Cadeaux pour garçons de 18 ans [Comprehensive List]
Quels sont les meilleurs cadeaux pour un garçon de 18 ans? Avoir 18 ans est une étape importante pour les adolescents. Votre adolescent est enfin en train de devenir un adulte et prêt à affronter le monde à lui tout seul. Les garçons de 18 ans aiment le sport, les jeux vidéo, les gadgets technologiques, la musique et bien sûr les filles. Beaucoup de garçons de 18 ans terminent leurs études secondaires et se préparent à entrer à l'université ou à trouver un emploi. Un cadeau qui les aidera à faire la transition sera grandement apprécié.
Tous les garçons de 18 ans ne sont pas pareils, nous avons donc créé un guide de cadeaux basé sur des intérêts différents, qu’il soit aventurier ou amateur de gadgets. Un 18e anniversaire ne se produit qu'une seule fois et il convient de s'en souvenir avec un cadeau spécial. Nous avons donc inclus quelques idées de cadeaux dignes de folies. Avec plus de 1 000 idées de cadeaux, nous avons un large choix d’idées de cadeaux pour tous les goûts. Découvrez les meilleures idées de cadeaux pour les gars de 18 ans.
Il n'y a jamais eu de meilleur moment pour être un joueur. Ces consoles, jeux et accessoires ne manqueront pas de chatouiller la fantaisie du joueur de 18 ans de votre liste.

La SNES Classic rassemble 21 jeux pour la plupart incroyables des années 90 dans une console nostalgique adorable. Bien qu'il existe des moyens moins coûteux et plus faciles de jouer à certains des plus grands jeux de l'ère des 16 bits, aucun d'entre eux ne se sent aussi bien. Nintendo a opté pour la qualité plutôt que la quantité avec la bibliothèque de jeux. Il existe plus d'une douzaine de franchises de vedettes comme Zelda, Super Mario World, etc. Les jeux sont magnifiquement imités pour les écrans HD. Les points de suspension vous permettent d’enregistrer à tout moment de la partie et même une fonction de rembobinage. Avec deux contrôleurs, le mode multijoueur est une option prête à l'emploi. Nintendo a un autre jour férié frappé ses manches.

Cet été, la NES Classic fait son retour triomphant! Réimaginé sous forme de miniature, la NES Classic Edition propose 30 des plus grands jeux rétro Nintendo. Jouez à des classiques comme Super Mario Bros., Zelda, Donkey Kong et plus encore. Maintenant, vous jouez avec le pouvoir! C’est le cadeau idéal pour les joueurs et les collectionneurs.

Le jeu rétro fait fureur de nos jours! La Genesis Mini arrive sur les lieux le 19 septembre et fait ce que Nintendon’it! Tout est inclus pour brancher et jouer dès la sortie de la boîte. La meilleure partie? Vous n’avez pas besoin de cartouches, car 40 titres légendaires de Sega Genesis sont préchargés. Jouez à des classiques comme Sonic The Hedgehog, Altered Beast et bien plus encore! Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu vidéo avec le retour de la bien-aimée Genesis 16 bits maintenant sous forme miniature.

Toutes nos consoles rétro préférées deviennent miniaturisées. De retour dans la journée, les joueurs adoraient jouer aux jeux NeoGeo sur arcade. Maintenant, ils réduisent l'armoire d'arcade SNK et la placent dans la paume de votre main. La partie la plus cool? En fait, il dispose d'un écran de 3,5 pouces. De plus, il peut également être connecté à un téléviseur via HDMI. La mini console est livré avec 40 jeux.

Imaginez construire et posséder votre propre cabinet d'arcade de Street Fighter II. C’est exactement ce que vous obtenez avec ce meuble de Arcade 1Up. Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu d'arcade et participez au concours classique de Street Fighter dans le plaisir de votre maison pour une fraction des autres cabinets d'arcade. La meilleure partie? Aucun quartier n'est requis, alors jouez! Cette arcade propose 3 jeux: Street Fighter II: Édition Champion, Super Street Fighter II: Les Nouveaux Challengers et Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Invitez vos amis et voyez qui est le vrai champion.

Arcade1Up a donné vie à certains des jeux classiques préférés des joueurs. Ces armoires d'arcade hautes de 4 pieds proposent 3 jeux: Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II et Ultimate Mortal Kombat – parfaitement recréés avec des illustrations originales haute résolution, une manette de jeu et des boutons. Ces armoires coûtent une petite fraction des armoires grandeur nature et pèsent également moins, ce qui en fait un excellent ajout à votre salle de jeux. Invitez vos amis à participer à des combats classiques et à "Terminez-le"! La meilleure partie? Aucun quartier n'est requis, alors jouez!

À la demande générale, Arcade1Up propose aux fans un meuble Final Fight Arcade. Cette armoire présente des commandes d'arcade authentiques, une construction de qualité commerciale et des illustrations originales. Plus important encore, le gameplay semble fidèle à l'original. Cette arcade propose également d’autres succès d’archives de Capcom: 1944, Ghosts ‘N Goblins et Strider pour revivre les beaux jours du jeu d’arcade. C’est le cadeau idéal pour votre junkie d’arcade.

Space Invaders fête ses 40 ans avec cette réplique de 4 pieds d'Arcade1Up. Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu avec cette armoire classique à la verticale dotée de commandes d'arcade authentiques. Le meuble présente des illustrations originales et une construction de qualité commerciale. Leur taille réduite leur permet de s'intégrer parfaitement à la maison ou au dortoir.

Vous ne pouvez pas installer une arcade plus grande dans votre chambre? Aucun problème! Maintenant, Arcade1Up a lancé une nouvelle ligne d’arcades miniatures appelée Counter-Cades avec un écran LCD couleur de 8 pouces. Ces machines sont parfaites pour votre table et vous permettent de gagner un espace précieux dans votre pièce. Pac-Man est toujours l'un de nos jeux préférés de la vieille école et cela comprend également Pac & Pal. Le jeu a été parfaitement traduit avec cette nouvelle unité – afin que vous et vos amis puissiez obtenir votre solution Pac-Man à tout moment.

Avec des commandes et un jeu d'arcade authentiques, ce Space Invaders Counter-Cade de Arcade1Up, sous licence officielle, apporte l'expérience d'arcade à votre comptoir. Cette armoire présente des illustrations originales et fonctionne sans pièces avec un écran LCD couleur de 8 pouces. Cette unité d'arcade présente les Space Invaders et les Space Invaders Color d'origine. Revivez les jours de gloire du jeu d'arcade et voyez pourquoi ce jeu de tir classique vaut la peine d'être joué!

Pas de place pour installer une arcade en taille réelle dans votre chambre? Aucun problème! Avec l’Arcade1Up Pac-Man Wall-Cade, vous pouvez désormais monter cette arcade murale sur votre mur ou votre porte et profiter du plaisir du jeu rétro. Il comporte de véritables commandes d'arcade, des illustrations originales, une construction de qualité commerciale et un fonctionnement sans pièce. Revivez les jours de gloire des jeux d'arcade à tout moment à la maison ou dans le dortoir.

Vous recherchez une action portable Street Fighter II? Ne cherchez pas plus loin que le meuble d'arcade RepliCade en édition limitée Street Fighter II: Édition Champion x de 12 pouces (échelle 1/6) de New Wave Toys. Avec une réplique authentique de l'arcade légendaire d'origine et des commandes réactives, il semble être fidèle à l'original, mais en plus petit! L’affichage à cristaux liquides de 3,5 pouces a un aspect net et le gameplay est étonnamment immersif compte tenu de sa taille. Il comporte une manette de jeu et une disposition traditionnelle à six boutons, un son stéréo amplifié, un chapiteau éclairé et inclut des versions jouables de Street Fighter II: Édition Champion et de Super Street Fighter II Turbo. Qu'est-ce qui est cool? En plus de pouvoir défier l'intelligence artificielle, vous pouvez affronter vos amis avec le bâton de combat USB miniaturisé inclus, qui se range facilement dans l'armoire. Tous les fans inconditionnels de Street Fighter II voudront cette réplique géniale dans leur chambre. Imaginez le plaisir sans fin de jouer à Street Fighter II sur votre bureau! Tous vos amis mourront d'envie de jouer.

Ramenez à la maison l'action d'arcade classique de Pac-Man avec ce jeu d'arcade miniature. Cette arcade est une reconstitution authentique et fidèle du jeu d’arcade original Pac-Man, avec décalques et gameplay. Des mini-manettes et des boutons vous permettent de jouer jusqu’au contenu de votre cœur sans vous soucier du poppin ’. Cadeau parfait pour les joueurs.

La Nintendo Switch représente un retour en forme pour Nintendo avec sa dernière console hybride. C’est à la fois une console portable et une console domestique. C’est une merveille d’ingénierie: elle permet de passer facilement d’un mode à l’autre et de jouer à vos jeux préférés à la maison ou en déplacement. La durée de vie de la batterie varie entre 3 et 6 heures, selon les jeux auxquels vous jouez. Le Switch est le hit des vacances incontournable. L'offre sera limitée en raison de la forte demande pour les vacances alors sécurisez le vôtre jusqu'à épuisement des stocks.

Microsoft a vanté la Xbox One X comme étant la console la plus puissante de la planète. Ils ont également dit que ce n’est pas pour tout le monde. C’est pour les puristes du jeu vidéo qui recherchent cette puissance supplémentaire pour jouer à leurs jeux avec les cadrages les plus fluides, des distances de tir incroyables et une fidélité visuelle maximale. Avons-nous mentionné les jeux ont l'air absolument magnifique sur un téléviseur 4K ultra HD. Ça ne va pas mieux que ça! La Xbox One X étant rare et épuisée, il peut être difficile de mettre la main sur cet élément très populaire.

Pour ne pas se laisser distancer par Sony, Microsoft possède également sa propre console de nouvelle génération, la Xbox One S. Bien que moins puissante que la PlayStation 4, la Xbox One dispose d'une bibliothèque plus étendue de jeux exclusifs. La partie la plus cool? Microsoft a annoncé une version entièrement numérique de la console sans lecteur de disque. Cela signifie que vous devrez télécharger tous vos jeux. Cet ensemble comprend un contrôleur sans fil Xbox Live Gold d’un mois et des téléchargements pour Minecraft, Forza Horizon 3 et Sea of Thieves.

De nos jours, la plupart des adolescents utilisent ce nouveau système sophistiqué appelé PlayStation 4. Avec 10 fois la puissance de la console précédente, ce système figure en tête de la liste des souhaits de tous les adolescents. Pourquoi? C'est un package incroyable pour les joueurs avec un contrôleur génial, des graphismes réalistes et la possibilité de partager. Sony le prépare pour les téléviseurs 4K.

Bien que la PlayStation 4 soit sortie il y a quelques années, c'est toujours le meilleur endroit pour jouer aux jeux vidéo les plus cools. Le système est légèrement plus puissant que la Xbox One. S'il ne possède pas déjà la PlayStation 4, il vous aimera probablement pour toujours s'il en reçoit une en cadeau. Cette année, vous aurez un plaisir fou à jouer au nouveau jeu Call of Duty et il existe même un casque VR en option. La grandeur est arrivée!

Une nouvelle Nintendo 3DS XL rejoint la famille. Découvrez la nouvelle édition Super NES. La SNES Classic est tellement populaire auprès des fans, c’est donc une nouvelle édition parfaite pour les satisfaire. Il est livré avec un téléchargement pour Super Mario Kart. La 3DS XL lit tous vos favoris de Mario à Zelda en passant par Smash Bros. et plus encore! Il joue même aux jeux DS mais pas en 3D. La vraie merveille est la façon dont Nintendo a pu apporter de la 3D réelle à la 3DS sans avoir besoin de lunettes 3D spéciales. Ceci est notre choix portable idéal pour jouer à des jeux et idéal pour une pause de toutes les études et les devoirs. Qui a dit que vous ne pouvez pas travailler dur et jouer plus fort?!

Th 2DS XL est une excellente idée cadeau pour les garçons adolescents qui aiment les jeux portables en déplacement. Il comporte la conception de coquille et exécute bien. La meilleure partie? Il joue aux jeux DS et 3DS – en 2D, bien sûr. Passez à la 3DS XL si vous préférez vivre des jeux dans une nouvelle dimension.

La réalité virtuelle est ici. Conçu pour fonctionner avec la PlayStation 4, le casque PlayStation VR vous permet de faire l'expérience de mondes et de films virtuels à 360 degrés. Avec le casque le plus abordable, Sony offre la VR à tous les joueurs PlayStation. Avec des centaines de titres de réalité virtuelle, les développeurs de jeux et les cinéastes sont à bord pour offrir la prochaine génération de divertissement.

Le HTC VIVE est peut-être plus cher que d’autres lecteurs, mais c’est pour une bonne raison. En termes simples, le VIVE offre le VR le plus avancé sur le marché à ce jour. Il est livré avec une paire de contrôleurs VR conçus sur mesure et deux stations de base qui permettent de suivre jusqu'à 15 m² pour une expérience de réalité virtuelle à grande échelle. Le point fort de son argument de vente réside dans la manière dont il associe liberté de mouvement et commandes intuitives à un casque performant. Bien que ce ne soit pas le casque le plus confortable, il fait partie des plus conviviaux. Préparez-vous à être immergé dans d'incroyables mondes virtuels dans le confort de votre maison.

L'Oculus Rift S est le successeur de la Rift. Il offre une configuration plus simple, des spécifications mises à jour et une expérience de réalité virtuelle améliorée. Un ordinateur de jeu capable est nécessaire pour utiliser le Rift S. Le casque est toujours attaché à votre ordinateur avec un câble. Ce nouveau casque offre six degrés de liberté sans capteurs externes. La qualité d'image est améliorée par rapport au Rift d'origine. Le Rift S utilise de nouveaux contrôleurs de mouvements tactiles plus légers, à la fois précis et réactifs. Le magasin propose une large gamme de jeux et d'applications. C’est un solide successeur de la Rift, mais nous souhaitons seulement que ce soit sans fil.

Oculus Quest est un système de réalité virtuelle autonome qui n’a pas besoin de PC ni de câbles reliés à un PC et vous pouvez même vous promener. Bien qu'il y ait eu d'autres systèmes autonomes, c'est le meilleur pour le moment. Les contrôleurs disposent de commandes tactiles et de vibrations pour vous immerger dans l'action. Ne vous attendez pas à des graphiques ultra-modernes avec la puce mobile. Les commandes sont fluides et constituent la meilleure partie de Quest. Ce qui est génial, c’est que vous pourrez jouer la plupart des hits de la Rift, mais vous êtes limité à une liste d’applications organisées. C'est la meilleure expérience de VR mobile à ce jour. Bien que ce ne soit pas la dernière étape de la réalité virtuelle, à ce prix, c’est une bonne affaire.

L'Oculus Go est l'oreillette VR la plus pratique et la plus confortable jamais conçue. Il s’agit de la RV traditionnelle, car elle est extrêmement simple à utiliser et élimine le volume et les câbles. Considérez-le comme une version autonome du Gear VR. Choisissez entre 32 ou 64 Go de stockage. Plus vous aurez de mémoire, plus vous pourrez vous divertir. Avant d'utiliser le Go, vous devez le coupler à un téléphone iOS ou Android pour le connecter à votre réseau Wi-Fi. La plus grande surprise est à quel point il est facile à utiliser et confortable à porter. Attendez-vous à environ 2,5 heures d'autonomie avec la vidéo et environ 2 heures aux jeux. Avec un prix de départ bas, c’est le moyen le plus simple pour la plupart des gens de se lancer dans la réalité virtuelle.

Un nouveau jeu Call Of Duty vient de sortir cette année et cela signifie que votre adolescent va en vouloir pour Noël. Avec son gameplay simpliste à fragmentation, tout le monde peut jouer à ce jeu et faucher des hordes d’ennemis. Le jeu introduit de nombreux changements importants. Premièrement, il est plus tactique et comporte un nouveau système de santé. Les spécialistes sont plus raffinés. Il existe maintenant un jeu 5 contre 5 axé sur l’équipe et le mode bataille royale appelé Blackout. Le jeu est classé M pour violence intense et sanglant. Vous décidez si vous voulez que votre adolescent joue ou non.

Beaucoup de joueurs jouent à Call Of Duty depuis des années et chaque année, c'est tout aussi amusant. Il y a quelque chose de tellement excitant à jouer des guerres de clans avec un groupe d'amis. Cette année, vous avez la possibilité de jouer à la campagne principale en ligne avec des amis, mais tout le monde sait que l'aspect multijoueur est le plus addictif. Cette année, nous recevons une grande variété de cartes et de personnalisations amusantes. L'édition Gold contient le contenu bonus de The Resistance DLC Pack I.

Préparez-vous à créer les parcours Super Mario de vos rêves dans Super Mario Maker 2, une exclusivité Nintendo Switch. Avec de nouveaux outils, défis, modes, thèmes, effets sonores et combinaisons presque illimitées, laissez aller votre imagination. Vous avez la liberté créative de choisir exactement quels ennemis vous voulez, où vous les voulez et s'il y a des salles secrètes. Le jeu propose plusieurs thèmes, dont Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World et maintenant même Super Mario 3D World. Ce dernier style propose de nouvelles astuces non disponibles dans les autres thèmes, et c’est celui qui nous passionne le plus. Avec Switch Online, vous pouvez partager vos cours en ligne et même jouer à des cours de joueurs du monde entier. Vous aimez un cours? Téléchargez-le pour jouer même lorsque vous n'êtes pas en ligne. Découvrez et inspirez-vous des centaines de parcours originaux conçus par les concepteurs experts de Nintendo en mode Story. La coopération multijoueur permet à quatre joueurs au maximum de travailler ensemble pour compléter des parcours et se battre contre des patrons. De toute évidence, il existe de nombreuses nouvelles façons de vous amuser avec Mario Maker 2. Si vous n’êtes pas déjà membre de Switch Online, un forfait spécial inclura Mario Maker 2 avec un abonnement de 12 mois à un prix spécial. Et si vous êtes déjà membre, cet abonnement peut être empilé.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ressemble à un musée conçu pour se célébrer. Le jeu propose tous les personnages jouables de l’histoire de la série, ainsi que deux nouveaux personnages pour plus de 65 personnages. Ridley fera enfin son entrée dans le jeu à la demande générale et même Snake fera un retour. Il y aura un mélange d'anciens et de nouveaux niveaux. Doté de boucliers parfaits, d’un saut court et du retour d’esquives aériennes directionnelles, il s’agit d’une expérience compétitive robuste. Les fans peuvent s'attendre à un jeu plus rapide et plus technique que jamais.

Bien que New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe conserve encore une grande partie de sa magie Mario, il semble moins important compte tenu du fait que le commutateur regorge de plateformes de plateformes 2D de haute qualité. Toadette est maintenant un personnage jouable avec des contrôles plus précis que Mario et Luigi. Le jeu comprend également l'extension Super Luigi U. Malgré ces ajouts, le jeu ne parvient pas à se démarquer dans un marché encombré. Il n’ya pas assez de choses ici pour en faire un incontournable pour les fans, mais c’est quand même une aventure amusante à jouer.

Red Dead Redemption 2 est une expérience narrative basée sur un monde ouvert. C’est un prequel établi 12 ans avant le premier match. Il y aura plusieurs versions du jeu: Standard, Special, Ultimate et PlayStation recevront du contenu bonus exclusif non proposé sur Xbox. Le premier jeu proposait un mode multijoueur, ce qui pourrait permettre aux joueurs de rester accrochés au jeu de la même manière que GTA V. Avec une violence intense, un langage puissant, la nudité, un contenu sexuel intense et la consommation de drogue, vous décidez si il devrait jouer.

NBA 2K19 apporte quelques modifications à la formule qui ne gélifie pas trop le produit en général. Les microtransactions sont discutables. Pratiquement tout dans le jeu nécessite de la monnaie virtuelle sous forme de chaussures, vêtements, tatouages et plus. En dépit de cette lacune, c’est une expérience de basket vraiment divertissante. La présentation et les animations des joueurs renforcent l'authenticité du jeu. Le jeu est fluide grâce à un taux de rafraîchissement de 60 images par seconde. Si vous ne faites pas attention aux microtransactions et à la mouture, vous vous amuserez beaucoup.

Qui n’aimerait pas emmener son équipe favorite au Super Bowl? Madden est de retour et c'est mieux que jamais. Le jeu n’a jamais été aussi réaliste grâce aux changements apportés à la mécanique de projection et au nouveau moteur Frostbite. Votre quarterback a maintenant la capacité de contrôler le type de lancer. Cela signifie que vous ne pouvez placer la balle que là où votre récepteur large peut l'attraper. Les affrontements entre joueurs n'ont jamais été aussi importants.

FIFA 19 est le meilleur jeu de la FIFA depuis des années. Bien que ce ne soit pas aussi ambitieux que les années précédentes, ce sont les petits changements qui se combinent pour créer un excellent package. Il s'appuie sur les jeux précédents et crée la réalisation ultime de l'expérience de la FIFA. La cadence du jeu a été ralentie pour faciliter les parties. Les matchs se jouent maintenant au milieu du terrain – prenez votre temps avec le ballon et trouvez le coéquipier ouvert – donnant au jeu une atmosphère tactique et méthodique.

Imaginez que vous deveniez l’incarnation de Spider-Man et que vous vous balançiez dans New York en tant que super-héros de quartier. C’est exactement ce que Insomniac a livré avec Marvel Spider-Man, une exclusivité PS4. La meilleure partie? Ils ont maîtrisé la mécanique balançante et c’est tellement amusant de traverser ce monde ouvert. Le combat ressemble à Arkham mais de façon spidey. Le jeu propose une histoire originale et intrigante, de nombreux méchants, et plus encore, alors vous pouvez être sûr qu'il sera bourré d'action et très amusant à jouer. Voyez cela comme un film interactif de Spider-Man. À quel point cela est cool?!

Cuphead était l’une des expériences exclusives à lire absolument pour la Xbox One / PC et c’est maintenant au Switch. Développé par un studio indépendant en collaboration avec Microsoft, Studio MDHR illustre le potentiel considérable d'un studio de jeu indépendant plus petit. Le jeu est un jeu de tir d'action 2D clairement inspiré par des hits comme Contra pour la NDA et Arcade. Le jeu propose un style visuel unique et une animation inspirée des dessins animés classiques. Le jeu prend en charge la coopération à 2 joueurs, ce qui est extrêmement amusant. Vous allez vous battre contre une variété de patrons, chacun ayant besoin de tactiques différentes pour être vaincu. Bien que le jeu soit plutôt court, soyez prêt à relever le défi.

Pokemon Let’ Go Go Pikachu et Eevee sont les premiers jeux Pokemon pour Switch. Les fans reconnaîtront instantanément certains de leurs univers familiers animés en 3D. Le jeu vous permet d'utiliser de simples commandes de mouvement pour capturer Pokemon. Il conserve le système de combat classique avec un système de nivellement froid. Êtes-vous prêt à tout attraper?! C’est une expérience vraiment gratifiante et immersive que les fans ne voudront pas manquer!

Suscitez la créativité de votre adolescent avec Minecraft. Il aura plaisir à créer son propre petit monde et à vivre des aventures incroyables avec des amis. À la tombée de la nuit, construisez un abri pour éloigner les monstres. Découvrez l'un des jeux les plus vendus et les plus populaires de l'histoire du jeu. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore joué, qu'attendez-vous?!

Sekiro est une expérience d'action furtive née de l'ADN de Dark Souls et de Bloodbourne tout en conservant sa difficulté. C’est un jeu qui demande du talent à maîtriser avec une courbe d’apprentissage abrupte. Ce n'est pas un jeu pour les faibles de cœur. Tu mourras beaucoup. Mais une fois que vous avez dépassé cette courbe, les combats deviennent plus enrichissants. Les niveaux et les combats sont excellents. Il existe un grand sentiment de liberté dans ces mondes. Le jeu jette une variété d'ennemis à votre façon. Recherchez une quantité incroyable de capacités à débloquer. Ce jeu met l'accent sur la précision et l'habileté dans son combat. C’est une étonnante tournure d’idées familières.

God of War est un tourbillon d’émotions et d’actes sanglants. C’est une composition magistrale d’emboîtements exceptionnels. Sa conception est payante de manière inattendue, tant dans le gameplay que dans le scénario. Kratos a été soigneusement repensé. Plus particulièrement, certains combats de boss stellaires font un travail fantastique en mettant en valeur la force de Kratos au niveau divin. Nous nous attendions à une action formidable de la part de God of War et nous y parvenons facilement, mais nous ne nous attendions pas à un voyage passionnant dans lequel chaque aspect complète les autres pour former un chef-d'œuvre qui est de loin le jeu le plus émouvant et le plus mémorable de la série. . Son monde est vibrant, construit avec soin et bourré de secrets à découvrir. Le jeu est centré sur un conte qui révolutionne un personnage d’une note en un des plus grands joueurs. C’est un must pour les possesseurs de PS4.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe contient beaucoup de sauce géniale dans un seul emballage divertissant. Vous obtenez 48 parcours, 42 personnages différents et des pièces de kart soignées. Les graphiques hors concours sur un téléviseur ou en mode ordinateur de poche. La course est incroyablement satisfaisante dans Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Le nouveau mode de combat est une raison suffisante pour jouer à ce jeu. C'est l'un des jeux multijoueurs les plus amusants du Switch. Invitez vos amis pour une action palpitante dans Mario Kart.

Dans Kingdom Hearts III, le gameplay a évolué et l'authenticité des mondes Disney est de premier ordre. Ils ont fait un travail remarquable en capturant l’essence de ces mondes bien-aimés et en offrant un monde immense à combattre et à explorer. Ses magnifiques mondes sur le thème de Disney offrent une vaste gamme d’options de combat. Les batailles sont où ce jeu brille vraiment. Nous aimons particulièrement la possibilité d’invoquer des manèges du parc Disney, car c’est non seulement un plaisir visuel, mais elle repousse également les limites du système de combat dans de nouvelles directions. Bien que l’expérience vécue, la conclusion de la franchise soit satisfaisante, c’est en fait assez prévisible. Pour apprécier pleinement certains des moments les plus émouvants du jeu, vous devez vraiment avoir connu son histoire à travers les jeux précédents.

L'exploit le plus étonnant de Breath of the Wild est qu'il offre la liberté d'explorer son vaste et magnifique monde. Voir cet endroit au loin – oui, vous pouvez y aller! Cela élimine les conventions et fait quelque chose de nouveau à chaque tour, une aventure en monde ouvert. Le jeu vous remet une boîte à outils et vous rend fou. Ce jeu a une tonne de quêtes secondaires qui sont variées et rarement répétitives. C’est une joie absolue de jouer et un incontournable pour quiconque se considère comme un joueur.

GTA V possède une vaste et belle structure à monde ouvert et innovante permettant de choisir parmi trois protagonistes, des hordes d’histoires parallèles et plus encore. Il y a tellement de plaisir à avoir ici. C’est un jeu compliqué et fascinant qui fait des choses que n’a jamais fait le monde ouvert: vous plonger dans l’épaisseur de séquences cinématiques et de missions captivantes. Les missions sont souvent incroyables. C’est le summum du design en monde ouvert et il n’y a pas de fin en ce qui concerne la manière de faire de votre propre divertissement non structuré.

C’est vraiment difficile de ne pas sourire en jouant à Super Mario Odyssey. C’est une nouvelle aventure véritablement surprenante et charmante dans la série bien-aimée. C’est une autre redéfinition brillante du genre de plate-forme que Mario a contribué à populariser. Mieux encore, même si l'histoire est complète, elle a beaucoup plus à offrir. Mario Odyssey répond à cette exigence d’originalité et d’innovation. Il offre une action de plate-forme de premier ordre et introduit un flux constant de mécanismes nouveaux et inattendus. C’est un chef-d’œuvre exclusif à Switch et un autre incontournable pour les utilisateurs de Switch.

Super Mario Party se dirige vers Nintendo Switch. Le jeu proposera des mini-jeux amusants et de nouveaux tableaux pour que les choses restent intéressantes et compétitives. Qu'est-ce qui est cool? There’s an innovative new system allowing you to pair two Switches to play certain games. The game will feature online play as well as leaderboards. Get your friends together for some great party fun!

Intended for mature audiences, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey shakes up the franchise in a major way with a new RPG shaped by your actions and choices. You can choose to play as either a male or female character through the game and the storytelling has changed. Set in ancient Greece, your role-playing journey with take you across both land and sea. Will you become the next legendary Greek hero?

In addition to the expected refinements, MLB The Show 19 introduces vastly improved modes. Defensive play has been improved. Fielding is now based on position and skill level. Top outfielders will show you the path of the ball, while others leave you with some guess work. New infield animations help with the previously clunky control. March to October is a standout new mode blending simulated games with key playable moments. It’s a fun and fast-paced addition though it lacks the depth of other modes. Road To The Show sees some upgrades and is the best way to play. Franchise mode sees only a few minor upgrades. Themed after various moments in baseball history, Moments is one of the best new additions. The new graphical elements look and sound great. Online games are smooth although there are occasional hiccups. Fast new modes, refined defensive gameplay, and a deeper career mode make this one of the more compelling games in a while.

Forza Horizon 4 delivers a completely new take on Horizon. The game will be set in beautiful Britain. Players will be competing on racetracks with dynamic seasons in a shared open-world. You can play with other people in the community. The seasons change everything and deliver new gameplay like never before. The visuals and gameplay have been taken to the next level. What’s cool? During different seasons you can open up new parts of a track. By popular demand, the game will even feature a 60 FPS mode for fluid, silky-smooth motion that will blow you away. Start your engines this October 2nd!

The Far Cry gameplay is fun as ever in New Dawn. It’s a blast clearing outposts, hunting for treasure, and blasting enemies. This is a stand-alone sequel to Far Cry 5 that reworks the same map. Your decisions can impact your play style. The expedition missions bring a fresh change of scenery and there are some genuinely tense moments in the game. The moment-to-moment gameplay doesn’t disappoint. There are even some new weapons. Despite the disappointing final boss and story, the story missions and expeditions make this worth playing.

The great thing about Overwatch is that anyone can get into this game. You can see incremental growth each time you play with your character. The game does this better than any game out there. La meilleure partie? Even if you aren’t a hardcore FPS gamer, you can still make a difference on your team and have a great time. What’s remarkable is you’re able to use your team and hero’s abilities to cheat death. This Legendary Edition adds 15 Hero skins — 5 Epic and 5 Legendary skins.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled rebuilds this classic kart racer from the ground-up and showcases how a retro title should be done. The graphics have been given a modern makeover – vastly improving on the original. They’re amped to the max and the game runs fast and silky-smooth. Unlike Crash Trilogy, this game feels like more than just a simple graphical upgrade. Boosting is what differentiates this game from Mario Kart. You’ll have to know when to start and finish a power slide, which enables the use of a triple-boost system — requiring precise timing. As you power slide through turns, your gauge fills. Pressing a shoulder button at the right time allows you to boost and successive boosts feature shorter time gaps. With the triple-boost, you could blast from the back of the pack to the front. The game features typical power-ups: shields, rockets, speed boosts, invincibility, and a Mario Kart-inspired blue shell-like item. Although it isn’t required to win races, a fun twist is that you can upgrade these power-ups by collecting fruits. The game features 18 race tracks, adventure, time trial, split-screen versus, and a new online mode. La meilleure partie? We love that they’ve managed to retain the feel of the original while upgrading it with new features for modern gamers.

If you have a Playstation VR, you have to play Astrobot. In this platformer, players step into an amusement park-like world as they guide their little robot friend around. Players must control the little guy with the PS4 controller as the levels unfold all around you. The game constantly surprises you with new perspectives and ideas that would not be possible in an ordinary platformer. It’s a charming game and the best use of VR yet.

Loved the first Overcooked? You ain’t seen nothing! Overcooked 2 is like a super version of Overcooked with more kitchens, chefs, recipes, and new mechanics. Now you can even throw raw ingredients and there are more dynamic levels to make things more interesting. And enjoy local or online play with your buddies. It’s one of the most fun co-op multiplayer experiences available for all major platforms. It’s all about trying to gel as a group. Get ready for multiplayer madness!

If you own a Nintendo Switch, the Pro controller is the best way to play your games. It’s much more ergonomic and comfortable to play extended sessions with this full-sized controller than the Joy-Cons. Controls are responsive and everything feels natural. The controller increases immersion with HD Rumble and battery life is fantastic at up to 40 hours. It’s definitely worth the price of admission – you won’t be disappointed.

So you have got your new Xbox console? The only thing worse than having to update it is not having spare controllers lying around. When friends come over, you are going to need some extra controllers for multiplayer fun. If you need an extra controller, you can’t go wrong with the official Xbox controller.

A lot of people nowadays play multiplayer games online, but there is something about having friends in the same room that you don’t get online. If you want to play locally with friends, pick up another official Dualshock 4 controller. It’s Bluetooth and has a rechargeable battery, so you don’t have to worry about burning through batteries when the power runs out. Simply plug it in to the PS4 to charge it.

One of the best things about the Nintendo Switch’s design is the Joy-Cons. Because the Joy-Cons are detachable, you simply need to remove them and you can have some multiplayer fun. You can pick up an extra pair, if you want to play 4 players in your favorite Nintendo Switch game. They come in the cutest colors so it’s even fun to collect different colors.

Nintendo knows Super Smash Bros. fans love the GameCube controller best for playing Smash. That’s why they are re-releasing a special GameCube controller perfect for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Switch. Without question it’s the best way to play Smash. This controller is super responsive and feels great to play on. Enjoy the freedom of wireless play.

Looking for a legit arcade experience on Switch? Officially licensed by Nintendo, the Hori Nintendo Switch Real Arcade Pro V Hayabusa fight stick is the real deal. Hands-down, it’s the best arcade stick for the Switch. The quality feels great, it’s super responsive, and it’s awesome for playing fighting games and arcade-style games. La meilleure partie? It works for PC too. Vous ne serez pas déçu.

While it is designed only for serious gamers who are looking to get an edge, the Razer Wolverine controller might be the best controller ever created. Everything from the weight of the controller to the rubberized grips feels like premium quality. The coolest part? The controller can be customized on-the-fly with interchangeable thumbsticks and D-Pads, and more. You can even remap the buttons to your liking.

So you got a NES Classic but despise that short controller cord. Meet the 8Bitdo N30 Wireless Gamepad. Free yourself from wires and play comfortably from your couch. What’s cool is that these controllers are responsive with no lag and have added turbo buttons and a super handy Home button, so you don’t have to go to the console everytime you want to change the game. It’s an essential for any NES Classic owner.

Take your mobile gaming experience to new highs with the SteelSeries Nimbus. With incredible battery life over 40 hours, enjoy your games the way they were meant to be played. You’ll have more control over your games than ever. Best of all, it works on Apple TV, iPod touch, iPhone, and iPad.

If you can afford it, the Thrustmaster T-GT is the definitive racing wheel for Gran Turismo Sport and other racing games for the PS4 and PC. Hands-down, this high-quality and high-performance wheel delivers the best racing experience ever. The haptic force feedback heightens your sense of immersion and makes the racing feel more realistic. Once you give it a go – you’ll never want to play a racing game with a controller again.

Don’t you hate when you don’t have enough space to download that new game? Now you don’t have to delete a whole bunch of stuff just to clear space. This Western Digital hard drive adds 4TB of external hard drive space to either the Xbox One or PS4. When you plug the external drive into the USB slot, the console automatically recognizes the drive so it is super easy to install.

The Nintendo Switch only has 32GB of built-in memory, so if you plan on installing more digital games you’ll need a memory expansion card for additional storage. This 128GB card is compatible with Nintendo Switch and allows you to conveniently store all your games in one place. Also, with digital games, you don’t have to worry about lost cartridges or swapping out cartridges.

Looking to get more battery life for your Switch on the go? Meet the RAVPower USB C Battery Pack 20100. It’s compatible with your Switch and it delivers the additional playtime your desire. Mama mia! With Quick Charge 3.0, you can recharge your Switch rapidly. To take full advantage of rapid charging, you’ll need a USB Type C 3.1 Male to Male cable. What’s great is that you can use it for your iPhone X, iPad, MacBook Pro, Galaxy Note and other devices as well. It also comes bundled with a convenient carrying sleeve. Game on!

Everybody nowadays is live streaming videogames on Twitch. When streaming, you want the best quality video to show your friends or the world all of the coolest moments. Most people are using the Elgato Game Capture HD60 Pro, which works with all the modern consoles. It records high quality 1080p 60 FPS video, which means the video quality is fantastic. You can even record live commentary over the video.

The Stream Deck is designed for live streaming. It’s got integration with Twitch, Twitter, Windows, Elgato products, and more. You can control your Twitch chat, post Twitter messages, change scenes, sources, and mics, record your screen, and even retroactively record the last few minutes if you have an Elgato capture card. It simplifies your life by making it easier to excecute commands while you’re live streaming a game. Best of all, it works as you’d expect. The value is pretty clear for serious streamers. What’s cool? It can even be used for video editing and folder navigation.

Playing your PlayStation 4 or Xbox One on a big screen TV is an amazing experience, but playing it on a 100-inch screen is even better. This projector from Optoma delivers full HD 1080p video. What makes it so great for games? With Enhanced Gaming On, the input lag is next to nothing at 16.4 ms, which is unheard of in a projector. Ultimately, that translates into a better gaming experience.

Most of us play PlayStation 4 or Xbox One on an HDTV. There is nothing wrong with that. However, playing Call Of Duty on a 1080P projector designed for gaming is an experience like no other. It’s the closest to being on the battlefield. What makes this projector so special? With a 25 ms response time, it has almost no lag.

If you plan on taking your PS4 or Xbox One to your dorm room, this “suitcase” is a great way to bring the fun along. There aren’t too many cases like this. The coolest part? It’s not only a case, but it has a built in 19-inch display and speakers. While you still have to plug in everything, it’s a great option for gaming on the go.

If you play online multiplayer games, you need a quality headset. With a lightweight aluminum design and a detachable microphone, the Cloud X II is the headset every gamer wants. Pourquoi? Even after playing first person shooters all day long, this is the most comfortable headset ever. Because of its aluminum design, the headphones are extremely lightweight, living up to their name.

Want to use your wireless headphones with your Switch? With the HomeSpot Bluetooth Audio Transmitter Adapter, you can do just that. It’s as simple as plug-and-play and then you can enjoy the freedom of wireless. Choose from a variety of styles to match your Switch.

Here is an inexpensive gift for the gamer in your life. These raised thumbsticks for your controllers make it easier to stay on target, leading to more accuracy. They work especially well for first person shooters.

Designed for the Xbox One S, this AmazonBasics Controller Battery Charger is the perfect solution for your charging needs. With a minimalistic design that sits flush with the Xbox One S, you can continue playing while charging two batteries. Simply connect it to the front USB port and you’re ready to begin charging.

Are you tired of burning through batteries on your Xbox One controller? This charger allows you to charge 2 Xbox controllers so you never have to worry about batteries again. Along with the charger, it comes with 2 battery packs. Finally, there is an environmentally friendly way to game.

Nothing is more annoying than having dead controllers. Designed for the PS4, this charging cradle makes it easy to charge 2 controllers at the same time. La meilleure partie? It plugs into the wall so your console doesn’t have to be on. Just put your controllers on the cradle and your controllers will be ready to go when you want to play.

The only way to charge Nintendo Switch Joycons is to attach them to the system. This can get annoying especially if you have more than 2 joycons. This charging dock allows you to charge 4 Joy-cons at once so you always have a pair ready to go. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to take a break when the batteries die.

Want more options for charging your Switch controllers? This charging dock allows you to conveniently charge your Pro controller and Joy-Cons. An indicator tells you when they are fully charged. La meilleure partie? You can charge both controllers at the same time. It also doubles as a handy storage unit so everything is neatly organized.

So you got a new PSVR headset? This is the perfect accessory to complement your new VR headset. Not only does it serve as a display, but it also conveniently docks and charges your PSVR headset, two Dual Shocks, and two Move controllers. Charging is rapid and an indicator shows you when it has been fully charged.

While the Nintendo Switch has a built in stand that allows you to play in tabletop mode, there are a couple problems with it. The angle that the Switch is placed at isn’t comfortable for everybody. This little contraption elevates your Switch, allowing you to place it in 3 different angles. La meilleure partie? Because it raises the Switch, you can charge it at the same time. When you are done, it folds away compactly.

If you have a Nintendo Switch and plan to travel with it, you need a case. With a hard EVA protective shell, this case is perfect for storing your Switch, 8 game cards, extra Joy-Cons, and other accessories. There is a thick pocket flap that covers the Switch screen to keep it scratch-free. It’s the most popular case for the Switch right now that keeps your device secure while allowing for easy transport.

Looking for a travel case for your entire Nintendo Switch? This hard protective EVA shell case enables you to easily transport your Nintendo Switch console, dock, Joy-Cons, Joy-Con Grip or Pro Controller, AC Adapter, Joy-Con Straps, HDMI Cable and up to 18 game cards to a friend’s house. It opens easily with a zipper and it protects from drops, scratches, bumps, splash, and dust.

While it won’t fit in your pocket, the Nintendo Switch is really portable. The Switch itself is pretty easy to lug around in any bag, but what if you want to take everything with you including all your accessories, cords, and games. This large shoulder bag is designed to carry everything inside including the Switch Dock. Finally, you can travel anywhere with it.

Got a new Switch? The first thing you’ll want to do is protect that delicate screen with a quality screen protector such as the amFilm Tempered Glass Screen Protector designed specifically for the Nintendo Switch. La meilleure partie? Application is super easy with no bubbles and it applies ultra clear. With 9H hardness, it offers a scratch-resistance surface. This set includes two screen protectors, and it doesn’t interfere with normal touchscreen operation.

Forget using your Xbox controller to control your media. Take charge of your entertainment experience with the Xbox One Media Remote. It’s intuitive to use for controlling your Blu-ray movies and conveniently operates from up to 30-feet away. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to keep turning on your Xbox controller anymore! It’s a great remote combining form and function.

For those don’t have enough of HDMI ports to hook up their media equipment, this HDMI switch solves the problem. You can hook up to 4 devices to the switch and the Kinivo switch takes care of the rest automatically switching to the active input.

Don’t you just hate all those unsightly cluttered cables behind the TV? This easy to use cable sleeve from Joto allows you to bring order to the chaos. They conveniently wrap as many as eight to ten cables and make everything look a whole lot cleaner. And a cleaner look is much better indeed.

Every gamer needs a good quality gaming chair. If you are going to spend a lot of your time playing games, you want to find a gaming chair that gives you great lumbar support and looks cool. With a stylish black and red design, the Devoko is modestly priced and had adjustable neck and lumbar pillows. The coolest part? The chair reclines all the way back up.

If you don’t want to break the bank on a DXRacer this Merax Gaming Chair is the next best thing. It looks super stylish and provides excellent all day comfort thanks to its brilliant ergonomics. It’s a great value and comparable to a DXRacer chair.

The DXRacer chairs are the hottest new gaming chairs. They are all over Twitch. It’s actually manufactured by a company that designs racing seats, which is why it looks so cool. These chairs are pretty comfy and force you to sit correctly. The pillows provide great back and neck support. In the late hours, the reclinability feature is pretty rad as it allows you to go completely horizontal.

If you’re looking for a no-frills computer chair for your teen boy, this AmazonBasics chair delivers the goods. It supports a maximum weight of 250 pounds and provides all day comfort. The chair swivels and allows for ease of mobility thanks to its built-in wheels.

What better gift could you get for your gamer than a massive 55-inch 4K TV? Not only is this a 4K TV with stunning image quality, but it also packs in a Roku box into the system. Your games will look extraordinary on this TV. Hook up an Xbox One X and you’re in for a visual treat. Plus, stream your favorite shows. There’s always something good to watch.

The Hover X+ is like the ultimate command center for gamers. In fact, it was designed by gamers for gamers. It’s perfect for using 17 inch laptops with ample space for a mousepad and even a dock to hold your tablet or smartphone. The set includes a mousepad and built-in ventilation to keep your gaming sessions going strong. It’s a match made in heaven for gaming laptops.

Are you in market for a gaming desk for your 18 year old son? This Atlantic Gaming Desk Pro delivers a minimalist and stylish design that fits in well with most décor. It’s the perfect addition to his gaming room. The desk has a spacious surface with ample storage space for your gaming accessories. It accommodates up to a 32-inch LCD monitor.

The FlexiSpot Standing Desk is one of the most versatile desks around. Sitting at a desk all day can be exhausting. But this desk allows you to stand and play all day without all that pressure on your back. You’ll be able to play longer Call of Duty sessions with friends. And if you want to use it as a regular desk, you can do that, too. Making the transition is easy.

Not sure which game to get your Xbox gamer? This $50 Xbox gift card is a top choice if you’re stuck on what gift to get for him. He can redeem it for games, movies, TV, music, apps, and more. The cards are simple to use and it’s something he’ll love.

Not sure what to get your PS4 gamer? The PlayStation Store Gift Card is your savior. It gives him $50 worth of store credit to spend on games, entertainment, add-on content and more on the PlayStation store. The card can be used for PS4 and PS3.

Run out of ideas for your Nintendo gamer or not sure which game to get him? Consider the Nintendo eShop Card which can be used for a range of Nintendo systems from Nintendo Switch to 3DS to Wii U. Choose a value from $10 to $70 and you’re ready to gift. It’s essentially digital cash to use on games, downloadable content, and other goodies available through Nintendo’s eShop. What’s not to love? Now he can choose the perfect game.

For gamers that have an Xbox One, a prepaid subscription to Xbox Live is a no brainer. If you want to play online with friends, you need the subscription. The coolest part? Microsoft gives members free games every month.

If you don’t know what to get your PlayStation gamer, get them the PlayStation Plus subscription. It allows gamers to play online and gives users discounts, exclusive features, and more. La meilleure partie? Every month, members of the service get free games.

Want to play your favorite Switch games online? Launching this September, the Nintendo Switch Online service allows you to play your games online for 12 months. In addition to allowing you to play online with friends, you also get access to classic NES games with online play. Lastly, you benefit from cloud backup for your save data.

With Xbox Game Pass, your teen can get his game on with hundreds of games to play on Xbox One. This digital code gives you an all-access pass for 6 months. La meilleure partie? Play some of the latest games like Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, Forza, and more! It’s an unbeatable value for the price of a single game.

Microsoft has introduced Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. This membership combines Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass for one low monthly price. Compared to the individual services, this combined service saves you about $5 per month, or $60 per year. Xbox Live allows players to play online, while Xbox Game Pass gives you access to over 100 games.

Love EA games? Get a 12-month all-access pass to EA’s library of games with EA Access. PLay everything from Madden to FIFA to Battlefield and more! There are over 50 games to experience on EA’s service. What’s cool? You even can try out new games before they’re released and you benefit from special member discounts! PLay the best of EA for less. Makes a great gift for Xbox gamers.

Is he a huge PC gamer? Steam is one of the most popular destinations for gamers. Choose from $20 to $100 in value for your gift. He can redeem it on thousands of top games on the Steam platform. This is compatible with PC, Mac, and SteamOS. Get him something you know he’ll love. Some of the current top hits include Call of Duty WWII, Playerunkown’s Battlegrounds, Destiny 2, Wolfenstein II, and more. Get your game on!

Got a gamer obsessed with Apex Legends? Apex Legends took the industry by storm this year giving Fortnite a run for its money. Use these Apex coins to score a Battle Pass (950 coins), Battle Pass Bundle (2,800), or customize your in-game character. What’s cool? With Season 1 Battle Pass, you score an entire season’s worth of loot. This virtual currency is available for PS4, Xbox, and PC platforms. Choose from 1000, 2150, 4350, 6700, or 11500 Apex Coins.

Looking for the perfect gift for your 17 year old Minecraft fan? The Minecraft Minecoins 3500 pack includes 3,500 in-game currency for downloading new skins, textures, and worlds on the Minecraft Marketplace. La meilleure partie? This gift card can be used across multiple platforms, including Xbox, Nintendo Switch, Android and Windows 10.

At this price point, the CyberPowerPC GXiVR8060A7 Desktop is one of the best PCs you can buy right now. Equipped with a fast and powerful i5 6-core processor, 8 GB DDR4 memory, and a GTX 1660, it can run most of the latest games on high settings with no problems. This system features cool rainbow LED lighting and it’s powerful enough for VR gaming. It also offers 7.1 audio and includes a gaming keyboard and mouse. You get what you pay for here and aren’t likely to be disappointed.

The Corsair One i140 is a fully built compact system by Corsair. It’s got a patented liquid cooling system and is designed for gamers. It’s an awesome showcase of engineering. It rocks an i7-9700K processor with RTX 2080 graphics and 32GB of onboard DDR4 RAM. Games run fluidly, maximizing your gaming pleasure. It’s also VR-ready with convenient front access ports.

The Helios 300 is the best gaming laptop in its price range. Rocking either a 7th Gen or 8th Gen processor and a GTX 1060 with 16GB of DDR4 RAM, the Acer Predator 300 is a gamer’s dream machine. Experience ultra-fast frame rates for the smoothest gameplay. This system is even powerful enough to power VR systems like the VIVE and Oculus Rift. The system sports a 15.6″ 1080P IPS display with brilliant color and fast performance. A backlit RGB keyboard adds extra flair. La meilleure partie? It delivers desktop-like performance in one cool looking gaming laptop. Are you ready to step up your game to the next level?

For budget-conscious gamers, there is the Dell G-Series. For the price point, this laptop comes with beefy specs including a GTX 1050Ti graphics card and an eight gen Intel i7 processor with 16GB DDR4 memory. With a fairly slim profile and weighing 6.28 pounds, it’s pretty portable, too. The colored backlit keyboard makes it look stylish. While the screen isn’t the best, this laptop will handle just about any game you throw at it with medium to high settings. At this price point, that is pretty much unheard of.

The MSI GS65 can compete head-to-head with the Razer Blade 15 but is only held back by build quality. It delivers incredible gaming performance in the thinnest and lightest laptop in its class. It packs an i7, GTX 1060/1070, and 16/32GB DDR4 RAM, depending on your configuration. Battery life comes in at 5 hours and it stays relatively cool. The speakers are decent but pale in comparison to the Blade 15.

The Predator Triton 500 gaming laptop combines power with a thin, lightweight design. It sports an Intel i7 6-core processor with a GeForce RTX 2060 Max-P, 16GB DDR4 RAM, and a 512GB SSD. It’s a real beast. It supports output for up to three 4K displays. This is about as thin as you can get while still including an RJ-45 port. The RGB keyboard feels comfortable. With a 3-fan cooling system, it can get quite loud. The refresh rates are insanely good so it’s easy on your eyes. Games run great with smooth frame rates on high settings.

The Razer Blade 15 is the best gaming laptop, delivering high-end graphics performance. Not only does it deliver great performance, but it also has great build quality and looks fantastic. Rocking an 8th gen i7-8750H 6-core processor, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, and 512GB SSD, it can easily handle your favorite games on high/ultra settings. Expect around 5-6 hours of battery life, which is pretty decent for a beast like this. Combining excellent visual and audio performance with beautiful aesthetics, the Blade 15 is the best in its class of thin and light gaming laptops.

The Alienware Area 51M Gaming Laptop delivers insane gaming performance. Weighing in at 8 lbs, its chassis is rigid with almost no flex. It has multiple outputs, Thunderbolt 3, 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet port, and more. It’s packed with a desktop-grade Intel Core i9-9900 8-core processor, RTX 2080, 32GB DDR4 RAM, 2 256GB SSDs, and a 1TB hybrid drive. The IPS monitor features HDR support and G-Sync. It’s unbelievable for gaming. We love the near desktop-level of upgradability. Battery life comes in around 2.5 hours. While it doesn’t deliver full desktop performance, it absolutely destroys every other laptop out there. It’s a great desktop replacement if money is not an issue.

The ASUS VG278Q offers the performance gamers need for the best gaming experience. With a blazing fast response time of 1ms, everything looks silky smooth and looks fluid. It delivers a lag-free experience with brilliant color and details. One thing is for certain – you can’t blame your monitor if you lose!

Do you play first-person shooters competitively? Regular LCD HDTVs are not really designed for the fast action of videogames. Available in both 24-inch and 27-inch sizes, this BenQ monitor gives you close to zero input lag with a 1ms response time. Hook it up a PS4, Xbox One, or PC and in fast games like first-person shooters, you never miss your target.

The ASUS ROG Swift PG27UQ 27″ 4K 144 Hz HDR display is the best gaming monitor. Période. The quantum-dot display delivers greater accuracy, saturation, and brightness than a traditional LCD panel. The high refresh rate of 144 Hz makes this display stand out from the competition. It even has dope RGB lighting. If you demand the best and don’t mind the price, this is one of the best monitors money can buy right now.

The ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 2080 TI is a top-end, flagship graphics card. It delivers solid overclocking performance and features cool RGB lighting on the rear, sides, and underneath of the card. Crank up those settings to Ultra and get ready to experience your games at their best in full 4K glory. La meilleure partie? It boosts performance on a wide range of popular games. It comes with a 3-year warranty and features USB type-C, 2 display ports, and 2 HDMI 2.0 outputs. If you demand only the best, this card doesn’t disappoint as it’s a beast.

The Razer Core X Chroma is an external GPU with Chroma RGB lighting, 4 USB ports, ethernet, and a Thunderbolt connection. Although you can use it on a Mac, you can take full advantage of it with a PC for fully-customizable lighting. Performance depends on your GPU and PC. If using high bandwidth items like SSDs in the USB ports, expect a noticeable hit in GPU performance. Instead use those ports for keyboards, mice, etc. With the RGB lighting, IO, and performance, we recommend it for PC users. Are you ready to upgrade your laptop’s graphics performance.

Whether you’re using it for regular use or eSports, the DeathAdder is one of the best mice around. It feels comfortable in your hand and delivers the precision and accuracy you need in FPS games. The amazing thing is you can move quickly and it still keeps up even during intense battles. Chroma lighting adds some beautiful eye-candy as icing on the cake.

The Logitech G502 HERO combines sleek looks with solid performance. While this is a wired mouse, this is how a gaming mouse should perform. Aside from the incredible build quality and lag-free performance, this mouse boasts the most accurate sensor yet, which can track every mouse move. With adjustable sensitivity settings and 11 customizable buttons, you can customize the mouse exactly how you want it. The laws of gaming have been forever shattered. Get the speed, accuracy, and responsiveness to gain an edge in the games you love.

The SteelSeries QcK is an inexpensive gaming mouse pad that delivers optimal performance. It’s the same pad pro gamers trust. The smooth surface allows your mouse to easily glide along its surface without obstruction and without scratching your desk’s surface. C’est le meilleur des deux mondes.

The Razer Firefly Chroma is one of the most beautiful gaming mouse pads around. It illuminates with 16.8 different color options to dazzle your eyeballs and create a striking look. In addition to looking super cool, the Firefly Chroma is a serviceable gaming mouse pad that does it’s job well and doesn’t get in the way.

Click-Clack! If you are a gamer, you need a gaming keyboard, but it’s hard to get an affordable one. The Kumara is the best budget priced gaming keyboard. This mechanical keyboard uses the Otemu Blue switches, which gives you a great tactile feel with each press of the key. While you won’t find Macros here, you do get red backlit keys, which keep things looking sleek.

Corsair’s K70 RGB MK.2 Gaming Keyboard is one of the best keyboards for gamers. It features that cool RGB lighting and delivers the responsive performance you need for your games. It’s a durable keyboard that doesn’t disappoint. When speed makes the difference between life and death in games, you’ll know you made a great choice.

Corsair has finally created an affordable full-sized gaming keyboard for everybody with the Corsair K55 RGB. It has a membrane keyboard, which means you won’t get the clickety clack that you get with a mechanical keyboard. La meilleure partie? You get all of the features that you expect to have in a pricey keyboard including the ability to set macros, a wrist rest, and dynamic lighting controls.

The Ornata Chroma from Razer is one of the top gaming keyboards. You’ve never felt anything like the amazing mecha-membrane keyboard on the Ornata. It’s fast and responsive just how gamers like. The built-in wristwrest adds to your overall comfort when using this keyboard. You’ll be impressed by the performance and love the RGB lights.

This full 1080p HD camera from Logitech delivers clear video quality and it’s super simple to operate. The quality is insanely good and will exceed your expectations. The sound quality is serviceable – just be sure you’re not too far away from the mic. Field of view is about 78-degrees and it even features auto-focus. A new privacy shutter lets you block off the camera view and protect the lens. It’s one of the best HD webcams in this price range.

If you are looking to replace the speakers that came with your computer, these small desktop speakers from Bose do a surprisingly good job at filling the room with crisp sound. With no subwoofer, they don’t take up a lot of space. They use Bose’s TrueSpace technology, which means that you won’t get sound distortion at higher levels. Finally, you can rock your favorite game without the annoying cracking.

If you’re looking for a good 5.1 surround sound system, the Logitech Z906 doesn’t disappoint. This speaker set delivers rich, THX-quality sound with a good touch of bass that’s impressive. With 1000 watts of power, you can fill up your entire room with booming sound that has stunning clarity. These are perfect for the living room or game room.

Looking for a premium bookshelf speaker system on a budget? Featuring premium styling and solid build quality, this 2.1 Bluetooth V4.1 APTX sound system from Edifer works with your laptop, smartphone and tablet. The speakers produce incredible sound with heavy bass. You’ll love listening to music and watching movies with these speakers. A convenient wireless remote allows you to control the volume or playback controls as well as turn the unit on/off. It’s one of the best values on the market, as these are the best sounding in this price range. Get ready to turn them up loud!

The Logitech Z623 delivers great bang for the buck with this 2.1 speaker set. This speaker set is THX certified and delivers 400 watts of power. The set is compatible with laptops, desktops, iPods, game systems, and more. Best of all, they are easy to setup and deliver clear sound quality with minimal distortion. Prepare to be blown away!

If you’re playing online competitively you know you need a gaming router you can count on. It needs to deliver fast performance with no lag. Anything slower can ruin your experience and lead to untimely deaths. Thankfully, the Nighthawk X4s delivers the goods. With a 1.7 GHz processor, you get the performance you expect without compromises. Plus, this router is optimized for streaming quality video to all your devices.

Why make the cable guys rich? If you get cable and pay monthly for the modem – STOP! Get your own modem and don’t pay more than you need to. This Netgear Cable Modem is compatible with the latest standards and works with most major cable providers. It delivers blazing fast speeds and you can cut that monthly bill now. Qu'est-ce que tu attends?

If you’ve got a gaming laptop, it’s essential to keep it running cool to prevent overheating. This cooling pad is the perfect solution for keeping it cool with three fans. The fans spin quickly to properly ventilate your gaming laptop and they are whisper-quiet. Who knew you could get great quality at this price range?

Who wouldn’t want to play your favorite games on the sofa? The only problem? You’ll probably burn your legs. Made out of bamboo, the Hover X+ lap desk allows you to hold your gaming laptop on your lap. It has a built in mouse pad that works great with any mouse. The ventilation is designed to keep any gaming laptop cool.
Dorm rooms are pretty boring. These gifts are perfect from livening up a dingy dorm room.

Now you can control the lighting in your home with your smart device or voice via Alexa or Google Assistant. This set comes with two white Philips Hue bulbs and a Hue Bridge capable of controlling as many as 50 lights. Isn’t it great … the modern conveniences of technology.

These Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance Dimmable LED Smart Bulbs are perfect for setting the atmosphere in your teen boy’s room. You can wirelessly control the lights with your smart device, including smartphone, tablet, or even an Alexa-enabled device. You can enjoy either white light or a variety of cool colors. If you can’t settle for anything but the best, this is an amazing product well worth it.

This light strip from LE is perfect for upgrading the lighting in your room. They are flexible and feature daylight white lights. It’s the perfect way to spruce up the look of your room and installation is super easy with the cuttable and linkable design. Don’t forget you’ll need an AC adapter to complete the setup.

The Philips Hue Lightstrip Plus Dimmable LED Smart Lights are great for creating ambience in your room. These lights are very easy to install and look fantastic. The lights literally feature millions of colors to choose from and decorate your room. You can even trim these to achieve the desired length.

Wake up to the MagicLight. MagicLight can even be set to shut off at sunset or at a specified time. MagicLight delivers more than 16 million color options to set the perfect ambiance. This light can even be coordinated with music. And everything is controlled via your smart device. À quel point cela est cool?

Want to create an eye-pleasing audio-visual lightshow in your room? The Nanolead Aurora Rhythm Smarter Kit allows you to do just that. This set comes with 15 color-changing LED panels and they’re easy to mount. What’s cool? Not only do they look cool, but they sync with your music to change colors. Your friends will think you’re so cool.

Want to add cool bias lighting to your TV? This bias lighting from Luminoodle delivers beautiful results and works on TVs as large as 60-inches. The strip measures 78-inches and features fifteen color choices with ten brightness levels and three fade modes. Now watching movies in the dark will be more pleasing to the eyes.

This book light can come in handy when your roommates need to catch a little shuteye but you have got a final exam coming up. The book light will provides enough light to cover two pages of a textbook. The flexible shaft allows you to position it just right.

There are a ton of stars in the sky and they never line up exactly the same way. Now you can get a snapshot of how the sun, stars, and planets were aligned on the night that he was born with this custom star map. Simply include the date, time, and location of the event. You can even add a custom quote. The star map is printed on 100% cotton based paper. He is going to want to frame and hang this thoughtful gift up on the wall.

Is your 18 year old a huge sports fan that loves his team more than anything in the world? This sports banner is the perfect gift for the sports fan in your life whether they love the NBA, MLB, NCAA, or NFL.

Is he the creative type? Then he may love this HangIt Photo Display from Umbra. He can create a fun collage of his favorite photographs and artwork. It’s a super fun and easy way to decorate your room and make it personal – reflecting your beautiful life.

Cork boards are so boring and plain. I love how modern this bulletin board look. It is perfect for pinning up important notes, photos, reminders, or business cards in your room. I love that it is magnetic but you can also use tacs because of the slits in the surface. It’s just a great way to keep things organized without looking tacky.

Teen boys even need to keep track of their daily events. This practical dry erase board makes tracking your important events easy. It includes a dry erase marker with eraser, magnetic accessories, and the magnetic dry erase board. The board has a nice design and would look perfect mounted on his wall.

As a freshman in college, you have events, appointments, and meetings to attend. It’s your story. But how do you keep track of it all? This At-A-Glance Monthly Planner helps you stay organized and meet your commitments. This planner covers January 2019 to March 2020 and comes in a nice compact size that easily fits in your backpack.

2020 will be here sooner than you think. Prepare for the upcoming year with your favorite themed 2020 wall calendar. Call of Duty and Fortnite continue to be among the hottest properties in videogame culture. This 16-month calendar features spectacular artwork based on the COD universe.

Posters are a super easy and cheap gift. Get him one with her favorite video game. If she loves Call Of Duty, he will love this huge 24″ X 36″ poster and never want to take it down.

Does he eat, drink, and play Fortnite? When all of his friends come over, he will loving showing off this colorful 28 X 20 inch poster to show off his fandom. Characters from the game pose for a group shot. Entitled “Fortnite,” it’s printed on silk fabric. Consider framing it for protection.

Show your fandom for Avengers: Endgame with this 24.25″ X 35.75″ framed movie poster. With artwork based on the theatrical release of the movie, it’ll look perfect on his wall. Avengers: Endgame is one of the biggest blockbusters of the year smashing all sorts of records and becoming among the top-grossing movies of all-time. It’s a great way to add a dash of fun and personality to your teen boy’s room. It’s a fantastic gift for any Marvel fan.

Practically every gamer would love a fun poster such as this. It says “Keep Out Gamer At Play”. On the surface, gaming may look simple, but check out what it actually involves. That is no easy feat to defeat some of the toughest bosses. The poster kindly tells incoming people to not disturb and leave food and drink at the door. Ha! Ha! So much fun. It’s the perfect gift for your gamer.

About a foot high, this tin sign must be put on every teen gamer’s bedroom door. You don’t want someone to accidentally walk in on you when you are fragging enemies and calling each other a bunch of Noobs.

Looking for a cool décor tapestry for to enhance the look of your son’s dorm room? This Elephant Mandala Traditional Cotton Tapestry feautres an elegant design sure to make it more inviting. It looks amazing in person and would look perfect on the wall or as a bed or couch cover.

If he is your best friend, you don’t have to spend a lot to give him a meaningful gift. Find the cutest 4X6 photo of you and him and stick it inside this gorgeous glass frame. It couldn’t be easier to stick the picture inside because there is a pocket on the back. The outer frame is made out of glassed and looks classy with the word “Friends” sprinkled all over it. It’s a gift that he will always remember when he looks at the photo.

Does he have beautiful keepsakes that he wants to share with everybody? With a gorgeous black frame, this gorgeous shadowbox gives an extra dimension to whatever is displayed inside. It’s perfect for displaying concert tickets, pictures, or anything else with special meaning.

Want a fun and creative way to display your favorite photos? The NIX Advance is the perfect way to display high quality photos in your dorm room. You’ll never feel apart from your family. You can view the pictures as a slideshow or individually. This digital photo frame can also playback HD video so you can share your adventures and memories with friends and roommates.

This mini 6-inch fan is not your average fan. It features two different speeds for pushing air around. The coolest part? While it can sit on any table top on its base, it comes with a clip that allows it to be placed anywhere. It will cool you down when you are playing some intense gaming sessions.

This is one of the best desk lamps. It features seven brightness levels, convenient touch controls, and a versatile gooseneck design. It’s perfect for studying, reading, or just lighting your dorm work area. It’s well built and you’d have a hard time finding a better deal on lighting. It even has a neat memory function and saves on energy costs.

Ready to bring some style to your room? This stylish Metal Desk Lamp is perfect for providing lighting in his room while fitting in nicely with most décor. La meilleure partie? With a gooseneck design, you can easily position the light source to best suit your needs. It’s a great quality lamp perfect for directed lighting on a tabletop.

Lava lamps are always a cool gift, but this Jelly Fish lamp is so much cooler. It has always been fascinating to watch jelly fish swim in the sea. Imagine you could bottle them up and stick them in a lamp! Lighthead has somehow found a way to mimic the appearance and movement of Jellyfish artificially. La meilleure partie? It is just as mesmerizing.

Bare walls are boring. Neon signs are no longer only for just reserved for the Vegas strip and your local diner. The hottest new piece of home decor is a neon sign. Neon signs are super trendy right now and you can find all different types to put in your room. We love this glowing blue one that says Game Room, but there are so many signs to choose from.

This lightbox is such a neat addition to any teen guy’s room. You simply slide in the included letters in the rails to put in any fun phrases or inspiring quotes on it. It runs either on batteries or can be plugged in via USB.

This lighted monogrammed letter is so fun. I love the rustic style. You can get different letters to spell your name out or a word like “Noob.” It even lights up and you can set a timer to make it go off.

You probably didn’t know this but the bathroom is a very dangerous place. It’s probably even more dangerous when it is dark. When you got to go, you got to go even it is dark and you are half asleep. Meet the LumiLux. This nightlight clips to your toilet bowl and when motion is detected, it turns on with a stunning light show. There is nothing better than a lighted potty.

When you go sleep in a dorm you need bedding, really good quality bedding. This all season duvet cover is fluffy, smooth, and soft. With fabric that feels like you are sleeping on pillowy clouds, it’s the type of cover you see in the movies. You will want to stay in bed all day.

Getting new bedding for you room can transform your room. If you are looking to give your room a grownup look, these bed in a bag sets make it easy to get matching bedding at an affordable price. Each set come with a flat sheet, comforter, fitted sheet, sham, and pillow case. They might not make you feel like a princess inside, but this set is great for teenage boys or for dorm rooms.

There is nothing like waking up with a warm comfortable blanket with your favorite NFL team on it. This NFL blanket is super soft and plush and looks so good that you might even want to hang it on a wall.

Soft and cozy throws are the perfect winter accessory for snuggling on the couch and watching a football game or Netflix. Made of 100% microfiber, this fuzzy Sherpa blanket keeps every inch of your body warm and it is the softest blanket you have ever felt. It’s feels like lying on a cloud in a cartoon.

Do you want to sleep like a baby? Recently weighted blanket have become extremely popular. They are supposed to reduce stress and improve sleep. This one from YnM is very affordable compared to other brands. By applying weighted pressure to the body at night, it can help calm and relax the body. The result is that you can sleep faster and get a good night’s sleep. It’s like getting a never-ending hug all night long.

Personalized bedding can make a great gift for the teen guy that wants to give her room a personal touch. We all take photos to preserve memories. It doesn’t get more personal than a blanket filled with a collage of pictures of him. You can choose the material and even design. It’s a gift that he will never forget.

When the winter chill hits you want to make sure you have the gear to stay warm and cozy. There’s nothing better than being under a warm comfy blanket when it’s chilly in the room. The microplush material is so soft and feels luxurious to the touch. What’s great is these blankets are machine washable and safe for the dryer.

A memory foam mattress topper is probably the best gift you could get for a college student. Don’t get the stuff filled with high density egg crate type foam which loses its shape over time. You want something with real memory foam like this mattress topper. Even if your mattress is terrible, you will have the most comfortable bed in college. The only problem? Everyone will want to sleep in it.

Nobody likes neck pain. Everybody sleeps in a different way but one of the best ways to improve your position is with a high quality pillow. Memory foam pillows provide great comfort for the neck. Made of bamboo and polyester, this pillow has just the right amount of firmness to provide neck and shoulder support. La meilleure partie? You will have your best sleep of your life.

A long body pillow looks super cute on any bed. Body pillows are great because you can lay your whole body on the pillow especially if you like sleeping on your side. Made of 100% cotton and about 4.5 feet long, this one is perfect for resting your entire body on.

Emojis are ingrained in pop culture – you see them on your phones, on social media, and practically everywhere. Every teen is familiar with emojis and there’s one here for every type of personality. They’re so soft, cute, and full of fun. Lequel allez-vous choisir?

Most of us spend a lot of our day in bed. There is nothing better the snuggling in bed with comfortable bed sheets. Made out of 100 percent polyester, these microfiber bed sheets come in over 30 colors so you can find the set that matches her room decor. The sheets are soft and have a silky feel to them. Each set contains 1 flat sheet, 1 fitted sheet, and one pillowcase.

What teen wouldn’t love playing hoops in his dorm? It’s the perfect way to work on his eye-hand coordination or shooting skills. Take on a roommate or friends and show ’em your mad skills. This package contains a mini backboard and mini rubber ball. It’s perfect for fun any time of the day.

Who wouldn’t want this arcade basketball game in their room? Bring the fun of the arcade home into your bedroom with this arcade system that includes 6 balls. With 2 rims and an infrared scoring system, it’s perfect for head-to-head competitive play. Finally you can settle who really has the best jump shot. Swish!

This super cool compact set turns any table into an impromptu ping pong table. The set features a retractable net, two paddles, and 2 balls. 18 year old guys will love using this in their college dorms. It’s a great way to take a break from college.

Although a full-size pool table would cost thousands, you can still have more affordable fun with this 40-inch pool table. It’s perfectly sized for your dorm room. Just place it on top of a tabletop and you’re ready for some fun with friends. It’s a complete set with two cues, rack, billiard balls, and more. Let the fun and games begin!

What teenage boy wouldn’t love a foosball table? Show off your wrist power with this tabletop sized foosball table from Sport Squad that pits 13 players against each other. Get a bunch of friends together for a Foosball tournament. There is nothing more fun than playing foosball with your friends.

Nothing fancy here! Just about everybody could use cube organizers. Available in different colors, this inexpensive 6 pack of 11 inch cube organizers is perfect for stashing away extra clothes, craft supplies, and books that are lying around. When you are not using them, they are collapsible. Made of a durable fabric, they are much sturdier than comparatively priced ones at your local home goods store.

Want to get your desk tidy and organized? This mesh caddy desk organizer combines form, style and function. There’s plenty of storage area for all your supplies with five separate compartments plus additional storage. Set this on your desk for a stylish and functional organization tool.

Ever lose your remote control? Never lose it again with this handy organizer. It is nicely designed with five compartments and swiveling action for easy access. Store all your remote controls in here to stay organized. It’s perfect for the coffee table or tabletop surface.

These transparent modular storage drawers allow for different configurations thanks to the modular design. They can be stacked and allow for easy organization and access. This pack include four medium-sized drawers. Happy organizing!

If you are looking to add seating to your cramped dorm room, this Ottoman Bench is a practical solution. Not only is its footprint small, but it also doubles as storage so you can store all sorts of things inside. The bench comes in four stylish colors to fit in with your decor and feels quite sturdy and comfy to boot.

There is nothing more essential than having a nightstand next to your bed. It holds your clock, photo frames, books, and everything you need to go to bed. If you don’t have room for a standard nightstand, this floating shelf is a great alternative. Clamping onto the side of your bed frame, it can support up the 15 pounds.

The next time you go traveling, pack this travel book safe with you. It’s a great place to store passports, money, and other valuables. The safe is concealed by what looks like a world travel book. La meilleure partie? It really looks like a book on the shelf. The safe can be locked. Two keys are contained in this set.

Here’s a nice gift for your 18 year old teen boy. This men’s storage case is a great gift that looks elegantly fashionable and delivers great functionality. It’s perfect for storing sunglasses, watches, keys, cufflinks, coins, and more. The quality exceeds expectations at this price.

This stylish 3-tier storage cube is perfect for your dorm. It has a six cube design for storing various things. It has a stylish black finish that fits in well with any décor. The cube allows for many different setups, making it a very versatile solution. It’s easy to assemble, well built, and reasonably priced.

Looking for extra storage for your movies and games? This Atlantic DVD/Games Tower houses 65 movies and games in a stylish design that fits in with just about any décor. It has a small footprint so it can work in a dorm or your room at home. It can be used free-standing or wall-mounted and no assembly is required. It’s durable for years of use.

Looking for extra storage for your dorm room? This 11-hook organizer fits over the door transforming it into additional storage for coats, scarves, and other articles of clothing. It’s a stylish, functional, and affordable solution.

Every teenage guy needs a clothing rack. Most of us don’t have enough of room in our closet to hang up all of our clothes. This one not only looks great, but it’s a fun way to display the clothing you are going to be wearing throughout the week.

Downsizing your closet got a little easier! All of us dream of having a big closet, but most of us have live with what we have, which is not much. If you have a lot of lightweight tees and skirts, these Wonder Hangers can free up a lot more closet space. Each Wonder Hanger can hold up to 10 pieces of clothing in a pyramid fashion. It’s great for keeping your clothes organized and wrinkle free. You can get them in either plastic or metal.

Do you have shoes and clothes lying all over your room? Made of cotton canvas, these hanging closet shelves are a great way to get organized. With the cedar wood system, it is very sturdy and won’t fall apart when you load the shelves with heavy sweaters or shoes.

Do you look in your closet and wonder where the heck all the shoes go? Now you have plenty of room for all of your shoes with this attractive shoe rack that can hold up to 9 pairs of shoes. Not only that, but you can also use them to store other things. La meilleure partie? You can even stack to units on top of each other.

This 24-inch stackable organizer is perfect for storing and organizing your shoes or clothing. It’s easy to assemble and can be placed inside the closet or in the room. If you need additional storage, you can stack about three or four of them.

Traditional bath mats wear out quickly and can get moldy over time. This Shower Bath Mat from GOBAM solves that problem with a gorgeous 100% natural bamboo design. The mat is firmly kept in place to prevent slips. Combining form and function, it’s perfect for the shower or bathtub.

Nobody loves laundry day but it’s just one of those thing we have to do. If you don’t have a lot of space in your room, this hanging laundry bag can free up so much of space. Made out of cotton canvas, it comes with two stainless steels hooks that are used to hang it over a door. La meilleure partie? There is a zip on the underneath that allows you to dump out the contents more quickly.

Here’s a laundry hamper that actually looks great in any dorm room. Made of heavy duty mesh construction, it holds about 2 to 3 loads of dirty laundry. It’s completely collapsible so it is easy to travel with. The coolest part? It has handles on it so it is easy to tote around and carry your clothes to the laundry.

Made out of 100% nylon, this hanging shower tote is perfect for hanging in the shower to keep your toiletries organized. The mesh pockets are roomy enough to hold large items and drain easily.

Every guy wants to know what he looks like before he leaves the house to make sure they look litty and spiffy. This inexpensive floor mirror would be perfect for any teenage guy’s room.

Get him a succulent! Even if he kills plants by just looking at them, a succulent makes a great gift. Because these plants are often raised in areas with very little water, they are very low maintenance. It’s a great way to brighten his room. La meilleure partie? Even if he forgets to water them, the plants will still look happy.

Everybody needs a comfy spot in their room to read and play games. Supporting up to 225 pounds, this saucer chair from Urban Shop is a great way to add additional seating to your room without taking up too much room. La meilleure partie? It can be easily folded away when not in use and can easily be moved around.

Do you get tired playing videogames all day? This bean bag chair will make you want to play video games even longer. It is filled with an ultra soft foam, which makes it more durable than standard bean bag chairs. You will want to relax, read, watch TV, and even sleep in it. Choose from a variety of colors to coordinate with your room decor.

There is hardly any place to do your work in college dorms. You can use this laptop desk anywhere even on your bed or sofa. With memory foam, it is very comfortable even with a 15-inch laptop on top of it. There is even room for a mouse pad and USB light – meaning you can work in the wee hours of the night.

Looking to add extra comfort to your work space? This foot cushion delivers the comfort you need to make your work area more comfortable than ever. It’s the perfect size and holds up well over time. The padding actually keeps its shape after removing your feet. It’s a great gift he’ll love using daily.

Honestly, you don’t need a TV larger than 28 inches for the dorm. For the dorm room, this inexpensive 28-inch HDTV with built-in Roku from TCL is perfect. It’s one of the best performing TVs in its price tier. It delivers an excellent 1080P crisp image with great color and contrast along with a wide viewing angles. With three HDMI ports, it’s perfect as a monitor or even for playing video games.

Is your 18 year always late to class? Does he never come on time to dates? Does he love sleeping in? Then this clock is a clever and fun gift that fits his personality. What’s the time? Whatever o’clock!

Live out your wildest Star Wars fantasies with Star Wars Jedi Challenges AR experience. This is a mainstream AR experience that allows you to battle against the evil forces from the Star Wars universe. The cool thing is you can actually see the enemy in your own room, making it feel all too real. Will you be able to overcome the forces of evil and restore peace in the galaxy? In addition to the battle mode, there is also a virtual chess type game as well as a real-time strategy game to add depth to the experience. May the Force be with you!

Unleash your inner Jedi with the Star Wars: The Black Series Force FX Lightsaber. Made of annodized aluminum with a light-up feature and real metal hilt, it’s a super cool looking collector’s item. It can be showcased for friends and family to see with the included transparent display stand. What’s cool? It features authentic light effects and movie-accurate sound effects that fans know and love.

The Lego Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon is the largest LEGO set in the entire world. With 7,541 pieces in the Ultimate Collector’s Series, this one is rated for expert builders. The final build looks absolutely incredible and the build quality is solid. Not only is it the biggest set – but it is arguably the most detailed in history. The set includes 10 minifigs. Four figures can fit into the cockpit. The level of detailing here is insanely good. He’ll want to showcase this masterpiece to all his friends.

Feel the power of the Power Gauntlet! Inspired by Avengers: Endgame, this fully articulated Power Gauntlet features premium details and illuminated stones to take your cosplay to a whole new level. Movie-inspired sound effects bring the action to life. With great power comes great responsibility.

Take your cosplay experience to the next level with the Marvel Avengers Marvel Legends Series Infinity Gauntlet inspired by the movie. Designed for adults with incredible attention to detail, the gauntlet features movie-accurate detailing, cool lights and sounds, and articulated fingers. Go ahead control the fate of the universe, geek out, and impress your friends with this awesome comic-inspired gear.

Always wished you could be Iron Man? Suit up as Iron Man with the Marvel Legends Iron Man Electronic Helmet from Hasbro. With premium detailing, illuminated LED eyes, and sound effects, your cosplay will never be the same. Designed for adults, what will your superhero adventures entail?

Inspired by Ant-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this Ant-Man Electronic Helmet is a premium role-play item. It features premium movie-accurate detailing and cool red and blue lighting on the antennae and jawline. La meilleure partie? It doesn’t look or feel like a toy. The straps fit most adult head sizes. It’s perfect for cosplay fun and he’ll truly feel like the Ant-Man.

Inspired by the Black Panther movie, the Marvel Legends Series Black Panther Electronic Helmet is designed for adults. Take your cosplay to the next level with incredible attention to detail, Vibranium light effects, and lenses that flip up and down. Protect the nation of Wakanda at all costs. He’ll love geeking out with this premium role-play item.

If you have watched the film Avengers: Endgame, you are probably would like to know more about the Infinity Gauntlet. If you are a comic book fan and you haven’t read the Infinity Gauntlet, you might want to check it out. While the comic book is quite different from the movie, it gives you a different perspective on Thanos.

Although the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle doesn’t offer a complete replica of the one seen in the movie, it delivers impressive details on the exterior and interior with plenty of authentic details that fans will appreciate. The set features classrooms, towers, Whomping Willow, Hagrid’s hut and five buildable boats. Built from over 6,000 pieces, the price-to-part ratio is excellent at $0.07. But the value is not as high as it seems given there are several smaller pieces included in this set. It offers a fun, straightforward build — nothing overly complex — just ensure you reserve plenty of time for building, as it’s time-consuming. The set includes 4 minifigures: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, and Rowena Ravenclaw plus several nano figures. Although the castle model is missing a few structures, the attention to detail is really impressive and overall the design is a work of art. It’s the perfect gift for Harry Potter and LEGO collectors alike.

Geek out with your favorite droid — BB-8! It’s a buildable version of BB-8 from Star Wars featuring over 1,100 pieces. The model is incredibly life-like with a rotating head and even includes a display stand. It’s a really fun set to build. Now if only he could roll around.

Does he love Marvel’s Avengers? Then he’ll love collecting his favorite Avengers as Funko POPs! Standing 3.75-inches tall, these figures feature movie-inspired details. We’re diggin’ the details in his suit. Captain America is inspired by Avengers: Infinity War and Cap is not wearing his helmet. Collect all your favorites.

Stylized after Marvel’s Spider-Man from Spider-Man: Far From Home, this vinyl POP figure is the perfect collectible for your Spider-Man fan. Choose from Spider-Man in his various suits (Hero Suit, Stealth Suit, and Upgraded Suit), MJ, Happy Hogan, Mysterio, Molten Man, Hydro-Man, and Mysterio without his helmet. Collect all your favorites and show off your collection to your friends!

Looking for the perfect gift for your Marvel geek? If he’s into collecting Marvel figures, these 6-inch premium figures from Hasbro feature detailed sculpts inspired by the movies and multiple points of articulation. They look just like their character likenesses from the Marvel movies and comics. The coolest part? Each series features a buildable figure. Collect all the parts to build a special character. These make great gifts for any Marvel fan.

Game of Thrones fans will love this highly stylized rendition of Night King and Icy Viserion. Standing abaout 6-inches tall, these vinyl POP figures are super detailed and they’re instantly recognizable to fans. Honored with Collectible of the Year and People’s Choice Awards, this set makes a great gift idea for GOT fans.

Featuring premium entertainment-accurate details and more than 12 points of articulation, this awesome 6-inch Night King figure from McFarlane Toys is inspired by Game of Thrones. GOT fans will instantly recognize him with his detailed facial features, sculpting, and iconic attire from the show. He comes bundled with his King blade and spear. Die-hard fans will geek out over the amazing attention to detail.

Funko Pop Vinyl figures are about to get even more popular. Now you can find all your favorite Fortnite characters transformed into bite- sized Vinyl figures complete with big heads and tiny bodies. It’s the perfect gift for the guy who can’t get enough of Fortnite.

McFarlane introduced new premium Fortnite-inspired figures this year. These figures feature premium sculpts and details and are hyper-articulated with 22 joints for striking various poses. Each figure is ready for battle and comes equipped with a weapon. The figure comes with a display stand for showcasing your collection. Collect all your favorites!

Inspired by the massive Fortnite videogame phenomenon, these new 12-inch Victory figures from Jazwares feature game-accurate designs with intricate sculpts, premium detailing, and multiple points of articulation perfect for posing that are sure to satisfy Fortnite fans and collectors alike. Show your fandom with these awesome action figures and play out your Fortnite battle royale adventures in real life.

Fortnite fans will love these Squad Mode 4-packs featuring four detailed sculpts inspired by the most popular skins in the game. The figures are highly articulated with 19 points of articulation. Ragnarok, Rex, Cuddle Team Leader and Brite Bomber all look fantastic with their weapons: heavy shotgun, dual pistols, semi-auto sniper rifle and scoped Assault rifle as seen in the game. In addition to the figures and weapons, you also get 4 harvesting tools and 4 building materials to bring Fortnite to life in real life.

Monopoly Fortnite Edition is designed for teens. In this version of the game you battle your opponents and avoid the storm. Just like the videogame, it’s all about survival — not what you own. The game features battles and loot chests and is inspired by the videogame. It’s a fun new spin on the classic game of Monopoly. This new version features 27 new characters and updated board spaces. Will you be the last player standing?!

Does he love Marvel and Funko? If so, the Funko Marvel Collector Corps subscription box is the perfect gift for him. It comes with a new Marvel character, 4-7 collectibles, including an exclusive Vinyl Pop in every box shipped out every 2 months. Themes change with every box and these boxes are carefully curated by die-hard fans for fans. For some months you may even get a surprise t-shirt.

3-2-1 … we have ignition! It’s no surprise that the LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V Building Kit was the best-selling LEGO kit last holiday season. With an authentic 1:110-scale model of the NASA Apollo Saturn V built from over 1,900 pieces, fans will truly appreciate the amazing attention to detail and rocket engine details. Each of the three rocket stages are removable and the set includes the lunar lander and lunar orbiter. Three included display stands allow fans to horizontally showcase their model. As a bonus, a manned Apollo missions booklet is included as part of the package. The completed model measures 39-inches tall by 6-inches wide. Build the first rocket landing people on the Moon! Not only does it make a great gift idea, but it’s also a great conversation piece.

The Lego Technic Porsche 911 RSR is an impressive 1,580-piece replica that every car enthusiast and Technic fan should own. It’s a highly detailed and accurate model that captures the essence of the Porsche 911 RSR and the size will impress most. Highlights include an aerodynamic body, black spoked rims, working differential, working steering, independent suspension and a 6-cylinder boxer engine with moving pistons. Hands-down, this is one of the most awesome sets ever. The build quality and overall design are incredible and it’s a real blast to build. While it may be pricey for some, it’s totally worth every penny. Display it for all your friends to see and you’re sure to get a ton of compliments.

The LEGO Technic Bugatti Chiron is an awesome new set for advanced builders. If you thought the Porsche 911 was insanely detailed, you’ve seen nothing yet. This model features amazing attention to detail with working engine cylinders, paddle shifters, and steering. The overall build quality is very solid. It features lines that convincingly mimic the design of its real-world supercar counterpart. The designers did an excellent job of combining various Technic panels, beams, and hoses to emulate the Bugatti’s body. The model is sturdy and it can be picked up with one hand, but it’s quite a heavy beast. Highlights of this model include the iconic Bugatti grille, custom wheels with Bugatti logo, and the tail end of the car which simply looks incredible. There’s also a tasteful use of system brick to achieve a few design elements of the Bugatti. The interior has a nice color scheme and a fairly interesting build for seats and surrounding areas. The doors swing open and the steering wheel operates front-wheel steering. The front and back ends are equipped with working suspension. With the gears engaged, a push of the model causes the pistons to move in and out. Using the included key, you can even raise or lower the spoiler. Overall, it offers an impressive build, and we recommend it for any Technic or Bugatti fans.

If he’s into sports cars, this LEGO Technic Porsche is one of the best models around with a near-perfect replica of the Porsche 911 GT3 RS. This is rated for expert builders and the final model looks impressive with many of the details you find in its real-world counterpart. He’ll love displaying and sharing this model with friends.

Calling all Mustang fans! Build your own classic 1960s-inspired blue Mustang muscle car complete with white racing stripes with this 1,471-piece LEGO Creator Ford Mustang set. The interior of the car features seating, working steering, and a console-mounted shifter. The attention to detail will impress die-hard enthusiasts with a complete recreation of its 390-cubic-inch V8 engine, nitrous oxide in the trunk, and authentic body styling. The coolest part? Adding on optional accessories like a rear ducktail spoiler, front splitter,supercharger, and beefy exhaust pipes gives the Mustang a more aggressive, supercharged muscle car racing look. The completed model measures 13-inches long by 5-inches wide. It’s the perfect gift for car enthusiasts and LEGO fans alike and is sure to be a great conversation starter.

This 1/72-scale Tie Fighter is a beautiful model kit made with good quality. Given the size, the details of the starship are amazing and it offers a relatively easy build. La meilleure partie? No glue is required for assembly. It’s the perfect gift for any Star Wars fan and he’ll proudly display it.

The Ultimate Justice League Batmobile is pure awesomeness. This is a gift that is sure to leave his jaw on the floor. Batman steers the vehicle, rocket launcher and cannon. With a Wi-Fi-based camera you can get a FPV of the action from Batman’s perspective. The cool thing? You can control this badass vehicle with your smartphone via an app. There is even an immersive part that launches exploding rockets on your phone so fans get the whole movie effect and experience while driving the Batmobile.

This Harry Potter Wand is an exact replica of the wand seen in the movies – measuring 15-inches long. It’s sure to get any fan super excited with delight. The wand is ready to gift in a special wand box based on Ollivander’s from the films. Now if you could only cast magical spells like Harry Potter that would be something.

Created from 3D scans, the Star Trek Bluetooth Communicator is the perfect gift for any Trekkie. It pairs easily with any Bluetooth phones. What’s cool? You can answer your calls just like in Star Trek. It features 20 film-accurate phrases and sound effects for your Star Wars geek. It also comes with a gorgeous molded foam transit case and leatherette pouch. It’s a great gift combining both form and function.

Is he still waiting for his Harry Potter Acceptance Letter? He will be amazed when he gets a package straight from Hogwarts. He will receive a personalized letter and a boarding pass. It’s actually shipped all the way from England so it looks authentic. If he loves Harry Potter, this is a unique gift that he will always treasure.

Star Wars fans love collecting their favorite POP! figures based on the latest Star Wars flick. These are the figures fans are looking for. Collect all your favorites from Darth Vader, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker, and more!

NECA has built a reputation for delivering incredibly detailed figures based on your favorite characters from movies to videogames and more. Featuring an incredible sculpt with incredible attention to detail and 36 points of articulation, this 7-inch Kratos figure from God of War looks badass. It’s an offcially licensed product complete with accessories that no die-hard fan should be without.

Who isn’t in love with Nintendo characters? Amiibo toys make cool stocking stuffers for Nintendo lovers. These toys not only look cool but unlock additional features and content in Nintendo games. Fans are going wild over the announcement of Ridley in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and will likely want to add this uber cool amiibo to their collection.

Show your fandom with this awesome amiibo End Level Display. It’s perfect for displaying your amiibo collection in style in classic Mario fashion. This display holds up to 6 amiibo figures. The perfect gift for any Nintendo fan.

Capture the speed, thrills, and excitement of a roller coaster with this awesome Creator Expert set from LEGO. This 4,124-piece set features incredible details, such as a working rollercoaster, ticket booth, cotton candy cart, concession stand, and more to bring the experience to life. Fans will love watching these gravity-driven cars hurtle through the twists and turns. What’s cool? You can even upgrade to a manual or automated chain lift with LEGO Power Functions or LEGO Boost, respectively. Get ready for thrilling, high speed fun ahead!

Got a super geek who loves Voltron? Standing 15-inches tall, this is one of the most awesome LEGO Voltron figures we’ve ever seen! Built from over 2,000 pieces, the level of detailing is simply incredible. In fact, it is the biggest LEGO Mech ever. Fans will love building it and showing it off to all their friends. It is the perfect gift for any Voltron fan – sure to make them smile from ear to ear.

Does he love Super Mario and chess? He’ll get all geeked out over this Super Mario-themed chess set featuring all his favorite characters from the Super Mario universe. Everyone’s here from Mario and Luigi to Princess Peach, Yoshi, Toad, Bowser, and more! It is a fun gift for gamers who love chess.

It’s fun playing the Pokemon games, but there is something about physically playing the card game that you don’t get with the video games. Once you start collecting Pokemon cards, it is impossible to stop. Pokemon requires playing different cards to perform moves and countermoves against your opponent. Each card has different stats. You always have to be one step ahead of your opponent. Nothing can beat the exciting feeling when you get a new stack of cards.

This Star Wars 12-inch Vinyl Wall Clock makes a big statement on your wall while allowing you to tell time. It’s a super cool looking wall clock with the Star Wars logo etched into the vinyl and a sillouhette of Darth Vader. Both stylish and functional – it’s a perfect gift for Star Wars fans – you simply can’t go wrong.

Here’s the perfect for your Star Wars geek! It’s an officially licensed Darth Vader LEGO figure. But that’s not all! It also features a convenient LED light, which is really helpful in the dark. The figure is poseable and easily fits onto your keychain ring. May the Force be with you!

Looking for a fun gift for your superhero lover? This officially licensed single-serve Marvel Captain America Coffee Maker with mug makes a great gift for Captain America fans. It features a 12-oz. mug with Captain America’s iconic shield logo and comes with a permanent filter and removable drip tray. It’s sure to supercharge his mornings. Choose from a variety of superheroes.

Inspired by Captain America’s iconic shield, this officially licensed Marvel Captain America Waffle Maker serves up a single 6-inch waffle. Best of all, it offers a non-stick surface, making clean-up a breeze. The waffle maker creates a crisp, golden-brown, and delicious Captain America shield waffle in about 3-5 minutes. Making breakfast just got a whole lot more fun.

This is the perfect cookie jar for Star Wars fans. R2-D2 looks fantastic with nice detailing in all the right places. It’s an officially licensed Star Wars product made of plastic. The size is pretty good but just wish it was a bit bigger. The coolest part? R2-D2 beeps when the cookie jar is popped opened. Now all you need is some cookies.

There is nothing cool about a pizza slicer. That is until now. Shaped like the Star Trek Enterprise, this flying saucer doubles as a pizza slicer. Even if you don’t love Star Trek or don’t eat pizza, you have to own this.

Ready to be a superhero in the kitchen? This officially licensed DC Batman Kitchen Timer sends a bat signal when time is up. What’s cool? You can even beam the light on walls. Save the day by never letting your food burn or overcook.

Every college guy has to own this bathrobe. It turns you instantly into a Jedi Master. It’s got the hood, sleeves, and belt. Imagine walking around with this in your dorm room with the hood on. Your roommates will be jealous. If you’re a real Jedi, you might just want to wear it to class.

This Harry Potter All Houses Hooded Bathrobe will make any Potter head smile from ear to ear. It’s well made with a soft feel and perfect for lounging. It’s made of polyester and has embroidered designs and a two color scheme. Choose from a variety of colors. These bathrobes are machine washable.

Is he obsessed with Stanger Things? Set in the 80s, this sci-fi series is impossible not to binge watch on Netflix. Now he can look like he attends Hawkins Middle School with this adorable sweatshirt. The only problem? He might develop an obsession for the sweatshirt, too.

Lego is bringing back Harry Potter in a big way and everybody is excited. There are going to be additional Harry Potter sets later this year, but the LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Great Hall was the real showstopper of the show that had practically everyone drooling to get their hands on it. It comes with 11 minifigures so you get a ton of cool characters. The coolest part? It has a moving staircase.

The LEGO Ideas Ship In A Bottle is a very classy looking set. Although it seems a bit smaller than expected, it’s actually 1:1 scale with many ships in a bottle. From a distance it looks quite realistic and what’s great is that it doesn’t occupy too much space. The cap and cork are exquisitely designed and great to look at. As for the ship, it features a nice build. It’s surprisingly sturdy and dense considering its size. Decide whether you want the boat inside or outside of the bottle beforehand, as it’s not so easy to remove once it is inside the bottle.

Sip from this Harry Potter themed cup and you will turn into a magical wizard. With the words “I Don’t Give A GryffinDamn,” this mug is something that any Harry Potter fan would love drinking out of. Holding 15-ounces of liquid, it might not be as big as a life-size cauldron. Still, that doesn’t mean he can’t whip up a magical potion that wakes him up in the morning.

PopSockets are an amazing invention. They serve as a stand for your phone to consume content and they can also be used for gripping your phone or tablet. They’re even great for gaming, watching videos and surfing the web. Best of all, they’re resuable. Choose from a variety of stylish designs – now with new Fortnite themes.

Your Fortnite gamer will love this officially licensed merchandise from Epic Games. It’s perfect for winter weather to keep him warm and comfy plus he can show his love for his favorite battle royale game. It has a hoodie and kangaroo-style pockets for added warmth and comfort. Choose from two color options.

Everyone loves a good laugh. When he puts his legs up on the table, friends and family will get a kick out of these Fortnite socks which state: “Do not disturb – I’m playing Fortnite.” Made of a blend of cotton and polyester, he’ll be comfy while playing his favorite game with his friends. What’s not to love? These will be his new go-to socks while playing Fortnite.

Fortnite fans rejoice – have we got an amazing gift for you! Inspired by the massively popular videogame, Fornite fans can get their hands on these super cool looking Fortnite-themed night lights with fast or slow color-changing features. It’s a real visual treat that’s sure to get the conversations started. They look amazing in the dark with their intricate 3D designs. What’s cool? You can choose from seven different colors and there are a variety of designs to choose from. It’s battery or USB-powered and makes a great gift for any Fortnite fan.

Nintendo Labo allows gamers to create cardboard objects, using the Nintendo Switch as the brains of their creations. It’s all part of a push to get people interested in science and engineering. There are several different kit out already including a Variety, Robo, and Vehicle kit. With 5 buildable projects, the variety kit is a perfect introduction to the Nintendo Labo. You be making everything from a RC car to a piano. The kit comes with the Toy-Con Garage which allows you to create your own creations.

Designed for children and their families, Nintendo’s innovative Labo series expands with a new basic ‘virtual reality’ technology kit. This unique experience encourages both virtual and physical interactions among players by passing around their Toy-Con creations. Unlike traditional VR, it’s not designed to be a solo experience so there is no headstrap — you simply hold it to your head and pass it around to family members. With a design inspired by Google Cardboard, this complete combo VR Kit lets kids build their own VR headset and includes a VR headset, blaster, camera, bird, elephant, and wind pedal. Explore over 60 fun mini games in the VR Plaza that amplify the experience. Create 3D artwork with an elephant’s trunk, play a virtual drum kit, fly like a bird through a beautiful landscape, play bomb tennis, blast through an alien city, shoot photos of marine life as you explore an underwater world and so much more! La meilleure partie? The Toy-Con VR Garage now enables kids to make their own VR games! What will you create? A starter set will feature just the VR headset and blaster, and expansion packs will be sold separately. Super Mario Odyssey and Zelda: Breath of the Wild will support the VR Kits. Now if only we could get a Dunk Hunt VR game.

Add a little fun to your light switch with this arcade style light switch plate. This light switch plate features two colorful, large arcade style buttons. It’s super easy to install and simply replaces your current light switch plate. It’s an affordable gift for the teen gamer in your life.

Having trouble finding a great gift idea for your 18 year old Star Wars fan? Consider the Star Wars Millennium Falcon Lamp. The lamp looks incredibly cool with the lights out and it features seven different colors. All your friends will wonder where you got it. It makes a great addition to your room decor.

Add a dash of personality to your room with this awesome pixel art of iconic Super Mario from Super Mario World. Standing 6-inches tall, this lighted figure looks just like Super Mario from the video game. Light up your room in style with this officially licensed product.

Retro gamers will love adding a bit of originality to their room with this Pac Man Mood Light. It screams ” I Love Video Games.” When you plug it into a USB slot, the lights slowly transitions to different colors every couple of seconds. In music mode, the light changes with the beat of the music. Pac Man fans will eat this one up.

Your teen gamer who loves all things PlayStation will love this fun PlayStation-themed Icons Light from Paladone. It features the iconic triangle, circle, X, and square icons from the PlayStation controller and has 3 lighting modes. It’s a fun way to add a splash of personality to his room. What’s cool? It even reacts to music with a cool color phasing effect.

Zelda fans will love this Triforce Light inspired by The Legend of Zelda games. In addition to providing bright light, it projects images of the Hyrule logo and looks really cool in a dark room. It’s a great conversation starter and adds personality to your teen’s room. It’s a fun gift that any Zelda fan will appreciate.

Light up your PlayStation gamer’s world with this officially licensed PlayStation Mini Light. Featuring a modern design with the iconic PlayStation logo and icons, this cylindrical light is a great conversation starter. Vouloir plus? It even plays official PlayStation sounds. All your friends will want to get one.

Looking for a fun nightstand for your Apple Watch? Blast to the past with the elago W5 Stand for Apple Watch inspired by the original Nintendo Game Boy. Placing your Apple Watch on the stand charges the watch while allowing you to view its display. Since the nightstand is made from scratch-free silicon, it won’t damage your Apple Watch. It’s compatible with Apple Watch Series 1-4. Choose from four color schemes. Both fun and functional — it’s the perfect gift for Nintendo fanboys.
So he loves things made of plastic? Here are the best toys for 18 year old boys who want to feel like a kid again.

Star Wars fans will love this app-enabled version of BB-9E. Sphero has taken the design of the original Sphero and given it a Star Wars makeover with the Dark Side personality. Using an app on your phone, you can direct and control BB-9E all over your house chasing friends, family, and even pets.

Ever dreamt of having the Force from the Star Wars flicks? Well, now you can with the Star Wars Force Band. It’s the perfect gadget to take control of your Sphero BB-8 droid and it looks super cool. It works within a decent range of about 82 feet. He’ll have fun controlling his BB-8 in a brand new exciting way. What Star Wars fan wouldn’t love the Force?

Say goodbye to Hot Wheels and welcome to the next generation of slot car racing. Just like Hot Wheels, in Anki Overdrive, you will race physical cars on a physical racing track. With the modular track pieces, you can even create 8 different layouts. The twist? An app allows you to control the cars and even battle with other cars, merging the physical world with the digital world. This updated version boasts a Fast and the Furious theme.

Before you invest in a large drone, the Tello quadcopter is the perfect first drone. Designed to be easy to fly and withstand crashes, this drone gives you hands-on experience flying a drone. It flies for about 13 minutes on a full charge. The built-in 720p camera is a cool feature, but don’t expect the quality to compete with a GoPro Hero.

The DJI Phantom is the drone every 18 year old boy wishes he could fly. With built-in stabilization, it’s easy to learn to fly. The built-in camera records movie-quality 2.7K video. With built-in GPS-assisted flight, you can even make the drone follow you around, taking the coolest selfies ever.

DJI makes many drones, but the DJI Spark is its cheapest drone. The DJI Spark is the drone every teenage guy wishes he could fly on Christmas morning. It’s got a built-in 12-megapixel camera that captures great 1080P video. Video looks smooth thanks to its 2-axis stabilized gimbal. The main appeal is that this tiny drone is extremely portable and offers about a 16-minute flight time per battery. With optional hand gesture controls, this is the perfect drone for beginners and professionals. The Fly More Combo adds the remote control and 2 additional batteries for extended flying time.

The DJI Mavic Air combines features from the entry-level Spark and higher-end Mavic Pro. It has a compact folding design with a stabilized 4K camera, obstacle avoidance, and offers flight times up to 21 minutes. It shoots brilliant video at 4K up to 30 FPS. The quality is generally excellent with much better detail than the Spark. Not only does it allow for super cool gesture controls, but also it offers sensors that allow it to smartly avoid surrounding obstacles by going over and around them. If you want a 4K camera on a 3-axis gimble, longer flight time, greater range and obstacle avoidance, the Mavic Air is a great choice.

The DJI Mavic Pro features amazing 4K video capture and obstacle avoidance. The build quality is solid, it actually feels quite rugged, and the video quality is comparable to the DJI Phantom 4. This tech allows users to avoid crashing into obstacles while flying forward for a more satisfying flying experience. It also integrates GPS for more precise control both indoors and outdoors as well as better videos. In this mode the Mavic is very stable and easy to fly. The Mavic Pro offers good flight stability and the design is very compact which is perfect for outdoor adventures. This is the feature that will sell most people. The battery life lasts very close to half an hour on a single charge. It’s 3-axis stabilization means you can shoot smooth looking video. The Fly More Combo kit includes the Mavic Pro, remote control, 3 batteries, shoulder bag, and several other accessories. Considering its compact size, lower price and comparable performance to the Phantom 4, this is a great value and well worth the price of admission.

The DJI Mavic 2 Pro improves on the specs of the original in nearly every way from image quality to obstacle avoidance. The biggest highlight is the new Hasselblad camera. We love that it’s still compact and lightweight – perfect for carrying around in a bag. Obstacle avoidance has been improved for better all-around coverage. Now you get a 5-mile range with a 1080P feed to your mobile device. That means you can fly farther and see more clearly than ever before. A downside is you can’t control the Mavic 2 Pro with just a phone or tablet like every other DJI drone. The image quality of the Mavic 2 Pro is superb, rivaling the Phantom Pro. The variable aperture controls are a real game-changer. The larger 1-inch sensor lets you capture more dynamic range and delivers improved low-light performance. It also shoots 20MP still photos, which allows for more flexibility in cropping.
Guys and their gadgets, right? Whether it’s a touchscreen phone or something inexpensive that will make his life easier, we’ve compiled a must-have list of cool gadgets for teenage guys.

With the GoPro HERO7 White, it’s never been more affordable to record yourself skiing down a mountain, performing tricks on your skateboard, or catching some serious air on your bike. La meilleure partie? The GoPro has gotten smaller than ever before and it’s waterproof to 33 ft with image stabilization for smooth looking video. It shoots 1080p video at 60 FPS. About the size of an ice cube, the Go Pro Hero Session is ready to go on any adventure you go on. Let the adventures begin!

About the size of an ice cube, the GoPro7 Session allows anyone to record their adventures in 4K ultra high definition. Because it’s small and lightweight, it’s the perfect camera for helmet mounts whether you attach while mountain biking or snowboarding.

The GoPro has some new competition in the form of the rugged and compact DJI Osmo Action Camera. It captures 12MP photos, 4K at 60 FPS, and 4K HDR video at 30 FPS with electronic image stabilization for smooth video. A downside is EIS can’t be enabled with HDR and its stabilization doesn’t match up with the GoPro. It features dual displays: a 2.25-inch rear touchscreen and a 1.4-inch display on the front for selfies. It’s dustproof and shockproof to 5 ft and waterproof to 36 ft. In addition to letting you select your viewing screen, the Quick Switch button streamlines switching between picture, video, and time-lapse modes. it also features 8x slow motion. La meilleure partie? After a bit of a learning curve, it’s easy to use on the fly but it’s battery life could be better. However, it’s a great alternative to the GoPro for capturing your adventures.

If you’ve never tried one of these personal assistants, it’s worth giving it a try. The Echo Dot lets you experiment with the potential of Alexa. So what does it do exactly? Using voice recognition technology, you can make Alexa do a handful of things like play your favorite music, make calls, turn on/off smart lighting, order a pizza, and so much more. You can even play games or hear the headlining news. It’s like a gadget from the future – only it’s here right now.

The Amazon Echo is much more than just a Bluetooth speaker. You can actually speak to it to make it answer questions, play music, check sports scores, order pizza, and even check your daily to-do list. New functionality is being added every day and now you can have it control your lights. It’s like having your own digital assistant that always listens to you.

Google Home Mini is a voice-activated smart speaker assistant. It can play music, control smart devices, add things to your shopping or to-do list, and web searches all with your voice. Unlike the Echo it fits in more easily with your décor like an air freshener. The far-field microphones allow it to hear you from across the room. It can get quite loud and fills up an entire room. It can control Nest, Philips Hue lights, and smart things. The biggest difference is that it is powered by Google’s search engine so you can ask it many of the things you ask on the PC. What’s amazing is it even understands context.

Google Home is a voice-activated smart speaker assistant. It can play music, control smart devices, add things to your shopping or to-do list, and web searches all with your voice. Unlike the Echo it fits in more easily with your décor like an air freshener. The far-field microphones allow it to hear you from across the room. It can get quite loud and fills up an entire room. It can control Nest, Philips Hue lights, and smart things. The biggest difference is that it is powered by Google’s search engine so you can ask it many of the things you ask on the PC. What’s amazing is it even understands context.

The Echo Show provides visual and audio feedback, making it far more useful. It has a 7-inch touchscreen with a built-in speaker. It has a 720p camera and the speaker, screen, and microphones all work well. It can do everything Echo can do and more. You can ask it questions, get a weather report, play music, news or podcasts, read out your calendar, and more. It can even play video from your Amazon collection or Amazon Prime video library. It also does video calls. Discover the difference of not only dictating to you, but also showing you information.

The Echo Spot is what you would get if the Echo Show and Echo Dot had a baby. It looks like a tiny alarm clock with a 2-inch screen that is Alexa-enabled. It can control your smart home, play music, video calls and more. It’s an interesting gadget that’s perfect for the bedroom.

Tired of cable and satellite? If you don’t need 4K streaming, Roku Express is one of the best and more affordable streaming devices around. It supports full 1080p HD video output and is super easy to use. It’s the simplest way to make your TV smart and you’ll benefit from access to more than 450,000 movies and shows. This stick is amazing and it’s hard to beat that price.

If you want to stream movies and shows in 4K with HDR this is the streaming stick you need. Search for what you want when you want it with the voice-powered remote. Enjoy over 500K movies and shows and forget about cable and satellite for good. Overall, it’s one of the best streaming sticks for the money.

Perfect for college, now you can get access to your favorite entertainment subscriptions on your TV with this little gadget from Amazon. There is very little setup. Simply stick this device in your TV’s HDMI slot to access Netflix, HBO Go, Amazon Prime, and more.

Amazon’s new Fire TV streams in 4K Ultra HD with HDR support. Gain access to thousands of channels and apps ranging from Netflix and Hulu to HBO, Amazon, Showtime, Starz, and more. With over 500K entertainment choices, you’ll feel like you’re in heaven. Dolby Atmos brings higher fidelity audio quality into the fold. And let’s not forget it’s powered by Alexa to make accessing the content you want easier than ever.

Chromecast Ultra supports 4K video with HDR for bursting contrast and a whole new realm of colors. If you’re looking for a good 4K streamer this is one of the best deals in town. It’s nearly twice as fast as the previous version. You can stream Netflix, YouTube and more. If you’re looking for afforable 4K streamer at a bargain, you’ll definitely want to check this out.

Looking to convert your TV into a basic computer? The Asus Chromebit essentially transforms your TV into a barebones Chromebook with a simple stick. It delivers snappy performance and gets the job done for basic applications like web surfing, classwork, YouTube and more. And it’s really hard to beat that price point.

The Logitech Harmony Elite is Logitech’s top of the line model. The Harmony Elite allows users to elegantly control as many as 15 home entertainment devices with one streamlined remote. The days of dreaming about this are officially over. And it works just as you’d expect – like a charm and it’s so intuitive to use. The Elite features a color touchscreen to make controlling everything easier than ever and it feels great.

Everyone needs to carry a portable phone charger. We use our smartphones on a daily basis and they always seem to run out of battery life. With this portable battery pack in your backpack, you don’t ever have to worry about your phone dying. Not only can it charge your phone a couple of times, it can be used to charge any USB device including a larger tablet.

The newest iPhones now support wireless charging so you don’t have to plug in your phone to charge them anymore. This Qi-certified wireless charger from Anker allows your phone to charge when it is placed in the stand so you can still use your phone while it is charging. La meilleure partie? Your phone can charge in the horizontal or vertical position so you can even binge watch Netflix while your phone is charging.

Sometimes when I am far away, I can’t use my phone because the charger is too short. I have to always twist my head in the most awkward position just to use my phone. I would love a long charging cord so I don’t have to worry how far away the outlet is. At 6 feet long, this one fits the bill.

Looking for a clutter-free way to charge your devices? This USB Charging Dock eliminates the clutter of wires often seen with other charging systems. It’s perfect for charging your phone and tablet – like iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. La meilleure partie? This charger is cost-efficient, as it stops charging once your device is fully charged. You never have to worry, as its design prevents against overcharging. It’s a neat and tidy charging solution for all your USB gadgets.

Most of us have more smart devices than we can count on one finger. The only problem? Charging all of them! If you are tired of juggling between all your chargers, this charging hub makes life so much simpler. It couldn’t be simpler to use. You simply plug it into the wall. It’s got 6 USB slots on it that you can use to charge your smart devices.

If you have a ton of gadgets that you have to charge at the same time, then you have to own this 6-port charger from Anker. It not only charges 6 devices at the same time, it charges them much faster than other USB chargers thanks to its higher amp output. It’s great for charging both Android and Apple devices.

Want to control your lighting or other devices with your smartphone or Alexa? Now you can control your devices from anywhere with TP-Link Kasa Smart Wi-Fi Plug Mini. La meilleure partie? No hub is required, it’s easy to use, and works as promised. Enjoy the convenience of an upgraded smart home.

Looking to clear off surfaces or polish up your home décor without losing your favorite voice assistant? This Dottie is an accessory designed to house your 2nd gen Echo Dot and plug it directly into the wall outlet. It doesn’t cause damage to your walls and even improves audio quality and microphone sensitivity. It just may be the best $20 you’ve spent.

Smart home lighting is here. With this smartbulb, you can control the lighting in your room whether you are having a party, watching a movie, or want a romantic setting. Using the your phone or Alexa, you can connect to the bulb to change its color to millions of possibilities.

Say goodbye to long distance relationships with this unique lamp. When you touch one lamp, the other one lights up. The coolest part? Because the lamps work over Wi-FI, the lamps can be at opposite ends of the country. It’s a fun and innovative way to send your love from miles away.

More and more people are relying on their phones to capture memorable moments. Most phone cameras have a basic lens for point and shoot. This lens kit is an inexpensive alternative to buying a fancy DSLR camera. The kit comes with a 12.5x macro lens. The lens is very easy to screw on to the iPhone and give your photos a more professional look.

Do you find that your gadgets or cords are always getting lost in the bottom of your bag? The Cocoon GRID-IT! case keeps all your gadgets organized using little straps that hold everything securely in place. The grid system allows you to hold phone chargers, adapters, and small gadgets. It’s a great addition to any backpack.

If you’re teen will be shooting HD video or going on vacation, this high speed SDXC memory is perfect for compatible devices. It’s rated for 4K video and offers great reading and writing speeds. It can shoot about 8,000 photos and almost 2 hours of 4K Ultra HD video with 16MP photos. Most importantly, you get the reliability and ease of use you expect from SanDisk.

Nowadays micro SD cards are popular because they’re used in everything from smartphones to Nintendo Switch, and even Raspberry Pi. Sandisk makes a range of reliable memory cards ranging from 16GB to 400GB. The larger the memory capacity, the more you can store. That means more photos, MP3s, games, and more. This package conveniently includes an SD adapter so it can be read in your PC.

This Star Wars Darth Vader flash drive makes a great stocking stuffer for fans of the series. Every Star Wars fan knows Darth Vader and will love using this gadget to store their files, documents, music, and more. As a bonus, it’s preloaded with Star Wars-themed content. Best of all, it works on laptops and desktops and provides fast data transfer.

Do you find that no matter how much of stuff you delete on your computer, it is still full? Then you need this external hard drive especially if you have tons of photos or videos on your computer. La meilleure partie? It can be formatted to work with both Mac and Windows computers.

When it comes to storage Seagate Expansion drives are an excellent option. This drive features 2TBs of storage for all types of files. As a matter of fact, you can probably backup your entire system. It has USB 3.0 as well as USB 2.0 compatibility and data transfer is rapid. You can even drag and drop individual files with relative ease. It’s a great portable storage solution for PCs, laptops, PS4, and Xbox One.

Looking to upgrade your PC’s hard drive to an SSD? Samsung’s 860 EVO 500GB SSD Drive gives you the speed and reliability you expect. This is especially important when working with 4K video. This internal drive fits most mainstream laptops and PCs. Available capacities vary from 500GB to 4TB, depending on your needs.

A lot of electronics use different types of memory cards. In order for you to load the data onto your computer, you need the appropriate card reader. Shaped like a thumb drive, this super portable card reader from Anker can read SD and SD micro cards. La meilleure partie? It’s a great card reader that fits in your pocket.

The Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 is the popular choice of many teens. They love the cool colors, ease of use, and what teen wouldn’t love the new selfie mirror? It’s perfect for parties and the pictures are developed instantly so you can hand them out to friends. 90s tech is back in style.

Does he want to be the next big vlogger? If you ask any vlogger, what camera they are using, he will probably say the Canon G7X. This small and unobtrusive camera gets its reputation because not only can it be carried around easily but it has a large sensor that allows it to take fantastic video. The coolest part? It has a flip out screen that that allows you to easily frame what you are seeing. The built in stabilization allows you to take steady shots as you are moving around. All this technology comes at a hefty cost so it’s a dream gift for all of us.

The Canon EOS Rebel T6 Digital SLR Camera delivers a competent cheap DSLR with decent photo and video in good light. These photos are definitely a step up from your point and shoots and phone’s camera and they’re about as good as the competition. It doesn’t handle backlit subjects well automatically. Its focusing and burst shooting aren’t fast enough for a satisfactory experience when shooting subjects in motion. Although there are no fun filters, the camera allows for post-processing. It’s relatively light but feels substantial which is typical for a beginner DSLR.

Now that you’re in college, you’ll need a reliable printer to print term papers and other assignments. The HP LaserJet Pro M15w allows you to conveniently print wirelessly from your laptop or desktop. It’s fast and delivers clean, crisp monochrome output. Best of all, you’ll save a ton versus paying for ink cartridges.

With a small footprint, this compact inkjet printer from Canon is perfect for dorms. It does everything a modern printer is supposed to do including wireless printing, printing from a smartphone, scanning, and copying. It even prints nice quality photos. Running the printer is fairly economical with its individual ink cartridge system.

When we graduate from high school, we take a ton of photos on our phone of our friends. Wouldn’t it be cool if we could print them? With this portable Smartphone printer, you can turn your phone into an instant camera. The only problem? You might find yourself going through rolls of film as you will want to print off every photo on your phone.

He probably has a ton of photos on her phone and on Instagram. Now he can turn his phone into an instant camera with this small wireless photo printer from Canon that prints small 2 X3 inch stickable pictures. La meilleure partie? He can use the photos to decorate his room, locker, or stationary thanks to the adhesive backing on the photos. He might soon have a printing addiction.

Want to always take the perfect selfie? Meet the Auxiwa Clip-on Selfie Ring Light. It provides professional studio quality lighting so you look your absolute best in every selfie you take. You’re no longer limited to daytime selfies because you can take selfies under any lighting conditions. You won’t regret this purchase.

If you have ever tried to take a picture of yourself, you know it can be hard. With a selfie stick, you can take cool shots to make it look like someone else took them. No need for strangers! This Bluetooth enabled selfie stick makes it super easy to take the most flattering pictures and nobody has to know you took them.

Do you notice every time you are running late or have to pay a bill, your keys or wallet goes missing? Tile Pro is a Bluetooth tracker that promises to eliminate the panic attack you get. You simply attach the Tile to the item that always seems to run away. When you lose the item, you simply whip out your phone and locate the item using the Tile app. When the item is within 100-feet, it will play a loud tune.

Everyone loves working out with their phone. This phone case with an elastic band allows you to attach your phone to your arm or wrist without having to worry about your phone slipping. The phone easily slips in and out of the case. When your phone is inside, the case gives you access to all the features including the volume rocker and on/off buttons.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could design a case that was completely original? Now you can thanks to iZERCASE. Simply upload a picture to customize the back of the phone case and specify the phone model. Put your puppy on it, your girlfriend, your mom, your favorite videogame, or the year you were born.

The Dreem Wallet Case is a quality case that delivers great protection for your phone plus it has RFID protection for your credit cards. It even can be used as a kickstand for your phone for viewing content. It accommodates anywhere from 3 to 6 cards and 5-10 bills.

These rugged and durable Call of Duty styled OtterBox Defender Cases provide the best protection for your iPhone 7 or 8 while looking super stylish. Your phone can drop at anytime unexpectedly and when it happens you’ll be glad you have the Defender by your side. It provides all-around protection while keeping everything within reach. The belt-clip holster also can be used as a kickstand to watching your favorite media content.

Nobody wants to carry around a bulky wallet and phone in their pocket. Not only does this case protect your phone, it’s a slim wallet that has room for your essentials. It’s got a slot on the back that can hold up to 3 credit cards and cash. La meilleure partie? You no longer have to carry a wallet and phone. It’s available in 4 different colors and for different phones including the latest iPhones.

This is not an ordinary phone case. This case from Mophie not only protects your phone, but it also charges it. It gives you up to 14 hours hours of usage. La meilleure partie? It doesn’t make your phone too bulky.

Does your tablet or smartphone have those icky fingerprints all over the screen? Beurk! The iRoller Screen Cleaner makes cleaning your gadgets simpler than ever. Simply roll the iRoller on the screen’s surface and it works its magic without any liquids. La meilleure partie? It’s reusable and saves money compared to other accessories. Its compact design means you can easily store it in a pocket or bag so you can keep it clean anytime.

If you’re looking for rugged and durable protection for your 10.5 or 11-inch iPad Pro, the OtterBox Defender Case is one of the best choices. Just like the iPhone case, it delivers maximum protection while allowing you to access all the ports and buttons. It doesn’t hurt that it looks pretty stylish, too. It also supports Apple Pencil charging and pairing.

The lightweight Logitech Slim Folio Pro for iPad Pro offers a comfortable typing experience with large, well-spaced backlit keys. The magnetic latch allows you to close the case and protect your iPad while traveling. You can even stow your Apple Pencil with this folio. La meilleure partie? With a 3-month recharge cycle, you don’t have to worry about constantly recharging.

PopSockets make a great gift idea. They come in a variety of different colorful styles and come in handy. Stick ’em to your phone or tablet and you benefit from a non-slip grip that simply works like a charm. Now you can do what you like with your device without worrying about losing your grip. It even can be used as a kickstand for viewing media content. Look ma’ no hands!

Does he love recording videos with her phone? This little gagets is basically a tabletop tripod for your phone. You simply slide you phone into it and the mount can swivel either horizinatally or vertical. THe coolest part? It has bendy legs on it that allow you to adjust it to get the perfect shot. The legs are acutally pretty strong and can even be wrapped around something to take a difficult shot.

This JOBY GorillaPod 3K Kit serves as a fantastic tripod for smartphones, point-and-shoot cameras, action video cameras like GoPros, 360-degree cameras, DSLRs, and other devices up to 6.6-pounds. The joints allow it to be adjusted for almost any surface, making its design very versatile. La meilleure partie? The compact size means you an easily tuck it away in a bag and bring it out anytime to capture the perfect shot.

Are you tired of balancing your camera on stacks of book? Now you can take super professional pictures and video with this inexpensive tripod from AmazonBasics. The adjustable height aluminum legs make it easy to position the tripod at the perfect height. La meilleure partie? It’s lightweight and folds up compactly when it is not in use.

Does he want to be a filmmaker? The quality of video on phones is getting better and better. Most phones today can already capture 4K video. The difference between professional quality video and amateur video is how stable the shot is. When you are moving around, it is hard to hold your phone steady. With the help of this 3 axis stabilizer from Zhiyun, you can capture professional quality video.

If you have dreaming about using your iPhone or tablet anywhere, you have to check out this wearable phone holder. Once you secure around your neck or place it on a flat surface, you can place your device inside. The goose arm allows you to bend and twist it so you can position you device perfectly. Think about the possibilities. We would love to lie in bed watching Netflix all day.

This multi-angle aluminum stand is a great gift idea for your teen boy who loves watching video on their gadgets. It allows you to enjoy your favorite shows and more by setting it at the perfect viewing angle. You can use it either horizontally or vertically. It’s well-constructed and very easy to use with multiple viewing angles. La meilleure partie? It is compatible with all smartphones, tablets, and e-readers up to 13-inches and it even works with most cases.

Do you love using your iPad in bed? The Tablift is designed for you. The tablet stand has flexible legs on it that allows you to position the legs anyway you like on any weird surface. After positioning the bendable legs, you simply use the elastic band to hold your tablet in place on the stand. If you are tired of holding your iPad in bed, you have to own this stand.

You’ll be excited with all the new ways in which you can use your iPad or smartphone with this tablet stand. Made with a strong and flexible arm, you can position your device almost perfectly to view the content on-screen. It’s compatible with devices from 4 to 11-inches. Use your device hands-free in bed, in the kitchen, and places you could have only dreamed of.

Want to lie down in bed and watch your iPad? The iProp iPad Bed & Lap Stand enables you to conveniently prop up your iPad so you can enjoy watching your favorite show in bed or on your lap. La meilleure partie? It works both in portrait or landscape modes.

The DraftTable is designed for artists and creatives who need various positions to make working on their iPad Pro more comfortable to use. This special stand gives users a wide range of positions to make drawing with the Apple Pencil easier. The nice thing is it works on the 9.7, 10.5 and 12.9-inch models and it feels heavy-duty and sturdy.

Does he want to create digital art? A Wacom tablet gives artists a physical tool to create digital art. Designed for beginners, the Wacom Intuos is a great entry level drawing tablet. As you move the pen around, it will move the cursor on the screen similar to a mouse. The big difference? You get more pressure sensitivity, which means you can create more intricate art and brush strokes.

Does he always have trouble getting up in the morning? Help him out with this alarm clock that not only is loud and obnoxious, but also has pulsating lights and shakes. If this alarm doesn’t wake him up in the morning, nothing else will. He’ll probably force himself to wake up before this alarm goes off.

Looking for a cool new project for your room? You can add some cool bias lighting to your TV which not only adds a cool effect, but also minimizes eye strain when you’re watching your favorite movies in the dark. All that brightness is not good for the eyes but this helps dampen the effect. Choose from 14 different color options and show your friends how you created this dope lighting.

Now this is a Smart TV. This inexpensive HDTV has a Roku box built inside it, allowing you not only to watch TV but stream your favorite services on the web like Netflix, Youtube, Hulu, Amazon, and more. Like the Roku box, the simple interface allows you to easily access your content. La meilleure partie? It’s dirt cheap.

This TCL 43-inch 4K TV is one of the cheapest 4K TVs around and it also happens to have one of the best smart TV systems today. C'est trop beau pour être vrai? It’s super simple to use with all your favorite apps like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, and more. It can handle 4K compatible apps. Although it doesn’t deliver the best picture quality of the value TVs, it’s still pretty decent. If you’re content with sacrificing some image quality for a superior smart TV and streaming experience, the S405 is worth a serious look.

The Bose Solo 5 soundbar is an excellent upgrade to your TV’s sound. Everything from the dialogue to the sound effects and music will sound so much clearer with good balance. You’ll be impressed by how much better the sound is that comes out of here. You can even stream music from Bluetooth enabled devices for a pleasing experience. Watching movies will never be the same!

Elevate your audio experience with the VIZIO 2.1 Sound Bar with Subwoofer. This system is super easy to install and the wireless subwoofer allows for greater flexibility in room placement. What’s cool? You can wirelessly stream audio from your phone to these speakers if you wish in additon to connecting to your home theater. With Dolby Digital and DTS surround sound, you’ll be immersed in rich room-filling audio that makes for a satisfying experience. It’s surprisingly good Dolby Atmos system without breaking the bank.

Sonos Beam is a compact smart TV soundbar with built-in Alexa functionality. It’s a wireless home theater solution and even allows you to stream music to it. It delivers phenomenal rich, deep sound that fills the entire room. It’s easy to install and you get great bang for the buck. Movie night will never be the same!

Looking to upgrade your audio to a home theater system? This system from Polk Audio delivers a competent system at a budget-friendly price point. You get five speakers and one subwoofer. The speakers are well-built and sound amazing at this price. You get great room-filling surround sound. Your movies and music have never sounded better.

So you’ve upgraded your TV to 4K, what about your Blu-ray player? The Samsung UBD-M9500 is an excellent 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray player with HDR support for a wide array of colors for life-like imagery, content streaming to a phone, and fast disc loading. It does a better job of upscaling SD/HD content to 4K than most other players. This player also features Dolby Atmos and DTS:X technologies for a high-fidelity audio experience. You’ll be very impressed with the experience delivered.

When you’re going on a long road trip, a portable DVD/Blu-Ray player is fantastic for entertaining. This 10.1-inch portable Blu-Ray player is perfect for on-the-go entertainment. It has excellent full 1080P HD picture quality and great sound quality. It even comes with a remote for operating from a distance. Battery life comes in around 3 hours, which is perfect for a movie or two.

Shaped like a soda can, the Nebula Capsule Smart Mini Projector by Anker is one of the best portable projectors. Unlike most other projectors it runs Android and delivers a resolution of 854 x 480 (16:9). It has YouTube and Netflix apps built-in. It also supports AirPlay so you can mirror content from your phone to the projector. You can even connect it to your laptop, Chromecast, or Fire Stick with built-in HDMI. It displays images up to 100-inches and works best in a dark room. Battery life comes in at up to 4 hours. It actually sounds pretty good given its omni-directional sound. Overall, it delivers great picture and sound at this price point.

Want to keep an eye on your room when you’re away? The Nest Cam Indoor Security Camera is the perfect security cam that live streams video to your smartphone. The app is user-friendly – allowing you to quickly and easily move through the video – and even alerts you when someone has entered your room. It’s worth the price of admission.

Apple fans love their Magic Mouse! It’s the mouse they’ve been dreaming of. It tracks well even on small surfaces and recharges. La meilleure partie? It’s easy to use and holds its charge for weeks at a time. Plus, it supports multi-touch gestures. While pricey, you get the quality you expect from Apple. Great gift idea for Mac users.

Just about every teenager needs a laptop to complete all his school work. If he doesn’t have one already, a laptop case is essential for protecting against accidents. While there is nothing fancy about this laptop bag, it is offered in just about every size from 7 inches to 17 inches. It’s got plenty of additional storage and pockets for storing accessories such as a mouse and cables.

Most of us use a laptop. The trouble is that laptops are hard to work on. Not only does this laptop stand make your desk look neater, it elevates your laptop to eye level. This makes it easier on your neck and back, easier to type on, and helps keep your laptop ventilated. It fits laptops from 10 to 17 inches. The base of the stand swivels and there are anti slip pads that keep the stand from sliding.

Looking for a space-saving desktop computer? The Apple Mac Mini is worth considering. The latest model features an 8th-gen quad-core Intel Core i3 processor with 8GB of memory plus 128/256GB SSD storage and several connectivity ports. You can also upgrade the processor to a 6-core i5. With faster performance, get more done quicker than ever and the compact design is a real space saver. Don’t let its small size fool you. This little guy packs some good power to get a variety of tasks done. It’s a great upgrade from past Minis in speed, ports, and graphics.

This iMac may look very familiar on the surface but many of the changes are under the hood. There’s a lot that has been amped up – including the 8th gen 6-core Intel i5 chips. This 21.5-inch iMac with Retina display has a beautiful 4K display, which is now brighter and can display billions of colors. 8GB of RAM is plenty for most basic computing: surfing internet, email, and social media. With 1TB of storage, it allows for endless possibilities. The graphics have been upgraded to Radeon Pro cards for the non-base model.

Apple’s truly next generation iPhone X is almost here! It sports a fancy new design that gets rid of the home button. Facial recognition replaces Touch ID. The new A11 Bionic processor is not only faster but is enhanced for augmented reality. So you get better tracking, depth sensing, and graphics processing. It also adds a front-facing camera with all the bells and whistles. Emojis can be animated based on your facial movements. Camera improvements include dual stabilization on the rear and on the front you can finaly add portrait mode to your selfies. Plus, experience the convenience of wireless charging.

The iPhone has become one of the most iconic Smartphones. Now Apple fans have more screen choices than ever before. Apple has created a smaller 4.7-inch iPhone with all of the power of the larger iPhone 8 Plus. The sleek ultra-thin design allows it to easily slip in and out of pockets. It’s got all of the features you expect including a faster processor, 12-megapixel camera, and wireless charging.

The minute you see the Samsung Galaxy S10, you are going to want it. With a gorgeous 6.1-inch Infinity Display, fast processor, and amazing 12MP camera, this is one beautiful phone. Aside from its stunning and sleek design, it’s filled with some cool features that are super useful like fast wireless charging and a long lasting battery fpr all-day fun. La meilleure partie? Since it’s unlocked, you get the choice of carrier and plan that’s right for you.

The Galaxy Note 9 is Samsung’s biggest phone and screen at 6.4″, stretching to the edges of the phone and it rocks the fastest processor, more RAM, a bigger battery, and double the storage of the Note 8. Its dual camera system allows for interesting photo effects and the gorgeous Super AMOLED display draws your attention. There’s little to complain about other than the price. La meilleure partie? It’s unlocked! But all things considered, it’s well worth the price of admission for a bleeding-edge phone head and shoulders ahead of the competition.

The Pixel 3 features a full 5.5-inch 1080p OLED display. Like the iPhone, the Pixel 3 doesn’t feature a headphone jack. The squeezable sides allow you to activate Google Assistant and get things done. The phone is water resistant to 3-feet for around 30 minutes so you don’t have to worry about an accidental dunking. The Pixel 3 packs a fantastic camera with optical image stabilization for steadier photos and video recording. The results are pretty impressive. With 4G LTE, your can surf the web fast and stay connected on social media wherever your adventures take you. Choose from 64 or 128GB capacities. Google pulled off another solid phone and it’s a great alternative to the iPhone and Samsung.

Looking for a gaming phone? The ASUS ROG Gaming Phone packs a gorgeous 6″ AMOLED display with HDR visuals, Gorilla Glass, Snapdragon 845 processor, 8GB LPDDR4X RAM, and 128/512GB storage. According to benchmark tests, this is the fastest phone in its class. With a 1 ms response time, everything feels easy on the eyes without any blur. Battery performance is great with its 4,000 mAh high-capacity battery. We love that it has a headphone jack and air triggers unlike competitors. It can also connect to a host of peripherals, depending on your gaming needs. Aesthetically the RGB lighting on the back looks dope. If you’re looking for a great gaming phone, the ROG is a great choice.

The Galaxy Fold features a 4.6-inch screen on the outside and a 7.3-inch screen when you fold it open. Although its operation feels smooth, you do feel that crease down the middle. But as you become immersed in what you’re doing, the crease becomes less noticeable. The plastic screen seems to ding easily. The smaller screen is really small, making it difficult to type on while walking. However, when folded it’s the perfect size for using one-handed in certain situations. With a bigger screen, multasking is possible. You can have up to 3 apps open on its big screen. It features 6 total cameras – 12MP lens, wide angle lens, and 12 MP telephoto lens, 10MP selfie-camera, 10MP camera, and an 8MP depth-sensing camera. If you want to see the details of what you’re capturing, it’s best to shoot photos with it open. Image quality is very good. It’s not water-resistant and there’s no headphone jack – you need to use a dongle. It features a fingerprint reader and wireless power sharing. A case is included in the package. While not perfect, this is great for the teen who just has to have the latest bleeding-edge tech.

The iPod touch features a 4-inch Retina display with 32GB of storage. It’s the perfect MP3 player for those who want to take their music on the go. You can save tons of music onto the flash memory for your listening pleasure. The touch also takes photos and makes video calls plus you can download apps can games for additional functionality. It’s the ultimate portable jukebox and more.

On the surface the Apple TV 4K looks no different than the one a few years ago, but there’s one big difference – only this one can stream the highest quality video available today. It only delivers that top quality video to compatible 4K TVs. It has support for Dolby Vision to improve video quality. The touchpad on the remote is fun to use. Siri integration makes finding content easier. With a faster processor it’s fast and zippy. Even if you don’t yet have a 4K TV, it’s worth owning because you’ll be ready for the future.

The nVidia Shield TV is rated the best TV box of all-time. It’s the only box that gives you all the popular streaming services in 4K, including Netflix, Amazon Prime, and YouTube. It also features a built-in 4K Google Chromecast. If you’re looking for 4K HDR, advanced gaming, advanced audio/video support, including media center capabilities and a whole lot more, then this is really the TV box you need to consider.

The Apple Watch is a stylish and great performing smartwatch. It’s new and improved over the first version. This version features built-in GPS, a dual-core processor, and a beautiful OLED Retina display. A great feature is that the watch is waterproof, which many other smartwatches lack. Battery life ranges up to 24 hours on a full charge. Teens will love using this stylish, high-tech watch daily.

The Samsung Gear S3 Frontier sports a cool new design with a 1.3-inch display. It’s designed for outdoorsman – people who love going on adventures. The Frontier offers an LTE option and has GPS on board. We’re big fans of the return of the dial controls. It’s a nice way of interacting with the watch. Although it doesn’t have cellular like the Apple Watch Series 3, it’s better than the S2.

Available in four fashionable colors, the Orzly Nightstand is the one you want for your Apple Watch. It works on all series to date, including the new Series 3. Although it doesn’t wirelessly charge your watch, it does serve as a nice watch stand and it charges your watch with your cable while it’s being displayed. Best of all, it works as promised without any issues.

If you have got an electrical outlet that is right in the middle of your wall, you can use this outlet shelf to charge your devices. With a weight limit of 10 pounds, the shelf is designed to support everything from an Amazon Echo to an electrical toothbrush to a full size Google Home. You simply replace your outlet cover with the one provided. The coolest part? There’s a hole that allows the power cable to pass through.

Tired of wasting paper? The Rocketbook Everlast Smart Notbook offers a reuseable solution. Its 36 pages can be wiped clean if using the special included pen. What’s cool? Scan and send your notes to Google Drive, iCloud, email, and more to access them from your PC. Then erase with a moist cloth and start over endlessly. Discover the notebook from the future!

The iPad Pro is the tablet that your 17 year old really wants. For tablet fans, it is a dream come true. At 11-inches, it offers more workspace than the previous 9.7-inch iPad. With the 4 speaker acoustic speakers, the iPad has never sounded better. La meilleure partie? You can even attach the woven Smart Keyboard to it without the need for Bluetooth. Get creative with the Apple Pencil and enhance your productivity with the Smart Keyboard — both sold separately.

The iPad Air fills the gap in Apple’s lineup between the iPad and iPad Pro. The iPad Air features an outstanding display, strong battery life, and it’s very responsive. Unlike the iPad Pro, it only has 2 speakers and doesn’t feature Face ID. Compared to the base iPad model, it features a bigger and better screen, additional storage, and it even supports Apple’s Smart Keyboard and the first-gen Apple Pencil. Overall, it’s one of the best iPads you can get without breaking the bank.

The Surface Go is a follow-up to the Surface 3. It’s a 10-inch device designed for the mainstream audience. It supports pen as you would expect. It sports an Intel Pentium Gold processor, 4/8 GB RAM, and up to 9 hours of battery life. It boasts twice the power of the Surface 3 and 2.5x the graphics power. The microSD memory can be expanded up to 1 TB. Pair it with a type cover for a full computing experience.

Microsoft’s next iteration in the Surface Pro line has been redesigned from the ground up. With an 8th gen Intel processor, it’s now faster than ever. Battery life can vary up to 8.5 hours, depending on your activity. It’s one of the most versatile laptops on the market with uncompromised mobility, weighing in at 1.7 pounds. Unlike the iPad it’s a full-fledged laptop and tablet in one. The build quality is solid and the display has been improved compared to the Surface Pro 4. It’s a great tech gift for your teenage son.

Currently, the best Android tablet on the market is the Samsung Galaxy Tab S4. Samsung claims that this is the thinnest and lightest tablet. This beauty has to be seen to be believed. The AMOLED screen is a sight to behold. About the size of a standard magazine, it’s even thinner than the iPad. Just like the iPad, the Galaxy Tab is available in a 10.5-inch screen. In terms of specs, the Galaxy Tab S4 competes head-to-head against the iPad and includes the S Pen and surround sound to immerse you in your entertainment. Upgrade to the Keyboard Cover to transform your tablet into a PC-like experience.

The 7.9-inch iPad Mini is like a smaller version of the 10.5-inch iPad Air. It features a powerful A12 processor, it’s lighter, and sports a 3.5mm headphone jack. For artists who don’t mind the smaller work area, it supports the Apple Pencil. Battery life comes in around 10 hours. With strong performance, features, and battery life, it makes the iPad Mini a worthy travel companion.

It’s no iPad, but this entry-level tablet from Amazon is perfectly capable for most users. While it is not designed for high-end users, it is perfect for e-mail, browsing the web, playing puzzle games, and watching movies in bed. What more could you want out of a tablet? Dollar for dollar you will not find a better value.

If your 18 year old boy loves to read, the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite will change his life. Pourquoi? The Kindle Paperwhite screen is built for reading just about anywhere without having to worry about eye strain. With a better screen, text has never appeared to be clearer. Unlike a book, you can easily adjust the font to your liking. Compared to a tablet, even the battery life is fantastic at over 20 hours of reading time. Explore new possibilies now that it features double the storage and it’s waterproof.

The Kindle Oasis is the newest Kindle with a larger, higher quality 7-inch display. If he loves reading, Kindles are the best devices for reading, period. They are super easy to read and don’t have that glare and brightness of tablets. Reading is pleasing on the eyes and you can read even with the sun out. With 8 GB or 32 GB of storage you can hold more titles than ever. The Oasis is waterproof to 2m for 60 minutes rated to IPX8. And, best of all, the battery lasts weeks at a time so there’s less time spent charging and more time for doing what you love.

If you want to use your iPad like a PC, the Smart Keyboard will help you be more productive in apps like Word, Pages, Excel and more. The keyboard acts as a cover and keyboard in one. They keyboard has a natural feel with a clicky sound and connects magnetically to the iPad Pro. A different version exists for the 10.5 and 12.9-inch model so you get a perfect fit.

If you have a Surface Pro, the Type Cover is the perfect companion to get stuff done. If you plan on doing any word processing or spreadsheets, you’ll need a good performing keyboard that is responsive and functional. The keys are designed after newer laptop’s keyboard for typing efficiency and comfort. It also has a large two-button trackpad and serves as a cover for the Surface Pro. Although pricey, it’s a worthwhile investment to get the most out of your Surface Pro.

Start something magical with the Apple Pencil for your iPad Pro. This is the creative tool you need to bring your creative vision to life. The Apple Pencil delivers the precision you need and responds appropriately when applying pressure to create a variety of artisitic effects.

Got a new iPad? The first thing you’ll want to add to protect that delicate screen on your shiny new iPad is a quality screen protector. Find the right size protector based on your screen size. Sparin makes a quality iPad screen protector with a clear, bubble-free installation. Best of all, it’s scratch-resistant, it’s compatible with Apple Pencil, and it doesn’t interfere with normal touchscreen operation.

Give your gadget-loving teen the new MacBook Pro with 10 hours of battery performance for all-day fun. It features a gorgeous 13-inch Retina display, 7th gen i5 processor, and 2 Thunderbolt 3 ports. The touchpad is equipped with Apple’s new haptic feedback trackpad. Without actual buttons, when you click down on the trackpad, it feels like there is a button depressing. Somehow it tricks your finger. It still has the performance and design you expect out of a Macbook Pro.

The Surface Book 2 is the first 15-inch product in the line and it’s a beautiful product. While on the surface it looks exactly the same, it has been completely redesigned under the hood. It is the thinnest, lightest tablet you can buy in addition to being one of the most powerful laptops out there. Detaching is now a tad quicker. The design has been rethought to make everything as efficient as possible. The battery life has even been improved to an impressive 17 hours for all-day computing.

The Surface Laptop 2 feels like a premium laptop. It weighs in at only 2.76 pounds. Its battery life of up to 14.5 hours is impressive. It packs enough punch to make not doing too much feel snappy. Don’t expect to play games or edit epic videos with the integrated graphics. It’s well suited for surfing the web, creating Office docs, and light multitasking. Make sure you have enough storage and RAM as it’s difficult to upgrade later. The IPS screen is a strong point of the Surface lineup. The touch capabilities are excellent. The keyboard on the Surface Laptop feels amazing. Various configurations are available to meet your specific needs.

The new 2017 Pixelbook is the newest premium Chromebook. It’s really thin and now it’s convertible – meaning you can use it as a laptop and a tablet. It’s got a 12.5-inch screen and weighs only 2.5 pounds. It’s a great alternative to the MacBook Air. It’s more powerful than your traditional Chromebook. Now it can run Word and it also can run Android apps from the Google Play store. Basically, it’s the Android laptop people have been trying to make. Battery life comes in at 10.5 hours.

While it’s not perfect, the MateBook X Pro is a laptop that can go anywhere and handle almost any productivity or entertainment need. This is one of the best laptops you’ll find. It’s well-built, compact, and portable. At under 3 pounds, it just as portable as any laptop out there in its class. It has a stunning 13.9″ touchscreen display, fingerprint scanner, and privacy pop-up webcam. Battery life comes in around 7-8 hours. There’s no other laptop on the market that offers this much bang for the buck.

The Samsung Notebook Pen 9 is a greatest hits tour of Samsung’s best laptop features. It’s a slim, lightweight laptop with excellent 360-degree hinge, plenty of ports, lots of computing power, plus a stylus. Weighing it at under 2.2 pounds, it’s perfect for your mobile lifestyle. Battery life comes in around 7.5 hours. As a super light, very competent, take-anywhere laptop, the Notebook 9 Pen does the job. And if you’re interested in drawing, sketching, or note-taking, the S Pen and its clever hidden slot is a great way to do that.

Overall the Dell XPS 15 is an excellent premium convertible laptop that is ready to help you create content, play games, and enjoy media. It’s a laptop and pen-enabled tablet in one. The beautiful 4K display and barely there bezel is one of the best out there. You get over 6.5 hours of battery life. The speedy i7 processor and memory is sufficient for everything from office work to content creation and even light gaming. It only has USB-C ports and one microSD card slot so you’ll need adapters for anything else. But for anyone looking for a do-it-all, slim, sturdy 2-in-1 with a big screen, this is an excellent choice.

HP improves on its already terrific Spectre 13 with updates to 8th gen Intel processors, better performance and battery life. The display now features Gorilla Glass NBT. This size is more comfortable to use than the larger tablets. Other than for the looser hinge, it’s the same lightweight champ as the previous model. It has an excellent keyboard, microSD card slot, 2 Thunderbolt-capable USB-C ports, and a single USB 3.1 type A for charging devices when the laptop is powered down.

Lenovo’s latest ThinkPad X1 Yoga doesn’t look too different from prior generations and that includes its sturdy 360-degree hinges so you can go from a laptop to a tablet and back again. It keeps its generally awesome, water-resistant keyboard that tucks itself away when the screen goes back and transforms it into a tablet. Also tucked away in the body is Yoga’s active pen. Lenovo upgraded the display and it looks stunning. Performance has been improved with a sppedy i7 processor and fast solid state drive. Battery life comes in under 8 hours. The mix of tech, new privacy and security features, and premium build quality add up to a pricey package. If price is not an issue, this is a laptop you won’t mind getting work done on.

We take it for granted but the MacBook Air is one of the most reliable lightweight computers. It’s so thin and light and weighs next to nothing at just under 3 pounds. The battery life is wonderful delivering up to 12 hours on a full charge. La meilleure partie? It features a Retina display, Touch ID, and USB-C ports plus it packs great power with an 8th gen i5 processor, 8GB RAM, and 128/256MB SSD storage. The keyboard has been redesigned from the ground up to deliver comfort and responsiveness. Not much has changed … but if it ain’t broke … why fix it?

The Acer Swift 7 is the world’s thinnest laptop. It rocks a 7th gen Intel i7-series processor. It also has an HD touchscreen, backlit keyboard, and up to 10 hours of battery life. Because it’s so thin, it doesn’t have many ports. So if you’re connecting a lot of peripherals this may not be the laptop for you. But if you’re not, it’s the perfect lightweight companion for your mobile lifestyle.

The Chromebook Flip is a solid machine if you want a quality inexpensive laptop. Most of the problems from last year’s model have been fixed. The 12.5-inch screen is not the birghtest or nicest screen, but it’s a major improvement over last year’s model. It has a touchscreen and even runs Android apps. It has a 360-degree hinge that allows you to convert the laptop into tablet or stand it up in tent mode. It weighs more than 2.5 pounds. It can easily handle basic everyday tasks. Just don’t expect any heavy gaming or video editing. As for battery life, you can expect over 7 hours on a charge. It’s a thin, light, capable laptop. It feels polished and capable for its price point.

If you’re getting a new PC, don’t forget your Office Home & Student 2019 productivity suite because most of the time it is not included with your PC. You get a complete 1-user license for a single device, and it includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and OneNote. This is essential software you’ll need in your college courses. La meilleure partie? Unlike Office 365, there’s no subscription fee to pay every year so you own this for life.

Want to learn a new language? Rosetta Stone offers a proven system to help you learn many different languages like Spanish, French, English and more. Instead of memorizing words like in school, you’ll be fully immersed by seeing, hearing, speaking, reading, and writing the language. What’s great is it works across your devices from mobile to PC and Mac. It’s an excellent and convenient tool that really helps you learn the language and gets you speaking confidently.
What should you get the audiophile on your list? Whether he loves playing music or listening to music, these are the ultimate gifts for any music junkie.

The Apple Airpods are the most popular fully wireless headphones for iPhones and now they’ve been improved with always-on voice recognition, faster connections, and a wireless charging case option. The sound quality, design, and fit haven’t changed much. They provide up to 24 hours of listening time and 18 hours of talk time. They are intuitive to use. When you place them in your ears they start working and automatically pause when you remove them. If you want to change the volume or song, simply double-tap the headset to bring up Siri. The handy charging case doubles as a charger. A quick-charge option is also available. Perfect gift for your 17 year old boy with an iPhone. They’re sure to become his new favorite pair.

The Powerbeats Pro are true wireless earbuds like the AirPods. The main difference is that these better fit your ears than Apple’s AirPods while offering improved battery life of 9 hours. Unlike the AirPods these don’t support wireless charging. Like the AirPods, they offer Siri voice commands, but they isolate ambient noise. It offers a nice dynamic range and wide sound stage and sounds better than Apple’s AirPods. With competitive pricing, great sound quality, market-leading battery life, and a better fit, it’s a great alternative to the AirPods.

For college students on the go, there really is no pair of headphones as stylish as a pair of Beats. Beats are super popular not only because they look super cool but because they are heavy on the bass. They are perfect for commuting to school, listening to between classes, or even listening to recorded lectures. The Beats Solo 3 headphones are now completely wireless which means you don’t have to worry about the cord.

The fit and sound of the BeatsX Earphones is impressive. The band has enough rigidity and allows you to roll up the headphones to fit in the included compact carrying case. They house 8mm drivers and the sound is natural with good detail and strong bass that isn’t overpowering. It delivers up to 8 hours of battery life which is decent. You can even give it a quick 5-minute charge with a lightning cable to get 2 hours of additional usage. Wing tips help with fit if you’re working out. They cost less than AirPods and sound better.

When you are out and about you just want to throw on some earbuds. Every time I throw my earbuds into my bag, I have to spend days untangling them. Because these are wireless not only are they great for the new iPhone, but you can toss these headphones in your backpack and they won’t get tangled. Do you know how much time you will save?

The Powerbeats3 is perfect for someone who is super active – like running and shooting hoops. They are sweat and water-resistant and wrap around your neck and can be adjusted accordingly. It wraps around your ears for stability. You get about 12 hours of juice before having to recharge. You can also quick charge for five minutes to get an extra hour of usage.

Sony has enhanced its wireless headphones with the WH-1000XM2. It looks very similar to the original and comes in beige or black. There are now less buttons to simplify your life. The headphone’s already excellent noise-cancelling has been upgraded with atmospheric pressure optimizing ambient sound control and equalizer and sound position controls. The added features help you better tailor the sound to your environment. The sound quality is top-notch for this type of Bluetooth noise-cancelling headphone and some even prefer its sound over the Bose QC 35. Battery life has been upgraded to 30 hours wireless, or 40 hours with a wired connection. Also, quick charge allows you to charge for 10 minutes and yield 70 minutes of playtime.

The Bose QC 35 II headphones look and sound just like the originals except for the new Google Assistant function. You can activate Google Assistant without touching your phone. In fact, it’s the first headphone to integrate Google Assistant. You can also use it to control your music with your voice. It has the same comfy fit, top-notch noise-cancelling, and up to 20 hours of battery. It gives an already excellent pair of headphones more personality.

The Bose QC 25 headphones have been redesigned with better noise reduction, audio performance, and improved folding design that allows for fitting in a more compact carrying case. They are very comfortable and sound impressive. They are also sturdier overall with a thick detachable cord and the hinge seems well-designed. You get about 35 hours of use and the music plays on even if the battery dies. There’s a built-in mic for making calls with your smartphone. It’s a brighter, clearer sounding headphone with tight bass. It’s a top choice for those seeking a premium sounding headphone.

The Aftershokz Trekz Titanium headset solves the problem of listening to your music privately without earbuds in your ears. They are open ear and send sound to your ear through bone conduction technology. They are lightweight and comfortable and deliver about 6 hours of listening time. It almost feels like you’re engulfed in the music but you can still be aware of external sounds around you. It’s great for biking, running, and more.

Looking for an alternative to headphones? The Bose Soundwear is a lightweight wearable speaker that you wear over your shoulders. It frees up your ears so you can still be aware of your surroundings while listening to rich quality music. They’re much more comfortable compared to headphones for long periods of time while you’re working out, running, or biking. Now these won’t sound like your living room speakers but they replicate the sound of headphones without blocking out the surrounding noise. They get pretty loud and deliver rich quality music.

Most of us don’t need big expensive headphones, but we want our headphones to look fashionable. These inexpensive ones look pretty cool and have a ton of great features that you wouldn’t expect out of budget headphones. Not only are these ones wireless, but they can be used wired. They even fold up compactly. La meilleure partie? They are stylish and come in Rose Gold.

The Sennheiser HD 650s are audiophile grade headphones that sound absolutely amazing. Even though they’re over a decade old, they’re still among the best sounding headphones around this price point. In fact, they sound better than headphones costing twice as much. The headphones provide a nice comfortable fit and they’re comfortable to wear. Overall the build quality is solid. The sound is incredible, focused, warm, and clean. You don’t really know all that you’re missing in your tracks until you’ve heard them on headphones like these.

The Blue Ella Planar Headphones really sound like $700 headphones. It has a large metal frame and large comfy earcups. They’re perfect for indoor listening – not so much outdoor activities. They have planar magnetic drivers and also feature an internal amplifier for the drivers. Now they don’t have active noise-cancellation but do great with blocking out external noise. A nice microfiber drawstring bag is included for storage. The ON mode turns on the amplifier and enhances the sound with nice mids and clear highs. ON+ does the same but enhances the bass, providing a nice deep sound. The preamp delivers 12 hours of battery life. These are mind-blowing premium headphones well worth the price of admission.

Stay warm and cozy while listening to your favorite tunes with the REDESS Wireless Bluetooth Beanie. It connects to Bluetooth devices like phones and tablets. You benefit from 4 hours of continuous use. The sound quality is surprisingly good. Say goodbye to earbuds falling out of your ears.

Looking for storage for your earbuds? This inexpensive The Nest Earbud Case fits the bill. Available in four color styles, The Nest allows you to easily and painlessly store and access your earbuds. Ever have your earbuds tangled in a mess? Trust us, it’s not fun sorting that out. Thankfully, there’s none of that madness here. It’s versatile in that it accommodates many different earbuds as long as 48-inches. Plus, we love the fact that it’s compact enough to fit in your pocket or bag.

While it looks like something out of the 1980s, the Bose SoundLink is probably the best sounding Bluetooth speaker on the market. It pumps out rich, deep, larger-than-life sound with great bass throughout the whole room. With an 8 hour battery life, this is the speaker you want to have at your next frat party.

The UE WONDERBOOM is a compact waterproof wireless speaker. It’s a compact speaker that produces big sound with good bass. It actually delivers on its promise. With an integrated loop it can be attached to anything that loop can fit around. Battery life is rated at 10 hours, which is decent for a speaker this size and it has an impressive 100-feet wireless range. While it distorts on certain bass frequencies at higher volumes, it is one of the better sounding Bluetooth speakers you’ll come across.

The Flip 4 is a lightweight portable Bluetooth speaker. While on the surface it looks no different than its predecessor, it has new drivers on the inside. Battery life has improved to 12 hours. It’s also now fully waterproof so you can take it to the pool. It’s a significant upgrade over the Flip 3. Not only does it play louder but it sounds better with improved bass response and slightly better clarity. Compared to the WONDERBOOM, tracks sound more natural in the mid range on the Flip 4 but lack the impressive bass of the WONDERBOOM. For its size and price, the Flip 4 is a strong performer and easily the best Flip yet.

The Beats Pill+ has been totally redesigned to be easier to use, louder and bigger sounding. It can get seriously loud and it delivers clear, layered sound. It has a wide sound stage and it sounds bigger and better than its predecessor. The woofers provide noticeable but not overpowering bass. You can conveniently play tunes up to 300 feet away. Battery life comes in at 12 hours. It delivers room-filling sound and good bang for your buck.

It’s time to jam. So much of sound comes out of this pint-sized speaker from Sony. With a range of 30-feet and battery that lasts up to 16 hours, it comes in a selection of bright colors. It’s waterproof and rated to IP67 so you can enjoy some poolside tunes. You can feel the extra bass. La meilleure partie? Two of them can be paired together for even more bumping stereo sound.

The SoundCore 2 delivers some of the best sound from a portable speaker. This speaker is built tough to handle your son’s life as it happens. The sound is clean and you can crank up the volume with minimal distortion. The bass sounds dope on this little guy. With 15 hours of play time, you can keep the party going all day.

For on the go fun, there is no better Bluetooth speaker than the UE Roll 2. You will not believe the sound that comes out of this with very little distortion. It’s got a little bungee cord on the back that allows you to attach it just about anywhere. It’s super portable, loud, has a wireless range of 65-feet, and completely waterproof. It’s the Bluetooth speaker that goes everywhere you go.

The JBL Pulse 3 delivers a 360-degree sound and lightshow experience. The speaker is IPX7 certified so it can be submerged in water. You can pair up to 10 JBL speakers to deliver a more immersive soundstage. The coolest part? The lights move according to the beat. Choose from presets or customize your light experience. Battery life comes in at around 7 hours. The Pulse 3 gets loud for small to medium-sized rooms but the immersion dissipates for larger rooms. The bass levels sound better than the UE BOOM 2s. The mid-range is clean and clear.

There is a reason they call this cylindrical-shaped Bluetooth speaker the UE Boom 3. With a 360-degree balanced sound, 15 hour battery life, wireless range of 150 feet, and completely waterproof body, this colorful speaker delivers a deep bass and surprisingly loud sound for its size. Throwing a party? Connect up to 150 BOOM and MEGABOOMs to get the party rockin’!

The VicTsing Shower Speaker is a wireless Bluetooth speaker. It’s available in five different colors and is rated IPX5, which means it can get sprayed by water without damaging it. It has a 5-watt speaker and you can connect it to your iPhone to play music or answer a call. Pairing is pretty straightforward. The suction cup allows you to stick it to your shower. It’s not going to blow you away but it’s an inexpensive wireless speaker for the shower.

Don’t be fooled by other wireless speakers on the market, the Sonos Play is the most impressive wireless speaker I have ever heard. While it lacks the portability of a Bluetooth speaker, it is perfect for your listening to music around your house. The unique thing about this speaker is that you can add additional speakers to build a wireless home audio setup.

The SoundLink Revolve+ are cylindrical wireless speakers that deliver full 360-degree sound. It looks like a premium product and is well-built with a handle for easy transport. It sounds quite loud for its size while delivering bass without compromises and easily filling up a room with ear-pleasing sound. The sound that comes out of these omni-directional speakers is jaw-droppingly awesome. The speaker is water and shock resistant and it is the best speaker in its class. Battery life for the Revolve+ is rated to 16 hours. It sounds better than the UE Megaboom, UE Wonderboom, JBL Flip 4, and UE Boom 2 with bigger sound and bass.

Available in two colors: Space Gray and White, Apple’s HomePod delivers the best sound in a compact speaker. It sounds much better than Amazon Echo and Google Home with louder sound output and clearer sound separation. To take full advantage of its voice controls, you’ll need Apple Music. Just know that it doesn’t come cheap.

Google Home Max is the beastly version of Google Home in terms of audio quality. You get the best audio quality you can get from a Google Home product. It delivers clear highs and deep bass. On top of that they layered Google’s AI and machine learning to deliver even better, more thoughful sound in the home. The volume can be controlled via voice or touch controls. You can even pair with Google Home or the new Google Home Mini.

The Sonos PLAY:5 is easily its biggest sounding, most powerful speaker yet. Although it carries a premium price, I can’t think of a better speaker that’s worth the money. By far, this is the best speaker they’ve released. It’s also the most versatile speaker. It can be oriented horizontally or vertically. On the unit itself, it features some limited controls but your phone is the real command center. Spotify is integrated so you can stream directly. The sound quality will blow you away. It sounds very balanced, full, and rich. It also has rich, deep bass with punch without being overpowering. It fills a room without being overbearing. It’s an impressive speaker that won’t disappoint.

The Bose SoundTouch 10 is the smallest and least expensive model in Bose’s line of Wi-Fi multi-room Bluetooth speakers. These compact speakers compete well with the Sonos Play:1 speakers. Control the speaker via a free app available for Android or iOS devices. A remote control is also included. It plays music from Pandora, Spotify, and Internet radio stations. It sounds big for its size and sounds impressive. It’s strong in the mid-range, great with acoustics and vocals, and has a surprising amount of bass for its size and can fill a small room with sound.

Want to play your favorite music wirelessly on your speakers? This audio receiver transmits up to 66-feet away and connects via Bluetooth. You can even stream music from your favorite services to your speaker system. And it’s hard to beat at that price.

Who wouldn’t want to glow in the dark? With eight vivid colors, this cool neon kit from Midnight Glow allows you to paint your body with glowing paint. The paint glows when it is exposed to ultraviolet light or blacklight. La meilleure partie? It easily washes off.

Looking for a fun party idea? Don’t throw a Birthday or Christmas party without a black light! Throw your party in the dark and illuminate the room with this glow light. Everybody will love seeing the neon colors glow in the dark. Add UV body paint and glow sticks to make things trippier. When you use special UV body paint, it will glow under this black light.

Who wouldn’t want to have a party in their room. Turn your room into a disco hall with this fun little light. It tosses spinning disco lights everywhere and can even be synched up to a beat. The only problem? She is going to want to have a party every night in her bedroom.

This projector is so cool. When you turn off your lights, your whole room gets lit up with an amazing light show. You can even choose different patterns. There is something so relaxing about falling asleep under the stars and lights.

With the Blue Yeti Microphone, you can add a dramatic improvement to your voice recordings. The sound quality you get with this microphone is comparable to studio quality. Whether you are singing, recording voice overs, or game recordings, everything is crystal clear.

Guitar players now don’t ever have to worry about losing their guitar picks. Simply take old credit cards and stamp out your own guitar picks with this pick punch. Just don’t use your real credit card.

Thanks to the Kliq UberTuner, it has never been easier to tune your instrument. Like other tuners, it clips onto your instrument’s headstock. The bright, colorful display couldn’t be easier to read. You will never want to tune and instrument without it. Not only will your instrument sound so much better, but you will spend more time playing it than tuning it.

Play that funky music. Designed after an old school jukebox, this modern jukebox comes with a built in CD player, FM radio, Aux-in jack, and Bluetooth features. It can even stream music from your phone. Just like a real jukebox, it’s the color changing lights that will make you want to bring out your dancing shoes. It sits 15 inches tall so you can place it next to your record player.

Getting into vinyl is the coolest new hobby. If you are looking at collecting records, this turntable from Audio Technica is a great way to start. Hook this baby to a powered speaker system and you are ready to go. La meilleure partie? This turntable is fully automatic, which means you only have to worry about collecting records.

If you’ve always wanted to learn to play the ukulele, this kit from Kala is the perfect opportunity. It’s a fantastic set for beginners and there’s even a free online course to walk you through playing. As for the ukulele, it’s well made and sounds great when tuned.

The Yamaha YPG-235 Grand Piano is a 76-key portable grand piano with brilliant sound quality. It’s perfect for novices to more advanced users. It’s loaded with plenty of features for advanced users. The 30 integrated songs are separated into easy to play parts – making learning easier than ever. In all, there are seven levels of lessons. Users love it because of its amazing sound quality and rich feature set.

The Gammon Percussion Drum Set kit is perfect for beginning players. It actually sounds pretty good given the price. It’s a complete set with a snare drum, rack tom, floor tom, hit-hat cymbal, and a crash ride cymbal. It lacks a little bit on the crash but it’s a lot better on the ride. It also comes with a pedal and stool. With the incredible sound you can get out of this set, it’s proof that you don’t need an expensive drum set to sound good.

If he really loves music, it would super fun to play those songs on an acoustic guitar. This one is a great value and perfect for anyone that wants to get into playing the acoustic guitar. Along with a guitar case, it comes with a starter kit that includes a tuner and instruction DVD so you can get started playing right away.

I am really into electric based music and it would super fun to play those songs on an electric guitar. I can’t believe the price of this electric guitar. From the beautiful finish to the metallic bridge, it looks so beautiful. It’s a great value and perfect for anyone that wants to get into playing the electric guitar. Plug this baby into an amp and you will sound like a rockstar.

The Epiphone Les Paul Special II Electric Guitar is the cheapest Les Paul style guitar. It rocks a mahogany neck with rosewood fingerboard. It’s got a Gibson style with short scale and it’s quite wide and flat. The tuners don’t appear like they’ll last for years to come. It plays really nice with great tone and resonance. The thinner body makes it easier to get to the high frets. When it’s amplified you’ll sound like a rock star. It’s a Les Paul on a budget.

The Fender Dreadnought Acoustic Electric Guitar is an affordable electro-acoustic and a great value. It’s perfect for a beginner and intermediate players. It features a concert-style body with cut away. It’s slightly smaller, thinner, lighter, and curvier than the standard Dreadnought acoustic. It features a solid spruce top with scalloped X-bracing, delivering a lively, rich resonant tone. The back and sides are made from laminate mahogany and it’s fitted with a mahogany neck and 20 fret rosewood fingerboard. It’s really comfortable to play – not too slim and not too chunky. The acoustic sound is very impressive.

PBone is a trombone that is made out of plastic. This is not a plastic toy, it’s a real instrument. The coolest part? It sounds almost as good, is much cheaper, and weighs considerably less than a trombone. It’s perfect for new players or players who want a lightweight trombone to practice with.

The Roland System-8 acts like several synths in one. In fact, you can have up to four synths in one. The Roland System-8 is capable of even making basic sounds sound massive and huge. It features super smooth filter changes as well as full on-board control. Don’t forget it also comes bundled with the Jupiter 8 and Juno 106. Without a doubt, the Roland 8 is the best synth on the market with crazy good sound. It’s a powerful synth with a built-in audio interface. Get ready to unleash your inner artistic creativity.

DropMix is a new electronic mixing game that will have you feeling like the next up and coming DJ. Mash together today’s hottest songs to score points. The NFC chip-enabled music cards’ genres range from Pop, R&B, and Dance to Indie, Country, Rock and Hip Hop. To play download the free app for Apple or Android devices. Blending physical and digital play, this first of its kind game offers three different ways to play – Clash, Party, and Freestyle. Freestyle is the best place to experiment and start out. Points are awarded based on your speed and correct reactions. It’s all about trying to get the highest score. At its core it’s a fun card game, but the amazing music elevates it to another level.

Vinyl is a great retro way to enjoy music. There are millions of records from classics or contemporary albums. An album featuring hisfavorite band or artist makes a great gift. You could also get him his favorite artist on Vinyl or CD.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could frame your favorite albums? Made out of plexiglass, these album frames are a great way for him to make his favorite albums a part of his room decor. You simply slide the record sleeve inside. The frame comes with the mounting hardware so it is easy to hang.

Spotify is the best streaming service for music. It’s got a great selection of music to choose from. With Discover Weekly, it is so easy to find new songs and artists. The free version is great if you don’t mind ads, but the Premium version of Spotify removes ads, allows you to listen to music anywhere, and gives you unlimited skips for a very reasonable price. It’s the perfect gift for any music lover.
Whether it’s for jumping off the top of a mountain or backpacking in the outdoors, these exhilarating gifts will leave your 18 year old boy squealing for joy.

Have you ever wanted to perform tricks on your skateboard? It’s hard performing tricks on a skateboard because the board is always moving. SkateTrainers stretch over the wheels of your skateboard, which makes the wheels stationary. This makes it easier to perform tricks like ollies without worrying about the board moving underneath your feet. La meilleure partie? You don’t need to make any more trips to the hospital.

Sometimes you just need to unplug. Gift your teenage boy this tent from Coleman and he will think of you whenever he goes camping. With a roomy 6 foot high interior, it’s large enough to stand up in. The excellent ventilation and waterproofing will keep y

Made out of plastic and featuring many cool designs, Penny Boards are one of the most popular skateboards. If you plan on cruising back and forth to college, Penny Boards roll faster and smoother per stride than comparable skateboards. The trucks and flexible board make it easy to turn. If you are a college student, there is no better way to get around.

If you have never tried long boarding before, you have to try this long board cruiser from Quest. Long boarding is much easier to pick up than skateboarding, but it gives you the rush of carving. At 44 inches, the board is much bigger than a skateboard but still very maneuverable. If you just want to weave around college or by the beach, this board will get you where you need to go.

One of the best mini electric skateboards is the Boosted Mini. It coasts up to 20 MPH to get you to your destination faster while providing a thrilling experience. You can get about 14 miles between charges. Boosted’s boards are super durable. You can jump on it and not have to worry about it breaking. Most importantly, it has really good braking performance. Compared to other electrics, it’s one of the easiest to ride. Its big wheels provide excellent grip and traction.

It seemed like hoverboards were taking over the world until they started catching on fire. Now Swagtron claims the latest version won’t blow up as it is UL certified. Like any board, it does take awhile to learn to balance on it. When you learn to balance on it, you simply lean in the direction you want to move and show off your swag.

The Segway miniPRO is essentially a slimmed down version of the Segway and it’s consumer-friendly. This is better than hoverboards and it’s the next step in the evolution of personal transportation. It uses various technologies to make it a far better experience. The new design is stylish and aggressive. The unit itself feels well-built with a lot of strength and integrity. The center column differentiates it from hoverboards and this is used to steer the miniPRO. This steering mechanism is really quite intuitive. An Android app even allows you to customize the LED lights. There’s not much of a learning curve here for those who’ve used a hoverboard and it’s pretty safe. Best of all, it’s cool, fast, and fun.

Does he love adventure? Try your hand at the Razor RipSurf. This cool ride-on offers one groovy ride with its surfboard-like cutting action. You literally feel like you’re surfing on land and it’s wickedly fun. The board is well-constructed with caster wheels underneath it, allowing you to simulate that surfing action. Are you ready to take it for a spin?

Do you like to ski or surf? With only two wheels, the RipStik is unlike any other skateboard. The RipStik looks like a skateboard with 2 decks joined together with a cross bar. Unlike skateboards, in order to gain momentum you have to twist the front and back of the board back and forth like a maniac. It feels a lot like snowboarding or surfing but on the street.

Who wouldn’t love roller skates? If you are looking to learn how to roller-skate, these roller-skates are for you. With great support, the Zetrablade is a great entry level roller-skate for teen guys. The additional support really helps beginners with their stability and learning the proper technique for skating.

Is he always asking to ride a skateboard or surfboard? Then this balance board is the best way to get started. With a wooden board and plastic roller bottom, it forces you to use your core strength, agility, and posture to learn how to balance. The coolest part? You can use it indoors.

It’s no fun that kids get to have all the fun. The Razor Scooter has grown up. With large 254mm wheels, a bigger deck, and supporting up to 220 pounds, this Razor scooter is built for teens. With a solid construction and anti-rattle tech, it is a great way to get around with a smooth, quiet ride. He is going to love kicking it around to class. When you are done, it folds up nicely for storage.

Brace yourself for thrilling adventures with the Razor SX500 McGrath Dirt Rocket Electric Motocross Bike. The bike is well-constructed with realistic details and feels incredibly fun to ride. You can feel every bump or valley with large tires and suspension system. The disc braking system is quality and works as expected. This bike supports a max weight of 175 pounds. Get ready for the ride of your life!

Looking for an affordable mountain bike? With great features, the Vilano Blackjack is a great option. The light weight aluminum body and angled design allows for a more responsive ride. With 29 inch wheels, powerful disk brakes, a Shimano shifter, and a front suspension, this is a solid entry level mountain bike to hit the trails with and take on sweet jumps.

You have got to install the Monkey Wheel light on your bike wheel. As you pedal fast, the light will create a light show on your spinning wheel. There are over 40 different themes with 16 colors. As you roll on by, people are sure to notice you and thank you for the free light show. You might even find yourself pedaling faster.

Looking for a fun gift for your 18-year-old boy? If he loves basketball, he’ll probably love this system combining basketball with a trampoline. It’s super fun and you can have fun all day shooting hoops and jumping and dunking like there’s no tomorrow. The set is well-constructed and built for years of fun.

Trampoline parks are super fun and now you can bring the fun home with this trampoline. Trampolines are not only great for bouncy fun, they are a great way to burn calories. The Zupapa Trampoline is not your average home trampoline. Supporting up to 375 pounds with a sturdy frame that is built to last, this trampoline is perfect for teenagers.

If your 18 year old boy is the adventurous type he’ll probably love this zipline. It’s tremendous fun and relatively simple to setup. The package includes everything you need including a 100-foot line. Riding it is a total blast. Riders up to 200 pounds can safely ride this zipline. Get ready for thrilling adventures!

If you have never tried slacklining, the Macaco slackline is a great line to start with. To set it up, you simply wrap the slackline around two trees and tighten. When you first start you want to learn to balance on the slackline by walking across it like a tightrope. Once you have mastered that, the rope also behaves like a 2 inch trampoline that you can jump and perform tricks on.

Imagine you can shoot yourself 10 feet up into the air! The Vutego V4 Pro pogo stick takes bouncing on a pogo stick to an all new extreme. The coolest part? By tweaking with the air pressure, you can control just how high you can jump. Who needs a trampoline?

Take a walk on the wild side! The Walkatoo Xtreme is a cool gift idea for teen boys. These stilts are built strong and rugged, supporting riders up to 210 pounds. He’ll love the view from 17 inches above the ground. Perfect for teens who love adventure.

There is nothing better than a good pair of binoculars for bird watching or exploring the great outdoors. You don’t need to spend a lot of money for a good pair of binoculars. Weighing a little over 2 pounds, these Nikon Aculon binoculars give you a lot for your money. With 8X optical zoom, the image is clear and sharp with a wide field of view.

The Ugly Stik is probably one of the most famous fishing rods. Known for its durability, this fishing rod is not only affordable but versatile. The rod can handle lightweight fish like trout as well as larger fish like salmon. Paired with a reel, the Ugly Stik is ready for just about any type of fish when the opportunity presents itself.

Are you ready to travel around the world? Here is a beautiful and unique product for the traveler in your life. It’s a map with a scratchable gold surface similar to a lotto ticket. That way when you visit somewhere, you can scratch off the country. When you scratch off the film, it reveals a beautiful colored map underneath.

Carrying around fuel for a backpacking stove is the worst. So the idea of having a lightweight stove that runs on just wooden sticks, twigs, and grass clipping might sound like a dream. That’s the idea behind the Solo Stove Lite, which uses convection to heat food. The bottom vents keeps the fire hot while the top vents causes secondary combustion. The result is very little smoke and the ability to cook food with wooden twigs that you find around the campsite.

While very affordable, the Coleman Sundome is a great tent to camp out with friends. The tent is lightweight which make it perfect for backpacking with. Setup is super easy and can be done in minutes. With great ventilation and a made out of waterproof material, it is perfect for camping trips.

If you are tired of uncomfortable cheap sleeping bags, the Teton Sports Celsius sleeping bag is for you. With a solid and durable construction, this bag is massive. It gives you room to stretch out and even sleep on your side. When it is freezing outside, the cotton fiber lining and mummy top will keep you warm and comfortable. If you are an avid camper, you might want to go camping everyday.

Maybe it’s a dream but I would love a hammock to swing and relax in. I think it would be so cool to hang on a tree in the backyard and read a book or fall asleep. Available in a wide assortment of colors, this hammock would make me feel like I was in the Caribbean.

Whether you are camping or headed to school, the Osprey Daylite Backpack is designed for you. You could even use it for going to the gym. With plenty of compartments, it’s great for organizing and carrying your stuff. While it is designed as a lightweight pack, you won’t believe how much stuff you can fit inside. There is plenty of space for a cell phone, camera, pens, books, and more.

Whether you are using it for school or camping, you can’t go wrong with an Oulander backpack. With a lifetime warranty, these backpacks are built to last throughout college. This backpack has pockets for anything you can think of from a water bottle to even textbooks. It even can convert from a backpack to a pocket. It’s spacious, comfortable, and high quality.

If you are looking for a messenger bag that is going to last you throughout college, get the Timbuk 2 Command Messenger bag. This comfortable and lightweight messenger bag distributes weight across your back instead of shoulder. It not only has superb storage options, it features a laptop sleeve with added protection. If you don’t need the laptop protection, then you can save some money with the Timbuk2 Classic. These bags are super stylish and versatile.

Prepare for your next trip with the stylish and durable Kenneth Cole Reaction Upright Suitcase. This is a solid carry-on that conveniently fits in the airplane carry-on cabins. It’s sturdily constructed with an ABS exterior. Inside it fits all your clothing and travel accessories. The suitcase provides excellent mobility with easy to maneuver wheels. The top and side handles allow for easy lifting into and out of a vehicle.

Packing your luggage doesn’t have to be such a great struggle. Don’t just pack your entire luggage in your suitcase. Your life will be so much less stressful with these packing cubes. Along with a laundry bag, you get 4 different packing cubes ranging from small to large that are perfect for carryons or regular sized suitcases. Each of the cubes acts as a drawer and has a breathable mesh design. La meilleure partie? The packing cubes are available in multiple colors.

Stop guessing whether you are over or under the weight limit. This luggage scale accurately measures the weight of your luggage so you don’t have to worry about paying additional fees. Simply use the hook to suspend your luggage in the air and wait for the reading. That way there will be no unexpected surprises at the checkout counter.

Make your next trip to the beach an enjoyable one with the Sport-Brella Umbrella. It keeps you well-protected from the sun rays so you can sit back and relax in comfort. It’s even perfect for picnics for blocking out any wind. La meilleure partie? It’s super easy to setup – just be aware of the wind’s direction.

Here’s a cool gift to chill out and relax by the pool. You can’t eat this delicious looking pizza slice, but you sure can float on it. It’s a 72-inch swimming pool float that’s perfect for some fun in the pool. It’s perfect for pool parties. The pizza float has toppings like pepperoni, mushrooms, jalepenos, and more. What’s cool is that there are two cutouts for holding beverages. Man, isn’t life beautiful?
Whether it’s a multi-tool or backpack, give your tool lover one of these gifts that he’ll use for life.

He’s going to be doing a lot of writing in college. The Rolls Royce of pens is the Mont Blanc Meisterstuck. While super expensive, it’s a very popular gift for graduations. But why spend so much on a pen when you can get a great one for much less? The Fisher Bullet pen writes at any angle even on vertical surfaces, which makes it super useful when you are in a rush to take notes or fill stuff out.

With this pocket knife in your pocket you will be ready to face the world at any time. These tools come in handy on a daily basis. All of the 9 tools are both practical and functional. Blade, screwdrivers, bottle opener . . . you name it, this Swiss army knife has it. La meilleure partie? All of the tools fold into a compact form factor.

Every 18 year old boy needs the Leatherman Sidekick. There are a ton of multitools but most of them are just novelties and not very useful. With an all stainless steel construction, this multitool is designed to last forever. With a nice selection of 14 tools from pliers to wire cutters, you never know when it will save you.

Here is a cool key holder that saves so much space in your pocket. While it looks like a swiss army knife, it actually holds about 14 keys in a very compact way. When you sit down, you won’t even notice that your keys are in your pocket because they don’t rattle around.

Yo bro’ got a LighterBro? Not only is the LighterBro a lighter, but it also is packed with a load more. It’s the perfect tool to carry along on your adventures. The LighterBro packs a knife, screwdriver, bottle opener, and even a pair of scissors. Spark up a conversation the next time someone asks for a light.

If you play a lot of Call Of Duty, you probably love using the butterfly knife in melee combat. It’s extremely fun to open up a butterfly knife. Unless you want to lose your fingers, it is best to practice using a butterfly knife trainer. It has a dull blade so there is no real way that you can really cut yourself. This one from Analado is really smooth, balanced, and weighted so you can flip it around just like a real butterfly knife.

How cool would it be to have your own US Marine Corps Fighting Knife? Made of 1095 Cro-van steel, this knife features the most popular blade knife design. It looks very attractive with a 7-inch blade and leather handle. He’ll love showing off this authentic blade to his friends.

While it fits in your wallet, this is no credit card. It’s actually a multi-tool that has a letter opener, magnifying glass, scissors, screwdriver, and more. It’s the perfect thing to have when you get stranded out in the middle of nowhere. It’s the closest thing to having a toolset in your wallet.

The Go-Comb is a thin and lightweight comb about the size of a credit card. It’s the perfect travel companion and it conveniently can fit inside your wallet. Now you can groom your hair anytime. It even works on beard hair and its design incorporates a bottle opener. How neat is that?

Who knew a flashlight could be cool? At 300 lumens, this is one of the brightest flashlights you can buy. Once you turn it on, it’s lights the way up to 600-feet away. In the night, it will light up a whole room. The coolest part? With a compact design, it conveniently fits in your pocket.

Every teenage boy should own a good pair of binoculars. Whether he is an animal watcher or football fan or just wants to check out the neighbors, a good pair of binoculars can make him much more than a spectator. Olympus makes a fairly affordable pair of binoculars that has good quality optics and specs for just about every use.

Does he love hunting for treasures? With the Bounty Hunter he’ll love hunting for all sorts of interesting treasures. The Bounty Hunter TK4 is super easy to use and can discern between a real treasure and the rest. It features two audio tones to alert users to the next big find. What fantastic finds will you uncover? Discover a new fascinating hobby today.

Once you try the LifeStraw, you’ll want to take it on all your outdoor adventures. It’s an essential tool if you’re going camping or on an adventure and you won’t be near a clean water source. This gadget cleanses the water so it’s clean and, most important, drinkable. And at this price point it’s a real bargain.

The Stanley Powerlock 25 ft Tape Rule is a tool that is real handy to have around the house. You never really know when you’ll need. But it comes in handy for all sorts of DIY projects. It’s really rugged and durable and built to last for years to come. La meilleure partie? It takes accurate measurements, is easy to read and doesn’t move while you are taking your measurements.

What teen boy wouldn’t love his own tool set? With 168 pieces, this set includes pliers, wrenches, sockets, screwdrivers, and more. There is nothing like fixing up your own bike or helping dad with the race car with your own set of tools.

Does he love tools? Get him a power tool. Powered by a 20 Volt battery, the Dewalt power drill has enough power to complete any DIY project. It features 2 different speeds so you can tackle just about every project. With an ergonomic handle and lightweight design, the drill feels well balanced in your hands. La meilleure partie? It is completely cordless and comes with two batteries.

The Brunton TruArc3 Compass offers great quality, accuracy, and it’s easy to use. It’s an essential tool when you go traveling to have a sense of direction. What’s great? The compass even works when the batteries die. It’s well made and you get great bang for the buck.

This professional breathalyzer could be the gadget that saves your life. It’s accurate and reliable. Use it before you get behind the wheel. Yeah, yeah, we know you’re not supposed to legally drink until you’re 21, but many teens do it anyway. As they say, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Got Pocket Monkey? Pocket Monkey is perhaps one of the most useful tools you can actually carry in your wallet and you’ll actually use. Other than looking like a monkey – what does it do? It can be used as a kickstand for your phone and as a earbud cord wrap. It also has a screwdriver, hex wrench, ruler, and a bottle opener.

Would you like to see in the dark? A headlamp is crucial for outdoor activities or home repair projects. Running on 3AAA batteries with a brightness of 300 lumens, this is one of the brightest headlamps. With several different levels of brightness and a white and red light, it can turn pitch darkness into daytime.

This super inexpensive LED flashlight is pretty awesome. What’s so cool? The bendy legs allow you to not only position the light but attach it around things like bikes or helmets. Its usefulness is endless.

The light bulb just got reinvented! This inflatable solar powered light is completely powered by the sun. Simply put it under the sun for 7 hours to charge it and you get 12 hours of light. Great for emergencies or even on a camping trip, it’s completely waterproof too. Thomas Edison would be so proud.

The Luminoodle is perhaps the most versatile light you can use when going on outdoor adventures. It’s perfect for camping, picnics, and more. You can bunch it up into a lantern, hang it in the tent, and a variety of other applications. You’ll want to take this on every outdoor adventure because it’s so practical and versatile.

When the electricity goes out, you don’t want to be stuck in the dark. Flashlights are great if you only need a direction light, but if you want to light up a room, there is this collapsible lantern. It runs on 3AA batteries. When you want to turn it on, you just pull it out. Giving off 500 lumens, it is bright enough to light a room. While it is great for emergencies, it’s great for camping too.

Measuring 3.75″ and made of half tanged stainless steel, this is no ordinary knife. While it’s stupidly sharp, it’s equipped with a fire starter in the handle, which makes it a great survival knife. You can not only prepare your food, you can cook with it.

While everyone loves the outdoors, nobody loves frozen fingers. With its large 5200-mAh battery, this hand warmer will not only will keep your hands warm for up to 4 hours, it’s also useful for charging your smartphone and other USB devices. La meilleure partie? This rechargeable hand warmer runs on a lithium ion battery, so you never need to light it.

When you’re outdoors, how do you plan on charging your devices? This solar powered bank is perfect for charging all types of devices when you venture to the Great Outdoors. From iPads and iPhones to Android phones and more – it charges them all. It taps into the power of solar energy to deliver the power you need to fuel your devices. It’s charging with no boundaries.

We’d rather not talk about what happens at college parties. With all the crazy stuff that happens at college parties, it is a good idea to have a first aid kit. This 85 piece kit has everything you need in case of an emergency.

When the Zombies take over, you are going to need tools survive. Just don’t let the zombies bite you. Luckily, you will have everything you need in this zombie survival kit that includes 25 tools including a multi tool, fire starter, and paracord bracelet. Everything is packaged in a tin that is covered in fake blood. Or maybe it’s real?

Make your DIY projects easier with the MagnoGrip Magnetic Wristband. Nails, screws, and small tools will all be within reach. No more losing screws and hunting for them.
With a cool set of wheels, the days of walking are officially over. Help him celebrate his new ride with these great gifts for car lovers.

Is he about to get his license? Do you want to know his exact whereabouts? Now you can rest easy with bouncie, which allows you to track your teen’s driving habits using GPS tracking. Using an app, this little device sends everything from acceleration to speed data in real-time. It even gives you vehicle health diagnostics. La meilleure partie? For $8/month, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing his precise location and driving habits.

Everybody should have an emergency kit in their car. With 66 pieces, this inexpensive roadside kit has almost everything you need from a hand crank flashlight to booster cables to a first aid kit. Everything comes in a bag so it is ready to be tossed in your car.

There is nothing worse than getting lost and with lifetime maps and traffic updates you never have to worry about that. While it might not be fancy, this Garmin GPS does everything it is supposed to do. It is very easy to use and the directions get you where you need to go, giving you the name of the street to turn on. It even alerts you when you are near a school or are over the speed limit. Never leave home without it.

Looking to upgrade your car stereo? The Pioneer AVH-1300NEX Multimedia DVD Receiver features a minimalist, elegant design with Apple CarPlay compatibility. It’s user-friendly with a touchscreen that works well. It feels a lot like an Apple product. La meilleure partie? It even supports hands-free calling, audio streaming, and Siri – so he can keep his eyes on the road. At a fraction of the cost of others in the market, Pioneer let’s you partake in this glorious product.

Looking to add a rear view camera to your car? The eRapta Rear View Camera is an excellent choice. It’s simple to install without any drilling and it works on a wide range of vehicles from cars and trucks to SUVs and more. The HD camera is waterproof so you need not worry about it raining. Reversing will be easier than ever. And simpler is definitely better.

Be prepared for the unexpected day or night with the Roav DashCam A1 by Anker. This dash cam records in full 1080P HD and even records with a wide-angle view to capture all the important details. If you get into an accident, it can supply video evidence. Plus, they’re great for road trips. What’s cool is that this cam activates even if you’re not in the car with shock activation. It’s easily one of the best dash cams for the price.

Let’s hope that he never has to use this seatbelt cutter. Still, everybody needs to carry one of these in case an emergency arises. I like the way it comes with a protecive cover, so you can store it safely and find it during an emergency.

Who needs roadside assistance? Even if you have jump cables in your car, it is hard finding someone who will let you jumpstart your vehicle. This portable battery back can jump start your vehicle when the car battery goes dead. Not only that, it charges your phone, tablet, laptop, and any USB-powered device. Every parent should get this for their college age son.

There are over 40 million tickets issued every year and over 95% go uncontested. Protect and empower yourself while you’re on the road with a radar system. These radar detectors detect all radar signals both in front of you as well as in the rear so you know when cops are around the vicinity. Voice alert is helpful to maintain your focus on the road. While it’s not perfect, it gets the job done and makes it worth the price of admission.

Ram Mount X-Grips are a popular choice for mounting your phone in your car. With one of these high quality mounts you can orient your device so you can easily view directions, play music, and more. It works great while giving your phone a solid rubberized grip.

If you are going to use your phone in your car as a GPS, this car mount will come in handy. It comes with a super sticky compound that allows you to mount it to your dash or windshield. The telescoping arm allows you to position your phone at the perfect angle for the optimum viewing.

If you spend a lot of time a lot of time in your car, you need a car charger. Not only is it a life safer when you forget to charge your phone, but this one can charge two large devices at the same time. Simply plug it into your cigarette lighter and it charges your devices as fast as plugging them into a wall socket.

Every car owner needs one of these tire pressure gauges. Properly inflated tires deliver optimal gas mileage and allow for improved braking. It’s fast and reliable and the digital display is easy to read without any guesswork. Plus, you can inflate your tires. With how easy it is to use, he’ll be more willing to check his tire pressure more often.

Does he love to tinker with his car? Then he will love this set of tools that comes with ratchet, sockets, screwdriver bits. With 40 different tools, it provides all the tools he will need for small repairs. It comes in a handy case with individual slots for each tool so it’s always organized.

Want to charge your phone, tablet, gadgets, or laptop in your car? This Foval 150W Power Inverter plugs into your vehicle’s cigarette lighter and converts to an AC outlet. Now you can easily plug in your device and start charging. In addition to AC power, it also offers 2 USB charging ports for charging phones and tablets. La meilleure partie? Its compact and lightweight design is perfect for travel and it’s designed with safety in mind.

Looking for a headrest mount for your iPad? This Universal Car Headrest Mount fits the bill. It’s compatible with 7 to 11-inch tablets, including iPad, iPad Pro, Samsung Tab/Note, and more. We love that you don’t need to remove the case. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy the entertainment.

Keep everything tidy and organized with this 2-pack back seat organizer set. What’s cool? In addition to organizing your belongings, it holds up your 10″ iPad for easy viewing.

If he is a car nut, he will appreciate this complete car kit. The kit contains everything you need to hand wash your car including a shampoo and wax, tire foam, protectant, glass wipes, and more. When he is done washing his car, it will look good as new.

Do you love your car? This car care kit has everything you need to take care of your car. It comes with a car wash, clay, paint cleaner, and liquid car wax. After using all the products, your car should look as good as new.

Be prepared for a roadside emergency with this 3-pack emergency pack of LED Road Flares. What’s different about these flares is they don’t use harsh chemicals and there’s no risk of magnesium burn. They last for up to 36 hours on a full charge.

Want to use your notebook in the car? Attached to your steering wheel, this Car Laptop/Eating Wheel Desk is a practical solution for allowing you to comfortably use your laptop in the car. What’s cool? Feeling hungry? You can use it for your lunch, too. It’s perfect for working and eating. Just be sure you’re parked.

If your check engine light comes up, do you know what to do? FIXD helps you diagnose the problem and lets you know the consequences. It can even clear the light in some instances. In addition to diagnosis, it also conveniently alerts you to scheduled maintenance and oil changes through the simple to use companion app. La meilleure partie? It works on all gas-powered vehicles 1996 or newer. Are you ready to get FIXD?

Want to be the coolest guy on the road? With 16 different colors, this underbody lighting kit will let you put on a light show wherever you go. Just make sure the color you set it on is legal in your State. You can install it yourself or get it professionally done. The coolest part? You can make the light move to the beat of your music.

Trick out the interior of your car with these ultra bright LED under dash lights. With two methods of installation, just about anybody can install this kit. Not only are the out of this world neon colors pretty dope, you can set it light up with the beat of your music. Everybody is going to want to ride around with you.

This little gadget is the easiest way to get the music on your phone on your car’s speakers. Simply plug it into the aux port in your car. The coolest part? It can make just about any wired pair of headphones or speakers wireless.

Looking to protect your car from would-be car thieves? The Club 3000 is a top steering wheel lock. It is compatible with most vehicles and very sturdy – resisting sawing, hammering, and more. It’s easy to use and will make it near-impossible for a thief to get away with your ride. Get the peace of mind without having to worry about your car being stolen.

Don’t you hate it when coins and other belongings fall between the cracks of your front seats? Now with Drop Stop – say goodbye to lost goods forever. You get a pair of Drop Stops for the passenger and driver side. They are super easy to install and get the job done. ‘Nuf said.

This powerful, lightweight, and affordable wet/dry vac is perfect for cleaning the inside of your car. The 2 horsepower motor picks up dirt really well and the portability of the unit allows you to reach hard places. It comes with a ton of attachments for every job and even has a wet and dry feature for accidental spills.

You can avoid many accidents by simply adding this blind spot mirror to your car. You get a pair of convex mirrors for checking your blind spot before changing lanes. It gives you a wider field of view. It’s easily one of the most practical tools you can get for your car and they’re inexpensive. This is so good it may become a standard feature in future cars.

Throw a few of these microfiber cleaning cloths in your glove comparment. They come in real handy for cleaning the dashboard, GPS screen, and even your phone. You can even use them on your sunglasses and your TV and other electronics at home. You get a package of eight and they are super soft – wiping away dust and debris without scratching the surface.

Do your rims and wheels look dirty? Then you need the Brush Hero. It works beautifully for removing dirt and grime off your wheels and grill trim. The coolest part? It doesn’t use any batteries or electricity. Simply attach it to your garden hose and the water pressure will spin the brush.

Does he love to tinker with his car? Then he will love this set of tools from Stanley that comes with ratchets and sockets. With 40 different tools, it provides all the tools he will need for small repairs. It comes in a handy case with individual slots for each tool so it keeps things always organized.

NFL fans will love showing off their love for their favorite team with this NFL themed headrest cover set. With an iconic logo across the front of each headrest, these covers are a great way to decorate your ride. Each seat cover snuggly fits over your headrest. La meilleure partie? Everybody will know what team you are rooting for on Sunday.

Giving you a better grip, steering wheel covers help protect the steering wheel from wear and tear. You can find all types of steering wheel covers that come in everything from his favorite sports team to funky patterns. A lot of steering wheel covers look tacky, but this one enhances the look of your car. You can get it in 9 different styles to match your car’s interior.

Have you ever been in your car and wondered where to throw your garbage? Don’t throw candy wrappers and junk on the floor and in your cup holders like me. Stash them in this car garbage can. Simply strap it to the passenger seat and say goodbye to Mr. Messy.

Who doesn’t love that new car smell? Now you can have that pleasant new car scent anytime you desire with Meguiar’s New Car Scent. It comes in a spray bottle or wipes and it cleans and shines, too. La meilleure partie? It works as promised and is the closest thing to getting that fresh new car smell that everyone loves.

Give your car some love and care with Meguiar’s Gold Class Car Wash. This car wash solution is designed to clean and condition in one step. Without stripping your car’s wax protection, it removes dirt and debris — leaving your car looking its best. You’ll be impressed how shiny it leaves your car’s exterior. You get about 15-20 uses out of this gallon. It’s an excellent choice for washing and detailing your car.
We guarantee that the shooters in your life will love these gifts that go BOOM.

The Perses MXIX-5000 is by far the best blaster in the Rival line this year. Available in Team Red or Team Blue schemes, it’s a performance beast with a super compact design and 50-round blasting. It comes with a rechargeable battery and they are hot-swappable for all-day play. It boasts the fastest loading port for a Rival blaster. Containing Prometheus’ internals explains its insane firing rate. It features an advanced acceleration system, blasting 8 rounds per second and empting in roughly 5 seconds. The only problem? Picking up all the ammo. Combining cool aesthetics with the heart of a Prometheus and a slick compact design, this is easily our favorite Nerf blaster of 2019. If you’ve been holding out on a Prometheus due to its bulky size, now’s the perfect time to discover what you’ve been missing.

Inspired by the legendary ‘Scar’ gun from Fortnite, the Nerf Elite Fortnite AR-L Blaster delivers a fun blaster that is game-accurate and aesthetically-pleasing with its cartoony look. Powered by 4 AA batteries, this semi-auto rifle features flip-down sights, making it more practical and tactical for missions. It features a 10-dart clip and 20 Fortnite-themed darts. Considering the entire lineup of Fornite blasters this year, this one is more performance-oriented, so it’s the one we’re most excited about. Get ready to play Fortnite missions in real life!

Inspired by Fortnite, the Fornite SP-L blaster is a silenced pistol with a detachable barrel from Hasbro. With a game-accurate design, Fornite fans will appreciate its attention to detail from form down to color, including the infamous “SHHHHH” imprinted along the barrel. What’s cool? The suppressor is N-Strike compatible. Although it doesn’t offer insane range, you benefit from Elite blaster performance. The 3-dart internal magazine utilizes the space well and it includes 6 darts. Load up your darts, prime, aim, and pull the trigger to fire. It’s an amazingly cool and quite blaster perfect for cosplay, and we love the tactical feel with its built-in red dot.

Inspired by the shadowy mercenary’s iconic loadout, the Overwatch Reaper Wight Edition Collector Pack features cool dual Reaper Wight Edition blasters. Step up your cosplay with the authentic Reaper face mask. These breech-load, spring-action blasters each house 8 rounds, firing at a rate of up to 90 FPS. This Collector Pack comes with 16 Overwatch Rival rounds and the blasters are equipped with a trigger lock and ready indicator. It’s the perfect gift for Overwatch and Nerf fans alike!

Styled after D.Va’s signature accessory in Overwatch, the Overwatch D.Va Blaster is a breech-load, spring-action blaster. It houses three Overwatch Rival rounds and features a cool recoil action after pulling the trigger and a bunny charm on the handle. It is capable of firing a single shot at a rate up to 80 FPS.

The Hypnos is a pump-action shotgun delivering thrilling power with comfortable ergonomics. Simply pump back and forth to prime, aim, and fire! What’s cool? You can also fire it as a compact shotgun with its pivoting stock. While it has tons of power, good accuracy, an amazing deco, tactical rails, and good ergonomics, it lacks slam-fire technology. It’s so close to perfection!

The Rival Nemesis MXVII-10K is grabbing all the headlines this year, as it is the biggest release in the Rival line. It’s the first time Nerf is using an easy load hopper. Pick up your ammo, load ’em up, and shut the door and you’re good to go. It holds a colossal 100 rounds. Isn’t that crazy?! FIre up the accelerator, take aim, and unleash the beast on your opponents. They’ll never know what hit ’em! Nothing is going to prepare them for this.

The Nerf Prometheus is Nerf’s flagship blaster this year and it’s a BEAST! This mammoth blaster has a hopper that can hold up to 200 rounds of foam Nerf Rival ammo. It blasts with an advanced acceleration system – 8 rounds per second. Its rechargeable battery is perfect for all-day play. Simply hold down the accelerator and press the trigger to empty it in just 25 seconds flat. The only problem? Picking up all the ammo.

Designed to be a replica of the First Order Stormtrooper blaster, the Stormtrooper Blaster comes with 7 red rounds so it looks like you are firing a laser. This spring powered blaster has a bolt handle on the side. Simply prime it back and forth and pull the trigger.

What happens when you smash 2 Artmesises together? You get the Hades! It comes with 3 chambers with 20 of the round foam balls for a total capacity of 60 foam balls. This spring powered, pump action blaster with slam fire has a very smooth blasting action. Once you unload one chamber, it automatically switches to the next chamber.

There’s a new outlaw gunslinger in town! Inspired by his iconic Peacekeeper, Overwatch fans can now reprise the role of McCree. Wear the collectible die-cast badge as featured in the game to bring your cosplay to life. This spring-action, single-shot blaster includes 6 Overwatch Rival darts and features several cool details like a swing-open barrel, moving hammer with trigger activation, and a spinning spur.

The Helios has the priming handle on the side, freeing up the top for adding sights. It’s got a smoother gear chain and delivers great range perfomance. Pull it all the way back and let it go then fire. It features a 7-round magazine and offers a convenient uzi-style way to reload through the handle. The Helios is everything the Apollo should have been. The Team Blue and Red reskins launched earlier this year.

Now available in Team Red or Team Blue, the Kronos XVIII-500 is a spring-powered five-round capacity blaster. It doesn’t feature slam-fire tech nor an N-Strike attachment lug. It’s an excellent blaster filling in the pistol gap in the Rival line. The Kronos delivers a great combination of form, function, and performance at a great value.

The 2019 Fortnite Microshots line features the Llama, RL, and TS. The Fortnite Micro Llama just might be the coolest Jolt reskin ever. Load your dart, pull the handle to prime, and pull the trigger to fire. C'est si simple! Trust us, you’ve never seen the Jolt like this. Inspired by the Fortnite videogame, the Llama design looks simply incredible. These miniature blasters include exclusive turquiose and purple Fortnite-themed darts. Two darts are included; however, the Microshot only fires a single dart at a time. If you don’t have a Jolt, this one is definitely worth adding to your collection, as it packs good punch and looks really cool as a decorative showpiece.

Take your Nerf Rival experience to the next level with these Nerf Rival Masks. It works perfectly and provides total protection for your entire face, including your eyes. Now you don’t have to worry about accidentally shooting friends in the eyes or face with the right protective head gear. It’s all fair game. Choose from the Red Team and Blue Team.

Does he love laser tag? The Lazer Tag Phoenix LTX Tagger is one of the most popular laser tag sets – which delivers an awesome laser tag experience at home. The blasters feature cool lights and sounds that immerse you in the experience and they look really cool. The reloading system is off the hook. There’s a shield that can be activated for a short period of time, adding strategy to your games. This package comes with two taggers – one blue and one gold one. They’re perfect for either indoor or outdoor use. He’ll have a total blast competing with friends.

Looking for an awesome beginning air soft gun? The Targus Millennium PT-111 packs quite a punch, firing at rates in the neighborhood of 180 FPS. It’s a spring-powered pistol that houses twenty rounds. It’s got a nice compact design and is perfect for beginners starting out with air soft. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you get for the money.

Is there anything cooler than a 1911 pistol? Using .25 BBs and a 12 gram CO2 cartridge, the Elite Force 1911 is an air soft version of that very gun with a two tone tan and black finish. It’s even got a tac rail that lets you install attachments. This gun is dependable, fun to shoot, and has a powerful kick. Here’s an air soft gun that will never go out of style.

Are you a fan of Westerns? You will not find a cooler BB gun. Styled after a .177 Colt, this not only looks like the real thing, it feels like it, too. It’s powered by CO2 which screws in at the bottom of the hand grip. It fires six BBs, Clint Eastwood-style. To fire it, you cock back the hammer and pull back the trigger.

If you are looking for a great automatic air soft gun, get the Varmint Air Rifle. With a full steel barrel, you are getting a whole lot for your money. The sense of weight is perfect, making it fun to fire. Firing at a rate of 1250 FPS, this thing puts out shots like crazy. It’s a beast on the field.

The Daisy Red Ryder is the world’s most popular BB gun. It’s been around forever and is still fun to shoot today as it was when it first appeared. It’s a great BB gun for target practice. This set is a great value for your money because you not only get the BB rifle but a backyard shooting kit with safety gear and accessories to get started.

If you are new to air soft, the Lancer Tactical LT-12 Full Metal Gear is a great way to get started. Lancer has managed to create an air soft gun that is affordable but still has a full metal gearbox. It shoots up to 400 feet per second and is ready to shoot right of the box, which means that you can take it out on the field.

Not having the right protection is the #1 cause of injuries with air soft guns. This awesome looking Airsoft Mask may look like a fantastic Halloween mask, but it will give you the complete protection you need for safe mission battles. The mask is soldily constructed with metal mesh eye protection to protect your eyes. The mesh design allows you to see where you are going and allows you to aim with ease. Step up your game!

Safety goggles are required if you fire air soft guns, BB guns, or pellet guns. These ones from Outgeek are extremely durable and comfortable. When you put them on, you not only look cool, but the goggles are wide enough so they don’t get in the way of your vision. Plus, the face mask provides the extra protection you need for your face. These are a must-have for any air soft lover.

Eye protection is probably the most important safety requirement you need during a game of airsoft. Rounds from air soft guns can cause injury to your eyes. These goggles from Valken keep your eyes protected without impeding your vision.

If you’re in the market for a high quality combat vest, look no further than the Yakeda Tactical CS Field Vest. This design obviously draws inspiration from CS games. It looks super cool in person – offering excellent protection while providing plenty of storage compartments to store guns, ammo, and more. La meilleure partie? It’s lightweight and well-ventilated so you can enjoy your air soft missions.

If you are new to paintball, the Tippman Cronus is one of the best paintball guns to get started. This set includes everything you need including the safety gear to get out there on the field. Capable of firing 280-300 fps, this paintball gun not only looks cool, it performs well and shoots accurately.

No one pities the fly. Meet the BUG-A-SALT 2.0. It’s new and improved, delivering greater power and accuracy with less salt per shot. In fact, it’s accurate to within 3-feet and even gets in corners. Zap those bugs before they get you!

The Genesis Original Kit is one of our favorite bow kits. You can get it for either right or left handed archers. It’s a great bow for getting started with archery. This is very easy to tune with no issues and it’s very accurate at shooting. The Genesis is a quality product that delivers big fun.

If you are looking to get into throwing knives, these throwing knives are excellent for beginners. While it looks easy, throwing a knife at a wooden or cardboard target takes a lot of practice. It’s like darts with knives. If you are new to it, it’s fun to get a group of friends together and practice your form. Once you get the knives to stick on a target, there is no better feeling in the world.

You will never find a water gun that shoots as far as the Stream Machine. During the summer, this water gun is a must for pool parties. With a 36 inch barrel, this thing holds a lot of water. Simply fill it up by submerging the gun under water and pulling the plunger back. Now find a target. Depending on your strength, you could get this water gun to fire a stream of water over 40 feet away.

You have probably seen cheap slingshots, but the Scout Sling Shot is in a league of its own. With its amazing ergonomics, this thing is fun to shoot and super versatile. If you have never fired a slingshot, don’t worry the manual walks you through the basics and the various grips. Set up a bunch of cans in the backyard and this thing is wickedly fun.

There is nothing cooler than throwing a boomerang that comes back to you. Made in the USA, this is a great one to learn with because the flight pattern is very consistent and it includes a how-to guide for beginners. It does require practice but there is no better feeling when you can get it to fly back to you.

What could be cooler than a straight shooter gun that fires mini marshmallows? These Marshmallow shooters are super fun. The harder you blow, the further the marshmallows go. This set includes a 4 pack of blasters, but everyone is going to want to join in. Simply load them up with mini marshamallows and let the marshmallow wars begin.
What do you get the guy who loves sports so much that he practically lives in his house or tailgates outdoors when a big game is on? These gifts are sure to satisfy the 18 year old sports buff in your life.

The Hydroflask water bottle is great for quenching your thirst on a hot day or for carrying hot coffee on a cold morning. Put ice in your drink in the morning and a few hours later it will still be filled with ice. With double wall vacuum technology, it supposed to keep drinks cold for up to 24 hours and warm drinks hot for up to 6 hours.

The Fitbit is the best known fitness tracker to track your physical activity on a daily basis and over time. Now you can wear one on your wrist with this smartwatch. He will want to track all his activity whether he is at the baseball game or with friends. It allows him to track everything from the amount of steps he has made to the how many calories he has burned.

The best way to workout with your phone and listen to your music is with Tuneband. It securely fastens your iPhone to your arm while at the same time giving your direct access to all the buttons on the phone. No matter how intense your workout, it’s designed so it won’t slide down your arm.

If you workout, the FlipBelt is a real blessing. It fits around your waist and keeps everything secure while you remain active. That means you can keep your phone and other personal belongings secure without worrying about it falling out. Best of all, they’re comfortable and versatile.

If you love working and using your phone at the same time, this armband is a must have fitness accessory. It’s perfect for the gym or when you go out jogging. Made out of neoprene, it securely fits around your arm. Instead of holding your phone while you are doing squats, you can slide your phone in here. La meilleure partie? Even if you have a bulky case, it will fit inside.

Does he love collecting baseball cards? It’s always fun to check out which players you get inside and the statistics on the other side. If he’s obsessed with card collecting, he probably would love to receive a couple packs on his Birthday or for the holidays. This one contains 7 packs plus one commemorative patch card so you get a total of 99 cards.

Capture the Flag REDUX is a thrilling and captivating game of capture the flag using glowing balls. Teens will enjoy playing this with family and friends. It’s a game all ages can equally enjoy. The different game variations keeps things fresh and exciting for players. It’s the perfect outdoor game they’ll actually love playing.

Like volleyball, Spikeball is a great game for the beach or even the park. Debuting on Shark Tank, the game is easy to play but can get competitive real fast. Played in teams of 2, the idea is to bounce a ball on a hula hoop-sized net that is a few inches off the ground. Played to 21, the rules are somewhat like volleyball. Teams take turn volleying the ball off the net until one team misses.

No – Watermelon Ball is not made from a real watermelon – but it looks like one and sports a similar shape. This is the perfect ball for your pool parties. It has unique properties that make it a really fun pool ball. For one, it hardly floats and you can even dribble it like a basketball and pass it while in water. You can come up with so many different games. Who’s ready for some fun in the pool?

Based on an iOS game, Tiki Toss is a fun game to pass time with friends at parties. The game takes minutes to set up and is sort of like darts. The idea is to toss a ring onto a hook. It sounds simple but is addictive. Requiring focus and eye hand coordination, it the perfect pick up and play game when you are just lounging around.

This Frisbee is wicked. Everyone will be asking you where you got it from. Like a normal Frisbee, you can throw it around but you haven’t seen anything perform quite like this and the weight feels just perfect. It’s a real blast to play along with friends. As you throw it through the air, it flies so gracefully through the air. You’ll never want another Frisbee brand.

The Wilson Evolution basketball is hands-down the most popular indoor basketball. What makes it so great? With thousands of micro touch points and laid in channels, the basketball strikes a balance between grip and control. This ball never slips out of your hands whether you are dribbling, passing, or shooting it. It goes where you want it to go.

What basketball fan wouldn’t love a player ball like this? You can choose from the current crop of greats from Curry and James to Harden, Durant and Paul. The ball is plastered with player and team graphics along with official team colors. It’s the perfect gift for bball lovers.

If you know he loves playing hoops, get him this high quality portable basketball set from Lifetime. It’s perfect in the backyard or out front. It sports a shatterproof backboard and adjusts from 7.5 to 10-feet. For extra stability, you could add sand or water into the base. He’ll love playing solo or inviting friends over for some competitive games.

Featuring the official game size ball, the Wilson Super Grip Football is the perfect gift for football fanatics. Made of composite leather, the ball is comfortable to grip and throw. It’s a durable ball that retains its shape even with the roughest of play. He can count on years of fantastic play with the Wilson. It’s a touchdown!

How can you make a football cooler? Make it glow in the dark! This official sized football has LED lights built in. It shuts off automatically after about a minute of non use. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to stop playing just because the sun went down.

Are you ready to start a flag football tournament? This 10 Flag Football set is perfect for playing a quick game of football with friends. You get everything you need including 10 flags along with the belts. La meilleure partie? The flags are pretty durable. Plus, the belts are completely adjustable and stay put when the flags are pulled. Ready, set, hike.

This is not your typical soccer ball that falls apart after kicking it around a bit. Unlike department store balls, this one is designed to be kicked around. You can tell this is a high-quality ball from the hand stitching. It’s made of butyl rubber bladder – which is typically used in high quality balls in order to preserve the integrity of the ball. When you kick it, it’s got a nice rebound.

Founded in 1887, Rawlings has been making baseball gloves forever. For the casual baseball player, this is a quality glove from Rawlings. Made of a Pro Mesh shell and leather, this glove is designed to have an easy break in period. The padded pocket helps to absorb the impact of a thrown ball.

Does he want to play tennis? When he is just getting started in tennis, you don’t need to invest in an expensive racket. Now that he is a teen, an adult-sized 27 inch racket would be best for him. With a good weight and size, this affordable priced racket from Wilson is good for beginners. It’s a perfect racket for casual play.

You won’t find a better dart board than the Winmau Blade 5. What makes this dart board so special? It is made with thin wire, which means your darts will stick to the board instead of bouncing off it. This level of thoughtfulness has been extended to every facet of the board’s design. Even after playing with it round after round, it stands up to abuse. What more could you want out of a dartboard?

Are you ready for the most intense cardio workout in your life? Created by the guy who did Insanity, Focus T25 has you exercising nonstop every day for 25 minutes. 25 minutes a day for 10 weeks is all it takes to get the best body of your life.

You haven’t done a cardio workout until you have tried Insanity. In this version, you will do the most intense exercise of your life. It’s okay if you can’t make it. You go as hard as you can until you can’t go anymore. Are you ready to max out and get the results you desire?

Why go to the gym when you can have the gym come to you with the Bodyboss 2.0? About the size of a doormat, the BodyBoss 2.0 lets you recreate just about every exercise you find at the gym at home. Instead of using barbells, you will be using elastic cords to train your muscles. You can do everything from squats to bench pressing. Because it takes up such a small footprint, you can set it up anywhere.

If you don’t have time to hit the gym, this pull-up bar is a great way to build upper body strength. It simply mounts onto any doorway with no additional assembly. You won’t believe what a great workout you can get with just your own body weight.

These dumbbells are pretty cool. You can easily adjust the weights by adding or subtracting plates and using the nut to lock them in place. The weights are easy to swap out and it beats having a bunch of free weights around your dorm room.

Pushups are a great way to build strength in your chest and arms. These pushup handles raise your body above the floor which puts less stress on your wrists. Not only that, Perfect Pushup really maximizes the effect you get thanks to an increased range of motion which really stretches out the chest muscles. You will be able to get stronger faster.

Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level? Then this 70- pound punching bag from Everlast may be what you are looking for. If your son loves slamming his PS4 controller on the floor when he loses, why not get him something that is designed to beat the heck out of. This set includes everything you need to practice, including the wraps and gloves.

Want to develop your core in the privacy of your home? The STEALTH Core Trainer Personal delivers a dynamic ab plank workout while playing games. You’ll get a strong core and back in less time than you’d expect. Who knew working out could be fun?!

If your teen son works out, this muscle roller stick makes a great gift. It’s great for helping with muscle soreness, circulation, and aiding in recovery. It’s well made and works as promised, reducing long-term soreness in your muscles. It’s perfect for muscle therapy massages.

This is the perfect gift for the teen guy who loves sports. He can cram all his sports equipment inside and head to the gym. It has the perfect amount of pockets for stashing his stuff and the pocket on the side is perfect for stinky shoes or wet clothes.

This duffel bag from Adidas is perfect for carrying all your gym stuff. While it is offered in many sizes, the small size is suitable for the gym. Anything larger is too huge. You won’t believe all the stuff you can carry inside. The size is very generous. It even has a mesh shoe compartment on the outside.

Ready to hit the gym? Made of waterproof material, this gym sack from adidas is very convenient and stylish. It’s got a zipper compartment on the front and the main compartment is spacious. You can fit a ton of stuff inside whether you are using it for school or for sports. It comes in so many cool colors so you can probably find a color that he loves.

Don’t head to the pool or beach without the Speedo Deluxe Ventilator Mesh bag. With a mesh design, this breathable bag is designed to carry wet clothes without worrying about making a huge mildew smelling mess. It has enough space and zippered pockets to hold all your gear. It’s got room for swim fins, a towel, swimsuit, shoes, and even has a water bottle compartment.

After we get done exercising, most of us want to step into a freezer. Simply wrap this cooling towel around your neck to cool off more quickly. It is made of a special material that slows down the rate of evaporation when it is wet. La meilleure partie? Unlike other cooling towels, this one stays soft when it is dry. It will make you want to work out a little longer.

If he loves watching his weight, he is going to love this smart scale from Etekcity. This smart scale not only shows your weight but shows you a bunch of other stats including your body fat percentage. There are 13 different stats in all. La meilleure partie? It syncs with an app over Bluetooth to chart your daily fluctuations. It can even connect with the Fitbit, Google Fit, and Apple Health.
Bring these board games to your dorm room and your roommates will love you.

Gloomhaven is a deep, complex, combat-focused game for 1-4 players with games lasting 1-2 hours. You team up with others to complete your goals while uncovering the threats to Gloomhaven. The campaign is comprised of a number of scenarios — each with its own objective. If you ever run out of health, you are defeated. If you like tactical combat and resource management, this game is excellent at both of those. Every turn is a tough decision about what cards to use and how to use them. There’s a huge variety of enemies to face with each requiring a different approach. There are a lot of ways to improve your character, including adding combat modifier cards, equipment, and action cards. The best part of this game is the sheer amount of content it has out of the box. With close to 100 missions, there’s a ton of game to discover. However, the game is not cheap so you’ll want to play a lot to get your money’s worth.

What would happen if Apples To Apples went to college? Cards Against Humanity! Bring this game to your college dorm and it will be a sure fire hit. In the game, one player draws a card with a sentence that contains a missing a word. The rest of the players have to finish the sentence. Do not play Cards of Humanity with anyone unless they are okay with very offensive and dirty humor. It’s a riot unless you take it seriously or are easily offended.

What Do You Meme? is an adult party game for meme-lovers. This game is NOT intended for children. It’s all about competing with friends or family to create the funniest memes. You have photo cards and caption cards and need to out-meme your friends. There are some adult themes, which may be offensive to some. Get ready for an addictive party game that’s hilarious fun!

Catan is a really fun game when you understand the rules. The game is played with 3-4 players. The idea is that everybody has landed on an undiscovered island and one player has to try to rule the island. Players do this by building stuff and collecting resources from other players. What makes this game fun is that the game board changes every time you play, which makes for some interesting strategy.

Codenames is a fun party word game with a cool spy theme. The game is very easy to play. The idea is to get your team to pick out a certain word from a larger group of words. In order to do this, you have to give your team words clues without actually revealing the word. If your team guesses wrong, the other team will get a point. You’ll feel like a real spy.

In Codenames Duet, you work as a team to identify the agents. We love the game for its co-op mechanics and core Codenames gameplay, which is satisfying. When it gets down to the wire, the tension makes it really rewarding to win.

Pandemic Legacy is one of the best board games ever created. The game starts out with a deadly virus spreading across the world. As you are playing with friends, you will cause permanent changes to the board, characters, and even components. Sometimes even new things will be brought into the game. Objectives will dynamically shift as the story changes. If doesn’t sound like your typical board game, that’s because it isn’t. You have to play this.

With great artwork, Exploding Kittens features the artwork of Matthew Inman, who is behind The Oatmeal. It’s a card game where the idea is to avoid the exploding kitten card in the deck. It’s sort of like UNO with kittens. All of the illustrations on the cards are hysterical, which adds to the charm of the game. This NSFW Edition is for adults only as it features explicit content. It’s hilarious fun and great with friends.

Monopoly Fortnite Edition is designed for teens. In this version of the game you battle your opponents and avoid the storm. Just like the videogame, it’s all about survival — not what you own. The game features battles and loot chests and is inspired by the videogame. It’s a fun new spin on the classic game of Monopoly. This new version features 27 new characters and updated board spaces. Will you be the last player standing?!

Secret Hitler is a social deduction game for 5-10 players from the makers of Cards Against Humanity. Set during WWII, the game pits the Liberals against the Fascists. The Liberals win by assassinating Hitler or by enacting their fifth policy. The Fascist team wins by enacting 6 Fascist policies or after 3 policies have been enacted and Hiltler has become the Chancellor. It’s a game that evokes a ton of emotion. Players will be pointing fingers, yelling and screaming. What’s cool? Hitler doesn’t know who his teammates are but the bad guys get to see who’s Hitler. We love it because it’s similar to Avalon while bringing new elements to the table. The theme is awesome and really strong. It’s a great game that appeals to the mainstream as well as gamers. Can you stop the Secret Hitler?

If you have played Sushi Go, you will love this sequel that expands on the original’s charm with more menu items. The game is played over 3 rounds. Each player is first dealt a hand of cards. When it is your turn, you pick one sushi card and pass the rest of the cards to the player beside you. Each sushi card has a different point value. The idea is to get the most points with the best combination of cards.

UNO is a classic card game that is addictive, fun, and easy to play. Players have to match colors or numbers. La meilleure partie? The Wild Cards allow you to create your own rules. Get rid of all your card to win. Don’t forget to call out UNO when you’re down to a single card. The first player or team to 500 points wins the game.

Joking Hazard is an offensive card game where you build comics related to topics ranging from friendship, violence to sex and everything in between. With 360 cards, there are virtually limitless possibilities. What awful situations will you come up with? This game is hilarious fun and perfect for parties!

This game will make you feel and look ridiculous. The idea is super simple. Players stick a mouthpiece in their mouth and try to say a phrase. The idea is to get people to guess what you are saying. It’s harder than you think with the mouthpiece on. It’s a silly game and some of the phrases may sound dirty.

Rubik’s Cube is a classic 3 x 3 puzzle game that will challenge your teen boy to the core. The object is to get each face of the cube to be all one color. Cela semble facile, non? But it’s easier said than done. With billions of possibilities, there is only one correct solution. This set includes the Rubik’s Cube along with a stand. Do have what it takes to solve the ultimate brain-teaser, Rubik’s Cube?

Created by comedian Jeff Foxworthy, Relative Insanity is like Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity, but you can play it in front of the family. It’s a game that you’ll love playing because you’re sure to get lots of laughs. There are punch line cards and setup cards. Someone reads the setup, for example: “When my cousin walked in with my new baby, my grandma blurted out _______.” Then players look at their punch lines and submit the one that’s going to get the biggest laugh. The setup person picks the best answer and that player scores points.

Ticket to Ride is an award-winning board game played with 2 to 5 players. In the game, players choose a color and have to build a railroad route between the 36 cities on the board. On every turn, you will have to make a strategic decision. The longer your route, the more points you score. The colorful train pieces are beautiful, the artwork is wonderful, and the game is exciting to play.

Betrayal At House on the Hill is a narrative-driven strategy game for 3-6 players. As you explore the house, you see what unfolds. The betrayers and survivors each have their own goal. But they don’t know what each other’s goals are until you play through the game. The twist? When it flips, you could be working with someone and then they become the betrayer. Then you race to the finish to see who’s going to win. We love that the game offers a ton of replayability with many different scenarios.

When In Rome is a board game for your Alexa smart home speaker. It’s a great trivia game where you can learn about different countries like Rome, play with the family, and have a blast as you’re learning and playing. Alexa teaches the rules, tracks progress, and helps out when needed.

This uncensored edition of the popular game of 5 Second Rule is perfect for 17 year old boys. You have 5 seconds to spit out an answer like in the original game, but it’s uncensored for sure and a blast to play. Get ready for fun and loads of laughter.

Before you try to get a job you should try Funemployed! It’s an interviewing game that puts you in the hot seat. The catch? You’ll be interviewing for actual jobs with absurd qualifications. And you’ll have to convince them you’re the perfect fit. If you’re with a group of talkative, creative friends this is very entertaining and fun and better than CAH.

Pick Your Poiso NSFW Edition is the ‘Would You Rather’ adult party board game you’ve been waiting for. Although it’s a bit short, when you master the rules it’s hilariously fun. La meilleure partie? You’ll find out just how sick and twisted your friends are. Combine with the regular edition to add to the fun.

Hot Seat is a great adult game best played with friends. We love that it’s a unique party game and you’ll learn a lot about your friends. Be forewarned – the game is personal and hits home hard. Best of all, you’ll have a great time and won’t be able to stop laughing. Definitely worth the purchase. How will you handle the Hot Seat?

Bad People is the perfect party game where you get to find out what your friends really think of you. It’s dirty, raunchy, and more savage than CAH and you’ll have tons of fun. La meilleure partie? It has great replayability, as the gameplay changes depending on whom you play with. You won’t be disappointed with this hilarious game.

This is no ordinary chess set. It’s a Super Mario themed chess set. It’s good vs. evil. Will the Super Mario brothers be able to defeat Bowser and the koopalings?

Inspired by George Martin’s fantasy novels, A Game of Thrones: The Board Game 2nd Edition has you competing with 3-6 players in an attempt to claim the Iron Throne. It’s an excellent strategic game right up there with Catan. Admittedly, it takes time to learn and setup, but it’s well worth it. GOT fans will love this game full of beytrayal, warfare, diplomacy, and intrigue.

Who doesn’t love to cheat in Monopoly? Now Hasbro is making cheating official with the Monopoly Cheaters Edition. The core gameplay remains unchanged. So what’s changed? There are 15 special cards tailored to the sneakiest family members. If you can get away with evil deeds, you’ll be rewarded; however, if you’re caught you’ll end up in handcuffs. Now there’s no banker so you can rob the bank if you’re daring enough.

Can you keep a “sea”-cret? From the creators of Exploding Kittens comes a new board game called You’ve Got Grabs. This is a family-friendly game for kids over 7. Played in teams of two, this game combines crabs with deception. The game is super simple: Before starting, you and your teammate must come up with a secret signal. You must collect 4 of the same card and secretly notify your partner. Your teammate must then yell, “You’ve got crabs!” The catch? If the other team finds out and yells “You’ve Got Crabs” your team loses.

With 5,000 different phrases, Catchphrase is a great party game for teens. The game is super simple to understand. Words pop on the screen and you have to get others to guess the phrase without saying it. That’s the only rule so feel free to dance, act, or sing!

In escape rooms, players work together to solve puzzle to escape before time runs out. Now the fun of an escape room is making its way to board games. If you like narrative-driven games, Thinkfun has some great board games that vary in difficultly. For kids, there is Stargazer’s Manor, which contains easy puzzles that kids can solve on their own. If you are looking to join in on the fun, check out Dr. Gravely’s Retreat. The game contains a series of puzzles to solve in sealed envelopes.

Love escape room challenges? Then you’ll love Escape Room In A Box: The Werewolf Experiment. Players will be challenged to solve puzzles and find codes to escape the room. There’s an interesting backstory: Your party of players have to figure out a way to access the antidote within an hour or you’ll all turn into werewolves. What’s cool? It’s even compatible with your Alexa-enabled speaker. You can ask Alexa for hints and time updates as you try to escape the virtual room. Will you make it out alive?!

Bottle Flip is a new game capitalizing on the popular trend this year. You’ll be flipping bottles and putting your bottle flippin’ skills to the test. The variety of challenges makes this game incredibly fun with friends. It’s addictively fun and takes a lot more skill than you would think. Your 18 year old will love competing with friends to see who is the real Bottle Flip champ.
While he may know all the elements on the periodic table, surprise the science geek in your life with the element of surprise with these great science gifts.
Gifts are all about celebrating what makes a person unique. Whether he loves crafting his own drinks or customizing his kicks, here are great gifts for the artist and crafter in your life.

Who doesn’t love drinking soda? The DrinkMate allows you to create soda from ordinary water. It works as advertised. The machine carbonizes water with CO2 canisters that you must refill. You can even flavor the sodas with diet or regular flavors like lemon lime, grapefruit, and cranberry. La meilleure partie? It’s healthier, too. None of the flavors use high fructose corn syrup.

Here’s a great stocking stuffer. If you love modeling kits, you will love the detail on this 2 inch model of the Star Wars Millennium Falcon. It’s challenging but the finished product is so cool. In order to construct the model, you will have to bend metal sheets and connect everything with tabs. Even though it’s small, there is great detail on the model.

While receiving your favorite character as a Funko Pop is a lot of fun, creating your own Funko Pop figure is even more fun. This Pop figure is like a blank canvas. Because it is DIY, you can paint him, dress him, give him hair, and even sculpt him. It’s best to sculpt him using an air dry clay like Apoxie Sculpt.. After it is dry, you can paint the entire figure using acrylics.

This one gallon jug of Elmer’s Liquid School Glue is popular for arts and crafts projects, creating slime – everyone’s favorite – and making craft glue. There are several recipes online showing you how to create your own slime with this glue. This glue works best for creating slime and craft glue. Que la fête commence!

You could make your own DIY slime kit that contains all the necessary ingredients but you are going to be googling slime recipes all night. Original Stationary has done the work for us. This slime kit contains everything you need in the perfect ratios to make just about every type of slime from fluffy slime to fruit slime. You get glue, clay, glitters, shaving foam, slime activator, scents, and even containers. There’s a reason it’s called the ultimate slime kit!

Slime is hot again! Crazon Aaron’s Thinking Putty Mixed By Me lets you make your own putty that glows in the dark! You can even create shimmering and sparkly slime. The set allows you to mix colors and effects to create the slime you’ve always dreamt of. You get five different containers in this set. He’ll love having silly fun with this slime kit.

Model Magic is like soft modeling clay that allows you to craft practically anything you can imagine. The creative possibilities are virtually endless. Stretch it, smash it, and mold it however you like. Teens also love using this molding compund for DIY butter slime. It’s so much fun and provides endless hours of crafty entertainment.

Want to make butter slime? Made in Japan, this Daiso Soft Clay is perfect for making your own butter slime at home. The quality is really impressive as is the price. Teens love making butter slime out of this soft clay and it works just as expected.

Did you notice that you can’t find glue anywhere? That’s because slime is taking over the world. It’s like a science experiment. While it is fun creating it, it is even more fun playing with it. Teens love squishing it and using it to calm down. Now you can get glow in the dark glue so she can make glow in the dark slime creations.

This 80-pack of slime supplies is perfect for slime and other arts and crafts projects. You get 9 different packets of foam balls. When you add it to slime, it makes crunchy slime blobs which are super fun! Perfect for creating Instagram moments.

Get ready to be slimed. Slime has become an obsession everywhere. It’s super fun to play with and relaxing too. People like creating all type of slimes that have all different textures from fluffy to crunchy slime. The biggest problem? She is going to need supplies. Stock up on everything from Elmer’s Glue to Daiso Clay.

If you have ever wanted to get into drawing your own comic book strip, this is a must have resource. It’s not really about drawing Marvel characters but about drawing techniques used in Marvel comics. You will learn about perspective, how to break a character into shapes, layouts, and more. This book not only shows you all the techniques, it is written in a way that will appeal to comic book fans.

Want to learn to draw your favorite Fortnite characters from the game? With this unofficial guide, How To Draw For Fortniters, you can learn to draw your favorite character skins from the game. This guide offers step-by-step guidance. This book is perfect for teens who can’t get enough of Fortnite. Now let your creativity shine through.

T-shirts, underwear, socks, and shoes just got a whole lot more exciting with this tie dye kit. With this 18 piece kit, it would be so fun to hold a tie dye party with all of your friends. I would want to add splotches of vibrant color to just about everything I own. Maybe I would even want to start my own tie dye business.

Is he looking for a new hobby? Model kits don’t only require creativity, but also you will have to be crafty to paint them and glue them together. This set doesn’t require paint or glue. Simply use the included screwdriver to assemble it. While there are some small parts, even 17 year olds can build this 1:24-scale detailed replica of the Ferrari 458 Italia that features working steering and doors. Note that colors may vary.

Neon signs are all the rage right now. With the help of a Neon sign you can replicate the look of Las Vegas at home. Wouldn’t it be cool if you could make your own Neon sign? Aside from the wire cutters, this kit comes with everything you need. By twisting and trimming the wire, you are simply shape the 3 meter long wire to create your own sign. What will you make it say?

Do you have a sense of humor? We finally found the cure for stress. Show off your sense of humor without taking your anger out on someone else with this adult coloring book filled with bad words. It’s filled with beautiful designs that are accompanied by swear words like “Take No S*it”.

Don’t laugh but coloring books are great if you are stressed out. This one here is filled with delightful and whimsical illustrations that are just begging to be colored in. There are a lot of leaves to color in and once you start you will just get lost in this coloring book.

This limited edition Sharpie set is popular among teens. It includes 24 Color Burst permanent markers with fine tip points. It’s also available in ultra-fine point. The provide a wonderful burst of color to any art project. Best of all, they dry rapidly and write on practically everything from wood and plastic to leather, paper, and more. The ink on these Sharpies is waterproof and smear proof. Get your creative on!

If he loves art, he’s going to go nuts over these Copic Sketch Markers. This set of six markers is mind-blowingly amazing. It comes with five neutral grays: N0, N2, N4, N6, N8 and a multiliner SP 0.5 tip black pen. These markers are a pure joy to work with, as they are easy to blend and are wonderful for creating a variety of art from comics to manga and anime.

Does he love drawing and sketching? Then he will love this inexpensive sketching pencil set from Royal & Langnickel. It comes with 12 sketching pencils, a sharpener, small drawing pad, and a nice sturdy case for keeping everything organized. It’s a nice portable set that he can take with him. If he is interested in other art forms, Royal & Langnickel make other inexpensive arts kits as well.

These Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil set features 23 premium quality soft core color pencils and 5 Verithin Premier color pencils. The lead is strong, resisting breakage so they’ll last for quite some time. They’re perfect for creating Manga-style artwork. Blending and layering work seamlessly and the lines delivered are crisp and clean and will inspire you to stretch your creative limits.

If he loves to draw, he will love having his own sketchbook. Sketching in a sketchbook really makes you more creative, building your skills. Strathmore makes fantastic sketchbooks with pages that are nice and thick so they don’t bleed through. He will love just picking it up and just drawing as much as he can.

The 3Doodler Create+ 3D Printing Pen Set is one of our favorite 3Doodler sets. You thought drawing on paper was fun – wait ’til you try your hand at this amazing 3D pen! It’s super easy and safe to use, provides the convenience of wireless and it is super fun to create works of art in 3D! You won’t believe all the amazing creative potential. Are you ready to unleash your creativity?

Would you like to customize or restore your shoes? You need acrylic paint. These acrylic paints are perfect for painting custom designs or restoring your shoes. Simply prepare the shoes by cleaning it and using Nail polish remover or a leather deglazer to remove the clear coat. Now you are ready to take your kicks to the next level.

When you are feeling a little creative, there is nothing better than using some acrylic paint and a canvas to express yourself. When it comes to acrylic paints, Apple Barrel makes high quality acrylics. Apple Barrel acrylic paints are inexpensive, dry matte, and give you great coverage. This kit comes with 18 different paints so you get a nice mix of colors. You can even mix the colors to create just about any color.

If he loves painting, you can buy these canvas panels from Artlicious in bulk. High quality canvases can cost a lot, but these canvases are great for aspiring artists. Made out of cotton, this canvas kit comes in a pack of 12 and a variety of sizes. Each canvas comes individually wrapped. For the price, they are a great value and great for beginners. They provide a sturdy surface for acrylics and oils.

Remember the Etch-a-Sketch? Do you have an artistic idea in your head that you just want to get out? The Buddha Board allows you to paint with water with zen-like strokes. After the water dries away, your masterpiece just vanishes away and is lost in space and time. It’s a great way to practice calligraphy and it’s somehow so meditative as you learn to let your drawing go.

Who knew that folding paper could be so fun? These are not your normal paper planes. This kit contains 30 paper spaceships that are straight out of the Star Wars movies. You will fold up everything from the Millennium Falcon to a Jedi Starfighter.

Who would have thought that collecting quarters would be so fun? Your teenage boy will love collecting quarters from different states with this map. It has quarter sized slots for the coins to go in. Like a treasure hunt, it’s exciting to look for the coins you are missing.

Who knew that collecting old pennies could be so useful? This crafty kit allows you to create a portrait of Abraham Lincoln using actual pennies. It takes 846 pennies and some glue to create your masterpiece. To create the poster you have to find pennies that match one of the four colors on the poster. Part of the fun is finding and collecting all the pennies.

Cardboard has been around forever, but it has never been used like this before. Pinbox 3000 is a buildable pinball machine that is made entirely out of cardboard. This crafty kit comes with everything you need to build your own cardboard pinball machine. It’s powered using rubber bands and works exactly like a regular pinball machine. Maybe next they will come out with a kit that you can make an Xbox out of cardboard.

Do remember photo albums? Nowadays it has become popular to scroll through photos on your phone. There is something even more special about having an actual photo album that you can look though. Creating a photo book with online photos couldn’t be easier than with Snapfish. You can easily import photos and change the book’s layouts. Prices start at just over $10. Since it can be personalized, it’s such a great gift idea.

Your teenager will be on top of the world with this unique 540-piece puzzle of the Earth. It contains plastic pieces that when put together form a real spinning globe that is fantastic for reference. A display stand is also included.

Who wouldn’t love a sewing machine? This affordable sewing machine from Brother is great for beginners who want to learn the basics using light weight fabric. With automatic bobbin system and built in stitches, it’s easy to get started right out of the box.
While he’s probably not going to want to read a college textbook on English Literature, these books are sure to entertain the 18 year old boy in your life.

Does he love reading? This book list gives him 100 different books to read. He will actually be encouraged to finish more books because it is so satisfying to scratch off each book as you finish a book. There is everything from Harry Potter to classics like Animal Farm. It’s the perfect gift idea for the book lover on your list.

Everybody has a bucket list of things they want to do and see in their lifetime. Here’s a fun bucket list featuring the Top 100 Movies of all-time. As you watch these top movies, you can scratch them off one by one, working toward the ultimate goal of watching them all. It’s a fun gift idea for your teen boy.

For the guy who can’t get enough of reading, you have to get them a Kindle Unlimited Subscription. With the subscription, he will get access to over 1 million books and thousands of magazines for a small monthly subscription fee. You can read as much as you want. It’s sort of the Netflix for books so you aren’t going to get the latest books. All you need to read the ebooks is any device that has the Kindle App. If he loves reading a lot of books, it is the perfect gift.

If you love reading in the dark, this book light is for you. The light has a clip that easily allows it to clip to your book and the flexible head makes it easy to position, offering great coverage for both pages of your book.

Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss is a go to graduation gift for high school students. Written in classic Dr. Seuss style, the colorful illustrations and whimsical rhymes make it the perfect send off for 18 year olds who are leaving the nest and ready to embark on their own journey. Don’t forget to write a personal message inside. Will he succeed? Yes, indeed.

Have you ever wondered what college is really like? The Naked Roommate is a wonderful book for those entering college. You will learn everything you need to know about college from dating to the party scene. You will meet the different types of roommates, including the naked roommate. Every 18 year old guy needs a copy of this book, but be warned there is stuff you might not want to know about.

How To Win Friends & Influence People is the one book you need filled with time-tested ideas to lead you to success in life. You CAN pursuit and the job you want! This book teaches you how to take any situation and make it work in your favor. You’ll learn practical ways to make people like you, influence others, and unleash your potential in this best-seller that is a must-have addition to your collection.

At 18, your son is on the verge of becoming a gentleman. What makes a gentleman? This book addresses everything from survival skills to basic knowledge that most of us are afraid to ask. You’ll learn about personal grooming, dating, cars, and even how to treat women. Gentlemen are not born, they are taught.

Boys should be allowed to be boys. Here is a great gift for the teenage guy in your life. It’s filled with things that will make him want to put down the video games and go be a boy. Showing everything from how to fish to how to talk to girls, this is a book every boy should read.

If you love Harry Potter, you are going to love this book. Written by Tomi Adeyemi, Children Of Blood and Bone is a fantasy novel based in Western culture and folklore. This is one of those books that you won’t be able to put down. The magic, the world, and the characters are so rich. By telling the story from 3 different perspectives, the author is not only able to tell a sweeping fantasy, but is able to layer so much of depth and meaning. It’s a fantasy story but it deals with difficult issues such as oppression and racism.

There are plenty of dystopian novels, but Ready Player One is perfect for anybody who loves video games and cyberpunk stories. Mixing video game culture with 80s culture, it’s a geek’s dream come true. The story takes place in the year 2044. There is a global energy crisis. The main character, a teenager named Wade, is on a high stakes quest to find the OASIS, which is said to give anybody who finds it wealth and power.

Wonder is wonderful! It’s already hard going to middle school, but for Auggie it is even harder. He has a rare facial deformity that makes it super difficult. When people see him, they call him names and stare. While Wonder is a book that it is for younger kids, the message is so powerful that everybody should read it. It’s story about bullies, acceptance, and kindness. The ending will leave you in tears.

Stephen King has enthralled us once again with his latest murder mystery masterpiece. In this classic tale, a 11 year old is found murdered. All the evidence points to Terry Maitland, a Little League Coach. Terry is arrested but things are not what they seem. Things start to take a supernatural twist and the book delivers a scary tale that leaves up to the Stephen King name.

With well rounded teenage characters, his latest book, Turtles All the Way Down, deals with the touchy subject of mental illness. In the book, the main character, Ava, struggles with OCD. While it at times feels claustrophobic, we get to live inside Ava’s head. This new view is often scary, exhausting, and realistic. With a powerful ending, it’s a beautiful and important read that will leave a lasting memory.

Who wouldn’t want to become a fortune teller? Tarot cards are extremely trendy right now. Tarot cards are a great tool to interpret life. You can use them to make decisions and see into the future. Focusing on animal wild life, the Wild Unknown deck is a beautiful deck of tarot cards. This lovely boxed set not only comes with the gorgeous tarot cards, it comes with a book that explains the cards and acts as a guidebook for beginners.

Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 14: The Breakout from Jeff Kinney. Every book keeps getting better. The series is full of great plot twists and it’s quite realistic. Hands-down, it’s one of the funniest in the series.

Got a die-hard Star Wars fanatic? Gift this Star Wars Character Encyclopedia featuring over 200 characters from Star Wars films. It’s jam-packed with caboodles of information on the people, aliens, and Droids of the Star Wars universe. It’s a book that will please any Star Wars geek.

While you will have to wait until Star Wars Solo is released, there is a new visual dictionary coming out. Through terrific photography, take a visual journey though the Star Wars Solo. You’ll get an in-depth look at all of your favorite characters from the movie and little insider tidbits.

Marvel Year by Year delivers fantastic bang for your buck. This is perfect for comic book fans. The book has tons of fascinating information about all the Marvel characters. The extras are a really nice surprise for fans. He’ll also love seeing the evolution of Marvel over time.

Is your 18 year old a huge DC Comics fan? DC Comics: A Visual History is a must-have for any comics fan. He’ll reminisce about past DC characters and will equally love the artwork that nicely complements the tidbits of information. You’ll even witness the debut of major superhero icons, such as Superman and Batman. This is the definitive reference guide for any comics fan.

Does he love all things DC? This DC Comics Encyclopedia is the definitive guide to all of the characters and worlds in the DC universe. This edition features the New 52 and Rebirth stories, over 1,100 characters, and comic book art. It’s a must-have for any DC fan, as it’s packed with interesting facts about your favorite DC superheroes.

Want to know strategies for staying alive in Fortnite? Fortnite is very different from traditional shooters. The game is a lot more approachable. If you want to become better at Fortnite, Epic Games has put together an official guide full of tips and tricks to help you and your teammates win your next Battle Royale. La meilleure partie? If he’s obsessed with Fortnite, it’s a great way to get him to read. Are you ready to step up your Fortnite game?

Want to step up your game in Apex Legends? The Apex Legends Ultimate Guide from Ray McNulty teaches you tips and tricks to survive in this battle royale game. You’ll learn strategies for all characters, weapons and attachments, and more. La meilleure partie? It’s perfect for both beginners and more advanced players. Are you ready to become one of the best Apex Legends players?

Want to gain an edge in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? The perfect companion guide for fans of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is here! Available in hardcover or paperback editions, this guide features comprehensive coverage of all the fighters in the game. Yes, that includes every character in the history of the series! It’s jam-packed with beautiful fan art as well as winning strategies to excel at the game. As a bonus, you also get access to a digital version of the guide. It’s a must-have for any Smash Bros. fan!

Love The Legend of Zelda? Then you’ll probably love this comprehensive guide on all things Zelda. It covers everything from the original Zelda to the Twilight Princess HD. It’s jam-packed with lore, potions, poes, enemies, items, concept art, characters, and so much more! There’s even an exclusive interview with series Producer Eiji Aonuma you won’t want to miss. It’s the perfect gift for Zelda lovers.

When Nintendo announced that a new Zelda art book would be released, Zelda fans everywhere put on their green tunic and grabbed their master sword. With 400 pages, the book will not only be filled with artwork from the series, but interviews with the creators. The latest book is already up for preorder.

What is the world’s largest animal? It’s the whale, which can weigh 28 times the weight of a dinosaur. The Guinness World Records 2020 is jam-packed with loads of world records — including everything from Minecraft to sports and more.

We bet you didn’t know that Sonja Reid was the most followed female video gamer on Twitch. Guinness World Records Gamer’s Edition contains tons of fascinating video gaming achievements just like this and more. In addition to popular gaming characters each having their own page, this year a whole section is dedicated to Fortnite. This book is a must-have bible for gamers.

The videogame industry is now bigger than the movie industry. See how videogames evolved over time and entered the mainstream with A History of Videogames. This book examines 14 consoles, 5 computers, 2 arcade cabinets, and even deep dives into revolutionary titles like Ocarina of Time. It’s a perfect gift for your teen obsessed with the world of videogames.

Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead books and TV adapation are incredibly popular. Kirkman has the innate ability to write quality narratives that are so compelling and draw you in right from the very start and never let go. He creates deep characters, like Rick, you genuinely care about and let’s not forget about the suspense. Volume 31 is the latest chapter in this hugely popular series. Rick gives the Governor a tour of communities Alexandria is in partnership with. Terrible things are bound to happen. Are you ready?

This 5-book leather bound set of A Game of Thrones is a wonderful gift set for fans of the series and anyone who loves fantasy books. This easily stands among the very best fantasy stories of all-time. The leather bound covers will protect your books for years to come. The characters and story-telling are addictively good that these will be hard to put down.

There is no better gift for the reader than the collection of all 7 Harry Potter books. There are a lot of people who have not read all the books or have only watched the movies. This collection of Harry Potter books is the perfect gift for them. The only problem? You might not see them for awhile! These books are that good.

When it was announced that a new Harry Potter book was coming, Harry Potter fans couldn’t believe it. Just about every Harry Potter fan is going to want to read Harry Potter and Cursed Child. Written by Jack Thorne, the book is actually based on a two part play that takes place 19 years after the Deathly Hallows.

If you already read Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, you are going to want to pick it up again. This entire series is going to be illustrated. This is the second book in the illustrated series.

Now you can experience the world of Harry Potter is a entirely new way through this illustrated version. Illustrated by Lisbeth Zwerger, The Tales Of Beedle the Bard is part of the illustrated series. The illustrations really bring the five tales to life in ways that were never possible before.

Harry Potter fans should make space in their collection for Fantastic Beasts. Written by J.K. Rowling, this screenplay is based on the widely anticipated movie. Set before the events of Harry Potter, it’s sort of a prequel to the Harry Potter series. This screenplay follows the second movie. Go see the movie and relive the story through this screenplay.

Does he love Gods, monsters, and Greek mythology? He is going to love reading through this beautiful boxed set with five books in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. It’s sort of like Harry Potter with Greek Gods. This is where the Percy Jackson series all started. Percy Jackson might seem like a regular kid, but he soon finds out that he is a half Greek God.

Rick Riordan fans are going to want to pick up the 3rd book in the Magnus Chase and the Gods Of Asgard series. With the same wit and charm of the Percy Jackson series, the series is filled with a distinct sense of humor. This time Magnus will be trained by Percy Jackson. Will Magnus be able to learn anything?

Does he like Rick Riordan books? The Magnus Chase trilogy might have concluded but now it’s time to explore characters from the Nine Worlds. Focusing on Norse mythology, it follows the same formula of other Rick Riordan books. Like other Rick Riordan books, there is a huge array of characters represented including characters with different cultures, religions, and sexual orientations.

Being a fan of Percy Jackson, I am excited to check out Rick Riordan’s latest Greek mythology series, The Trials of Apollo. The new series will explore Apollo, who has been stripped of his godly powers. Will Apollo be able to survive as a mortal on Earth? Books 3 is now out.

This boxed gift set includes the popular first four paperback editions of The Maze Runner Series. It has been honored as the Best Teen Book. Discover what happens to Thomas as he finds himself trapped in a perplexing maze. Will he make it out alive? It’s astutely written and grips you from start to finish. It’s definitely a worthy addition to your collection.

If he loves reading adventure books, The Hunger Games Trilogy is a great addition to his collection. This is a worldwide best-seller and includes all three books in the trilogy: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. It’s an engaging series with a fantastic cast of characters and a gripping storyline that will be hard to put down. It’s the perfect gift for fans of the books or movies.

Do you love going to concerts, sporting events, or dance parties? Why not preserve the memories? Just the Ticket is essentially a photo album for concert tickets. With 20 pages, the pages have 8″X 4″ pockets that allow you to put your tickets stubs inside. There is even a little place for writing notes about the events.

Boys never grow up. Even 18 year old boys will get a bang out of the projects in this book. The 16 projects teach you how to build things that shoot projectiles through the air and go boom. You will build everything from a potato cannon to a hydro pump rocket. All of the projects are presented in a unique way as you will learn a little history, the science behind everything, and even safety.

This Book Love You is probably the most inspirational book you will read this year. It’s written by Pew Die Pie, the world’s most famous Youtuber. This literary masterpiece is up there William Shakespeare. Okay, we are exaggerating a bit. Still, this book will have you laughing with some of the silliest quotes that Pew Die Pie has ever said like “Don’t be a salad, be the best damn broccoli you could ever be.”

Here is a self-help book that bluntly addresses why we are not happy. While the book’s title is crude and vulgar, it’s actually a clever disguised book about the many teachings of Buddhism. The author, Mark Manson, injects outrageous humor, profanity, and satire to the philosophy, which gives the teachings a new perspective. It’s the perfect way to bring in the New Year.

Sometimes the best gift comes from the heart. You don’t have to pay a lot for a really personalized gift. Simply fill out this small book and let him know how much you really love him. You can fill it with special things and even things that will make him laugh. After he reads it, he is going to have a stronger bond with you.

Have you ever wondered how much you will change when you grow up? He probably doesn’t love writing, but this is a fun way to get him to write. Instead of filling out a diary, you write letters to yourself in the future.

Does he take way too many selfies? Instead of posting your selfies on Instagram, put them in this selfie album and proudly display it for the world to see. It’s a funny gift that’s not only fun to give but to receive.
Whether he’s a superhero fan or science fiction fan, these movies are sure impress the movie lover in your life. You can even have a movie night over with him unless you’re his mom.

Aquaman is silly and purposely over-the-top movie. It’s a really entertaining movie and you can’t help but smile. It’s a beautiful movie and the work on display really impresses. It’s a bright and vivid movie reminiscent of Avatar. The main actor brings physicality to the action scenes. It’s among the best action in the DC universe. Everything from the action sequences to visual effects to musical score is really well executed although it does suffer from some narrative and pacing issues.

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is an animated movie featuring Miles Morales in his first feature film. When he’s bitten by a radioactive spider, he stumbles upon a machine that enables parallel universes containing other Spider-Men and Spider-Women to collide. They have to team up against the Kingpin. Surprisingly, this is even better than Homecoming and the animation is spectacular. The characters are more developed and the movie has better storytelling. Where this movie succeds is it really feels cohesive as a whole and the comedy binds it together so well. It’s surprisingly hilarious. Humor is brilliantly used throughout to improve the impact of the storytelling. It’s easily the most comic-book inspired Spider-Man movie ever. There are some fun cameos and a top-notch end credit scene you don’t want to miss. It’s evident the makers understand the characters of Spider-Man so well, as they’re really well realized. The action sequences are thrilling and the humor is great, making it one of the better Spider-Man movies. In fact, it’s so good that we can’t wait for a sequel.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is both a prequel and sequel. This is easily the worst of the Harry Potter movies, as some may find it boring. It almost seems like you don’t care much about these characters. The biggest hit against this movie is that it’s so messy, packed with too much, and hard to follow even for long-time fans. But by no means is it an awful movie, as there’s some enjoyment here. Visually it’s beautiful and most of the performances are excellent. In the opening of the film they setup the villain but failed to really do anything with his powers. Because it acts like its epic, we can still see fans liking the movie. But it’s slow-paced and really drawn out. For die-hard Harry Potter fans, there are things that don’t make sense. Although it’s a bit disappointing, fans may still want to check out this installment.

Spider-Man: Homecoming is the third iteration of Spider-Man for the big screen. Spider-Man wants to prove himself a hero while trying to make it through high school. His new challenge is the Vulture. What we loved the most is that it’s an origins story without it being an origins story you’ve seen before. Tom Holland is great as Spider-Man, embodying everything great about Spider-Man. He’s trying to balance high school and romance with that superhero thing. The Vulture is the best villain since Doc Oc in Spider- Man 2. If you love movies with great action, this movie has some great action scenes. There’s also quite a bit of comedy. It’s a great Spider-Man movie and a great coming of age movie that brings the fun back.

With a new director, setting, and star, Bumblebee condenses a lot of what the Transformers movies have overblown. It’s easily the best of the Transformers movies since the first. What makes this different is they understand what Transformers fans want to see. This film has a sense of joy that’s missing in the Michael Bey Transformers movies. It’s a fresh new vision that course corrects the franchise. Bumblebee is an enjoyable movie. Unlike other Transformers films, you won’t feel bad about seeing it, because it’s plain fun. Steinfeld is terrific in the movie and the action sequences are well executed. Fans will appreciate there’s a Transformers movie that respects the legacy.

The Harry Potter Complete 8-Film Collection Blu-ray set features awesome cover art with all eight films on 8 Blu-ray discs. The cool thing is all of the discs feature original artwork. Unfortunately, there’s no extra disc for special features; however, each disc has a few special features pertaining to that specific movie. There’s also no way to watch the deleted scenes within the movie. It’s worth noting the image quality is crisper and clearer than DVD. You’ll see cool details you can easily overlook on the DVD version. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, we highly recommend this collection.

Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe: Phase 1 features Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Avengers Assemble in this Collector’s Edition. Since this is a region-free blu-ray collection, they can be used in the U.S. The DVD version does not work in the U.S. The package artwork, art cards, and movie poster are all awesome — making this worth owning. In addition the discs are individually packaged in their own plastic blu-ray slots. It’s a great value as a bundle and a worthy addition to any Marvel fans’ collection.

Marvel and the Russo Brothers have done a great job of understanding what these characters are to so many fans. It’s a very fun, exciting, and enjoyable movie. Thanos feels like a real badass villain. Every scene feels huge and the humor is on point and it’s funny when it needs to be. It’s packed with action scenes, memorable characters, and some shocking moments. The biggest praise we can give it is that we can’t wait to see what happens next!

Phase 2 of the MCU Collector’s Edition includes Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Glaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Ant-Man. If you’ve always been looking for a collection like this, this blu-ray edition is perfect because it’s region-free and works in the U.S. The DVD version is not compatible with U.S. DVD players. Compared to purchasing individually, this bundle pack saves you money. The awesome collector package artwork and movie posters alone makes them worthy of your Marvel fanatic’s collection.

The third phase of the MCU Collector’s Edition features Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and Thor Ragnarok. This blu-ray collection works in the States but the DVD version does not. In addition to the movies, you also get bonus content like the Making Ofs and Deleted/Extended Scenes. This is not a complete set – this is only part one with more to come in the future. Still, it’s a great value versus purchasing separately.

Although Black Panther is not a flawless film, it’s a real blast. Instead of making another superhero movie, there’s actually a relevant message in this movie. My favorite part is how the characters get to the point where they are looking at themselves and looking at how they can make their lives, friendships, and the world better as a result. Killmonger is a great villain. It starts out as a regular superhero movie then kicks it into high gear towards the middle. But what’s really amazing about this film is you’re not thinking about the action, you’re thinking about the things that shape these characters into who they become.

The Ant-Man and the Wasp features a talented cast and the movie follows Ant-Man on his last few days of house arrest following the events in Civil War. It’s a very easy-going film and it’s designed to just be fun to watch. While it’s not as good as the first film, it was entertaining. The narrative isn’t as strong this time around, as I felt quite a bit for Scott Lang and his plight in the first film. This movie is hilarious at times. We weren’t fans of the fact that they didn’t explain the events that happened in the final part of the movie.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a really entertaining Star Wars movie with a unique voice and vision. It’s a very funny movie like The Force Awakens. The fan service doesn’t come at the expense of the characters or story. The action sequences are among the best in a Star Wars movie. Overall, it’s an enjoyable movie. It has some of the best performances in the entire saga, a compelling and conflicted villain, and tons of surprises.

Although Venom is a miss-fire, there are glimpses of how good it could have been. The back and forth between Eddy Brock and Venom — the personality inside of him and the arguments between them — is one of our favorite aspects of the movie. This personality conflict was richly entertaining and humorous, but we would have liked to see more of that. Tom Hardy was good but the action scenes were a letdown. The script doesn’t do this movie justice and the scenes look fabricated. It also seems the PG-13 rating kept this movie from being better than it could have been, as the violence has been toned down significantly to fit into the Spider-Man universe in the future. Given the potential of the movie, this was massively disappointing but some people may still enjoy it.

This film does what Winter Soldier did for Captain America. This movie gives Thor a major boost, likability, and a great sense of freshness. What’s so great is that it takes everything we know about Thor and dismantles it. But the heart of his character is still intact. Everyone in the movie steals the movie. This is easily one of my favorite Marvel movies. It’s everything I want to see in a superhero movie. It’s extremely fun and likable and the action scenes are like an adrenaline-rush. This is easily the best of the Thor movies and it’s extremely funny. It’s one of those movies that’s so satisfying to experience that you forget you’re watching a movie because you’re so wrapped up in it. Get ready to have a blast; it’s a great superhero movie.

If he loves Star Wars, he will want to check out the original trilogy. It’s one of the best sci-fi trilogies of all time. If he isn’t a Star Wars fan, he will become one.

With new Star Wars movies coming, now is a great time to revisit the Star Wars prequels. In the prequel trilogy, you will learn the origin story of Darth Vader, watch the epic clone war, see a romance between Anakin and Padmé, and witness an epic light saber battle between Anakin and Kenobi.

Wonder Woman is a great DC superhero movie. They really got the comedy right in this movie. Gal Gadot and Chris Pine played their roles well. Although Gadot didn’t land everything, she did well and shines in the action sequences. When Wonder Woman is kicking ass – you’re like – yeah, this is pretty exciting. What locked me into this movie was the humanity that Wonder Woman portrays. Although it has kick-ass moments, it’s not an action-centric movie. It’s a very personal story about Diana. It’s a coming of age story. Jenkins did a wonderful job of making Wonder Woman strong without brow-beating you. There are even a couple great moments of heart. It’s completely enjoyable and it has a lot of payoff. It is fun, exciting, and Patty Jenkins crushed it for the most part, making it a worthy addition to your Blu-Ray collection.

If you haven’t seen it already, you have to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It’s been 10 years since the last Star Wars movie. If you have seen it, it is now available on Blu-Ray so you can watch your favorite scenes as many times as you want. Set 30 years after the Battle of Endor, the movie really reinvigorates the excitement of the franchise with brand new characters, setting up the next two movies in the trilogy.

Although Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is not as good as its predecessor, it is an enjoyable movie for fans. The movie is entertaining and has some good looking action. Overall, the movie feels a bit disjointed and it didn’t really fit into the movie. Everyone goes out on their own little adventure. Fans loved the humor of the first. So they decided to add more humor but at the expense of the flow, plot, and characters. It has enjoyment in it – Yondu was awesome, there were some great moments, and there was good humor when it landed, but it just felt rushed.

Logan is the newest awesome Wolverine movie. There’s a lot to love about Logan. When it starts you’re like, oh, this is rated R. It not only pushes the character Logan, but also the actor Hugh Jackman. This is a much more darker and bitter Logan. Logan and Xavier have to save this girl. X23 is awesome in this movie. Logan is actually a very somber, personal, deep character story. It’s not like X-Men movies like we’ve seen them. It’s a fantastic final chapter for Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. When the movie dips, it dips with point and purpose and has payoff to that point and purpose. In the end, it’s a great personal story about someone who’s had a super dark life and done with all of it. It has a great cast of characters, supporting cast, and an ominous villain. It’s everything you could want in a Wolverine movie.

Directed by Steven Spielberg, Ready Player One excels in its dazzling action sequences. However, the characters don’t have as much staying power as the awe-inspiring visuals. There’s joy in seeing video game and anime character references. Spielberg’s razor-sharp command of stunning action sequences and his unique sensibilities for sustained awe are unmatched. It’s enjoyably diverting and speaks to the nerd in us in some way, shape, or form. The film’s message could have been better with more scrutiny around why Wade and his friends feel disenchanted with the real world as they do.

The Incredibles 2 is a fantastic movie. It’s extremely exciting and fun to watch. It understands what a superhero movie needs and has great messages underneath. The animation is stunning and has improved as has the depth and clarity of the images. The action sequences are enthralling. The lighting is impressive and represents Pixar’s best work. The characters feel fresh with intelligent conversation. The movie was epic and exhilarating. Brad Bird wrote a compelling story true to the original while also creating an exciting movie.

Justice League feels like a consistent movie even though it was directed by two people. It’s a surprisingly light-hearted movie. It’s an easy, enjoyable watch. It was a delight to see The Flash brought to life on the silver screen. It’s a step in the right direction, but it feels a bit rushed perhaps due to Warner’s 2-hour movie limit mandate. There wasn’t as much depth in the team as there could have been. Hard-core comics fans will appreciate the film more than general audiences. It’s self-aware and entertaining but disposable.

Deadpool 2 is a blast to watch with no shortage of epic action scenes. Most jokes are very funny, although not all land. Surprisingly, this movie brings Deadpool down to Earth. It explores more of Wade Wilson and less of Deadpool. This movie does a great job of subverting expectations while also being a little bit of the same. Certain portions of the plot felt recycled. Brolin’s character adds so much to this movie. The action scenes are phenomenal and it’s a very funny movie. It’s fun and satisfying for Deadpool fans.

It’s Star Wars. Qu'est-ce qui pourrait être mieux? The prequel trilogy will benefit any Star Wars lover or someone looking to get caught up on the series. You will watch little Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader, witness the Battle of Naboo, and watch the rise of the evil Galactic Empire. The movies have never looked better than in HD.

Missed out on the epic Game of Thrones series or love the show? Now you can own the complete series through 2017 in pristine Blu-ray quality. It shines in both the visual and audio departments. It’s arguably one of the best series in years. The set comes with 7 discs and a digital download code for the 7th season. With proof of purchase and an invoice, you can download the remainder from HBO.

Have you ever wondered how Hans Solo met Chewbacca or how he got his last name? Solo is a standalone movie in the Star Wars universe that gives us a back story to Hans Solo. Alden Ehrenreich does a great job filling Harrison Ford’s shoes, but it’s Donald Glover’s portrayal of Lando that manages to steal the show.

Love The Fast and The Furious? Then you’ll love this adrenaline-fueled Fast & Furious 8-Movie Collection, which includes The Fate of the Furious. Buckle up for non-stop action and mind-blowing speed as the all-star cast pursues justice and survival as they race from LA to Tokyo, Rio to London, and Cuba to New York City. This explosive, high-octane franchise is jam-packed with action and stunts. Bonus content includes hours of bonus features like deleted scenes, outtakes, behind-the-scenes featurettes, feature commentaries, and much more. It’s the perfect gift for Fast and the Furious fans.

Rise of the Apes Trilogy includes all three movies in this series: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and War of the Planet of the Apes. Rise is a decent movie but the effects do look a bit dated. However, it’s a great setup for a trilogy. Dawn is the highlight of this trilogy. War For The Planet of the Apes is the conclusion to this epic trilogy. The sense of realism has never been greater. The apes look so life-like and deliver nothing short of amazing performances. It’s a movie filled with surprises, emotions, drama, and action. Just don’t expect it to be heavy on the action. Nevertheless, it was the perfect way to end this cool trilogy.

Looking for the entire Transformers movie collection? This 5-Movie Boxed collection contains all five Michael Bey Transformers films in their full glory. Buckle up and get ready for an action-packed extravaganza. It makes a great gift for the die-hard Transformers fan not to mention you get great bang for the buck.

Celebrate one of the biggest movie franchises of all-time with the Jurassic World 5-Movie Collection. This collection features all 5 Jurassic World films: Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park III, Jurassic World, and Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom. This package includes 5 blu-ray discs plus digital movies so you can watch these anywhere. It features HD picture and theater quality sound for an engaging experience. Relive the entire Jurassic saga beginning with the original groundbreaking classic, Jurassic Park, that started it all! It’s the ultimate gift for Jurassic World fans and a great addition to your collection.

Tomb Raider is based on the 2013 reboot game and it follows it very closely. This is one of the most visually faithful videogame adaptations ever made. Fans of the game will be happy to see it faithfully translated onto the big screen. The character of Lara Croft has never been more realistically portrayed in a movie. Alicia Vikander does an excellent job of portraying Lara. Tomb Raider fans will mostly be happy with this adaptation. It’s a fun action thriller.

The Death of Superman brings back a familiar storyline we’ve seen before. While this version is closer to the comics than past versions, it fails to bring anything fresh to this tale. It also doesn’t give the plot elements enough room to truly resonate with fans. Also, we weren’t too thrilled about the villain, Doomsday, as he seems to merely be a plot device. Wonder Woman is the only one who seems to have any emotional connection to Superman. Overall, it begs the question: Why kill off Superman if you’re not going to explore into any newer or greater effect than before? The animation lacks the visual flair to distinguish it from others; it all just feels too similar to past entries. The sequel setup is obvious and quick that it undercuts the need to mourn Superman or hunger for his return.

Is he a huge Mission: Impossible fan? Then you’ll want to add this must-have complete 5 movie bundle to your collection. It contains all five movies in the action-packed series. Each movie comes on a separate disc. These are great popcorn movies that don’t disappoint.

The Dove Men Gift Pack is a great inexpensive go-to gift for any teenage guy. The set contains face and body wash, shampoo and conditioner, and deodorant so your whole body will smell great from head to toe. Unlike AXE, the scents are subtle but smell great.

Cleaning your teeth doesn’t need to be boring and difficult. Meet the Oral-B White Pro 1000. It’s one of those electric powered toothbrushes that’s actually not too expensive and it makes cleaning a breeze. It’s a great investment because it is way more effective at cleaning at the gumline and in those difficult to reach areas of the mouth. And you get a clean, refreshing smile that feels like you’ve just been to the dentist. Who wouldn’t love to have that dentist-clean feel every day?

Looking for a new styling product for your hair? Consider American Crew’s Forming Cream. It’s a popular choice among teen guys because it’s very easy to style with, works with all types of hair, and provides excellent hold with a natural look. The great thing is your hair doesn’t look wet or greasy and it smells pretty good. La meilleure partie? It’s not expensive and gets the job done right. Try it and we’re sure you’ll love this stuff.

Cool Water by Davidoff still remains one of the top men’s fragrances. This 4.2 ounce spray bottle comes in its signature Cool Water package and bottle. What makes Cool Water great is that it doesn’t smell like your typical cologne. It actually smells fresh and the price is just right. This will be one of your favorite day time colognes and it’s perfect for just about any occasion.

Looking for an upscale cologne without the high price tag? Consider Versace Man by Versace. This 3.4 ounce spray comes beautifully packaged with a premium look without the premium pricing. The scent is light, distinct, and pleasant without being overpowering. It’s perfect for daily wear and best of all it lasts all day long.

This 1.7-ounce spray bottle of Acqua Di Gio smells incredibly breathtaking. So it’s no wonder all the ladies love this mesmerizing scent. Not only will you feel super confident and have a fantastic scent, but you’ll be a magnet for all the ladies – seriously, they love it. And there’s nothing better than a good smelling man. It’s perfect for daily wear and any occasion and it makes a great gift for any teen boy. It’s also a better value than you would find at retail.

Most men swear by Acqau Di Gio, but Perry Ellis 360 is the cheaper man’s version that smells just as great. Most people will not be able to smell the different between the two. With a citrusy lemon scent, it’s a very versatile fragrance whether you are headed to the gym, to class, or on an interview.

This inexpensive cologne is a go to for teen guys. If you have never tried cologne, it’s a great cologne to start out with. With a light, clean, and refreshing scent, it sort of smells like an ocean breeze or like you just took a shower. The great thing about this scent is that it has great lasting power.

With a fresh citrus and sweet scent, most girls love this scent and will compliment you on it. Curve smells similar to Abercrombie and Fitch Fierce but it costs less.

Are you ready to do the mambo? With an exotic hint of orange blossom and patchouli, this fragrance from Liz Calirborne will either make you or your girlfriend do the mambo. It immediately raises the energy around you. Put it on when you want to go out there and dance or turn up the heat.

Can’t decide which cologne to get your teen boy? The Sephora Favorites Cologne Sampler is the perfect solution. He can test out 9 of the most-sought-after colognes from Prada to Versace to Giorgio Armani and more with this awesome sampler set. It’s the perfect gift for the holidays and you don’t have to worry about getting him a fragrance he doesn’t like. La meilleure partie? Once he has found the perfect one, he can redeem his certificate for one full-size fragrance of his choice at no additional cost.

While you can get him a nice high quality shave kit with a straight razor, in college most guys just need something that gives them a quick in and out shave. This one from Philips Norelco is completely cordless making it very easy to get a presentable shave in the morning before classes. It’s cheap and gets the job done.

Some teenage guys would be okay if you gave them an electric razor but others would probably be embarrassed. You don’t need the latest fancy whiz bang razor. While you won’t get the closest shave, this cordless hybrid one from Philips gets the job done and is very affordable. It looks like a standard razor, but it is electric. It’s great for sculpting facial hair and won’t irritate even the most sensitive areas on your face.

Want to shave in the shower? This Fogless Shower Mirror allows you to shave without fogging up. Just fill it with warm water and the magic begins. No more foggers or special sprays to clear the fog! Mount this in your shower and you can look your best every day. A convenient built-in shelf allows you to store your razor and other small items. It also offers an adjustable bracket that tilts up and down for multiple angles.

Where are your ancestors really from? Would you like to know where you came from? This at-home ancestry kit allows you to find out. You simply collect your saliva and mail it back to the company. In a few weeks, your DNA will be analyzed, revealing your ancestry an even health risks.

Everybody wants the perfect smile. Toothpaste is great for keeping your teeth clean every day, but it only removes surface stains. According to Crest, whitening strips whiten your teeth 25X better than the best whitening toothpaste. Because it uses chemicals, you do want to make sure that you keep the strips of your gums. This kit contains strips for 20 treatments. Although you’ll see a whiter smile in 3 days, full results take 20 days. La meilleure partie? He will smile a lot more.

With a little hook on it, this hanging toiletry bag is perfect for organizing all your toiletries. When it is unfolded, it has several compartments. While it has two external compartments and pockets for smaller items, it has a large main compartment that is perfect for larger bathroom items and toiletries.

Before going to the bathroom, spritz this into the bowl to neutralize unpleasant odors. Made from lemon, bergamot, and lemongrass essential oils, this spray creates a protective barrier to prevent bad odors from diffusing into the air. No one will ever know.

There are areas where your shaver can’t go. This Nose Hair Trimmer is the perfect tool for grooming your nose, brows, beard, and ears. It’s lightweight, portable, waterproof, and powerful. La meilleure partie? The built-in LED light lets you get those hard to see hairs and there’s no tugging, accidental cuts, or discomfort.

Muscles tense? Massage the tension away with this heated Shiatsu Back Neck Massger. With the power of a deep-kneading Shaitsu Massage and heat, it relieves sore muscles in your neck, lower and upper back, abdomen, calf, and thighs. Now you can relax anytime and anywhere.

Got aching feet? Experience a deep kneading Shiatsu foot massage that relieves the pain and relaxes the whole body. It’s easy to use and using it just 30 minutes daily can improve your health and blood flow. It works on feet up to men’s size 12. Although the heating function is slow to work, overall it works really well and we can’t recommend it enough. Are you ready to feel revitalized?

Measuring 4 x 30-inches, this premium Exfoliating Loofah Back Scrubber is perfect for cleansing those hard to reach areas on your back. In addition to exfoliating, polishing, and gently cleaning, it leaves your skin feeling silky smooth. It can also be used on your neck, shoulders, and feet and it’s easy to clean. Once you try it, you’ll wonder how you ever did without it.
Now that he’s 18, he might want to dress like an adult along with grooming himself. These gifts are perfect making a statement in a job interview or for impressing the ladies.

Officially licensed and made from 100% cotton, this Eat Sleep Fortnite Repeat T-shirt is perfect for showing your fandom for one of gaming’s biggest phenomenons. Choose from assorted styles.

Looking for a fun gift for your gaming teen? Everyone will get a good laugh seeing him in this ‘I Paused My Game To Be Here’ T-Shirt. Made in the USA, these pre-shrunk shirts offer a comfortable fit and are available in a variety of sizes. All your gaming friends will want one, too.

Looking for a fun gift for your gamer? Made from 100% preshrunk Jersey cotton, this ‘I’m A Gamer’ print T-shirt is a fun way to show off his personality and love for gaming. Choose from black or gray.

Thrasher is one of the most iconic Skateboarding magazines. Even if you don’t skate, Thrasher hoodies and t-shirts are all the rage right now. With the iconic Thrasher flaming logo on the front, this hoodie has become a wardrobe staple for teen guys. There is something so appealing about the skater lifestyle and this hoodie is like a jolt of coolness.

With the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 game releasing this year, there’s no better way to show off your fandom than with officially licensed apparel. It features the COD Black Ops 4 logo on the front and is comfortable to wear. Choose from an assortment of colors.

There is no better way to say Happy Birthday to your 18 year old son than with this 100% cotton T-shirt. Your son will be smiling ear to ear when he sees this shirt.

This is a great gift for the 18 year old guy that won’t stop arguing until he gets the last word. Hopefully, he won’t argue with you when you tell him to put this shirt on. Just explain that it fits his personality.

There is nothing more preppy than a Vineyard Vines shirt. The company’s shirts have become increasingly popular and everybody has started wearing it. One of the most unique things about the shirts is the happy Whale logo on them. Made out of 100% cotton, this laid back shirt is the perfect everyday shirt. It’s got a small whale logo on the front, a larger whale logo on the back, and the words “Vineyard Vines” written down the sleeve. The only problem? He isn’t going to want to wear any other shirt.

If you are going for the super preppy look, nothing is more essential than a shirt from Ralph Lauren or Vineyard Vines. Nothing is more classic than a Polo oxford with the iconic Ralph Lauren logo. This relaxed shirt has a comfortable collar that can be worn with or without a tie.

Is there anything that screams Fall more than a flannel shirt? Every guy should have a flannel shirt in his wardrobe. There are so many different ways to sport flannel depending on the vibe you are trying to give off. If you want to sport and outdoory edge, throw on this checkered flannel shirt. It’s super easy to create a layered look. Bonus: This one comes with a hood.

What a super funny shirt! On the front of the shirt it says: Ask Me About My Ninja Disguise. When you pull the shirt over your head, your ninja mask is revealed. Just be sure you wear something underneath if you don’t want to look stupid in front of a girl.

Who doesn’t love funny t-shirts? Now you can look like a menacing dinosaur with this funny t-shirt. Simply flip it up over your head to reveal a T-Rex underneath. Just don’t do it in front of a girl or you might scare her off with your humor especially if you don’t have the physique.

These high-quality cashmere crewneck sweaters from Nordstrom feel super comfortable and keep him warm and cozy when the weather gets chilly. They have a timeless look and fit true-to-size. La meilleure partie? They can be worn with just about anything. Choose from six different color variations.

Your Fornited-obsessed gamer will love this licensed apparel. Printed in the USA, these hoodies are made of a mix of cotton and polyester. These are perfect for everyday wear with a hood and kangaroo-style pocket. Choose from a variety of colors and sizes.

Champion is back. Is there anything more comfortable than a hoodie during the winter season? Designed to be baggy, this hoodie is perfect for pulling off any street style. It features a small Champion logo on the sleeve and chest. He is going to want to throw the hood up, snuggle up, and stick his hands in the pockets all winter long.

There is nothing like a cozy hoodie to keep you warm during cool nights. Nothing says casual like an adidas Originals hoodie. Available in just about every color you could want, this pull on hoodie is constructed from soft terry cotton with ribbed details around the cuffs and crew neck. The oversized Adidas logo on the front is unmistakable.

We all have our preferred clothing, but a Nike hoodie is pretty much an everyday staple. With a full zip design and kangaroo pockets, it’s designed to keep him warm through the colder months. Made of a polyester cotton blend, it’s lightweight and comfortable. While it is warm, it doesn’t look so sloppy like a bulky coat would be. He is going to want to wear this hoodie for every occasion.

If he loves shopping at Hollister, he would probably love any of their super soft sweatshirts or hoodies. Made out of soft fleece, this hoodie is great to lounge around in and perfect for cold winter months. Like most Hollister clothes, it has a great slim fit. While some hoodies have large logos on them, this one has a small Hollister logo on the left chest area.

Do you know his favorite band or musician? Get him clothing with his favorite band plastered all over it. Twenty One Pilots are one of the most popular bands in the world. If he loves Twenty One Pilots, he is not going to want to take this hoodie off. With a tie-dye look, it features the Bandito tour artwork on it.

Apparently everybody needs a denim jacket. If you are going to get a denim jacket, check out this one from Wrangler. Unlike other jean jackets, it has a nice stretch. The fit is slim enough to wear with something underneath, but not too tight that you can’t layer up underneath. Whenever you want to go for that rugged look, just throw on this jean jacket with a pair of jeans.

Everybody loves North Face jackets because they are not only stylish, but also functional. He will love the style of the North Face Resolve 2 Jacket. This lightweight rain jacket is perfect for any day of the week whether it is raining or sunny. Made of waterproof material, it is designed to keep you dry and warm when it is raining outside.

During the winter everybody wants to cuddle up in something warm. Who wouldn’t want a warm jacket from North Face? The North Face Apex Jacket comes in several colors and is a soft shell jacket so it not only keeps you warm but dry, too. Unlike a traditional waterproof jacket, the material feels warm against your skin. There’s a chest pocket and the two zip pockets are perfect for keeping your hands and arms warm or keeping your essentials secure.

The Venture 2 Jacket from The North Face is a popular choice among teen guys. It has a real lightweight feel yet protects you from rain and wind quite well. The jackets are well made and are a worthwhile investment in your wardrobe. These jackets are even perfect for layering when it gets colder outdoors. They offer good breathability, comfort, and protection and are sleek, stylish, and affordable sportwear.

These high quality NFL fleece jackets are perfect for spring, fall, and winter weather. The fleece keeps you warm and cozy with a stylish, waterproof exterior. The jackets feature official team logos and colors and look great. The zipper works seamlessly without kinking and the jacket features a ribbed design for a snug fit. You’ll love representing your favorite NFL team with these awesome licensed jackets.

Made of 100% polyester fleece, this quarter zip sweater from Patagonia has a unique sweater knitted fabric that makes it so cozy. With a quarter zip, it can easily be zipped up when it gets chilly outside. It has a very nice clean fit that fits close to the body so you have to size up if you want to layer with it. The little zip on the arm comes in handy.

While it is expensive, Patagonia not only makes great outerwear, but it also a socially responsible and environmentally friendly company. All of its clothing is made out of high quality materials that are designed to last. This jacket is a great way to stay warm and dry during the cold winter season. The outer shell is coated with water resistant material, which makes it the perfect rain jacket.

If there is one staple that every guy needs to have in his closet, it’s a pair of regular fit Levis 505 jeans. These ones from Levi have extra room in the thigh area so they hold their fit well. The stretchy fabric means that they look great either standing or sitting. We like that they come in a variety of colors.

Hollister always puts out trendy clothing that most teen boys love. Some guys love shopping there just for their jeans and pants. Its jeans are extremely soft, well made, and come in all the fashionable cuts. Every now and then Hollister runs specials on their jeans so you can get them for a reasonable price. These straight jeans have a great fit and stretch when you move around in them.

Before it used to be if you had a pair of ripped jeans, you donated them away. Now it is trendy. When it first appeared, the ripped trend emerged as a sign of rebellion but now it is fashionable. You don’t have to rip your jeans at home to get caught up on this style. You can buy them “distressed”. We like these snug fitting jeggings that are frayed in all the right places without going overboard.

With so many pockets, a cargo pant is a great way to give gift cards. Just put the gift cards in the pockets and ask him to look in the pockets for a surprise. Made of a teflon blend, this one from 5.11 is perfect.

At 18, he’s probably going to start going for job interviews and formal parties. For his first suit, you want to go with either a navy or charcoal colored suit with two buttons like inexpensive one from Perry Ellis. For the price, it is extremely well made with a classy pleat and beautiful fabric. La meilleure partie? You are basically buying a suit for a little more than the cost of a rental. At this price, you’ll save a bunch and get a tremendous value.

With an elegant two tone design that is the perfect marriage of gold and steel, this beautiful watch from Invicta can be mistaken for a Rolex. Available in different styles, it’s actually gold-plated from 23K to 18k. With automatic movement, it makes quite the statement on your wrist.

If you are looking for a ruggedly designed watch that will survive 4 years throughout college, get the Casio G-Shock. This watch is basically bullet proof and designed to take nonstop abuse. It’s super comfortable to wear and simple to use. What more could you want out of an affordable watch?

With a timeless retro style, Raybans never go out of style. Both Wayfarers and Aviators are cool, but I prefer the smaller frames of the Wayfarers. Not only do they protect your eyes from the sun, but every cool guy should have a pair of these in his wardrobe.

It’s seems like everywhere you go you can spot somebody wearing a Carhartt beanie. There is nothing more basic in the winter than a Carhartt beanie. It’s hard to find a piece of clothing that everybody can afford but this beanie is. You can find it in just about every color and recognize it immediately from the logo on the center of the hat. Both stylish and functional, it’s a wardrobe essential in the winter.

Who hasn’t had a bad hair day? This beanie from Neff is the perfect cover up for the days your hair won’t behave. Plus, for the winter time, there is nothing more fashionable than a nice beanie that keeps you warm.

What could be better than a beanie with your favorite team on it? With your team’s logo, this officially licensed NFL beanie not only keeps you warm, but you can rock it when you go watch your team play live.

The Powercap LED Beanie is not your typical beanie. It provides the warmth and comfort that you expect but what you might not expect is a beanie that has an integrated LED lamp for lighting the way hands-free. You get over 40 hours of battery life out of the four LED lights and the light illuminates about 40 feet in front of you. The light is actually pretty bright and perfect for early morning runs, nighttime, hunting and more.

Keep your fingers from freezing in the cold with these insulated gloves from Carhartt. The outer shell is made out of polyester and the palm is reinforced with polyurethane. They have a waterproof insert. They are big and bulky so you lose some functions with your hands, but when they keep your hands warm that is a tradeoff most of us will take.

You won’t believe that these are texting gloves. They look too good. Made out of leather with a 100% cashmere lining, these texting gloves are classy and stylish. They have special conductive inserts that allow you to use the gloves on a touch screen phone.

If you live somewhere cold, get him a warm scarf. When it’s cold outside, all he has to do is double wrap the scarf around his neck and throw on the beanie to create a very sophisticated look.

These MLB licensed baseball caps allow you to sport your favorite team with licensed gear. The hats feature the official team logo and colors and they look great and fit great with Relaxed Fit. You get great quality hats at a fantastic price. It’s definitely hard to beat for the price.

Any NFL fan would love these awesomely designed NFL sports caps from OTS. They are official sports caps and fit well. The quality is great and the prices are even better than many sporting goods stores. You can’t go wrong with this solid NFL sports gear.

Who doesn’t love living in baseball style hats? They are nice to throw on when you don’t have time to do your hair. I think this one with the Adidas logo on the front would match any lazy day outfit.

If your teenager can’t stop talking about football, this trifold wallet is the perfect accessory. It holds all of your cards and money. The coolest part? It’s got the logo of his favorite team etched on the front. The wallet comes package in a very nice tin case, which is perfect for gift giving.

Does your 18 year old boy live and breathe football? Then he will love this wallet with his favorite NFL team’s logo embossed on the front. The wallet does everything it is supposed to do, holding credit cards, cash, and ids. He will love carrying it everywhere and bragging about his favorite team.

Do you hate your bulky wallet? Meet the most minimalistic wallet. With an innovative design, this genuine leather wallet allows you to hold just your essentials while protecting your information from being stolen. It holds up to 6 cards along with a couple bills. It takes up so little space in your pocket that you won’t even know it’s in your pocket. If you have lived with a bulky wallet, this wallet will change your life.

If you’ve been searching for a slim wallet, consider the CardNinja. The CardNinja attaches to the back of your smartphone without taking up much space. It’s super slim and holds up to eight cards as well as cash. You can also get an RFID blocking version if you’re concerned with people intercepting your credit card info. Best of all, it works with most smartphones, including the new iPhone 8 and 8 Plus.

Give him a new minimalistic backpack with this super popular backpack for teens by Hershel. You have probably seen these backpacks everywhere. With a throwback design and one large compartment, it’s got plenty of room for him to stash his books and even laptop. Along with the padded laptop sleeve, there’s a small front pocket which is perfect for his wallet and keys.

This sporty backpack from Under Armour is sturdy and holds a lot more than you would think. It has three interior pockets and five exterior pockets for keeping everything neatly organized. It also has a pocket to store a 15-inch laptop and the zippers work smoothly without getting caught up. The backpack is a nice size, well padded, and provides great comfort while wearing it.

This cool and functional messenger bag from Timbuk2 is perfect for school. In addition to keeping you organized, there is so much to love with bag. There are plenty of pockets to keep all your stuff compartmentalized. With an adjustable shoulder strap that can be worn on either shoulder, it super comfortable to wear on your shoulder.

Fanny packs are back and no longer reserved for tourists. Now they are being called belt bags. Some people love to sling them over their shoulder instead of wearing them around their waist. Celebrities everywhere have embraced the new trend. With a woven exterior, this one has 3 pockets perfect for all your essentials. An adjustable strap allows you to wear it however you want. Choose from assorted colors.

A belt with no holes in it? Available in several styles, this belt uses a ratcheting system that allows the belt to freely adjust to snuggly fit around your waist. La meilleure partie? You don’t have to punch holes in your belt anymore.

Everyone needs a nice quality leather belt with a stainless steel buckle. Who knew belts could be cool? No more punching holes or using a belt that doesn’t fit quiet right. The Mission belt has no holes and instead uses a sliding mechanism to adjust the belt to fit to the perfect width. With no holes to weaken the belt, this belt might last you for the rest of your life.

Lokai bracelets are really nice, but I like them more because of their meaning than looks. A portion of the sales go to ending child poverty. These bracelets have tiny bubbles. The white bubbles hold water from Mount Everest and black bead holds mud from the Dead Sea, which are the highest and lowest points on Earth. It reminds you to stay hopeful when you are at your lowest point and be humble when you are at the top.

When guys turn 18 and graduate, one of the most popular gifts is a pair of cufflinks. Cufflinks are a great way to add some flair to a shirt and are generally gifted at graduation as a sign of success. These 18k platinum plated cufflinks from HJ Men are perfect for 18 year old boys because they are super classy but don’t cost a whole lot. They come in a very classy packaging which makes them the perfect gift.

If you don’t have a place to put your personal items things can get messy super fast. If he likes wearing watches, knickknacks, and accessories, this organizer is great for keeping everything orderly. With a glass lid, it looks super classy. There are 12 watch slots and 3 sections for rings and larger items. There is even a lock if he wants to put something special inside.

Don’t you hate it when you buy a cheap umbrella and the winds destroy it? You need something that is almost indestructible. While this umbrella from Repel is just as affordable, it specially constructed with 9 fortified ribs to make sure it won’t flip inside out when there are strong gusts of wind. The outside is also coated with Teflon so it will repel water and stay almost dry.

Here is an easy way to hang your shower toiletries in the shower. It keeps everything neat and organized especially if you are short on space. The mesh pockets hold just about anything and drain easily.

The adidas Superstar is one of the most classic shoes you can own. They are also the best-selling adidas low tops. It’s a low top model of the adidas Pro model, which was a basketball shoe. The rubber toe helps protect injury to your toes. If you’re a sneaker collector, we highly recommend you have at least one pair in your collection because there are few sneakers as well known as this. The quality is really good on the latest versions. You get a nice smooth leather with the signature toe. The leather on these is nice and thick. They’re true to size and feel comfortable for the most part. Overall, they provide a cushy feel on foot even though they start out a bit stiff.

The adidas Stan Smiths are both classic and iconic in their own right. It’s a retro tennis sneaker endorsed by Stan Smith. It’s one of the most technical sneakers of its time. It’s an essential showpiece in anyone’s wardrobe regardless of what your style is. It has a beautiful leather exterior with the three perforated adidas stripes. The Stan Smith is available in many colorways. The shoes are very versatile allowing you to wear it with many different styles.

The adidas Ultra Boost look dope and come in a variety of colorways. The cage is slightly transparent and the upper is made of prime knit. The interior feels unchanged from the previous edition. But if ain’t broke why fix it? The Boost midsole provides the most comfortable experience of any running shoe. Overall, it’s a great running shoe and you can’t really go wrong with Ultra Boost. It’s super comfortable, ultra stylish, and super popular. You can buy any colorway wear it with any outfit and you’re good to go.

These high top Chuck Taylors were originally designed for basketball but have now evolved to become the quintessential casual wear shoe. These shoes have a flat non-slip sole. You can walk with confidence with these shoes. Since they are made of thin canvas and it has ventilation holes, your feet won’t overheat. La meilleure partie? Their style is the main reason for owning this shoe. It’s got such a classic design that’s been around for ages and shows no signs of slowing down. What’s cool is there are so many different designs to choose from.

The new Converse All Stars are iconic low top shoes that deserve a place in every guy’s wardrobe. It’s been a staple over the years and it’s style never goes out of fashion. The new logos add Converse to the All Star logos both on the tongue and back of the shoe. They look perfect with a pair of skinny jeans. If you’re a shoe collector, this is an essential for your collection.

Everybody would love to own a pair of Yeezy Boost sneakers. The Adidas Tubular Shadow Sneakers are basically a poor man’s Yeezys. While they don’t feature “boost” technology, they feature a lightweight, asymmetrical knit upper and Tubular outsole. La meilleure partie? They cost considerably less.

While they are expensive, Adidas NMDs are the shoe that every teenage guy dreams about owning. Using boost technology, these shoes are redefining comfort in the sneaker market. They come is so many great colorways. What we love about this shoe is the dope silhouette.

There is a reason that Nike Air Max shoes are so popular. It’s all in the heels. With a mesh design on the upper and a thick cushioned transparent sole, these shoes have such a clean look. You can get them in several different color ways. With a 360 degree transparent air unit around the shoe, these shoes look like they came from the future. If you are looking for the most comfortable Nike shoes for walking around in style, these are the ones.

Available in a variety of colorways, the Nike Air Max Plus are the epitomy of style. These lightweight shoes deliver comfort, traction, and durability you expect. They do run a bit small but other than that they do not disappoint.

The Nike Air Max 270 is made from dual-layered mesh. It’s a lifestyle sneaker so don’t expect it to be performance-heavy. The heel cup is stiff for support, while the air unit is soft for springiness. The midsole is the best part of this shoe. The shoe feels comfortable on foot and fits true to size. Aesthetically the upper doesn’t do anything special. You can’t go wrong picking up a pair.

The Flyknit 3 is our favorite of all the VaporMaxes. The updated flyknit upper feels more stretchy, durable, and supportive than traditional flyknit. The thick ribs add more structure. The upper feels great on foot. It offers pretty good heel lockdown. The midsole feels better than previous Vapormaxes. Overall, it’s a surprising upgrade over the prior VaporMaxes. It feels softer, more durable, and supportive. And the air units feel stiffer and more comfortable.

Here’s a fun collaboration between Converse and COMME des GARÇONS. Converse shoes have an iconic silhouette but when you combine them with fun graphics, the shoes really pop. With the CDG heart logo on the side, these shoes are offered in black and white and come in either low or high top.

With bold and fun designs, Converse and Tyler may have created the cutest summer shoes. With an iconic Converse silhouette, these shoes come in four of the most adorable two tone color designs. The floral design is totally fire. Who wouldn’t fall in love with a shoe in the color Candy Pink or Purple Heart?

The Nike Rosche One is a casual, good looking shoe with a mesh design. This shoe is soooooo comfortable and very breathable. Although it looks like a running shoe, it’s not really designed to withstand that type of activity. It get’s dirty really easy but not a big issue. The insole has a very comfortable bumpy tread that you can feel with thin socks. The Nike Swoosh logos are on either side of the shoe, which makes it a good looking shoe. The tongue has a tiny swoosh logo.

The Nike Air Huarache is one of the most comfortable Nike shoes of all-time. They feel very similar to the original Air Jordan 11s. It feels like you’re literally walking on pillows. The rear of the shoe is made of neoprene so it sucks your foot into the shoe and gives you an incredible fit. The external heel counter delivers support. They feature a dual lacing system on the mid-panel for customization. The Air Huarache patch on the tongue is one of the most iconic elements. It features a durrable waffle outsole. This is one of those shoes that looks great in almost any colorway and it doesn’t hurt that they’re extremely comfortable.

The Nike Air Force 1s are really dope. The lacing is nicely done and the shoes are well ventilated. The rubber sole is solid and provides great traction to prevent slipping. It’s got soft leather and is a really, really nice shoe. They’re classic shoes worth adding to your collection.

The Jordan Retro 5 Laney edition has the traditional toe which makes them fit better. It has the traditional reflective Air Jordan tongue. This Laney colorway with the Jordan logo at the heel looks dope. It features clear netting on the sides. We love the cement splatter midsole. The bottoms are traditional to the Air Jordan 5s with the jumpman logo and traction. It’s a fantastic colorway with great execution.

Inspired by the Dream It Do It apparel, the Jordan Retro 9 requires a lot of break in time to feel comfortable. For casual use, these aren’t the most comfortable Jordans. However, it features some of the best leather on a Jordan 9. It features a speed lacing system which makes it quick and easy to lace up. The design is definitely throwback which fans will appreciate.

The classic Air Jordan Retro 10 style pays tribute to Jordan’s illustrious career! Available in two color schemes, the Jordan Retro 10’s are popular, cool, and very stylish shoes. Since they crease easily, you’ll want to be careful in them. If your 17 year old boy loves Jordans, these are the ones he’s probably most excited about and will love. Yeah, they’re pricey, but totally worth it because they are high quality and feel great. A must-have for any Jordan fan! Choose from a variety of cool color schemes.

Michael Jordan brought a whole new level of play to the world of basketball. Staying true to its roots with its iconic shape, the Air Jordan 6 remains in style to this day. You can wear them with practically anything. With distinct colors and design, this is a respectful nod to Michael Jordan’s greatness and your coolness.

The overlays on the Jordan Retro 1 High OG look and feel great. The shoe fits true to size. It has the signature Jordan 1 toebox with perforations. Like other Jordan 1s they feel stiff underfoot but are perfect as lifestyle or casual sneakers.

He would probably be happy with any shoes from Nike especially Air Jordans. For something a little bit more unique, Nike let’s you customize your kicks. You can customize everything from the upper color to the tongue text. Then Nike ships it to you in about 4 weeks. À quel point cela est cool? I would die if I got some custom Jordans.

The Nike LeBron 16 shoes are LeBron James’ signature shoe line. It’s a lightweight, stylish shoe with a focus on stretch and durability. It provides excellent lockdown, cushioning and traction for explosive plays. Are you ready to be king of the court?

The Nike LeBron Soldier XIIs look aesthetically pleasing. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like an orthopedic boot like the Xs. The outsole is translucent and it has a lightweight phylon midsole. I love the Swoosh on the end and two-tone split along with the splatter paint on the forefoot. You can feel the Zooms right away and it feels a lot better than the Soldier Xs. These are much easier to get into. The interior padding feels really awesome. The base has a ballistic style mesh and you have four straps to keep the shoe in place. They fit true to size. Overall, they look cool and play well in.

The black, white, and red colorway looks dope on the LeBron 3 QS. With perforations it makes the shoe breathable while on court. The outsole provides great traction. There’s a ton of attention to detail. It’s really well executed and they’re perfect for hoops or as a lifestyle shoe.

The Curry 6 is our favorite Curry to play in thus far. The traction is not as good as the Curry 2. Traction is great both indoors and outdoors. These will satisfy most everyone with some level of cushioning. It has the on-court coverage you need while moving with you. The knit feels more refined. Lockdown gets better over time. These offer a good combination of traction and support.

The Nike Kyrie 5s offer great traction on the court. Although their soles are tougher in parts, the edges wear more easily on blacktops than indoor courts. This shoe features an all-new Nike Air Zoom Turbo unit that feels like smooth foam. It’s more subdued rather than bouncy. If you’re looking for a low-profile, fast, comfortable shoe this is a great choice. Just don’t expect a ton of cushioning. We love that the fit is snug without feeling restrictive.

The Nike Zoom KD12 is tweaked for optimal performance. The rubber traction feels great indoors. The shoe offers a good amount of lateral stability. It features full-length Zoom Turbo. The flywire wraps all around the foot providing support. The tongue provides nice comfort. Although they fit true-to-size, they are quite snug. Fans will love playing in these.

Who has time to tie shoelaces? When you don’t want to wear boots or flip-flops, slip-on Vans look so cute. These shoes have a little white band on the bottom and simply slide on, making them so easy to change in and out of just about anywhere. Plus, they match so many outfits.

Vans Old Skool Sneakers looks really dope in the black and white colorway. They’re especially great for the price point and great beaters. The design is timeless and never goes out of style like Chuck Taylors. You can’t go wrong with these in terms of beaters. They have the plain Vans undersole, rubber sole, and canvas with suede accenting and white stitchign throughout the shoe. They’re really comfortable sneakers and a go-to pair of beaters.

Not only are Timberlands a classic boot, Timbs are amazing outdoor boots. In fact, because of their durability, they are known to be construction boots. They were originally popular with the hip hop scene in the 80s and 90s, but now everybody loves sporting them. When you wear them, they give you an extra inch of height. Given their huge, bulky size, they do take some time getting used to.

Who wouldn’t love these boat shoes from Sperry? They are great because they are super simple and never look out of place with any outfit. They have the formality of a dress shoe but the comfort of a sneaker. You can pair them with everything from chinos to joggers. Every teenage guy should have a pair in his wardrobe.

The classic Rockport Eureka is both a comfortable and stylish dress shoe. When you first get them, they almost break in immediately. The synthetic sole is durable enough for daily wear. With a wing tip styling, these shoes would go great with a suit or even in a business casual setting.

Looking for stylish and durable boots for teen guys? The Timberland White Ledge Men’s Waterproof Boots are a great choice. They’re well constructed of leather and textile with a durable rubber sole that delivers great traction on virtually any terrain. These are perfect for hiking adventures in mud or snow and they keep your feet comfortable and dry. Adventure, here we come!

Who knew that slippers could be so stylish? These slides from Nike are perfect for lounging around everywhere so you don’t have to walk around barefoot. Available in different colors and patterns, they have a cool colored Nike logo on the top of the sandal. They look great with or without socks. The foot bed is covered with nubs which helps massage your aching feet whenever you take a step.

Who wouldn’t love a pair of cozy slippers for the cold winter months? During the holidays there is nothing more comfy than a cute pair of pajamas and toasty UGG slippers. With a wool lining, these slippers come in the loveliest colors. During the winter, most guys will want to live in these slippers.

These super cute slippers remind me of an expensive pair of UGGs but they are super affordable. I like how the lining is made out of faux fur instead of sheepskin and the padding inside actually looks warm and fluffy. They look like they would be fun to wear around the house during Christmas. The rubber-like sole on them means you can even step outside to get the newspaper or check if Santa is stuck on the roof.

Shoes are meant to be worn so they are going to get dirty and worn out. If you love your shoes, you can resurrect some life into them with this shoe cleaning kit from Jason Markk. It naturally removes stains. The kit comes with a cleaner and brush. Finally, you can restore your Jordans to their pristine glory.

Does he own a lot of shoes? This 4-pack of clear shoe boxes make it easy to store and organize your shoes. You can stack them on top of each other. The drop front lids let you easily access the shoes without unstacking the shoe boxes .The best part? Finally, you can keep your shoe collection organized.

Got wet boots or sweaty shoes? Preserve your footwear with the original Peet Shoe and Boot Dryer. Using thermal convection, this electric shoe dryer eliminates wet, sweat, and odors. It’s energy-efficient and dries and deodorizes within 3-8 hours. La meilleure partie? It’s versatile in that it works with a wide range of footwear materials from leather to rubber and more. It’s backed by an unprecedented 25-year warranty. It’s a great gift for extending the life of your shoes.
From quirky themed mugs to chocolate paradise, these gifts are sure to satisfy the foodie in your life.

It’s the little things in life that are always the most frustrating. If you love drinking coffee, there’s nothing worse than drinking lukewarm coffee. This mug warmer will change the way you drink coffee. Simply put your coffee mug on the large base and switch it on. La meilleure partie? It turns off automatically after 3 hours so you don’t have to worry about accidentally burning the house down. That means you never have to drink cold coffee again.

Forget Starbucks! You can make your own. If he loves coffee, your teenage son won’t be able to get enough of the Keurig. Using the K-Cups, you can brew any of the world’s most popular coffees. With the easy button user interface, it’s super convenient for anybody to make a cup of coffee in just a few minutes.

Does she need her caffeine fix in the morning? The AeroPress Coffee makes it easy to make a single cup of coffee. Both quick and efficient, it works similar to a French Press. You put in the coffee, pour in the hot water, stir, and press your coffee into the cup through the filte. La meilleure partie? It’s totally portable and requires no electricity so you can make it as long as you have hot water. Not only is it fun to use, it makes the most delicious cup of coffee.

This retro-styled Coca-Cola 10L mini fridge is perfect for a break time snack or cool refreshment. The fridge has space for 12 cans or you can keep your food warm. It keeps drinks well chilled and operates quietly. It’s perfect for your teen boy’s game room. Now there’s no need to go to the kitchen for a snack.

Finally, there is a mini fridge that takes the traditional stainless steel design of a real fridge and shrinks it down. Available in several sizes and colors, this one is perfect for any dorm room. It’s got a ton of storage inside along with adjustable shelves. She is going to love filling it with drinks and snacks.

Nothing is “cooler” than a mini fridge. This mini fridge looks like a freaking mini vending machine. No teenage boy would want to leave their room to go to the kitchen to grab a soda. Now he doesn’t have to. This mini fridge holds 120 canned beverages so he can pop a soda anytime he has friends over. What could be cooler?

This 4-liter mini portable thermoelectric system is a great addition to his dorm room. He can store up to a 6 cans and even keep food warm. La meilleure partie? It’s easy to switch between modes and is compact enough to be taken along in the car. It functions as expected and the price is not too bad.

When you need something quick in the morning, a smoothie can keep you full till you can pick up some lunch. Smoothies couldn’t be easier to make than with the Magic Bullet. With 600 watts of power, this thing can pulverize anything from frozen fruit to kale. La meilleure partie? You can drink straight out of the blending cup.

Smoothies and chocolate shakes are such a healthy way to get breakfast. I will never be able to afford a big Vitamix, but this blender from Ninja does everything I need it to do. It can not only pulverize ice but also chop ice to make a frozen drinks and smoothies. La meilleure partie? As soon as the smoothie is ready, you just put the cap on the container and take it with you.

The Ninja Chef Blender is one of the most popular among college students. It has a powerful 1500-watt motor to pulverize just about anything that gets in its way. It’s perfect for making tasty drinks and delicious meals. Cleanup is super easy with the Ninja. You can make smoothies, salsa, ice cream, frozen drinks, soups, and more and the results are something to shout home about. It may very well be your favorite kitchen appliance.

Students with early classes might not have time for breakfast. However, with this breakfast sandwich maker, they can whip up their own breakfast in just 5 minutes. Simply choose a bread and layer on the toppings you love. Pop in an egg and top it with bread. You never have to skip breakfast again.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner need not be boring! Meet the Presto Belgian Bowl Waffle Maker. This maker makes 4-inch thick and fluffy waffles. You can fill it with waffle mixes from the store or create your own creative mixes. The waffles remove easily from the maker and cleanup is easy. Waffles have never tasted so good. It’ll be love at first waffle.

It’s never been easier to make cupcakes. This cupcake maker from Holstein Housewares bakes up 6 golden cupcakes. The non-stick coating makes it easy to clean. Pour in the mixture, close the top, and bake. In just a few short minutes, you’ll have perfect cupcakes that you can decorate or eat right away.

For the real foodie in your life, you can’t beat a Kitchen Aid stand mixer. If your 14 year old girl loves cooking, she will love using the stand mixer to create all types of fun recipes from cupcakes to cookies. These stand mixers are perfect for passing on down from generation to generation.

If you are looking for a healthy snack, there is nothing better than eating popcorn. Microwave popcorn is not only expensive, but it is filled with all unnecessary chemicals. Simply just throw some kernels and a little butter in this silicone air popper and you can have delicious crunchy popcorn in minutes. It even folds up nicely making it easy to store. La meilleure partie? You never need to buy microwave popcorn again.

There’s nothing better than eating s’mores with marshmallows roasted on a campfire, but we can’t always go camping. Besides why wait so long when you can make s’mores in the microwave in 30 seconds. This unique gadget has a built in water reservoir to make sure that your marshmallows and chocolate are evenly cooked. Imagine perfectly melted marshmallows and chocolate s’mores all year round. Ah . . . it’s like s’more heaven.

Who doesn’t love eating cotton candy? Now you can turn your home into an amusement park with this cotton candy maker. With this machine, you can spin cotton candy in minutes just like they do at an amusement park. The yummy cotton candy just melts in your mouth.

What dorm would be complete without a microwave? If you live off ramen like most college students, how would you cook that? A microwave is an essential small appliance for any college student. This 0.9 cu. ft. microwave is compact to fit on a countertop and is perfect for heating up food or cooking meals. La meilleure partie? It’s easy to use with simple dials and low maintenance.

The Instant Pot LUX Mini is a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, saute, steamer, and warmer. It’s ideal for single servings or serving 2-3 people. Get ready to make your favorite dishes fast and easy. La meilleure partie? You benefit from consistent results and it’s easy to clean. This is a must-have kitchen appliance. You’ll wonder how you could have done without it all this time.

The Crock-Pot is an essential tool for making delicious homemade meals. It’s a great slow cooker for just about everything and it can be used every day. What’s great is that cleanup is a breeze and they are even dishwasher-safe.

Looking for a healthy and easy way to cook food? With the GoWISE Air Fryer, you can cook with little to no oil. Cook fries/chips, chicken, steak, shrimp, pork, cake, and fish with this air fryer. Your favorite fried foods will be far more healthier. Fifty recipes are included for inspiring a variety of meals.

Why order a pizza when you can make one at home? There is nothing better than eating a bubbling hot pizza straight out of the oven. With a rotating tray, this pizza oven gives you a perfectly browned crust and bubbling cheese every time. As the pizza rotates, the top element cooks the toppings and the lower element crisps the crust. Not only it perfect for making frozen pizza, but it can even reheat frozen pizza and cook other foods. This thing crisps chicken wings, French fries, grilled cheese, and other frozen foods.

Does he love pizza? With the Pizzacraft Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven he can craft his own homemade pizzas. Believe it or not – you can cook a pizza in about 15 minutes. The oven takes about ten minutes to preheat and it cooks delicious pizza in about five minutes. When you can whip up mouth-watering pizzas this fast, why order delivery?

We have seen insulated lunch bags but this is much more impressive. It’s actually a mini portable oven that allows you to cook frozen meals or reheat meals wherever there is an electrical outlet. Simple plug it into an outlet and it’s ready to use. The HotLogic portable oven uses slow cooking to cook and reheat meals. The walls of the oven are insulated with aluminum to retain heat. It’s not really a full-blown “oven”, but it is super convenient.

This compact smart oven from Breville is perfect for cooking in the dorm. It’s well built and evenly heats your food. It features 1800 watts of power and delivers optimal power based on what you’re cooking. It has 8 convenient presets, including Toast, Bake, Roast, Pizza, Cookies, Reheat, and more. It’s even smart enough to determine a suitable time and temperature for cooking food. Now if only it could deliver that food on the plate… and clean itself.

Everything seems to be ‘smart’ nowadays. But where’s the love for cooking? Thankfully, there’s a new Smart Cooking System from Hesten. The future of cooking is here now. This set includes an 11-inch smart frying pan and a smart induction burner. This smart cooking system automatically adjusts the cooking temperature and time as you cook. It can get precise temperatures, making it more precise than some ovens. La meilleure partie? You don’t need to be a master chef and it will actually help you become a better cook.

What could be cooler than a gum ball machine? With a glass dome, this one from Great Northern is a replica of a real gumball machine. You can even make it optionally dispense the candies inside with coins. That way you can collect money from your roommates to pay your student loans.

Do you love ice cream? This gadget allows you to make ice cream out of practically anything from fruit to yogurt. Throw in some fruit or yogurt and in about 25 minutes you will have delicious healthy ice cream. How does strawberry mango ice cream sound?

Can you ever get enough of ice cream? Sometimes you eat it right of the carton. Here’s a little something different. Yonanas lets your create creamy ice cream out of frozen fruit. You can make all different types of flavors simply by throwing in different frozen fruits like bananas, mango, or strawberries. La meilleure partie? It’s healthy.

When winter time rolls around, there is nothing like eating snow cones to get you in the holiday spirit. Why buy snow cones when you can make your own with this snow cone machine from Hawaiian Shaved Ice? Designed to look like an old fashioned snow cone machine, this small kitchen appliance easily coverts ice into snow. La meilleure partie? You can add your own flavors with the included syrups.

Does he love Oreos? Make his Oreo dreams come true with these Oreos coated in luxurious milk chocolate and decorated beautifully with Happy Birthday decorations. Oreos are a favorite of teens but this takes deliciousness to a whole new level. This package of 8 delightful treats can be customized for any occasion – birthdays, Christmas, and more.

This impressive gift box is filled to the brim with a dozen freshly made chocolate chunk cookies. The perfect gift sure to satisfy any cookie monster. Makes a delightful gift for any occasion.

Do you love chocolate and biscuits? Imagine creamy Godiva chocolate smothered over delicious biscuits. Each biscuit has a beautiful design on it and every bite is heavenly. With a variety of flavors, these crisp, buttery biscuits encased with Godiva chocolate make the perfect treat for any chocolate lover. Pair it with hot cocoa for a trip to chocolate heaven. The 32 biscuits come in a beautiful gift box.

How could you have the holidays without Royal Dansk’s decadent Danish Butter Cookies. This 24-ounce package includes that buttery and sugary goodness you know and love. It’s a holiday tradition wrapped in the attractive signature tin container.

Walkers Shortbread Rounds deliver an unforgettable taste experience featuring pure buttery goodness. Elegantly shaped and bursting with flavor, these are true palette-pleasers. They’re so tempting that one is never enough to satisfy. Thankfully, you get a 4-pack of 5.3 ounce boxes for plenty of goodness to go around.

Are you looking for a unique gift for your 18 year old boy? A chocolate pizza? With a dazzling display of gourmet-quality Swiss-style chocolate and drizzled with fresh roasted salted cashews and pecans, this chocolate candy pizza is the perfect gift for those with a sweet tooth. How come nobody thought of this sooner?

Delightfully light, crunchy, and amazingly delicious gourmet popcorn with five tantillizing flavors – Zebra, Caramel, Cheddar, Kettle, and Cinnamon Toast nicely wrapped in a Popcornopolis gift basket. By far, Zebra is our favorite drizzled with generous coatings of milk chocolate – it’s a sensational treat for any occasion. This is some of the best-tasting popcorn on Earth!

Flowers and candy are great. Does she love chocolate? Make her feel extra special with this candy gift basket. She will love this chocolate themed basket. It has everything from chocolate covered pretzels to Carmel corn. All the chocolate and Carmel treats come in a gift basket with a ribbon tied around it.

Handsomely wrapped in an iconic golden ballotin gift box, this 19-piece Godiva chocolate set features silky smooth, creamy classics covered in Godiva’s mouth-watering milk, dark, and white chocolate. It features Milk Chocolate Embrace, Dark Mint Medallion, White Chocolate Demitasse, and more. The perfect gift for your chocolate lover.

Experience mouth-watering truffle flavors, drenched in Godiva’s signature fine Belgian dark, milk, and white chocolate. This 12-piece set features irresistable favorites like Aztec Spice, Salted Almond, and Crème Brule Truffle. A sweet treat sure to delight.

Every Christmas, my family always gets a box of Old Fashioned See’s Candies. If you have never tried these chocolates, once you try them you will wonder how you lived without them. Nuts & Chews is probably the most popular one, but I like the Toffee-ettes and Lollipops too. With this chocolate assortment, you get both dark and light chocolate filled with the most amazing fillings from Carmel to hazelnuts.

Take a bite out of heaven with the gift of Ferrero Rocher chocolate. It’s one of the most popular chocolate gifts for the holidays. It’s creamy, crunchy, and a delicious gift for any occasion. With a wide variety of options, you can find just the perfect box.

Is this even real? It’s a Hershey Bar that is like 50 times bigger than a regular one. That’s like 5 pounds of heavenly chocolate. You could lift weights with this thing.

Do you find that you can go through Snickers in a few seconds? Imagine you took a Snicker Bar will all its carmely peanut goodness inside and blew it up. Weighing 1 pound, this is the world’s largest Snicker Bar.

We dare you to take only one bite of these Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Truffles and not go in for more. They’re so irresistably good and the milk chocolate is so rich, creamy and smooth. In fact, one is never enough for most chocolate lovers. This is like heaven on Earth. This gift box contains 60 truffles of goodness. Also, choose from a variety of other flavors, including dark and white chocolate.

Love Hershey’s Kisses? This Party Pack is perfect for breaking out at parties and other get-togethers with family and friends. Bite into the decadent milk chocolate and you won’t be able to resist taking another. It’s a perfect sweet treat worth sharing.

Who doesn’t like receiving candy on their birthday or during the holidays in their stockings? With this box of chocolatess, you can indulge on 18 classic chocolate bars including favorites like Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers, and Milky Way. It’s the best way to get your chocolate fix. The only problem? Figuring who gets all the Snickers bars.

A box of Hershey’s chocolate is not the most original gift but who could resist delicious Hershey snacks? This box contains 18 different full sized chocolate treats including Kit Kat, Hershey milk chocolate, and Reeses. She will love every morsel of it and maybe you can even use a few bars to bribe her to so some of her chores.

American candy is great but you can pick it up anywhere. It’s always fun to try something a little bit more unique. You haven’t tasted chocolate until you have tried Cadbury chocolate from Britain. This assortment contains 10 yummy, full sized Cadbury chocolate bars from Crunchie to Dairy Milk Cadbury. She will love doing an American vs. UK taste off with her friends.

During Christmas, I like to try something that you can’t get locally. My aunt always brings us these Quality Street chocolates when she comes from the UK. If you have never tried them, you are in for a treat. There is so much variety in this tin and every chocolate you bite into is bliss. I love the hazelnut and Carmel one.

Terry’s Chocolate Orange has been a staple in Britain and a popular gift during the Christmas season. It’s a fruit flavored chocolate with a subtle hint of orange flavor. When you unwrap it, it comes in the shape of an orange. It comes precut into slices that are reminiscent of orange slices. Not only is it filled with chocolately goodness, but orangey goodness too.

Holy smokes! This is Gummy Bear must have been injected with some experimental gummy genetics. He’s a monstrosity. This thing weighs 5 pounds. You need some real guns to carry this thing.

Dang, is this gummy bear on steroids? Your teenage boy will be speechless when he sees this massive 5-pound gummy bear. He probably would want to wrestle with it before devouring it.

Looking for a mix of sweet and sour? This Big Sour Patch Kids set features sweet and sour gummies. They are soft and chewy fun that tantalize your tastebuds with a sour blast followed by pure sweetness bliss. The set includes 240 individually-wrapped pieces for freshness.

If you want to try something a little different and a little weird, try these Japanese DIY candy kits. These candy kits have become famous on the internet. In addition to gummy treats, you will make all sorts of miniature treats like hamburgers and pizza. Some of them taste okay, but others are an acquired taste. Lol!

When it is cold outside, there is no better time to sit on the couch with some hot cocoa and a warm blanket. Made by Nestle this luxurious hot chocolate is the closest thing to drinking chocolate. Not only does it mix perfectly with milk, it smells exactly how hot chocolate should smell – like cocoa. Give it with an adorable mug for an even cuter gift. She will want it to be winter all year round just so she can drink it.

Who doesn’t like to try snacks from different countries? It’s always fun to taste something new instead of snacks that you are familiar with. Each Worldwide Treat box comes with a different assortment of fun snacks from different countries. You could get a snack from everywhere from Japan to Germany. It’s like tasting the whole world in a box.

Instead of American snacks, try these Asian snacks which are a completely different ballgame. This assortment of 20 different snacks comes with candies, chocolates, treats, and snacks from Japan, Korea, and China. Each box may contain different snacks but there is always a nice assortment of salty and savory snacks. There’s nothing wrong with American treats, but it is always fun to try something more exotic and unique.

Macarons have always been popular in Europe around Christmas, but you can find them in bakeries everywhere. They are a jam or cream sandwich sandwiched by two cookies. They are like Oreos on steroids. Arriving in a gift box that looks straight out of a French bakery, these freshly baked one come in 12 different flavors. They are the perfect for the holidays when you want an indulgent treat to celebrate Christmas.

Have you ever wondered what astronauts eat in space? Whether true or not, the story is that the astronauts ate this freeze-dried ice cream. Unlike traditional ice cream, it doesn’t need to be refrigerated, making it the perfect stocking stuffer. When you first open it, it looks very chalky but once it hits your mouth it tastes a lot like ice cream.

He probably is asking for the new iPhone. Give him something better! There is a brand new phone out and it isn’t the iPhone. It doesn’t make calls, record video, play games, or play music. Then what does it do? It actually does everything that it is advertized to do. Rien! Upgrade to this model for a lot of laughs.

While your 18 year old boy will love cash, there isn’t something terribly exciting about cash. Here’s a great way to present cash in a unique way. Simply slide your cash gift into this money maze puzzle. Your 18 year old will only be able to unlock it when he completes the Money Maze.

Want to inject fun into gifting money? This Money Machine spits out oodles of cash and it’s sure to make any recipient happy with glee. You can string together as many bills and even put fun notes along the way as they pull and pull the seemingly never-ending string of money. It’s perfect for birthdays, Christmas, graduations, and more. Who says gifting money is boring?

He was expecting Beats by Dr. Dre, but this is so much better. No it’s not Beats, it’s Notes. This trusty device allows you listen to the notes the way the artist intended. Just kidding! It’s a prank box. Stick the real gift inside and die laughing when he opens his gift.

Nowadays with the wearables market heating up with cool gadgets like the Apple Watch, the iArm doesn’t seem too far-fetched of an idea. Wouldn’t it be cool to have an iPad, e-reader or remote control accessible right from your wrist? Sorry, but this is not a real product – at least not yet. It’s a prank box designed to look real with complete graphics and a polished box complete with marketing. Simply place the real gift inside and you’re ready for gift giving magic.

Ready to prank your 18 year old boy who loves gaming? This prank pack allows you to disguise your videogame with a fun gag sleeve cover that fits over the real game. He’ll get a good laugh out of this one. Forget about getting the hottest game on the planet – you got him something even better that he’ll never forget. And maybe – just maybe, he might finish his chores. Ha! Ha!

Not every teen guy can grow a beard! If you can’t grow a full beard, this beanie is probably the next best thing. Everybody will think you look so manly with it on. While the beard cover will make everybody laugh, it really does keep you warm. La meilleure partie? It’s not stiff or scratchy like a real beard.

Will he be able to figure out the secret code to unlock his present? This puzzle box allows you to set a 5 letter password to lock the goodie inside. The fun part is coming up with a creative way for him to figure out the word. Send him on a wild goose chase, make him do chores, or create a riddle. La meilleure partie? You can change the password and reuse the puzzle box on somebody else.

Where I live there is no such thing as a white Christmas. How can you celebrate Christmas without a snowball fight? Now you can have a snowball fight at anytime and anywhere with these indoor snowballs. The synthetic snowballs transform your living room into a snowy playground. La meilleure partie? No matter how hard you throw them, they won’t break anything or hurt anyone.

What the heck are these? There is something so entertaining about these tiny hands. Slip them inside your pockets and sleeves and take them out whenever you want to introduce yourself to a girl. Be prepared for the awesomeness that follows. You won’t be able to stop laughing. Hopefully, she won’t too!.

Does he love pranks? This set of 12 fake cockroaches is sure to be right up his alley. Don’t they look so realistic? Place them near food during parties and watch their reactions. Priceless!

I love this game. There are different colored jelly beams. Each color can either taste good like juicy pear or disgusting like stinky socks. Other delicacies include skunk spray, moldy cheese, and boogers. To play, you spin the wheel, which selects one of the colors. Then you pick up a jelly bean of that color and bite into it. Will you get lucky? Just remember to have a trashcan nearby.

Looking for a fun gift full of attitude for your teen son? Give him this ICK Mug as a fun joke. There’s no explanation necessary, but it’s sure to generate a laugh or two. The handle is unique and shaped like the letter D to complete the message. You’ll be pleasantly surprised that what you get is larger than the typical coffee mug. It’s perfect as a white elephant gift.

With the words “Have A Nice Day” written across the front, this might look like an ordinary mug. Don’t lift this mug up otherwise the whole room will stare at you! We warned you. On the underneath, there is a middle finger. Every time you take a sip of your beverage, you will flip off everybody.

We don’t recommend drinking out of a toilet bowl, but this funny mug is sure to tickle her sense of humor. It makes everything you put inside of it look nasty. When you fill it with coffee, it looks like you are drinking poop water. Is there any better way to start your day than drinking out of a toilet?

Are you spending your nights lonely? You know what every teenage guy needs for Christmas? A bae! Now you never have to sleep alone with this pillow. While she lost an arm, her head, and legs in a freak accident, she has everything that a real girlfriend has minus the nagging.

Wouldn’t it be cool to have a girlfriend that doesn’t nag you? Meet the “Ideal Inflatable Girlfriend.” Please don’t give this to any teenage guy you want to talk to again. This 3-foot inflatable girlfriend doll basically tells him that you hate him and that he going to be alone forever. On second thought, she’s a bit tiny, but what she lacks in height, she makes up for in other areas.

Sometimes it can get lonely. If he can’t get a girlfriend, he can just grow one. Simply place her in water and wait for her to grow up to 6 times her initial size after 72 hours. The only problem? She will always ignore you when you talk to her.

Do you have a sense of humor? We finally found the cure for stress. Show off your sense of humor without taking your anger out on someone else with this adult coloring book filled with bad words. It’s filled with beautiful designs that are accompanied by swear words like “Take No S*it”.

We all have difficult days. These funny socks are great for cheering him up. When he puts his legs up, you can read the funny curse works underneath. This one says “Fu*k O*%” but there are many other sayings to choose from.

Does he love drinking soda? Then he will love wearing this soda can belt everywhere. It holds up to 6 soda cans and is adjustable so it fits perfectly around your waist. Sure it is a little silly, but it’s an excuse for him to guzzle down more sodas and become the center of attention for his next party. Buurrrrp! Excuse me!

Just about every guy dreams about getting a six pack. No you don’t have to do endless crunches and cardio to get one. This fanny pack instantly gives you abs the moment you put it on. Every time he wears this waist bag, it will look like he is ripped. It’s sure to get a lot of laughs.

There’s a new style that it popular among teenage boys. These revolutionary underpants are designed for your hands. The coolest part? They are fingerless gloves so he can use his hands. Just don’t eat chocolate with them or else it will look like you took a crap in them.

Forget dodgeball! What could be better than flinging poo at each other on Christmas morning? In the Doody Head game, players wear Velcro hats and fling “doody” at each other. The hats are lined with Velcro strips so that the poop gets stuck to them. It’s a fun game that gets the whole family involved. While it comes with 2 Velcro hats, additional sets can be purchased separately.

Do you find there is nothing to do when sitting on the crapper? Now you can practice your golf game on the toilet. The amazing Potty Putter includes a putting green, 2 gold balls, and a mini putter. There’s even a do not disturb sign he can put on the door when nature calls. The only problem? He will spend more time in the bathroom.

There are many questions in life that go unanswered. Does it Fart? is the ultimate guide to animal farting. Written by a team of scientists, it answers the age old question on everybody’s mind “Does It Fart?” Not only that, it will cover the frequency of farts but even how bad the stench left behind is. It contains a lot of scientific information that you didn’t know you needed to know or maybe didn’t want to know.

Do you feel thirsty all the time? Here is the solution for you. This can of Dehydrated Water can help. Simply fill it water and drink it whenever you feel thirsty. Qu'avez-vous à perdre? There is even a 101 day, money back guaranteed. If this can of Dehydrated Water doesn’t make your recipient laugh, simply send it back for a full refund.

Who knew a bar of soap could be so funny? Money Soap is no ordinary soap. Each bar of soap contains real money in the middle. You could find everything from $1 up to $50. His body will never be cleaner because he will try to use up the soap to get the money inside. It’s the perfect stocking stuffer for teen guys.

Experts say that coloring books are great for reducing stress. This specially designed coloring book is designed to remove 100% of stress guaranteed. Have you seen farting animals before? This hilarious book is filled with 20 pages of farting animals to color. The farting bear is our favorite! This therapeutic gift will make your recipient giddy with laughter.

Have you ever had a back itch that you couldn’t reach? If you’ve got an itchy back, but don’t have a girlfriend to itch your back this redneck back scratcher will change your life. Its fingers are specially formulated so it gives you a pleasant scratch and won’t scrape your skin like long nails. The funniest part? It actually works.

Are you ready to put Satin’s toe in your mouth for 5 minutes? Made from a special chilli extract that comes from hell, this candy is said to be 900 times hotter than a jalapeno. Put it in your mouth and your whole body will be engulfed with 900 degree heat. PS. We are not responsible for anybody who dies trying this.

Does he live in her hoodie all throughout the day? Then why shouldn’t he live in his hoodie at night? He can with this hoodie pillowcase. Thanks to the earphone port holes, you can plug in headphones and pull the hood over your eyes. Is there any better way to fall asleep?

Is he the “that guy” who has everything? Why not get him something he really needs like a roll of toilet paper? Give him a laugh with these Buttwipes. Get ready to wipe down with the Kardashians. What’s better than smearing makeup on the Kardashians? You get one 3 ply rolls with the Kardashians printed on it. Just try not to get too much poo on their face.

Are you the worst girlfriend? Here is the perfect Christmas gift for your boylfriend. On the outside, this looks like such a beautiful gift box. He is probably expecting some expensive jewelry inside, but imagine his surprise when he sees a lump of coal. After he opens it say “Look at the size of that rock.”

Many years ago, the TriceraTaco roamed the Earth. The dinosaur got its name because it held Tacos on its back. Unlike other dinosaurs that have long gone extinct, this one is ready to hold your tacos on its back. La meilleure partie? It not only holds Taco, it can hold all your snacks from candy to cookies. It can even hold a phone. Taco Tuesday just got a whole lot more interesting.

Have you ever wanted to sound richer, smarter, and look more beautiful? One spray of this breath spray is scientifically proven to instantly give you a British accent. It works so good that you will sound like a member of the Royal family. The only problem? You won’t be able to change your accent back but Blue Q makes other accent sprays that can be purchased separately. P.S. Unfortunately, this is just a joke so it won’t actually give you a British accent.

Is he that guy that has everything? Then give him Nothing. It comes with hilarious packaging with absolutely Nothing inside. It’s the ultimate gift in minimalism. He is going to love telling all his friends that he got “Nothing” for Christmas. While it is nothing, it is guaranteed to give him a smile.

Looking for a really funny prank for your 18 year old boy? Try Liquid Ass – it’s a fart prank. Liquid Ass is a terrible-smelling spray that’s like the worst stink bomb ever. Spray a little in his room and run for cover. Seeing his reaction is absolutely priceless!
Gift cards and cash gifts usually get a bad rap, but they are one of the best gifts for 18 year old boys. There is nothing more flexible that allows him to spend on the stuff he loves. Here are some gift cards he will love and fun ways to dress these ordinary gifts up.
What are your favorite Christmas gifts Birthday gifts for an 18 year old boy? Let us know in the comments.
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