from your hair.

Does your daughter get the worst knots in her hair? Then she probably hates brushing her hair. This detangling brush has bristles of various lengths, bending as you brush your hair. La meilleure partie? It eliminates any discomfort when brushing knots out of your hair.

These Hipsy Fashion Hairbands are cute and fashionable. This gift set includes five bands. La meilleure partie? They provide all-day comfort and won’t slip easily while allowing for easy adjusting.

Everybody loves these crease-less hair ties. Most girls love to wear their hair up when they are out and about. These creaseless hair ties securely hold your hair in place, but when you remove them, they leave no trace. With a set of 100, there are so many different colors and designs to match her outfit.

Pony Tubes are the essential on-the-go hair styling accessory for girls. This set contains fifteen elastic pony bands. They are simple to use and great for making basic ponytails. La meilleure partie? They don’t cause damage to your hair.

Available in a variety of fashionable colors and styles, this 6-pack of mini headbands from Under Armour stays in place, doesn’t cause headaches, and keeps stray hair out of the way.

What girl wouldn’t want gorgeous curly hair? Now with this hair extension set she can have the beautiful hair she has always dreamed of without all the time, money, and effort spent going to a salon. Shhh! You’re secret’s safe with us.

Is your daughter now at the age where she loves putting all sorts of weird things in her hair? These hair extensions simply clip into your hair. Each strip has a little cool accessory at the bottom of it which makes it look even cuter. The coolest part? She will love playing dress up with these especially with her friends.

What tween girl doesn’t want to color her hair? This temporary hair chalk looks like a lot of fun for sleepovers or on the weekends. The marker applicator makes it easy to apply. La meilleure partie? It washes out. She can go ahead and do it for the weekend and then wash it out.

If there is one product every girl needs in her life, it is dry shampoo. It’s not good to wash your hair every day, but it can get nasty if you don’t. When you spray this dry shampoo on your hair, it helps to remove excess oil while at the same time leaving your hair volumized. La meilleure partie? It scores bonus points for making your hair smell nice.

Unlike a normal conditioner, hair masks are designed to work inside of the cuticle. While it won’t be able to repair split ends, a good hair mask can help smooth out split ends.

Every girl needs headbands to keep her hair out of her face. This headband from BLOM is different. What makes it so unique? Whether you want to look sporty or fashionable, these headbands have got a moving knot on them that allows you to style them in a million different ways. Le seul problème? She is going to want them in every color.

We are headed back into the 90s. It’s time to put away the pony tail holders, the srunchie is back. This time around the srunchie is more than a way to keep your hair in a ponytail. Scrunches are much better for your hair because they won’t pull out your hair. You can find them in neutral colors but they are also available in bright colors made out of luxurious velvet.

A pillowcase? Tossing and turning can make your hair unsightly in the morning. Normal cotton pillowcases create a ton of friction that causes hair to tangle and lose moisture. Treat yourself with this luxurious silk pillowcase that is made out of high quality 19 momme mulberry silk. Not only does it feel silky, the smooth surface helps keep hair from breaking and allows your hair to retain its shape and shine.

She probably would love her own blow dryer. With this affordable one from Revlon, she doesn’t have to borrow mom’s anymore. This one comes with 1875 watts of power, which provides great airflow and power. It’s got multiple heat and air settings. La meilleure partie? She doesn’t have to fight for the blow dryer.

I think younger girls might be a bit too young for a flat iron but I know that a lot older girls would kill for a flat iron. They do get crazy hot and I would be worried about them accidentally burning themselves. This is probably something they would use only on special occasions like their birthday with the supervision of a parent.

It’s probably every little girl’s dream to get her first curling wand. Because it gets as hot as 400 degrees, I wouldn’t be okay with our tween girl using this but I know a lot of girls her age or a little bit older would love this. With it she could create some magical curls in her hair.

If you blow dryer and then straighten your hair, this product might change your life. While this looks like a normal round brush, it is actually a blow dryer. It makes it so much faster. With 3 heat settings, it provides for different styling needs. It straightens your hair and gives it volume. While the brush gets hot, the handle stays cool.

Everybody wants a curling wand. It’s being used by celebrity hair stylists and beauty gurus and now its popularity has exploded. With the xTava Satin 5-in-1 curler, you can create the most beautiful uniform curls ever. La meilleure partie? Unlike other curling irons, the curls seem to last forever. This one actually has 5 different sized interchangeable barrels so you can create different sized curls.

If she loves makeup, she is going to need a good set of makeup brushes. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a set of brushes. There are affordable options that are just as effective. This super versatile set of 4 makeup brushes from Real Techniques can be used for anything from laying down foundation to chiseling out your cheeks with bronzer. The synthetic bristles work well and are cruelty free.

Makeup sponges are the best way to get a natural look with makeup. Because it is a sponge, it helps to soak up any excess makeup. While everybody’s favorite makeup sponge is the Beauty Blender, you don’t need to spend so much to get a great makeup sponge. This 2 pack from Real Techniques is just as effective, but is so much more affordable.

We have all heard that you should never go to sleep without removing your makeup because it is bad for your pores. A stack of makeup wipes is every lazy girl’s solution. These ones from Neutrogena help to break down debris in your pores, removing makeup in a simple swipe. At 13, she is at the age where she might want to experiment with eye shadows and lip glosses, so this is a great gift.

Before any tween girl starts wearing makeup, she needs to have the essentials. When you are just getting started with makeup, it can be overwhelming to find out everything you need. She probably has so many questions. This gift set from Elf quickly gets her up to speed. With easy to use products, Elf is a beginner friendly makeup brand. This kit comes with everything she needs to get started including a primer, lip exfoliator, setting spray, and powder. All she needs now is a neutral palette to create a natural glow.

When you are just starting out with makeup, it is easy to go overboard. It’s is best to start out with a neutral palette so you don’t have to worry about creating an unnatural look. If you are looking for a drugstore option, ELF is a great brand for tween girls to start out with. With 10 shades, it’s got a nice range of mattes. It’s perfect for creating natural looks that suit every skin tone.

What tween girl could do without her nude eyeshadow? This set includes a dozen matte pigments with a mirror and dual eyeshadow applicator. Be bold and confident with these stunning looks.

Looking for a great gift idea for your tween girl? She would probably love any of the Naked Palettes, but this dupe is a great alternative. Like the Naked palettes, it’s a neutral palette with beautiful colors. With 20 different shades, the colors are very similar to the Naked 1 & 2 palette. They are highly pigmented with a great fall off and perfect for creating a natural look. Showcase your natural beauty with this excellent beauty set.

For beginners, you don’t need a full coverage foundation. You want to go for a more natural look and you shouldn’t be able to tell where the makeup is applied. If they want to use a foundation, most tween girls will be fine using a lightweight BB cream, CC cream, or tinted moisturizer. This BB Cream from NYX helps even out your skin while avoiding the caked on foundation look.

Most tween girls don’t need foundation because it leaves a heavy caked on appearance. If she insists, get her a tinted moisturizer. Neutrogena Hydro Boost Hydrating Tint is a great lightweight moisturizer that will give her a more natural coverage. Thanks to the applicator cap, it is incredibly easy to apply. You just dab it on and use a makeup sponge to blend it. It comes in many different shades so you can find the right shade for her skin type.

Concealer is great when you want a way to hide unwanted blemishes and discoloration. Many girls swear by this concealer from Mabelline. Because it is really pigmented, it is perfect for hiding the dark circles under your eyes and stubborn acne. It comes with a unique sponge applicator that allows you to smoothly apply the concealer without it creasing.

A Highlighter is really good for bringing out the highlights on your face around the cheekbones. Who said you need to pay so much for a great highlighter? In the color Gold Dust, this highlighter from Maybelline gives you a wonderful glow. You don’t need much and you can even build it up depending on how much glow you need.

Lipstick can be difficult to apply for tween girls. It is super messy and can get in your mouth if you are not careful. You want something that is a bit more natural. If she wants to add colors to her lips, instead of lipstick, get her a tinted lip balm. We like this one from Baby Lips, which is lightly colored.

Lipstick can be too much for young girls. Instead of lipstick, you might want to go with a nude colored tinted lip balm or lip gloss. It not only helps condition her lips, but she can achieve a more natural, airy look. The NYX butter lip gloss in Madeleine is a nice mid tone nude that gives her a slight hint of color without going overboard.

Eye lash curlers are really cool and add a bit of pop that you don’t get with just mascara. If your eye lashes are super flat, you can use these eyelash curlers fromBrilliant Beauty to add a great sexy curl that lasts a long time.

It’s always nice when you can go natural. Instead of using falsies, mascara can be used to create the illusion of longer eye lashes. Packaged in a pink tube, this one from Maybelline comes in five colors. The fluffy brush makes it easy to add a lot of volume to your natural eye lashes. Maybelline claims you get a full fan lash look with this mascara. As long as you don’t apply too much of it, it won’t clump.

The shape your eyebrows really helps to define the look of your face. With this tinted eyebrow gel from Maybelline you can brush, sculpt, and fill in your eyebrows like a professional to get the most perfect arches. With this 2 sided brush, you just brush them with the spoolie brush and fill them in with the angled brow brush.

Blush is great for getting glammed out rosy cheeks but it can be difficult for beginners to apply correctly. If you put on too much, you can end up looking like a doll. Blush should always be applied last and you can use your fingers to apply blush. Milani Baked Blush is the best drugstore option. In the color Luminoso, this baked blush makes it easy to build a beautiful healthy glow on your cheeks. It looks great on everybody’s skin. Everybody will swear that you are blushing always.

What girl could resist Unicorn Snot? Ha! Ha! It’s a super fun sparkly gel glitter for applying to her face and body. When you rub this substance on your body, face, or hair and let it dry, it leaves a glittery look behind. It’s what the unicorns use to become so sparkly. It’s safe and washes out easily with a subtle scent. Choose from four different colors.

So you have put on your makeup, what else is left? Setting powder helps lock in your look, making it last longer. Coty loose powder is perfect for using over makeup or even just on your face. You can even use it for baking. It will even help control oily skin as it acts as a mattifier. This product contains Talc.

If she’s allowed to use makeup, this large set of makeup is perfect for tween girls looking for their first makeup set. There is plenty to experiment with including blush, concealers, and foundation. Invite the friends over for a makeup date. It’s makeup heaven for a tween girl.

I know makeup can be controversial. Personally, I wouldn’t allow it. Tween girls don’t need tons of mascara and lipstick, but I know if my 10 year old got a giant palette of makeup she would scream. Shany makes several giant makeup kit that make great gifts. This fold up kit that looks like a Apple laptop from Shany has a ton of vibrant colors for girls to play with. I like that the eye shadow, lip gloss, and eyeliners aren’t overly pigmented which makes them perfect for young girls.

There are some items that everybody needs in their makeup bag. There is a reason that Tarte Shape concealer is one of the most popular concealers among beauty bloggers and makeup lovers. If you don’t use foundation, this liquid concealer goes on opaque and gives you great coverage. It’s super blendable too! You can just dab it under your eyes and blend it with your fingers. The line got a shade extension so it works with even more skin tones.

Benefit is known for their high quality makeup products. Luckily, they make this mini kit of all their most popular products, which covers all the essentials for beginners. It comes with mini versions of the POREfessional primer, Hoola Bronzer, High Bean Highlighter, and They’re Real Mascara. It’s the perfect way to try out what makes these products so amazing before purchasing the full sized versions. Everything comes packages in a makeup bag, which makes it the perfect gift for any tween girl who wants to get started with makeup.

Morphe palettes are extremely hyped up online by Beauty Bloggers because you get a pretty good quality palette at a reasonable price. Because its a great value, the Morphe 350 Nature Glow is on of the most popular palettes. With a wide range of colors, it comes with 35 different shades with shimmers and mattes.

Famous beauty blogger has collaborated with Morphe to release her dream palette. With everything from blue to browns, the palette has just about every color that you can imagine. You can create great neutral looks or dare to use the colors of the rainbow. The colors go on smooth like butter and have excellent pigmentation. It’s such a versatile palette for creating many different looks.

If your older tween is looking for her first “real” makeup palette, the Naked basics palette is the perfect entry point into high end makeup. The beautifully pigmented neutral colors are a safe choice for anybody’s skin tone. With 6 color choices, there are so many great colors in this palette from Buck to Toasted. This palette is a must have in every girl’s makeup collection.

Milk products are always 100% vegan and cruelty free. What makes their products so unique is that they come with applicator sticks so there is no need for brushes. Because they are so easy to use, Milk products are incredibly popular. The applicator makes it easy to build up the product for more coverage. This Milk stick allows you to quickly add a little color to your lips and cheeks in just a few strokes.

Ulta has so many great makeup sets. They come in cute little boxes with everything from eye shadows to beauty products. Honestly, she would probably like any of the Ulta starter makeup gift sets even if they aren’t expensive. It just lets her know that she is all grown up, giving her something to experiment and play with when she is just starting out with makeup.

I think any of the Sephora gift kits are a great way to sample perfume, mascara, lip liner, and more. During Christmas, Sephora has so many awesome gift sets that let you sample different products.

Here is an adorable throwback that will bring back so many memories to anybody who grew up in the 90s. For those who don’t know Caboodles are plastic organizers that have swing out trays that help you organize all of your cosmetics and even have a handy swing out mirror. You could get a Caboodle and create a little mini starter makeup set by filling it lip gloss, nail polish, or eye shadow.

There are all different types of makeup bags. Some of us like a lot of compartments to keep everything organized and some of us like to dump everything inside a big tote. Made out of nylon, this drawstring cinch bag can open completely flat making it easy to find stuff inside. When you are done with your makeup, you just pull the drawstring to turn it back into a cinch bag. La meilleure partie? It’s so easy to tuck away under the sink or in a bag.

Does she love using her makeup to do her eye lashes? Then she will love using this adorable eyelash bag as a pencil case or makeup bag. The lashes on the front of one side of the bag make it the cutest makeup bag ever. It’s the perfect size for storing all her makeup from lip glosses to even an eye shadow palette. Made of cotton canvas, it is the perfect gift for any makeup lover.

With the signature quilted look of Vera Bradley products, this cosmetic bag is perfect for storing makeup inside. It comes in several fun patterns and holds a ton of beauty products inside. La meilleure partie? It is fully lined inside so if you accidentally spill something inside, it won’t make a huge mess.

These make-up pallet organizers are the perfect accessory to organize all your beauty accessories neatly and tidily while keeping everything very accessible. The clear premium quality acrylic fits in well with any décor and looks very stylish.

Having a clean and orderly place is very important. A makeup organizer with drawers and racks is a good way to store the makeup you use the most often. With this one, you can store different products in each drawer and compartment without taking a whole lot of counter space. It makes is so easy to find exactly what you are looking for in an instant.

When you have a lot of products, it’s hard getting your bathroom or vanity in control. These acrylic organizers from ByAllegory are a great way to keep everything on your vanity neat and tidy. The company makes different organizers for everything from lipsticks to eye shadow palettes.

Is your vanity countertop cluttered? Organize it with this cool cosmetic organizer that will save so much of space on any counter. It is great for holding all her beauty supplies. Because it rotates, it makes it very easy to find what you are looking for. All of the compartments are adjustable so you can make them taller to easily fit different beauty products.

If you are looking to organize all your makeup, this organizer is a must have if you have a large makeup collection. It comes with 3 large and 4 small drawers to accommodate all different types of cosmetics. Made of plastic, the drawers are all clear which makes it easy to see what you have stored inside without constantly opening the drawers. You be surprised how much you can add to it. La meilleure partie? The drawers pull out completely.

Are you looking to get your makeup organized? The easiest way to start is with brush holders. With two compartments, this simple brush holder makes it easy to keep your makeup brushes organized and off the countertop. It’s got one small compartment and one larger compartment. It’s perfect for storing brushes upright and other cosmetics.

Does she have a lot of nail polish bottles lying all over the place? Get rid of the clutter with this nail polish organizer that is a great way to keep everything in one place. Made out of acrylic, it holds up to 60 bottles.

Just about every tween girl could use a handy mirror. With a fairly wide body and a sturdy handle, this rectangular shaped hand mirror from Goody makes it easy to see all around your face. It measures about 7.5 inches across. Whether you are creating the perfect hairstyle or a picture perfect winged liner this hand mirror will do the trick.

Don’t you wish that your vanity mirror had better lighting? Turn your ordinary vanity mirror into a Hollywood style makeup mirror with this lighting kit. The installation couldn’t be easier. The kit comes with 10 dimmable vanity lights that can be stuck to your mirror’s surface using the adhesive backing. Your vanity will not be complete without them. Note: Mirror not included.

This 8-inch vanity mirror is a perfect gift for tween girls. It features a stylish design that fits in well with almost any décor and it provides 1x and 7x magnification to perfect your hair and makeup. A great value at this price.

Any girl who loves doing her makeup will love this lighted vanity mirror from Conair. For the lighted feature, it requires the use of a plug. This 6.5 X 8.5 inch mirror gives you 1 times magnification on one side and 7 times the magnification on the other side so you can focus on the details. La meilleure partie? If the bulb goes out, it is replaceable.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, what is the fanciest mirror on the wall? The answer is this mirror from Chende. With blinged out dimmable bulbs around the frame, she will feel like she is Hollywood every time she applies her makeup.

Everybody wants to create that Hollywood look in their bedroom. There are many different types of makeup mirrors. We don’t know what to make of this one. Sure it’s got a ring light around it, 7X magnification, and full color lighting, but it goes much more beyond that. It has a freaking bluetooth speaker in it, making it a borderline gadget. With a built in mic, you can even talk to Siri through it. It’s basically the iMirror.

In the 90s, everybody wanted a Caboodle. They were a great way to store makeup. This train case reminds us a lot about the Caboodle. When you open it up, it unfolds and there are plenty of shelves for organizing all of your makeup. Even if you are not traveling, it is a great way to store your makeup collection and keep it tucked away.

Does she love makeup? We have been looking for a set of storage drawers that you can buy online that mimic the storage you would get from the Alex 9 drawers from Ikea. The closest thing we could find is this drawer storage cart from Iris. We like that it is clear so that you can easily see what is inside each drawer. If you don’t have an Ikea near you, this is a great storage solution for the makeup guru in your life.

While she can put on her makeup in front of the bathroom mirror, it’s every make up lover’s dream to get her own vanity. That way she can have her own personal space in the house to keep all her beauty products. With this one, she not only has a beautiful place to store her things, but has a mirror and a place to sit down.

Just about every beauty guru can’t get enough of the Alex 9 drawers from IKEA. The only problem is that they are expensive to ship if you don’t live near an IKEA. If you are lucky enough to have an IKEA near you, this is the perfect gift for any budding makeup artist. It’s offered in a number of different sizes.

If she is not allowed to light candles, this oil diffuser is a great alternative. This device helps to distribute aromas from natural oils all around her room. It not only makes her room smell nice, but certain essential oils can be great for health. You can add just about any oil to this oil diffuser. It is even fun to mix oils to create your own scents. With 2 different settings, it can disperse oils at different rates, depending on how much fragrance you want in the air.

This birthday bath balm set is the perfect gift for making your daughter’s birthday extra special. The set includes 6 different bath balms. With scents like birthday cake and cotton candy, the fragrances smell delicious and she’s sure to love it.

Everybody is obsessed with bath balms. They are little pods that you throw in the bath, making it smell great and fizz. Even tween girls can experience the fizzy fun of a bath balm with this set. For young girls, this set is great because it contains no dyes or artificial ingredients. Instead natural oils are used to create refreshing and yummy scents.

Say goodbye to clogs forever! There is nothing worse than a clogged drain. The TubShroom fits in just about any shower or sink drain and keeps your hair from clogging up the pipes. Instead hair wraps around the device. Just pop out the TubShroom to clean it up all the caught hair.

Hand sanitizer is an essential for every tween girl. Who wants icky germs all over her hands anyway? Instantly zap them away with these handy travel sized hand sanitizers. The set includes eight bottles she can easily tuck away in a pocket or bag. Girls will love the invigorating scents.

Now you never have to worry about the smell when you walk out of the bathroom after a number 2. Forget trying to cover up the odor with your favorite perfume, this spray kills odors. Simply spray a couple of squirts in the toilet bowl and then do your thing. Then walk out of the bathroom like you were just fixing up.

Does she burn a lot of candles? Wouldn’t it be cool if you could release the scent of your candles without burning them? Simply place your candle inside this candle warmer and turn it on. It gradually warms your candle, releasing its scent. La meilleure partie? Because you are not lighting the candle, the scent is much more powerful and the candle lasts much longer. Like a fancy piece of art, it is a great decorative piece too.

There is nothing cozier than having candles lit to create mood in a room. While it is made of real wax, this is actually not a real candle. They are very comparable to Luminara candles. The impressive thing is that the flame dances just like a real flame. La meilleure partie? You never have to worry about burning the house down.

It’s beginning to smell a lot like Christmas. Who doesn’t love Christmasy smelling scented candles? This one will make your whole house smell like snowy peppermint. You’ll swear that is snowing outside.

While expensive, Yankee Candles are some of the most popular candles on the market. Yankee Candles come in all different fun scents that are perfect for any occasion. With a divine smell, they burn for close to one hundred hours. With several mini candles, this holiday set is perfect for putting her in the Christmas spirit.

What is her favorite scent? If she loves candles, surprise her with a personalized candle. Not only can you personalize the words on the front of the candle but you can also choose the perfect scent for the occasion from Birthday Cake to Fresh Cut Christmas Tree. Put her name on it and awaken her scenes with her favorite aroma.

The Body Shop has a great collection of spa gift sets that come with a variety of body care treats. While there are several gift sets to choose from, the one featured is the British Rose Gift set. Along with a loofah sponge, it comes with a shower gel, body scrub, body butter, and exfoliating soap. It’s a light smelling scent that smells like fresh roses. Who wouldn’t want to smell like a fresh rose?

A lot of us spend most of our time focusing on our face but our entire bodies need tender loving care. Body Shop makes lovely body butters that come in the yummiest scents. This gift set comes with 5 assorted body butters. Made from shea butter, these creams are great to put on your body after a shower when you want to moisturize and make you skin feel luxuriously soft.

There is no better way to say Happy Birthday than with this gift set from Soap & Glory. Along with a loofah, it comes with two of the most popular products: Clean On Me Shower Gel and the Righteous Butter Body. However, it comes packed in a beautiful Birthday box, which makes it a great gift. The clean scent smells like you are having a spa day at home and the body butter leaves you skin feeling soft and velvety. Not only is she going to love using this on her birthday, but also using it all year long.

Everybody needs a little time to get pampered. We might not be able to go to a luxurious spa, but a spa gift sets us unwind at home. This all in one kit from BeetsandApples includes a clay bath salt, goat milk soap, soy candle, coconut lip balm, and dark chocolate. It comes beautifully packaged, making it a great gift for any tween girl. Pair this gift set with a comfy bathrobe to make it an even more special gift.

I love how Bath & Body Works candles make your room smell all Christmassy. Their winter candles smell so delicious that you will want to burn them all year round. With a creamy blend of toasted marshmallow and vanilla, the Marshmall Fireside candle gives you such a warm and fuzzy feeling during the holiday season.

The pocketbac hand sanitizers from Bath & Body Works make great stocking stuffers. They not only keep your hands clean, but keep them smelling great with fun fragrances. This bundle comes with 10 of the best fragrances including cherry blossom. You can tuck them in your purse, backpack, or in your car.

What girl doesn’t love bubblegum and candy scented scents? Just about anything from Bath & Body works will make her smell like a fruity candy. This gift set with a shower gel, body lotion, and fragrance mist is perfect for slumber parties.

Lush Fun makes bath time fun time! It’s a soap, shampoo, and bubble bath in one with a sweet scent. With PlayDoh like consistency, girls will like picking pieces off it with their hands. La meilleure partie? This stuff lasts for months and gives you a great bang for your buck compared to bubble bath or bath bombs. Choose from a variety of designs and bring newfound fun to her bath.

Just about every tween girl is obsessed with Lush. You really can’t go wrong with anything from Lush from bath balms to shower gellies. Their bath balms are really cool because not only do they smell great, but they are also colorful in the bath. Designed for just about every occasion from Christmas to birthdays, their gifts sets come beautifully packaged with several different bath products to try.

Nobody likes getting out of the shower in the winter. There is nothing more luxurious than getting out of the shower and grabbing a toasty towel. Allowing up to 2 large towels, this warmer from Brookstone has several heat settings. After taking your towel out of the warmer, you get enough time to dry your body with the heated towel. La meilleure partie? You can even throw a robe inside.

A luxurious fancy bath towel can make a great gift. Made of 100% hydrocotton and available in wonderful colors, this soft, thick, and fluffy bath towel is wonderfully absorbent. She won’t be able to wait to wrap herself in this towel when she gets out of her bath. They are an absolute treat.

We all have a go to body spray from Bath & Body Works that we love spraying on our body for special occasions or after gym class. There are so many great scents to choose from Sweet Pea to Japanese Cherry Blossom. It’s a lot of fun when they bring back some of their most beloved scents. We all have a signature scent that reflects our personality.

The Victoria Secret Pink collection has a number of body sprays that tween girls will love. With a subtle mixture of fresh apples and lilies, Victoria Secret Fresh and Clean smells like you just stepped out of the shower. It is perfect for wearing when you just got out from gym class or want to wear a refreshing fragrance that makes you feel clean. It’s not a super strong fragrance, but it’s a subtle scent for tween that is suitable for wearing every day.

She is probably going to love any of Victoria Secret’s body mists. Their body mists are not super strong fragrances and are the perfect gift for tween girls who love scents. Bombshell from Victoria Secret literally is the Bomb.com. With a fruity floral seductive scent, Bombshell can only be described as irresistible. It’s the perfect perfume for date night or clubbing as it really makes you feel like an absolute bombshell.

If she loves Ari Grande and is a bit older, she will love this fragrance that comes in an adorable bottle with a pom pom charm. With the cute packaging, it is obvious that this perfume is targeting younger girls. It is sweet, sweet, sweeeet! If you mixed marshmallows with raspberries and a hint of vanilla, you would get this very sweet smelling perfume.

Does she love Ariana Grande? With a sweet candy smell, this perfume beautifully reflects the bubblegum personality of Ariana Grande. We could totally see Ariana Grande wearing it. It comes in the most adorable bottle with a fluffy pop pom on top. With a mix of candy, vanilla, and berries, it smells like marshmallows mixed with apples.

Fresh, youthful, and flowery, this sweet smelling perfume from Guess is perfect starter perfume for tween girls. With a blend of green apple, freesia, and other flowery scents, the light fresh smelling perfume is the perfect everyday perfume or for special occasions. It comes in a striking bottle that makes it a great gift.

Vera Bradley Princess is the perfect first perfume for the older tween. It comes in a beautiful heart shaped bottle with a princess crown on the top. With a very fruity, youthful, and citrusy scent, it’s the type of scent that makes you feel like a real life princess.

If she is looking for her first growup perfume, this Marc Jacobs Daisy gift set is the perfect gift idea. It comes in a really cute mini bottles with a flowerly shaped tops. Not surprisingly, it’s a very flowery scent that gives off a spring and summery vibe. It’s a very clean and fresh smelling perfume.
At this age, she probably has already started to love anything tech related. Here are cool gifts for tweens that she will love.

How fun would it be to take a picture and instantly have it pop out? Available in so many bright and adorable colors, this instant camera from Fuji is on every tween girl’s wish list. She will have a blast taking photos of her best friends and instantly sharing the photo with them.

If your tween daughter plans on going on a trip, she’ll definitely need extra film for her Instax Mini 9 or 8 instant camera. This package contains a dual pack – good for 20 photos. Capture the memories!

If she already has a phone, this little Smartphone printer will allow her to print her photos right off her phone. Who needs an instant camera? The best part is that you get to pick and choose which photos you want to print so you are not wasting film. It’s such a fun way to preserve memories.

She probably has a ton of photos on her phone and on Instagram. Now she can turn her phone into an instant camera with this small wireless photo printer from Canon that prints small 2 X3 inch stickable pictures. La meilleure partie? She can use the photos to decorate her room, locker, or stationary thanks to the adhesive backing on the photos. She might soon have a printing addiction.

She can turn her phone into an instant camera with this small and portable wireless photo printer from HP that prints 2 X 3 inch pictures. When you buy the photo paper it is specially coated so you don’t need to buy ink to print out the photos.

An ordinary frame is great but this digital frame from Nix allows you play a slideshow of your favorite photos. While there are more expensive models that support WI-FI, this model does not. Simply load up images with an SD car or USB stick. With a built in motion sensor, it only turns on when it detects somebody is in the room. Put one in her room and she won’t be able to help but smile when she sees the pictures rolling on by.

The GoPro HERO Session lets you capture life’s moments as they unfold. Wherever your tween’s adventures take her she’ll be ready. It’s sure to become her go-to camera for those adventure-worthy moments. The camera shoots full 1080p HD video and gets just under 2 hours of battery life.

Does she love sports and technology? Then she would love an action camera. Not all of us can afford a Go Pro camera. Fitfort is a cheap dupe that lets you record the most extreme sports from biking to camping. You get a lot for your money. It comes with a ton of accessories including a mounting accessories and even an additional battery. The actual camera is capable of recording 4K video but it works much better at 1080p.

Amazon has come out with a new smaller and cheaper version of its Amazon Echo Bluetooth speaker. It can wirelessly steam music but the real fun is how much else it can do. It can answer your questions, control your devices, and so much more. You can even hook it up to a Bluetooth speaker if you want better quality sound.

Meet the smart clock! The Amazon Echo Spot is a clock with Alexa built in. Just like before, you can ask it all sorts of questions, to play your music, and order stuff online. What makes it unique is its form factor. Unlike the basic Amazon Echo Dot, it has a cute 2.5 inch circular screen. The screen can not only be used for the clock face, but for video phone calling, Amazon Prime video, and more.

The Amazon Echo Dot can do amazing things, but it doesn’t sound that great. If you already own the Amazon Echo Dot, you can now turn up the volume on it with the iHome Bedside Dock that doubles as an alarm clock. You simply drop the Amazon Echo Dot into the top and it instantly gives you a better speaker. Encore mieux? It can charge your mobile devices.

She will love the look of this adorable alarm clock which gives off a cool ambient light. Not only is the color changing feature pretty, but there are so many features packed into this little alarm clock. It’s a radio, Bluetooth speaker, phone charger, and more.

If you have got an electrical outlet that is right in the middle of your wall, you can use this outlet shelf to charge your devices. With a weight limit of 10 pounds, the shelf is designed to support everything from an Amazon Echo to an electrical toothbrush to a full size Google Home. You simply replace your outlet cover with the one provided. The coolest part? There’s a hole that allows the power cable to pass through.

This little gadget turns any electronic gadget into a smart appliance that you can control with any smart device. This allows you do to everything from scheduling to controlling your lights from anywhere. Unlike other systems, there is no hub required. The coolest part? The device even works with smart home systems like Amazon Echo and Google Assistant so you can turn on your devices with just your voice. How awesome is that?

This might be the coolest light bulb in the world. Every girl needs this light bulb in her room. You can connect to it with your phone and change its colors and effects. Just by changing the color of the bulb, you can totally change the ambiance in your room.

This 16-foot LED light strip is perfect for adding a cool aesthetic to your tween girl’s room. They help creative an inviting atmosphere and look really cool. La meilleure partie? These lights are easy to install plus they are versatile – allowing for flexibility, cutting, and even linking.

It’s expensive but the Philips Hue system is the best way to add custom lights to your room. It can control up to 50 lights. In order to get started, you will the Philips Hue Bridge, which is sold in the starter kit. The starter kit includes the Bridge and 2 smart lights. The Bridge allows you to control all the lighting using the Philips Hue app and Amazon Echo. The third generation is out now so you can save a little on the previous model.

The Amazon Fire stick is a small inexpensive gadget that you plug into you television, giving you access to your favorite streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. Now it’s been updated so you can use a remote control or voice to access your content.

If she wants a tablet, you can’t beat the price of Amazon Fire. With 8GB of space, it has built in Wi-Fi so she can watch movies, listen to music, play apps, and do just about everything you can do on a more expensive tablet. With Kindle Freetime you can even set limits and block content to make sure your girl gets quality time away from the Kindle.

Got a bookworm? With an improved screen and great battery life, it’s the perfect gift for tweens who don’t want to carry around books and love reading.

PopSockets are the coolest gizmo that you can easily attach to your phone or tablet to more easily handle it. It’s supposed to give you a better handle on the device to prevent accidental drops and it also doubles as a stand for your phone or tablet to make it easy to view content hands-free. Makes a cool and novel gift idea. Choose from a variety of fun designs.

Are you worried about dropping your phone? Everybody loves Pop Sockets but this ring holder looks so much more elegant. The ring swivels 360 degrees around, allowing you to hold the phone or prop it up. It fits securely around your finger, allowing you to hold your phone with one hand and text.

Searching for a practical and functional iPad holder for your tween girl’s iPad? Constructed with a strong, flexible arm, this wearable mount makes the perfect gift. It supports both iPhones and iPads. The cool thing is that you can twist and shape the flexible arm anyhow to obtain the optimal viewing position.

Do she love recording videos with her phone? THis little gagets is basically a tabletop tripod for your phone. You simply slide you phone into it and the mount can swivel either horizinatally or vertical. THe coolest part? It has bendy legs on it that allow you to adjust it to get the perfect shot. The legs are acutally pretty strong and can even be wrapped around something to take a difficult shot.

What’s the biggest problem when you take selfies? For most of us, it has got to be the lighting. The cameras on our phone don’t work well in the dark. Photographers have been using ring lights forever but now you can get one for your phone. This ring light clips to your phone, allowing you to take the best selfies even when you are in the dark.

Don’t you hate it when you are out and about and your phone’s battery conks out? The struggle couldn’t be realer. Now you don’t have to worry with this pocket sized charge. While it fits in your pocket, it’s got enough power to charge your phone at least 3 times.

Most of us have more smart devices than we can count on one finger. Le seul problème? Charging all of them! If you are tired of juggling between all your chargers, this charging hub makes life so much simpler. It couldn’t be simpler to use. You simply plug it into the wall. It’s got 6 USB slots on it that you can use to charge your smart devices.

These days everyone is taking pictures on their phone. There’s is only so much the lens built in your phone can do. People who love taking images on their phone should consider these lens. It attaches to your phone and gives you a macro and wide angle lens usually found on super expensive digital slrs. This lens is super cheap and gives you amazing quality photos. Close up and wide angle shots never looked this good on a phone

You can’t go wrong with USB keys especially ones with a lot of sparkly bling bling. This sparkly lipstick case is actually a USB necklace. Could anything be cuter? While they might not be able to wear lipstick yet, they still have to go to school and USBs are pretty much required.

You can never have too many flash memory cards. Available in many different sizes from 16 GB to 128 GB, this one from SanDisk is the ultimate stocking stuffer. Not only does it have great transfer speeds, it is perfect for storing pictures and using in digital cameras.

Everybody knows that you can never have too much of space on your laptop. With music, photos, and videos, it is so easy to fill up your computer until your computer starts running out of space and slow. With up to 4TB terabyte of storage, this external hard drive gives you plenty of extra storage. It’s like getting a brand new closet for computer.

If you need a longer Lighting charger cable – the Anker PowerLine is a great choice. It provides 6 feet of cable for great flexibility when charging your iPhone 5S, 6, 6 Plus, or 7. The cable is MFi certified by Apple and it’s durably constructed. At this price, you can’t go wrong.

Now she can take the best selfies with this selfie stick that extends to 31 inches. With Bluetooth support, it couldn’t be easier to snap great selfies. La meilleure partie? It easily folds up so she can take it anywhere in her pocket.

Does your tween girl love using her tablet in bed or on the couch? The Tablift is a unique tablet stand that allows her to use her tablet hands free on just about any uneven surface. The secret are the bendy legs that can be used to position the tablet just right.

Don’t you hate it when you lose your wallet or phone? Tile is a little sticker that you can attach to anything that you have a habit of misplacing. Then you can find it with your Smartphone or computer. If it is within range, it will beep.

We all want to give our pets the freedom to play outside, but there is nothing worse than having a pet that runs away from home. With Whistle 3, you never have to worry about your pet getting lost. Whistle 3 is a GPS pet tracker that clips onto your dogs collar that monitors their location and activity. On top of the price of the tracker, you do have to pay a monthly subscription fee that allows you to access GPS on the device.

So many cases hide the beauty of the iPhone, but this transparent case from Caseology lets you show it off. Unlike bulky phone cases, we like its minimalistic profile.

If you’ve got an iPod touch, you’re probably going to want to protect that delicate device from unexpected drops and shocks. The OtterBox Defender stands as one of the best cases for the iPod touch. Between the floor surface and your device, it’s the last line of defense that you don’t want to skimp on. If you accidentally drop your device, you’ll be so glad you have the Defender by your side.

If you are looking for a unique phone case, this one from IZerCase is the perfect gift idea. Not only does it protect your phone, you can personalize the back of the phone with your own image. To make it special, choose something that your tween girl loves. You simply upload the image and the company will confirm it before printing it.

For most of us, cases have become like clothing for your phone. You really can’t have enough. There are all types of phone cases but for some reason a case that looks like a slab of marble is so Tumblry. While you wouldn’t want to walk around with a slab of rock on your phone, this case from does a nice job of recreating the look of marble and protecting your phone.

The iPhone looks great especially now that it comes in Rose Gold. Not only do you want to protect it, you want to dress it up with a fashionable case. Wild Flower makes some of the most stylish iPhone cases that are everywhere on Instagram. La meilleure partie? Each case is handmade so no case will look identical.

Looking for a stylish, simple, and affordable wireless mouse? Look no further – the Jelly Comb Slim Wireless Mouse is sleek and stylish and it’s inexpensive and functional with a slim profile. Choose from cool designs to match her style and personality.

The Mosiso Hard Case is an excellent cover for your MacBook. Choose from a variety of colors and designs to protect your laptop and keyboard. It’s perfect for protecting against scratches on the surface of your laptop. La meilleure partie? It’s easy to install and remove for cleaning.

We would all love a designer bag, but for most of us this one is perfect.

With no bulky cables, the Oculus Go is the most convenient and comfortable VR headset ever made. Choose from 32 or 64GB of storage. Although you have to download the app, this is a completely standalone device. The biggest surprise is how easy it is to use and comfortable it is to wear. Expect around 2.5 hours of battery life with video and roughly 2 hours for games. With a low starting price point, it’s the easiest way for most people to jump into VR.

Looking to get an HDTV for your tween girl’s room on a budget? The 32″ TCL with Roku is a great choice. It delivers good 720p high-definition picture quality and size while not breaking the bank. Plus, it streams content from all their favorite services from Netflix to Hulu and more. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better deal for a comparable HDTV.

Okay this portable projector is the coolest gift ever. When her friends come over, she can put it next to her bed and watch Netflix on the wall or on a screen. She can even invite friends over to throw up a movie on a screen in the backyard. Movie night just got an upgrade.

Cutting the cord just got easier. Does she love watching movies? Apple TV is a great gift idea. It features Siri which makes it easier than ever to use. From movies to TV shows and games, there’s so much amazing content that tweens won’t be able to wait to dive into on the App Store. Choose from 32GB or 64GB varieties.

I am in love with vintage stuff. I have been looking for a type writer forever. Every writer needs this modern typewriter-like gaming keyboard. With backlights, it has the styling of a modern gaming keyboard. The coolest part? It has the feel of a type writer with click clack keys.

This ASUS Chromebook is a great first laptop computer for your tween girl. It provides a good balance of power and speed while remaining very afforable for those on a budget. Since the Chromebook is lightweight it’s perfect for her mobile lifestyle. And the 10 hour battery life is nothing to scoff at – providing all-day computing power.

My 9 year old would love her own laptop because her sister just got a new Macbook. She doesn’t need an expensive one. I like the budget priced Acer Aspire because it’s got great specs including an i5 processor and lots of memory. La meilleure partie? It’s affordable.

What girl doesn’t want her own laptop? The ultra thin 13 inch MacBook Air is made for tweens, but it is super expensive. The most amazing feature is the battery life which seems to last forever at up to 12 hours.

The Apple iPod touch is a fantastic gift for tween girls who love carrying all their music wherever they go. It’s like having a portable jukebox. She can play all her favorite songs anywhere and anytime. With 16 GB of storage, she can store thousands of song plus capture HD video.

She probably wants the latest iThing whether its an iPhone, iPad, or iMac.I can just hear my 9 year old saying “OMG I need a PHONE! Mom and Dad, all of my friends and sister already have one! Why can’t I have one?” A smartphone is probably the gift she wants the most. The new iPhone 7 is out.

Who wouldn’t love getting an iPad? If she’s been asking for an iPad forever, she’ll love you forever. The iPad is still the king of the tablet world and makes the perfect gift for birthdays and Christmas. Now the iPad is more affordable than ever for the base model. Choose from three color schemes. The iPad is perfect for learning, entertainment, computing, and so much more. Tweens will love the FaceTime feature, how easy it is to use, and its responsiveness. Plus, it has a rich library of apps, games, music, and movies for non-stop entertainment.

Fitbits are great for tracking your exercise, but an Apple Watch can do so much more. It’s definitely very spendy like all Apple products. In addition to tracking your fitness, it allows you to received notifications, monitor your heart rate, and use a variety of 3rd party applications all from your wrist.

While expensive, Apple makes beautiful computers and their latest iMac is evidence of that. With a beautiful aluminum body, this stunning desktop is not only powerful, it is beautiful. They have now built a 5K iMac and upgraded all the technology inside. While the ultra resolution 5K model is nice, most tween girls would be happy with the standard version.
From pretty headphones to musical instruments, she will love these presents that are an extension of her personality.

Tween girls love Beats Solo3 Wireless Headphones. They deliver great sound quality – good mids and highs – and about 40 hours of battery life. They look sleek and stylish and come in a variety of finishes. Plus, they are lightweight and comfy to wear.

If you’re on a budget and looking for a beautiful pair of fashion headphones, these Mpow Bluetooth Headphones are a good choice. They provide about up to 20 hours of listening time on a charge and they sound loud and clear. And you can’t beat that price.

I know Beats are super popular, but these headphones from Trbit sound pretty good but cost a lot less. I like that they are completely wireless which means you don’t have to worry about wires. I really like that they are lightweight which makes them perfect for everyday use.

When you are on the go, a pair of ear buds is a lot easier to pack than normal headphones. Le seul problème? Ear buds always seem to become a tangled mess. Now your tween girl doesn’t have to worry with these wireless ear buds that are always tangle free.

When Apple first released the Apple Airpods, they were selling out everywhere. If she has a new iPhone without the headphone jack, these headphones are probably at the top of her list. While they sound exactly like the wired Apple Earbuds, they have absolutely no wires. Zilch. Nad. Rien. That means no snagging the wire on anything.

The party is just getting started! Who doesn’t love singing with friends during karaoke night? With this beautiful rose gold Karaoke microphone, you can sing all of your favorite songs whenever you want. Charging by USB, it pairs to any smart Device over Bluetooth so you can sing many different Youtube karaoke songs. The coolest part? It has a built in speaker.

This is no ordinary disco light. Your tween girl will go crazy when she see this. It shoots out LED lights on the wall to create an amazing light show. You can even change the light pattern to go with the beat of music. Slumber parties just turned into a party. La meilleure partie? You can take the party anywhere. It’s like a party in a box.

This projector is so cool. When you turn off your lights, your whole room gets lit up with an amazing light show. You can even choose different patterns. There is something so relaxing about falling asleep under the stars and lights.

Aww … isn’t that the cutest lil’ speaker ever? Choose from a wide assortment of fun animals from pups and cats to monkeys, bees, and more. La meilleure partie? They may look little but boy do they pack some big sound! And it’s clear high quality sound, too. Makes a great gift idea for your tween girl.

There are a ton of Bluetooth speakers, but how many of them can you wear? If you love to take your music wherever you go, this rugged Bluetooth speaker is wearable. Simply attach the bungee cord to your backpack, clothes, or bike and bump out your tunes anywhere. It streams music up to 100 feet away and the battery lasts for about 10 hours. La meilleure partie? It’s waterproof.

Any portable Bluetooth speaker is great, but if your want the best one it is the Bose Soundlink. It comes in totally adorable colors and streams music from your Smartphone or tablet with such a rich sound. It really brings music to life. With Bluetooth and up to 6 hours of battery life, it’s perfect for listening to music in your room or wherever you go.

Beats is known for its popular headphones, but the company also makes a Bluetooth speaker that is available in many colors. Bring life to your next party with the beautiful looking Beats Pill+. Shaped like pill, this speaker delivers great sound whether you are listening to R&B or bass-heavy hip hop. Sporting 12 hours of battery life, it’s worthy of the Beats name. Don’t throw a party without it!

If your daughter sings everywhere, she will love this wireless shower speaker. Attach it to the wall and finally she can sing her favorite tunes in the shower.

This little colorful Bluetooth speaker is perfect for sharing her music with friends. This punchy speaker delivers amazing sound for its size. It connects to any Bluetooth device like a Kindle or Smartphone to deliver great sound. She will love bringing it everywhere with her to the backyard, around a campfire, or to a picnic.

Want a simple gift for your guitar player? While it looks like a hold puncher, this little gadget turns old plastic credit cards into guitar picks. It’s not only a gift that keeps on giving, it saves a ton of money.

Thanks to the Kliq UberTuner, it has never been easier to tune your instrument. Like other tuners, it clips onto your instrument’s headstock. The bright, colorful display couldn’t be easier to read. You will never want to tune and instrument without it. Not only will your instrument sound so much better, but you will spend more time playing it than tuning it.

This wooden mahogany Ukulele from Kala is a great starter Ukulele for your budding musician. A Ukulele is a great first instrument to learn. Because it’s smaller than a guitar, it is easier to learn on. La meilleure partie? Most of the techniques can be transferred to other stringed instruments like a guitar or violin.

Compared to a guitar, a ukulele is much easier to learn to play because there are only 4 strings. Now learning to play a ukulele got even easier with this smart ukulele from Popuband. The ukulele combines LEDS, Bluetooth, and an easy to use app. There are LEDs under the fret board that light up. It’s so easy to learn different chords because the finger positions light up. Learning to play feels a lot like a video game.

Vinyl is making a comeback. The Audio Technica Stereo Turntable System elevates you to a higher level listening experience. The audio quality will simply blow you away. The system itself is very stylish indeed. It’s one of the best turntables on the market.

Play that funky music. Designed after an old school jukebox, this modern jukebox comes with a built in CD player, FM radio, Aux-in jack, and Bluetooth features. It can even stream music from your phone. Just like a real jukebox, it’s the color changing lights that will make you want to bring out your dancing shoes. It sits 15 inches tall so you can place it next to your record player.

If she really loves music, it would super fun to play those songs on an acoustic guitar. This one is a great value and perfect for anyone that wants to get into playing the acoustic guitar. Along with a guitar case, it comes with a starter kit that includes a tuner and instruction DVD so you can get started playing right away.

I am really into electric based music and it would super fun to play those songs on an electric guitar. I can’t believe the price of this electric guitar. From the beautiful finish to the metallic bridge, it looks so beautiful. It’s a great value and perfect for anyone that wants to get into playing the electric guitar. Plug this baby into an amp and you will sound like a rockstar.

With a beautiful retro design, the Blue Snowball Microphone is the perfect mic for your daughter. With an easy to use plug and play set up, you just connect it to your computer and it is ready to go. At a reasonable price, it’s a great way for her to get studio quality sound at home.

The Yamaha Portable Grand Piano is an impressive piano producing excellent full sound. It’s a great investment at a fantastic price. And if your tween girl wants to learn to play it even features a tutorial mode.

During Christmas, I love listening to Christmas music. A Christmas album featuring her favorite band or artist makes a great gift. You could also get her favorite artist on Vinyl or CD. Ariana Grande has a new album out called Sweetner.

Posters are a super easy and cheap gift. Get her one with her favorite artist. If she loves Ariana Grande, she will love this huge 24″ X 36″ poster and never want to take it down.

Does she love going to concerts, movies and events? For sentimental reasons, it’s a great idea to preserve and keep these mementos in a safe place. Preserve the memories with this ticket stub organizer. With specially designed pockets, it’s like an album for tickets. La meilleure partie? It’s a fun way to show people all the places you have been.

Does she want to travel around the world? Here is a fun way for your tween girl to track her travels around the world! This map comes with a scratch off surface that she can scratch off every time she visits a new country.

Not only is this mini iron super cute, it is perfect for getting the wrinkles out of your clothes. Because it is so small, it is great for traveling with it. It has a unique handle that makes it easy to handle. La meilleure partie? Because it gets hot and is even a steam iron, it’s perfect for everyday use.

This cute luggage tag from Bando with the words “I’m Outta Here” in gold makes a great gift or stocking stuffer for any young girl. On the back, there is a privacy flap that covers your personal information. Because it is unique, it makes it easy to spot your luggage in the airport. As soon as she gets it, she will be ready to take a vacation.

Packing your luggage doesn’t have to be such a great struggle. Don’t just pack your entire luggage in your suitcase. Your life will be so much less stressful with these packing cubes. Along with a laundry bag, you get 4 different packing cubes ranging from small to large that are perfect for carryons or regular sized suitcases. Each of the cubes acts as a drawer and has a breathable mesh design. La meilleure partie? The packing cubes are available in multiple colors.

Stop guessing whether you are over or under the weight limit. This luggage scale accurately measures the weight of your luggage so you don’t have to worry about paying additional fees. Simply use the hook to suspend your luggage in the air and wait for the reading. That way there will be no unexpected surprises at the checkout counter.

For the traveler in your life, there is no better gift than a suitcase. Most suitcases are boring and hard to spot among others, but this Marble carryone from American Tourister looks chic. It’s light, rolls smoothly, and has plenty of storage compartments to sort all of your luggage.

When you love spending time in the great outdoors, you may need a little help to keep the chill at bay. The Energy Flux hand warmer does just that. With an amazing 6 hour run time, simply flip a switch and your hands get warm. La meilleure partie? It also doubles as an usb charger for your phone.

Who doesn’t like relaxing at the beach? There is nothing better than sitting on the beach and chatting with friends, picnicking, and even reading a book. Made out of lightweight polypropylene, this huge beach blanket is large enough for at least four people to relax on. Measuring 6.5 X 5 feet, it can be folded into a compact 6 X 8-inch carryable pouch.

What could be better than lounging in the wilderness? Eno makes some of the most popular hammocks. Made out nylon with triple interlocking stitching, the Doublenest is one of the best hammocks for backpacking. It measures 9 feet when fully stretched out and can be folding into a compact 5 X4-inch pouch, which is attached to the hammock. Le seul problème? She might always want to sleep outside.

When you are out in the wild, there might be water everywhere but it is not safe to consume. That is until now. The Lifestraw is a survival straw that can filter bacteria and protozoa out of water. You simply place the straw into any body of water and sip from it. The company now also makes a water bottle that allows you to store and filter water.

The Slacker Slackline brings the fun of the circus to your backyard. Simply fasten the slackline around 2 tall trees or sturdy objects and the fun begins. It’s like a portable trampoline that you can walk across. Your tween girl will love trying to balance, walk, and bounce on it. It’s harder than it looks but that is part of the fun.

When you traveling or backpacking, a Swiss army knife is the perfect tool every adventurer should have in their pocket. As long as she is responsible enough for one, it’s perfect for using when she goes out camping. When something unexpected happens, you have all the tools you need right with you including a screwdriver, bottle opener, and a multipurpose knife. This one has 13 tools.

The Coleman Sunridge Sleeping Bag is the perfect companion for camping and other outdoor activities. Supporting up to 5 feet 11 inches, It’s perfect for tweens . The sleeping bag is well-insulated to provide great warmth and comfort.

This inflatable solar powered lantern is perfect for camping trips. To blow it up, you simply blow it until it is fully inflated. Then simply place it under the sun for 7 hours to charge it. It will last 12 hours on a single charge.

Who said that slumber parties have to be inside? With this tent from Coleman, she can have her next slumber party outside. There is nothing more fun than telling stories in a tent. Setting it up only takes a few minutes and the waterproof floor is designed to keep you dry even when it is raining outside.
It’s always better to get up and go outside rather than stay inside and watch TV. Help her get outside with these great sports and outdoor gifts.

Available in several cute colors, this is no regular water bottle. It’s insulated with a double steel vessel. A what? That just means it will keep drinks cold up to 24 hours and hot up to 12 hours. No matter where you are, your drinks will be perfect. How unbelievable is that?

Available in several colors, this looks just as attractive as a Swell water bottle but is so much cheaper. Because it is double walled vacuum insulated, it keeps the temperature of your drink consistent for several hours whether it is hot or cold.

There is nothing usually amazing about a water bottle. At the most basic level, it’s just supposed to hold liquid. The Hydroflask is no ordinary water bottle. With insulation, it is designed to make sure your drink won’t go lukewarm whether it is hot or cold. The company claims that it will keep hot drinks hot for 6 hours and cold drinks cold for 24 hours. If she is always running around, this is the perfect gift idea.

She will love this stylish water bottle that stays cold for 28 hours . That way she can have chilled water at any time of the day when she is thirsty. It’s very similar to an expensive water bottle, but costs a fraction of the price, which makes it a great gift for tween girls.

The Fitbit is a great way to keep her active and healthy. You don’t need the fanciest one. This entry level one will keep track of her steps, calories burned, and distance she has traveled. It comes in fun colors and she can clip it just about anywhere on her clothes.

Does she love volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, dance or soccer? No matter what her favorite sport is, this adorable duffle bag from Adidas is the perfect size for her. Despite the fact that it is described as small, you’ll be quite surprised by how much it can actually fit inside the main compartment. It will allow her to carry all her gym stuff without overpowering her. It would also work as an overnight bag for sleepovers.

The hardest part about working out at the gym is getting motivated. If you have got a cute gym bag, you are more likely to go to the gym. There are many types of gym bags, but this backpack style drawstring closure bag from Nike is perfect for most of us. It’s got a large single compartment with a divider inside. The zippered pocket on the side is great for storing your essentials. It has mesh air ventilation on the bottom that allows the bag to breathe.

Don’t head to the pool or beach without the Speedo Deluxe Ventilator Mesh bag. With a mesh design, this breathable bag is designed to carry wet clothes without worrying about making a huge mildew smelling mess. It has enough space and zippered pockets to hold all your gear. It’s got room for swim fins, a towel, swimsuit, shoes, and even has a water bottle compartment.

There are many different types of swim caps. Made out of silicone, this one from TYR is medium thickness and great for swim practice. It’s flexible and does a good job of keeping your hair dry. With vivid colors and a skull-like design, this one is cute and allows anyone to immediately recognize her in the pool.

There is nothing like listening to music while you are working out. If she loves running, there are various solutions that allow you hold your phone hands-free. You could strap it to your arm with an arm band or put it in your pocket, but the Tune Belt is a much more elegant solution.

After we get done exercising, most of us want to step into a freezer. Simply wrap this cooling towel around your neck to cool off more quickly. It is made of a special material that slows down the rate of evaporation when it is wet. La meilleure partie? Unlike other cooling towels, this one stays soft when it is dry. It will make you want to work out a little longer.

If she really wants to up her exercise game, she needs the Halo II sweatband. No matter how rigourously she is working out, this headband sucks up all the sweat on her forehead. The secret is the rubber strip on the inside which diverts the sweat away from her eyes and face.

Does you tween want to tone her arms and legs? Consider the ankle and wrist weights. The set includes two adjustable weights that can be strapped onto your wrists or ankles for toning purposes. They look great and work as expected.

Performing yoga exercises on the floor is a great workout, but it’s amazing that a huge, bouncy inflatable ball can take you exercise routine to a whole new level. Yoga balls help improve your posture, flexibility, and core strength. Available in different sizes and colors, this yoga ball from Trideer is built to last and can support up to 2200 pounds. La meilleure partie? It makes a great office chair too.

Does she love spending her time on fitness? Available in different colors, this mat from Sivan measures 72 inches by 24 inches. About 0.5 inches thick, it’s thick enough to give her the support she needs while she is exercising. It will cushion her knees and elbows when she is doing various stretches. When she is done, the mat rolls away and there is a convenient strap that allows her to tote it around anywhere.

This 9 foot low beam is great for young Olympians. That way she can practice her balancing skills at home. The coolest part? It folds in half so it can easily be stored away in a closet.

These 4 x 8 feet folding gym mats are perfect for tween girls. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better quality and more durable mat for a better price that can withstand frequent use. Girls will love these mats for exercise, gymnastics, cheerleading, and more.

Here’s a completely different way to do exercise – in the air! Instead of doing stretches on the ground, you perform the stretches in the air and you can even perform aerial tricks. Who wouldn’t love doing fun yoga poses in the air? Adding a whole new dimension to Yoga, it’s great for increasing flexibility and toning up your body. While it is great for exercising, it’s also just fun to swing in the hammock.

The Wilson Traditional Soccer Ball is an excellent classically styled ball. The ball is sturdy and built to last. Sizes 4 or 5 are perfect for tweens – girls ages 8 to 12. If she loves soccer, this is a perfect gift. It’s one of the best soccer balls at this price point.

Your future soccer star can build her skills with the SKLZ Star-Kick Free Solo Soccer Trainer. This set works with balls sized 3 to 5. The best part? Don’t worry about chasing the ball – there’s no need. Girls will be impressed by how much their shooting and passing skills improve.

The Franklin Sports Competition Soccer Goal is a great soccer goal. It’s easy to assemble and it’s a great value that holds up quite well. If she loves soccer, she’s sure to use it virtually every day. The goal measures 6 x 4 feet.

This Spalding NBA Street Basketball is perfect for street ball. It provides good grip and has good weight and feel to it. The ball bounces well and features a pink and purple color scheme tween girls will love.

The Lifetime Portable Basketball System is a high quality basketball hoop with an acrylic backboard that looks like glass. The hoop can grow with your tween girl – elevating from 8 to 10 feet. La meilleure partie? The hoop can withstand the harshest weather conditions Mother Nature can throw at it. For added stability, you can fill the base with sand or water.

According to Wilson’s recommended guidelines, tweens ages 11 and up should use either a 26-inch racket size for the best performance. Constructed of aluminum, the Wilson US Open Tennis Racket is both stylish and functional. The racket offers a great grip and tightly strung strings for great volleys, serves, and slams.

Made out Sensi-tec microfiber, this volleyball from Tachikara is perfect for recreational or professional games. Designed to be durable, it’s reinforced with resiin fiber so it has a soft and consistent feel. It’s available in many different colors, so she can easily find the volleyball on the court.

When you think about capture the flag, you think about running around in the day time. You can play the game in the night but it is a little hard to see what is going on. Enter Capture the Flag Redux. It’s capture the flag reinvented for the nighttime. Instead of a flag, teams try to capture the other team’s glowing orb. Each player wears a glow in the dark wristband, which lets people easily see what team they are on even in the dark.

A soccer ball that glows in the dark? Soccer balls are great, but there is something about a glow in the dark soccer ball that makes it an even more special gift. When she first sees this gift she might not think much of it. As soon as she kicks it around in the dark, she will think it is the best thing ever. La meilleure partie? Now soccer practice doesn’t have to stop just because it is dark outside.

My tween girl loves playing basketball. Too bad most of can’t have basketball court in our backyard, but this mini hoop from Spalding is the next best thing. It mounts over the door for some indoor fun. La meilleure partie? You can even play when it is raining outside.

Now you can turn your backyard into a playground with this slackline designed for beginners. Slacklining is the act of balancing on tightly anchored webbing between 2 trees. Once it is stretched out, it becomes as bouncy as a trampoline. This one comes with a teaching line which helps kids with their balance and proper form.

As seen on the hit show Shark Tank, Spikeball is a fantastic outdoor sports game. You’ll need two players on each team to play the game. It’s a game that any age girl can enjoy. La meilleure partie? Play everywhere from the beach to your backyard. It’s an addictive game she’ll love.

Tween girls are so full of energy. A trampoline is a great way for her to expend all her extra energy. This one from Skywalker contains a little basketball hoop inside so she can show off her basketball skills. Parents will love all the safety features and girls will love bouncing as high as they can on it.

There is something so fun about bouncing on a trampoline. This 15 foot trampoline from Zupapa features a safety enclosure, 108 galvanized rust resistant springs, and support beams, which give you an incredible bounce. All your friends are going to want to come over.

These LED lights go around your bike wheels, making them light up with a stunning ring of color. Not only do they make your wheels looks awesome, but they help keep you safe and seen at night. You will definitely have the coolest bike.

Have you ever wanted to perform tricks on your skateboard? It’s hard performing tricks on a skateboard because the board is always moving. SkateTrainers stretch over the wheels of your skateboard, which makes the wheels stationary. This makes it easier to perform tricks like ollies without worrying about the board moving underneath your feet. La meilleure partie? You don’t need to make any more trips to the hospital.

Razor scooters always make great gifts during Christmas. The original Razor scooter has always been a favorite. With larger wheels and an extendable handle bar, the Razor A5 scooter is built for tweens. The larger wheels mean that it is easier to go over bumps and cracks in the pavement.

If your daughter is begging for a new scooter for her Birthday or for Christmas, she will love this popular vintage looking scooter from Razor. Like a real Vespa scooter, it’s got a working brake and throttle. It zips around the neighborhood pretty fast with speeds up to 15MPH. Le seul problème? All the neighborhood kids are going to want one.

Is she a thrill seeker? For the girl who is looking for extreme fun, the Razor Ripstik is the perfect gift. Unlike a traditional skateboard, you don’t need to push off. Instead you wiggle back and forth on the board to make it go.

If she wants a skateboard, then get a Pennyboard. Available in many different styles, the Pennyboard is a shorter version of a traditional skateboard, which makes it perfect for beginners. Don’t forget to get a helmet, wrist guards, and elbow pads too.

Are you looking to feel something different? Forget skateboards! Longboards have longer decks than skateboards, which allow you to “surf” on the ground. With a 44 inch wide deck, this longboard from Quest is suitable for beginners and is easy to balance on. Made out of beautiful bamboo and maple wood, this is a board made for anybody who loves to cruise around. The combination of the woods means it is more durable than other boards. It’s a large board, but it also gives beginners room to grow.

Got an adventurous tween girl? The Swagtron Hoverboard is a safe and cool self-balancing hoverboard that cruises up to 7.5 miles per hour, delivering a smooth ride. The board supports riders up to 220 pounds and runs for about 8 miles on a single charge.

Hover boards are cool but wouldn’t it be cool if you could own a Segway? Now you can! With a wheeled platform and steering wheel, the Segway MiniPro is a lot of fun to ride. Before you can get started, you have to go through a tutorial that will teach you how to steer. Initially the speed is limited, but once it’s unlocked the board reaches a top speed of 10 MPH. While it’s not cheap, it’s a lot safer and easier to ride than a hover board.

Who wouldn’t want a new bike for Christmas? Bike riding is always an adventure. This adorable bike from Firmstrong is perfect for beginning riders or those who have just moved on from training wheels. The 20 inch wheels are perfect for girls up to 10 and the 24 inch wheels are perfect for older tween girls.

If she doesn’t already have a pogo stick, she will love bouncing on this pogo stick from Flybar. With a sturdy metal frame covered with foam, this pogo stick is ready for some bouncing action. The non slip foot pads help you stay in control while bouncing. Girls will love competing to see who can get the most bounces in a row.

Transform the backyard into your playground with the 90-foot Eagle Series Zipline Kit. Tweens who are adventurous will love the thrills and excitement of this zipline. La meilleure partie? The set is engineered of weather-resistant materials.

Ever since Taylor Swift Instagrammed her pool float, every tween girl has dreamed of having her own floatie. When it comes to lounging in the pool, what good be better than resting on a giant pizza slice? It even has 2 cup holders for storing drinks. All your friends will want one too and maybe you could connect them up to form a whole pizza.

Your next pool party just got a lot more exciting with this unicorn pool float. Not only is it cute and girly, but it is perfectly sized. It’s supports 500 pounds so it’s perfect for any tween girl. It’s the perfect way to spend a day in the sun.

Roller blading is a fast action sport all about speed, skill, and strategy. Put a smile on her face with these fashionable skates from Rollerblade, which are perfect for beginners. The coolest part? With 80mm wheels, great bearings, and a composite frame, it’s gives girls the support they need.

What’s more fun than ice skating at a local rink with friends during Christmas? There is nothing like flying across the ice so freely with only the sound of your blades. It makes you feel all Christmassy inside. With a gold stripe, these skates not only look pretty cool but are a great way to get started.
What tween girl doesn’t want to redecorate her bedroom? What’s popular? She will go crazy over anything emoji, mermaid, or unicorn related!

Here is a fun way for her to decorate her room. She probably has a ton of photographs of her friends. This photo display from Umbra allows her to hang up to 40 different photos with clothespin type clips. La meilleure partie? The clips make it easy to swap out the photos.

These Photo Clip Lights add a cool decorative touch to her room décor. Girls love hanging their favorite photos or artwork on the string of lights. It’s sure to be the center of attention. What a beautiful decoration for her room!

Constructed of metal, this highly attractive bulletin board would make a great addition to her room. The board measures 20.75″ x 15″ and can be mounted either horizontally or vertically. It’s a functional board that girls will love having in their rooms. It’s such a great value!

This Dry Erase Calendar Board is a practical gift idea for her room. She can keep track of all her events and never miss a date. The dry erase board erases easily and holds five weeks’ worth of information. She can even pin flyers onto the cork area of the board. The board measures 17″ x 23″ with an attractive black frame and the set includes a dry erase marker with eraser built into the cap.

Constructed of high quality metal, this black Wall Grid wall organizer is a stylish and classy way to decorate her room. The set comes with 2 grids but doesn’t include any of the accessories, which must be purchased separately. Each frame measures 25 L x 17 W inches.

The Pillowfort Circle Shelf is a very aesthetically pleasing golden tone metal shelf that would look perfect in your daughter’s room. She can use it to display a variety of things, showcasing her personality and what she likes. It features two shelves and is partitioned into three segments.

Available in many different color combinations, this felt letter board is so adorable. The white text on black really stands out. It is perfect for writing fun short quotes, reminders, or messages. It comes with a ton of different letters and symbols. It comes with 2 different sized letters. It is very easy to write out the words but you do have to take apart the letters when your first get it. It is the perfect prop for Instagram photos.

This lightbox would make a great addition to any girl’s room. She will love writing fun phrases on it like “I Love My BFF #Forever.” She can simply slide the included letters in the rails to create a different fun saying or inspirational quote on it every day.

A chalkboard? There is something about a chalkboard that makes you feel like kid again. With a wooden frame, this 20 X 30 inch chalkboard would make a great decorative piece to create a modern, rustic look in your room. It can be hung either vertically or horizontally. La meilleure partie? It comes with 10 brightly colored liquid chalk markers. She will love writing down messages, reminders, and fun quotes.

There are a ton of stars in the sky and they never line up exactly the same way. Now you can get a snapshot of how the sun, stars, and planets were aligned on the night that she was born with this custom star map. Simply include the date, time, and location of the event. You can even add a custom quote. The star map is printed on 100% cotton based paper. She is going to want to frame and hang this thoughtful gift up on the wall.

Posters and wall art is cute but this 90 X 90 inch bohemian inspired wall cotton tapestry is even cuter. With blue and white mandala designs, it is an inexpensive way to create a stunning impact in your room.

Say good bye to nightmares and make your room Instagram-worthy with this beautiful dream catcher. According to ancient history, dream catchers are designed to catch bad dreams. Children hung them over beds while they slept. Shaped like a circle, this dream catcher is handmade and is decorated with colorful feathers, ribbons, and yarns of different lengths. Hang it over your bed, and make your sweet dreams come true!

Every girl needs a fun quote in their room that defines who they are or an inspirational quote. Because this one can be personalized, you can choose your favorite quote and hang it on the wall. Not only does this one come framed, but it comes inside a transparent case, which creates a floated look. You can choose the justification and it’s available in two sizes 8X10 inches and 11X14 inches.

Cube storage is a great way to store things. These DIY storage cubes allow a lot of flexibility when it comes to layout. It comes with enough connecters and materials to make 9 cubes. La meilleure partie? It is expandable. The clear mesh design allows you to easily see inside each shelving unit. While each cube has a weight limit of 33 pounds, you can use them to store everything from books to shoes.

Bare walls are boring. Neon signs are no longer only for just reserved for the Vegas strip and your local diner. The hottest new piece of home decor is a neon sign. Neon signs are super trendy right now and you can find all different types to put in your room. We love this glowing hot pink one that says Love, but there are so many signs to choose from.

Lava lamps are always a cool gift, but this Jelly Fish lamp is so much cooler. It has always been fascinating to watch jelly fish swim in the sea. Imagine you could bottle them up and stick them in a lamp! Lighthead has somehow found a way to mimic the appearance and movement of Jellyfish artificially. La meilleure partie? It is just as mesmerizing.

This mermaid pillow is beautiful and stylish and is sure to get a ton of compliments from friends and family. Tween girls will love adding these quality pillows to their rooms as it really makes it sparkle.

Not only does this decorative Mongolian Faux Fur Pillow look great, but also it offers great comfort. It’s soooo soft, fluffy and feels heavenly and she won’t have a bad conscience.

Does she like reading, doing her homework, or watching TV in bed? Forget propping pillows up to support your body. Instead, she will love this comfy back pillow. Covered in a soft shaggy material, it’s comfortable and comes in fun colors.

There is no better way to personalize your room than with a pillow shaped like your initial. Filled with microbeads, this fleece backed pillow is soft and squishy. It would look wonderful on your daughter’s bed.

If your tween girl is anything like ours, she will go crazy for these iScream Pillows. Who doesn’t love a comfy pillow especially if it’s shaped like her favorite candy treat? Filled with microbeads, these pillows can be found in so many fun shapes like donuts, ice scream, cookies, cupcakes, and more.

She probably keeps in touch with her friends by texting them. You can do a lot with Emojis. You can make all sorts of faces with them. Now you can get these cool faces in pillow form. This cute poop one is one of our favorite Emjois on the phone. It’s just as fun as a pillow

We all know that girls love sleeping. There is nothing like curling up with a good body pillow. A full length body pillow about the size of an adult, this is the ultimate pillow. You will have to wrestle your tween out of bed.

Nobody likes neck pain. Everybody sleeps in a different way but one of the best ways to improve your position is with a high quality pillow. Memory foam pillows provide great comfort for the neck. Made of bamboo and polyester, this pillow has just the right amount of firmness to provide neck and shoulder support. La meilleure partie? You will have your best sleep of your life.

A lamp that is also an organizer? This stylish LED Desk Lamp is perfect for providing lighting in her room while fitting in nicely with most décor. The coolest part? It’s also an organizer. You can fill it with stationary or even bedside cosmetics. How’s that for multitasking? There’s even a handy plug for charging all her devices.

Does your daughter love unicorns? Here’s a fun 3 x 5 inch Be A Unicorn box sign constructed of high quality wood. The box sign can stand on a tabletop or it can also be hung on the wall. It’s safe to say unicorn lovers will love this adorable room décor.

It’s hard choosing the perfect gift, but a personalized gift is always guaranteed to put a big smile on her face. This Monogrammed initial is perfect if you are looking for a gift for her room. Along with choosing the initial, you can customize everything from the size to the color to make it an even more thoughtful gift. As soon as she hangs it up in her room, she is going to want to post it up on Social Media for her friends to see.

Available in many fun shapes and letters, this rustic Marquee sign actually lights up. We like the one that spells out love. It’s such an uplifting word that will brighten up any girl’s day. It’s such a lovely gift that she will fall in love with.

This Natural Himalayan Hand-Carved Salt Lamp is a lovely decorative piece for your tween girl’s room. The lamp emits a warm orange glow that sets a relaxing mood. Girls will love the dimming feature. The lamp is made of 100% Himalayan salt and the base is constructed from Indian rosewood.

This has got to be one of the strangest products ever created. It’s a night light . . . for your toilet. The coolest part? Since it is motion activated, it automatically turns on when you enter the bathroom and turns off when you leave. You never have to worry about finding the toilet seat in the dark again.

Brighten up your home décor with these decorative LED lights featuring 100 LED lights on a 33 foot long string. It’s perfect for creating an inviting and cheerful atmosphere for guests. La meilleure partie? They are energy efficient and don’t get too hot to the touch even after several hours of use.

These marquee letters would be super cool for any tween girl to decorate her room. She can spell her name, spell her favorite word, or just put up her initial. It would look great on a bookshelf.

You have probably seen these gorgeous lighted Mason Jars all over Instagram. These string lights turn any empty Mason jar or bottle into a lighted lamp. It comes in a 6 pack. La meilleure partie? You can really get creative with them and use them for all sorts of lighting projects around your room from lighting plants to bottles.

What girl wouldn’t want this chandelier in her room? Made out of acrylic, it looks like it is made out of expensive crystals or glass when it is hung. Available it multiple colors, it adds so much of elegance and luxuriousness to your tween girl’s bedroom. La meilleure partie? You just hang it and plug it in if you don’t need it professionally installed.

Is she still obsessed with being a princess? This canopy is great way for her to fancy up her room, making her room feel like a princess castle room. It comes with everything you need to hang it. She will love sleeping inside the “princess” tent.

Add a chic shaggy faux fur throw blanket to your tween girl’s room. This throw is incredibly soft and cozy and it has a luxurious look and feel. La meilleure partie? This fuzzy throw doesn’t shed and it is machine washable. Girls will fall in love with this cute and fuzzy throw.

Tween girls will absolutely love this faux fur decorative shaggy area rug. The rug measures 2 x 3 feet and adds a luxurious feel to her room. She can have a classy look without having a bad conscience. La meilleure partie? This won’t shed and it’s machine washable.

If she loves soft fuzzy things, the Linon Flokati Foot Stool is a wonderful addition to your tween girl’s room, adding a dash of fun to the room’s décor. It comes in soft white or black faux Flokati varieties. It’s the perfect size and girls will love this cute stool.

Even a simple bed skirt can totally transform the look of your bed and room. Not only does it dress up your bed, it’s practical too because it helps to minimize the dust that collects under the bed and hides whatever is under the bed. We like the look of this ruffled one, which is simple but classy at the same time. It’s offered in different colors to match the decor in the room.

How adorable is this crocheted mermaid tail blanket? Not only is this mermaid tail blanket cute, it will keep her feet warm on a chilly winter night. There is a slit in the back of the blanket that allows you to easily pull the blanket around your legs. Finally she can be the “Little Mermaid.”

Who doesn’t love their bed? It should be the coziest place in your room. The easiest way to refresh the theme of a room is with a nice duvet cover. This fluffy white one really gives the room a happy vibe that tween girls will love and is reasonably priced. Available in multiple sizes, it is filled with polyester.

Do you want to sleep like a baby? Recently weighted blanket have become extremely popular. They are supposed to reduce stress and improve sleep. This one from YnM is very affordable compared to other brands. By applying weighted pressure to the body at night, it can help calm and relax the body. The result is that you can sleep faster and get a good night’s sleep. It’s like getting a never-ending hug all night long.

Most of us spend a lot of our day in bed. There is nothing better the snuggling in bed with comfortable bed sheets. Made out of 100 percent polyester, these microfiber bed sheets come in over 30 colors so you can find the set that matches her room decor. The sheets are soft and have a silky feel to them. Each set contains 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, and one pillowcase.

Personalized bedding can make a great gift for the tween girl that wants to give her room a personal touch. We all take photos to preserve memories. It doesn’t get more personal than a blanket filled with a collage of pictures of her. You can choose the material and even design. It’s a gift that she will never forget.

What would happen if you turned your favorite sweater into a knitted blanket? Made out 100% merino wool, these giant oversized knit blankets are really trendy right now. Because they are as cozy as a sweater, they are perfect for the winter. If you have giant knitting needles, you can make your own or you can take the easy way and buy one but they are ridiculously expensive.

Finally there is an elegant way to store your jewelry with this wall mountable mirror that doubles as a jewelry cabinet. It can be mounted on a wall or door. Inside it has drawers, compartments, shelves, and hooks to store and organize all types of jewelry from rings to necklaces. Le seul problème? She will want to buy more jewelry to fill it up.

This portable laptop lap desk is stylish and functional. It has a solid surface for your laptop and serves as a barrier between your lap and the laptop so you don’t have to worry about lap burns. It actually feels quite comfy on your legs. It is compact and lightweight plus you can easily carry it around from room to room with the carrying handle. If you have a smaller laptop there is even ample space to take notes or use a mouse. The lap desk measures 23 L x 15 3/4 W x 2.5 H inches.

Everybody wants one of these old fashioned alarm clocks, which are so Tumblry. When the hammer strikes the twin bells, this one is guaranteed to get you out of bed in the morning. It’s the closest thing to pouring freezing water over your face or shocking you with electricity.

Founded in Canada, Umbra is known for its modern decor. There are ton of picture frames but Umbra’s spin on the classical photo frame is unique, clean, and modern. Not only can you put it on a table top, but also you can mount it on the wall.

During Christmas, I get so many Christmas cards that I don’t know what to do with them. La meilleure partie? It can hold just about anything you can think of. This photo holder is such a neat way to display photos, notes, or cards on your desk. The photos simply clip onto the stand, making it such a pretty centerpiece.

Plants can brighten up even the dullest room. Finally, there is plant for those of us who forget to water our plants. Because they originated in desert areas, succulents can survive for a long time without water. They are a great way to liven up any room with a bit of color and life. These ones come in all gift packaging.

I think a nice set of different sized frames can totally transform a room. I like these ones with a clean solid black frame around them. All you have to do is put your favorite pictures, paintings, artwork, or quotes in them and you can instantly make a collage of frames on your wall.

Does she have beautiful keepsakes that she wants to share with everybody? With a gorgeous black frame, this gorgeous shadowbox gives an extra dimension to whatever is displayed inside. It’s perfect for displaying concert tickets, pictures, or anything else with special meaning.

If she is your best friend, you don’t have to spend a lot to give her a meaningful gift. Find the cutest 4X6 photo of you and her and stick it inside this gorgeous glass frame. It couldn’t be easier to stick the picture inside because there is a pocket on the back. The outer frame is made out of glassed and looks classy with the word “Friends” sprinkled all over it. It’s a gift that she will always remember when she looks at the photo.

There is nothing more essential than having a nightstand next to your bed. It holds your clock, photo frames, books, and everything you need to go to bed. If you don’t have room for a standard nightstand, this floating shelf is a great alternative. Clamping onto the side of your bed frame, it can support up the 15 pounds.

This fabric drawer from ClosetMaid is a cute way to stay organized. They work well in on cubeical organizers. The drawer measures 11 H x 10 1/4 W x 10 1/4 D inches.

This over the door hook organizer rack from DecoBros is a great solution for girls who could use extra hanging space. It features a stylish and modern chrome finish that will fit in nicely with most room décor. The rack has 11 hooks for hanging coats, bags, backpacks, towels, bathrobes and more. The organizer rack measures 11.25 H x 17 W x 4.25 D inches. La meilleure partie? It’s sturdily designed and doesn’t interfere with the door opening or closing.

Every girl needs a clothing rack. Most of us don’t have enough of room in our closet to hang up all of our clothes. This one not only looks great, but it’s a fun way to display the clothing you are going to be wearing throughout the week.

Downsizing your closet got a little easier! All of us dream of having a big closet, but most of us have live with what we have, which is not much. If you have a lot of lightweight tees and skirts, these Wonder Hangers can free up a lot more closet space. Each Wonder Hanger can hold up to 10 pieces of clothing in a pyramid fashion. It’s great for keeping your clothes organized and wrinkle free. You can get them in either plastic or metal.

If you are like us, you are always trying to find out how to store more clothes in your closet. Unfortunately, you can only hang so many clothes on hangers. This specially designed hanger can hold up to 8 different clothing items at once. It works best with tank tops, camis, bras, dresses, and bathing suits. It’s also perfect for hanging jewelry. La meilleure partie? It saves so much of space.

Does your underwear and socks drawer look like a haphazard mess of rolled up clothes? Now you can organize your bras and underwear with this drawer organizer. The organizer has flexible dividers that are perfect for storing bras, socks, and underwear. They make it super easy to stay organized. Your underwear drawer can finally look as organized as your favorite lingerie store.

Looking for a good shoe rack for your tween daughter? This 3-Tier Resin Slat Utility Shoe Rack is one of the best-selling shoe racks that’s attractive and functional. On each of the tiers it can accommodate about nine pairs of shoes. The shoe rack is durably designed with an iron frame and composite resin wood and it’s easy to assemble. The design and espresso finish will fit in nicely with most room décor. The shoe rack measures 27 W x 19 1/4 H x 12 3/4 D inches.

Nobody loves laundry day but it’s just one of those thing we have to do. If you don’t have a lot of space in your room, this hanging laundry bag can free up so much of space. Made out of cotton canvas, it comes with two stainless steels hooks that are used to hang it over a door. La meilleure partie? There is a zip on the underneath that allows you to dump out the contents more quickly.

Do you have shoes and clothes lying all over your room? Made of cotton canvas, these hanging closet shelves are a great way to get organized. With the cedar wood system, it is very sturdy and won’t fall apart when you load the shelves with heavy sweaters or shoes.

Okay we know we are all grown up but who can resist a teddy bear that is bigger than you. This is not the teddy bear we grew up with. This 5 foot teddy bear is ready to give lots of hugs and is a perfect way to decorate a room.

Ottomans are not only great for additional storage, but great for extra seating. Covered in faux leather, this ottoman from Songmics looks very elegant. It’s super easy to build and easily collapses. Inside there is a ton of storage space and a divider that allows you to easily organize your stuff into 2 compartments.

One of the easiest ways to lighten up any room is with transparent furniture. Made of acrylic, this transparent and colorless office chair can add a lot of depth to any room. It is an interesting piece because only the top is transparent and the bottom is like a regular chair. It helps the chair blend around with its surroundings, making the entire room look more airy and spacious.

Who wouldn’t want a desk chair that is as comfortable as their bed? Made of vinyl, this unique shaped swivel chair looks stylish in any girl’s room. La meilleure partie? She will actually want to do her homework in it.

I think a fuzzy chair would be so cute in any room. There is something about a fuzzy chair that is so inviting. I saw one at Pottery Barn that was super expensive, but I think this Tiffany chair with faux fur looks like it was fit for a queen too. I think it would make a great makeup chair or dream desk chair.

Every tween girl needs a spot in her room where she can just relax and chill out reading a book, listening to music, hanging out with friends, or playing a videogame. What could be more inviting than a furry bean bag chair? It’s furry, super girly, and comfy. Le seul problème? When her friends come over, they will all want to sit in it. . . en même temps.

Everybody needs a comfy spot in their room to read and play games. Made with bungee cords, this upholstered bungee chair is a great way to add additional seating to your room without taking up too much room. Supporting up to 225 pounds, its ability to stretch a bit allows you to bounce around in the chair. La meilleure partie? It can easily folded away when not in use and can easily be moved around.

You always want to keep your room comfortable and inviting so it is important to have good seating. Who knew that a butterfly chair could be so stylish? This compact butterfly chair has been designed for small rooms and spaces. The foldable metal frame means that it is easy to put under the bed or tucked away when it is not in use. With its tufted look, saucer shape, and cute color, it has a sophisticated and lavish look. Throw a cute pillow on it to complete its look.

Why do you need a real bed when you can have a pillow bed? It comes with only the cover so you have to put 5 pillows inside. It makes this one long pillow bed, which is so fun to sleep on when friends come over. This one is a blue polka dotted one, but there are several different designs. It’s available in two different sizes: queen and king.

This freestanding floor mirror features a classy and stylish design that’s is very functional. Girls will love it because they can check out their overall appearance in any outfit. La meilleure partie? There is no assembly required. The mirror measures 14 7/8 W x 59 H x 15 1/4 D.

Do you have a small room? How cool is this floating desk? Not only does it look modern, it saves a ton of space. It keeps the entire space under the desk looking clean, which gives you a ton of leg room. The desk is perfect for doing homework or using as a laptop desk.

One of the easiest ways to get a bedroom worthy of Instagram is with a cute tufted headboard. Now it doesn’t have to cost a lot. This one has a chic style that will completely transform your bedroom design. Designed to fit most bed frames, it has adjustable holes so it can be adjusted to your bed’s height. Just add a bed skirt and everybody will envy your room.
Does she love video games? These video games are fun for the whole family.

Bring home the classic arcade action of Pac-Man with this miniature arcade game. This arcade features an authentic and faithful recreation of the original Pac-Man arcade game, complete with decals and gameplay. There’s even mini joysticks and buttons so you can play until your heart’s content without worrying about poppin’ another quarter. Perfect gift for gamers.

The 90s have called and the golden age of gaming returns! Take a trip down memory lane with this remake of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. This miniature version of the SNES comes loaded with some of the best games ever created, including Super Mario World, Zelda, and Super Mario Kart. There are 21 different pre-loaded games to play, including Star Fox 2, which is playable for the first time ever. Now you’re playing with Super Power!

Back in the 1980s, the original Nintendo Entertainment System was one of the most popular systems. Now Nintendo has shrunken the videogame console into a palm sized version that is preloaded with 30 of the most popular Nintendo games. It is a great way for tween girls to relieve the fun of yesteryear.

The Nintendo Switch is the hottest new game system that allows tween girls to play their favorite Nintendo games anywhere. She can play on the TV or on the go. The cool part is you can easily ‘Switch’ between the two modes like magic. The Switch was designed to play together with family and friends. It has one of the best games libraries ever and it keeps getting better. Are you ready to make the Switch?

Not only does the Nintendo 3DS allow girls to play cool Nintendo games, but girls can also enjoy eye popping 3D depth effects without 3D glasses. For space fans, this year there is galaxy themed system.

Imagine buillding and owning your own arcade cabinet of Street Fighter II. That’s exactly what you get with this cabinet from Arcade 1Up. Relive the glory days of arcade gaming and engage in classic Street Fighter competition in the pleasure of your home for a fraction of other arcade cabinets. La meilleure partie? No quarters are required, so play on! This arcade features 3 games: Street Fighter II: Champion Edition, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers, and Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Invite your friends over and see who’s the real champ.

This Xbox One S plays all of the coolest games. In addition to games, the console also plays Blu-ray movies and streams video from your favorite streaming services from Netflix to Amazon Prime and more.

Designed for gamers who want the very best looking games, Microsoft’s new Xbox is the most powerful video game machine ever built. That power comes at a hefty price and is really only designed for gamers that have a 4K HDTV. It plays the same games as the Xbox One, but the graphics are much crisper with the latest whizz bang effects.

The PS4 Slim is the most popular home game console this generation. This Slim edition is lighter than the regular PS4 and features 1 TB of storage for saving tons of digital games. The PS4 also plays Blu-ray movies and boasts a strong library of games for tween girls.

Many people are calling this the year of Virtual Reality. The Playstation VR headset takes immersion to a whole new level. If you have already got a Playstation 4, you can take advantage of the headset. When you put the headset on, it allows you to look around inside of the game world. Le seul problème? C'est cher. You will need a Playstation Camera and the Move controllers along with the headset.

If you don’t know what to get your Playstation Gamer, get them a Playstation Store gift card. After redeeming the card by entering the code on the card, your gamer can then buy whatever game that they like from the digital store where Sony frequently runs promotions and discounts. It also means that you don’t need credit card information to make purchases on the store.

If you don’t know what to get your Xbox Gamer, get them an Xbox Store gift card. After redeeming the card by entering the code on the card, your gamer can then buy whatever game that they like from the digital store where Microsoft frequently runs promotions and discounts. It also means that you don’t need credit card information to make purchases on the store.

If you don’t know what to get your Nintendo Gamer, get them a Nintendo eShop Store gift card. After redeeming the card by entering the code on the card, your gamer can then buy whatever game that they like from the digital store where Nintendo frequently runs promotions and discounts. It also means that you don’t need credit card information to make purchases on the store.

Pokémon is one of the most popular properties. There are trading cards, movies, TV shows, and video games. Now Pokémon is coming to the Nintendo Switch. There are actually two different versions: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go Eevee! Taking a cue from Pokémon Go, the game makes players flick the joystick at the monsters. There is even a Poke Ball coming. Will you be able to catch them all?

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate feels like a museum designed to celebrate itself. The game boasts every playable character in the series’ history plus a couple new ones for over 65 characters in its roster. Ridley will finally make his way into the game after popular demand and even Snake will be making a return. There will be a mix of old and new levels. Featuring perfect shields, a short hop, and the return of directional air dodges, it’s aiming to be a robust competitive experience. Fans can expect a faster, more technical game than ever.

Super Mario Odyssey is one of the top system-selling games for the Switch. Join Mario on his latest and greatest 3D adventure with new special powers and worlds to explore. The game will feature the beloved sandbox gamplay made famous by Mario 64 and will even feature classic 2D Mario gameplay that’s sure to satisfy long-time fans.

Super Mario Party is headed to Nintendo Switch. The game will feature fun mini games and new boards to keep things interesting and competitive. What’s cool? There’s an innovative new system allowing you to pair two Switches to play certain games. The game will feature online play as well as leaderboards. Get your friends together for some great party fun!

Captain Toad is a Mario spinoff game starting Captain Toad. Because Toad can’t jump, this is a very different game from the Mario series. Each level is a puzzle area where players must locate all the gold stars. Players will have to spin the camera around to search the world’s nooks and crannies for secrets. It’s a relaxing and fun experience that offers something different than Mario. This little puzzle game is perfectly suited for the Nintendo Switch or Nintendo 3DS.

Cooking in a videogame? Overcooked 2 is like a super version of Overcooked with more kitchens, chefs, recipes, and new mechanics. Now you can even throw raw ingredients and there are more dynamic levels to make things more interesting. Get a bunch of friends together and it is a recipe for multiplayer fun.

Minecraft is one of the most popular games of our generation. What makes it so fun? It’s the closest thing to a digital box of Lego where to only limit is your tween girl’s imagination. What will she build?

Does your tween girl love adventures? If so, she’ll love The Legend of Zelda as players embark on an epic adventure with a fascinating narrative. She’ll be hooked on this masterpiece that delivers a truly amazing experience. The game features mild animated violence and players will cook, hunt, explore, and solve puzzles and more. La meilleure partie? The game is more accessible than ever before. It’s a landmark game that you won’t want to miss!

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the best Mario Kart game in the series. It’s loaded with more characters, tracks, and modes than any other Mario Kart and it’s a pure blast to play with family and friends. Trust us, you’ve never had this much fun before! It’s a fantastic game for all ages and skill levels. La meilleure partie? Even if you’re new the series there’s a mode that makes it accessible to all players. Gear up for a wonderful time!

Call Of Duty is probably one of the most popular games with this age group. The game is rated M so expect a lot of gory violence and strong language with guns, grenade launchers, and other weapons. Gamers are thrown into the role of a soldier that basically finds an excuse to blow things up, smash things, and take control of enemies.

Does your tween girl love music and dancing? Just Dance is always a favorite. This game combines the latest music with awesome dance moves. It’s fun to compete with friends to see who can score the highest score. La meilleure partie? It’s great exercise.

If you don’t know what to get your Playstation gamer, get her a subscription to Playstation Plus. Even if she already has it, a new subscription will just extend her current one. Along with the ability to play online, it comes with other perks like a couple of free games every month. It’s a good way to try out new games every month.

If you don’t know what games to get the Xbox gamer in your life, get her an Xbox Live Gold subscription. This service is stackable so even if she already has it, the subscription will just stack on top. Not only will it allow her to play online, but Microsoft gives out a couple of free games every month.

With Xbox Game Pass, your tween can get his game on with hundreds of games to play on Xbox One. This digital code gives you an all-access pass for 6 months. La meilleure partie? Play some of the latest games like Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Forza, and more! It’s an unbeatable value for the price of a single game.

Nintendo has a new dedicated online service that is for the Nintendo Switch. In order to play against friends, you will need a Nintendo Switch Online Membership. The service launches in September 2018 and also gives you access to a few NES titles every month. La meilleure partie? It is way cheaper than the Playstation and Xbox. There is even a family play that supports up to 8 people.
Let her take these board games to her next sleepover party and they are likely to bit the hit of the party.

In this hilarious game, players are outfitted with mouth retractors and are asked to say over 1000 phrases like “Bob plays Bingo With Popcorn and Pineapple”. Your team will have to guess what you are saying. Le seul problème? Everything will come out slurred thanks to the mouth retractors. Be warned non-stop laughter will ensue.

You don’t have to worry about kittens getting hurt with this funny card game. In this game, the idea is to avoid the exploding kitten card. If you draw the card, you are out of the game. The twist? There are other cards in the deck that allow you to manipulate the deck so you can avoid the exploding kitten card.

From the name of the game, you don’t even need to know what this game is about. How fast can you think? In 5 Second Rule, you have to name three things in a category or 3 types of things like cars, sports, or pets. The catch? You have 5 seconds to name the things before time runs out.

Are you ready for some old fashioned hilarious fun? Taboo is a fun word game that is played in teams of 2 or more. The object is the get your team to guess as many words on your cards before time runs out. The twist? There are certain words that you can’t use because they are “Taboo.”

It’s Cards Of Humanity for kids with kid-friendly content. With non stop hilarious content, this game is the perfect game for slumber parties. In each round, a card is drawn that asks a fill in the blank question like “The teacher bent over and we saw ___________?” Girls are supposed to answer with the funniest answer. La meilleure partie? It’s family friendly with a little bit of edginess.

Apples to Apples is the perfect game to play when friends are over. Girls will love taking turns to be the judge. In each round the judge deals a card with a one word description like Smelly. The other players have pick the one card in their hand that best matches the card like “rotten eggs”, “socks”, or “people”. The fun part is convincing the judge your answer is the best.

From the creators of Exploding Kittens comes another hilarious game. In game, there are two types of card: bears and babies. Players must build bears to destroy an army of babies. In the deck, there are different body parts. You connect them to form a monster. You can create everything from a owl wearing underpants to a grizzly bear who is also a taco. The object of the game is to eat the most babies. It’s a game that plays as silly as it sounds.

Who isn’t obsessed with Unicorns? Started on Kickstarter, Unstable Unicorns is a card game that raised an ungodly amount of money. In Unstable Unicorns, you must build a unicorn army. The player that is the first to collect seven unicorns in their hand is the winner, but thanks to the “Neigh” cards there are numerous obstacles in your way. It’s much a game of strategy as it is a game of betrayal. Add rainbows and a little sparkle to your game night.

Can you keep a “sea”cret? From the creators of Exploding Kittens comes a new board game called You’ve Got Grabs. This is the family friendly game for kids over 7. Played in teams of 2, this game combines crabs with deception. The game is super simple: Before starting, you and your teammate must come up with a secret signal. You must collect 4 of the same card and secretly notify your partner. Your teammate must then yell “You’ve got crabs.” The catch? If the other team finds out and yells “You’ve Got Crabs” your team loses.

Setup like a spy thriller, Codenames is an inventive word game that is played with two teams. The idea is to use a one word clue and a number that describes a bunch of other words. An example would be: pets, 2. So your team would have to find 2 pets among the group of cards. It sounds simple but it requires a lot of strategy.

A board game based on squishies? In Sculptapalooza, you roll a dice to decide what object you are going to sculpt. Then you sculpt the object out of the squishy foam. The twist? There are several different challenges like sculpting with your eyes closed, on your face, or using it as a prop. It’s sort of like Pictionary with squishy fun.

Got a tween girl who’s obsessed with Harry Potter? She may love Uno Harry Potter, a new card game. It’s a great form of entertainment and an interesting twist on the classic Uno formula. Family game night will never be the same!

Do you love horror movies? In this horror themed board game, you and your friends will explore a spooky house on the hill. Players explore the house by flipping cards, which leads to the discovery of omens and the eventual “haunt.” While everybody goes together, one of your friends will betray you during the haunt. That’s when everything goes to disarray and you have to try to escape from the house. It’s a unique twist on the classic cooperative game.

When In Rome is the world’s first Alexa-powered board game. Alexa serves as the host and pilot in this travel trivia game. The goal is to fly around the map and meet various city locals. You confer with your teammates on the answers to various questions and win points if you guess correctly. Best of all, you’ll learn so much while having loads of fun traveling the world. It’s really a special experience you don’t want to miss.

In “Say Anything,” speaking your mind is encouraged to win. Every round someone plays the judge. By drawing from a deck, the judge asks a question like “What’s the funniest movie of all time?” All of the players write down an answer and the judge picks her favorite response. Then players try to guess which answer the judge chose. The player that guesses correctly wins the point.

How well do you think you know your friends? In the Game Of Things, a funny topic card is chosen like “Things people do when nobody is looking.” Everybody writes down a response. The fun part? You have to guess who wrote down what. It’s a great game to play with a group of friends.

A game of deception and deduction, One Night Werewolf is a simple party game that takes only 10 minutes to play. At the start, players are dealt a secret role from a basic villager to a werewolf. The goal of the game is to find out who is the secret werewolf. Each role has a different ability that helps to uncover clues. When it goes dark, meaning players close their eyes, everybody will perform a task based on their role. Then everyone has to work together to choose the werewolf, but you don’t know who is telling the truth so expect to lose a couple of friends.

Sushi Go has been updated with more cards to support up to 8 players at once. The idea of the game is to pick a card and pass the rest of the cards to the player beside you. Each card you grab is sort of like grabbing a food item on a conveyor belt. Different combinations of cards are worth a different amount of points. The idea is score the highest amount of points with your combination of cards.

Similar to Pandemic, Forbidden Island is a cooperative game that uses a lot of the same mechanics. Because it is simpler and on a smaller scale, it is a good game to play before playing Pandemic. In Forbidden Island, players must work together to recover artifacts and escape on a helicopter before the island sinks. As the game reaches its conclusion, it gets more and more tense.

This is a fantastic cooperative game. The idea of the game is to cure the different diseases that are spreading across the world that could cause a Pandemic. Each player has a different role which gives them special powers. The only way to win is stop all four diseases by working together.

Ticket to Ride is one of the top selling board games for ages 8 and older. It’s a popular specialty game with tons of replay value. Will you be the one to travel to the most cities in just 7 days? Get ready for the cross-country train adventure of your life in a winner-takes-all competition!

In Settlers Of Catan, you will have to manage your resources to take control over an island. On each roll of the dice, you will get different resources and will have to trade and use them wisely to build out your civilization.

The game of Suspend will keep girls teetering on the edge of their seats. Using game rods, you have to try and balance them without knocking over the entire structure. One wrong move and it could all come crashing down! If it gets knocked down on your turn, you lose. It’s a fun game that will delight all ages.

Monopoly is a classic property trading game that has captivated millions of families. Experience one of the world’s best board games and see for yourself what all the excitement is all about. Sure to be a family favorite for family game night.

Scrabble is a timeless classic letter tile game where you need to create words and maximize our points to win. It’s a great game to have in your collection because it’s great family fun!

Reverse Charades gets everyone involved in the action for more fun! A team does the acting while one of the players attempts to guess what it is. Given one minute, your team has to act out as many words as you can guess! Are you ready to have a blast?

Imagine Twister with twice the number of spots and a bigger mat. That’s Twister Ultimate. It’s Twister to the next level. It’s as fun to watch as it is to play. Great family fun!

Featured on The Ellen Show, 5 Second Rule is a fast-paced game where players have five seconds to spit out three answers. For instance, name 3 breeds of dogs. As the answers are fired out, don’t be surprised if she bursts out into laughter. Awesome fun for the whole family!

Almost everyone has played the game of Telephone. This is Telphone sketched out! In this award-winning party game, 4-6 players sketch, pass, and guess the drawn image. Be prepared for LOL fun for the whole family!

Who doesn’t love bouncing balls? In this friendly competition, girls compete to see who can bounce their balls into the grid to create the pattern on the card. It is even more fun when played with teams of 2. It’s like beer pong for kids.

In HedBandz, tween girls stick a picture on their head with the included headband and have to try to guess what it is by asking everybody else questions like “Am I cooked,” “Am I an animal,” and so forth. The catch? They will have to do guess it before time runs out.

Do you love Pictionary? We have all seen games where you have to draw pictures and get your team guess what you drew. This game adds a fun twist. Kids have to wear glasses that distort their vision.

In this party game, players have to answer trivia questions The answers are always numbers. The twist? Getting the right answer isn’t the objective. Players win by betting on the best answer.

In this maze game, the objective is to collect all of your treasures and get back home. The twist? With each turn, you have to shift the maze so that you can get your treasures. Le seul problème? Other players will also be shifting the maze to get their treasures, blocking your path. Will you get out of the labyrinth first?

In Sushi Go, you are at a Sushi Restaurant with a conveyor belt. Different dishes pass you. The idea is to pick the best combination of dishes, scoring the most points. In the game, players are dealt a hand. They have to pick one card with a dish on it and pass the cards to the players on their left. This is continued until all the cards are done. At the end, your combination of dishes is scored.
There is nothing better than hanging out and watching movies together with friends and family.

Here is a great gift for the movie fan of your life that is notoriously hard to shop for. This list contains 100 of the must see movies of all time. Once she watches a movie, there is nothing more satisfying than scratching it off. It’s a good reason to have a movie night every week. In addition to a movie list, there is also an album and places list.

Our Christmas list wouldn’t be complete without Home Alone. Kevin and his family are all set to take a Holiday vacation to Paris. The night before Kevin wishes his family would just disappear. Kevin soon learns that you must be careful what you wish for. When Kevin’s family accidentally leaves him behind, he must protect his house from two bumbling burglars. The classic can be watched over and over.

Will Ferrell plays an overgrown child named Buddy in this Christmas classic. Throughout his whole life, Buddy has been raised as an elf in the North Pole. The only thing he knows about are about are candy canes and gifts. He begins to realize he is a different. In search of his true identity, he leaves the North Pole, moving to New York. Will he be able to survive with the humans as an elf?

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is a Christmas classic. With a ton of slapstick comedy, this movie is beyond stupid. The Griswalds are preparing for the best Christmas ever, but everything goes wrong. Instead of going on vacation, the Griswalds are spending Christmas at home with the entire family. Expect a lot of sexual references and coarse language. If you are spending Christmas with the Griswalds be prepared for a lot of dysfunction.

“You’ll poke your eye out.” It’s hard to believe that “A Christmas Story” has been released over 30 years ago. Today, it has become a Christmas classic. At one time or another, we have all wanted something for Christmas. In “A Christmas Story” Ralphie only wants one thing for Christmas, a Red Rider Air Rifle. He’ll have to convince everybody including Santa Clause that it’s a suitable gift for a 9 year old boy. Because we all lived the life of Ralphie, it’s a movie that everybody can relate to. Surprisingly, the movie does contain a fair amount of swearing.

Taking place 70 years before the events of Harry Potter, this movie stars Newt Scamander. After the beasts escapes from his suitcase in New York City, Newt must recover them. Written by J.K. Rowling, this imaginative movie somehow lives up to Harry Potter’s amazing legacy.

If she has never watched Star Wars, the Complete Saga is the perfect gift. It contains all the movies in the original trilogy and the prequel. Back when they were released, these science fiction moves completely transformed the industry. With some of the most iconic characters, they are a part of movie history and pop culture.

With a wonderful storyline, memorable characters, plenty of fantasy, the Harry Potter movies are magical. If she hasn’t watched the Harry Potter movies, this collection on DVD is a great way to watch them. It’s one of those rare cases where the movies are as good as the books.

Wonder is wonderful! It’s already hard going to Middle School, but for Auggie it is even harder. He has a rare facial deformity that makes it super difficult. When people see him, they call him names and stare. It’s story about bullies, acceptance, and kindness. The ending will leave you in tears.

Songs all have meaning. Based on the best selling Christian song of all time, “I Can Only Imagine” tells the story behind the song. The movie follows the journey of Bart Millard, who wrote the song and is played by Dennis Quaid. Although he experienced an abusive relationship with his father, Bart was able to find the strength and determination to create one of the most popular Christian bands. It’s an inspiring journey about forgiveness and faith.

Through beautiful artwork and animation, Disney and Pixar are masters at telling stories. Coco is another Pixar masterpiece. Coco is about a boy name Miguel who wants to be a musician but his family doesn’t support his dream. Miguel soon finds himself in the Land of the Dead when he searches for his roots. The film beautiful weaves Hispanic and cultures in its narrative. With an interesting plot, intriguing characters, and beautiful animation, Coco is unforgettable.

Starring Zac Efron, Zendaya, and Hugh Jackman this spectacular musical will have you singing along. While it is over the top, it tells the biographal story of the P.T. Barnum and his show stopping circus acts. With its big bold performances and musical numbers, it feels like a circus musical. While there is a lot of spectacle, it has a powerful message of accepting everybody even if they are different.

This sequel to Mamma Mia takes us back in time through a series of flashbacks. Everybody knows that the story is just there to tie the exciting musical number together. It’s the fanciful choreographed dancing sequences that steal the show. You won’t be able to resist singing “Dancing Queen” again.

Marvel and the Russo Brothers have done a great job of understanding what these characters are to so many fans. It’s a very fun, exciting, and enjoyable movie. Thanos feels like a real badass villain. Every scene feels huge and the humor is on point and it’s funny when it needs to be. It’s packed with action scenes, memorable characters, and some shocking moments. The biggest praise we can give it is that we can’t wait to see what happens next!

Although Black Panther is not a flawless film, it’s a real blast. Instead of making another superhero movie, there’s actually a relevant message in this movie. My favorite part is how the characters get to the point where they are looking at themselves and looking at how they can make their lives, friendships, and the world better as a result. Killmonger is a great villain. It starts out as a regular superhero movie then kicks it into high gear towards the middle. But what’s really amazing about this film is you’re not thinking about the action, you’re thinking about the things that shape these characters into who they become.

Directed by Steven Spielberg, Ready Player One excels in its dazzling action sequences. However, the characters don’t have as much staying power as the awe-inspiring visuals. There’s joy in seeing video game and anime character references. Spielberg’s razor-sharp command of stunning action sequences and his unique sensibilities for sustained awe are unmatched. It’s enjoyably diverting and speaks to the nerd in us in some way, shape, or form. The film’s message could have been better with more scrutiny around why Wade and his friends feel disenchanted with the real world as they do.

The Incredibles 2 is a fantastic movie. It’s extremely exciting and fun to watch. It understands what a superhero movie needs and has great messages underneath. The animation is stunning and has improved as has the depth and clarity of the images. The action sequences are enthralling. The lighting is impressive and represents Pixar’s best work. The characters feel fresh with intelligent conversation. The movie was epic and exhilarating. Brad Bird wrote a compelling story true to the original while also creating an exciting movie.

Tomb Raider is based on the 2013 reboot game and it follows it very closely. This is one of the most visually faithful videogame adaptations ever made. Fans of the game will be happy to see it faithfully translated onto the big screen. The character of Lara Croft has never been more realistically portrayed in a movie. Alicia Vikander does an excellent job of portraying Lara. Tomb Raider fans will mostly be happy with this adaptation. It’s a fun action thriller.

Billed as a dark version of the Archie Comics, Riverdale manages to capture the retro feel of the comics. A mash up of Twin Peaks and the Archie comics, it centers on a mysterious murder mystery. With multi dimensional characters, each episode is intriguing. Our favorite character? Jughead! Now you can binge watch the complete first season on DVD.

This Is Us is one of the best shows on television. This Is Us is a show about the lives of four different characters whose birthdays happen to fall on the same day. Each of their paths cross in unexpected ways. In this emotional drama, you won’t be able to hold back the tears. There is a bit of colorful language and sexual content, but the show is appropriate for most older tweens. Season One has just wrapped up and you can own it on DVD.
Does she love being creative and making things with her friends or on her own? These gift ideas for tween girls let them use their creativity in fun ways.
From coloring books to drawing books, she will love exploring her artist side with these artistic gifts for tween girls.

My 9 year old is really into Pokemon. She is always showing me the different Pokemon and how cute they are. Her favorite is Pikachu. She would love to be able to draw 18 different Pokemon with this drawing book. The book show you how to draw everything from Ash to Pikachu.

Your budding fashion designer will love using the included stencils in this kit to create her own fashions. The book contains models and girls can dress them with clothing and accessories. There are over 100 different stencils that she can use to dress the models on the 40 pages. When she is done, she can color her drawing in.

Have you heard of scratch art? Scratch art is the process of scratching away the surface of scratch paper to create an etched drawing. This kit includes 16 sheets of scratch paper with 4 different backings from rainbow to glittery colored. Girls can use the two wooden styluses to scratch the surface of the paper to create magical pictures.

Tracing just got a whole lot easier with this light up tracing pad from Crayola. When you place the tracing paper over the page your want to trace, the built in LED light makes it easy to see what you are tracing. The kit comes with tons of fashion themed scenes that girls can trace to create their own fashions.

Spirograph allows girls to create beautiful whirling spiral drawings. All the tools needed to create spiral art are included inside a cute plastic traveling case. To create the spiral drawings, girls can choose from the rings and wheels. Simply use the putty to hold the wheel down and use the gel pens to create a spiral masterpiece.

If she loves coloring books, she needs coloring pencils because they don’t bleed through the pages. Primasoft softcore coloring pencils are the best coloring pencils ever. These highly pigmented pencils go on creamy and smooth. These colored pencil layer beautifully and blend effortlessly across colors.

Do you have an artist? Then these art kits from Royal & Langnickel make great gifts. There are several sets to choose from including soft pastel acrylic, and water colors so you can even try something new. For those who love drawing, the sketching set is wonderful with 12 graphite pencils.

This Deluxe Art Set from Darice makes a great gift for your tween artist. All things considered, it’s a great value. La meilleure partie? You get a good variety of art tools and can take it anywhere with the convenient carrying case.

Is your tween a Pusheen fan? This Pusheen Coloring Book is fantastic for fans of Pusheen. Even if she loves cute and adorable things she’ll love this coloring book. It’s sure to delight her for hours. Don’t forget a fresh set of markers, color pencils, or crayons.

Lately coloring books have become super popular. Johanna Basford’s Secret Garden is the coloring book that spurred this whole phenomenon. Who would have thought that coloring in flowers and geometric designs would be so relaxing?

Fashion Plates are the perfect gift for your budding fashion designer. It’s all about mixing and matching fashion to create the perfect styles. It’s very easy to create the fashions. Plus, it comes with a convenient fashion case so you can take the fun wherever you go.

Remember the Etch-a-Sketch? Do you have an artistic idea in your head that you just want to get out? The Buddha Board allows you to paint with water with zen-like strokes. After the water dries away, your masterpiece just vanishes away and is lost in space and time. It’s a great way to practice calligraphy and it’s somehow so meditative as you learn to let your drawing go.

When you are feeling a little creative, there is nothing better than using some acrylic paint and a canvas to express yourself. When it comes to acrylic paints, Apple Barrel makes high quality acrylics. Apple Barrel acrylic paints are inexpensive, dry matte, and give you great coverage. This kit comes with 18 different paints so you get a nice mix of colors. You can even mix the colors to create just about any color.

If she loves painting, you can buy these canvas panels from Artlicious in bulk. High quality canvases can cost a lot, but these canvases are great for aspiring artists. Made out of cotton, this canvas kit comes in a pack of 12 and a variety of sizes. Each canvas comes individually wrapped. For the price, they are a great value and great for beginners. They provide a sturdy surface for acrylics and oils.

If you have always wanted to create calligraphy but don’t know where to get started, then this book is for you. It walks you through all the steps in creating calligraphy, which is the best way to get started.. You will learn everything from how to hold the pen to how to create each upper and lower case letter through 15 different lettering projects.

Who wouldn’t want to make their own terrarium? All you need is the right container, plants, and this kit and you can create your own ecosystem that thrives on its own. This kit from H Potter contains everything you need to create your own garden in a bottle. Just add a container and plants.

If she’s an artist, Copic markers are the best markers you can buy. These alcohol based markers are not ordinary markers. They are very easy to blend and layer. The sketch basic set is a great introduction to these markers. With a tapered end, it allows for a variety of different ways to draw and color. She might become the next anime or comic artist.

Future fashion designers will fall in love with Project Runway. It’s a stencil kit that allows girls to create their own fashions on the silhouette drawings in the book. You can dress the models how you like with shirts, pants, dresses, accessories, and more. Now you are in control of the runaway.

If she is an artist or just loves doodling, she will love this 9 X 12 inch sketchpad. It contains 100 blank pages inside for drawing, painting, doodling, or sketching.

With this 3D pen, girls can take their artwork to the 3rd dimension. This kit includes everything girls need to create their own 3D crafts. To draw, girls wait for the pen to heat up and then insert the plastic strands inside the pen. Then kids can draw with it.

Wreck This Journal is unlike any other journal you have seen before. The journal encourages girls to “wreck it” by ripping pages, taking in the shower, spilling coffee on it, and more. It’s stuff you would never do to a journal. La meilleure partie? It makes you feel good.

Have you ever wanted to get closer to your daughter? Then this life changing mother-daughter journal will make your relationship with your daughter closer than ever before. The journal contains writing prompts to open up a dialogue for mothers and daughters to talk about everything from school to questions she is afraid to ask. Mothers and daughters will get to know each other in a whole new way.

Madlibs is the perfect book for sleepovers. In this game, girls will create a list of words to fill in the blanks of a story. The fun part is reading the nonsensical story in front of your friends. There will be a lot of laughter. La meilleure partie? It’s a great way to teach girls about different parts of speech like nouns, verbs, adverbs, and so forth.

Your tween girl won’t be the same person in a few years. With this fun set of 12 letters her present self will write to her future self. Each letter will have a topic like “Where I want to go . . .” After writing the letter, she will seal the letter. The coolest part? It will be so cool to open up these letters in a couple of years to see how much she has changed.

Doodle Diary is a new kind of journal where girls use doodles and words to convey what they are feeling. It’s like “art journaling.” Each page contains a fun prompt like list or draw your favorite foods. The prompts are great starting points to spur her creativity. It’s a fun little escape for girls.

Letters to Open When … is a fantastic concept that tween girls will love receiving. It’s a great keepsake that girls can open sometime in the future. Parents can write the letters now and fill them with positive uplifting messages and pep talks plus more. What a cool and cute gift idea!

How much will she change in 3 years? That’s the idea behind this fun journal. Every day it contains prompts and questions for tween girls to jot down their thoughts. The cool part is that the exact same prompts repeat themselves on the following year and the year after that. It’s a great way to record how much she changes during her tween years.

If you are on Instagram a lot, you have probably come across bullet journals. To get started, you need a journal that is designed for bullet journaling like this one. Bullet journals aren’t like regular journals as they come with dots. They are usually used to keep track of your monthly and daily goals in a bullet format. It’s a great alternative to a planner.

A lot of us are busy today. For those who believe in Christianity, there is nothing better than starting the day out with God. It only takes 3 minutes a day as you reflect on the words of God, relate God’s teachings to real life, and pray. With 180 readings, it’s a good way for tween girls to get in touch with their spirituality.

Even with all the digital technology, there is something about physically writing something down that can never be replaced. Does she love notebooks? This might be the last notebook she will ever need. You can do everything you can with a regular notebook but it can be reused. The pages can be erased with a moist towel. With the Rocketbook app, you can scan all the pages before you erase the notebook.

Sometimes the best gift comes from the heart. You don’t have to pay a lot for a really personalized gift. Simply fill out this small book and let her know how much you really love her. You can fill it with special things and even things that will make her laugh. After she reads it, she is going to have tears in her eyes.

For booklovers, it’s always nice to treat yourself to a cute accessory now and then. You can never have enough bookmarks. If she can’t get enough of reading the Harry Potter books, she will love this officially licensed Harry Potter bookmark gift set. The set comes in a beautiful stainless steel case that is perfect for gift giving. I hear the bookmarks are even more magical when you are reading through Harry Potter for the 13th time.

Every tween girl needs a planner. This one is great for managing her schedule for the whole year. It gives you a weekly view and monthly view. It has just the right amount of space to plan your daily activities. La meilleure partie? It is undated so you can start using it at anytime instead of having to wait.

A New Year. A new planner. A new you. Planners are great for keeping your schedule organized. I think this day planner from Lilly Pulitzer is cute. It’s got ample spaced lines so you don’t have to write so small. Now you can you finally plan your week.

It’s time to start a fresh new year on the right foot. There is nothing better than getting organized. Every girl needs a planner! The Happy Planner is a 12 month undated planner that can be customized and adapted for your needs. This scrapbooking kit comes with a ton of accessories, washi tape, and stickers so you can make the planner your own. You’ve got both a monthly and weekly views so it is easy to keep track of everything from school work to birthday parties.

If you know what her favorite artist or interest is, get her a calendar featuring her favorite artist or interest. Who doesn’t love shoes? It’s the perfect gift for the shoe lover in your life.

Nowadays everything has gone digital but having a physical calendar can help you stay better organized and focused. Everybody has a wall calendar, but this desk calendar is way cuter. It comes with wooden blocks that can be rotated to the correct date. She is going to love changing the date every morning. It not only makes a pretty desk accessory, but it’s actually practical.

Who knew that a pencil case could be so fun? With eyes and a zippered mouth, this pencil case has so much of personality. La meilleure partie? It holds a ton of school supplies or makeup inside. Every time she unzips and zips it back up, it will bring a huge smile to her face.

If she loves collecting pens and pencils, a pencil case will always come in handy. It always seems that pencil cases don’t have enough of space inside. Available in a variety of colors, this case from Homecube has a ton of storage for all her stationary. There are a ton of compartments inside to organize all your stuff. The coolest part? It has a removable Velcro divider so you can use it to store larger things.

This pack of 14 Paper Mate Gel Pens includes fourteen different fun colors. La meilleure partie? Finally, a pen that spreads joy rather than smearing all over the place. Now that’s something to be happy about!

Your little girl will love writing with these bright colored markers. These aren’t normal markers. La meilleure partie? They smell yummy. With everything from cherry to apple, she will wish she could eat these markers.

Sharpies are cool but Sharpie fabric markers are even cooler. These permanent brush tipped fabric markers allow you to draw on all kinds of fabric from shoes to hats to t-shirts. Most girls like to personalize their things and these markers make it very easy to do so.

Have you heard of liquid chalk? It has all of the properties of chalk without the mess because there is no chalk dust. That means you can use these liquid chalk markers to draw on white boards, plastic, mirrors, or glass. These ones have bright and bold neon colors that pop. They are fun to decorate with.

Wouldn’t it be great if your pen would work at any angle? Meet the Space Pen! It’s called the Space Pen because the pen defies the laws of gravity. You can write withit while upside down. Heck you can even use it in outer space. After using it, you will never want to use an ordinary pen again. Throw it in your pocket and take it everywhere with you. It comes in a beautiful gift box.

Yes, boring pens. Tween girls love pens and cute stationary. These Pilot G2 are not ordinary pens; they last longer than other pens and glide over the writing surface. They are perfect for the 13 year girl that loves to write, doodle, or even for taking notes in class.

Cute stationary always makes a great gift and these pens are SUPER CUTE. What girl doesn’t love sparkly diamonds? She will love using these blinged out pens to take notes, write her name, and make sparkly scribbles. La meilleure partie? It also makes a cute decoration. The big gem on the top will get everybody’s attention. With a set of 3 ball point pens, it makes a great gift for any tween girl.

You can’t go wrong with a set of inexpensive sharpies. These markers write on just about any surface and you don’t have to worry about the color washing off. With fine points, they are perfect for taking notes, crafts, labeling, or journaling.

Pens don’t sound too exciting, but these gel pens are eraseable. With 7 different colors, you get a nice variety of colors. The ink just rolls off the pen smoothly, which makes them perfect for taking notes or doodling. La meilleure partie? You never need whiteout again. Since the eraser never wears down, you can erase as much as you want.

It’s a good idea to keep your desk organized to improve your productivity. When you have a place for everything, it is a lot easier to put things away. Available in an assortment of colors and styles, these desk accessories bring organization and style to your desk. It comes with 4 modern looking pieces: a magazine holder, paper tray, mail organizer, and pen cup. All of the pieces are color coordinated so they really look good together. It adds a little character and color to a boring desk.

Isn’t that the most adorable Post-It Note Dispenser? It’s a cute lil’ kitty cat holding 3 x 3 inch Post-It Notes. The coolest part? You can pull the Post-Its with your fingertips and it will easily dispense without any hassle. It’s a fantastic desk accessory that would look great on her desk. A purrfect assistant.

Does your tween girl love shoes? You don’t need to get her a new pair of shoes! Your shoe lover will love this super adorable Scotch tape dispenser shaped like a shoe. It makes a regular tape dispenser look super boring.

If you want to show her that you took a little extra time to put some thought into her gift, a personalized gift is always a wonderful idea. This personalized desk name plate can be customized with a logo and her name. You can even customize it with a second line that says something funny or is serious. Who knows one day she might one day become a CEO!

How adorable is this? I love the look of these bookends. Made of stainless steel, they almost have a reflective like appearance. When you place your books between them, it looks like the they are holding the books up.

Everybody is in search of the perfect pencil point. With a 6 pencil hole selector dial, this electric pencil sharpener from X-Acto makes it easy to sharpen any pencil. La meilleure partie? Using a flyaway cutter system, the quiet motor is designed to automatically stop once the pencil is sharp. The shaving dish is large so you don’t have to empty it often.

How do they expect you to read those big old textbooks? Your neck will thank you later with this book stand. Designed to hold even the heaviest textbooks, this bookstand displays your books at eye level. With adjustable angle, it’s very versatile too. It has convenient page clips to hold the pages flush. La meilleure partie? You can set it up anywhere even in bed and use it to hold a laptop or tablet.

Sometimes we all get nervous that something is stuck between our teeth. Now she can look at her reflection in the mirror between classes with this locker mirror. It comes with an adhesive hook but you can also buy a magnetic hook so it won’t be difficult to remove at the end of the school year. It provides a distortion free reflection. La meilleure partie? It is designed to be unbreakable.

Everybody wants a glam looking locker. You can’t have a nice looking locker with pens and pencils all over the place. Attaching to the locker wall or door, this magnetic organizer is a great for organizing pencils and pens. Even with a collection of a few items, the magnet holds well so you don’t have to worry about it falling when you shut the door.

Lockers are great for storing school supplies. It’s always a could idea to keep you locker organized so you know where your homework is and can get to class on time. You have to make the most out of your space. The one thing that really helps are shelves for organizing books. What’s cool about this one is that it is adjustable both in width and height so fits any locker.

Who doesn’t want a glam looking locker? The locker is the one space that can reflect your personality because you can decorate however you want. You want to decorate it with magnetic decor, pom poms, photos, and anything that reflects your personality. If you want to add a little glam to your locker, you need this locker light. It will make it look like a disco is happening in your locker.
f she loves writing or reading books, these gifts are for her.

Does she love reading? This book list gives her 100 different books to read. She will actually be encouraged to finish more books because it is so satisfying to scratch off each book as you finish a book. There is everything from Harry Potter to classics like Animal Farm. It’s the perfect gift idea for the book lover on your list.

For the girl who can’t get enough of reading, you have to get them a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. With the subscription, she will get access to over 1 million books and thousands of magazines for a small monthly subscription fee. You can read as much as you want. It’s sort of the Netflix for books so you aren’t going to get the latest books. All you need to read the ebooks is any device that has the Kindle App. If she loves reading a lot of books, it is the perfect gift.

If she loves reading especially at night, a book light is a great gift. This one features 2 levels of brightness, a clamp, and an adjustable gooseneck, which makes reading so much more enjoyable. With a rechargeable battery, you don’t have to worry about constantly replacing batteries. It’s portable too so she can take it anywhere with her.

Do you have a crazy family? In theaters, Crazy Rich Asians has become a big hit. Now you read the book trilogy that inspired the movie. Written by Kevin Kwan, the book is the story of a woman who meets her boyfriend’s crazy and wealthy family in Singapore. With universal themes, it’s a story that a lot of us can relate to.

Do you remember your first crush? With a movie out on Netflix, you might want to check out Jenny Han’s To All the Boys I’ve Love. SIxteen year old, Lara Jean, writes love letters about all her different crushes. It’s her most prized possession. Nobody knows about them until her love notes are exposed to her secret crushes. It’s a fun romantic story that those in middle school can totally relate to.

More than 6 million readers have read Wonder, the #1 New York Times Bestseller. A new film is also set to debut based on this book. It’s one of the best books for tweens that inspired the Choose Kind movement. Tweens will love reading about August Pullman’s inspiring story full of heart, kindness, wonder and hope. It’s a memorable story that’s hard to put down and will resonate long in your heart long after you’re done.

There are plenty of dystopian novels, but Ready Player One is perfect for anybody who loves video games and cyberpunk stories. Mixing video game culture with 80s culture, it’s a geek’s dream come true. The story takes place in the year 2044. There is a global energy crisis. The main character, a teenager named Wade, is on a high stakes quest to find the OASIS, which is said to give anybody who finds it wealth and power.

The next version of Jeff Kinney’s best selling Diary of The Wimpy Kid series is out. In the latest book, Greg and his friends are stuck in the middle of a snowstorm. This is a Diary Of The Wimpy Kid series, so don’t expect it to go as planned!

If you love Harry Potter, you are going to love this book. Written by Tomi Adeyemi, Children Of Blood and Bone is a fantasy novel based in Western culture and folklore. This is one of those books that you won’t be able to put down. The magic, the world, and the characters are so rich. By telling the story from 3 different perspectives, the author is not only able to tell a sweeping fantasy, but is able to layer so much of depth and meaning. It’s a fantasy story but it deals with difficult issues such as oppression and racism.

Harry Potter is one of the best stories of our time. While it’s a classic story of good versus evil, it’s the characters and their development that fans have fallen in love with. J.K Rawlings’ writing style is easy to read with great attention to detail, which keeps the plot moving and engaging. If your tween hasn’t read every book in the series, the book collection is the best way to do so.

Set in Nazi Germany, The Book Thief has become a classic. Telling the story from a different perspective, Death narrates this tale about 10 year old Liesel Meminger, who becomes a foster child. She’ll soon learn how to read and eventually become a book thief. She steals books that the Nazis want to destroy. It’s a wonderful story that describes the horrors the Jews went through during that time period.

Now you can experience the world of Harry Potter is a entirely new way through this illustrated version. Illustrated by Jim Kay, The Prisoner of Azkaban is the third book in the illustrated series. The illustrations really bring the story to life in ways that were never possible before.

Who wouldn’t want to become a fortune teller? Tarot cards are extremely trendy right now. Tarot cards are a great tool to interpret life. You can use them to make decisions and see into the future. Focusing on animal wild life, the Wild Unknown deck is a beautiful deck of tarot cards. This lovely boxed set not only comes with the gorgeous tarot cards, it comes with a book that explains the cards and acts as a guidebook for beginners.

Rick Riordan has brought to life so many memorable characters, but Apollo may be one of his best. Apollo is very different from the characters that came before him. Apollo is a bit more conceited and not really a heroic figure, which leads itself to the slightly more humorous feel in this book. In the book, Apollo tries to regain his place as a god after being cast out by his father Zeus.

There are some books that are continuously passed down generation by generation. One of those series is the Baby-Sitters Club. Started in 1980s, the beloved series is about a group of friends who started a babysitting business. It’s a series about empowerment and most importantly friendship. While the books have been around forever, this is the graphic novel adaption.

If you loved Hunger Games and Divergent, this series is for you. The Darkest Minds manages to paint a believable, dark dystopian future. It stars Ruby who is infected with a “disease” called IAAN that kills most teens but has given survivors like her physic powers. These survivors are locked up in concentration camps. It’s incredibly dark and disturbing. Compared to other dystopian novels, parent should know that there is a lot more violence and swearing here including death and hinted sexual assault.

There is a reason that The Land Of Stories is a popular middle grade series. Because the books are so descriptive, it almost feels like you are right there with characters. She is going to want to read the whole series. Written by Chris Colfer, the books follow the adventures of two twins who are transported to a magical, fairy tale world. The last book in the series is out.

John Green, the bestselling author for teens, has a new novel out called Turtles All the Way Down. While the book centers on a mystery, it tells a much more important story. This is the story of 16 year old Aza, who is trapped within her own thoughts because she has OCD. It’s a powerful story about mental illness, love, friendship. There are a couple of bad words sprinkled throughout the book and brief sexuality that mostly involves kissing.

Everything that J.K Rowling touches turns into something magical. Her latest story Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them . If the name of the book sounds familiar, it’s because it appeared in the first Harry Potter book. It stars Newt Schamander who comes to New York with a brown suitcase filled with mystical creatures. That’s when everything goes wrong. This is the 2nd book in the series.

I Am Malala is a reminder of how sacred the freedoms we have are. Living in Pakistan, Malala wanted girls to have the same right to education as boys. One night, the Taliban came to her village and said that girls are not equal to boys. Malala spoke out against this and one day she was shot in the head while traveling in a bus. She survived the bullet and wrote a story that changed the world.

It’s hard starting Middle school. Embarrassing parents, friends, and first crushes. Cece has a severe hearing impairment and is the only deaf kid in class. She has a Phonic Ear that gives her superpowers but makes her look different. She’ll have the juggle all the insecurities of middle school with her hearing impairment. The message is simple: People really shouldn’t be treated differently just because they are not like everybody else.

Does she love the Dork Diaries? The series has completely transformed the meaning of Dork. The series follows Nikki, Zoey, and Chloe through middle school as they try to outsmart the biggest bully, Mckenzie Hollister. The latest book in this best selling series has a surprise twist. Get ready for an epic birthday bash!

Since 1955, the Guinness Book of World Records has been filled with record breaking facts. It’s always fun to look forward to each new edition of the book every year. Did you know that the longest pair of fingernails in the world measured over 18 feet? It took Ayanna Williams 23 years to grow her nails that long. The latest book contains over 300 new records just like this.

After the live action movie, it’s great to revisit the fantastic and often bizarre world of A Wrinkle in Time. The book tells the story of Meg, who is on a mission to find her lost father. Meg is just a normal girl, but its Mrs Whatsit, Mrs Who, and Mrs Which that add a supernatural twist to the story. With every new chapter coming off as a welcomed surprise, she is going to want to read through the entire set of books.

The Hunger Games novels take us through a dystopian future. It stars Katniss Everdeen, who is forced to participate in the Hunger Games, where she must fight to stay alive. If you have never read the books, this boxed collection is the perfect way to read all of the books.

Setup like a reality show, Selection is like a futuristic dating show meets Cinderella. Thirty five girls between 16 and 20 enter a contest to marry a Prince on a reality TV show. Friendship, loyalty, and bravery are central themes to the series. There are a few bad words and while none of the characters go all the way romantically, they stop just short of it. While there is a lot of intimacy depicted, including the main characters caressing with each other with their clothes on, it’s nothing more than you wouldn’t see in a PG-13 movie. It’s sort of like Hunger Games with a lot of more romance.

Containing the entire trilogy of the Maze Runner series, this set is the perfect gift for Hunger Games and Divergent fans. The story is set in a post apocalyptic world with constant action. With related characters, the Sci Fi action keeps you on the edge of your seat that it is impossible to put down.

Smile and Sisters: The Box Set is a fantastic set for tweens. Smile covers the story of a nerdy girl’s challenges and her search for her identity. Sisters is the follow-up that teaches readers that we’re not alone in dealing with our difficulties. Girls will be hooked to the story-telling and humor. Sure to be one of her favorites.

The Divergent series is great for girls who enjoy sci fi stories set in the future. The series and story of Tris is just as addictive as the Hunger Games. She will love that the heroes of the story are teenagers that they can relate to. If they love the movie, the books are much better with greater detail. There is something always happening that you just want to keep reading.

The Baby-Sitters Club is a timeless series about a group of friends who started up a babysitting service. Many young girls have grown up reading them. To celebrate the series, there is a new retro series coming that fans are going to be ecstatic over. The first 6 books of the series will be included and feature classic covers. All the books will come packaged in a retro tin.

Everybody who watched the Fault in Our Stars had their heart broken at the end of the movie. The story is written in such a way that you develop an emotional attachment to the characters. Through the words, you can feel their emotions. Now you can read this touching book and all of John Green’s other books with this boxed set. It is the perfect gift for John Green fans.

Dork Diaries is such a funny series. These fictional diaries follow Nikki Maxwell who has moved into a new middle school. Like most girls, she wants to be popular and believes that getting an expensive iPhone, cool clothes, and a boyfriend will make her cool. Every tween girl will be able to relate to her. There are now 11 books in the series and you can get them in a collection.

Billed as Hunger Games meets Harry Potter, The Unwanted has all the classic underpinnings of a good dystopian novel. There are great characters, a bit of fantasy, and a strong love story. In the land of the Unwanted, all 13 year olds are sent to the annual Purge where they are split into two camps: the Wanted and the Unwanted. The story centers around two twins that are put in separate camps. It is here that a surprising twist is revealed.

James Patterson has written many great books for tweens. Middle school is hard. In Middle school, we all want to fit in with our friends. Jacky Ha-Ha is a middle school series that focuses on 12 year old Jacky. Jacky has a stutter but uses jokes to fit in with others. Because her last name is Hart, she is given the nickname Jacky Ha-Ha. While humorous, it’s a series that anybody in Middle school can relate to.

From the mind of Captain Underpants comes Dog Man. Dog Man is an unusual superhero because he is part dog and part policeman. In the books, he takes on the evil cat, Petey. Who doesn’t want to read the next book in the Dog Man series? The latest Dog Man adventure is called Lord Of The Fleas. Find out what happens in Dav Pilkey’s latest humorous tale.

The Magic Treehouse is the best-selling chapter book franchise of all-time! This book set includes four books in paperback edition. They are awesome and addictive books that offer an enjoyable read.

The Boxcar Children series has delighted generations of children. Now a new generation can experience these wonderful stories that have stood the test of time. A great gift for tween girls that they’ll love reading all the way through to the very end.

She is now at the age where she is starting to ask a lot of questions. Why is the ocean blue? Why do I have a heart? Why do I forget things? If she has got questions, this book has over 1000 answers along with fun pictures. Everything is beautifully laid out to keep things interesting and informative.

Every tween girl needs to read Amelia Bedelia books. This set includes four books from the popular series. The books are entertaining and hard to put down. She’ll even be exposed to idioms and figurative language.

The latest spell that Harry Potter has cast is on the jewelry market. Harry Potter is joining forces with Alex & Ani to create a Harry Potter inspired jewelry collection. There are multiple pieces in the line from necklaces to bracelets that can be mixed and matched with each other. If she loves Harry Potter, she is going to totally fan girl out over this collection.

If she is totally into Harry Potter, she won’t be able to resist these Harry Potter themed earrings. Statement earrings are extremely trendy right now and these officially licenses Death Hallow drop earring make a big statement. When they hang from your ears, they look jaw dropping. From Gryffindoor Crest to the Ministry Of Magic emblem, there are actually several other designs to choose from. Harry Potter nerds are going to want to wear them all year round.

With the striped colors and logo, this scarf looks exactly like the scarves that Harry Potter and his class wore in the Harry Potter movies. Once she puts on this scarf, she will become a wizard. It’s only a matter of time before she gets her Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly letter. Le seul problème? She is going to want to move to some place cold so that she can wear it every day.

If she is ready to take her love for Harry Potter to the next level, she is going to need this Hogwarts T Shirt. Made with 100% cotton, it features a beautiful Gryffindor house crest logo on the front. Available in several sizes, it’s the perfect gift for any Slytherin fan. The included stickers add to the overall package.

Is she still waiting for her Harry Potter Acceptance Letter? She will be amazed when she gets a package straight from Hogwarts. She will receive a personalized letter and a boarding pass. It’s actually shipped all the way from England so it looks authentic. If she loves Harry Potter, this is a unique gift that she will always treasure.

If you are a wizard, you can’t go to Hogwarts without carrying around this magical Harry Potter-themed purse. You can either use the shoulder strap to carry it around as a purse or carry it in your hand as a clutch. While it is not a big purse, it is the perfect purse to carry around when you don’t need to carry much. It will hold phone, cash, and gift cards. She is going to love wearing every time she goes to the mall, movies, or . . . Hogwarts

Need something to wake you up in the morning? Mix you favorite morning drink “potions” in this Harry Potter mug. She is going to love drinking hot chocolate or tea out of it every morning, but it also makes a great room decoration. It is the perfect gift for the Harry Potter lover in your life.

If she is a diehard Harry Potter fan, she probably wants a Harry Potter tattoo. These temporary tattoos are the next best thing. Not only can she place them anywhere on her body from her forearm to her neck but she can put them on and take them off at anytime. They are super easy to apply and last a couple of days. She might not want to shower ever again. Okay, maybe not but these are the coolest temporary tattoos. They look like real inked tattoos.

Have you ever wondered what Butterbeer tastes and smells like? Made of soy, the Harry Potter Butterbeer Candle will make your whole house smell like creamy Butterbeer. Everybody will think you are making Butterbeer. Le seul problème? The creamy butterscotch smell will make you thirsty for actual Butterbeer. While it won’t satisfy your thirst for it, this magical candle will make your as cozy as Hogwarts.

Looking for a new quill to write down all your wizardry thoughts? Check out this writing quill. The feather and handle make it look authentic. While it looks great when it is displayed on a desk or shelf, it is actually functional. It comes with an ink bottle that you can dip the pen in. Presented in a beautiful gift box, it makes a great decorative piece for any Harry Potter fan.

She is going to want to go to Hogwarts with this Slytherin robe. With a crest in the front, hood, and a beautiful lining, she will feel like a real life wizard every time she wears it. While it not really designed to absorb water out of the shower, she will love lounging everywhere with it when it is cold outside. What could be more magical?

Here is a magical gift for any Harry Potter fan. Now Potterheads can live out their wizarding fantasies with this life-like replica Harry Potter wand. With realistic details from the movie, this plastic wand looks eerily similar to the one Harry Potter used in the movies. Budding wizards will love learning and casting spells from the Harry Potter books. Accio!

Who wouldn’t want to have Newt’s suitcase? Designed to look just like Newt’s suitcase, this is actually a zip around wallet. Do not open this wallet. When you open this wallet, expect to hear many roars from inside. There are magical creatures inside. Actually, it’s not big enough to fit giant creatures inside but it’s perfect for all your essentials. Qui sait? You might even find a magical creature inside.

A cookbook designed especially for wizards? Other than the amazing storyline, one of the most memorable parts of the Harry Potter books was the food. Who wouldn’t want to eat pumpkin treats, tracle tarts, or weird meat pies. This recipe book lets her recreate all of the magical dishes from the Harry Potter books. With over 150 recipes, she is going to want to have a Harry Potter feast.

Everybody loves coloring books, but my tween girl would go crazy over a Harry Potter one. She would love coloring it while watching TV. There are 4 books to choose from, but I think she would love the Magical Creatures one the most. Inside it’s filled with huge beasts from the movies.

Is she obsessed with Stanger Things? Set in the 80s, this Sci Fi series is impossible not to binge watch on Netflix. Now she can look like she goes to Hawkins Middle School with this adorable sweatshirt. Le seul problème? She might develop an obsession for the sweatshirt too.

Funko Pop Vinyl figures are about to get even more popular. Now you can find all your favorite Stranger Things characters transformed into bite sized Vinyl figures complete with big heads and tiny bodies. It’s the perfect gift for the girl who can’t get enough of Stranger Things.

Does she love Scrabble? This string light is almost as fun as playing Scrabble. There are plenty of string lights but how many of them look like Scrabble tiles. This string light comes with 10 scrabble tiles. The coolest part? You can use the 60 stickers to create any word or short phrase up to 10 characters long. It’s a fun way to dress up any room with letters.

If she loves all things Pokemon, this Pokemon Deluxe Essential Handbook would make the perfect gift for your Pokemon fantatic. This book is loaded with caboodles of facts on more than 700 Pokemon characters from the Pokemon universe. If she should know about it, it’s guaranteed to be in this book.

It’s fun playing the Pokemon games but there is something about physically playing the card game that you don’t get with the video games. Once you start collecting Pokemon cards it is impossible to stop. Pokemon requires playing different cards to perform moves and countermoves against your opponent. Each card has different stats. You always have to be one step ahead of your opponent. Nothing can beat the exciting feeling when you get a new stack of cards.

For those of use that can’t get enough of Disney, there is this adorable Minnie Mouse cross body purse. Could there be anything cuter than a purse with Minnie’s ears and bow on it. This 12 inch purse is not only stylish, it is roomy. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to wait until you go to Disneyland to show your love for Minnie Mouse. You can take the “Happiest Place On Earth” everywhere with you.

Amiibo figures are cute little Nintendo characters. You can put these little figures into your Nintendo games, but I think they are just fun to collect on their own.
While tween girls can’t wait till they are older, they still love cool toys and dolls. Tween Girls are never too old to play with dolls. Besides, there is no age limit on the box. These dolls will inspire her to dream big.

Fidget spinners are so last year. The hottest new fidget toy? Meet the “Squishy,” which is taking over Social Media. Available in many different shapes and sizes, these squishable toys are like a modern stress ball. Finally, she can have something to do when she is doing something that is “boring.”

What if Wall-E the Robot jumped through the screen and became a toy? That’s what Cozmo is. This adorable animated robot is filled with advanced robotics that make him come to life like an animated Disney film. He’ll explore his environment, play games with kids, and show off his personality. He is so much more than a toy.

Drones are a blast to fly. While everybody might want to expensive drone from DJI, most of us will be happy flying this less expensive drone from Syma. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to worry about flying it into a wall and losing a thousand dollars. The Tello Drone is equipped with a 720p camera and is one of the best toy drones that you can buy. You get about 13 minutes of flight time.

What tween girl doesn’t love Harry Potter? Harry Potter is full of wonder and fantastic story-telling. These Funko Pop action figures perfectly represent your favorite Harry Potter characters. Collect all your favorites and build your collection.

Isn’t she the cutest little figurine? Pusheen is here in all her glory complete with an itty bitty cookie. It’s her favorite type – chocolate chip. Tweens will love adding this plush figure as décor in their room to show their love for Pusheen.

Pusheenicorn is a miniature version of the Internet sensation Pusheen. It meets the high quality standards set forth by Gund and it’s sure to bring a smile to any fan. Delight and surprise her with this plush unicorn.

Gibert is soooo adorable. One look into her black and green eyes and she’ll instantly fall in love. Her fur is ultra soft and feels so soft and nice. She has a beautiful green feet which is a nice touch. Tween girls will love adding her to their collection.

If she has fallen in love with Pokemon, this 10 inch plush toy may become her best friend. The coolest part? When you press his belly, his cheeks light up, his ears move, and he says “Pikachu.” His cuddly adorableness is enough to make any young Pokemon fan smile.

There’s something special about the Fiesty Pets. It’s a really funny gift that is worth the gasps and laughter that will ensue. Girls will love this novel idea and how cute and cuddly they are.

Influenced by Japanese characters, Squishmallows are super squishy, huggable plush toys. They are available in all different types of styles from penguins to cats. The family of Squishmallows continues to grow. They have cool pastel colors, which make them easy to blend in with your room decor. This adorable hedgehog is 16 inches! Tweens will love throwing it around and squishing whenever they need to relax.

Capitalizing on the rescue pets phenomenon sweeping social media, Moose Toys introduces Scruff-A-Luvs. When you unbox this little creature, he looks so helpless and starts out all scruffed up in a ball. Add a little water and brush him out to take him from scruffy to fluffy. The cool part? You won’t know what pet you have until you rescue him. You could have a bunny, dog, or cat. Who will you rescue?

What’s new and exciting in the wonderful world of Hatchimals? Hatchimals Mystery launches this fall. Now the Hatchimals you hatch will be a surprise. Kids can hatch and discover one of four brand new mystery creatures. Who will you hatch?

With seven layers of surprises, girls will love collecting and unwrapping their L.O.L. Surprise! Pets. Fans will love collecting these adorable little pet companions. This set includes 2 balls and 2 pets. Which ones will you unwrap?

L.O.L. Surprise! Confetti Pop Series 3 is the top-selling toy thus far. Everyone loves collecting L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls. Will you find the new Ultra Rare, Punk Boi?! There are several layers of surprises to unwrap, which make them fun to unbox. Series 3 features over 35 dolls to collect.

The hit lollipop-filled scented plush mini collectibles, Pikmi Pops Surprise, introduce brand new surprises to discover in Season 2 like notebooks, nail decals, charms, and more. With the new season, there are more than 45 Pikmi Pops Surprise plush figures to collect. They are going to be a lot more wearables. You can wear them as rings, hairclips, and backpack clips.

Inspired by Push Pops, the latest Pikmi Pops Pushmi Ups are revealed by pushing them up and they pop open with confetti for the ‘Big Surprise’ reveal of your plush figure! Like the original Pikmi Pops, they are scented too!

The holidays are just around the corner, so that means there’s a new Barbie 2018 Holiday Doll for collectors and fans alike. Holiday parties will be red hot! Doesn’t she look absolutely stunning in her gown and accessories?! Make the holidays shine bright with the 2018 Holiday Barbie!

Who’s the Americal Girl of 2018? It’s none other than Luciana Vega. Add this beautiful and lovely doll to your collection. This limited edition Doll of the Year comes along with the doll, outfit, necklace accessory and book. Fans can read and learn all about her fascination with space.
Girls are just as good as boys at math and science and love building stuff. Forget her brother’s hand me down construction sets, girls love building toys with a strong narrative. Through storytelling, these gifts are great for getting girls interested in engineering at an early age.
Science is cool because you get to do a lot of cool experiments and make a lot of squishy stuff. Who knows, maybe you will start her on a long brilliant scientific career with these gifts. One day, she might even cure multiple diseases and end world hunger.

This illustrated encyclopedia celebrates 50 women who have contributed greatly to the field of science. With amazing illustrations, the book features a cutesy layout with one page dedicated for each woman. The obstacles these women faced make their achievements all the more impressive. You’ll learn about everyone from Jane Goodall to Grace Hopper. It’s the perfect gift for your future scientist.

This starter kit contains everything you need to build your own computer. The Rasperry Pi is a low cost computer about the size of a credit card. It’s amazing all the stuff you can do with this computer. It includes the Rasberry PI 3 and everything you need to get started. All you need to do is to connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It’s a great way to introduce your daughter to the world of engineering and computers.

If you ever wanted to get started with learning electronic, this Arduino starter kit is the perfect way to get started. With Arduino boards you can create all sorts of amazing DIY electronics. The kit comes with the Arduino Uno board plus everything you need to complete the 15 different projects.

Kano redefines the accessibility with regard to building her own computer. It’s billed as the computer than anyone can make, regardless of how technically savvy you are. La meilleure partie? You can code art, music, apps, games and more with Kano. It’s something that will hold tweens’ interest which speaks volumes of the product.

For science lovers, Chem C3000 is a massive chemistry set with 333 experiments. It comes with a manual that’s like a book. Girls will use real lab tools like test tubes, an Erlenmeyer flask, and real chemicals to conduct all different experiments. Unlike other kits, this is real chemistry and makes you feel like a mad scientist.

Project Mc2 is a Netflix original show about a team of girls who use their science skill to save the day. The kit combines science with things that girly girls love. Using the included ingredients, girls will make lip balms, soaps, and body lotions. To make the lip balms, it does require the use of boiling water so parental supervision is a must.

Get ready to discover a fascinating world of crystal treasures. National Geographic only collects premium quality geodes for the best possible experience. It’s an exciting and one of a kind experience for tweens interested in geology.

Heading outdoors for an adventure? Be sure to have a good pair of binoculars on hand. The Bushnell Falcon Binoculars are an excellent choice. The binoculars deliver great close-ups with up to 7x magnification. What amazing things will you discover?

Does she get satisfaction from finding treasures? The Bounty Hunter TK4 Tracker IV Metal Detector may be the perfect gift. La meilleure partie? The detector is easy to use and it is able to detect all types of metals. What treasures will you unearth?

Snap Circuits is an award winning science kit that teaches tween girls the basics of electronics. With this kit, girls will build 300 different circuits with snap together components. There is no soldering required. It’s as simple as Legos. All of the electrical components are color coded. Girls can build a radio, doorbell, and alarm simply by following the color coded instructions.

Snap Circuits is a fun science kit that allows girls to build electronics with snap together parts. The original Snap Circuits is cool, but this is even cooler. This set allows girls to build 150 circuits that span in 3 dimensions. Girls will build alarms, fans, and even a projector. It’s a great way to get her interested in circuit design.

Is your tween girl inventive? Makey Makey is a simple invention kit that lets kids turn anything into a computer keyboard press. Simply use the alligator clips to make a banana piano or keyboard out of alphabet soup letters. Pourquoi? Because it is fun.

This microscope built for kids will open up a whole new microscopic world for her to explore. With great optics for the price and a magnification range of up to 400X, this microscope let’s girls become little biologists. It’s even got a built in light source and comes with everything she needs to get started including four prepared slides and 6 blank slides.

Get her interested in science with this big bag of more than 100 hands on science activities. She will make a gravity defying goo, a 300 foot soda explosion, a snowlike substance, and more. The experiments cover chemistry, biology, physics, and so many more areas of scientific study. Experimenting has never been so fun.

Would you like to build your own Bluetooth speaker? Kids will feel so smart as the learn about the science of sound through electromagnets, amplitude, frequencies, and electricity. La meilleure partie? When girls are done they will have a high performance Bluetooth speaker that syncs to their tablet or Smartphone to keep their favorite music playing.

This entry level reflector telescope from Orion is perfect for launching her astrology career. With 2 included eye pieces and the EZ finder, there are a lot of great viewing options. With the 4.5 inch aperture, she will get stunning views of the moon, planets, and stars. The sky is calling her.

When she is in the third to seventh grade, the TI-30XS cientific calculator is a great investment. They are really good long-lasting calculators for all her math needs. It is solar and battery powered and is nice and compact to easily fit in a backpack pocket. La meilleure partie? They are approved for the SAT, ACT, and AP exams so you can use them for years to come.
Whether she loves eating or making treats, she will love these gifts.

This cup features the popular internet cat, Pushteen, who is known for being ridiculously cute and lazy. A mug with this adorable cat on it makes the perfect gift for any tween girl who loves cats or loves the internet. It features an image of Pushteen smiling ,which will bring a smile to any girl’s face.

Disney lovers are going to love this Beauty and the Beast Chip Mug. Inspired by the live action film, it comes with rosy cheeks and a permanent smile. It even has a “chip” on the side. While it is not microwaveable or dishwasher safe, it’s the most adorable way for her to enjoy her coffee or hot chocolate. When she uses it while watching Beauty & Beast, it even comes alive. Maybe we are exaggerating just a bit, but that doesn’t make it any less magical.

Who doesn’t love cute coffee mugs? I love cups and mugs that are Pinteresty or Tumblry. Glazed with chocolate and sprinkles, this one is shaped like a donut and is making me so hungry. La meilleure partie? I think it would be so fun to take pictures with it. It’s so kitten cute.

You can never have too many mugs. If you really want a unique mug, you can make a custom one with your own cute saying on it. For her 13th Birthday, you could create an “Officially a Teenager Mug”.

There is nothing better than keeping your lunch in a cute Under Armour Lunch bag. This lunch bag comes in so many bright and cheery colors. With a sturdy construction, it’s got plenty of space inside to store her sandwich, drink, and a small snack. The inside of the bag is fully lined with an easy to wipe down surface and contains a small interior pocket, which is perfect for an ice pack or small snack.

Oh my gosh, this mug is so cute. The panda holds a delicious cookie inside. Everybody knows you can’t have milk without cookies. Always remember to keep the panda toward you so that you can hide the cookies from cookie thieves. You can get a good Instagram and Snapchat out of it.

Who doesn’t love cute mugs with fun graphics on them? This one is super girly! With eyelashes painted on the front, she is going to love drinking hot tea, coffee, or cocoa out of this cute pink mug. It’s the perfect gift for the makeup lover on your list.

Chrissy Teigen’s “Cravings” lives up to the title of the book. This is one of the best selling and most popular cookbooks for beginners. This book contains everything you would ever need to know about cooking from breakfast to lunch that could fit in 240 pages. If she’s ever wanted to learn to cook, this is a great way for her to learn the abcs.

Made of brushed steel, this tumbler from RTIC is an amazing value compared to the Yeti. Just like the Yeti, it double wall insulated, which means that it keeps drinks hot or cold for hours. It looks like the Yeti, performs like the Yeti, and is cheaper than the Yeti. What more could you ask for from a tumbler?

When they say that variety is the spice of life, they aren’t lying. For the Keurig coffee lover in your life, there is nothing better than receiving a wonderful assortment of different K-Cups. This 40 pack comes with 20 different varieties. It’s a great way to find your favorite flavor without buying too much of certain flavor.

If she loves coffee and already owns a Keurig machine, she is going to love this Keurig pod carousel. With a rotating base, it holds 35 pods so she can easily access her favorite coffee. Measuring 13 inches high, it will look so cute sitting next to her Keurig machine.

If she’s a chef and dreams about opening her own restaurant one day, she needs this cute superhero apron set. She will love cooking alongside you and love wearing it while watching cooking shows on television.

Does she love to bake? The Curious Chef kit contains 16 real kitchen tools to create and decorate delicious cupcakes. All of the tools look like the adult versions except they are kid sized. Have a cupcake cook off! It’s a fun way to create dessert for everyone.

Don’t you hate in when your cereal goes stale because you don’t close the box tightly. It’s such a sad feeling eating stale Lucky Charms. Instead of storing your cereal in the cereal box, just store it in one of these air tight food containers. They come in all different shapes and sizes so you can make your panty look hella Pinteresty. With a simple push of the top sealing the container is ridiculously easy and it keeps cereal fresh just like the day you first opened the box.

Don’t you hate it when you can’t open that jar of pickles or peanut butter? Sometimes it seems like you have to have huge muscles just to pop open a jar. Plus maintenant! This Jar Opener makes it easy to pop open any jar or even soda bottle. La meilleure partie? It can be adjusted to open lids from 1 to 3 inches.

We all love to sit on the coach while enjoying soda, but there is often no place to put down your drink. Don’t put your drinks on the floor. The Cup Cozy pillow is a drink holder for your couch. Imagine the playing video games or watching a movie while having your drink nearby. It’s one of those products you didn’t know you needed.

It’s the little things in life that are always the most frustrating. If you love drinking coffee, there’s nothing worse than drinking lukewarm coffee. This mug warmer will change the way you drink coffee. Simply put your coffee mug on the large base and switch it on. La meilleure partie? It turns off automatically after 3 hours so you don’t have to worry about accidentally burning the house down. That means you never have to drink cold coffee again.

Wouldn’t it be cool to have your own working gumball machine at home? This retro themed gumball machine is a perfect replica of a real one. All you need is candy to fill it up. The coolest part? It even accepts coins to dispense the candy treats inside. Of course, you can set it to freely dispense the candy but what fun would that be?

When winter time rolls around, there is nothing like eating snow cones to get you in the holiday spirit. Why buy snow cones when you can make your own with this snow cone machine from Hawaiian Shaved Ice? Designed to look like an old fashioned snow cone machine, this small kitchen appliance easily coverts ice into snow. La meilleure partie? You can add your own flavors with the included syrups.

Smoothies and chocolate shakes are such a healthy way to get breakfast. I will never be able to afford a big Vitamix, but this blender from Ninja does everything I need it to do. It can not only pulverize ice but also chop ice to make a frozen drinks and smoothies. La meilleure partie? As soon as the smoothie is ready, you just put the cap on the container and take it with you.

Who doesn’t love freshly baked Belgian Waffles? This inexpensive waffle maker makes golden brown waffles in less than 5 minutes. Simply whip up the batter and pour it in. This one has a flip down design. La meilleure partie? It’s made of super non sticky material that is easy to clean.

If you are looking for a healthy snack, there is nothing better than eating popcorn. Microwave popcorn is not only expensive, but it is filled with all unnecessary chemicals. Simply just throw some kernels and a little butter in this silicone air popper and you can have delicious crunchy popcorn in minutes. It even folds up nicely making it easy to store. La meilleure partie? You never need to buy microwave popcorn again.

Does she love s’mores? Designed for microwave use, the S’mores Maker makes it easy to make your favorite treat anytime! It’s great for parties or family get-togethers. Who’s ready for some tasty s’mores?!

Why order a pizza when you can make one at home? There is nothing better than eating a bubbling hot pizza straight out of the oven. With a rotating tray, this pizza oven gives you a perfectly browned crust and bubbling cheese every time. As the pizza rotates, the top element cooks the toppings and the lower element crisps the crust. Not only it perfect for making frozen pizza, but it can even reheat frozen pizza and cook other foods. This thing crisps chicken wings, French fries, grilled cheese, and other frozen foods.

We have seen insulated lunch bags but this is much more impressive. It’s actually a mini portable oven that allows you to cook frozen meals or reheat meals wherever there is an electrical outlet. Simple plug it into an outlet and it’s ready to use. The HotLogic portable oven uses slow cooking to cook and reheat meals. The walls of the oven are insulated with aluminum to retain heat. It’s not really a full-blown “oven”, but it is super convenient.

We got one of those toy ovens. They make small treats that sadly don’t come out very good. Instead, I think this cupcake maker would make a much better gift. It bakes up 6 golden cupcakes. You don’t have to worry about her turning on the oven as she can bake her cupcakes in this instead. I like that it has a safety lock to prevent her from getting burned.

Finally, there is an easy way to make breakfast in the morning. This breakfast sandwich maker makes the perfect Egg McMuffin. It allows you to build your muffin in 3 distinct layers. You simply warm it up and stick your English muffin inside. Add the meat and your favorite toppings. Then crack an egg in the egg layer. Put on the top part of the sandwich. Close the lid and breakfast is ready in 5 minutes. Why go to McDonalds when you can make it on your own?

Can you ever get enough of ice cream? Sometimes you eat it right of the carton. Here’s a little something different. Yonanas lets your create creamy ice cream out of frozen fruit. You can make all different types of flavors simply by throwing in different frozen fruits like bananas, mango, or strawberries. La meilleure partie? It’s healthy.

Buying ice cream is fun but making your own ice cream at home is even more fun. This one comes with a 1.5 quart mixing bowl. This ice cream maker doesn’t use the traditional method. You have to freeze the bowl for 8 hours. You just put your mixture in the bowl and in 15 minutes you will have soft serve ice cream. The best part about making ice cream at home is that you can create your own flavors. Le seul problème? She may never want to buy ice cream again.

What tween girl wouldn’t want her own mini fridge in her room for slumber parties? This cute little mini fridge holds up to 6 cans. It’s nice to have cool drinks in your room without having to leave your room to go to the kitchen.

How cool would it be if you never had to go to the kitchen for a meal? Oh, my gosh, this retro fridge is a dream come true. Il suffit de regarder. It’s impossible not to fall in love. Inside it’s got LED lighting, a sliding food drawer, and adjustable glass shelves. It’s both beautiful and functional. Available in several groovy colors, this one is perfect for any tween girl’s room. She is going to love filling it with drinks and snacks.

Finally, there is a mini fridge that takes the traditional stainless steel design of a real fridge and shrinks it down. Available in several sizes and colors, this one is perfect for any dorm room. It’s got a ton of storage inside along with adjustable shelves. She is going to love filling it with drinks and snacks.

Who doesn’t love eating cotton candy? Now you can turn your home into an amusement park with this cotton candy maker. With this machine, you can spin cotton candy in minutes just like they do at an amusement park. The yummy cotton candy just melts in your mouth.

I love Starbucks but it can get super expensive. If you are in college, the Keurig is super convenient to have in your college dorm room. I think it’s great to have at home too especially if you are going to college soon. Simply stick one of the Starbucks K cups in and you have yourself a nice cup of instant coffee in the morning. Who needs Starbucks?

For the serious foodies, this Kitchen Aid stand mixer is a wonderful gift. If she loves cooking, she will love baking all types of sweet treats from Christmas cookies to delicious cake. It’s a tool that your daughter will be able to use for a long time.

Just about everybody is addicted to Oreos. There is something about twisting them open, licking the filling, and dunking them in milk that never gets old. These ones are extra special because they are coated with chocolate and contain decorations for different occasions from birthdays to Christmas.

With a crispy chocolate shell and a smooth creamy filling, Lindt Truffles are the perfect treat during the holidays for any candy addict. With plenty of varieties, it’s always fun to try a new flavor.

With a fancy name, Ferrero makes the perfect truffles. They have the perfect shape, crunchiness, and texture. When you bit into the crunchy shell, it reveals the surprise Hazelnut inside. This gift set has 24 sinful treats in 3 different flavors.

Do you love chocolate and biscuits? Imagine creamy Godiva chocolate smothered over delicious biscuits. Each biscuit has a beautiful design on it and every bite is heavenly. With a variety of flavors, these crisp, buttery biscuits encased with Godiva chocolate make the perfect treat for any chocolate lover. Pair it with hot cocoa for a trip to chocolate heaven. The 32 biscuits come in a beautiful gift box.

Packed in a gold box dressed in a luxurious ribbon, this gift pack contains an assorted variety of premium Godiva chocolates. Perfect gift for the chocolate lover.

Regular Hershey Kisses are yummy but every now and then we need to treat ourselves. Now Hershey has made a deluxe version of its infamous kissed shaped chocolate. Hershey Kisses Deluxe chocolates are double the size of a regular Hershey Kiss and have a Hazelnut in the center. The outer layer of chocolate has rice crisps, making it an even more luxurious treat.

Does she love Hershey chocolate bars a lot? She will faint when she sees the massive Hershey bar that makes a normal sized one look microscopic. It’s Chocolate overload!

Who doesn’t like receiving candy on their birthday or during the holidays in their stockings? With this box of chocolatess, you can indulge on 18 classic chocolate bars including favorites like Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers, and Milky Way. It’s the best way to get your chocolate fix. Le seul problème? Figuring who gets all the Snickers bars.

A box of Hershey’s chocolate is not the most original gift but who could resist delicious Hershey snacks? This box contains 18 different full sized chocolate treats including Kit Kat, Hershey milk chocolate, and Reeses. She will love every morsel of it and maybe you can even use a few bars to bribe her to so some of her chores.

Who would love a big box of gourmet quality chocolate? While there are a ton of chocolate makers, nobody makes chocolate like See’s Candies. Its Nuts and Chews box will satisfy any chocolate craving. If you don’t have a See’s Candy nearby, the company takes orders online. The company ships it with cooling packs so you don’t have to worry about receiving a melted box of chocolates.

Put down that cup of coffee! What if you could get the kick of coffee all day long and at anytime? These bite sized candies taste exactly like coffee and they wake you up just like coffee. Anytime you are feeling sluggish, you just pop one of these and it jump starts you. You don’t even need a bathroom break. Le seul problème? She might develop a new addiction.

When it is cold outside, there is no better time to sit on the couch with some hot cocoa and a warm blanket. Made by Ghirardelli, this luxurious hot chocolate is the closest thing to drinking chocolate. Not only does it mix perfectly with milk, it smells exactly how hot chocolate should smell – like cocoa. Give it with an adorable mug for an even cuter gift. She will want it to be winter all year round just so she can drink it.

Gummy bears are great, but sour gummy bears are even better. Who could turn down a bag of Sour Patch Kids? Covered in soury goodness, these candies give you a shot of soury fun before becoming sweet.

Whether it’s the holidays, your birthday, or some other special occasion, David’s Cookies are the perfect treat. They’re freshly baked and taste just like homemade cookies. La meilleure partie? There are no added preservatives and you get a variety of delicious cookies from chocolate chunk to oatmeal raisin to peanut butter and more. They’re so irresistably good!

You haven’t tried good popcorn unless you’ve tried Popcornopolis Gourmet Popcorn! Seriously, this is the best darn popcorn on Earth. Popcornopolis offers a variety of mouth-watering flavors in gift baskets to satisfy any popcorn lover. Make any occasion special with gourmet quality treats they’ll love. Our favorite flavor is Zebra – discover yours!

Macarons have always been popular in Europe around Christmas, but you can find them in bakeries everywhere. They are a jam or cream sandwich sandwiched by two cookies. They are like Oreos on steroids. Arriving in a gift box that looks straight out of a French bakery, these ones come in 12 different flavors. They are the perfect for the holidays when you want an indulgent treat to Celebrate Christmas.

How much does your tween girl love gummy bears? If you answered a lot, young girls will be left speechless when they see this massive 5 pound gummy bear. Let’s just say she might need a little help.

A gummy bear the size of a freaking snake? We don’t know if you are supposed to eat this gummy worm or it is supposed to eat you. You are going to have to cut this one up into pieces before you can devour it.

This is no ordinary ice cream. Because it is freeze dried, it doesn’t melt. That is until you put it in your mouth. That means you can take it anywhere and even use it as a stocking stuffer.

As of late, these DIY Japanese candy kits have become a craze on the Internet. With just water and powdered down saccharin, you can create all sorts of food like hamburgers and pizza. They are so much more than candy; they are artful creations. Part of the fun is making them with friends. This set includes 9 kits.

Who doesn’t like to try snacks from different countries? It’s always fun to taste something new instead of snacks that you are familiar with. Each Worldwide Treat box comes with a different assortment of fun snacks from different countries. You could get a snack from everywhere from Japan to Germany. It’s like tasting the whole world in a box.

Instead of American snacks, try these Asian snacks which are a completely different ballgame. This assortment of 20 different snacks comes with candies, chocolates, treats, and snacks from Japan, Korea, and China. Each box may contain different snacks but there is always a nice assortment of salty and savory snacks. There’s nothing wrong with American treats, but it is always fun to try something more exotic and unique.

American candy is great but you can pick it up anywhere. It’s always fun to try something a little bit more unique. You haven’t tasted chocolate until you have tried Cadbury chocolate from Britain. This assortment contains 10 yummy, full sized Cadbury chocolate bars from Crunchie to Dairy Milk Cadbury. She will love doing an American vs. UK taste off with her friends.

If you have every traveled to the Britain, you have probably come across Quality Street. Nothing is better than a tin of Quality Street that is filled with so many sweet treats. Inside this tin there are toffee, coconut, and fudge filled treats. Each one comes wrapped in a different colored candy wrapping. Our favorite chocolate is the Carmel Swirl, which is the perfect blend of sweetness and sugariness.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange has been a staple in Britain and a popular gift during the Christmas season. It’s a fruit flavored chocolate with a subtle hint of orange flavor. When you unwrap it, it comes in the shape of an orange. It comes precut into slices that are reminiscent of orange slices. Not only is it filled with chocolately goodness, but orangey goodness too.

Flowers and candy are great. Does she love chocolate? Make her feel extra special with this candy gift basket. She will love this chocolate themed basket. It has everything from chocolate covered pretzels to Carmel corn. All the chocolate and Carmel treats come in a gift basket with a ribbon tied around it.
Looking for cool Christmas gifts for tweens? These hilarious gag gifts will not only surprise her on Christmas but make her laugh so hard. Who doesn’t love humor?

What a cool way to give money! You drop your money through the slot. In order to access the money, your tween girl will have to solve the maze.

Your tween girl wanted that soft and serve ice cream maker but you got her something better. Now she can make ice cream on the road. In order to make the ice cream, all you need is a tire wheel to make fresh ice cream. On you way to grandma’s you can make ice cream. This prank box is hilarious but there are several to choose from.

Who wouldn’t want a bag of cat farts? No these cute bags are not filled with farts, there is strawberry cotton candy inside. What would you expect a cat would fart out? She will love eating the whole bag of cat farts. This is the perfect stocker that will get a ton of laughs.

This hoodie pillow case gives new meaning to the phrase “living in your hoodie all day.” It’s got a hoodie on it. How awesome is that? Throw it over your face and you will never rest better. It even features ear port holes which allow you to jam your music from your phone.

Do you know the direction to the Ministry of Magic? We finally found the entrance. If you are willing to flush yourself down the toilet, you can get there too. This decal sticker adds a little magic to the boring toilet. To put it on your toilet, you simply peel it, place it, and stick it.

This jelly bean game will have girls squealing and laughing. While the jelly beans inside might look ordinary, there are actually two types of jelly beans inside for each color. One of them tastes like a regular jelly bean like “peach” and the other jelly bean tastes disgusting like “dirty socks”. Girls spin the wheel and have to eat whatever color jellybean it lands on. Just have a bag nearby.

Who doesn’t love snowball fights? Now you don’t even have to wait for it to snow outside to have a fight. You can have a fight indoors with these plush pom pom snowballs. Because they are super soft, they don’t hurt if you get hit in the face with them. Instead of having a pillow fight at your next sleepover, have a snowball fight.

Does your tween really want a boyfriend? As a tween, she is probably too young. That doesn’t mean, she has to be lonely. The boyfriend pillow arm not only keeps her warm and comfortable, but also doesn’t snore. She will never need a boyfriend.

Has she been naughty all year long? Surprise her with this beautiful jewelry box. Tell her its from Tiffany’s! Inside she will be greeted with a lump of coal. You will love the reaction on her face.

Sometimes, don’t you wish that you could read the future? Now you can look into the future with the Magic 8 Ball. Ask it any of life’s hardest questions and it will answer you back with answers like “Don’t count on it” or “It is certain.” Who needs a fortune teller?

Who knew your hands could be so magical? Sprinkle a little rainbow dust on them and this amazing puppet turns your fingers into a magical unicorn. We mean handicorn. When people see you with it, they will finally believe in unicorns just like you.

Don’t know what to her? This unicorn poop soap is the perfect gift idea for any unicorn lover. It’s made with avocado oil, olive oil, a pinch of glitter, and a lot of love. There is nothing like washing your body with the pure magic of unicorn poop.

Don’t give this to any unicorn lover unless you might make her cry. This unicorn meat is an excellent source of sparkles and magic in every bite. Actually, we don’t recommend eating it unless you want to poop rainbows for weeks.

You can’t have a Christmas or Birthday party without having a photo booth. A cool photo prop is a great way to create memories that will last forever. Does she love hanging out on Instagram? Then she will love taking pictures on her special day with this inflatable frame prop.

Experts say that coloring books are great for reducing stress. This specially designed coloring book is designed to remove 100% of stress guaranteed. Have you seen farting animals before? This hilarious book is filled with 20 pages of farting animals to color. The farting bear is our favorite! This therapeutic gift will make your recipient giddy with laughter.

Do you feel thirsty all the time? Here is the solution for you. This can of Dehydrated Water can help. Simply fill it water and drink it whenever you feel thirsty. What have you got to lose? There is even a 101 day, money back guaranteed. If this can of Dehydrated Water doesn’t make your recipient laugh, simply send it back for a full refund.

Who knew a bar of soap could be so funny? Money Soap is no ordinary soap. Each bar of soap contains real money in the middle. You could find everything from $1 up to $50. Her body will never be cleaner because she will try to use up the soap to get the money inside. It’s the perfect stocking stuffer for tween girls.

Have you ever wanted to use your phone in the bathroom? Shexting while pooping on the toilet is an upcoming trend. No more trying to balance your phone on a makeshift tripod. This remarkable gadget frees your hands so you can wipe your butt. It allows you to orient your phone vertically or horizontally and folds up so you can poop and text anywhere. It even comes with a bonus “Do Not Disturb” sign.

Have you ever had a back itch that you couldn’t reach? If you’ve got an itchy back, but don’t have a boyfriend to itch your back this redneck back scratcher will change your life. Its fingers are specially formulated so it gives you a pleasant scratch and won’t scrape your skin like long nails. The funniest part? It actually works.

Are you ready to put Satin’s toe in your mouth for 5 minutes? Made from a special chilli extract that comes from hell, this candy is said to be 900 times hotter than a jalapeno. Put it in your mouth and your whole body will be engulfed with 900 degree heat. PS We are not responsible for anybody who dies trying this.

We don’t recommend drinking out of a toilet bowl, but this funny mug is sure to tickle her sense of humor. It makes everything you put inside of it look nasty. When you fill it with coffee, it looks like you are drinking poop water. Is there any better way to start your day than drinking out of a toilet?

Many years ago, the TriceraTaco roamed the Earth. The dinosaur got its name because it held Tacos on its back. Unlike other dinosaurs that have long gone extinct, this one is ready to hold your tacos on its back. La meilleure partie? It not only holds Taco, it can hold all your snacks from candy to cookies. It can even hold a phone. Taco Tuesday just got a whole lot more interesting.

Does she love hiding donuts and food from you, then she will love this funny coffee mug. Who are we kidding? With the donut compartment, everybody is going to know you are hiding something. This mug is huge. This all in one mug has everything you need to have a complete breakfast. You can stuff a donut, Oreo, or brownie inside. PS: The Donut is sold separately.

Drinking coffee in the morning is fun, but you have never had a “hot” cup of coffee unless it’s in a Sriracha sauce mug. For those that love Sriracha sauce, it would be fun to fill this large mug with Sriracha and drink it down like it was coffee. Miam!

Meet the world’s most Purr-fect hanger. Constructed out of heavy duty cardboard and metal, this realistic kitty hanger makes a great addition to any closet. She’s already got some sparkling jewelry around her neck. Hang your favorite clothes on the hanger to dress her up. How cute! It looks like she is wearing your clothes.

Have you ever wanted to sound richer, smarter, and look more beautiful? One spray of this breath spray is scientifically proven to instantly give you a British accent. It works so good that you will sound like a member of the Royal family. Le seul problème? You won’t be able to change your accent back but Blue Q makes other accent sprays that can be purchased separately. P.S. Unfortunately, this is just a joke so it won’t actually give you a British accent.

Is she that girl that has everything? Then give her Nothing. It comes with hilarious packaging with Nothing inside. It’s the ultimate gift in minimalism. She is going to love telling all her friends that she got “Nothing” for Christmas. While it is nothing, it is guaranteed to give her a smile.
Gift cards make great birthday gifts for tween girls. Gift cards might seem boring, but tween girls love being able to choose their own gifts. Here are gift cards to stores or places that she will love.
Do you have any tween girl gift ideas? We would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a suggestion, let us know if this was helpful, or tell us what you are excited for in the comments.
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