Cadeaux pour garçons de 18 ans [Comprehensive List]
Quels sont les meilleurs cadeaux pour un garçon de 18 ans? Avoir 18 ans est une étape importante pour les adolescents. Votre adolescent est enfin en train de devenir un adulte et prêt à affronter le monde à lui tout seul. Les garçons de 18 ans aiment le sport, les jeux vidéo, les gadgets technologiques, la musique et bien sûr les filles. Beaucoup de garçons de 18 ans terminent leurs études secondaires et se préparent à entrer à l'université ou à trouver un emploi. Un cadeau qui les aidera à faire la transition sera grandement apprécié.
Tous les garçons de 18 ans ne sont pas pareils, nous avons donc créé un guide de cadeaux basé sur des intérêts différents, qu’il soit aventurier ou amateur de gadgets. Un 18e anniversaire ne se produit qu'une seule fois et il convient de s'en souvenir avec un cadeau spécial. Nous avons donc inclus quelques idées de cadeaux dignes de folies. Avec plus de 1 000 idées de cadeaux, nous avons un large choix d’idées de cadeaux pour tous les goûts. Découvrez les meilleures idées de cadeaux pour les gars de 18 ans.
Il n'y a jamais eu de meilleur moment pour être un joueur. Ces consoles, jeux et accessoires ne manqueront pas de chatouiller la fantaisie du joueur de 18 ans de votre liste.

La SNES Classic rassemble 21 jeux pour la plupart incroyables des années 90 dans une console nostalgique adorable. Bien qu'il existe des moyens moins coûteux et plus faciles de jouer à certains des plus grands jeux de l'ère des 16 bits, aucun d'entre eux ne se sent aussi bien. Nintendo a opté pour la qualité plutôt que la quantité avec la bibliothèque de jeux. Il existe plus d'une douzaine de franchises de vedettes comme Zelda, Super Mario World, etc. Les jeux sont magnifiquement imités pour les écrans HD. Les points de suspension vous permettent d’enregistrer à tout moment de la partie et même une fonction de rembobinage. Avec deux contrôleurs, le mode multijoueur est une option prête à l'emploi. Nintendo a un autre jour férié frappé ses manches.

Cet été, la NES Classic fait son retour triomphant! Réimaginé sous forme de miniature, la NES Classic Edition propose 30 des plus grands jeux rétro Nintendo. Jouez à des classiques comme Super Mario Bros., Zelda, Donkey Kong et plus encore. Maintenant, vous jouez avec le pouvoir! C’est le cadeau idéal pour les joueurs et les collectionneurs.

Le jeu rétro fait fureur de nos jours! La Genesis Mini arrive sur les lieux le 19 septembre et fait ce que Nintendon’it! Tout est inclus pour brancher et jouer dès la sortie de la boîte. La meilleure partie? Vous n’avez pas besoin de cartouches, car 40 titres légendaires de Sega Genesis sont préchargés. Jouez à des classiques comme Sonic The Hedgehog, Altered Beast et bien plus encore! Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu vidéo avec le retour de la bien-aimée Genesis 16 bits maintenant sous forme miniature.

Toutes nos consoles rétro préférées deviennent miniaturisées. De retour dans la journée, les joueurs adoraient jouer aux jeux NeoGeo sur arcade. Maintenant, ils réduisent l'armoire d'arcade SNK et la placent dans la paume de votre main. La partie la plus cool? En fait, il dispose d'un écran de 3,5 pouces. De plus, il peut également être connecté à un téléviseur via HDMI. La mini console est livré avec 40 jeux.

Imaginez construire et posséder votre propre cabinet d'arcade de Street Fighter II. C’est exactement ce que vous obtenez avec ce meuble de Arcade 1Up. Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu d'arcade et participez au concours classique de Street Fighter dans le plaisir de votre maison pour une fraction des autres cabinets d'arcade. La meilleure partie? Aucun quartier n'est requis, alors jouez! Cette arcade propose 3 jeux: Street Fighter II: Édition Champion, Super Street Fighter II: Les Nouveaux Challengers et Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Invitez vos amis et voyez qui est le vrai champion.

Arcade1Up a donné vie à certains des jeux classiques préférés des joueurs. Ces armoires d'arcade hautes de 4 pieds proposent 3 jeux: Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II et Ultimate Mortal Kombat – parfaitement recréés avec des illustrations originales haute résolution, une manette de jeu et des boutons. Ces armoires coûtent une petite fraction des armoires grandeur nature et pèsent également moins, ce qui en fait un excellent ajout à votre salle de jeux. Invitez vos amis à participer à des combats classiques et à "Terminez-le"! La meilleure partie? Aucun quartier n'est requis, alors jouez!

À la demande générale, Arcade1Up propose aux fans un meuble Final Fight Arcade. Cette armoire présente des commandes d'arcade authentiques, une construction de qualité commerciale et des illustrations originales. Plus important encore, le gameplay semble fidèle à l'original. Cette arcade propose également d’autres succès d’archives de Capcom: 1944, Ghosts ‘N Goblins et Strider pour revivre les beaux jours du jeu d’arcade. C’est le cadeau idéal pour votre junkie d’arcade.

Space Invaders fête ses 40 ans avec cette réplique de 4 pieds d'Arcade1Up. Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu avec cette armoire classique à la verticale dotée de commandes d'arcade authentiques. Le meuble présente des illustrations originales et une construction de qualité commerciale. Leur taille réduite leur permet de s'intégrer parfaitement à la maison ou au dortoir.

Vous ne pouvez pas installer une arcade plus grande dans votre chambre? Aucun problème! Maintenant, Arcade1Up a lancé une nouvelle ligne d’arcades miniatures appelée Counter-Cades avec un écran LCD couleur de 8 pouces. Ces machines sont parfaites pour votre table et vous permettent de gagner un espace précieux dans votre pièce. Pac-Man est toujours l'un de nos jeux préférés de la vieille école et cela comprend également Pac & Pal. Le jeu a été parfaitement traduit avec cette nouvelle unité – afin que vous et vos amis puissiez obtenir votre solution Pac-Man à tout moment.

Avec des commandes et un jeu d'arcade authentiques, ce Space Invaders Counter-Cade de Arcade1Up, sous licence officielle, apporte l'expérience d'arcade à votre comptoir. Cette armoire présente des illustrations originales et fonctionne sans pièces avec un écran LCD couleur de 8 pouces. Cette unité d'arcade présente les Space Invaders et les Space Invaders Color d'origine. Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu d'arcade et voyez pourquoi ce jeu de tir classique vaut la peine d'être joué!

Pas de place pour installer une arcade en taille réelle dans votre chambre? Aucun problème! Avec l’Arcade1Up Pac-Man Wall-Cade, vous pouvez désormais monter cette arcade murale sur votre mur ou votre porte et profiter du plaisir du jeu rétro. Il comporte de véritables commandes d'arcade, des illustrations originales, une construction de qualité commerciale et un fonctionnement sans pièce. Revivez les jours de gloire des jeux d'arcade à tout moment à la maison ou dans le dortoir.

Vous recherchez une action portable Street Fighter II? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que le meuble d'arcade RepliCade en édition limitée Street Fighter II: Édition Champion x de 12 pouces (échelle 1/6) de New Wave Toys. Avec une réplique authentique de l'arcade légendaire d'origine et des commandes réactives, il semble être fidèle à l'original, mais en plus petit! L’affichage à cristaux liquides de 3,5 pouces a un aspect net et le gameplay est étonnamment immersif compte tenu de sa taille. Il comporte une manette de jeu et une disposition traditionnelle à six boutons, un son stéréo amplifié, un chapiteau éclairé et inclut des versions jouables de Street Fighter II: Édition Champion et de Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Qu'est-ce qui est cool? En plus de pouvoir défier l'intelligence artificielle, vous pouvez affronter vos amis avec le bâton de combat USB miniaturisé inclus, qui se range facilement dans l'armoire. Tous les fans inconditionnels de Street Fighter II voudront cette réplique géniale dans leur chambre. Imaginez le plaisir sans fin de jouer à Street Fighter II sur votre bureau! Tous vos amis mourront d'envie de jouer.

Ramenez à la maison l'action d'arcade classique de Pac-Man avec ce jeu d'arcade miniature. Cette arcade est une reconstitution authentique et fidèle du jeu d’arcade original Pac-Man, avec décalques et gameplay. Des mini-manettes et des boutons vous permettent de jouer jusqu’au contenu de votre cœur sans vous soucier du poppin ’. Cadeau parfait pour les joueurs.

La Nintendo Switch représente un retour en forme pour Nintendo avec sa dernière console hybride. C’est à la fois une console portable et une console domestique. C’est une merveille d’ingénierie: elle permet de passer facilement d’un mode à l’autre et de jouer à vos jeux préférés à la maison ou en déplacement. La durée de vie de la batterie varie entre 3 et 6 heures, selon les jeux auxquels vous jouez. Le Switch est le hit des vacances incontournable. L'offre sera limitée en raison de la forte demande pour les vacances alors sécurisez le vôtre jusqu'à épuisement des stocks.

Microsoft a vanté la Xbox One X comme étant la console la plus puissante de la planète. Ils ont également dit que ce n’est pas pour tout le monde. C’est pour les puristes du jeu vidéo qui recherchent cette puissance supplémentaire pour jouer à leurs jeux avec les cadrages les plus fluides, des distances de tir incroyables et une fidélité visuelle maximale. Avons-nous mentionné les jeux ont l'air absolument magnifique sur un téléviseur 4K ultra HD. Ça ne va pas mieux que ça! La Xbox One X étant rare et épuisée, il peut être difficile de mettre la main sur cet élément très populaire.

Pour ne pas se laisser distancer par Sony, Microsoft possède également sa propre console de nouvelle génération, la Xbox One S. Bien que moins puissante que la PlayStation 4, la Xbox One dispose d'une bibliothèque plus étendue de jeux exclusifs. La partie la plus cool? Microsoft a annoncé une version entièrement numérique de la console sans lecteur de disque. Cela signifie que vous devrez télécharger tous vos jeux. Cet ensemble comprend un contrôleur sans fil Xbox Live Gold d’un mois et des téléchargements pour Minecraft, Forza Horizon 3 et Sea of Thieves.

De nos jours, la plupart des adolescents utilisent ce nouveau système sophistiqué appelé PlayStation 4. Avec 10 fois la puissance de la console précédente, ce système figure en tête de la liste des souhaits de tous les adolescents. Pourquoi? C'est un package incroyable pour les joueurs avec un contrôleur génial, des graphismes réalistes et la possibilité de partager. Sony le prépare pour les téléviseurs 4K.

Bien que la PlayStation 4 soit sortie il y a quelques années, c'est toujours le meilleur endroit pour jouer aux jeux vidéo les plus cools. Le système est légèrement plus puissant que la Xbox One. S'il ne possède pas déjà la PlayStation 4, il vous aimera probablement pour toujours s'il en reçoit une en cadeau. Cette année, vous aurez un plaisir fou à jouer au nouveau jeu Call of Duty et il existe même un casque VR en option. La grandeur est arrivée!

Une nouvelle Nintendo 3DS XL rejoint la famille. Découvrez la nouvelle édition Super NES. La SNES Classic est tellement populaire auprès des fans, c’est donc une nouvelle édition parfaite pour les satisfaire. Il est livré avec un téléchargement pour Super Mario Kart. La 3DS XL lit tous vos favoris de Mario à Zelda en passant par Smash Bros. et plus encore! Il joue même aux jeux DS mais pas en 3D. La vraie merveille est la façon dont Nintendo a pu apporter de la 3D réelle à la 3DS sans avoir besoin de lunettes 3D spéciales. Ceci est notre choix portable idéal pour jouer à des jeux et idéal pour une pause de toutes les études et les devoirs. Qui a dit que vous ne pouvez pas travailler dur et jouer plus fort?!

Th 2DS XL est une excellente idée cadeau pour les garçons adolescents qui aiment les jeux portables en déplacement. Il comporte la conception de coquille et exécute bien. La meilleure partie? Il joue aux jeux DS et 3DS – en 2D, bien sûr. Passez à la 3DS XL si vous préférez vivre des jeux dans une nouvelle dimension.

La réalité virtuelle est ici. Conçu pour fonctionner avec la PlayStation 4, le casque PlayStation VR vous permet de faire l'expérience de mondes et de films virtuels à 360 degrés. Avec le casque le plus abordable, Sony offre la VR à tous les joueurs PlayStation. Avec des centaines de titres de réalité virtuelle, les développeurs de jeux et les cinéastes sont à bord pour offrir la prochaine génération de divertissement.

Le HTC VIVE est peut-être plus cher que d’autres lecteurs, mais c’est pour une bonne raison. En termes simples, le VIVE offre le VR le plus avancé sur le marché à ce jour. Il est livré avec une paire de contrôleurs VR conçus sur mesure et deux stations de base qui permettent de suivre jusqu'à 15 m² pour une expérience de réalité virtuelle à grande échelle. Le point fort de son argument de vente réside dans la manière dont il associe liberté de mouvement et commandes intuitives à un casque performant. Bien que ce ne soit pas le casque le plus confortable, il fait partie des plus conviviaux. Préparez-vous à être immergé dans d'incroyables mondes virtuels dans le confort de votre maison.

L'Oculus Rift S est le successeur de la Rift. Il offre une configuration plus simple, des spécifications mises à jour et une expérience de réalité virtuelle améliorée. Un ordinateur de jeu capable est nécessaire pour utiliser le Rift S. Le casque est toujours attaché à votre ordinateur avec un câble. Ce nouveau casque offre six degrés de liberté sans capteurs externes. La qualité d'image est améliorée par rapport au Rift d'origine. Le Rift S utilise de nouveaux contrôleurs de mouvements tactiles plus légers, à la fois précis et réactifs. Le magasin propose une large gamme de jeux et d'applications. C’est un solide successeur de la Rift, mais nous souhaitons seulement que ce soit sans fil.

Oculus Quest est un système de réalité virtuelle autonome qui n’a pas besoin de PC ni de câbles reliés à un PC et vous pouvez même vous promener. Bien qu'il y ait eu d'autres systèmes autonomes, c'est le meilleur pour le moment. Les contrôleurs disposent de commandes tactiles et de vibrations pour vous immerger dans l'action. Ne vous attendez pas à des graphiques ultra-modernes avec la puce mobile. Les commandes sont fluides et constituent la meilleure partie de Quest. Ce qui est génial, c’est que vous pourrez jouer la plupart des hits de la Rift, mais vous êtes limité à une liste d’applications organisées. C'est la meilleure expérience de VR mobile à ce jour. Bien que ce ne soit pas la dernière étape de la réalité virtuelle, à ce prix, c’est une bonne affaire.

L'Oculus Go est l'oreillette VR la plus pratique et la plus confortable jamais conçue. Il s’agit de la RV traditionnelle, car elle est extrêmement simple à utiliser et élimine le volume et les câbles. Considérez-le comme une version autonome du Gear VR. Choisissez entre 32 ou 64 Go de stockage. Plus vous aurez de mémoire, plus vous pourrez vous divertir. Avant d'utiliser le Go, vous devez le coupler à un téléphone iOS ou Android pour le connecter à votre réseau Wi-Fi. La plus grande surprise est à quel point il est facile à utiliser et confortable à porter. Attendez-vous à environ 2,5 heures d'autonomie avec la vidéo et environ 2 heures aux jeux. Avec un prix de départ bas, c’est le moyen le plus simple pour la plupart des gens de se lancer dans la réalité virtuelle.

Un nouveau jeu Call Of Duty vient de sortir cette année et cela signifie que votre adolescent va en vouloir pour Noël. Avec son gameplay simpliste à fragmentation, tout le monde peut jouer à ce jeu et faucher des hordes d’ennemis. Le jeu introduit de nombreux changements importants. Premièrement, il est plus tactique et comporte un nouveau système de santé. Les spécialistes sont plus raffinés. Il existe maintenant un jeu 5 contre 5 axé sur l’équipe et le mode bataille royale appelé Blackout. Le jeu est classé M pour violence intense et sanglant. Vous décidez si vous voulez que votre adolescent joue ou non.

Beaucoup de joueurs jouent à Call Of Duty depuis des années et chaque année, c'est tout aussi amusant. Il y a quelque chose de tellement excitant à jouer des guerres de clans avec un groupe d'amis. Cette année, vous avez la possibilité de jouer à la campagne principale en ligne avec des amis, mais tout le monde sait que l'aspect multijoueur est le plus addictif. Cette année, nous recevons une grande variété de cartes et de personnalisations amusantes. L'édition Gold contient le contenu bonus de The Resistance DLC Pack I.

Préparez-vous à créer les parcours Super Mario de vos rêves dans Super Mario Maker 2, une exclusivité Nintendo Switch. Avec de nouveaux outils, défis, modes, thèmes, effets sonores et combinaisons presque illimitées, laissez aller votre imagination. Vous avez la liberté créative de choisir exactement quels ennemis vous voulez, où vous les voulez et s'il y a des salles secrètes. Le jeu propose plusieurs thèmes, dont Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World et maintenant même Super Mario 3D World. Ce dernier style propose de nouvelles astuces non disponibles dans les autres thèmes, et c’est celui qui nous passionne le plus. Avec Switch Online, vous pouvez partager vos cours en ligne et même jouer à des cours de joueurs du monde entier. Vous aimez un cours? Téléchargez-le pour jouer même lorsque vous n'êtes pas en ligne. Découvrez et inspirez-vous des centaines de parcours originaux conçus par les concepteurs experts de Nintendo en mode Story. La coopération multijoueur permet à quatre joueurs au maximum de travailler ensemble pour compléter des parcours et se battre contre des patrons. De toute évidence, il existe de nombreuses nouvelles façons de vous amuser avec Mario Maker 2. Si vous n’êtes pas déjà membre de Switch Online, un forfait spécial inclura Mario Maker 2 avec un abonnement de 12 mois à un prix spécial. Et si vous êtes déjà membre, cet abonnement peut être empilé.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ressemble à un musée conçu pour se célébrer. Le jeu propose tous les personnages jouables de l’histoire de la série, ainsi que deux nouveaux personnages pour plus de 65 personnages. Ridley fera enfin son entrée dans le jeu à la demande générale et même Snake fera un retour. Il y aura un mélange d'anciens et de nouveaux niveaux. Doté de boucliers parfaits, d’un saut court et du retour d’esquives aériennes directionnelles, il s’agit d’une expérience compétitive robuste. Les fans peuvent s'attendre à un jeu plus rapide et plus technique que jamais.

Bien que New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe conserve encore une grande partie de sa magie Mario, il semble moins important compte tenu du fait que le commutateur regorge de plateformes de plateformes 2D de haute qualité. Toadette est maintenant un personnage jouable avec des contrôles plus précis que Mario et Luigi. Le jeu comprend également l'extension Super Luigi U. Malgré ces ajouts, le jeu ne parvient pas à se démarquer dans un marché encombré. Il n’ya pas assez de choses ici pour en faire un incontournable pour les fans, mais c’est quand même une aventure amusante à jouer.

Red Dead Redemption 2 est une expérience narrative basée sur un monde ouvert. C’est un prequel établi 12 ans avant le premier match. Il y aura plusieurs versions du jeu: Standard, Special, Ultimate et PlayStation recevront du contenu bonus exclusif non proposé sur Xbox. Le premier jeu proposait un mode multijoueur, ce qui pourrait permettre aux joueurs de rester accrochés au jeu de la même manière que GTA V. Avec une violence intense, un langage puissant, la nudité, un contenu sexuel intense et la consommation de drogue, vous décidez si il devrait jouer.

NBA 2K19 apporte quelques modifications à la formule qui ne gélifie pas trop le produit en général. Les microtransactions sont discutables. Pratiquement tout dans le jeu nécessite de la monnaie virtuelle sous forme de chaussures, vêtements, tatouages et plus. En dépit de cette lacune, c’est une expérience de basket vraiment divertissante. La présentation et les animations des joueurs renforcent l'authenticité du jeu. Le jeu est fluide grâce à un taux de rafraîchissement de 60 images par seconde. Si vous ne faites pas attention aux microtransactions et à la mouture, vous vous amuserez beaucoup.

Qui n’aimerait pas emmener son équipe favorite au Super Bowl? Madden est de retour et c'est mieux que jamais. Le jeu n’a jamais été aussi réaliste grâce aux changements apportés à la mécanique de projection et au nouveau moteur Frostbite. Votre quarterback a maintenant la capacité de contrôler le type de lancer. Cela signifie que vous ne pouvez placer la balle que là où votre récepteur large peut l'attraper. Les affrontements entre joueurs n'ont jamais été aussi importants.

FIFA 19 est le meilleur jeu de la FIFA depuis des années. Bien que ce ne soit pas aussi ambitieux que les années précédentes, ce sont les petits changements qui se combinent pour créer un excellent package. Il s'appuie sur les jeux précédents et crée la réalisation ultime de l'expérience de la FIFA. La cadence du jeu a été ralentie pour faciliter les parties. Les matchs se jouent maintenant au milieu du terrain – prenez votre temps avec le ballon et trouvez le coéquipier ouvert – donnant au jeu une atmosphère tactique et méthodique.

Imaginez que vous deveniez l’incarnation de Spider-Man et que vous vous balançiez dans New York en tant que super-héros de quartier. C’est exactement ce que Insomniac a livré avec Marvel Spider-Man, une exclusivité PS4. La meilleure partie? Ils ont maîtrisé la mécanique balançante et c’est tellement amusant de traverser ce monde ouvert. Le combat ressemble à Arkham mais de façon spidey. Le jeu propose une histoire originale et intrigante, de nombreux méchants, et plus encore, alors vous pouvez être sûr qu'il sera bourré d'action et très amusant à jouer. Voyez cela comme un film interactif de Spider-Man. À quel point cela est cool?!

Cuphead était l’une des expériences exclusives à lire absolument pour la Xbox One / PC et c’est maintenant au Switch. Développé par un studio indépendant en collaboration avec Microsoft, Studio MDHR illustre le potentiel considérable d'un studio de jeu indépendant plus petit. Le jeu est un jeu de tir d'action 2D clairement inspiré par des hits comme Contra pour la NDA et Arcade. Le jeu propose un style visuel unique et une animation inspirée des dessins animés classiques. Le jeu prend en charge la coopération à 2 joueurs, ce qui est extrêmement amusant. Vous allez vous battre contre une variété de patrons, chacun ayant besoin de tactiques différentes pour être vaincu. Bien que le jeu soit plutôt court, soyez prêt à relever le défi.

Pokemon Let’ Go Go Pikachu et Eevee sont les premiers jeux Pokemon pour Switch. Les fans reconnaîtront instantanément certains de leurs univers familiers animés en 3D. Le jeu vous permet d'utiliser de simples commandes de mouvement pour capturer Pokemon. Il conserve le système de combat classique avec un système de nivellement froid. Êtes-vous prêt à tout attraper?! C’est une expérience vraiment gratifiante et immersive que les fans ne voudront pas manquer!

Suscitez la créativité de votre adolescent avec Minecraft. Il aura plaisir à créer son propre petit monde et à vivre des aventures incroyables avec des amis. À la tombée de la nuit, construisez un abri pour éloigner les monstres. Découvrez l'un des jeux les plus vendus et les plus populaires de l'histoire du jeu. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore joué, qu'attendez-vous?!

Sekiro est une expérience d'action furtive née de l'ADN de Dark Souls et de Bloodbourne tout en conservant sa difficulté. C’est un jeu qui demande du talent à maîtriser avec une courbe d’apprentissage abrupte. Ce n'est pas un jeu pour les faibles de cœur. Tu mourras beaucoup. Mais une fois que vous avez dépassé cette courbe, les combats deviennent plus enrichissants. Les niveaux et les combats sont excellents. Il existe un grand sentiment de liberté dans ces mondes. Le jeu jette une variété d'ennemis à votre façon. Recherchez une quantité incroyable de capacités à débloquer. Ce jeu met l'accent sur la précision et l'habileté dans son combat. C’est une étonnante tournure d’idées familières.

God of War est un tourbillon d’émotions et d’actes sanglants. C’est une composition magistrale d’emboîtements exceptionnels. Sa conception est payante de manière inattendue, tant dans le gameplay que dans le scénario. Kratos a été soigneusement repensé. Plus particulièrement, certains combats de boss stellaires font un travail fantastique en mettant en valeur la force de Kratos au niveau divin. Nous nous attendions à une action formidable de la part de God of War et nous y parvenons facilement, mais nous ne nous attendions pas à un voyage passionnant dans lequel chaque aspect complète les autres pour former un chef-d'œuvre qui est de loin le jeu le plus émouvant et le plus mémorable de la série. . Son monde est vibrant, construit avec soin et bourré de secrets à découvrir. Le jeu est centré sur un conte qui révolutionne un personnage d’une note en un des plus grands joueurs. C’est un must pour les possesseurs de PS4.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe contient beaucoup de sauce géniale dans un seul emballage divertissant. Vous obtenez 48 parcours, 42 personnages différents et des pièces de kart soignées. Les graphiques hors concours sur un téléviseur ou en mode ordinateur de poche. La course est incroyablement satisfaisante dans Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Le nouveau mode de combat est une raison suffisante pour jouer à ce jeu. C'est l'un des jeux multijoueurs les plus amusants du Switch. Invitez vos amis pour une action palpitante dans Mario Kart.

Dans Kingdom Hearts III, le gameplay a évolué et l'authenticité des mondes Disney est de premier ordre. Ils ont fait un travail remarquable en capturant l’essence de ces mondes bien-aimés et en offrant un monde immense à combattre et à explorer. Ses magnifiques mondes sur le thème de Disney offrent une vaste gamme d’options de combat. Les batailles sont où ce jeu brille vraiment. Nous aimons particulièrement la possibilité d’invoquer des manèges du parc Disney, car c’est non seulement un plaisir visuel, mais elle repousse également les limites du système de combat dans de nouvelles directions. Bien que l’expérience vécue, la conclusion de la franchise soit satisfaisante, c’est en fait assez prévisible. Pour apprécier pleinement certains des moments les plus émouvants du jeu, vous devez vraiment avoir connu son histoire à travers les jeux précédents.

L'exploit le plus étonnant de Breath of the Wild est qu'il offre la liberté d'explorer son vaste et magnifique monde. Voir cet endroit au loin – oui, vous pouvez y aller! Cela élimine les conventions et fait quelque chose de nouveau à chaque tour, une aventure en monde ouvert. Le jeu vous remet une boîte à outils et vous rend fou. Ce jeu a une tonne de quêtes secondaires qui sont variées et rarement répétitives. C’est une joie absolue de jouer et un incontournable pour quiconque se considère comme un joueur.

GTA V possède une vaste et belle structure à monde ouvert et innovante permettant de choisir parmi trois protagonistes, des hordes d’histoires parallèles et plus encore. Il y a tellement de plaisir à avoir ici. C’est un jeu compliqué et fascinant qui fait des choses que n’a jamais fait le monde ouvert: vous plonger dans l’épaisseur de séquences cinématiques et de missions captivantes. Les missions sont souvent incroyables. C’est le summum du design en monde ouvert et il n’y a pas de fin en ce qui concerne la manière de faire de votre propre divertissement non structuré.

C’est vraiment difficile de ne pas sourire en jouant à Super Mario Odyssey. C’est une nouvelle aventure véritablement surprenante et charmante dans la série bien-aimée. C’est une autre redéfinition brillante du genre de plate-forme que Mario a contribué à populariser. Mieux encore, même si l'histoire est complète, elle a beaucoup plus à offrir. Mario Odyssey répond à cette exigence d’originalité et d’innovation. Il offre une action de plate-forme de premier ordre et introduit un flux constant de mécanismes nouveaux et inattendus. C’est un chef-d’œuvre exclusif à Switch et un autre incontournable pour les utilisateurs de Switch.

Super Mario Party se dirige vers Nintendo Switch. Le jeu proposera des mini-jeux amusants et de nouveaux tableaux pour que les choses restent intéressantes et compétitives. Qu'est-ce qui est cool? There’s an innovative new system allowing you to pair two Switches to play certain games. The game will feature online play as well as leaderboards. Get your friends together for some great party fun!

Intended for mature audiences, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey shakes up the franchise in a major way with a new RPG shaped by your actions and choices. You can choose to play as either a male or female character through the game and the storytelling has changed. Set in ancient Greece, your role-playing journey with take you across both land and sea. Will you become the next legendary Greek hero?

In addition to the expected refinements, MLB The Show 19 introduces vastly improved modes. Defensive play has been improved. Fielding is now based on position and skill level. Top outfielders will show you the path of the ball, while others leave you with some guess work. New infield animations help with the previously clunky control. March to October is a standout new mode blending simulated games with key playable moments. It’s a fun and fast-paced addition though it lacks the depth of other modes. Road To The Show sees some upgrades and is the best way to play. Franchise mode sees only a few minor upgrades. Themed after various moments in baseball history, Moments is one of the best new additions. The new graphical elements look and sound great. Online games are smooth although there are occasional hiccups. Fast new modes, refined defensive gameplay, and a deeper career mode make this one of the more compelling games in a while.

Forza Horizon 4 delivers a completely new take on Horizon. The game will be set in beautiful Britain. Players will be competing on racetracks with dynamic seasons in a shared open-world. You can play with other people in the community. The seasons change everything and deliver new gameplay like never before. The visuals and gameplay have been taken to the next level. What’s cool? During different seasons you can open up new parts of a track. By popular demand, the game will even feature a 60 FPS mode for fluid, silky-smooth motion that will blow you away. Start your engines this October 2nd!

The Far Cry gameplay is fun as ever in New Dawn. It’s a blast clearing outposts, hunting for treasure, and blasting enemies. This is a stand-alone sequel to Far Cry 5 that reworks the same map. Your decisions can impact your play style. The expedition missions bring a fresh change of scenery and there are some genuinely tense moments in the game. The moment-to-moment gameplay doesn’t disappoint. There are even some new weapons. Despite the disappointing final boss and story, the story missions and expeditions make this worth playing.

The great thing about Overwatch is that anyone can get into this game. You can see incremental growth each time you play with your character. The game does this better than any game out there. La meilleure partie? Even if you aren’t a hardcore FPS gamer, you can still make a difference on your team and have a great time. What’s remarkable is you’re able to use your team and hero’s abilities to cheat death. This Legendary Edition adds 15 Hero skins — 5 Epic and 5 Legendary skins.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled rebuilds this classic kart racer from the ground-up and showcases how a retro title should be done. The graphics have been given a modern makeover – vastly improving on the original. They’re amped to the max and the game runs fast and silky-smooth. Unlike Crash Trilogy, this game feels like more than just a simple graphical upgrade. Boosting is what differentiates this game from Mario Kart. You’ll have to know when to start and finish a power slide, which enables the use of a triple-boost system — requiring precise timing. As you power slide through turns, your gauge fills. Pressing a shoulder button at the right time allows you to boost and successive boosts feature shorter time gaps. With the triple-boost, you could blast from the back of the pack to the front. The game features typical power-ups: shields, rockets, speed boosts, invincibility, and a Mario Kart-inspired blue shell-like item. Although it isn’t required to win races, a fun twist is that you can upgrade these power-ups by collecting fruits. The game features 18 race tracks, adventure, time trial, split-screen versus, and a new online mode. La meilleure partie? We love that they’ve managed to retain the feel of the original while upgrading it with new features for modern gamers.

If you have a Playstation VR, you have to play Astrobot. In this platformer, players step into an amusement park-like world as they guide their little robot friend around. Players must control the little guy with the PS4 controller as the levels unfold all around you. The game constantly surprises you with new perspectives and ideas that would not be possible in an ordinary platformer. It’s a charming game and the best use of VR yet.

Loved the first Overcooked? You ain’t seen nothing! Overcooked 2 is like a super version of Overcooked with more kitchens, chefs, recipes, and new mechanics. Now you can even throw raw ingredients and there are more dynamic levels to make things more interesting. And enjoy local or online play with your buddies. It’s one of the most fun co-op multiplayer experiences available for all major platforms. It’s all about trying to gel as a group. Get ready for multiplayer madness!

If you own a Nintendo Switch, the Pro controller is the best way to play your games. It’s much more ergonomic and comfortable to play extended sessions with this full-sized controller than the Joy-Cons. Controls are responsive and everything feels natural. The controller increases immersion with HD Rumble and battery life is fantastic at up to 40 hours. It’s definitely worth the price of admission – you won’t be disappointed.

So you have got your new Xbox console? The only thing worse than having to update it is not having spare controllers lying around. When friends come over, you are going to need some extra controllers for multiplayer fun. If you need an extra controller, you can’t go wrong with the official Xbox controller.

A lot of people nowadays play multiplayer games online, but there is something about having friends in the same room that you don’t get online. If you want to play locally with friends, pick up another official Dualshock 4 controller. It’s Bluetooth and has a rechargeable battery, so you don’t have to worry about burning through batteries when the power runs out. Simply plug it in to the PS4 to charge it.

One of the best things about the Nintendo Switch’s design is the Joy-Cons. Because the Joy-Cons are detachable, you simply need to remove them and you can have some multiplayer fun. You can pick up an extra pair, if you want to play 4 players in your favorite Nintendo Switch game. They come in the cutest colors so it’s even fun to collect different colors.

Nintendo knows Super Smash Bros. fans love the GameCube controller best for playing Smash. That’s why they are re-releasing a special GameCube controller perfect for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Switch. Without question it’s the best way to play Smash. This controller is super responsive and feels great to play on. Enjoy the freedom of wireless play.

Looking for a legit arcade experience on Switch? Officially licensed by Nintendo, the Hori Nintendo Switch Real Arcade Pro V Hayabusa fight stick is the real deal. Hands-down, it’s the best arcade stick for the Switch. The quality feels great, it’s super responsive, and it’s awesome for playing fighting games and arcade-style games. La meilleure partie? It works for PC too. Vous ne serez pas déçu.

While it is designed only for serious gamers who are looking to get an edge, the Razer Wolverine controller might be the best controller ever created. Everything from the weight of the controller to the rubberized grips feels like premium quality. The coolest part? The controller can be customized on-the-fly with interchangeable thumbsticks and D-Pads, and more. You can even remap the buttons to your liking.

So you got a NES Classic but despise that short controller cord. Meet the 8Bitdo N30 Wireless Gamepad. Free yourself from wires and play comfortably from your couch. What’s cool is that these controllers are responsive with no lag and have added turbo buttons and a super handy Home button, so you don’t have to go to the console everytime you want to change the game. It’s an essential for any NES Classic owner.

Take your mobile gaming experience to new highs with the SteelSeries Nimbus. With incredible battery life over 40 hours, enjoy your games the way they were meant to be played. You’ll have more control over your games than ever. Best of all, it works on Apple TV, iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad.

If you can afford it, the Thrustmaster T-GT is the definitive racing wheel for Gran Turismo Sport and other racing games for the PS4 and PC. Hands-down, this high-quality and high-performance wheel delivers the best racing experience ever. The haptic force feedback heightens your sense of immersion and makes the racing feel more realistic. Once you give it a go – you’ll never want to play a racing game with a controller again.

Don’t you hate when you don’t have enough space to download that new game? Now you don’t have to delete a whole bunch of stuff just to clear space. This Western Digital hard drive adds 4TB of external hard drive space to either the Xbox One or PS4. When you plug the external drive into the USB slot, the console automatically recognizes the drive so it is super easy to install.

The Nintendo Switch only has 32GB of built-in memory, so if you plan on installing more digital games you’ll need a memory expansion card for additional storage. This 128GB card is compatible with Nintendo Switch and allows you to conveniently store all your games in one place. Also, with digital games, you don’t have to worry about lost cartridges or swapping out cartridges.

Looking to get more battery life for your Switch on the go? Meet the RAVPower USB C Battery Pack 20100. It’s compatible with your Switch and it delivers the additional playtime your desire. Mama mia! With Quick Charge 3.0, you can recharge your Switch rapidly. To take full advantage of rapid charging, you’ll need a USB Type C 3.1 Male to Male cable. What’s great is that you can use it for your iPhone X, iPad, MacBook Pro, Galaxy Note and other devices as well. It also comes bundled with a convenient carrying sleeve. Game on!

Everybody nowadays is live streaming videogames on Twitch. When streaming, you want the best quality video to show your friends or the world all of the coolest moments. Most people are using the Elgato Game Capture HD60 Pro, which works with all the modern consoles. It records high quality 1080p 60 FPS video, which means the video quality is fantastic. You can even record live commentary over the video.

The Stream Deck is designed for live streaming. It’s got integration with Twitch, Twitter, Windows, Elgato products, and more. You can control your Twitch chat, post Twitter messages, change scenes, sources, and mics, record your screen, and even retroactively record the last few minutes if you have an Elgato capture card. It simplifies your life by making it easier to excecute commands while you’re live streaming a game. Best of all, it works as you’d expect. The value is pretty clear for serious streamers. What’s cool? It can even be used for video editing and folder navigation.

Playing your PlayStation 4 or Xbox One on a big screen TV is an amazing experience, but playing it on a 100-inch screen is even better. This projector from Optoma delivers full HD 1080p video. What makes it so great for games? With Enhanced Gaming On, the input lag is next to nothing at 16.4 ms, which is unheard of in a projector. Ultimately, that translates into a better gaming experience.

Most of us play PlayStation 4 or Xbox One on an HDTV. There is nothing wrong with that. However, playing Call Of Duty on a 1080P projector designed for gaming is an experience like no other. It’s the closest to being on the battlefield. What makes this projector so special? With a 25 ms response time, it has almost no lag.

If you plan on taking your PS4 or Xbox One to your dorm room, this “suitcase” is a great way to bring the fun along. There aren’t too many cases like this. The coolest part? It’s not only a case, but it has a built in 19-inch display and speakers. While you still have to plug in everything, it’s a great option for gaming on the go.

If you play online multiplayer games, you need a quality headset. With a lightweight aluminum design and a detachable microphone, the Cloud X II is the headset every gamer wants. Pourquoi? Even after playing first person shooters all day long, this is the most comfortable headset ever. Because of its aluminum design, the headphones are extremely lightweight, living up to their name.

Want to use your wireless headphones with your Switch? With the HomeSpot Bluetooth Audio Transmitter Adapter, you can do just that. It’s as simple as plug-and-play and then you can enjoy the freedom of wireless. Choose from a variety of styles to match your Switch.

Here is an inexpensive gift for the gamer in your life. These raised thumbsticks for your controllers make it easier to stay on target, leading to more accuracy. They work especially well for first person shooters.

Designed for the Xbox One S, this AmazonBasics Controller Battery Charger is the perfect solution for your charging needs. With a minimalistic design that sits flush with the Xbox One S, you can continue playing while charging two batteries. Simply connect it to the front USB port and you’re ready to begin charging.

Are you tired of burning through batteries on your Xbox One controller? This charger allows you to charge 2 Xbox controllers so you never have to worry about batteries again. Along with the charger, it comes with 2 battery packs. Finally, there is an environmentally friendly way to game.

Nothing is more annoying than having dead controllers. Designed for the PS4, this charging cradle makes it easy to charge 2 controllers at the same time. La meilleure partie? It plugs into the wall so your console doesn’t have to be on. Just put your controllers on the cradle and your controllers will be ready to go when you want to play.

The only way to charge Nintendo Switch Joycons is to attach them to the system. This can get annoying especially if you have more than 2 joycons. This charging dock allows you to charge 4 Joy-cons at once so you always have a pair ready to go. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to take a break when the batteries die.

Want more options for charging your Switch controllers? This charging dock allows you to conveniently charge your Pro controller and Joy-Cons. An indicator tells you when they are fully charged. La meilleure partie? You can charge both controllers at the same time. It also doubles as a handy storage unit so everything is neatly organized.

So you got a new PSVR headset? This is the perfect accessory to complement your new VR headset. Not only does it serve as a display, but it also conveniently docks and charges your PSVR headset, two Dual Shocks, and two Move controllers. Charging is rapid and an indicator shows you when it has been fully charged.

While the Nintendo Switch has a built in stand that allows you to play in tabletop mode, there are a couple problems with it. The angle that the Switch is placed at isn’t comfortable for everybody. This little contraption elevates your Switch, allowing you to place it in 3 different angles. La meilleure partie? Because it raises the Switch, you can charge it at the same time. When you are done, it folds away compactly.

If you have a Nintendo Switch and plan to travel with it, you need a case. With a hard EVA protective shell, this case is perfect for storing your Switch, 8 game cards, extra Joy-Cons, and other accessories. There is a thick pocket flap that covers the Switch screen to keep it scratch-free. It’s the most popular case for the Switch right now that keeps your device secure while allowing for easy transport.

Looking for a travel case for your entire Nintendo Switch? This hard protective EVA shell case enables you to easily transport your Nintendo Switch console, dock, Joy-Cons, Joy-Con Grip or Pro Controller, AC Adapter, Joy-Con Straps, HDMI Cable and up to 18 game cards to a friend’s house. It opens easily with a zipper and it protects from drops, scratches, bumps, splash, and dust.

While it won’t fit in your pocket, the Nintendo Switch is really portable. The Switch itself is pretty easy to lug around in any bag, but what if you want to take everything with you including all your accessories, cords, and games. This large shoulder bag is designed to carry everything inside including the Switch Dock. Finally, you can travel anywhere with it.

Got a new Switch? The first thing you’ll want to do is protect that delicate screen with a quality screen protector such as the amFilm Tempered Glass Screen Protector designed specifically for the Nintendo Switch. La meilleure partie? Application is super easy with no bubbles and it applies ultra clear. With 9H hardness, it offers a scratch-resistance surface. This set includes two screen protectors, and it doesn’t interfere with normal touchscreen operation.

Forget using your Xbox controller to control your media. Take charge of your entertainment experience with the Xbox One Media Remote. It’s intuitive to use for controlling your Blu-ray movies and conveniently operates from up to 30-feet away. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to keep turning on your Xbox controller anymore! It’s a great remote combining form and function.

For those don’t have enough of HDMI ports to hook up their media equipment, this HDMI switch solves the problem. You can hook up to 4 devices to the switch and the Kinivo switch takes care of the rest automatically switching to the active input.

Don’t you just hate all those unsightly cluttered cables behind the TV? This easy to use cable sleeve from Joto allows you to bring order to the chaos. They conveniently wrap as many as eight to ten cables and make everything look a whole lot cleaner. And a cleaner look is much better indeed.

Every gamer needs a good quality gaming chair. If you are going to spend a lot of your time playing games, you want to find a gaming chair that gives you great lumbar support and looks cool. With a stylish black and red design, the Devoko is modestly priced and had adjustable neck and lumbar pillows. The coolest part? The chair reclines all the way back up.

If you don’t want to break the bank on a DXRacer this Merax Gaming Chair is the next best thing. It looks super stylish and provides excellent all day comfort thanks to its brilliant ergonomics. It’s a great value and comparable to a DXRacer chair.

The DXRacer chairs are the hottest new gaming chairs. They are all over Twitch. It’s actually manufactured by a company that designs racing seats, which is why it looks so cool. These chairs are pretty comfy and force you to sit correctly. The pillows provide great back and neck support. In the late hours, the reclinability feature is pretty rad as it allows you to go completely horizontal.

If you’re looking for a no-frills computer chair for your teen boy, this AmazonBasics chair delivers the goods. It supports a maximum weight of 250 pounds and provides all day comfort. The chair swivels and allows for ease of mobility thanks to its built-in wheels.

What better gift could you get for your gamer than a massive 55-inch 4K TV? Not only is this a 4K TV with stunning image quality, but it also packs in a Roku box into the system. Your games will look extraordinary on this TV. Hook up an Xbox One X and you’re in for a visual treat. Plus, stream your favorite shows. There’s always something good to watch.

The Hover X+ is like the ultimate command center for gamers. In fact, it was designed by gamers for gamers. It’s perfect for using 17 inch laptops with ample space for a mousepad and even a dock to hold your tablet or smartphone. The set includes a mousepad and built-in ventilation to keep your gaming sessions going strong. It’s a match made in heaven for gaming laptops.

Are you in market for a gaming desk for your 18 year old son? This Atlantic Gaming Desk Pro delivers a minimalist and stylish design that fits in well with most décor. It’s the perfect addition to his gaming room. The desk has a spacious surface with ample storage space for your gaming accessories. It accommodates up to a 32-inch LCD monitor.

The FlexiSpot Standing Desk is one of the most versatile desks around. Sitting at a desk all day can be exhausting. But this desk allows you to stand and play all day without all that pressure on your back. You’ll be able to play longer Call of Duty sessions with friends. And if you want to use it as a regular desk, you can do that, too. Making the transition is easy.

Not sure which game to get your Xbox gamer? This $50 Xbox gift card is a top choice if you’re stuck on what gift to get for him. He can redeem it for games, movies, TV, music, apps, and more. The cards are simple to use and it’s something he’ll love.

Not sure what to get your PS4 gamer? The PlayStation Store Gift Card is your savior. It gives him $50 worth of store credit to spend on games, entertainment, add-on content and more on the PlayStation store. The card can be used for PS4 and PS3.

Run out of ideas for your Nintendo gamer or not sure which game to get him? Consider the Nintendo eShop Card which can be used for a range of Nintendo systems from Nintendo Switch to 3DS to Wii U. Choose a value from $10 to $70 and you’re ready to gift. It’s essentially digital cash to use on games, downloadable content, and other goodies available through Nintendo’s eShop. What’s not to love? Now he can choose the perfect game.

For gamers that have an Xbox One, a prepaid subscription to Xbox Live is a no brainer. If you want to play online with friends, you need the subscription. The coolest part? Microsoft gives members free games every month.

If you don’t know what to get your PlayStation gamer, get them the PlayStation Plus subscription. It allows gamers to play online and gives users discounts, exclusive features, and more. La meilleure partie? Every month, members of the service get free games.

Want to play your favorite Switch games online? Launching this September, the Nintendo Switch Online service allows you to play your games online for 12 months. In addition to allowing you to play online with friends, you also get access to classic NES games with online play. Lastly, you benefit from cloud backup for your save data.

With Xbox Game Pass, your teen can get his game on with hundreds of games to play on Xbox One. This digital code gives you an all-access pass for 6 months. La meilleure partie? Play some of the latest games like Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Forza, and more! It’s an unbeatable value for the price of a single game.

Microsoft has introduced Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. This membership combines Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass for one low monthly price. Compared to the individual services, this combined service saves you about $5 per month, or $60 per year. Xbox Live allows players to play online, while Xbox Game Pass gives you access to over 100 games.

Love EA games? Get a 12-month all-access pass to EA’s library of games with EA Access. PLay everything from Madden to FIFA to Battlefield and more! There are over 50 games to experience on EA’s service. What’s cool? You even can try out new games before they’re released and you benefit from special member discounts! PLay the best of EA for less. Makes a great gift for Xbox gamers.

Is he a huge PC gamer? Steam is one of the most popular destinations for gamers. Choose from $20 to $100 in value for your gift. He can redeem it on thousands of top games on the Steam platform. This is compatible with PC, Mac, and SteamOS. Get him something you know he’ll love. Some of the current top hits include Call of Duty WWII, Playerunkown’s Battlegrounds, Destiny 2, Wolfenstein II, and more. Get your game on!

Got a gamer obsessed with Apex Legends? Apex Legends took the industry by storm this year giving Fortnite a run for its money. Use these Apex coins to score a Battle Pass (950 coins), Battle Pass Bundle (2,800), or customize your in-game character. What’s cool? With Season 1 Battle Pass, you score an entire season’s worth of loot. This virtual currency is available for PS4, Xbox, and PC platforms. Choose from 1000, 2150, 4350, 6700, or 11500 Apex Coins.

Looking for the perfect gift for your 17 year old Minecraft fan? The Minecraft Minecoins 3500 pack includes 3,500 in-game currency for downloading new skins, textures, and worlds on the Minecraft Marketplace. La meilleure partie? This gift card can be used across multiple platforms, including Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Android and Windows 10.

At this price point, the CyberPowerPC GXiVR8060A7 Desktop is one of the best PCs you can buy right now. Equipped with a fast and powerful i5 6-core processor, 8 GB DDR4 memory, and a GTX 1660, it can run most of the latest games on high settings with no problems. This system features cool rainbow LED lighting and it’s powerful enough for VR gaming. It also offers 7.1 audio and includes a gaming keyboard and mouse. You get what you pay for here and aren’t likely to be disappointed.

The Corsair One i140 is a fully built compact system by Corsair. It’s got a patented liquid cooling system and is designed for gamers. It’s an awesome showcase of engineering. It rocks an i7-9700K processor with RTX 2080 graphics and 32GB of onboard DDR4 RAM. Games run fluidly, maximizing your gaming pleasure. It’s also VR-ready with convenient front access ports.

The Helios 300 is the best gaming laptop in its price range. Rocking either a 7th Gen or 8th Gen processor and a GTX 1060 with 16GB of DDR4 RAM, the Acer Predator 300 is a gamer’s dream machine. Experience ultra-fast frame rates for the smoothest gameplay. This system is even powerful enough to power VR systems like the VIVE and Oculus Rift. The system sports a 15.6″ 1080P IPS display with brilliant color and fast performance. A backlit RGB keyboard adds extra flair. La meilleure partie? It delivers desktop-like performance in one cool looking gaming laptop. Are you ready to step up your game to the next level?

For budget-conscious gamers, there is the Dell G-Series. For the price point, this laptop comes with beefy specs including a GTX 1050Ti graphics card and an eight gen Intel i7 processor with 16GB DDR4 memory. With a fairly slim profile and weighing 6.28 pounds, it’s pretty portable, too. The colored backlit keyboard makes it look stylish. While the screen isn’t the best, this laptop will handle just about any game you throw at it with medium to high settings. At this price point, that is pretty much unheard of.

The MSI GS65 can compete head-to-head with the Razer Blade 15 but is only held back by build quality. It delivers incredible gaming performance in the thinnest and lightest laptop in its class. It packs an i7, GTX 1060/1070, and 16/32GB DDR4 RAM, depending on your configuration. Battery life comes in at 5 hours and it stays relatively cool. The speakers are decent but pale in comparison to the Blade 15.

The Predator Triton 500 gaming laptop combines power with a thin, lightweight design. It sports an Intel i7 6-core processor with a GeForce RTX 2060 Max-P, 16GB DDR4 RAM, and a 512GB SSD. It’s a real beast. It supports output for up to three 4K displays. This is about as thin as you can get while still including an RJ-45 port. The RGB keyboard feels comfortable. With a 3-fan cooling system, it can get quite loud. The refresh rates are insanely good so it’s easy on your eyes. Games run great with smooth frame rates on high settings.

The Razer Blade 15 is the best gaming laptop, delivering high-end graphics performance. Not only does it deliver great performance, but it also has great build quality and looks fantastic. Rocking an 8th gen i7-8750H 6-core processor, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, and 512GB SSD, it can easily handle your favorite games on high/ultra settings. Expect around 5-6 hours of battery life, which is pretty decent for a beast like this. Combining excellent visual and audio performance with beautiful aesthetics, the Blade 15 is the best in its class of thin and light gaming laptops.

The Alienware Area 51M Gaming Laptop delivers insane gaming performance. Weighing in at 8 lbs, its chassis is rigid with almost no flex. It has multiple outputs, Thunderbolt 3, 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet port, and more. It’s packed with a desktop-grade Intel Core i9-9900 8-core processor, RTX 2080, 32GB DDR4 RAM, 2 256GB SSDs, and a 1TB hybrid drive. The IPS monitor features HDR support and G-Sync. It’s unbelievable for gaming. We love the near desktop-level of upgradability. Battery life comes in around 2.5 hours. While it doesn’t deliver full desktop performance, it absolutely destroys every other laptop out there. It’s a great desktop replacement if money is not an issue.

The ASUS VG278Q offers the performance gamers need for the best gaming experience. With a blazing fast response time of 1ms, everything looks silky smooth and looks fluid. It delivers a lag-free experience with brilliant color and details. One thing is for certain – you can’t blame your monitor if you lose!

Do you play first-person shooters competitively? Regular LCD HDTVs are not really designed for the fast action of videogames. Available in both 24-inch and 27-inch sizes, this BenQ monitor gives you close to zero input lag with a 1ms response time. Hook it up a PS4, Xbox One, or PC and in fast games like first-person shooters, you never miss your target.

The ASUS ROG Swift PG27UQ 27″ 4K 144 Hz HDR display is the best gaming monitor. Période. The quantum-dot display delivers greater accuracy, saturation, and brightness than a traditional LCD panel. The high refresh rate of 144 Hz makes this display stand out from the competition. It even has dope RGB lighting. If you demand the best and don’t mind the price, this is one of the best monitors money can buy right now.

The ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 2080 TI is a top-end, flagship graphics card. It delivers solid overclocking performance and features cool RGB lighting on the rear, sides, and underneath of the card. Crank up those settings to Ultra and get ready to experience your games at their best in full 4K glory. La meilleure partie? It boosts performance on a wide range of popular games. It comes with a 3-year warranty and features USB type-C, 2 display ports, and 2 HDMI 2.0 outputs. If you demand only the best, this card doesn’t disappoint as it’s a beast.

The Razer Core X Chroma is an external GPU with Chroma RGB lighting, 4 USB ports, ethernet, and a Thunderbolt connection. Although you can use it on a Mac, you can take full advantage of it with a PC for fully-customizable lighting. Performance depends on your GPU and PC. If using high bandwidth items like SSDs in the USB ports, expect a noticeable hit in GPU performance. Instead use those ports for keyboards, mice, etc. With the RGB lighting, IO, and performance, we recommend it for PC users. Are you ready to upgrade your laptop’s graphics performance.

Whether you’re using it for regular use or eSports, the DeathAdder is one of the best mice around. It feels comfortable in your hand and delivers the precision and accuracy you need in FPS games. The amazing thing is you can move quickly and it still keeps up even during intense battles. Chroma lighting adds some beautiful eye-candy as icing on the cake.

The Logitech G502 HERO combines sleek looks with solid performance. While this is a wired mouse, this is how a gaming mouse should perform. Aside from the incredible build quality and lag-free performance, this mouse boasts the most accurate sensor yet, which can track every mouse move. With adjustable sensitivity settings and 11 customizable buttons, you can customize the mouse exactly how you want it. The laws of gaming have been forever shattered. Get the speed, accuracy, and responsiveness to gain an edge in the games you love.

The SteelSeries QcK is an inexpensive gaming mouse pad that delivers optimal performance. It’s the same pad pro gamers trust. The smooth surface allows your mouse to easily glide along its surface without obstruction and without scratching your desk’s surface. C’est le meilleur des deux mondes.

The Razer Firefly Chroma is one of the most beautiful gaming mouse pads around. It illuminates with 16.8 different color options to dazzle your eyeballs and create a striking look. In addition to looking super cool, the Firefly Chroma is a serviceable gaming mouse pad that does it’s job well and doesn’t get in the way.

Click-Clack! If you are a gamer, you need a gaming keyboard, but it’s hard to get an affordable one. The Kumara is the best budget priced gaming keyboard. This mechanical keyboard uses the Otemu Blue switches, which gives you a great tactile feel with each press of the key. While you won’t find Macros here, you do get red backlit keys, which keep things looking sleek.

Corsair’s K70 RGB MK.2 Gaming Keyboard is one of the best keyboards for gamers. It features that cool RGB lighting and delivers the responsive performance you need for your games. It’s a durable keyboard that doesn’t disappoint. When speed makes the difference between life and death in games, you’ll know you made a great choice.

Corsair has finally created an affordable full-sized gaming keyboard for everybody with the Corsair K55 RGB. It has a membrane keyboard, which means you won’t get the clickety clack that you get with a mechanical keyboard. La meilleure partie? You get all of the features that you expect to have in a pricey keyboard including the ability to set macros, a wrist rest, and dynamic lighting controls.

The Ornata Chroma from Razer is one of the top gaming keyboards. You’ve never felt anything like the amazing mecha-membrane keyboard on the Ornata. It’s fast and responsive just how gamers like. The built-in wristwrest adds to your overall comfort when using this keyboard. You’ll be impressed by the performance and love the RGB lights.

This full 1080p HD camera from Logitech delivers clear video quality and it’s super simple to operate. The quality is insanely good and will exceed your expectations. The sound quality is serviceable – just be sure you’re not too far away from the mic. Field of view is about 78-degrees and it even features auto-focus. A new privacy shutter lets you block off the camera view and protect the lens. It’s one of the best HD webcams in this price range.

If you are looking to replace the speakers that came with your computer, these small desktop speakers from Bose do a surprisingly good job at filling the room with crisp sound. With no subwoofer, they don’t take up a lot of space. They use Bose’s TrueSpace technology, which means that you won’t get sound distortion at higher levels. Finally, you can rock your favorite game without the annoying cracking.

If you’re looking for a good 5.1 surround sound system, the Logitech Z906 doesn’t disappoint. This speaker set delivers rich, THX-quality sound with a good touch of bass that’s impressive. With 1000 watts of power, you can fill up your entire room with booming sound that has stunning clarity. These are perfect for the living room or game room.

Looking for a premium bookshelf speaker system on a budget? Featuring premium styling and solid build quality, this 2.1 Bluetooth V4.1 APTX sound system from Edifer works with your laptop, smartphone and tablet. The speakers produce incredible sound with heavy bass. You’ll love listening to music and watching movies with these speakers. A convenient wireless remote allows you to control the volume or playback controls as well as turn the unit on/off. It’s one of the best values on the market, as these are the best sounding in this price range. Get ready to turn them up loud!

The Logitech Z623 delivers great bang for the buck with this 2.1 speaker set. This speaker set is THX certified and delivers 400 watts of power. The set is compatible with laptops, desktops, iPods, game systems, and more. Best of all, they are easy to setup and deliver clear sound quality with minimal distortion. Prepare to be blown away!

If you’re playing online competitively you know you need a gaming router you can count on. It needs to deliver fast performance with no lag. Anything slower can ruin your experience and lead to untimely deaths. Thankfully, the Nighthawk X4s delivers the goods. With a 1.7 GHz processor, you get the performance you expect without compromises. Plus, this router is optimized for streaming quality video to all your devices.

Why make the cable guys rich? If you get cable and pay monthly for the modem – STOP! Get your own modem and don’t pay more than you need to. This Netgear Cable Modem is compatible with the latest standards and works with most major cable providers. It delivers blazing fast speeds and you can cut that monthly bill now. Qu'est-ce que tu attends?

If you’ve got a gaming laptop, it’s essential to keep it running cool to prevent overheating. This cooling pad is the perfect solution for keeping it cool with three fans. The fans spin quickly to properly ventilate your gaming laptop and they are whisper-quiet. Who knew you could get great quality at this price range?

Who wouldn’t want to play your favorite games on the sofa? The only problem? You’ll probably burn your legs. Made out of bamboo, the Hover X+ lap desk allows you to hold your gaming laptop on your lap. It has a built in mouse pad that works great with any mouse. The ventilation is designed to keep any gaming laptop cool.
Dorm rooms are pretty boring. These gifts are perfect from livening up a dingy dorm room.

Now you can control the lighting in your home with your smart device or voice via Alexa or Google Assistant. This set comes with two white Philips Hue bulbs and a Hue Bridge capable of controlling as many as 50 lights. Isn’t it great … the modern conveniences of technology.

These Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance Dimmable LED Smart Bulbs are perfect for setting the atmosphere in your teen boy’s room. You can wirelessly control the lights with your smart device, including smartphone, tablet, or even an Alexa-enabled device. You can enjoy either white light or a variety of cool colors. If you can’t settle for anything but the best, this is an amazing product well worth it.

This light strip from LE is perfect for upgrading the lighting in your room. They are flexible and feature daylight white lights. It’s the perfect way to spruce up the look of your room and installation is super easy with the cuttable and linkable design. Don’t forget you’ll need an AC adapter to complete the setup.

The Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus Dimmable LED Smart Lights are great for creating ambience in your room. These lights are very easy to install and look fantastic. The lights literally feature millions of colors to choose from and decorate your room. You can even trim these to achieve the desired length.

Wake up to the MagicLight. MagicLight can even be set to shut off at sunset or at a specified time. MagicLight delivers more than 16 million color options to set the perfect ambiance. This light can even be coordinated with music. And everything is controlled via your smart device. À quel point cela est cool?

Want to create an eye-pleasing audio-visual lightshow in your room? The Nanolead Aurora Rhythm Smarter Kit allows you to do just that. This set comes with 15 color-changing LED panels and they’re easy to mount. What’s cool? Not only do they look cool, but they sync with your music to change colors. Your friends will think you’re so cool.

Want to add cool bias lighting to your TV? This bias lighting from Luminoodle delivers beautiful results and works on TVs as large as 60-inches. The strip measures 78-inches and features fifteen color choices with ten brightness levels and three fade modes. Now watching movies in the dark will be more pleasing to the eyes.

This book light can come in handy when your roommates need to catch a little shuteye but you have got a final exam coming up. The book light will provides enough light to cover two pages of a textbook. The flexible shaft allows you to position it just right.

There are a ton of stars in the sky and they never line up exactly the same way. Now you can get a snapshot of how the sun, stars, and planets were aligned on the night that he was born with this custom star map. Simply include the date, time, and location of the event. You can even add a custom quote. The star map is printed on 100% cotton based paper. He is going to want to frame and hang this thoughtful gift up on the wall.

Is your 18 year old a huge sports fan that loves his team more than anything in the world? This sports banner is the perfect gift for the sports fan in your life whether they love the NBA, MLB, NCAA, or NFL.

Is he the creative type? Then he may love this HangIt Photo Display from Umbra. He can create a fun collage of his favorite photographs and artwork. It’s a super fun and easy way to decorate your room and make it personal – reflecting your beautiful life.

Cork boards are so boring and plain. I love how modern this bulletin board look. It is perfect for pinning up important notes, photos, reminders, or business cards in your room. I love that it is magnetic but you can also use tacs because of the slits in the surface. It’s just a great way to keep things organized without looking tacky.

Teen boys even need to keep track of their daily events. This practical dry erase board makes tracking your important events easy. It includes a dry erase marker with eraser, magnetic accessories, and the magnetic dry erase board. The board has a nice design and would look perfect mounted on his wall.

As a freshman in college, you have events, appointments, and meetings to attend. It’s your story. But how do you keep track of it all? This At-A-Glance Monthly Planner helps you stay organized and meet your commitments. This planner covers January 2019 to March 2020 and comes in a nice compact size that easily fits in your backpack.

2020 will be here sooner than you think. Prepare for the upcoming year with your favorite themed 2020 wall calendar. Call of Duty and Fortnite continue to be among the hottest properties in videogame culture. This 16-month calendar features spectacular artwork based on the COD universe.

Posters are a super easy and cheap gift. Get him one with her favorite video game. If she loves Call Of Duty, he will love this huge 24″ X 36″ poster and never want to take it down.

Does he eat, drink, and play Fortnite? When all of his friends come over, he will loving showing off this colorful 28 X 20 inch poster to show off his fandom. Characters from the game pose for a group shot. Entitled “Fortnite,” it’s printed on silk fabric. Consider framing it for protection.

Show your fandom for Avengers: Endgame with this 24.25″ X 35.75″ framed movie poster. With artwork based on the theatrical release of the movie, it’ll look perfect on his wall. Avengers: Endgame is one of the biggest blockbusters of the year smashing all sorts of records and becoming among the top-grossing movies of all-time. It’s a great way to add a dash of fun and personality to your teen boy’s room. It’s a fantastic gift for any Marvel fan.

Practically every gamer would love a fun poster such as this. It says “Keep Out Gamer At Play”. On the surface, gaming may look simple, but check out what it actually involves. That is no easy feat to defeat some of the toughest bosses. The poster kindly tells incoming people to not disturb and leave food and drink at the door. Ha! Ha! So much fun. It’s the perfect gift for your gamer.

About a foot high, this tin sign must be put on every teen gamer’s bedroom door. You don’t want someone to accidentally walk in on you when you are fragging enemies and calling each other a bunch of Noobs.

Looking for a cool décor tapestry for to enhance the look of your son’s dorm room? This Elephant Mandala Traditional Cotton Tapestry feautres an elegant design sure to make it more inviting. It looks amazing in person and would look perfect on the wall or as a bed or couch cover.

If he is your best friend, you don’t have to spend a lot to give him a meaningful gift. Find the cutest 4X6 photo of you and him and stick it inside this gorgeous glass frame. It couldn’t be easier to stick the picture inside because there is a pocket on the back. The outer frame is made out of glassed and looks classy with the word “Friends” sprinkled all over it. It’s a gift that he will always remember when he looks at the photo.

Does he have beautiful keepsakes that he wants to share with everybody? With a gorgeous black frame, this gorgeous shadowbox gives an extra dimension to whatever is displayed inside. It’s perfect for displaying concert tickets, pictures, or anything else with special meaning.

Want a fun and creative way to display your favorite photos? The NIX Advance is the perfect way to display high quality photos in your dorm room. You’ll never feel apart from your family. You can view the pictures as a slideshow or individually. This digital photo frame can also playback HD video so you can share your adventures and memories with friends and roommates.

This mini 6-inch fan is not your average fan. It features two different speeds for pushing air around. The coolest part? While it can sit on any table top on its base, it comes with a clip that allows it to be placed anywhere. It will cool you down when you are playing some intense gaming sessions.

This is one of the best desk lamps. It features seven brightness levels, convenient touch controls, and a versatile gooseneck design. It’s perfect for studying, reading, or just lighting your dorm work area. It’s well built and you’d have a hard time finding a better deal on lighting. It even has a neat memory function and saves on energy costs.

Ready to bring some style to your room? This stylish Metal Desk Lamp is perfect for providing lighting in his room while fitting in nicely with most décor. La meilleure partie? With a gooseneck design, you can easily position the light source to best suit your needs. It’s a great quality lamp perfect for directed lighting on a tabletop.

Lava lamps are always a cool gift, but this Jelly Fish lamp is so much cooler. It has always been fascinating to watch jelly fish swim in the sea. Imagine you could bottle them up and stick them in a lamp! Lighthead has somehow found a way to mimic the appearance and movement of Jellyfish artificially. La meilleure partie? It is just as mesmerizing.

Bare walls are boring. Neon signs are no longer only for just reserved for the Vegas strip and your local diner. The hottest new piece of home decor is a neon sign. Neon signs are super trendy right now and you can find all different types to put in your room. We love this glowing blue one that says Game Room, but there are so many signs to choose from.

This lightbox is such a neat addition to any teen guy’s room. You simply slide in the included letters in the rails to put in any fun phrases or inspiring quotes on it. It runs either on batteries or can be plugged in via USB.

This lighted monogrammed letter is so fun. I love the rustic style. You can get different letters to spell your name out or a word like “Noob.” It even lights up and you can set a timer to make it go off.

You probably didn’t know this but the bathroom is a very dangerous place. It’s probably even more dangerous when it is dark. When you got to go, you got to go even it is dark and you are half asleep. Meet the LumiLux. This nightlight clips to your toilet bowl and when motion is detected, it turns on with a stunning light show. There is nothing better than a lighted potty.

When you go sleep in a dorm you need bedding, really good quality bedding. This all season duvet cover is fluffy, smooth, and soft. With fabric that feels like you are sleeping on pillowy clouds, it’s the type of cover you see in the movies. You will want to stay in bed all day.

Getting new bedding for you room can transform your room. If you are looking to give your room a grownup look, these bed in a bag sets make it easy to get matching bedding at an affordable price. Each set come with a flat sheet, comforter, fitted sheet, sham, and pillow case. They might not make you feel like a princess inside, but this set is great for teenage boys or for dorm rooms.

There is nothing like waking up with a warm comfortable blanket with your favorite NFL team on it. This NFL blanket is super soft and plush and looks so good that you might even want to hang it on a wall.

Soft and cozy throws are the perfect winter accessory for snuggling on the couch and watching a football game or Netflix. Made of 100% microfiber, this fuzzy Sherpa blanket keeps every inch of your body warm and it is the softest blanket you have ever felt. It’s feels like lying on a cloud in a cartoon.

Do you want to sleep like a baby? Recently weighted blanket have become extremely popular. They are supposed to reduce stress and improve sleep. This one from YnM is very affordable compared to other brands. By applying weighted pressure to the body at night, it can help calm and relax the body. The result is that you can sleep faster and get a good night’s sleep. It’s like getting a never-ending hug all night long.

Personalized bedding can make a great gift for the teen guy that wants to give her room a personal touch. We all take photos to preserve memories. It doesn’t get more personal than a blanket filled with a collage of pictures of him. You can choose the material and even design. It’s a gift that he will never forget.

When the winter chill hits you want to make sure you have the gear to stay warm and cozy. There’s nothing better than being under a warm comfy blanket when it’s chilly in the room. The microplush material is so soft and feels luxurious to the touch. What’s great is these blankets are machine washable and safe for the dryer.

A memory foam mattress topper is probably the best gift you could get for a college student. Don’t get the stuff filled with high density egg crate type foam which loses its shape over time. You want something with real memory foam like this mattress topper. Even if your mattress is terrible, you will have the most comfortable bed in college. The only problem? Everyone will want to sleep in it.

Nobody likes neck pain. Everybody sleeps in a different way but one of the best ways to improve your position is with a high quality pillow. Memory foam pillows provide great comfort for the neck. Made of bamboo and polyester, this pillow has just the right amount of firmness to provide neck and shoulder support. La meilleure partie? You will have your best sleep of your life.

A long body pillow looks super cute on any bed. Body pillows are great because you can lay your whole body on the pillow especially if you like sleeping on your side. Made of 100% cotton and about 4.5 feet long, this one is perfect for resting your entire body on.

Emojis are ingrained in pop culture – you see them on your phones, on social media, and practically everywhere. Every teen is familiar with emojis and there’s one here for every type of personality. They’re so soft, cute, and full of fun. Lequel allez-vous choisir?

Most of us spend a lot of our day in bed. There is nothing better the snuggling in bed with comfortable bed sheets. Made out of 100 percent polyester, these microfiber bed sheets come in over 30 colors so you can find the set that matches her room decor. The sheets are soft and have a silky feel to them. Each set contains 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, and one pillowcase.

What teen wouldn’t love playing hoops in his dorm? It’s the perfect way to work on his eye-hand coordination or shooting skills. Take on a roommate or friends and show ’em your mad skills. This package contains a mini backboard and mini rubber ball. It’s perfect for fun any time of the day.

Who wouldn’t want this arcade basketball game in their room? Bring the fun of the arcade home into your bedroom with this arcade system that includes 6 balls. With 2 rims and an infrared scoring system, it’s perfect for head-to-head competitive play. Finally you can settle who really has the best jump shot. Swish!

This super cool compact set turns any table into an impromptu ping pong table. The set features a retractable net, two paddles, and 2 balls. 18 year old guys will love using this in their college dorms. It’s a great way to take a break from college.

Although a full-size pool table would cost thousands, you can still have more affordable fun with this 40-inch pool table. It’s perfectly sized for your dorm room. Just place it on top of a tabletop and you’re ready for some fun with friends. It’s a complete set with two cues, rack, billiard balls, and more. Let the fun and games begin!

What teenage boy wouldn’t love a foosball table? Show off your wrist power with this tabletop sized foosball table from Sport Squad that pits 13 players against each other. Get a bunch of friends together for a Foosball tournament. There is nothing more fun than playing foosball with your friends.

Nothing fancy here! Just about everybody could use cube organizers. Available in different colors, this inexpensive 6 pack of 11 inch cube organizers is perfect for stashing away extra clothes, craft supplies, and books that are lying around. When you are not using them, they are collapsible. Made of a durable fabric, they are much sturdier than comparatively priced ones at your local home goods store.

Want to get your desk tidy and organized? This mesh caddy desk organizer combines form, style and function. There’s plenty of storage area for all your supplies with five separate compartments plus additional storage. Set this on your desk for a stylish and functional organization tool.

Ever lose your remote control? Never lose it again with this handy organizer. It is nicely designed with five compartments and swiveling action for easy access. Store all your remote controls in here to stay organized. It’s perfect for the coffee table or tabletop surface.

These transparent modular storage drawers allow for different configurations thanks to the modular design. They can be stacked and allow for easy organization and access. This pack include four medium-sized drawers. Happy organizing!

If you are looking to add seating to your cramped dorm room, this Ottoman Bench is a practical solution. Not only is its footprint small, but it also doubles as storage so you can store all sorts of things inside. The bench comes in four stylish colors to fit in with your decor and feels quite sturdy and comfy to boot.

There is nothing more essential than having a nightstand next to your bed. It holds your clock, photo frames, books, and everything you need to go to bed. If you don’t have room for a standard nightstand, this floating shelf is a great alternative. Clamping onto the side of your bed frame, it can support up the 15 pounds.

The next time you go traveling, pack this travel book safe with you. It’s a great place to store passports, money, and other valuables. The safe is concealed by what looks like a world travel book. La meilleure partie? It really looks like a book on the shelf. The safe can be locked. Two keys are contained in this set.

Here’s a nice gift for your 18 year old teen boy. This men’s storage case is a great gift that looks elegantly fashionable and delivers great functionality. It’s perfect for storing sunglasses, watches, keys, cufflinks, coins, and more. The quality exceeds expectations at this price.

This stylish 3-tier storage cube is perfect for your dorm. It has a six cube design for storing various things. It has a stylish black finish that fits in well with any décor. The cube allows for many different setups, making it a very versatile solution. It’s easy to assemble, well built, and reasonably priced.

Looking for extra storage for your movies and games? This Atlantic DVD/Games Tower houses 65 movies and games in a stylish design that fits in with just about any décor. It has a small footprint so it can work in a dorm or your room at home. It can be used free-standing or wall-mounted and no assembly is required. It’s durable for years of use.

Looking for extra storage for your dorm room? This 11-hook organizer fits over the door transforming it into additional storage for coats, scarves, and other articles of clothing. It’s a stylish, functional, and affordable solution.

Every teenage guy needs a clothing rack. Most of us don’t have enough of room in our closet to hang up all of our clothes. This one not only looks great, but it’s a fun way to display the clothing you are going to be wearing throughout the week.

Downsizing your closet got a little easier! All of us dream of having a big closet, but most of us have live with what we have, which is not much. If you have a lot of lightweight tees and skirts, these Wonder Hangers can free up a lot more closet space. Each Wonder Hanger can hold up to 10 pieces of clothing in a pyramid fashion. It’s great for keeping your clothes organized and wrinkle free. You can get them in either plastic or metal.

Do you have shoes and clothes lying all over your room? Made of cotton canvas, these hanging closet shelves are a great way to get organized. With the cedar wood system, it is very sturdy and won’t fall apart when you load the shelves with heavy sweaters or shoes.

Do you look in your closet and wonder where the heck all the shoes go? Now you have plenty of room for all of your shoes with this attractive shoe rack that can hold up to 9 pairs of shoes. Not only that, but you can also use them to store other things. La meilleure partie? You can even stack to units on top of each other.

This 24-inch stackable organizer is perfect for storing and organizing your shoes or clothing. It’s easy to assemble and can be placed inside the closet or in the room. If you need additional storage, you can stack about three or four of them.

Traditional bath mats wear out quickly and can get moldy over time. This Shower Bath Mat from GOBAM solves that problem with a gorgeous 100% natural bamboo design. The mat is firmly kept in place to prevent slips. Combining form and function, it’s perfect for the shower or bathtub.

Nobody loves laundry day but it’s just one of those thing we have to do. If you don’t have a lot of space in your room, this hanging laundry bag can free up so much of space. Made out of cotton canvas, it comes with two stainless steels hooks that are used to hang it over a door. La meilleure partie? There is a zip on the underneath that allows you to dump out the contents more quickly.

Here’s a laundry hamper that actually looks great in any dorm room. Made of heavy duty mesh construction, it holds about 2 to 3 loads of dirty laundry. It’s completely collapsible so it is easy to travel with. The coolest part? It has handles on it so it is easy to tote around and carry your clothes to the laundry.

Made out of 100% nylon, this hanging shower tote is perfect for hanging in the shower to keep your toiletries organized. The mesh pockets are roomy enough to hold large items and drain easily.

Every guy wants to know what he looks like before he leaves the house to make sure they look litty and spiffy. This inexpensive floor mirror would be perfect for any teenage guy’s room.

Get him a succulent! Even if he kills plants by just looking at them, a succulent makes a great gift. Because these plants are often raised in areas with very little water, they are very low maintenance. It’s a great way to brighten his room. La meilleure partie? Even if he forgets to water them, the plants will still look happy.

Everybody needs a comfy spot in their room to read and play games. Supporting up to 225 pounds, this saucer chair from Urban Shop is a great way to add additional seating to your room without taking up too much room. La meilleure partie? It can be easily folded away when not in use and can easily be moved around.

Do you get tired playing videogames all day? This bean bag chair will make you want to play video games even longer. It is filled with an ultra soft foam, which makes it more durable than standard bean bag chairs. You will want to relax, read, watch TV, and even sleep in it. Choose from a variety of colors to coordinate with your room decor.

There is hardly any place to do your work in college dorms. You can use this laptop desk anywhere even on your bed or sofa. With memory foam, it is very comfortable even with a 15-inch laptop on top of it. There is even room for a mouse pad and USB light – meaning you can work in the wee hours of the night.

Looking to add extra comfort to your work space? This foot cushion delivers the comfort you need to make your work area more comfortable than ever. It’s the perfect size and holds up well over time. The padding actually keeps its shape after removing your feet. It’s a great gift he’ll love using daily.

Honestly, you don’t need a TV larger than 28 inches for the dorm. For the dorm room, this inexpensive 28-inch HDTV with built-in Roku from TCL is perfect. It’s one of the best performing TVs in its price tier. It delivers an excellent 1080P crisp image with great color and contrast along with a wide viewing angles. With three HDMI ports, it’s perfect as a monitor or even for playing video games.

Is your 18 year always late to class? Does he never come on time to dates? Does he love sleeping in? Then this clock is a clever and fun gift that fits his personality. What’s the time? Whatever o’clock!

Live out your wildest Star Wars fantasies with Star Wars Jedi Challenges AR experience. This is a mainstream AR experience that allows you to battle against the evil forces from the Star Wars universe. The cool thing is you can actually see the enemy in your own room, making it feel all too real. Will you be able to overcome the forces of evil and restore peace in the galaxy? In addition to the battle mode, there is also a virtual chess type game as well as a real-time strategy game to add depth to the experience. May the Force be with you!

Unleash your inner Jedi with the Star Wars: The Black Series Force FX Lightsaber. Made of annodized aluminum with a light-up feature and real metal hilt, it’s a super cool looking collector’s item. It can be showcased for friends and family to see with the included transparent display stand. What’s cool? It features authentic light effects and movie-accurate sound effects that fans know and love.

The Lego Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon is the largest LEGO set in the entire world. With 7,541 pieces in the Ultimate Collector’s Series, this one is rated for expert builders. The final build looks absolutely incredible and the build quality is solid. Not only is it the biggest set – but it is arguably the most detailed in history. The set includes 10 minifigs. Four figures can fit into the cockpit. The level of detailing here is insanely good. He’ll want to showcase this masterpiece to all his friends.

Feel the power of the Power Gauntlet! Inspired by Avengers: Endgame, this fully articulated Power Gauntlet features premium details and illuminated stones to take your cosplay to a whole new level. Movie-inspired sound effects bring the action to life. With great power comes great responsibility.

Take your cosplay experience to the next level with the Marvel Avengers Marvel Legends Series Infinity Gauntlet inspired by the movie. Designed for adults with incredible attention to detail, the gauntlet features movie-accurate detailing, cool lights and sounds, and articulated fingers. Go ahead control the fate of the universe, geek out, and impress your friends with this awesome comic-inspired gear.

Always wished you could be Iron Man? Suit up as Iron Man with the Marvel Legends Iron Man Electronic Helmet from Hasbro. With premium detailing, illuminated LED eyes, and sound effects, your cosplay will never be the same. Designed for adults, what will your superhero adventures entail?

Inspired by Ant-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this Ant-Man Electronic Helmet is a premium role-play item. It features premium movie-accurate detailing and cool red and blue lighting on the antennae and jawline. La meilleure partie? It doesn’t look or feel like a toy. The straps fit most adult head sizes. It’s perfect for cosplay fun and he’ll truly feel like the Ant-Man.

Inspired by the Black Panther movie, the Marvel Legends Series Black Panther Electronic Helmet is designed for adults. Take your cosplay to the next level with incredible attention to detail, Vibranium light effects, and lenses that flip up and down. Protect the nation of Wakanda at all costs. He’ll love geeking out with this premium role-play item.

If you have watched the film Avengers: Endgame, you are probably would like to know more about the Infinity Gauntlet. If you are a comic book fan and you haven’t read the Infinity Gauntlet, you might want to check it out. While the comic book is quite different from the movie, it gives you a different perspective on Thanos.

Although the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle doesn’t offer a complete replica of the one seen in the movie, it delivers impressive details on the exterior and interior with plenty of authentic details that fans will appreciate. The set features classrooms, towers, Whomping Willow, Hagrid’s hut and five buildable boats. Built from over 6,000 pieces, the price-to-part ratio is excellent at $0.07. But the value is not as high as it seems given there are several smaller pieces included in this set. It offers a fun, straightforward build — nothing overly complex — just ensure you reserve plenty of time for building, as it’s time-consuming. The set includes 4 minifigures: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, and Rowena Ravenclaw plus several nano figures. Although the castle model is missing a few structures, the attention to detail is really impressive and overall the design is a work of art. It’s the perfect gift for Harry Potter and LEGO collectors alike.

Geek out with your favorite droid — BB-8! It’s a buildable version of BB-8 from Star Wars featuring over 1,100 pieces. The model is incredibly life-like with a rotating head and even includes a display stand. It’s a really fun set to build. Now if only he could roll around.

Does he love Marvel’s Avengers? Then he’ll love collecting his favorite Avengers as Funko POPs! Standing 3.75-inches tall, these figures feature movie-inspired details. We’re diggin’ the details in his suit. Captain America is inspired by Avengers: Infinity War and Cap is not wearing his helmet. Collect all your favorites.

Stylized after Marvel’s Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Far From Home, this vinyl POP figure is the perfect collectible for your Spider-Man fan. Choose from Spider-Man in his various suits (Hero Suit, Stealth Suit, and Upgraded Suit), MJ, Happy Hogan, Mysterio, Molten Man, Hydro-Man, and Mysterio without his helmet. Collect all your favorites and show off your collection to your friends!

Looking for the perfect gift for your Marvel geek? If he’s into collecting Marvel figures, these 6-inch premium figures from Hasbro feature detailed sculpts inspired by the movies and multiple points of articulation. They look just like their character likenesses from the Marvel movies and comics. The coolest part? Each series features a buildable figure. Collect all the parts to build a special character. These make great gifts for any Marvel fan.

Game of Thrones fans will love this highly stylized rendition of Night King and Icy Viserion. Standing abaout 6-inches tall, these vinyl POP figures are super detailed and they’re instantly recognizable to fans. Honored with Collectible of the Year and People’s Choice Awards, this set makes a great gift idea for GOT fans.

Featuring premium entertainment-accurate details and more than 12 points of articulation, this awesome 6-inch Night King figure from McFarlane Toys is inspired by Game of Thrones. GOT fans will instantly recognize him with his detailed facial features, sculpting, and iconic attire from the show. He comes bundled with his King blade and spear. Die-hard fans will geek out over the amazing attention to detail.

Funko Pop Vinyl figures are about to get even more popular. Now you can find all your favorite Fortnite characters transformed into bite- sized Vinyl figures complete with big heads and tiny bodies. It’s the perfect gift for the guy who can’t get enough of Fortnite.

McFarlane introduced new premium Fortnite-inspired figures this year. These figures feature premium sculpts and details and are hyper-articulated with 22 joints for striking various poses. Each figure is ready for battle and comes equipped with a weapon. The figure comes with a display stand for showcasing your collection. Collect all your favorites!

Inspired by the massive Fortnite videogame phenomenon, these new 12-inch Victory figures from Jazwares feature game-accurate designs with intricate sculpts, premium detailing, and multiple points of articulation perfect for posing that are sure to satisfy Fortnite fans and collectors alike. Show your fandom with these awesome action figures and play out your Fortnite battle royale adventures in real life.

Fortnite fans will love these Squad Mode 4-packs featuring four detailed sculpts inspired by the most popular skins in the game. The figures are highly articulated with 19 points of articulation. Ragnarok, Rex, Cuddle Team Leader and Brite Bomber all look fantastic with their weapons: heavy shotgun, dual pistols, semi-auto sniper rifle and scoped Assault rifle as seen in the game. In addition to the figures and weapons, you also get 4 harvesting tools and 4 building materials to bring Fortnite to life in real life.

Monopoly Fortnite Edition is designed for teens. In this version of the game you battle your opponents and avoid the storm. Just like the videogame, it’s all about survival — not what you own. The game features battles and loot chests and is inspired by the videogame. It’s a fun new spin on the classic game of Monopoly. This new version features 27 new characters and updated board spaces. Will you be the last player standing?!

Does he love Marvel and Funko? If so, the Funko Marvel Collector Corps subscription box is the perfect gift for him. It comes with a new Marvel character, 4-7 collectibles, including an exclusive Vinyl Pop in every box shipped out every 2 months. Themes change with every box and these boxes are carefully curated by die-hard fans for fans. For some months you may even get a surprise t-shirt.

3-2-1 … we have ignition! It’s no surprise that the LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V Building Kit was the best-selling LEGO kit last holiday season. With an authentic 1:110-scale model of the NASA Apollo Saturn V built from over 1,900 pieces, fans will truly appreciate the amazing attention to detail and rocket engine details. Each of the three rocket stages are removable and the set includes the lunar lander and lunar orbiter. Three included display stands allow fans to horizontally showcase their model. As a bonus, a manned Apollo missions booklet is included as part of the package. The completed model measures 39-inches tall by 6-inches wide. Build the first rocket landing people on the Moon! Not only does it make a great gift idea, but it’s also a great conversation piece.

The Lego Technic Porsche 911 RSR is an impressive 1,580-piece replica that every car enthusiast and Technic fan should own. It’s a highly detailed and accurate model that captures the essence of the Porsche 911 RSR and the size will impress most. Highlights include an aerodynamic body, black spoked rims, working differential, working steering, independent suspension and a 6-cylinder boxer engine with moving pistons. Hands-down, this is one of the most awesome sets ever. The build quality and overall design are incredible and it’s a real blast to build. While it may be pricey for some, it’s totally worth every penny. Display it for all your friends to see and you’re sure to get a ton of compliments.

The LEGO Technic Bugatti Chiron is an awesome new set for advanced builders. If you thought the Porsche 911 was insanely detailed, you’ve seen nothing yet. This model features amazing attention to detail with working engine cylinders, paddle shifters, and steering. The overall build quality is very solid. It features lines that convincingly mimic the design of its real-world supercar counterpart. The designers did an excellent job of combining various Technic panels, beams, and hoses to emulate the Bugatti’s body. The model is sturdy and it can be picked up with one hand, but it’s quite a heavy beast. Highlights of this model include the iconic Bugatti grille, custom wheels with Bugatti logo, and the tail end of the car which simply looks incredible. There’s also a tasteful use of system brick to achieve a few design elements of the Bugatti. The interior has a nice color scheme and a fairly interesting build for seats and surrounding areas. The doors swing open and the steering wheel operates front-wheel steering. The front and back ends are equipped with working suspension. With the gears engaged, a push of the model causes the pistons to move in and out. Using the included key, you can even raise or lower the spoiler. Overall, it offers an impressive build, and we recommend it for any Technic or Bugatti fans.

If he’s into sports cars, this LEGO Technic Porsche is one of the best models around with a near-perfect replica of the Porsche 911 GT3 RS. This is rated for expert builders and the final model looks impressive with many of the details you find in its real-world counterpart. He’ll love displaying and sharing this model with friends.

Calling all Mustang fans! Build your own classic 1960s-inspired blue Mustang muscle car complete with white racing stripes with this 1,471-piece LEGO Creator Ford Mustang set. The interior of the car features seating, working steering, and a console-mounted shifter. The attention to detail will impress die-hard enthusiasts with a complete recreation of its 390-cubic-inch V8 engine, nitrous oxide in the trunk, and authentic body styling. The coolest part? Adding on optional accessories like a rear ducktail spoiler, front splitter,supercharger, and beefy exhaust pipes gives the Mustang a more aggressive, supercharged muscle car racing look. The completed model measures 13-inches long by 5-inches wide. It’s the perfect gift for car enthusiasts and LEGO fans alike and is sure to be a great conversation starter.

This 1/72-scale Tie Fighter is a beautiful model kit made with good quality. Given the size, the details of the starship are amazing and it offers a relatively easy build. La meilleure partie? No glue is required for assembly. It’s the perfect gift for any Star Wars fan and he’ll proudly display it.

The Ultimate Justice League Batmobile is pure awesomeness. This is a gift that is sure to leave his jaw on the floor. Batman steers the vehicle, rocket launcher and cannon. With a Wi-Fi-based camera you can get a FPV of the action from Batman’s perspective. The cool thing? You can control this badass vehicle with your smartphone via an app. There is even an immersive part that launches exploding rockets on your phone so fans get the whole movie effect and experience while driving the Batmobile.

This Harry Potter Wand is an exact replica of the wand seen in the movies – measuring 15-inches long. It’s sure to get any fan super excited with delight. The wand is ready to gift in a special wand box based on Ollivander’s from the films. Now if you could only cast magical spells like Harry Potter that would be something.

Created from 3D scans, the Star Trek Bluetooth Communicator is the perfect gift for any Trekkie. It pairs easily with any Bluetooth phones. What’s cool? You can answer your calls just like in Star Trek. It features 20 film-accurate phrases and sound effects for your Star Wars geek. It also comes with a gorgeous molded foam transit case and leatherette pouch. It’s a great gift combining both form and function.

Is he still waiting for his Harry Potter Acceptance Letter? He will be amazed when he gets a package straight from Hogwarts. He will receive a personalized letter and a boarding pass. It’s actually shipped all the way from England so it looks authentic. If he loves Harry Potter, this is a unique gift that he will always treasure.

Star Wars fans love collecting their favorite POP! figures based on the latest Star Wars flick. These are the figures fans are looking for. Collect all your favorites from Darth Vader, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker, and more!

NECA has built a reputation for delivering incredibly detailed figures based on your favorite characters from movies to videogames and more. Featuring an incredible sculpt with incredible attention to detail and 36 points of articulation, this 7-inch Kratos figure from God of War looks badass. It’s an offcially licensed product complete with accessories that no die-hard fan should be without.

Who isn’t in love with Nintendo characters? Amiibo toys make cool stocking stuffers for Nintendo lovers. These toys not only look cool but unlock additional features and content in Nintendo games. Fans are going wild over the announcement of Ridley in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and will likely want to add this uber cool amiibo to their collection.

Show your fandom with this awesome amiibo End Level Display. It’s perfect for displaying your amiibo collection in style in classic Mario fashion. This display holds up to 6 amiibo figures. The perfect gift for any Nintendo fan.

Capture the speed, thrills, and excitement of a roller coaster with this awesome Creator Expert set from LEGO. This 4,124-piece set features incredible details, such as a working rollercoaster, ticket booth, cotton candy cart, concession stand, and more to bring the experience to life. Fans will love watching these gravity-driven cars hurtle through the twists and turns. What’s cool? You can even upgrade to a manual or automated chain lift with LEGO Power Functions or LEGO Boost, respectively. Get ready for thrilling, high speed fun ahead!

Got a super geek who loves Voltron? Standing 15-inches tall, this is one of the most awesome LEGO Voltron figures we’ve ever seen! Built from over 2,000 pieces, the level of detailing is simply incredible. In fact, it is the biggest LEGO Mech ever. Fans will love building it and showing it off to all their friends. It is the perfect gift for any Voltron fan – sure to make them smile from ear to ear.

Does he love Super Mario and chess? He’ll get all geeked out over this Super Mario-themed chess set featuring all his favorite characters from the Super Mario universe. Everyone’s here from Mario and Luigi to Princess Peach, Yoshi, Toad, Bowser, and more! It is a fun gift for gamers who love chess.

It’s fun playing the Pokemon games, but there is something about physically playing the card game that you don’t get with the video games. Once you start collecting Pokemon cards, it is impossible to stop. Pokemon requires playing different cards to perform moves and countermoves against your opponent. Each card has different stats. You always have to be one step ahead of your opponent. Nothing can beat the exciting feeling when you get a new stack of cards.

This Star Wars 12-inch Vinyl Wall Clock makes a big statement on your wall while allowing you to tell time. It’s a super cool looking wall clock with the Star Wars logo etched into the vinyl and a sillouhette of Darth Vader. Both stylish and functional – it’s a perfect gift for Star Wars fans – you simply can’t go wrong.

Here’s the perfect for your Star Wars geek! It’s an officially licensed Darth Vader LEGO figure. But that’s not all! It also features a convenient LED light, which is really helpful in the dark. The figure is poseable and easily fits onto your keychain ring. May the Force be with you!

Looking for a fun gift for your superhero lover? This officially licensed single-serve Marvel Captain America Coffee Maker with mug makes a great gift for Captain America fans. It features a 12-oz. mug with Captain America’s iconic shield logo and comes with a permanent filter and removable drip tray. It’s sure to supercharge his mornings. Choose from a variety of superheroes.

Inspired by Captain America’s iconic shield, this officially licensed Marvel Captain America Waffle Maker serves up a single 6-inch waffle. Best of all, it offers a non-stick surface, making clean-up a breeze. The waffle maker creates a crisp, golden-brown, and delicious Captain America shield waffle in about 3-5 minutes. Making breakfast just got a whole lot more fun.

This is the perfect cookie jar for Star Wars fans. R2-D2 looks fantastic with nice detailing in all the right places. It’s an officially licensed Star Wars product made of plastic. The size is pretty good but just wish it was a bit bigger. The coolest part? R2-D2 beeps when the cookie jar is popped opened. Now all you need is some cookies.

There is nothing cool about a pizza slicer. That is until now. Shaped like the Star Trek Enterprise, this flying saucer doubles as a pizza slicer. Even if you don’t love Star Trek or don’t eat pizza, you have to own this.

Ready to be a superhero in the kitchen? This officially licensed DC Batman Kitchen Timer sends a bat signal when time is up. What’s cool? You can even beam the light on walls. Save the day by never letting your food burn or overcook.

Every college guy has to own this bathrobe. It turns you instantly into a Jedi Master. It’s got the hood, sleeves, and belt. Imagine walking around with this in your dorm room with the hood on. Your roommates will be jealous. If you’re a real Jedi, you might just want to wear it to class.

This Harry Potter All Houses Hooded Bathrobe will make any Potter head smile from ear to ear. It’s well made with a soft feel and perfect for lounging. It’s made of polyester and has embroidered designs and a two color scheme. Choose from a variety of colors. These bathrobes are machine washable.

Is he obsessed with Stanger Things? Set in the 80s, this sci-fi series is impossible not to binge watch on Netflix. Now he can look like he attends Hawkins Middle School with this adorable sweatshirt. The only problem? He might develop an obsession for the sweatshirt, too.

Lego is bringing back Harry Potter in a big way and everybody is excited. There are going to be additional Harry Potter sets later this year, but the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall was the real showstopper of the show that had practically everyone drooling to get their hands on it. It comes with 11 minifigures so you get a ton of cool characters. The coolest part? It has a moving staircase.

The LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle is a very classy looking set. Although it seems a bit smaller than expected, it’s actually 1:1 scale with many ships in a bottle. From a distance it looks quite realistic and what’s great is that it doesn’t occupy too much space. The cap and cork are exquisitely designed and great to look at. As for the ship, it features a nice build. It’s surprisingly sturdy and dense considering its size. Decide whether you want the boat inside or outside of the bottle beforehand, as it’s not so easy to remove once it is inside the bottle.

Sip from this Harry Potter themed cup and you will turn into a magical wizard. With the words “I Don’t Give A GryffinDamn,” this mug is something that any Harry Potter fan would love drinking out of. Holding 15-ounces of liquid, it might not be as big as a life-size cauldron. Still, that doesn’t mean he can’t whip up a magical potion that wakes him up in the morning.

PopSockets are an amazing invention. They serve as a stand for your phone to consume content and they can also be used for gripping your phone or tablet. They’re even great for gaming, watching videos and surfing the web. Best of all, they’re resuable. Choose from a variety of stylish designs – now with new Fortnite themes.

Your Fortnite gamer will love this officially licensed merchandise from Epic Games. It’s perfect for winter weather to keep him warm and comfy plus he can show his love for his favorite battle royale game. It has a hoodie and kangaroo-style pockets for added warmth and comfort. Choose from two color options.

Everyone loves a good laugh. When he puts his legs up on the table, friends and family will get a kick out of these Fortnite socks which state: “Do not disturb – I’m playing Fortnite.” Made of a blend of cotton and polyester, he’ll be comfy while playing his favorite game with his friends. What’s not to love? These will be his new go-to socks while playing Fortnite.

Fortnite fans rejoice – have we got an amazing gift for you! Inspired by the massively popular videogame, Fornite fans can get their hands on these super cool looking Fortnite-themed night lights with fast or slow color-changing features. It’s a real visual treat that’s sure to get the conversations started. They look amazing in the dark with their intricate 3D designs. What’s cool? You can choose from seven different colors and there are a variety of designs to choose from. It’s battery or USB-powered and makes a great gift for any Fortnite fan.

Nintendo Labo allows gamers to create cardboard objects, using the Nintendo Switch as the brains of their creations. It’s all part of a push to get people interested in science and engineering. There are several different kit out already including a Variety, Robo, and Vehicle kit. With 5 buildable projects, the variety kit is a perfect introduction to the Nintendo Labo. You be making everything from a RC car to a piano. The kit comes with the Toy-Con Garage which allows you to create your own creations.

Designed for children and their families, Nintendo’s innovative Labo series expands with a new basic ‘virtual reality’ technology kit. This unique experience encourages both virtual and physical interactions among players by passing around their Toy-Con creations. Unlike traditional VR, it’s not designed to be a solo experience so there is no headstrap — you simply hold it to your head and pass it around to family members. With a design inspired by Google Cardboard, this complete combo VR Kit lets kids build their own VR headset and includes a VR headset, blaster, camera, bird, elephant, and wind pedal. Explore over 60 fun mini games in the VR Plaza that amplify the experience. Create 3D artwork with an elephant’s trunk, play a virtual drum kit, fly like a bird through a beautiful landscape, play bomb tennis, blast through an alien city, shoot photos of marine life as you explore an underwater world and so much more! La meilleure partie? The Toy-Con VR Garage now enables kids to make their own VR games! What will you create? A starter set will feature just the VR headset and blaster, and expansion packs will be sold separately. Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild will support the VR Kits. Now if only we could get a Dunk Hunt VR game.

Add a little fun to your light switch with this arcade style light switch plate. This light switch plate features two colorful, large arcade style buttons. It’s super easy to install and simply replaces your current light switch plate. It’s an affordable gift for the teen gamer in your life.

Having trouble finding a great gift idea for your 18 year old Star Wars fan? Consider the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Lamp. The lamp looks incredibly cool with the lights out and it features seven different colors. All your friends will wonder where you got it. It makes a great addition to your room decor.

Add a dash of personality to your room with this awesome pixel art of iconic Super Mario from Super Mario World. Standing 6-inches tall, this lighted figure looks just like Super Mario from the video game. Light up your room in style with this officially licensed product.

Retro gamers will love adding a bit of originality to their room with this Pac Man Mood Light. It screams ” I Love Video Games.” When you plug it into a USB slot, the lights slowly transitions to different colors every couple of seconds. In music mode, the light changes with the beat of the music. Pac Man fans will eat this one up.

Your teen gamer who loves all things PlayStation will love this fun PlayStation-themed Icons Light from Paladone. It features the iconic triangle, circle, X, and square icons from the PlayStation controller and has 3 lighting modes. It’s a fun way to add a splash of personality to his room. What’s cool? It even reacts to music with a cool color phasing effect.

Zelda fans will love this Triforce Light inspired by The Legend of Zelda games. In addition to providing bright light, it projects images of the Hyrule logo and looks really cool in a dark room. It’s a great conversation starter and adds personality to your teen’s room. It’s a fun gift that any Zelda fan will appreciate.

Light up your PlayStation gamer’s world with this officially licensed PlayStation Mini Light. Featuring a modern design with the iconic PlayStation logo and icons, this cylindrical light is a great conversation starter. Vouloir plus? It even plays official PlayStation sounds. All your friends will want to get one.

Looking for a fun nightstand for your Apple Watch? Blast to the past with the elago W5 Stand for Apple Watch inspired by the original Nintendo Game Boy. Placing your Apple Watch on the stand charges the watch while allowing you to view its display. Since the nightstand is made from scratch-free silicon, it won’t damage your Apple Watch. It’s compatible with Apple Watch Series 1-4. Choose from four color schemes. Both fun and functional — it’s the perfect gift for Nintendo fanboys.
So he loves things made of plastic? Here are the best toys for 18 year old boys who want to feel like a kid again.

Star Wars fans will love this app-enabled version of BB-9E. Sphero has taken the design of the original Sphero and given it a Star Wars makeover with the Dark Side personality. Using an app on your phone, you can direct and control BB-9E all over your house chasing friends, family, and even pets.

Ever dreamt of having the Force from the Star Wars flicks? Well, now you can with the Star Wars Force Band. It’s the perfect gadget to take control of your Sphero BB-8 droid and it looks super cool. It works within a decent range of about 82 feet. He’ll have fun controlling his BB-8 in a brand new exciting way. What Star Wars fan wouldn’t love the Force?

Say goodbye to Hot Wheels and welcome to the next generation of slot car racing. Just like Hot Wheels, in Anki Overdrive, you will race physical cars on a physical racing track. With the modular track pieces, you can even create 8 different layouts. The twist? An app allows you to control the cars and even battle with other cars, merging the physical world with the digital world. This updated version boasts a Fast and the Furious theme.

Before you invest in a large drone, the Tello quadcopter is the perfect first drone. Designed to be easy to fly and withstand crashes, this drone gives you hands-on experience flying a drone. It flies for about 13 minutes on a full charge. The built-in 720p camera is a cool feature, but don’t expect the quality to compete with a GoPro Hero.

The DJI Phantom is the drone every 18 year old boy wishes he could fly. With built-in stabilization, it’s easy to learn to fly. The built-in camera records movie-quality 2.7K video. With built-in GPS-assisted flight, you can even make the drone follow you around, taking the coolest selfies ever.

DJI makes many drones, but the DJI Spark is its cheapest drone. The DJI Spark is the drone every teenage guy wishes he could fly on Christmas morning. It’s got a built-in 12-megapixel camera that captures great 1080P video. Video looks smooth thanks to its 2-axis stabilized gimbal. The main appeal is that this tiny drone is extremely portable and offers about a 16-minute flight time per battery. With optional hand gesture controls, this is the perfect drone for beginners and professionals. The Fly More Combo adds the remote control and 2 additional batteries for extended flying time.

The DJI Mavic Air combines features from the entry-level Spark and higher-end Mavic Pro. It has a compact folding design with a stabilized 4K camera, obstacle avoidance, and offers flight times up to 21 minutes. It shoots brilliant video at 4K up to 30 FPS. The quality is generally excellent with much better detail than the Spark. Not only does it allow for super cool gesture controls, but also it offers sensors that allow it to smartly avoid surrounding obstacles by going over and around them. If you want a 4K camera on a 3-axis gimble, longer flight time, greater range and obstacle avoidance, the Mavic Air is a great choice.

The DJI Mavic Pro features amazing 4K video capture and obstacle avoidance. The build quality is solid, it actually feels quite rugged, and the video quality is comparable to the DJI Phantom 4. This tech allows users to avoid crashing into obstacles while flying forward for a more satisfying flying experience. It also integrates GPS for more precise control both indoors and outdoors as well as better videos. In this mode the Mavic is very stable and easy to fly. The Mavic Pro offers good flight stability and the design is very compact which is perfect for outdoor adventures. This is the feature that will sell most people. The battery life lasts very close to half an hour on a single charge. It’s 3-axis stabilization means you can shoot smooth looking video. The Fly More Combo kit includes the Mavic Pro, remote control, 3 batteries, shoulder bag, and several other accessories. Considering its compact size, lower price and comparable performance to the Phantom 4, this is a great value and well worth the price of admission.

The DJI Mavic 2 Pro improves on the specs of the original in nearly every way from image quality to obstacle avoidance. The biggest highlight is the new Hasselblad camera. We love that it’s still compact and lightweight – perfect for carrying around in a bag. Obstacle avoidance has been improved for better all-around coverage. Now you get a 5-mile range with a 1080P feed to your mobile device. That means you can fly farther and see more clearly than ever before. A downside is you can’t control the Mavic 2 Pro with just a phone or tablet like every other DJI drone. The image quality of the Mavic 2 Pro is superb, rivaling the Phantom Pro. The variable aperture controls are a real game-changer. The larger 1-inch sensor lets you capture more dynamic range and delivers improved low-light performance. It also shoots 20MP still photos, which allows for more flexibility in cropping.
Guys and their gadgets, right? Whether it’s a touchscreen phone or something inexpensive that will make his life easier, we’ve compiled a must-have list of cool gadgets for teenage guys.

With the GoPro HERO7 White, it’s never been more affordable to record yourself skiing down a mountain, performing tricks on your skateboard, or catching some serious air on your bike. La meilleure partie? The GoPro has gotten smaller than ever before and it’s waterproof to 33 ft with image stabilization for smooth looking video. It shoots 1080p video at 60 FPS. About the size of an ice cube, the Go Pro Hero Session is ready to go on any adventure you go on. Let the adventures begin!

About the size of an ice cube, the GoPro7 Session allows anyone to record their adventures in 4K ultra high definition. Because it’s small and lightweight, it’s the perfect camera for helmet mounts whether you attach while mountain biking or snowboarding.

The GoPro has some new competition in the form of the rugged and compact DJI Osmo Action Camera. It captures 12MP photos, 4K at 60 FPS, and 4K HDR video at 30 FPS with electronic image stabilization for smooth video. A downside is EIS can’t be enabled with HDR and its stabilization doesn’t match up with the GoPro. It features dual displays: a 2.25-inch rear touchscreen and a 1.4-inch display on the front for selfies. It’s dustproof and shockproof to 5 ft and waterproof to 36 ft. In addition to letting you select your viewing screen, the Quick Switch button streamlines switching between picture, video, and time-lapse modes. it also features 8x slow motion. La meilleure partie? After a bit of a learning curve, it’s easy to use on the fly but it’s battery life could be better. However, it’s a great alternative to the GoPro for capturing your adventures.

If you’ve never tried one of these personal assistants, it’s worth giving it a try. The Echo Dot lets you experiment with the potential of Alexa. So what does it do exactly? Using voice recognition technology, you can make Alexa do a handful of things like play your favorite music, make calls, turn on/off smart lighting, order a pizza, and so much more. You can even play games or hear the headlining news. It’s like a gadget from the future – only it’s here right now.

The Amazon Echo is much more than just a Bluetooth speaker. You can actually speak to it to make it answer questions, play music, check sports scores, order pizza, and even check your daily to-do list. New functionality is being added every day and now you can have it control your lights. It’s like having your own digital assistant that always listens to you.

Google Home Mini is a voice-activated smart speaker assistant. It can play music, control smart devices, add things to your shopping or to-do list, and web searches all with your voice. Unlike the Echo it fits in more easily with your décor like an air freshener. The far-field microphones allow it to hear you from across the room. It can get quite loud and fills up an entire room. It can control Nest, Philips Hue lights, and smart things. The biggest difference is that it is powered by Google’s search engine so you can ask it many of the things you ask on the PC. What’s amazing is it even understands context.

Google Home is a voice-activated smart speaker assistant. It can play music, control smart devices, add things to your shopping or to-do list, and web searches all with your voice. Unlike the Echo it fits in more easily with your décor like an air freshener. The far-field microphones allow it to hear you from across the room. It can get quite loud and fills up an entire room. It can control Nest, Philips Hue lights, and smart things. The biggest difference is that it is powered by Google’s search engine so you can ask it many of the things you ask on the PC. What’s amazing is it even understands context.

The Echo Show provides visual and audio feedback, making it far more useful. It has a 7-inch touchscreen with a built-in speaker. It has a 720p camera and the speaker, screen, and microphones all work well. It can do everything Echo can do and more. You can ask it questions, get a weather report, play music, news or podcasts, read out your calendar, and more. It can even play video from your Amazon collection or Amazon Prime video library. It also does video calls. Discover the difference of not only dictating to you, but also showing you information.

The Echo Spot is what you would get if the Echo Show and Echo Dot had a baby. It looks like a tiny alarm clock with a 2-inch screen that is Alexa-enabled. It can control your smart home, play music, video calls and more. It’s an interesting gadget that’s perfect for the bedroom.

Tired of cable and satellite? If you don’t need 4K streaming, Roku Express is one of the best and more affordable streaming devices around. It supports full 1080p HD video output and is super easy to use. It’s the simplest way to make your TV smart and you’ll benefit from access to more than 450,000 movies and shows. This stick is amazing and it’s hard to beat that price.

If you want to stream movies and shows in 4K with HDR this is the streaming stick you need. Search for what you want when you want it with the voice-powered remote. Enjoy over 500K movies and shows and forget about cable and satellite for good. Overall, it’s one of the best streaming sticks for the money.

Perfect for college, now you can get access to your favorite entertainment subscriptions on your TV with this little gadget from Amazon. There is very little setup. Simply stick this device in your TV’s HDMI slot to access Netflix, HBO Go, Amazon Prime, and more.

Amazon’s new Fire TV streams in 4K Ultra HD with HDR support. Gain access to thousands of channels and apps ranging from Netflix and Hulu to HBO, Amazon, Showtime, Starz, and more. With over 500K entertainment choices, you’ll feel like you’re in heaven. Dolby Atmos brings higher fidelity audio quality into the fold. And let’s not forget it’s powered by Alexa to make accessing the content you want easier than ever.

Chromecast Ultra supports 4K video with HDR for bursting contrast and a whole new realm of colors. If you’re looking for a good 4K streamer this is one of the best deals in town. It’s nearly twice as fast as the previous version. You can stream Netflix, YouTube and more. If you’re looking for afforable 4K streamer at a bargain, you’ll definitely want to check this out.

Looking to convert your TV into a basic computer? The Asus Chromebit essentially transforms your TV into a barebones Chromebook with a simple stick. It delivers snappy performance and gets the job done for basic applications like web surfing, classwork, YouTube and more. And it’s really hard to beat that price point.

The Logitech Harmony Elite is Logitech’s top of the line model. The Harmony Elite allows users to elegantly control as many as 15 home entertainment devices with one streamlined remote. The days of dreaming about this are officially over. And it works just as you’d expect – like a charm and it’s so intuitive to use. The Elite features a color touchscreen to make controlling everything easier than ever and it feels great.

Everyone needs to carry a portable phone charger. We use our smartphones on a daily basis and they always seem to run out of battery life. With this portable battery pack in your backpack, you don’t ever have to worry about your phone dying. Not only can it charge your phone a couple of times, it can be used to charge any USB device including a larger tablet.

The newest iPhones now support wireless charging so you don’t have to plug in your phone to charge them anymore. This Qi-certified wireless charger from Anker allows your phone to charge when it is placed in the stand so you can still use your phone while it is charging. La meilleure partie? Your phone can charge in the horizontal or vertical position so you can even binge watch Netflix while your phone is charging.

Sometimes when I am far away, I can’t use my phone because the charger is too short. I have to always twist my head in the most awkward position just to use my phone. I would love a long charging cord so I don’t have to worry how far away the outlet is. At 6 feet long, this one fits the bill.

Looking for a clutter-free way to charge your devices? This USB Charging Dock eliminates the clutter of wires often seen with other charging systems. It’s perfect for charging your phone and tablet – like iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. La meilleure partie? This charger is cost-efficient, as it stops charging once your device is fully charged. You never have to worry, as its design prevents against overcharging. It’s a neat and tidy charging solution for all your USB gadgets.

Most of us have more smart devices than we can count on one finger. The only problem? Charging all of them! If you are tired of juggling between all your chargers, this charging hub makes life so much simpler. It couldn’t be simpler to use. You simply plug it into the wall. It’s got 6 USB slots on it that you can use to charge your smart devices.

If you have a ton of gadgets that you have to charge at the same time, then you have to own this 6-port charger from Anker. It not only charges 6 devices at the same time, it charges them much faster than other USB chargers thanks to its higher amp output. It’s great for charging both Android and Apple devices.

Want to control your lighting or other devices with your smartphone or Alexa? Now you can control your devices from anywhere with TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plug Mini. La meilleure partie? No hub is required, it’s easy to use, and works as promised. Enjoy the convenience of an upgraded smart home.

Looking to clear off surfaces or polish up your home décor without losing your favorite voice assistant? This Dottie is an accessory designed to house your 2nd gen Echo Dot and plug it directly into the wall outlet. It doesn’t cause damage to your walls and even improves audio quality and microphone sensitivity. It just may be the best $20 you’ve spent.

Smart home lighting is here. With this smartbulb, you can control the lighting in your room whether you are having a party, watching a movie, or want a romantic setting. Using the your phone or Alexa, you can connect to the bulb to change its color to millions of possibilities.

Say goodbye to long distance relationships with this unique lamp. When you touch one lamp, the other one lights up. The coolest part? Because the lamps work over Wi-FI, the lamps can be at opposite ends of the country. It’s a fun and innovative way to send your love from miles away.

More and more people are relying on their phones to capture memorable moments. Most phone cameras have a basic lens for point and shoot. This lens kit is an inexpensive alternative to buying a fancy DSLR camera. The kit comes with a 12.5x macro lens. The lens is very easy to screw on to the iPhone and give your photos a more professional look.

Do you find that your gadgets or cords are always getting lost in the bottom of your bag? The Cocoon GRID-IT! case keeps all your gadgets organized using little straps that hold everything securely in place. The grid system allows you to hold phone chargers, adapters, and small gadgets. It’s a great addition to any backpack.

If you’re teen will be shooting HD video or going on vacation, this high speed SDXC memory is perfect for compatible devices. It’s rated for 4K video and offers great reading and writing speeds. It can shoot about 8,000 photos and almost 2 hours of 4K Ultra HD video with 16MP photos. Most importantly, you get the reliability and ease of use you expect from SanDisk.

Nowadays micro SD cards are popular because they’re used in everything from smartphones to Nintendo Switch, and even Raspberry Pi. Sandisk makes a range of reliable memory cards ranging from 16GB to 400GB. The larger the memory capacity, the more you can store. That means more photos, MP3s, games, and more. This package conveniently includes an SD adapter so it can be read in your PC.

This Star Wars Darth Vader flash drive makes a great stocking stuffer for fans of the series. Every Star Wars fan knows Darth Vader and will love using this gadget to store their files, documents, music, and more. As a bonus, it’s preloaded with Star Wars-themed content. Best of all, it works on laptops and desktops and provides fast data transfer.

Do you find that no matter how much of stuff you delete on your computer, it is still full? Then you need this external hard drive especially if you have tons of photos or videos on your computer. La meilleure partie? It can be formatted to work with both Mac and Windows computers.

When it comes to storage Seagate Expansion drives are an excellent option. This drive features 2TBs of storage for all types of files. As a matter of fact, you can probably backup your entire system. It has USB 3.0 as well as USB 2.0 compatibility and data transfer is rapid. You can even drag and drop individual files with relative ease. It’s a great portable storage solution for PCs, laptops, PS4, and Xbox One.

Looking to upgrade your PC’s hard drive to an SSD? Samsung’s 860 EVO 500GB SSD Drive gives you the speed and reliability you expect. This is especially important when working with 4K video. This internal drive fits most mainstream laptops and PCs. Available capacities vary from 500GB to 4TB, depending on your needs.

A lot of electronics use different types of memory cards. In order for you to load the data onto your computer, you need the appropriate card reader. Shaped like a thumb drive, this super portable card reader from Anker can read SD and SD micro cards. La meilleure partie? It’s a great card reader that fits in your pocket.